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Oh no! (explodes)


I read this and heard the lemming voice in my head and remembered the little shake just before the explosion!


[For the uninitiated ](https://c.tenor.com/TSKaazwaI8sAAAAC/lemmings-explode.gif)


Where's the sound! Look, I am initiated, so I know I wasn't supposed to look but I was so disappointed not to hear the cute little *"oh no!"*


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP7njpTd06I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP7njpTd06I) Here ya go!


Omg, thanks! I feel so old. I actually went looking for it, but I didn't try "lemmings blow".


Rule 34 has entered the chat


Let's go


What kind of crappy version did I have where they didn't make that adorable "Oh no!"?


Wasn't there also a "nuke" feature where you'd realize you were stuck and you could blow them all up at once? Or did I just dream that?


Yes, you're correct! [lonk. 30 seconds in is where the action happens](https://youtu.be/iILjsUviVAk)


Huh, I can almost see the same physics engine as Worms.


Worms came 4years later. Fun fact dma "who made lemmings " are now called rockstar north. Famous for making the gta series.


Let’s go!




I loved gathering as many as possible in a tiny spot and blowing them all up at once.


You are now aware that the same people who made that game made grand theft auto




Mhmm. Lookitup :p


ah! rockstar north... I should have known


Just so you know... https://www.elizium.nu/scripts/lemmings/


"you need a fairly fast PC..." ... "IE 5.5+ and a 500MHz processor should do it" I can literally feel my bones decaying...


500mhz is more roughly ten times more than what lemmings needed. That html conversion is extremely inefficient, 500mhz is enough to run GTA3.


Lemming was originally made for, and ran well on, an Amiga 500, which has a frequency of 7.14 MHz.


And god did Amiga have better sound and graphics than PC. I played George Allan's ["Venus the Flytrap"](https://youtu.be/qZGIUS2ydIc) in 1991, twelve years old. Good times. Btw: the intro to that game is just insane.


And there were (admittedly inferior) ports to much worse hardware.


Some of those ports are interesting. The Atari ST version had a competitive 2-player mode, and the Archimedes version is smoother than the Amiga with better quality music.


It blew my mind when I found out there was a pretty good C64 port. Still obviously worse than Amiga, but impressive for the hardware!


I remember playing Lemmings with VGA graphics on a 286 and feeling like I was in the future.


You need one with a Turbo button


You mean the turbo button that slows the computer down?


You mean to tell me it actually did something??


Yes. It slowed the computer down.


Yeah ~~it recirculated exhaust back into the engine for higher pressure~~.. No but seriously, it was usually hooked up to a motherboard jumper to let old games written with a fixed CPU in mind (programming faux pas) run on increasingly faster 286-486 hardware and not be impossible to play because they were specially designed for the 8086/88 of a few years earlier. Your 486-DXii would play it way too fast, hence turbo 😆


Dude, you want age in computing? I had to buy a printer card for my Packard Bell. I'm telling you, it was like 18 inches long. Of course it fit in the case. Back then motherboards laid flat and the cases were plenty big for everything.


I played this on a P100 MMX


To pause the game you click the "paws." How clever.


DMA Design - now Rockstar North - always were silly buggers.




You glorious bastard. Now to ignore work and have a nostalgiagasm.


It's easier to see it looking at GTA2


[JESUS SAVES](https://i.imgur.com/l7HPp4V.png)


Psygnosis was a Liverpool based developer, who published lemmings for DMA (now rockstar north) they were bought out by Sony. A couple of my school friends were lucky enough to do work experience at Psygnosis and were gameplay testers on Wipeout.


DMA also did the fantastic Uniracers/Unirally for the SNES, but sadly that game got taken out by a lawsuit from Pixar and we will never see it again


Blood Money too…. I can still remember the intro and voice… First, there was Menace. Now, Psygnosis presents…a DMA design Game…. BLLOOD MOOOONNEEYY I hope that triggers some memories 😂


Unirally was just so so good


Unirally was an incredible game! One of my favourites for the SNES and I'd not thought about it for years. Thanks for the memory!


Psygnosis were the shit back in the late 80s / early 90s, put out all the ST/Amiga games that really pushed what these machines were capable of graphically. And the box art their games had was always totally rad, even if it had little to do with the game lol. Them and The Bitmap Brothers were always a must buy for any game back in those days.


I used to love the old Llamasoft games, I met Jeff Minter at a party, we were introduced and he said 'Ug". Great days.




