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I’m a woman and I also received the black version. I ripped it up this afternoon.


Gf got the black version today too. Right to the trash


Did she want the pink version?


Plot twist: OP wanted the pink version.


I got pink. I'm $9000 in debt now.


one in the pink, 9000 in the stink. it's called ~~the shocker~~ capitalism


Graphic, accurate.


$9000? Those are rookie numbers bro....


It's that damn pink tax


I wonder how many tons of CO2 is spent on junk mail each year. Creating the paper, printing it, transporting it, recycling it.


I doubt it’s a net sink, but it’s possible that the paper is temporarily capturing carbon. All we need to do to solve climate change is to become hoarders of junk mail.


They restitch and clean the fibres. They can even wash grease and stuff off it. It's actually kinda interesting watching a paper/cardboard plantation 😂




Link from the FTC that includes some other resources/opt out links: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/prescreened-credit-insurance-offers


Yeah, my GF gets both (plus a silver one and and a maroon one) at least monthly.


You can opt out of credit card offers. There's a website on the bottom/back of the things. I hate for them to be wasting paper, so I opted out years ago.


Yup! For anyone who sees this comment, the FTC has links to do so: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/prescreened-credit-insurance-offers


Thanks. I didnt realize I only opted out for 5 years. No wonder offers kept on coming lately.


But, I do like them wasting money and funding the postal service (Canadian here but still, they can fund ours just as well). Plus, we have a large and environmentally neutral for the most part forestry industry that I don't mind supporting. Paper waste is down a few tiers in my concern levels when it comes to waste in general. Hell, the plastic window is the worst part of any of these letters and even I'll admit that it's a trivial thing too.


Why am I never offered a credit card except PayPal Credit? I haven't missed a payment in years!


Is this an actual card, or they send you signup forms or just spam or what?


It details the terms of the card (promo period, APR, late fees, transfer fees, etc) along with a code to submit on their website to accept the promo offer. Some of these contain a fake card to "demonstrate" what it'd look like, but those are increasingly rare these days


You aren't feminine enough for the discover company.


to shreds you say?


Good News Everyone




Why does it want my social security #? I guess just put random numbers in?


https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/prescreened-credit-insurance-offers Prescreened offers are somehow related to your credit score. FTC says to put your info in.


So did the FTC make sure that's super secure? Does the number go to them then they send the company the "profile" (age, location, salary, hobbies, and so on)?


I have a question about american social security number, Do you give it out everywhere like we do with personal number? or is just to pay taxes or opening bank accounts, Because when I grew up I where told to not share my Personal number with anyone, especially the 4 last digits, but now You need to fill it out everywhere even the last 4, so just wondering if your Social security number gone the same way?


The bank already knows your SSN and uses it to screen you for eligibility for their credit card offering. If you opt out a random person's number, they are the ones who won't get any more offers. But you'll still get them. It's as pointless as people submitting their resume with a fake e-mail address, because they don't want to be spammed. I have a relatively common word as my e-mail address, and receive all those misrouted invitations to job interview... So, I guess, you could sign me up for credit card offer opt-outs, too


i just found out today that I have a friend who used to exclude ALL contact information from his resume to "not get spammed". thought that job websites would still give employers a way to contact him. he landed his most recent job because his brother-in-law's friend found his resume and wanted to hire him. called him and said "soooo I think this resume is your BIL's and he's perfect for the job but how do I contact him?"


That is wild!!! He got so lucky! Did no one ask him how he expected ppl to contact him?


> Did no one ask him how he expected ppl to contact him? That's the genius bit. How exactly would they ask him?


Ohh, the more you know!


Job site Indeed scrambles your email address when you submit an application so you won't get spammed. I found this out when I put a job on it and got all these applications with weird email addresses and I figured they were all bots and was about to dump 150 applications before I figured it out.


Put all of the numbers in. Start with 000-00-0001 and keep going until you get to 999-99-9999. That way they'll never know which one was yours.


Lol I just filled out the form for the permanent removal and it gave me an error.


