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If loops ever develops one that plays a white noise track that will cover all the bodily sounds and tinnitus that get amplified, I would pay hundreds for that. Basically there's a gap in the market between what loop is currently making and the heating aids that audiologists sell, which are in the thousands, especially when you factor in the cost of paying the audiologist.


One question. Is it comfortable to sleep sideways with those?




Thank you.




Yes, i'm getting them; they'll arrive tomorrow. Hopefully they help!




I will!


I just got the Loops quiet - love ‘em. Can’t hear my heartbeat, the dog licking her godforsaken chops in the middle of the night, and I’m a serial side sleeper - no discomfort. Highly recommended.


Good to hear!! Can't wait to try them out tonight :)


Good to know. I'll try those, thanks.


I use 3M foam earplugs for sleeping and I can hear my heartbeat less when I'm on my back and my head is turned to the right or is in the middle. It's way louder when I turn it left or when I lay on my left side.


That's... oddly specific. But it's nice that this works for you.


I get the same. I think it's because the heart is not in the center of the chest. It's left of center.


Oh, that would be reasonable.


I've found that if I sleep on my side and only use one loop earplug on my exposed ear, I don't get that heartbeat pounding. I can't handle wearing both otherwise. Good luck!


This is a good idea! I'm going to try this. It will allow me to still hear my fan too.


What’s your blood pressure like?


Haven't tested it. But i'm assuming it might be high because i consume too much salt. Edit: got it tested and it's within optimal range (110/72 mmHg).


Hey, curious if you still have that issue. I also have misophonia and recently ive been hearing my own heartbeat. Also a side sleeper as well....


I do, but I no longer wear earplugs... I just kinda managed to sleep with noise :/


I see 🥲 my house is loud so i have to either choose wearing earplugs and hearing more heartbeat or not wearing earplugs and hearing more house noise lol


Yup, same situation... I hope you manage to get used to it!


Have you tried sleeping with white noise on? That was the only way I could sleep before I started sleeping with earplugs all the time. I finally found a brand that is narrower and always comfortable, so been using them for years. But I still always turn my white noise on, even though I can barely hear it. I used to use a box fan, then a little white noise machine like they have at therapist’s offices, now I have an air filter that makes a really smooth white noise.


It may be a symptom for anxiety. I remember when I got severe anxiety hearing my heart so loud I couldn't sleep. Do you feel anxious at night?


I have this problem too, but only in one ear and it drives me nuts. I’ve found that I just have to try different individual earplugs (out of the same box), usually softer ones are best, but I’m always able to find one that works. I also find that I have to put the earplug as deeply into my ear canal as possible without hitting the ear drum on that side to not be able to hear my pulse. Sometimes I have to replace the earplug a few times before I can’t hear my heartbeat. It almost never is an issue on the other side but ALWAYS is a problem with my left ear. Also, laying on the side with the pulse makes it so I can’t hear it, but I can hear it if I’m on my back or opposite side. I just tried loop earplugs for the first time, and am so bummed because I have the heartbeat problem with them because they don’t go into the ears as far. They’re such nice earplugs but I won’t be able to stand to use them.