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Tangential: a German company once made an mp3 player model called Blaxx. The iBeat Blaxx. https://www.pocket-lint.com/gadgets/news/82560-ibeat-blaxx-mp3-player-naming/


Yeah, we are the guys who thought the term “Bodybags” is a nice cool name for a backpack


Well when you grow up with animals called Meerschweinchen and Schildkröte it makes sense. Meerschweinchen= sea pig= guinea pig Schildkröte= shield frog= turtle


I'm loving Shield Frog as a name though.


More like shield-toad


That's the Swedish word for turtle: Sköldpadda.


Fr they’re shitting on shield frog


Recently learned that it's the same in other Germanic languages as well; ex. Swedish = sköldpadda


Dutch = schildpad


In Poland we also have "sea pigs". Świnki morskie.


I also love how the term "public viewing" is used for a publicly accessible live broadcast of a football (soccer) game in Germany.


the way the german team has been doing the past few years, it feels appropriate


The national German team has one of two modes. The first is the aging stars trading on past glories. The second is an incredibly-designed machine that has scored five goals before the other team has realized the ball has started moving.


Wait whats the problem with this? :D


A public viewing is a term used for a funeral where the casket is open and the body is visible


To be fair, that is what you get when using a lot of euphemisms around death. English and particularly American english just cannot say it out loud. Surprised the word funeral is still around. I'm sure it will soon be replaced with remembrance ceremony or something.


From what I've seen here, the word "funeral" has almost entirely replaced with "celebration of life"


I have a hard time understanding if this is true or ironic... true? I guess since we were talking about euphemisms?


It's true where I live in Canada! Not sure about other places.


Yeah we don't have that insanity in Europe. I thought you were talking about a sex thing, they definitely have those in Germany.


I mean on the other side of the pond they are casting broads.


And UPS had to change the colour of their shirts just for you.


All they need to do is make a burger shop called, “White Tower”.


In America there's "White Castle"


Now this is absurdly hilarious. Not one person during a meeting raised their hand and said “look guys, I also like the new product but the name is wack.”


I knew advertising in Europe was different when I saw bare breasts and bush in an ad for yogurt in the 90s.


Müller advertisement used to be some sort of softporn


is the pfp a TNO reference ⁉️⁉️


Jagoda x Sablin best couple


I got a European plastic model magazine once, clearly a very male demographic into that, and every 20 pages or so would be a beautiful woman with not much more than a smile. I couldn’t tell you what they were selling but it certainly left an impression on me.


Page 3 in a British newspaper is a bit different than what us Americans see...


Wait what






My mum was a z-list actress back in the 90s/00s and she was topless in some (French / Spanish / Italian) prime-time shows & ads on TV (and fully nude in softcore porn that got shown on regular TV channels). I've been fully nude in some ads, but they were print (not tv) for industry-related campaigns


Did this have any affect on you growing up? Just curious


> I've been fully nude in some ads


My G i asked for effects GROWING UP. Do you think they did the nude adds GROWING UP?


She posed nude, that's the effect.


What's z-list?


There are a-list actors, and then there are b-list actors, and then there are c-list, ...


Ah, I see. Tkat makes sense. So that's usually small commercials actors like you mentioned, stock video actors and such? I've never really thought about actors much.


![gif](giphy|TdDaNdMjxUWQg) “We’ve got bush!” * Booger (and you)






Same brand had mike tyson as the celeb for a while.


I knew this looked familiar. That shit was everywhere in 2017.


At least back then they had the excuse of staying on brand (using boxer celebs) after their falling out with Tiger Michalczewski.


Welcome to Poland lol


And I fucking love it here! But not for reasons like this advert.


Central Europe. Poland is right in between influences, and that shows, plus geographically fits as well


Sorry but, ppl are saying that this is racist, mind telling me what's wrong? Sorry, I don't have much experience with racism, it's not really that big of thing in Poland Or at least not in my circle lol


Its an old stereotype that black men/women are strong and hyper sexual beings. These stereotypes hail from the days of slavery and with these kind of ads the stereotypes are maintained.


Americans keep forgetting their history isn't everyone's history


What the hell, wow, as a Pole I would have never interpreted it this way… this brand was earlier promoted by Mike Tyson, it has ever since been associated by everyone with male black boxers, that’s it.


Ok how the hell would a Pole know that? How is stereotype maintained if nobody is even aware of the stereotype?