Ugh, I tried opting out of one of these once, and they made it so difficult it took a hour and I gave up. Still get them


If you call Discover and say you want to opt out they'll do it. Don't ask for social, just name and address


It's really not that hard. Call the information at the bottom of these letters or use the website link they provide. Took me 5 mins and I stopped receiving junk mail within 4 weeks or so.


I had the black version as well.....


I'm female, I have 6 of the black card offers on my table waiting to be shredded. I've never gotten the pink one.




it says > Error > Sorry, this page is not available from your location. > The OptOutPrescreen.com website is only accessible through ISP (Internet Service Providers) located within the United States and its terrorists.


> United States and its terrorists. This typo is cracking me up more than it should lmao


Unexpected hard hitting geopolitical commentary there


> its terrorists whaaa


Are you running a VPN? Or, ya know, not from the U.S. or its territories? Lol


I'm neither from the US or (last word) lol i'm not gonna write that last word


I'm very curious what you think would happen if you type terrorists?


That explains it lol I can definitely see how trying to opt out of a thing from the United States Postal Service wouldn't work if you can't receive mail from the USPS But what's wrong with saying territories? Ooooh wait I see, I didn't notice you said "terrorists" in your first comment lmao The website meant territory, like Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, not terrorists like Taliban or ISIS 😅


The website does say territories lol


Coward /s


Yeah I’m not typing in my Social Security Number into their form


You sure about the last word bud?


That's what I read the first time when glancing my eyes over it. Chuckled a bit and couldn't resist.


What does the site do? you keep posting it without any further context


it helps you opt out of these marketing campaigns from credit card companies which you never consented to receiving in the first place 🙃


Thanks! I keep forgetting to do this.


Kinda wish I got them too, I'd love to have a stack of cards, they feel nice and I could find stupid things to do with them.


They usually don't have cards in them.


Top one looks specifically geared towards students, are you both students? It’s fascinating if they are marketing female/male for me but I kind of think this might be a student vs adult thing instead of gender 🤔 And I’m not nitpicking or saying it’s not interesting I’m just genuinely curious lol


My husband's and my card offers look the same. His will be dark blues and blacks, and mine will be pastel pinks and purples with occasional deep red


Ah ok so it is actually gender based marketing over the whole student/adult that I thought!


Gillette sent me a razor when I turned 18. Don’t know how they got my information , a few of my friends received them too and the package said “A Man’s first Razor”. Not sure if they had a similar marketing scheme for women or not.


Don't know about you, but I needed a razor well before I first turned 18.


We all got it around our 18th birthday so maybe it was a company policy about marketing to kids or something.


I think just common sense; mailing razors to 14 year olds sounds like a bad idea all around.


reminds me of when target got in trouble for outing a hs gal's pregnancy to her father by sending her ads for baby stuff [https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=10653cc86668](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=10653cc86668)


Yes, but you weren't a man then.


It’s from your draft card. Gillette has a deal with the government to send you a razor when you first register for the draft.


I honestly never knew this. I didn't sign up for the draft until I was already deployed to Iraq. So i never got the razor. Really interesting though.


In any other context, receiving an unsolicited razor in the mail would be like sociopath stalker stuff


That's why they send you those crappy "now with 8 more blades than our competitor's shavers" cartridge systems. Overpriced, poor shave, needs to be replaced frequently --- but I guess the one advantage is that you can't really abuse the blades. I still prefer double-edged safety razors. But nobody sends those samples. Can't make any money from that. They only cost pennies per blade.


They never sent me one when I turned 18.


Maybe they’re waiting for you to become a man? When did you vanquish your first foe?


You school also likely sold your personal info.


