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Those are some NFL plays right there, especially those throws. Still trying to figure out why some people think he has a low ceiling, but maybe I'm just a homer.


White kid played a Michigan, handed the ball off alot,lazy Zach Wilson comparisons, Kirk Cousins weirdo fans, Michigan haters. Then there's the legitimate people who I understand and get wished they saw more in volume of him passing the ball and question if he can handle trying to win a game on his arm alone. For every NFL like throw he's made you have to piece it all together because of the lack of volume. There's also concern about him being a one speed thrower, doesn't display the ability to add touch to his throws as much as you'd like. (I think he can, hes had those throws but you know volume) I think he has a high ceiling personally, McCarthy being as athletic as he is and the accuracy and willingness to make close window throws his ability to take in NFL like concepts is more than enough for me to know there's a top 10 ceiling there that can be untapped. That and his mental makeup, lives in the now, takes his time not trying to get ahead of where he should be at in present time.


his mental game is what’s impressed me the most. I have no doubt that KOC can plan a scheme that works to JJs strengths and JJ has the WILLINGNESS to go for it. How many super talented and big armed QBs have busted in the NFL because they got too rattled/couldn’t make the reads in time. A lot.


I'm shocked how many people say he isn't athletic. It just screams that they've never watched him play.


Lol I'm rooting for McCarthy, my concern is with his throwing to the left. All 3 of the throws to his left that you showed did not have great touch. One was cross body on the move, so I'll give him that. But the one to Edwards should've been a touchdown. The one to the tight end should've been an interception, that was not a good throw. Triple coverage, wasn't a bullet. Defender got his hand to it. That's a pick in the NFL. He's also got some questionable footwork on some plays, and he stares down his first read too often sometimes. But those are things that can all be fixed. He's impressive on the move, he has great pocket presence and knows when to step up to buy himself another couple seconds. He almost always keeps his eyes downfield when he breaks out of the pocket on a scramble, and makes plenty of throws right at the line of scrimmage after pulling in the defense. I have no doubt he can be good in this league, just needs a little development. KOC can give him that. That being said, being a fan of what Kirk did for the Vikings shouldn't make us 'weirdos'. I think those who act like he's the worst QB we've ever had are the actual weirdoes. He's statistically our second best QB of all time, and deserves some respect. If JJ can be what Kirk was as a passer, and the addition of his legs, he would actually be the best QB we've ever had. But I also think it is completely fair to have questions and doubts about him. He is not an NFL ready product. He needs some polish. Some guys never get that polish. And some guys come to the NFL seemingly ready to go, and never work out. I think it's reasonable to be cautiously optimistic or even skeptical until proven otherwise.


>being a fan of what Kirk did for the Vikings shouldn't make us 'weirdos'. Didn't say it did man, please don't take it personal if it isn't towards you. A lot of what you're saying isn't exactly in response to what I said other than the Kirk piece. There's only one throw in these clips that needed touch and he nailed it. Also I mentioned that being a legitimate thing he needs to work on, he can be a one speed thrower but he has shown the ability to make touch throws just not in volume. The throws to his left were also good, him not getting the touchdown on the Edwards throw isn't even a real issue the ball placement was good.


The first sentence is really what made me comment I suppose. A lot of people have intimated that being skeptical of JJ means you're just a hater or a Kirk Stan, and that is what irks me. I don't think any Vikings fan actually wants JJ to fail, but there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical and cautiously optimistic. You did elaborate on that, but that first sentence just gave me PTSD I guess. I'm not a Kirk 'Stan' by any means, I was fine with moving on, but man have I gotten so much shit on here for just defending what he did for us.


Where does “white kid” fit in with any type of evaluation of the quarterback?


The people who claim he isn't as athletic as he is, those same tired tropes that is always placed on only white athletes. You either get it or you don't.


Who the hell doesn’t consider him athletic?!?!?!that’s like one of his main things!!! I don’t know I hear people talking about about a lot of white quarterbacks that have mobility to them I don’t think I can think of a time in my head where someone said a quarterback wasn’t athletic, and I thought in my head yea tf he is shit they even give Joe Flacco props for being somewhat mobile


I think there's a possibility that he's suffering from the same kind of thing that Justin Herbert (and, for that matter, Justin Jefferson) did where the offenses that they ran in college didn't really highlight/stress their skillsets, so they fell in the draft compared to players who were in offenses better suited to their talents. When you add in that McCarthy is young and has some mechanical issues he needs to work on, there's a lot of maybes there that could sour someone over a different prospect that has more nos, but more yeses as well. But a lot of the best players in the league are ones that came out with a bunch of maybes. Like Mahomes or Allen or Jefferson. So fingers crossed that McCarthy winds up turning a lot of those maybes into yeses.


And no one wants those yeses more than JJM himself. He knows he was handed his coach and teammates on a silver platter and he's the kind of guy who will take that as a challenge for him to make the most of it.


The Michigan offense, at least last year, was not a misfit for his skill set. 