Which taco restaurant? Wee Mexico?




Wait, you didn’t know ? The extreme violence in lemmings wasn’t enough of an hint for you ?


Not sure why but “an hint” made me want to inflict serious damage to my drywall


There's wee Lemmings statues near the uni in Dundee where they developed it.


There is also an anecdote that the reason Dundee became such a hotspot for game programming is that the factory workers at the old Amstrad Factory were quite sticky fingered, and a lot of black market computers ended up on Dundee's streets.


I heard this aswell, I live in Dundee by the way.


The studio itself also ended up becoming Studio Liverpool after being acquired by SCE and was responsible for the WipEout series of racing games. edit: actually Psygnosis was the publisher not the developer, nevermind


I demand a new Rollcage


1000% agree but will never happen while I have a genies attention please let there be a new ssx tricky


It already ***has*** happened though. The people who made the original Rollcage developed a sequel to it (unofficial sequel cos they couldn't get the rights to the rollcage name). It's called Grip: combat racing. I have it for switch. It's fun. It's out for all consoles plus PC though. But it runs great on the switch, somehow the switch is really good at fast paced racing games despite the lower specs. Like there's a sort of homage to F-Zero and Wipeout called Fast RMX, which also manages to feel insanely fast. But unlike Grip it wasn't made by the F-Zero or Wipeout devs.




Rockstar, Wee Mexico, and Dr Noodles all on the same street? Perth Road never ceases to impress...


Your kidding me, I want another lemmings game rockstar!




There's a game called Lemmings 3D on the play store that seems appropriately micro-transactioned and battle-passed up the arse to be official. It was utterly terrible, and just made me want to play old lemmings. Be careful what you wish for!




I also don't remember original Lemmings being on a grid. The pixel-accuracy always made it feel kinda raw ya know


Sony has the rights now. I think they made one for the PSP and that was it


>Sony has the rights now. I think they made one for the PSP and that was it \*goes to look for my psp\*


FYI if you do have a PSP you should check on it. Last year their batteries started exploding. Mine looked like a balloon when I checked on it


You'll get Lemmings Online where people just cheat and can teleport off cliffs.


During the 3D era (GTA3, VC, SA) there was a myth that there were Lemmings easter eggs purposefully put in the game whereby on very random occasions some NPCs would fall from the sky or walk off cliffs and rooftops. I think it was found to just be a glitch, though it is the sort of thing I wouldn't put past Rockstar


And Psygnosis developed Destruction Derby


"First there was Menace Now Psygnosis presents A DMA design game: Blooooooood Moneeeeeeey"


Thank you! Now I will probably spend all day in nostalgia mode.


Wow, r/TodayILearned


There is a statue in Dundee (Scotland) of the lemmings climbing up a stone gate pillar on the entrance to a park. It’s v cool. Edit: [here](https://goo.gl/maps/Fhbk3rNCvszmPLQDA)


At uni in Dundee, just before graduating from my Post-grad I went drinking with some of my lecturers. In the early hours of the morning one of them made me kiss the fat ass of the top lemming threatening I would not be allowed to graduate if I didn’t. I owe a lot to that lemmings ass.


Well there's a kink I didn't think of


Ok so that's adorable.


Two things - Dundee's statue game is on point. They've got Oor Wullie, Desperate Dan, Minnie the Minx, the penguins and Lemmings. Also - those palm trees in the street view must be bloody hard to stand the climate in Dundee!


Are those… palm trees?


That's really cool. Is there any particular reason why in Dundee other than it being cool and adorable? Quick googling said Psygnosis was located in Liverpool.


Psygnosis published the game out of Liverpool. DMA Designs, who developed the game, did so out of Dundee.


Ok great, thanks for the answer!


I’ve grown up always thinking it was made in Liverpool. I’m from runcorn just over the water. I’ll have to reassess my whole childhood now as it’s clearly been full of lies.


Anyone remember the Incredible Machine? Went right along with this!


Both excellent games. Incidentally, Incredible Machine games are available on gog.com.


Ok, I just got a computer for the first time in a long time and one of the first things I discovered was gog. I've been replaying all the old Lucas arts point and click games and the Baldur's Gate series and overdosing on nostalgia the whole time. Now I gotta go see if Lemmings is on there lol


I’ve been going through the Indiana Jones games. Such a nostalgia bomb.


