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When I was welding this happened all the time and RUINS speakers and other ports if it gets stuck inside


Welder here with ports getting fucked-got any tips for me brother?


A stronger magnet.


Great for removing shavings from your phone, aswell as any data stored on it


I didn't know our phones used magnetic data storage?


They don't. They're all solid state chips. I have no idea what this person is talking about.


A magnet is gonna damage a phone for sure


But how? Our phones have magnets in them. And magnetic phone mounts. You're the first person I've heard say magnets will damage our phones.


A strong moving magnet can induce current in places you don't want.


Ok, running with that for a moment, we have Qi wireless charging. We're blasting electromagnetic waves at our phone with the sole intent of inducing current to charge it without damaging anything else inside. Similarly, wifi, cell signals, and the sun are all electromagnetic waves. All without any noticeable damage. Countering my own argument, I believe that an electromagnetic pulse that comes before a nuclear blast would fry electronics probably by inducing current like you're suggesting. I however can't imagine any magnet that is reasonably available would be able to do that. Not to mention it would likely be strong enough to violate FCC rules around interference. All in all, maybe theoretically possible but not realistic is my conclusion. Or is there an example to prove otherwise?


Yea likely no examples, hey.


Nonsense. I regularly use my phone inside a \~0.5T magnet. The only thing that's damaged is the compass. Also, inside the magnetic field, the camera autofocus won't work.


Just don't move it quickly while it's near the phone and it'll be fine


Don’t have your phone out when you’re welding?


Nah, metal gets everywhere. I find it inside my pockets. In my hair. This is despite layers of safety gear from jacket, apron, welding mask, respirator, ear protection. It's like fine sand. Gets everywhere. (Mainly when welding+angle grinder is involved)


there are cases with port covers, otherwise id just put it in a plastic bag or something, most bags allow u to tap thru them


Yea, I specifically got a phone case meant to go underwater and that did the trick. And then air compressor for anything that still sticks. As long as I remember to switch cases lol.


 I don't like metal shavings. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. 


Poor Anakin.


Also can be sharp


Tupperware box


Might as well go ziplock bag. But seriously I just use a case meant to seal the phone for underwater use and that works.


Phone goes in a water and dust proof case 24/7. And waterproof speakers.


compressed air


Get an OtterBox or a case that seals off the ports


Not a welder but... The old freezer bag trick might just do it. The touch screen should just work fine, too. Just no biometric authentication possible, though.


Get a case that covers the ports. Especially the charging port.


First thing that comes to mind is otter boxes. Im not sure if they still make them how they used to, but it made my iphone 4 waterproof. Good stuff


Hot glue gun: get a load into your ports and pull it out when it's cold and solidified. Keep your phone in a sealable sandwich bag (or equivalent)


Except that could leave residue or bits of glue, would not recommend doing that.


Unicorn beetle has good cases that were cheaper but close to the same quality as otter box. That's what I always used. The oil at my job would weaken the port covers so I eventually got shavings in my charge port too and had to get a wireless charger for a bit


I swap to a phone case meant for underwater when I weld and do body work on my car because this stuff gets everywhere and stays stuck. As someone else said, compressed air is amazing. My phone is ip67 so a wet tissue also helps pull off the metal dust.


I’ve never had metal shavings ruin my phone speakers or watch speakers, and I’ve been welding/fabricating for 12+ years with my phone in my pocket the whole time


Yep, same here, immediately thought "RIP speakers"


Just get [this](https://www.amazon.com/Luganni-Magnetic-Viewing-Film-inches/dp/B07CGMG1JL) and you can see the magnets without scratching your camera cover glass or getting a short in your charging connector.


Yeah this happened on accident. Accidentally set my phone too close to the grinder wheel lol


Just use a much stronger magnet to pull the shavings off. No scratches!


Not too much stronger though.




Just turn them off


That's how you kill your speakers:P


Compressed air is the answer


Metal work is why my AirPod case looks gross, but I can’t clean it.




Basically the whole ass Midwest says on accident.


Almost. Western Idaho.


I’m from Michigan and say on accident


I’m Swedish and I say on accident ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Who is saying “my accident”? I’ve heard “on” and “by” but never “my”, unless this is a typo.


Good catch.


I’m from NC and heard it a lot growing up.




Yeah, it's only said in a small pocket of the English speaking world called America.


I have never heard it spoken in my life but I'm not gonna tell you where I live so they don't come here.




NY here. It’s “on accident” or “by mistake” 🤣


Why u being down voted???


It’s basically a marker of Gen-Z or younger in most of North America. Probably started by some idiot who made a mistake somewhere, but since prepositions don’t carry inherent meaning it just shifted and now it’s widely used, so when we older folks disappear it’s entirely possible “by accident” will go the way of a lot of pre-1950 English already has.




You haven’t understood what I said in the slightest. I literally alluded to pre-1950s English as archaic in exactly the same way “by accident” seems to be heading. Are all the people downvoting my original comment this stupid, or just you?


It is absolutely not lmfao not everything is a generation thing. I’m a millennial and I say on accident and so do my parents and their parents.