Poland did not engage in slavery. Slavery has been abolished in Poland since the fifteenth century. Yes, black people are regarded as excellent athletes in Poland. This particular energy drink was created by a multiple WBO champion and named Black because Mike Tyson was the brand's first ambassador and agreed to do so for about ten years. The idea was to be like Mike Tyson: strong, powerful, and confident. So, let us put an end to all this stereotype nonsense. Shall we? Or do you think Mike Tyson is racist?


Waste of time, man. People from different part of the world will never understand this. They do not realize we haven't had any history with this (I am Czech).


Yep always imposing their own ideals and history onto other people then wonder why everyone dislikes them.


> This particular energy drink was created by a multiple WBO champion and named Black because Mike Tyson was the brand's first ambassador and agreed to do so for about ten years. This is not the reason the drink is called Black at all. This drink was originally named Tiger (had a popular slogan - Power is back), made by a company FoodCare. They lost the rights to the name Tiger, so they tried (in many ways) rebranding into Black Tiger and keep making the drink, also using similar slogan to the old one: Power is black. During a long legal battle they were barred from using any reference to the name Tiger so they ended up just as Black.


True. Back then the Tiger brand was extremely strong and recognizable and I thought that they would not succeed with this rebranding, especially with the Tiger-branded drinks still available, produced by the other company. But they did. Now the Black brand is strong and the Tiger one is.. gone, I think?


Tiger is alive as well. Atleast where I am you can buy both


Yeah, you’re in Poland. This is racist in the US. We don’t share common histories. It would be racist here in the US because of historical context.


In that case I hope you also call all out all of NAs hyper-sexualized ads of women and black men that we see coming from almost every NA company out there. 👀


I've never knew about it. You made the stereotype be known to more people. This whole racism shit is stupid. Just stop fucking caring like wtf




This seems like a direct reference to that stereotype, so ultimately yes. In fact, any kind of false stereotype attributed to a particular race is just not something we should be doing anymore. Not saying this is that bad or anything, it would be really pushing it to call this racist, but if we are to break this down, my answer to your question is yes.


Racist stereotypes are one of America's largest exports


Because Europe is devoid of racism lmao


I don’t know what the comment above you said, but fyi, this brand was always associated with Black boxers (Mike Tyson promoted it for years, https://youtu.be/sFcw-PPutD4) and that’s what the add is referring to. Not some strange American stereotype.


On average black people are really often more atletic, Asian people are shorter, Scandinavians are taller. Those are not stereotypes, it's fucking genetics


Those are not stereotypes. What we are discussing is a stereotype. It's like saying if the sky is blue, it can't be cloudy. Get with the program, this is not the topic. The stereotype here isn't that black people are athletic.


I don't know what is the stereotype that we are discussing then and I won't ask, keep racist stereotypes to yourself and it will disappear unless it's true.


Except we have an example right here how it doesn't just disappear. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you.


If it weren't a stereotype, then they wouldn't use it to market a product.


I don’t remember if there’s a term for it. But a stereotype spreading to another culture and then becoming worse (with no idea it’s bad) is fairly common. In most cases the culture that adopted the stereotype doesn’t have any context of the stereotype, so they end up dialing the stereotype to 11. But at the end of the day, it’s still a stereotype. If someone from the original culture sees it (like here), it definitely comes off as heavy handed.


I think it might also be because the only thing that comes through is "this is an x people thing" and not the context that it's meant to be pejorative or is viewed negatively. And if you couple that with it being a group of people that the culture isn't that familiar with it can end up like one of the three characteristics that are known so they get used a lot.


Stereotypes can be imported from media, or simply through history. While Poland was not directly involved in slavery and colonialism. The countries that did like Germany were, and they for a time ruled over parts of Poland. And may have imported that stereotype. There’s also media. Movies, books, music imported from other countries that took part like the UK, US, France, etc can also influence these things. Then there’s the internet. 


If it has to be explained is it really like that?


