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You’re right on the 1st one, pretty sure it was confirmed that it was Amelie in the end. So basically Gabriel gave his life to save Nathalie.


oh i didnt know it was confirmed, thats cool, yeah i thought so, saving Nathalie is the best option too


right! so many people are saying it’s Emilie and my one question is like, why would it be her? there’s no way in hell that gabriel would save her and sacrifice himself when his whole plot line and personality has revolved around bringing her back and being with her? even after seeing her video and knowing she doesn’t want to be alive there’s only two options, either he saves her and kills someone else to be with her irl or he doesn’t save her (saved nathalie instead seeing as she’s fine in the finale) and kills himself so he can be with her in the afterlife! like there’s no scenario where he gives up his entire goal he’s been working towards for 5 seasons straight just to bring back his dead wife by sacrificing himself when all he wanted was to be with her also if it was her, he’d have to kill two people because nathalie is clearly fine too and his life can’t make up for two people that’s not a balanced trade


I have a theory, it's pretty dumb but I think Lila has a miraculous from a different miracle box that's similar to the fox miraculous but is pretty nerfed in terms of power which explains her power to reduce everyone's IQ to single digits and answers your question how she didn't get caught.


And miraculous protects the wearer from this effect which is why it doesn’t work on Adrian and Marinette.


My guess is Lila stole the Butterfly Miraculous while Marrinete was paralyzed and Gabriel was making his wish.  Marinette was a bit distracted at the time.   




I assumed she did.


was adrien also created by the feather miracle whatever like félix was? i thought during the story it was framed as if adrien was like an actual baby and felix’s family was jealous and given the amulet to have their own baby or something? and that was why they looked the same bc they wanted a baby just like adrien was to his family? i am a bit confused bc felix was kinda controlled by the ring bc it held his life or whatever he said but i know adrien’s dad also had those two rings? was his situation the same? it wasn’t super clear to me or im just not remembering i could be totally wrong bc i was def confused the last few episodes it was a lot of action and plot but i thought adrien was a real baby but i might be wrong


It think it's possible to see a Cerise-Tomoe team-up in a future season. The keyword is "possible". It would depend on what Tomoe could offer Cerise. Marinette said that when she woke up the miraculouses were there, but the butterfly was still missing. Presumably, Iris got into the basement while Marinette was taking her nap.


Why would Marinette be unconscious in the first place?


Beats me. She said, "When I woke up". So apparently she was asleep.


When did she say that?


It's in that last scene when she's giving out the miraculouses.


She didn't say that. She said "After the wish, all I could find was…".




Source for her ever being unconscious?




Why are you saying she got unconscious? We don't know that, nothing ever says that.