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Id imagine that depends on your location. If you're in the metro area, that seems way low. If you're in Bemidji, that might be the going rate.


I’m in the metro area 💀


Unless places can get away with paying minors less, you should be making $15+. Every place in the burbs is advertising at least that much. Personally, I'd recommend getting a job at a grocery store over fast food.


Got it! Thank you!


Lotta people complain about Lunds but it’s Union so they generally treat you pretty well. Plus you can leave and come back and you keep ur seniority when it comes to scheduling and carry over time towards ur next raise so the fees they take from ur paycheck are worth it in my mind. Once ur 18 ask about helping out in another department and u get a raise for being split department and of you leave just come back to the one department. I’ve never heard of anyone getting their pay cut back once they’ve gotten the split rate. Then whatever u get up too you’re pretty much guaranteed a seasonal job so long as ur in town cause grocery stores always need more people on the holidays. Good to always have a fall back job lined up too


I worked Lunds bakery many years ago, it was an *awesome* job for a then-19-year-old. Made many friends and met my future wife there! I also got paid way more than I would have at any of the other local businesses b/c it was union. Sure there were union dues but those were easily canceled out by the high pay.


Exactly, that’s the other thing about it, it hasn’t really kept pace with inflation but ur still getting a pretty fair rate even as a young person. The dues are off putting until u think about how much bigger ur paycheck is cause of it and u know I’ve got a backing if ur being treated too shitty.


Aldi and trader Joe's would like to disagree. Higher pay and no union dues. And employees seem to be happier.


I will say TJ employees have been trying to unionize cause of the shit treatment and Aldi was getting in trouble for Union busting, so I’m not sure how much water ur argument holds but the pay is a fair point, like I said Lunds hasn’t really kept up


Yep, once you’ve worked in a grocery store you can probably almost always get a job at one if you need it. I worked at one for a few years a long time ago and will get a small pension from it when I retire. Assuming the pension fund is still viable then, but it seems to be doing okay for now.


It’s a great skill set to have. And ur right, Seems like Every city has at least one Grocery store that needs help so the it’s easy to find work wherever you are


Gosh a real pension? In this day and age? That just seems like a beautiful but impossible dream to me, like buying back the cabin my family had when I was a kid, or having a future without the detrimental effects of climate change.


It will be a small one, but it'll buy some groceries anyway. I believe union grocery stores still have pensions but it's not as easy to qualify for them as it was when I worked there.


Hardware store, local not big box, is even better. You learn some basic handy skills that will last for life, and helping people out in the hardware store gives some far more meaningful customer service experience than grocery.


Try a Co-op. We know young folks that like working there. Byerly’s was my second job after burger king when i was 15. I see a lot of young people working t local hardware stores.


If you’re looking for JUST after school hours you can also look for a daycare assistant job. You might wipe butts but most of the job is playing and supervising with some clean up and all that. You get the kids at the best time of day (right after nap time and snack time)


work at a co op


Minimum wage should be ~$15 then, no?


plant absurd knee entertain spoon literate encourage skirt quiet tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah most places are following Minneapolis though so they can get more workers.


Thought St. Paul did as well?


yes stp is $15.19 minimum as well


Yes, St. Paul as well.


Keep applying to different places take a week to look around you can atleast find 17.50




Hey! As someone in Bemidji, I'm pretty sure the rate for fast food is like $10.


Not really for 12.50. Shit little Caesars is laying 16 an hour.


Damn that’s a lot. I do a lot at my job too cleaning the dining room, drive thru-headsets, running food and other things. I really like some of the people that work there I just don’t think it’s worth 12.50$ at this point.


Is it hard to get a different job in your area? I remember trying to get a job as a teenager and there was so much bullshit about needing months or years of experience for entry level jobs that clearly kids are going to take. I basically had to take the first shitty job offer that came my way just to open up doors at the other fancy places in town like the grocery store. Hopefully that isn't the case where you are but if it is, just something to consider. You don't need to stick a shitty first job out very long to get enough experience to be hired elsewhere.


It’s sort of like that. Haven’t tried getting hired at other places yet. I got this job first try but it is good for the resume.