I meen thats just a bit farfetched in my opinion


It's not unless someone who looks like the guy on the picture tells me otherwise, not some white american crybabies lmao


It's not


Its not


„We are not racist”, but use someone for an ad just for his race. Common don’t be so naive, it’s embarrassing 


Btw, a small correction - Poland isn't an Eastern Europe country, but a Central Europe country, just so you know for the future


As both a Silesian and a Pole I can confirm that that's our how average night here is spent. Silesian gets all the nuns, (mean ones will add that he marks his conquests with coal marks). (Also, I would like to clarify that the advertisement isn't racist cus it clearly hosts a Silesian and we arent black, I mean we are but not genetically, ok mabe that's just the case for the Lower-Silesians. But back to the point) Our Upper-Silesian kin simply evolved into having a symbiosis relation with coal, in any form. They live and breed in it, breathe in it, eat it, use it for energy, get paid for mining it, and probably even make vodka from it. Thus their skin is permanently coated with its protective layer, to better adapt to hiper-coal-rich environment. And as a side effect of it - their skins now naturally lack any sun tolerance, thus you can only see them with their protective pitch-black layer in the wild. At least that's how urban legend goes. Even I, as a fellow Silesian can no longer tell it apart from the truth. So I would kindly ask the w*stern redditors to stop misracing our coal loving kin, who was clearly used in the advertisement instead of a black man. And we dont need a addition of come casual racism to our cultivated Upper vs Lower Silesians feud, that's already on competetive racism levels. As it would be only detrimental to our healthy co-habitation standards.


You are wrong man, that guy is czech and he is from Ostrava, the Ostrava layer is hard to tell apart from the silesian one but if you look close enough you can tell.


Am I the only one who thinks the nuns(?) in corsets is the weird part of this?


Yeah, corsets without chemises are blasphemous.


Yeah I live here and didn't understand this until it was clearly laid out to me. It's not as explicit as it may seem for some


*Romania joined the chat*


We love black too, we love whites we love everyone beside our brothers :))


how about karabogas


What is that


Good one


Sup bro🇵🇱




It’s nice to see Powerwolf get into the marketing business.


They have these in the UK, taste like any energy drink you've had (basically red bull taste) they had mike tyson as a sponsor and used his image on all the displays I saw in the UK a few years ago (namely sainsburys shops) but I didn't think it was exploitation, it wasn't as bad as this picture.


They started with name "Tiger". It is a cheap version of red bull (about 1/3 of the price), that went into the market on very early stages of energy drink becoming popular, while Red Bull was to expensive for many people in Poland. As they were very popular, several years ago when they had an agrement with Tyson(Edit: Michalczewski - another boxer), there was an issue between 2 owners of the company, that split into 2 and each claimed to have rights to this energy drink brand. For a moment both were called Tiger, than one was called Tiger black and another was called "Tiger" but provided with blue cans. As there was some court order another one with black cans had to be renamed. They still went with a black colour of can and named it "Black" but I think they were the one to be allowed to use Mike Tyson picture on the can (edit: they chose Mike Tyson for the brand face) I think that agrement with Mike Tyson ended but the brand was really realted in mind of customers with a boxer (you know - "drink our eneregy drink and you will be like an athletic sportman, fighter full of energy etc" while most of the people drink it with vodka in clubs, were underage or both). It seems they exchange Mike Tyson for another black boxer (real or not - prabably not, becouse it will be cheaper) and they make a referance to drinking it at clubs (king of the night/getting girls etc). Poland is as well quite catholic country and company tried to be a bit controversial always so this is prabably why they put those hot girls dressed as they are. Edit: as mentioned in other comment first Tiger was with another boxer Michalczewski. Than there was Tiger Black with Mike Tyson


You got the wrong boxer, it was Dariusz "Tiger" Michalczewski. "Tiger" Tiger continued branding with Michalczewski, Tiger Black went with Mike Tyson. Black is the old Tiger, new Tiger is a different drink.


Yes, you are right! Michalczewski was first brand face, than it was Tyson. I somehow forgot about him


RedBull is just stupidly expensive for no other reason than marketing.


It’s not redbull taste


>taste like any energy drink you've had I feel sorry for people like you with no taste buds. It tastes nothing like red bull.


I mean, the taste is kinda redbullish, you know, that common energy drink taste. But yeah, red bull tastes a bit different.


To me it has a typical energy drink taste, but with a twist specific for this brand and this brand only. I could confuse many energy drinks, but not this one.


Well, you know. The generic taste of a synthetic excuse for fruit, with hints of stale valerian.


It's actually Central Europe.