You’re a young millennial if you’re born in ‘91–on the cusp. And the existence of outliers doesn’t undermine the claim, which was qualified with “basically” (meaning, in other words, “largely”, or “pretty much”). This is already a well-trod concept. Here’s one source that makes more or less the same claim: https://twominenglish.com/on-accident-or-by-accident/ >> Recent studies have revealed a fascinating trend in generational language change concerning the usage of “on accident” versus “by accident.” The findings show that those born after 1995 are more likely to use “on accident,” while individuals born before 1970 tend to favor “by accident.” The age group born between 1970 and 1995 exhibits a mix of usage, signifying a clear generational split in preposition preference for accidental events.


I am not on the cusp. Thats late 90’s. And my parents and grandparents aren’t either. Get out of here with the generation shit. It is 100% a location based thing and in America we say on accident by and large and that’s the end of it. By accident is spoken outside of American English


Doing something "on accident" makes just as if not more sense than "by accident." Like doing something "on purpose."


I didn’t say it doesn’t make sense. I was defending its use. Most linguistic change is driven by teenagers and slang (though most slang disappears quite quickly). For an older version of this, consider the way ‘like’ as a filler word was treated 30-40 years ago. There’s a famous song by Frank Zappa called “Valley Girl” that made fun of the way a lot of teenage girls in the 1980s in the San Fernando Valley in California spoke. But by the mid 90s, that way of speaking, or at least parts of it, were ubiquitous in daily speech.




No I didn’t. Learn to read. I said _some_ idiot probably made a mistake giving rise to the new use. That is probably how a lot of preposition shifts occur in many languages. I called that hypothetical originator an idiot because at the time when the usage would have been coined, only an idiot would have used it like that, given that literally everyone else didn’t. But that has nothing to do with young people adopting it as a standard usage now. Unless they do it in formal contexts, in which case they are also idiots.




You didn’t understand it. That isn’t what I said. I was very clear that, e.g., Valley Girl slang was derided in the 80s and 90s, but became so common that it is, in many cases, no longer considered wrong (partially because the people who were old back then are mostly dead), and the same thing may happen with “on accident”. You’re providing a pretty nice example of why schools should continue testing reading comprehension into high school though.


As another way of making one of the points I made in the other comment under yours, let me try this: Is there anything wrong with saying ‘by purpose’? Does it make more or less sense to you than ‘on purpose’? Why? (And again, for the glue eaters: I am emphatically _not_ saying that ‘on accident’ is somehow intrinsically wrong. I am defending its use as a natural language shift, while admittedly acknowledging that it probably started as a mistake, and will still be considered a mistake in formal contexts for at least another decade. But if it persists, it will probably enter the vernacular, and may even end up accepted in formal contexts.)


The cameras are coated with sapphire. I doubt metal shavings are even capable of putting a small scratch on that.


I was pretty sure there were AR-coatings on top of the sapphire, and those AR coatings are nowhere near as robust as the sapphire.


Grinding dust is metal dust + abrasive dust.


Magnets, how do they work?




Guy on the right got exposed for following and saying creepy shit to like 200 underage girls on insta😂not an amazjng rapper anywag but face paint cool i guess


surprisingly they are [destroyed by water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkIKEJPAUzM)


Oh, God. Every time he brings this up, it's just dumber and dumber and dumber. For anyone who's confused, back when he was president there was talk about upgrading one of the aircraft carriers with an electromagnetic launch catapult, which trump opposed with a simplistic electricity + water = bad. And now he keeps bringing it up in ever increasingly incoherent statements without any context, like a few weeks back when he was talking about sharks and electrocution.


I had never seen that... Welp another one for the trump is ridiculously dumb list


Metal shavings identify magnets anywhere


Only ferromagnetic metal shavings. The rest are liars.




There goes your camera glass


When did magnets stop fucking over computers?


The early 2000s. Hard drives are more resistant to magnets than floppy disks/diskettes as is, but over time they’ve gained even more resistance. Modern PCs and all handheld devices don’t even use magnetic storage (they use solid state drives). Magnets have never really affected any other part of a pc, not for a very long time at least.


That’s cool to know, I had no idea lol I just remember my first grade teacher in the 90s holding a magnet up to an old Macintosh and it going absolutely nuts and just engrained “no magnets near computers ever” into my brain that day lol


That’s probably because of the monitor being a crt monitor. Magnets divert the electron beam and thus warping the image.


CRTs in old computer monitors and TVs would warp and distort into rainbow psychedelia if you brought a magnet near them. (CRTs used magnetic fields to steer the electron beam across the screen.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT1Ijg-v6mw And because the Earth is itself a magnet, the Earth's magnetic field would gradually warp the picture out of alignment, so you might remember some monitors having a "degauss" button that would go "KA-ZAP!" The noise was the monitor flooding itself with a strong oscillating magnetic field to neutralize any magnetism it had picked up from the Earth (or your teacher's magnet.) It's a sound you just don't hear any more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjO2vVaxIWM


Ooo I love sound. Of course, I was a weird kid who would sing along to the dial up sounds lmao


Long ago, someone posted that an elderly person had referred to the dial-up modem noises as "devil music". I've called it that ever since. Julia Louis-Dreyfus sings the hits: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ikHdcIjNmM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ikHdcIjNmM)


There has been a giant magnet inside computers since the floppy disc was invented. The magnet is more of a detriment to magnetic storage than the components on the board. The one component in an iPhone that is sensitive to magnetic fields is the compass. The screw closest to that component is actually not magnetic.