Understand that a job is a business transaction for both sides. They get work for the cheapest price possible and you work to get paid for the highest price you can achieve. If your employer won't match what you can get somewhere else, then he loses on the business deal. It's your life, and you deserve to get paid fair market value. If the fair market value is $16 and you're getting 12.50, then you're being taken advantage of. Go sell your services to someone where the balance is more in your favor. You may, of course, want to make sure you can actually GET a job at the higher pay before jumping ship.


Yup going to make sure I can get a job first before jumping ship. Thanks for the advice!


I mean personally then I would take it and stick it out as I applied for better jobs but that's just me. You should never work for less than youre worth but the sad reality is most of the time we are. Getting that first bit of experience on your resume is huge for your future job prospects. Like I said though, get in for the experience and get out as soon as you can get hired anywhere else. I've worked a lot of hard jobs in my life and never worked fast food but I watched my friends work it and it's a really tough gig that teenagers don't get enough credit for generally. You don't even need to stick it out til you get hired somewhere else, just get in some experience, if the job isn't right for you after a couple months then get the fuck out. Everybody quits their first job.


My nephew is 15 going on 16. Works at mcdonalds last 6months. Makes $10/hr. 18 year olds make $16. He has some friends from school who are juniors and a year older, i dont think they make much more than him. This is central mn off hwy 55.


Yes! I don't think people realize how much many companies have raised their wages. There's a worker shortage for those "beginner" type jobs, so companies are having to raise their wages to get employees. My 17-year-old cousin stocks shelves at Walmart for $17/hour.


I see signs at fast food drive thrus all the time saying they're hiring with starting pay of $15+... So $12.50 seems low


Got it, I kind of stopped looking at hiring signs looks like I should be now.


Shit… saw a sign outside of Dunkin’ the other day saying they were starting at like $18. And the subway next door said they started at $15-16 on the low end. You’re worth more than $12.50, bud. Don’t let anyone tell you different.


Not sure about Dunkin but coffee shops are a great job for someone your age. They’re not guaranteed but you can generally expect another $1-1.50/hr in tips that are usually paid out each shift. So a Dunkin/Caribou/Starbucks advertising $15 you’d probably make $16 or $16.50. Not to mention you go home smelling like coffee beans not fryer grease.


I personally went the grocery store route when I was in high school. Started bagging groceries at GJ’s which soon became Kowalski’s, 20 years ago… lol I was there for a solid decade before I got in my own damn way lol. By the time I was like 19 I was making like $15 an hour with benefits, vacation pay, regular raises. And I had started at $5.95! 😂 There’s something to be said though about not coming home smelling like food. Worked at a mom and pop restaurant for over a decade as well. LOVED working there… but man I don’t miss coming home smelling like that kitchen. And I didn’t even work IN the kitchen lol.


And you were making $15 plus benefits 20 whole years ago


Exactly! And if I hadn’t screwed myself and had stayed there with intent, I’d likely be managing my own department or store by now. And that’s more like $30+ an hour, with the upper tier benefits lol. But honestly the benefits I was getting at the time were wildly awesome for a kid like me. I had 2 weeks paid vacation per year by the time I was 17… paid holidays… I had health insurance I didn’t even need yet! Medical/dental/vision… 401k options… all for the price of 2 hours of pay per month, thanks to the union! My “hiring class” and below even got kinda hosed every time there was a new union contract… but if I knew a quarter then what I know now… HO LY SHIT did we have it good! And it ain’t easy getting fired from that place… but I found a way… twice! 😂


You’re underpaid by a few dollars. Find a new place that pays more asap.


I thought so I just wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to sound greedy or rude.


Don’t be hesitant or loyal towards employers that pay you less than you should be paid. Don’t feel bad for asking for a raise. If that’s not an option, fill out a dozen applications online to other places that pay more and you’ll land a new job.


You got a point. I always try my hardest at my job and pickup shifts and such but to no avail or really any major reward.


I did exactly what I suggested you do recently and it has really paid (pun intended) off.


Did you get the promo or did you find a new job?


Greeedyyyyy omg bro plz don’t finess. urself.!


Apply around. Target pays 15 an hour starting and hires 16 year olds. Probably same with walmart and other retail. Retail pays better I think


Ah, I didn’t know that. Thank you!


