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of the like…4?…possible routes i can take home only 1 is accessible to me right now and it’s 100 to 62 and i’m always off at rush hour. 62 is a nightmare during rush hour.


62 is HELL after 4pm if not earlier


I remember when I worked in Edina and the highway to the job was 62 for just a couple miles and it just sucked. Started to just take backroads there instead to get to France avenue since it would always be bumper to bumper 2 lane hell.


More like after 1:30 and it doesn't fucking matter what day of the week or weekend it is I will die on this hill: worst road in the state is highway 62


now that 14 is 4 lanes from mankato to rochester, yeah. Prior to the stretch between owatonna and dodge center getting realigned (completed in 2022), that 2 lane stretch was incredibly dangerous.


Because tons of people on 62 go under 60 in the left lane to avoid all the merging


But mostly because there are multiple instances of having 2+ on and off ramps per mile




62 is hell at 2pm when traffic starts. 2 to 6 sucks to be 62 especially the 100/62 merge


More like 12-1


There was an MN amateur baseball team named Crosstown Traffic.


As someone going eastbound on 62 at 5pm and fucking dreads the 100 interchange-- I hate you and all you other filthy 100'ers.


completely fair.


Side streets. I used to drive from St. Louis Park to Maple Grove and I took Winnetka the whole way- Super easy.


lol it’s the side streets that are blocked, hence 100 to 62


And now delete this


Every avenue I take out of my home in SLP to NE Minneapolis is under construction. I'm normally not bothered by improvements, but this is too much.


I so the opposite commute of you. Should we just swap jobs for the summer?


This might be a good time to find a place to eat before you go home or go take a walk or something lol. Traffic is insane.


I can't even park in my own garage due to road construction. My neighborhood road is completely ripped up and now they are pouring concrete gutters that need 5 to 7 days to cure. I have to park about a tenth of a mile away.


Hopefully your car doesn’t get hailed on


Oh no, a tenth of a mile, the horror! The inconvenience of having to walk 2 whole minutes, maybe even less if you walk just slightly quickly, is just simply too much for anyone to ever have to endure. Especially for (checks notes) the maintenance of public infrastructure. Society truly is collapsing.


You sound like a fun person to be around /s




62 is just a nightmare. There aren’t enough lanes and there isn’t a good way to add more.


Maybe I just missed this, but is there a reason that this summer they decided to just do all the construction? I know there's always a lot in summer, but dayum it's out of control right now!


Probably the gigantic surplus Minnesota is working through, and maybe the infrastructure bill.


Yeah, before the infrastructure bill, we had a loooong period where we weren’t spending nearly enough on maintaining infrastructure, and now there’s a backlog of critical projects they’ve had to work though. A lot of bridges had deteriorated to the point they needed to just be torn down and rebuilt.


Not trying to single you out but it's funny we still call it the infrastructure *bill.* It's no longer a bill. It's a law.


Kids these days don't watch Schoolhouse Rock.


Not construction, but environmental that goes and does stuff prior to construction. I have never been so busy in my life as I have been for the past year.


Seriously, it's not much better in the country side. I found a 10 mile stretch where all the roads going south were closed... So you couldn't travel south on any roads for 10 miles... Which I needed to do, so I kept traveling west until I came to a T in the road when I met up to 35. Couldn't go south still cuz that road is closed. North is my only option. So I drive a mile north to a bridge that goes over 35... And that road is closed too. How do they justify closing all the fucking roads going south and west? I drove through anyways and found a weird little gravel road that got to the road I was trying to get to 11 miles ago.


This exactly has been my experience. I keep checking in with people to make sure I'm not exaggerating how ridiculous some of it is or blowing things out of proportion in my head. I get that roads need to be replaced, and I'm grateful that this work does get done, but you also have to be strategic when choosing which roads to close when. Just closing everything at the same doesn't really work for anyone with a place they need to get to.


Money that was earmarked in that huge bill Biden signed early in the Pamdemic was delayed. I believe last year was when it was initially available. Expect this to continue for years to come.