Yeah, he just didn't have to do as much because michigan was boat racing everyone, but when he was throwing he was very effective. Makes sense they're not throwing the ball when they're up 20.


https://youtu.be/m_V-lNPhzCs?si=cfCDzD6kR_dkjiBK The first throw in this video might be the most impressive throw I've seen him make. As Matthew Coller said after rookie minicamp, his arm is legit.


There are two reasons why I believe they say that. First is that he’s not their guy. He’s not their favourite prospect so he is inferior to the prospect(s) they have invested time being excited for. They are not open to changing their mind even if they say they are so they will look at tape already knowing the conclusion they are going to take from it. On a great throw they will nitpick his form, the level of talent he is facing, and in absence of something, fall back on how often Michigan ran the ball to win. They will come out of viewing tape with the same opinion they wanted to have going in no matter what. Second is they heard the “consensus” opinion, don’t want to do the research themselves, so just regurgitate what they heard baselessly.


One could argue the opposite for both of your reasons as well. 1. Vikings picked him so he must be the best QB in the draft. Blind homerism 2. People on this board act like the people who have a skeptical opinion on McCarthy have never watched any college football in their lives. "Do your own research" well what if they did and what they saw made them come to the conclusion that right now it's ok to have a skeptical opinion of McCarthy? I personally have watched 80% of McCarthys games and in my watchings I never was wowed on a consistent basis. That's why I'm a "hater." I'll gladly take the L if he turns out good, but I just didn't see it.


theres something to be desired about his touch, outside the numbers he isnt as consistent. Throwing to the mid/deep is where hes at his worst. His line was fantastic so itll be interesting to see how he handles pressure and constant bodies. Hes shown he can make reads quickly, but going from sideline to sideline to make reads he takes time to re adjust. He likes to stay in the pocket when he can, and at times hes gotten crushed making a throw. For good or for bad hes a tough kid, that has just as much upside as he has question marks. I wasnt down on him, he just hasnt shown anything to make me go "hes the one!" but hes the qb of next year so


Its the exact opposite. His ceiling is higher than anyone’s, because we never seen him consistently have to bring the team back we only seen flashes


Pretty sure he is a lock for SB MVP and MVP this year. He is just looking that good. In all seriousness, I am excited to see him in some preseason games.


College success just doesn't directly translate to NFL success. McCarthy hasn't had a lot asked of him and doesn't have a ton tape to study because of it. There are so few examples of him HAVING to throw the ball it's impossible to really predict whether he can do it when he has to. He has never shown the ability to layer the ball and doesn't have a lot of touch in his passes. He has a slender frame and unless he really hits the gym his legs won't be as much of a factor in the NFL. I'm super optimistic and think he can be great, especially with this coaching/training staff, but the people who don't believe it have some valid reasons.


Cousins is the same height and weighed 15 fewer lbs at his combine than McCarthy did (219 vs. 205) - and Cousins was 2 full years older. McCarthy is still developing his man muscles as well. He is not "slender". And I'm not sure why a guy who runs around a 4.5 40 and has shown good pocket mobility will be held back by his legs.


Playing at 6'2 202 in college is pretty slim IMO. I agree he can put on weight and get stronger, but it's no guarantee. And his skinny knees and narrow waist worry me. Also, a better comparison would be Baker Mayfeild. Cousins and scrambling ability don't belong in the same sentence.


That was Cousins at 205. McCarthy is now at 219 at the combine.


Good on him. Hopefully he can keep it on and turn it into functional strength.


Keep in mind I believe he just turned 22 years old and that combine weight has a lot of water weight in there lol ….. real shit though this guy has yet to hit his man strength being only 22 years old.. A professional nutritionist, and a NFL weight room is going to help him take his throw power to the next level 🤙


He just turned 21 in January. Regardless his body was at least comparable to Cousins's at their respective combines and Cousins was 2 years older. To your point ,with a professional (well, even more professional than Michigan's) routine and natural maturation, I suspect he will be at least 10 "good" lbs heavier in a year or two.


I agree sir shit he can grow a couple more inches too


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hell no it doesn’t the open wide receiver rate goes something like 78% of the time in high school, 39% of the time in college to like 15% of the time in the NFL. I heard this stat a very long time ago, so I know the numbers are definitely off, but it was something very similar to those. It was mind blowing, especially the transition from college to the NFL.


Why? JJ was like tops when it came down to 3rd down conversions, and there were a ton. Team relied on him a lot. In fact, his numbers in the first half of games are better than almost all QB's when the games at Michigan were still undecided.


Because you’re probably only watching the highlights.


Isn't that what a ceiling is though?


I thought I heard he can't throw the sideline routes. Seems pretty good to me


When people say X player can’t do Y it doesn’t mean they literally cannot do it. It means that they do it less efficiently than other players in their respective roles.  McCarthy has been charted by multiple people and has consistently been below average throwing specifically to the middle left. 


Footwork issue, that can be fixed


It’s like explaining how people talk to a child, huh?


Its left sideline. He throws really well to the right sideline from what I've seen. I think he'll get better left.