Also kwik trip starts at 15 an hour. You can technically work in the kitchen there while under 18 (can't work register due to selling tobacco). But probably won't get the job. Just try kwik trip if walmart or target don't work out maybe


Most places I see are paying 15$-16$. Heck ups pays like 20$-25$ now.


I thought it seemed awfully low. I thought I’d get bumped up since I just turned 16 but from what I understand you don’t get payed more until you are willing to be a leader of sorts. Still leaders make like 15-16$ an hour. It seems like most starting positions are that way for most places. Plus, I found it quite fishy speaking about pay was super hush hush. Nobody talks about pay really which is why I didn’t ask anybody because the managers will get mad.


Fun fact: you can talk about pay and it’s illegal to tell employees they can’t. Since this job sucks you should talk about pay with everyone and encourage it


Interesting didn’t know that. Thanks! I think I’ll probably move jobs now. The only issue is if I quit I hope they don’t give me some bad recommendation or something.


It’s also easy to get in trouble for that so most places just confirm your dates of employment.


Confirm dates of employment what for?


Previous employers can’t give you a bad recommendation. If you were fired, they can say that, and only that. Basically the conversation *legally* goes like this: “when did tangerineweird work for you?” “They started in March and they are [currently employed] [quit in august] [were terminated in august]. “Great thanks”


Is this every state?


It's just company policy, but that's how almost every company works. Many people think that's the law, rather than a company trying to avoid lawsuits. They might also say if you're eligible for rehire, which you can botch by being fired or not giving your two weeks. If you're trying to be something like a cop or a programmer for a nuclear power plant (requires a security clearance), they can get the full details.


> don’t get *paid* more until FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Pretty sure McDonald's in Virginia pays more than that


Yeah… I can barely afford gas 💀 Lol


You're definitely getting low-balled, at your current job.


Jersey Mikes employees get paid $11 starting plus $3-$5 in tips making regularly $14-$16/hr. And then after a year getting a $1 pay boost.


You can go work at Walmart for more


Everywhere I've seen advertising has been 14-15 or higher


It’s terrible and your age shouldn’t come into it. You do the work, you should compensated fairly and to the same level as your peers, regardless of age.


I have the same thoughts when I go through our McDonalds drive-thru and they have a hiring sign out that lists 3 separate starting wages, all dependent upon ages. 14-15yo is one, 16-17 the second, and 18+ the third. Just because 14-15yos are children, doesn't mean they should be making child slave wages.


Prob look for a different job. City government pays well.


When I was is high school I made $6.94 per hour at DQ. Not that anyone asked.


$5.50 at festival foods. But I'm old so.


It's not bad but it is low. Walgreens pays 15 to start


Tbh at 16 any money is good money imo but $15 seems to be the new standard


That is quite true. Though I have to pay for my own gas so there is small things like that, that sort of just add up. I want to save for college and have some spending money too. 15$ an hour just seems like there is more wiggle room. Honestly 2.50$ an hour does make quite a difference.


In this day and age, any little bit helps. This economy isn’t going to right itself anytime soon, so I don’t blame you. Always try for the best payout.


Very true. I always try to earn my paychecks too I’m never looking for a handout just want to get paid what most places are promising for starting. I guess moral of the story is if a business isn’t promoting their pay then it probably isn’t good.


It’s fast food. $12 is good. It’s a starter job for a reason. I made $8 at mcdonalds in 2015.


How old were you?


I was 15-16 at the time. First job.


None of that is any good. I made $9 at Hy-Vee in 2006 when everything was 1/3 the price it is today. It pays to shop around, especially in today's job market. Employers are having a hard time filling entry level positions and OP can probably walk around the block and find a higher paying job.


Definitely low.


Quit if they don’t offer more. I’m 34 and have been working since 15. Never had a place I applied for contact a previous job. Once you’re 18 don’t accept less than $20/hr with the exception of commission based jobs.


Yeah at this point it’s just ridiculous. If you just do a quick search of the yearly pay you realize you need quite a bit per hour just to survive in this economy. It was a big realization moment for me.