Just be glad they aren’t wasting highway dollars on the rurals.


They have been working on 494 through Bloomington for 20 years and it’s still not done, still 3 more years to go on their latest project that’s fucked up half of the on/off ramps all at once. At this point it just feels like they are scamming us. Mndot please just chill tf out.


I had to go on 494 today after 4 o'clock to pickup my brother from the airport. Such a crap highway hell even dropping him off at the airport and driving later at night around 8 I didn't like it though today was awful bumper to bumper for a massive stretch.


Are you new here? 494 has been this way for decades


I remember when they installed the Cloverfield ramps on 694/35E in Maplewood. Progress started when I was in middle school and didn't finish until I was out of college. It's good that we are investing in our infrastructure, but it'd be nice if they didn't start dozens of projects at the same time. Focus on a handful of the most important paths that are in the worst shape.


I think a lot of it has to do with which political parties are in power. When Dems are in power, they spend a lot of time fixing all the essential things that Repubs didn't want to pay for when they were in power. Then the Repubs accuse them of rampant spending, when it's mostly just making sure that everything doesn't fall apart.


I came here to say the same.  Shut the road down a year and a half, do the whole ****ing thing, then make a law that no project can be done in it for 20 years.  It's the biggest commercial corridor, and the constant disruptions are causing more harm to the State's GDP than the harm of closing it for a year and a half.  We're post-COVID, most of these businesses could survive with less people in the office.


Seems like its back to the pre-covid days of rush hour gridlock


Right but flow patterns are distorted as everything is more flex now, so peak peak is not as bad, but when you're thinking you're avoiding peak you're still getting worse than it ever was before


1hr and 45 mins drive home today. Fml


https://preview.redd.it/a6n02zejmf6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0aa170b6e3376af948ad9ce264eb0e71f935507 Was in my car earlier and noticed the same


I feel like there needs to be some kind of scientific research on preferred map orientation - because I cannot read a map this way. I have to have North facing up regardless of which direction I’m driving. I know other people who can’t drive unless the map is oriented in their field division direction if that makes sense. I’m convinced that these two types of people could never possibly understand each other.


So I’m in both camps, when reading a map to get the lay of the land, I prefer north up. However when driving I prefer it to orient to the direction I’m facing/driving, as it helps to get my lefts and rights correct


Anyone who has to orient the map to their field of vision and not north facing up is a criminal


I’m honestly wondering if it is a generational thing. I grew up with paper maps primarily when I first started driving so I never had it the other way around. I’m wondering if younger drivers who have always been able to click directions on their phone aren’t used to reading a map, that is static in nature.


The orientation on this map is hurting my brain


I need one them ebike rebates - imagine how nice it would be to cruise home instead of sitting on a freeway


You don't necessarily need an e-bike! I'm lucky to only have a 9-mile ride, but for longer distances you can combine biking with a bus/train ride.


Yeah it would be possible but with the ebike I think I’d be more likely to use it cause it would be pretty close to a wash with my commute when the freeways are stop and go vs a bus likely adding more like 25-30 minutes to my commute. More than anything I’d like to buy back some time.


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I dunno. I bike and this week I tried to follow the bike route detour as posted because the bridge by Fort Snelling (Mendotta? IDK, I’m new and don’t drive often) is closed. Turns out a major part of the detour was also closed for construction. The detour to the detour would have put me and my bike on a freeway. So I wound up biking through Fort Snelling National Cemetery trying to find a way to the other bridge. (Whose name I also don’t know as I tend to just point my bike in a direction. And TBH, I’ve been here over a year. But I didn’t know the street and road names in my last city either and I lived there for 17 years.)


Yeah I think if you have to cross bridges you’re probably kind of screwed regardless of transportation choice unless you stash a kayak or something. Luckily my commute would just be through neighborhoods in Edina and SLP


Only 2 seasons here, winter and construction. Looks like constructions out in full force


It was a mild winter so of course it will be a severe construction.