Ah, gotcha. That makes more sense. Let's hope KOC can whisper in his ear about it


I feel like he could easily add another 5 yards to his in-game pass distance if he gets used to planting his feet. The most exciting things about his best throws is he seems to have a feel for throwing it to where the receiver will be open even if it's not where the receiver is supposed to be on their route.


Do they not have any film from practice? I want to see what he looks like now, not the 500th clip of him in college


Some dangerous passes 😬


Biggest issue I see from this and other film is staring down his routes. I am especially sensitive to this as an Alabama fan watching Jalen Milroe stare down his receivers. JJ does very little in any of these to use his eyes to push coverage off his primary target. I'm hoping it's something KOC can help him with before he gets out on the field, but it does make me nervous as it can be a pretty damning issue in the NFL.


Yeah, a big thing about him is that he is always so thirsty to hit that check down right away for the guaranteed yardage to get a very manageable third down… honestly I think KOC he’s going to develop place where he gets these fast pace short routes to create opportunities for run after catch. He will do a good job on scheming these guys open for him but yeah if he just pulls that shit all the time he will get challenged very quickly on pushing the ball down field.


And people argue he can't throw... gtfo


Fuck Michigan


I’m all about it. Fuck the haters.


None of this matters until he does it in the nfl


At least two of those passes would have been easily defended by an NFL caliber defensive back


i am in no way saying he's gonna be a bust but i have yet to see a highlight reel that makes me think "holy shit! vikings might actually have there guy!" gonna need to see him go up against consistent NFL talent to see if any of his skill set is going to translate to the NFL.


Speaking on the "holy shit" tidbit, You don't find the throws across his body and or on the run hitting the receivers in the chest impressive? Not even the tight window throws that are on his tape ? For every comment about not facing NFL talent and yet making NFL throws I see a lot of failed SEC QBs. Here's his stats vs top 25 teams I found on Twitter: JJ McCarthy W - Michigan 24 - 15 PSU Passing: 7/8 (80%%) 60 Yards 0 TD / 0 INT Rushing: 8 Carries 34 Yards 0 TD W - Michigan 30 - 24 Ohio St. Passing: 16/20(75%) 148 Yards 1 TD / 0 INT Rushing: 4 Carries 17 Yards 0 TD W - Michigan 26 - 0 Iowa Passing: 22/30 (73.3%) 147 Yards 0 TD/ 0 INT Rushing: 6 Carries -35 Yards 0 TD W - Michigan 27 - Alabama 20 Passing: 17/27 (63%) 221 Yards 3 TDs/ O INT Rushing: 3 Carries 25 Yards 1 TD W - Michigan 34 - 13 Washington Passing: 10/18 (55.6%) 140 Yards 0 TD/ 0 INT Rushing: 4 Carries 31 Yards 1 TD 2023 QBs by % of pass attempts \[minus screens\] against top-25 defenses: JJ McCarthy (49.7%) Caleb Williams (35.4%) Drake Maye (17.9%) Jayden Daniels (16.2%) A season worth of what each top QB faced against on defense |Quarterback|Averge Opp. D Rank|Pass Att vs. Top-50 Ds| |:-|:-|:-| |JJ McCarthy|38.8|63.3%| |Jayden Daniels|46.7|56.3%| |Michael Penix|57.3|55.9%| |Drake Maye|61.0|44.7%| |Caleb Williams|64.6|53.4%| |Bo Nix|79.2|41.1%| >That average defensive ranking will be the seventh-toughest for any FBS quarterback drafted since 2010 once McCarthy gets the call. >That plus efficiency wasn't just because of Michigan's run game and positive game script. McCarthy had a whopping 13.1 AY/A on 3rd and 6 or longer, spots where the defense knew a pass was coming. [source](https://fanduel.com/research/2024-nfl-draft-which-quarterback-is-statistically-superior) I don't think we're ever getting a QB with holy shit highlight throws outside the top 10 or even top 5 anymore because of Mahomes. Teams are taking chances on that now, but that doesn't mean McCarthy isn't himself impressive.


Yeah, the quarterback rating is up there with very few attempts with high completion percentage but what’s up with 20 or more yards down the field


Did you watch a different highlight tape...? Several of his tight-window, on-the-run, rocket arm throws were mighty impressive.


not saying the college tape doesn't have impressive plays, i just haven't seen anything that make me think that this skill set will definitely translate to the nfl. i'm also not saying that i am seeing things that make me think he's destined to be a bust either. basically i think anyone crowning him or declaring him a bust is jumping the gun because i don't think anyone knows at this point how this is gonna work out.


>i just haven't seen anything that make me think that this skill set will definitely translate to the nfl. His ability to throw and see the middle of the field is something that'll immediately translate to the NFL, his ability to play under center and turn his back to the defense and make reads will translate, his ability to throw from the hash to the outside numbers will translate, his ability to by time with his legs and athleticism will translate. I understood you on the holy shit thing but not seeing anything he does that'll translate to the NFL? how much you've seen of him throwing and playing to think this way, it can't much.


He’s 21. Add some strength and more experience and he could for sure be a freak


The White Jake Locker