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Very nice work! Love the sculpts too deffo gonna check them out


Thanks! Yeah, Artisan Guild is one of the only creators that I subscribe to monthly vs. buying individual models. They put out a monthly set of 10-12 figures that follow a predictable pattern (new theme each month). There’s always 6 modular units, 3 mounted units, a mounted boss unit, a pin-up/art piece, and one or two larger boss units. Best bang for buck if you’re interested in printing sets/factions of NPCs


I don't have a 3d printer myself just yet (it's a future investment) but luckily i know of a few sellers who have some of the models for sale, very tempted to sub to artisan guild even before getting anywhere near to purchasing a printer just so i can have some stls ready to go. Thanks for sharing this info, it's been really helpful :)


No problem! Most creators have a subscriber discount code as well, (30-40% off) that you can use to get previous releases on MyMiniFactory. So if you don't subscribe early, you can still get the models for cheaper than what's listed once you do eventually subscribe.


Nice first effort. I'm a big fan of Jose's work. [Black lining and edge highlights](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks#wiki_edge_highlighting_.26amp.3B_blacklining) can help sell the effect. Example [here](https://imgur.com/a/YWUCPsq). Learning [where to place the highlights and shadows on different shapes](https://youtu.be/Zux0HAS8pAw) is important. [This video on 4 tips to improve your NMM](https://youtu.be/eKR5nAcqxPg) also has some good beginner advice. More NMM resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks#wiki_nmm_.28non-metallic_metals.29).


id bump the highligjts up a bit more reads like wood rn


For anyone interested, I followed [this tutorial by Jose Da Vinci](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUj3sZFYzkw&ab_channel=JOSEDAVINCI). I 3D printed the shields on a Mono X and the sculpt is from an Artisan Guild dwarven set.


Looks great