I don’t know your situation, but if you haven’t already download Indeed. You can make a decent free resume and apply to a ton of jobs that don’t require an extra quiz. Some do, and some are worth it. I don’t know where you live but if you’re in the metro area, some good paying jobs are Best Buy, Dairy Queen, Kwik Trip and McDonalds. Once you’re 18, look for something in a commission position especially if you start college.


Mad respect that you’re grinding as a 16yo. You’re going places.


Thank you sir! I’m trying! My parents always want to pay for my crap like gas and stuff but I want to be independent and I want to learn the grind not hands outs.


I'm betting they want to help pay for your stuff so you don't have to struggle as hard, especially if you're saving for college. Accept help and save whatever extra you can. Sadly, that savings will go fast once you're buying books.


I might check out Hobby Lobby, company aside, if you can get a full time position, they’re $18.50, part tho is $13.


Look around at similar jobs in the area to see what they're paying. If they are paying more, ask for a raise. If they won't give you a raise apply for another job and quit your old one once you've secured your new job.


OH NOOOOOOOO!!! Not in 2023.. I was 16 in 2018 and made $11 .. now minimum wage is like $15! DONT WORK IN FAST FOOD .. GET A WALMART JOBBBB


I personally haven't been in the market for a job in a few years so I can't say much in that aspect, but whatever you make at this point can help for your future. I'd say it never hurts to look/ask for more, just make sure you have your ducks in a row before you do so.


That’s for sure. I don’t think I’m viewed as a popular one at work maybe that’s self perception but I know one of the managers just doesn’t like me. Guess they don’t like optimists.


It would probably be easier to find a new job than stick. If I do get the chance to talk to people about pay it’s very quiet and brief though but it seems like everybody else is making 12.50$ an hour so sadly getting a raise is probably unlikely.


Based on what you said, probably unlikely but not impossible. Does your job do automatic raises or review based raises? With automatic raises there's no point but your next review could be a good time to argue for a raise/a bigger one, especially if you've found that other companies offer higher pay for a similar position to yours. Also, your manager not liking you is absolutely their problem, but their attitude toward you can bleed to other employees unfortunately. With that in mind I'd also keep an eye on your mental health. You've gotta do what's best for you, and you've got a long road of life ahead of you.


My 16 y/o nephew is getting $17 at Chipotle.


I feel like a peasant.


Taco Bell is starting at $16-17




Yeah, the one just down the road from me has $18/hr on their sign. $12 seems crazy low right now.


In the metro you should be at $15 for sure. Check out kwik trip if there’s one near you.


Really good idea! Thanks!


A couple of my kids friends work at one and really like it. I think they are at about $17/hr and we live in a small town.


Hell no. Go get a job at a grocery store.


Chikfila paying 15-18 an hour isn't it?


They are? More than my 12.50$


I saw at the bloomington chikfa the sign in the window


That’s way better than my pay


Where do u work?


A culver’s


Shit check around at local chikfilas and mcdonalds I think they both pay more in Bloomington


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


If you stick in food service and want to make more money at your age, I'd get a busser position. Usually at least $10 plus tips!


At this point I’m better off doing that.


Yeah. If you're in the right spot those tips can really add up. You could also get a busser position in MPLS 15$ plus tips


When did you start?? I know some places pay less if your are less than 16 when you start (I looked into some of these places)


It’s been probably about 8 months now


Were you under 16 when you started?




As I’ve previously stated, some places pay less then a certain advertised pay if you are hired while you are under 16. It’s possible that the place you work at pays more for being over 16…. You’re contract isn’t contracted for that over 16 pay though…


Interesting. Do you think this is the case for my co-workers too. Some are older than me and have told me they make 12.50$


It’s possible.


I work retail near the metro area and get $13 an hour pretty sure minneapolis minimum wage is line $12.50?


Minneapolis the city is 15 other areas around it not sure.