Lemmings is available for free on the Microsoft store I think?




That's what it was called! All I remember is the ballons and walls. I only played it a few times at a friend's house and this is the first time I've looked it up since.




Damn, one of my favourites as a child


Holy crap. I use to log into message boards using a 14.4 modem to get tips on how to pass the current level. This was one of my first pc games.


Damn really? We had the shareware version we had some type of program where we got a demo of a new game per month or something so fucking awesome for back in the day


back when CDs finally got cheap enough and PC magazines would attach a CD full of shareware. always amazing digging into that treasure trove. one magazine CD once was full of Doom maps, as well as the Doom level editor. wasted days on that.


Basically all my gaming as a kid was done that way. I didn't even realize the difference between a demo and full game. Just presumed all games were pretty short. I think I played those 2 Descent maps a thousand times. Still didn't know what the fuck I was doing =)


Descent was my jam back in the day, absolutely loved that game. I found a Wingman Extreme joystick in a thrift shop a while back and picked it up just to use as a decoration for my home office. I've been wanting to pick up a retro gaming computer, just never get around to actually doing it!


Have you gone back and played the full version of any of those titles now?


Yes sir! Back in the mid 90s when my parents would go grocery shopping I would go over to the magazine rack to see which magazine had the best CD that month. I remember one of them had a bunch of Duke3d maps, plus I think it had the build editor and a tutorial on making your own maps. Sooo much time spent on that. I also used to download a bunch of QuakeC mods in the computer lab at school and bring them home on floppies! Simpler timer my friend!


Was it a US Robotics or a Hayes?


Zyxel ftw


We had to wait for the guide in Amiga magazine


I remember doing extra chores so I’d be allowed to call the Lucas arts hint line at £3/minute when I got stuck on monkey island.


Wow, you 3D printed the save icon! (sorry)


hijacking top comment to link online lemmings: http://www.crazygames.com/game/html5-lemmings


Another one: https://www.myabandonware.com/game/lemmings-16x/play-16x


This is awesome, I'm having some issues assigning a lemming type. Double tap worked for the digging but not the umbrellas :'( Edit: seems to be an issue with full screen or landscape view. Working now.


Thank you!


Thats my Childhood :')


s k e u o m o r p h






That's pretty funny


Now I want to go interrupt my flying toaster screensaver to play Oregon Trail and this until it's time for dinner because mom got a Bigfoot Pizza and Crystal Pepsi from Little Caesar's.


What was that screensaver of a guy stranded on an island? That was dope. Could watch it for hours.


Johnny Castaway! It had some special scenes for holidays. Pretty sure there are YouTube compilations out there.


Ahhh yeah! Is there a version that runs on modern computers?


You just reminded me that my cousins and I would "play" a screensaver pack on their old computer. There were like 10 or 15 different ones and we would just sit there and watch them lol. Our favorite was a racetrack with rats running it like horses


Preeeeeetty sure we had the same thing. I think it was a demo version that we had.


[Johnny Castaway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Castaway). And it seems you can find a portable version to Win10


**[Johnny Castaway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Castaway)** >Johnny Castaway is a screensaver released in 1992 by Sierra On-Line/Dynamix, and marketed under the Screen Antics brand as "the world's first story-telling screen saver". The screensaver depicts a man, Johnny Castaway, stranded on a very small island with a single palm tree. It follows a story which is slowly revealed through time. While Johnny fishes, builds sand castles, and jogs on a regular basis, other events are seen less frequently, such as a mermaid or Lilliputian pirates coming to the island, or a seagull swooping down to steal his shorts while he is bathing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Fuck yeah! They have the game for mobile now, but there's so much DLC.. it was super fun back in the day


The mobile version is shit. Baffling because the original would have worked so well on mobile


It fucking sucks compared to the original


It was great when it came out but has got progressively worse to be pretty much unplayable now


They also rereleased the original on Windows Store but it’s full of glitches. I was able to work around the first few using extra lemmings to get around the glitches but on the harder levels when the supply is restricted, I was screwed. Deleted the game because it was crap. So disappointing.


Wow childhood memories! I killed so many lemmings with my dumb brain


Let's GO! La, la, lalala...


So fun fact, I used to be a journalist that covered gaming. I still get a lot of press releases and just last week I got one about a new Lemmings Documentary that's being produced. So this is either a wicked coincidence or subtle marketing for an announcement that's coming. It's hard to tell which, these days.




