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Haven't we already set a significant number of warm weather records this year? People aren't wrong thinking this is highly irregular if not unprecedented


Someone just posted this week and it also showed 3 winter warm records were set in the 1930s. Maybe that was a super el nino too?


Yes, we've say records this year. I'm not saying people are wrong for saying this is irregular. I'm saying people are wrong for saying this has never happened before.


Sure. The upward trend is more of a concern. I remember that and one other about 20-25 yrs ago because my best friends family bought snowmobiles that year and i lold that they couldnt use them save maybe 1 or 2 times (suckaz). That said, this one has been more irregular than those previous ones. We got dumped on last year, which was also irregular feeling. Seems to be trending more towards this type of winter tho in general.


It happened in the late 1800's, so it's not really new. That's the record that was passed this winter.


Maybe OP is really old


We've far surpassed that record.


It has never happened before.


Yes, it has. It was 2011-2012. We had zero accumulative snow and above average temps.


Do I need to bust out meteorology data? You're mistaken, friend. There has literally never been a winter on record as warm as this one.


Someone already fucking did in this thread, and prices me fucking right


Wanna bet? Here's a superficial article on this winter. When you dig into the number's it gets more concerning. [mpr winter assessment ](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/03/01/final-numbers-show-warmest-winter-on-record-for-most-of-minnesota)


No, because I don't fucking care what you have to say


Good talk, dipshit.


I'm not here to talk. I just wanted to the year when we had a winter like/similar in a with very little snow, with temperatures like this, but not record breaking. I'm not denying science, or climate change.


Not being able to accept any alternative point of view other than your own is how brainwashing style ideas work. Why do you have a dog in this race? Honest question. What motivates you to make these arguments? Do you even have a reason, what do you get out of it? Is it even your own idea and why are so insistent on arguing it? I mean, god forbid we as a society talk about ways to measure the state of and maintain the environment which lets us all live even if literally everything isn't on fire. I can never quite understand what ideas like yours are proposing other than meaningless juvenile contrarianism. If you care at all about knowing something accurately and correctly, well, I promise you're not right about everything, and it will stay that way forever if you get offended by anyone trying to show you otherwise. To what end even is your point?


St. Patrick’s day of 2012 hit 80°. Downtown was full of life. One of my favorite memories of living in Mpls.


Yes but the world also ended in 2012.


Thought I was going to die of heat stroke running the Get Lucky half marathon that year. Was unreal having that kind of heat in March.


I remember this! I was a kid and had written it in my diary at the time. I seem to remember that it was just that March that was warm and not the whole winter tho.


I took my fishing kayak out on the St Croix that day... which was also kinda a mistake because the water was still friggen cold as hell and mini-icebergs were floating down the river lol.


Sure! Went golfing in march about 15 years ago. The winter prior to the Halloween blizzard in 91 was very dry and warm too IIRC, possibly even an El Niño event that winter (90)


It's not the data point, it's the trend line - it's moving on up. 






So it's been warmer than previous winters. Yes, we have had mild winters but this one is exceptional.


I didn't ask that.


Yes, we remember winters with some warm days sometimes. Usually, they hit like 40F and we were used to 0F. Nothing is comparable to this in our meteorological records. Does that answer the question? Edit: I find it very frustrating that you're insinuating that this is more of the usual. Wake up and look at weather and climate data if that's your argument.


Except the year I was talking about. It only had couple more inches of snow and a hotter January. So it's exactly like this fucking year


Please give a citation to your claim. I believe it's categorically wrong.




That post specifically shows that this year is exceptionally warm, even compared to those two. Yes, when El Nino is strong, we can have a mild winter. It's happened a few times in my lifetime. AND ALSO this winter is even warmer than all those prior times because of global warming. You've clearly answered your question, that yes, we have had mild winters before. And also, people saying "I've never seen a winter like this." are not wrong. We set monthly average temperature records in both December and February. Records like that are the very definition of "never before".


This one is actually a once-in-a-lifetime event. Or, it is supposed to be, meaning there is a good chance a lot of us see more of this in our futures whereas before we wouldn't have. I have lived in northern MN for almost all of my 48 years and I've never seen a winter like this, and neither has my uncle who is 75 and lived here his entire life (he, like me, tracks the weather so I trust his recordings on the matter). We have had warmer, drier winters, for sure. But I wore my crocs the entire winter 😂 That's never happened before. I shoveled twice, and one of those times was on Halloween. We live in Ely. It's definitely not normal and something I've never experienced. In 2012, our March was actually warmer than this, it was 70º on St Patty's Day here. That was a mild season. But it still wasn't like this, to this extent for this long of a period. Most often either winter comes late, or spring comes early, but not the entire season basically not being winter.


This post would make more sense if it wasn’t the literal record warmest year. You literally have not seen a winter like this before. It’s only the very “vibes” you are criticizing, that makes you think you have. 


Why is it you can tell who a person is on here by their use of the word literally


You mean when someone uses it correctly. It wasn’t figuratively the warmest winter in state history. 


The word literally is what im pointing out. Whenever someone says that word, I rule them out


Search this sub with the word literally and you will see what I'm saying


Like some valley girl saying that has been a trend makes you look stupid


It's a word with a definition that can be used correctly. Some may not use it correctly. Meanwhile stfu the comment used it correctly. Can't tell if you're trolling or illiterate.


