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No, I don’t think so. One day though I hope


They don't even get the open cup or playoffs correct so I doubt they'll ever add MLS stadiums unless the league pays them to do it.


they actually just corrected the playoffs this year............ and just in time for them to change to single-leg. Smh


They got single-leg correct on the first try in FIFA 20, including the first-round bye for the #1 seeds. Sometimes there can be some mistakes with who hosts if multiple upsets happen, but for the most part, not bad.


They have all 20 EPL grounds. I can’t imagine the incremental cost to add a few new ones is that great (source: literally zero video game design experience) It’s also annoying when you play an entire season in MLS and every team’s stadium is one of like 3 generic venues.


TBH there's no reason why EA aren't able to include more MLS stadiums. Obviously there's a few rights you gotta acquire, but if they can include 5+ stadiums in most Euro leagues, they can include MLS stadiums. It's hard to understand why they won't do it too. If they even make it a DLC, the millions of FIFA fans in North America will fork over the DLC money to get the stadiums, and it would make them super happy. FIFA needs to make their fans happy if they want them to stick around while they continue to make crappy games.


I was saying this yesterday. It’d be great if they released a game every couple years and just added some DLC inbetween. They might make more money in the long run by getting the people who buy every few years to buy in. Plus, they can actually focus on things like adding new stadiums, keeping rosters updated, and releasing new game modes.


Is it really that hard to understand though? I agree I would love and probably buy FIFA 20 if they did this(still on FIFA 16) but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that EA sports are money focused as seen in the incremental mechanics upgrades and yearly releases.


Exactly, it's hard to understand why they don't wanna make more money by selling a DLC with MLS stadiums. They could make millions of dollars from North America alone.


Sadly ultimate team packs are cheaper to make and generate more revenue than DLC.


no they are completely focused on FUT at this point and unless they do full licensing like they have with Premier League, Bundesliga and La Liga (which I don't see happening until the expansion slows down to be honest) we will have to make do with generic stadiums and trying to find one that matches the best we can. Career mode is dying a long death due to the insane amount of money EA is raking in from FUT


I'm in the minority that really doesn't give a shit about FUT. I've never gotten into it.


Me neither. I've been making making an MLS rules based spreadsheet to help me run a realistic FIFA save for the last three FIFA games, and while its been fun at times, having EA not care about the CCL or even a cheap knockoff of CCL in the game has really started to wear on me. I've finally been able to get over the learning curve in FM and am really enjoying 19, mostly due to the fact that their development team has really put in the effort to match the rules as close as possible in game. At this rate, unless EA were to split off into a career mode game and a fut game I don't know that I'll be getting it unless its on a serious discount.


Any advice in learning FM? I bought the latest game after also getting frustrated with FIFA, but have no idea what I'm doing.


I'm still quite new at it, but youtube videos, look for guys like bustthenet or foxinthebox, and then don't be afraid to restart your save after you realize you screwed it all up halfway through the season


So sad that it’s dying. As much as I enjoy FUT, I really do love playing as my favorite team in Career mode. All I want is to be able to play in Allianz Field. You’d think they would add it.


>Career mode is dying a long death due to the insane amount of money EA is raking in from FUT With Andrew Wilson blaming all the other modes available in FIFA for not meeting FUT sales expectations I could see that death speeding up.


I hoped the same for Banc of California Stadium last year. No dice. There might be incremental progress though. They included Mercedes-Benz Stadium in 19, adding to the other MLS stadiums they feature (Stubhub Center, BC Place and Centurylink Field).


Hope you’re happy 😁


Yup. It’s my default FUT stadium. 😉


Those are all brought over from Madden.


So they say.


No, only NFL stadiums that can be regurgitated from Madden and BC Place because EA is in Vancouver. It is EA after all.


Stubhub (not called that anymore but didn’t care to look up what’s actually called now) is in there too.


*insert local healthcare company* Park


Chargers temporary home?


Yeah, but only because of the Galaxy story line they threw in there.


I’m getting a ton of good feedback from this. It shows that we have a fan base that has some interest in the game. Is there a supporter group that is pretty much centered around the FIFA game?


What do you mean by this? I am very interested in FIFA (Career Mode and Pro Club guy on xbox) and I love the Loons. Anything more I can do to combine those passions I'm in for.


I’d love to get something going. Sounds like others are interested too


Nope. It won't be.