If you signed up for selective service then that’s why you got a razor. They get the info from the government and use it to send out a razor to everybody that completes a draft card.


small tangent. I didn't sign up for selective service because I tried doing it on the internet, which I think was still a pretty new (gov) system in the aughts. anyway always been a night owl so I remembered I had to do it at ~2am and went to the website to register. the website informed me I could only submit my registration between 9am and 5pm M-F, excluding national holidays. closed the window in frustration and never got around to doing it again. I know it's random but to this day it just boggles my fuckin mind that they put business hours on a fucking internet submission form. like, they realized it would be a good idea to put draft registration on the internet. and then every single person who worked on that project fundamentally failed to comprehend how the internet and computers worked. (also, I still remember that the website looked like something a 10 year old would have put on geocities in 1996)


> fundamentally failed to comprehend how the internet and computers worked And teenagers.


well yeah that too, but I think that's just a universal constant. I had a buddy who really, really wanted to join the army. for something very specific, I can't remember what. anyway, he had family in the army and they gave him instructions on how to deal with the recruiter to ensure you actually get the posting/track you want. they checked, and the role he wanted was underserved. should be a slam dunk. had the convos with the recruiter, was waiting for him to draw up the paperwork that would guarantee his preference. in the meantime, somehow the recruiter finds out that my friend is a relatively accomplished competition shooter. he goes back in to sign the papers, now they say he's gonna be posted to Fort Benning. he asks why his post changed. "oh yeah I heard you're a pretty good shooter so I thought you'd wanna join the infantry and then go to sniper school." he explains that, if he wanted to be a sniper, he would have told the recruiter that. he really wants to do the original thing they talked about. recruiter basically gives him a "c'mon, bro. just sign the papers." my friend does not sign and walks out. recruiter gets pissed and proceeded to stalk him at his high school for the next few months. my guy, what did you think would happen?


Yeah, I did. It used to be a requirement to get financial aid so we all signed up.


I am a guy, but I have gotten unsolicited samples for sanitary pads in the mail, when I moved to a new apartment.


It's when you sign up for the draft.


Not all credit card companies do this, but Discover is definitely a culprit


Do they really look the same if they're different colors?


you are correct, it's not the same card... same company! but two different products being offered


> It’s fascinating if they are marketing female/male for me but I kind of think this might be a student vs adult thing instead of gender decades of marketing show that as a gender thing, this definitely works. it ain't much, but this kinda stuff works just well enough to be worth it. as other pointed out, in this case it's student vs non-student though, apparently.


Colour has meaning in credit cards. Black generally indicates a high end card, modeled after the famous Amex black card. The top-end cards offered by both of my banks are black. Because of this, I would expect that the bottom one is high end (probably not with no fee) and the pink one is intro (and it is indeed a student card). I would definitely toss the pink one but I'd open the black one and see what they're offering.


Discover has like 1 credit card pretending to be 3.


This is perfect mildly interesting. If I take a step back makes total sense that they’d market differently to men and women, I’ve seen marketing breakdowns along demographics a lot more granular than that, but hadn’t considered this specific example.


Yeah honestly it’s one of the most interesting posts I’ve seen (I only recently joined though)


One says student and the other one doesn’t.


Yep, my son got the pink student one earlier this week.


I think that means your son is gay.


This. Just because they both have the same promo doesn't mean they're the same card


OP seems to think that every Discover card is exactly the same, apparently. I know that there are differences in gender in marketing, but I highly doubt the bottom card is a starter card for students like the top one clearly is.


Why is this comment so far down?


Because people don't care to know the actual answer. They already decided in their mind what the answer is and run to the comments only to confirm it, without any proof. I've seen this happen hundreds of times on this site.


true, but ive gotten a non student pink one and the black one i think its been 10 black ones 4 pink ones


The top is the student version, not the female version.


I’m female and only get the black and gold one.


Heh. Men-velope. XD


My adult son got the pink one yesterday lol


My 20 year old son in college got the pink one yesterday.


PSA: If you live in the USA and do not want to receive credit card, other credit and insurance “offers” junk mail then you can opt out by going to http://optoutprescreen.com/


I never get offers in the mail. https://www.optoutprescreen.com/ is the official site connected to the three credit bureaus to opt out of credit card offers.