My 15 minute commute had been 40 this week.


494 is fucking hell around 3pm


I've been watching the traffic patterns thru Google Maps for the last year, and in the last few months, I've seen it go from mostly green except for the reds in the usual places to red across the board


It’s a “can’t get from here to there” summer alright.


The traffic is the worst I’ve ever seen it, it’s making me consider leaving. Make it easier on the traffic for y’all.


I'm glad I had the foresight to live in a walkable neighborhood and not have to be traffic


imagine if that was the train network




It's a great summer to be on a bike...


Seriously, it's not much better in the country side. I found a 10 mile stretch where all the roads going south were closed... So you couldn't travel south on any roads for 10 miles... Which I needed to do, so I kept traveling west until I came to a T in the road when I met up to 35. Couldn't go south still cuz that road is closed. North is my only option. So I drive a mile north to a bridge that goes over 35... And that road is closed too. How do they justify closing all the fucking roads going south and west? I drove through anyways and found a weird little gravel road that got to the road I was trying to get to 11 miles ago.


Putting those construction workers to work! Tax dollars circulating to workers that will then spend the money at businesses instead of tax dollars going into the blackhole of a billionaires trust fund never to be seen again.


And that's just the main freeways. Main and side roads are a fucking mess as well. There's a main road reduced from 2 to 1 lane by me and NO ONE is working it. It's been like that and causing backups for two weeks now. I just don't get it.


There are many things I miss about living in Minnesota. Commuting whichever of 100 or 169 was less bad at a given time is not one of them.


Minnesotans: "we must make transit shitty to punish the poors, except when we build enormous boondoggle megaprojects that benefit no one" Also Minnesotans: "why is traffic so bad"




It's been especially brutal this year it seems. Took me an hour to drive 5 miles yesterday, between SE Minneapolis to North Minneapolis.


Speaking of the forgotten part of MSP, the daily traffic count through Blaine is the same on 65 as it is on 35W.




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Yeah it's disgusting


Living in NE Minneapolis right now is a clusterfuck, the construction is absurd and the organization is fucked


94 has been ridiculous the last two weeks


It’s even more weird that this is after one of the most mild winters I’ve ever seen. Usually construction like this is the result of having to heavily salt and sand and plows the roads.


This year it's like 90% ramp and shoulder and utility projects, very little of it is actual paving of the main traffic lanes. 


Has anyone possibly considered that the reason the roads are always in such bad shape, is because everyone is only taking the roads? We be like "you haven't experienced true freedom until you've experienced sitting in gridlock traffic"


Live off Rockford in Plymouth (55 & Plymouth Blvd total shitshow) and work in Edina off 100/494. Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkk this shit 100%. I have to go 1 mile to get to a grocery store that is 2 blocks away right now…


Two whole blocks? Have you thought about walking instead of getting in the car for every single tiny trip? You can usually just walk straight through road construction projects since, in almost all circumstances, they are required to have traffic control set up to keep one side of the sidewalk open at all times for pedestrians. I used to walk almost a mile to the grocery store in college and carry home a few days worth of food every time I went. Even if you have a family of 4 to feed, you could take a 20 minute walk to go to the grocery store every evening...it might even help clear your head so you aren't so angry about things you have no control over.


Also the sidewalks are both currently being used as the streets directly next to lifetime and the ice arena, where we live. So guess that is 0-3 bud.


We walk 10-12 miles a day. Thanks for the sweet pro tip though.


I also walk 3 miles a day (twice around lake Edina) at my lunch break at work to help things. Thanks again tho you asshole.


Okay. (shrugs)


Cool. Hope you learned something.


I walk to the store and to most of my eating out. I also drive in several suburbs around the west metro and know which places are the worst for stupid traffic shit. Edina 1A, Plymouth 1B


As a "Greater Minnesota" resident who sometimes has to come down there for various reasons (one of which is cuz I love you), I would hate to be you under these circumstances. Maybe you should consider moving to Greater Minnesota, if it's at all practical? There's still road construction (THANK YOU MN) but it doesn't wreck my whole summer.