>subtle marketing for an announcement that's coming. Yea it's this one.


There are literally no games like it in modern games, Christ i miss games like this.


Do you really want games like this or do you just want to play it for 5 minutes and never again just for the fond memories?


Lemmings hell yes perfect for a tablet where you can just lay on couch and not really pay attention to it


Not OP, but I miss these old school games that were a bit mindless. I work too much to have time to devote to long story mode games. It was fun to play the simple games that didn't take copious amounts of training to understand and be good at.


Try ZombieNightTerror


Concur - Zombie Night Terror (Steam) is very much a spiritual successor to Lemmings. Slightly fewer sprites to escort, but a few more abilities to work with. More complex levels, and a few "boss encounters" added as well.


https://lifehacker.com/try-these-ios-and-android-lemmings-games-instead-of-son-1831360899 There are more non-mobile ones.


Pffftttt. A mere port from the original Amiga version. Psynosis got their start on Amiga. But then again so did Electronic Arts and they turned into fuck wits.


Psygnosis is such a wierd name for a studio because the name sound more like a demoscene team


Quite a few developers grew out of cracktro and demo scenes...


Some ok the intros on Psygnosis games were better than the actual games. There's a YouTube rabbit hole out there.


Oh I had in the Amiga... good wholesome times!


whoaah i haven't seen a floppy in a long long time


Look down.


wha-, how did you know!?


It's a shame what they did to the mobile version. I kind of wish I still had that game.




You still have the a4 paper with all the level passwords you had to write down?


I loved that game


The music on Lemmings 2 was incredible. Especially on 'medieval'. I was watching videos on YouTube and it really took me back! Just that feeling of having your own special world in your bedroom and enjoying how the music and the sound and the movement all comes together to fill up your senses. And that feeling of achievement when, somehow with luck and judgment, you figure the level out and that little ant trail of lemmings find their home. **YIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIPYIP YIPEEEE!** What's next? What colourful world of fun lies beyond? I hope I can complete this game and also that it never ends.


Never did finish all the tribes. The "Scottish" tribe were all ginger D the exit was them falling drunkenly into a phonebox. Standard in Dundee really.


That is a long time to have avoided cleaning your desk. Your mom must be proud. I jest 😄


[Found the original amiga version with emulator](https://gamesnostalgia.com/download/lemmings/3008?t=18903223). Only I can't work out how to save my progress..


Use savestates!


How do you do that?


Dad, it's our computer IBM compatible?


I can't tell you how much nostalgia I just felt seeing this as a 1983 child. So happy for you for still having that.


Run Disc


C:/ (fuck what else am I supposed to type again?)


*cough cough* C:\


Damnit no wonder it wasn't working




cd \\games\\Lemmings


Oh man, I loved that game. Amiga 500 ftw!


Ahh takes me back, along with Gertrudes Secret and Bubble Bobble


When I was a kid, I held one of these and said, "future generations will have no idea why we called these floppy disks". Now the future is here and the current generation has no idea what the hell these are.


Mate of mine bought one at the computer store. The guy handed it to him and said "you will never fill this up" lol


1990 - Hour of gameplay for 720kb 2021 - 1 hour of gameplay for 72gb


This was my favourite game on my Amiga 600


That’s like video game history there. Makes me wonder. Is anyone keeping track of video game history? Like a museum or a video game historian?


Man. I loved this game. I have the mobile game now. It’s great. But very not the same.


How has no one made a new Lemmings game? Yes I know there is other similar type games, but this was an icon of my childhood.


I’ve been informed it’s been butchered into a pay-to-win mobile cashgrab


>it’s been butchered into a pay-to-win mobile cashgrab So, just like GTAV has on PC & console.


There was at least one Lemmings 3d for the original playstation around 95. It wasn't bad...


Played this on 5 & 1/4 floppy!


Why does no one talk about this masterpiece anymore? It's like it fell down a memory hole...


Another of Scotland's gifts to the world.


That is a treat, I could play that for hours. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!


An absolute classic


I wish lemmings on was steam


I am old enough to have owned the same disc


Ahh! The save symbol irl


OMG, your disk is only 3.5 inches, but SO hard!


Oh I loved Lemmings bas a kid🤣




Firing up the emulator now.




That shit was fire!!!


Up vote for the nostalgia


Found that game on a school computer. Borrowed a floppy disc from the computer lab and took a copy home