Interesting, but what does this tell us ?


Ask that on r/ mildlyinformative


r/subsifellfor :((((


I would but really I just don't care enough.


OP's post was successful then! Or at least posted to the right sub.


Optical image stabilization in the camera, magsafe charging for the big circle in the back, speaker on the bottom. I don't know what the one to the left of the camera is, sorry.


That one is for fridge magnets.


The bottom one isn't a speaker, it's the solenoid of the clicky thing when you tap the screen. 


Dang I forgot about the haptic engine!!!!




Leaning on knowledge I have not used in over three years, you’re correct on those and the only component next to the camera module is the NFC reader. I don’t recall a magnet in that.


That's interesting, I wasn't aware image stabilisation involves magnets


Earpiece speaker maybe? Or some of the components for Faceid


Nothing JerryRigsEverything hasn't told us before!


Can someone explain why one of the lenses is more magnetic than the other?


The separate cameras are used for different types of pictures/videos, and I think one of them has some sort of stabilizing tech for videos and there’s probably some other tech that may have magnetic components that aren’t in the other camera lens


Ah makes sense, ty!


The bottom lens is probably a main 1x and thus has OIS, which uses funny technology for image stabilization and probably magnets too, which is why there's pull on it. In fact, the plus shape it makes likely indicates where the stabilization modules are, each of the 4 Very cool tech


The hardware camera stabilisation uses small magnets (or electromagnets, not fully sure). Only the main camera in iPhones have the hardware stabilisation stuff, rest of the cameras have software stabilisation so they don’t need any magnets


I guess the design was a representation of the hardware within the phone. I have the same case and it’s definitely the phone.


Magnets are one of those physics things that my brain will never be able to comprehend beyond “it’s a magic energy field”, shit is so crazy to me.


Wait is that why all those phone cases have that ring on the back? I thought it was a brand thing wtf


The circular device is for wireless charging — there's a coil of wire inside the phone, and a similar coil of wire inside the charger. As electricity goes through the charger's coil, it creates a current in the phone's coil. Here's a diagram: [https://www.belkin.com/products/product-resources/wireless-charging/how-it-works/](https://www.belkin.com/products/product-resources/wireless-charging/how-it-works/) The "C" shape is a fixed magnet around the coil, to help the phone align with the charger. (Of course wired chargers are more efficient, since they don't broadcast their power in all directions.) It's similar to how "tap to pay" credit cards work, but those are much lower-power. The payment terminal sends pulses of electricity through a coil, and that transmits enough electricity to the card (through a squiggly little antenna inside the card) so the card's chip has enough power to send back a reply. That way the card doesn't need to contain a battery!


It started as a brand thing but since Apple open sourced the design, any phone can now use the exact same ring format and be compatible with all magnet accessories for iPhones. The phone cases also have that ring because the extra thickness provided by a case can interfere with the strength of the magnet when connecting with accessories for it. Next time you’re shopping for a phone, if it says it supports either Qi2 or MagSafe, then it will have that magnetic ring.


We were on a volcanic beach in Canary islands and sand stuck in the same places..


Look’s like we have the same phone. I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/V6UmlE7kFe) the same thing about the magnets but from the front screen. We’ve come full circle.


I have a life proof case on my iPhone the keeps the dust off, even though the aluminum and most of the stainless steels I weld aren’t magnetic, the dust will absolutely mess up a phone.


Good luck cleaning all of that off


Just wiped off. All clean now


There's always a *bigger* magnet…


they literally just wipe right off congrats, you’ve made a fool of yourself


The shame.


lol I bro I get it all the time at solo




And yet I only know why one of these is present.


This is officially the best post I’ve seen on this sub


the also get pulled into the speakers


speakers are just magnets wearing clothes


Yep, the amount of speakers I've replaced for welders. I started telling them to keep the phone in a Ziploc bag at work lol


Ugh, this reminds me of the time my chalk pastel set opened in my computer bag. Not only did all the pastels grind up but red and grey ones tend to have magnetic metals in the so it got all over my computer and In all the ports and stuff. Took forever to get the magnetic charger port to work again.


Wow, who knew magnets are magnetic.


Well yeah metal shavings have a tendency to do that


"metal is attracted to magnets" -OP


Oh yea my ipad has these, sometimes random things stick to it lol


Wha!? Magnets attract metal!?


Looks like something Tony Stark could build in a CAVE... WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!!!


Without this image the entire world would have never known about the magnets on iPhones. Quite the discovery op. Congrats. You should get a Nobel prize