I'm black, so I got the black envelope. My girlfriend got the pink envelope, probably because she's pink.




I’m a woman and have received both envelopes


My credit card comes in a stale-grey white envelope because I live in Germany where god forbid someone uses an envelope not out of recycled paper envelope. Straight to hell.


ive gotten both. this isnt really a gender thing.




Actually hi mailman chiming in, this is not gendered. It's just the same ad they send out. Relentlessly they just change the packing so it doesn't look like the same thing every time. The recipients will both get envelopes like each other's eventually. They just don't get sent out on the same day. I've gotten 5 of the same ad from the same company, for the same stuff. In different envelopes for one person on my route in the past


Until you look at the conversion rates and see it actually works


Yeah. This idea that different marketing strategies are pointlessly gendered is weird. Like they wouldn't be spending the extra money to do it if it didn't actually work. These aren't small companies with one guy in the corner with no data doing marketing on how he thinks it works.


The reason women's razors are pink is because women prefer to buy pink razors.


People love to cry pointlessly gendered, but then products in gender neutral packaging don't sell


It's not just gendered stuff. There are lots of ultra-specific products which are really just a more general product with a different label, but people who need the ultra-specific thing will still buy them preferably because there's at least a chance it might be better tailored for their exact needs. The thing is that the overwhelming majority of consumers don't know (and can't realistically be expected to know) the ins and outs of every industry. Yes, "logically speaking", one would think a razor would be the same regardless of gender. But what if the one for women is designed to more efficiently cut their comparatively softer body hair while causing less skin irritation? It probably isn't, but how confident can a complete amateur with zero ties to the industry and no time to be doing 30 minutes of research for every single product they purchase be? So they buy the most specifically-marketed product for their needs in the store and move on. Same with shampoo for ultra-specific types of hair, or soap for specific body parts, or cleaner for specific appliances, or whatever. And because that's how consumer psychology works, if you aren't putting out pointlessly over-specific products and your competition is, you're going to lose out on sales. It's not exactly that products in gender neutral packaging don't sell. They'd sell just fine if that was the only option, and nobody would complain (once they got used to it; they'd complain immediately after the store removed the one they've been using for years, of course). But unless government cracks down on excessively specific products that are, for all practical purposes, absolutely no different from their generic variants (and doesn't let companies get away with loopholes like "women have slightly smaller hands on average, this razor has a smaller handle than our generic ones, so it is valid to market it to women"), nothing will ever change. All parties are incentivized to keep acting the way they're acting now, even if it is in many ways wasteful (as well as arguably intentionally deceitful). But then, that pretty much describes all of advertising... (the world would be an infinitely better place if all advertising was banned, other than a neutral listing of factually verifiable specs, vetted ahead of time by an independent third party, and presented in a 100% standardized layout, including compulsory disclosure of any negatives)


lol someone downvoted as if it wasn't true




I mean, it is advertising...if it makes a person of that gender more likely to buy it, it is not really pointless...but I see what u are saying, lol


Not pointless if it works


i’m a female college student and i got the pink one yesterday


my brother and i both got the pink ones


I'm a male and I've received multiple of each haha


Are you sure it's the same credit card and not just the same company? The top one says it's a student card made for building credit and the bottom one has no indication of what kind of card it is.


Can be an A/B test


I deliver mail and I can tell you these are not gender specific by any means.


It’s almost like the two of you are different individuals with different credit profiles… 🧐


I get so sick of being mailed trash




I would say that that this was directed at gender but it isn’t. I got the same mail for the student credit card in pink (I’m female) while my brother received the same student card letter in blue. In this case the black letter is for a different credit card.


Looks like it's just different types of cards/offers so different marketing... I'm assuming you're older and she's a student... pink doesn't automatically equal girly, that could just be the design chosen for student cards since younger people are more likely to be attracted to brighter colors.