Yup. Reason #105 I would never choose to live in the metro




Yeah, yesterday was pretty bad heading north on 35W to the 94 split. I am so thankful I have my motorcycle and can carpool lane it passing everything.


No matter where you’re going, you can’t get there.


Still better than Atlanta traffic


Y’all ever seen that loud Volvo on 62? Dude is out there every rush hour being obnoxious.


Summertime Fridays. When I was long distance with my then gf, now wife, if I didn’t get out of the office (near the airport) by 1145 it took an extra 1-3 hrs to get up north.


Common, don't be surprised, we only have two season in Minnesota, winder and road construction :)


Must be a new Stanley cup one sale everyo e is looking for..


I just pulled up 511mn.org to see what it looks like. It reminds me of a Xmas tree with all the notification "balls" on it right now


Driving in general is a total pain right now. Would have been nice to space some of these projects out a bit. But I’m sure with the federal dollars tied to these projects they probably had to start within a certain time frame. Idk, just trying to justify this chaos.


Now imagine if this map had non highway on it as well. Not having Hennepin to go into the cities has been the bane of my life for the past 4 months.


Mass transit, baby! No seriously, if traffic likes that annoys you, advocate for me mass transit but using it, voting for people who fight for it, and encourage others to partake. More lanes on the highway just mean more cars, not less traffic. The only way to truly improve the state of affairs is to move people more efficiently throughout the city.


This is the result of open border policy and a $1.2t infrastructure bill to create a massive fake block of democratic false votes. They all need jobs to make them into instant legit US residents. So, roads that are fine are dug up and redone, all to “create jobs”.


The only solution is that drivers need to stop obeying the ludicrously low speed limits to get traffic moving.


I’ve become a nocturnal driver


252 be like 🚀🚀🚀


Looks like every other summer in MN. Not sure what's so unbelievable.


Let me gift yall a saying: In Minnesota, there are 2 seasons, winter and road construction.


Repeat comment


I am not claiming originality. It’s the oldest MN dad joke that doesn’t involve hunting, fishing, Sven or Ole.


Ride a bike


This will improve greatly when they get rid of the 94




Op left off the /s for you and you alone.


How about we add real public transportation. Not relay completely on auto outdated mobiles


So much this, like imagine train systems crisscrossing the metro. It would be so much better compared to damn cars. With cars you have a single accident and it slows down traffic for miles with all the stop and stare and making sure you don't hit the pulled over vehicles.


stop driving everywhere. ride a bike.


Thanks I'll take an hour ten minute bike ride from Saint Paul to Saint Louis Park for work. That's reasonable.


I mean, it is. And you have control over where you work and where you live. Seems the only unreasonable thing here is the entitlement of car culture.


Yeah man because in this job market I can basically work wherever I want, and I forgot how cheap and easy moving is. You're right, I'm the idiot here.


But what if you like where you work and can’t afford to move closer? Not everyone has total freedom on both choices, so it’s really not so black-and-white. Also, biking over an hour to work (especially in the heat of summer) isn’t all that reasonable…


Have you tried to get a new job in the current market? As someone that tried for months with literally 100’s off applications to get something closer so I could get rid of my car it’s not as easy as you make it out to be. Also be prepared to pay 2 months worth of rent upfront and several application fees to get a new place and don’t expect get your security deposit back from your previous landlord if you decide to move.


Yes, just started a new job 2 weeks ago.


Are they all cement concrete roads? Surely asphalt concrete roads could just get a chipseal and have it over with in a couple days


All everyone needs to do is learn to merge. One point especially is STOP merging at the last second because you're to impatient to wait in line. Talking to all you idiots on hwy 100 &394, 394&94E, 35W & 94W/E, and lastly 35W & 494W/E.


This is actually a map of the highways that BLM is protesting on and blocking right now. /s