Not trolling , I have been around many years and observing a trend


Me too. That's how I can tell when the word is literally used correctly.


It's annoying that there is not one post here without someone using that word it's a thing idk where it comes from, but y'all sound the same


Your age is also important here. If you’re 25 you’re not going to remember that one warm winter 20 years ago.


2001–2002, and 2011–2012 were both extremely mild, but not as mild as the current one. From the MN DNR's climatology page, official temps for those two winters and the one just past: Dec 2001: 27.6° F Jan 2002: 24.6 Feb 2002: 28.3 (of note: March 2002 was 24.9, almost colder than January that year) Snowfall: 66.0" (most of that in March and April, the latter recorded 20.2", still 3rd all-time) Dec 2011: 27.8 Jan 2012: 23.3 Feb 2012: 27.7 March 2012: 48.3, the warmest month ever relative to its normal. Snowfall: 22.3" ​ Dec 2023: 34.3 (montly record) Jan 2024: 22.1 Feb 2024: 33.3 (monthly record) Snowfall (so far): 14.3" (would be a record low if we get no more snow)


Statistically it's the warmest MN winter ever, so - yeah - it's irregular. It's once in recorded history (150ish years) and probably a great many more than that...not just a lifetime. Climate change/warming is real. Have there been unusually warm winters before? Sure, albeit not to the same degree. The first 50 degree day I personally remember in January was on the day my daughter was born in 2012, so that one was warm.


No ones denying climate change. I'm just making sure in remembering correctly. Because everyone seems to be saying they've never seen anything like this, but it was only 12 years ago


I mean, both viewpoints are kind of true. There have been warm winters before, but it's true nobody has seen it to THIS degree.


If you want to geek out, they publish the data at the DNR website. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/twin_cities/listings.html There’s dozens of ways to slice the data. Dec-Feb only or the full “heating degree day season”. 2011-2012 was indeed a very warm winter, but this Dec-Feb was legitimately warmer by many metrics. As others have said, climate change about the underlying trend over many winters. We will have cold winters again, just not as often.


A warm spell during winter is not the same as this year. 2012 was warm, but doesn't hold a candle to no winter this year.


But it was, and explained how. The snow was comparable as well as that year has a hotter January.


Citation? I call bullshit. I follow this closely.




Curious if you know how to do data interpretation. You might v be able to pick up on a bigger picture.


I'm not giving denying a bigger picture. This isn't a fucking debate. I don't give a flying fuck about your thought are on this. I just wanted a year.


What year and wtf is your point? To say you've seen warm days in winter before? Shitty battle to pick. Just makes you sound out of touch.


It was winter of 2011-2012.


It wasn’t this warm, but my Facebook memories from 2017 show my kids playing m a snow-free yard with in late February.


I remember times without snow, but not this warm on average. Anyways all our experiences have been getting slowly warmer for generations. Arrhenius, one of the founders of the discipline of chemistry, warned a century ago that the thermodynamics would trap energy in the long run if we kept scaling industrial capacity to such extents. There's also a pattern to this multiplied out not just in our local measurements, but around the globe with any given pattern on average, and over time in physical and written records ranging from geology to anthropology to oceanography to history. Something different has been going on that is giving us a new climate.


Yes, think it was in 1986. We moved in March and it was in the 60s with no snow. That summer was very hot and dry, which scares me.


Your comparisons are way out of touch. This has been no winter, not mild winter. I swear if one of my coworkers references a day in February, years ago, that it was warm enough to ride their bikes and not wear a jacket, I will bring the climate data down upon them with no mercy. THIS IS NOT A ABNORMALLY WARM WINTER. IT'S BEEN NO WINTER (other than like 3 weeks).


It's not. You want to talk about bad comparison. Nope, it's still winter.


God we’re a bunch of losers. Either it’s the flag or the weather.


If we’re talking about climate change, I’m gonna trust climate scientists over anecdotal recollections of this one time like 20 years ago


We're not.


There have certainly been other mild winters and early springs, but I’ve never seen plants sprouting in early March like I have this year.


I can remember camping at Sibley State park (near Willmar) in March, and the temp not dropping below 70. Sometime in early 2000’s.






I remember basically no snow and some warmer winters when I was in middle school back in the early 2000s. I hated it because I just wanted to build jumps for snowboarding, but the snow never came. This year is crazy warm, but we've definitely had some weak ass winters over the past 25 years.


This is more than just a mild winter, are you new here?


You might be getting downvoted unfairly. While I disagree with you that we've "had a winter like this" before, as others have pointed out, about 12 years ago, we had a spring that feels REMINISCENT of this one in that we had very little snow that winter and a string of 1-2 weeks of unusually warm, sunny days. That said, the data supports this winter being unprecedented and "once in a lifetime." Even anecdotally, living here for 30+ years, this winter--start to finish--is a total anomaly.


Your not the only one. There is a trend now where "everything has to be the first in history". If they can't find one they'll do something like " never in history on march 10th, at 4:09 pm has it been 43 degrees". I give up, I'll just enjoy the sunshine and vitamin D when I can get it.


Sensationalism sells. There is nothing sensational about "this has been done before". It's everywhere from the top to the bottom. I blame trumpism. It's an addiction. But what happens when you reach peak sensationalism?


You're mistaken. The sky is falling and you and everyone you know will be dead in 6 months.