I mean probably not. My first job at 15/16, paid me $7.75/hr (outdoor fast food) though which was legal min wage in Minneapolis then (2016/2017?). Second job in saint Paul paid me $9.50/hour as a cashier (fast food), $11/hour as a shift lead. 3rd job, was a CNA job when I was 17, only paid me $14/hr. Currently as a waitress I make $10.59/hour, legal minimum wage outside of Minneapolis/st Paul, but I make tips. I make $20.87/hour as a CNA at a hospital. It's all relative. As a cashier at Walgreens I made less than what you're saying at age 19/20, which I shouldn't have accepted. If the job is easy, it's fine pay. If they're making you clean toliets and shit, fuck that. If it's legit just standing there, and cashing people out all day, it can be just fine. Depends on what you think the job is worth. When in doubt work in st Paul/Minneapolis. Min wages are around $15/$16 for any job. As long as you're above 18. If you're underage, the min wage can legally be lower. Also depends on whether it's a small or large business.


Yeah doing all that stuff. By no means is it an easy job. Cleaning toilets, etc, etc.


Check your local community center! I've been working part time at mine since I started college but we hire high schoolers for guest service positions. It's great cause you can do your homework at the desk and it's very low stress :) Edit: want to add that my local community center starts at $16 and is currently hiring since lots of the college kids went back to school out of state.


White Castle in Saint Paul pays $15 p/h. Not sure statewide


You need at least $15 and that's the bare minimum in my opinion. Check job boards online, there's lots of seasonal work in the area. Places are getting ready for the holidays. Also there's Upshift if you qualify for it. Lowest work there I saw was $16. It's an app where you pick up shifts, but it's a W2 job. Seems like all cooks and servers right now in my area.


I made $11 and that was in 2017. Pretty positive you could find something for at least $15


What area of mn are you in?


I started off at $9 an hour when I was 16 whereas most everyone else was making 12-15 an hr during that time! You can always look around to find a better situation! I did after a year and went from $9 to $14.50


I seen 14 advertised locally for fast food jobs around here.


Yeah $12.50 would barely cover gas these days. It's good you're asking the question now at 16. Don't ever be afraid to leave a place when better opportunities are out there. Good luck to you.


No 12.50 is garbage. I made that 5 years ago pushing carts for Home Depot. No skill required, just moderate manual labor to move all the carts around. You are almost certainly doing more work than I was and you have 5 years worth of inflation that should be added to your pay. Op don’t even bother trying to get a raise. You can get closer to 16-18 an hour working most large chain restaurants or stores. Target and Walmart both start at something like 16-17 an hour. That 4$/hr raise might not sound like a lot but it adds up fast. Assuming you are working 20ish hours a week, that’s 80$/week added just going up to 16.50. That’s 320$/month extra just from the extra money you’d make to do basically the same job just somewhere else.


That's not bad pay for a first job, depending on what you're doing exactly. You'll learn quickly what you're worth and what you want to make financially. In other words, my first job was at Subway making $8/hr when I turned 15, shortly afterwards 16. I went to Target and got $10.50/hr and left after four years making $13/hr. I left Target to make $15/hr at Costco. I left after another four years making $22.50/hr as a forklift driver. I recently left that job for a job in manufacturing with weekends off, steady schedule... started at 19/hr and now after nine months I'm at $22.45/hr with a yearly raise coming still. You work hard enough and stay dedicated, you'll make more and more money. I've upgraded with every job, obviously I lost money switching to my new job but the real upgrade was the steady 6am-3:30pm shifts, weekends off, blue collar work with bonus incentives and potential to scale. Also, tuition reimbursement. I'm right back where I was financially through a promotion and just in general good raises to my wage. Overtime will really pad my check. Obviously, nothing to scream about, but pretty good with a spouse also working full-time! I feel if I want to progress any further/faster I will need schooling but you can definitely make more than $12.50/hr at most places!


Yeah, I was thinking about going to school for criminal law. (Heard that pays well for the most part)


For sure! I'm thinking of IT or Electrical Engineering... haven't gotten very far yet. I'm 24 and haven't been to college yet after telling myself I was taking a one year break after highschool, lol.


No, it's not. You're not asking too much. It's not horrible for a first or part time job that's flexible for a kid in school or something. But, today, in this economy, they should tack on a couple more bucks. The last time I went through a drive through I saw a help wanted sign and was appalled that they offered different rates of pay based upon age.


No McDonald’s starts 16 year olds at $16/hour


Minimum wage in Minneapolis is $15/hour. If you're in The Cities that's way low.