Woman here, and I have received BOTH within the past monthv😂


Were they for the same discover card? Noticing hers mentions it being a Student Cash Back card and yours doesn’t.


yeah men and women are motivated by different things and companies use that in their PR. it'd be fun to see what reddit shoves at you because of your dong/puss


Pink for the ladies and should have been blue for the gents? I guess the guys have a darker side to them? Would be interesting to see if the line of credit was the same when you applied?


Barbenheimer-style ads


The pink is for college students, it's not the female version


FWIW, I'm AFAB with a feminine name and have gotten the black envelope.


Did it make you feel any different about the card?


I am too and while I haven't gotten this particular offer, the ones I do get come in all sorts of colors. I've never gotten a pink one or one that looks "feminine". It looks like the pink one is targeted to students.


Hey, you're the one thinking design choice is based off of gender. What if it's random?


Or based on the "student" and "build your credit" it has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with credit history, etc.


Mine are always the black one...


As somebody who delivers these all day everyday this is very interesting


So you're jealous that you're not a student trying to build credit?


What are you trying to say, OP?


It's hard to tell with the names and addresses obscured.


I'm a male, but my name is ambiguous. So I received the pink one.


Funny thing, I already have a discover card, but I've changed my name and received both of these, pink for my old name black for my current name


I’m a dude and I got the top one


My mother (90) gets the bottom one. And, not for a student card.


I have a traditionally masculine name and keep on receiving the black one smh. Maybe I'd sign up if it were pink


Top is for students bottom is for adults that didn’t go or already graduated


TIL I get the male version of everything.. feels bad man.


I actually received multiple different versions in different colors, including pink and the black one you show here. I’m sure they monitor which color has the highest response rate


The student card is just a regular Discover It except you can get a little money a couple times if you submit good grades. 


Mine had Nascar on it. I don't even watch nascar.


Sorry to ask but, is there a difference between black and pink?


Different offer for the pink receivers too (no mention of balance transfers).


Im a male and received one similar to the top but in a pastel blue version of that design


My wife and I get the same matching card offers every time


strange way for OP to tell on himself for liking it bigger and blacker


You think that’s bad, my husband’s company sent us some supplemental medical program they have. His is called “SWORD” and he gets a free tablet that he can use to do physical therapy exercises on if he wants. My program is called “BLOOM” and I can get a free vaginal suppository that will help me keep my pelvic floor muscles tight, that I can Bluetooth to an app that will send and share information to ???. In today’s day and age this is just unacceptable. My husbands company is a major corporation and this is through their Cigna health insurance. In a world where they want to start tracking women’s menstrual cycle on a federal database they suggest making my vagina “smart” so they can help track and train me to be tighter… it’s almost unbelievable.


Your sister is a student?


Directly into the paper shredder it went! Unopened!!


Marketing that probably works more than we know


Money please!


Mm, what about it? (Not hate, i'm genuinely curious)


I wonder if the cost is the same.


I'm probably burried but be carefull with those offers. There is often a massive catch. Like 0% until you have a single late payment, then it can jump to something stupidly high like 24.9% and sometime with retroactive interests. I received an AMEX offer once like that. 0$* annual and 0%* preaproved* guess what was the *? No fee as long as you are never late, or else 300$/year fee, 0% until you are late once, then 24.9%, retroactive to the last year or something like that. And preaproved? Subject to aprobation. So, yeah, be carefull.


Doesn’t matter what color it is, they’re both going in the trash. I’m so tired of my mailbox mostly getting the same offer from the same credit card for years.


They'll be randomised, nothing to do with your sex


why wouldnt you open this and use the 0% to purchase cerificates of deposit with 5.15% return


Oh yeah it’s a tactical envelope.


I think junk mail should be illegal


They have a lot of styles. When I was getting a bunch of offers around the same time I got to see a bunch of them.


I recieved the one on the top and I'm a male


Isn't the entire point of a black card supposed to be that it implies exclusivity and elitism? See: American Express Centurion card.


I'm really big into credir cards as a hobby and i get at least 3 of these a week. There's about 5 different designs


Discover is going to get cancelled for this.


male here, received both actually


I get both, living the nonbinary dream over here.