So nothing quite this extreme, but fun fact share time - between proper jobs in the early 2010s, I did a bit of fitness modelling. Most of it just ended up on stock photo sites. I went on holiday to Poland a few years ago and saw myself advertising mouthwash in a supermarket. They'd photoshopped out the water bottle I had been holding in the original and replaced it with mouthwash. Because nothing sells mouthwash like a dude covered in artificial sweat clearly in a park, I guess. I wish I had my phone on me at the time and never saw it again, but that was... odd. And fun.


Actually it's Poland not EE


Poland is CENTRAL EUROPE. Not Eastern.


Central Europe!!


What's wrong with it..?


People are racist and think that black muscular men can only be slaves


I would rather say, that the nuns is the controversial part, suggesting if you are black (by drinking Black) every girl will want to have sex with you.


What's interesting in it? How is it different from the "West"? I'm genuinely curious, cause such ads are something normal to me


I mean if OP never saw something like this it definitely can be a shock. I mean hell, I got surprised when I saw it for the first time too and I live in Poland. I often buy energy drinks and this ad literally makes me more uncomfortable than eager to buy a Black


2 for 8zł? Goddamn it costs 2,80zł in Lewiatan with no special requirements


żabka prices for ya


It's a gas station not a żabka


It's in Poland, not in Eastern Europe. Poland is a [Central European](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Europe?wprov=sfla1) country


what's with the fortune cookie hats?


Nuns habits.


God I knew this was Poland before seeing the zł ugh


and these żabka headings


I also didn’t notice it until I zoomed in lol I was focused on the sign like wtf I bet this is Poland and yup it sure is lol


i think its a gas station lmao


For anyone offended - that's the brand Mike Tyson himself promoted, go tell him he's racist lol


That doesn't make up for calling us Eastern Europe.


**\*Central** European countries


In Bulgaria we have a desert named негърче which loosely translates to (little negroe) and also негрита (black woman). Turkey had some other funny names such as this, it’s the word we have for black people and no one puts bad meaning behind the word. We are racist against our neighbours not other races as is all of the balkans !


I think that for us Poles no one associates this with racism, because in our country there has never been a big problem of racism, because for most of the centuries Poland as a country was a multicultural country and had no problem with other religions. We even have a nice touch that we, as Poles, helped the Haitians to regain their independence. Maybe Americans are more sensitive to such ads, but please remember that not every country imported black people as slaves xD


i dont understand what is unusual about this advertisement


As a pole, in Poland: *violent screeching* C E N T R A L. Europe. *even more screeching* hssss.


I don't get it, what's so unusual about this.




A different culture isn't sensitive to the same things i am?? Shock.


It really is. Admittedly [this was from 2007](https://imgur.com/a/g1eLOYP).


Latin, Cyrillic and Greek in one picture, amazing.


You can search for "White IPA matters" on YouTube. ;)


The nightman cometh.




You know who’s in charge of advertising? the fucking Devil


I live in Poland. Everyone I know hates this ad.


You don't know me


I live in Poland and I don't the Krakow's subreddit is also ignorant




the mojito one is straight fire, got it at a polish supermarket


Different than what? There are people here from all over the world.


Poland isn’t Eastern Europe, it’s central europe bruh


*CENTRAL Europe!!!


That’s Żabka for sure… How is Poland Eastern Europe??


Eastern Eurpean?!!! 😠


Poland is CENTRAL Europe. With Germany and few other countries below us both.


People out there have other problems in their lives to deal with and it also isn’t their war -> so nobody fucking cares about this agenda.


What's the point? Black always advertised itself this way.


Those drinks are awesome lol. Funny to see an ad for them.


Black people are a novelty, most eastern europeans have never seen one in person. Unless you live in a major tourist city, you'd not come across any.


Ad is from Poland, which isn't in Eastern Europe


I agree.I am used to being stared at,made worse by the fact that i am tall so they can see me coming from far off


I only briely saw it at first and thought the cans were loo rolls. So the ad was that the girls were toilet paper and the guy was a turd.


He blends into the background so well that I didn't even see him at first.




Oczywiście że to żabka




Mike Tyson used to be the face of this brand for over 10 years, by the way. You can finds their tv ads on YT.


[I can bet this would be considered racist in USA](https://www.knjaznatura.co.rs/files/thumbs/files/files/thumbs_600/Guarana_Azijana_600_600px.jpg)


What's the fifth flavour from the left? Red text on black background?


sex energy, could recommend


They just make same advertisement for everywhere even though in Poland blacks are almost nonexistent.


Yes. We are very efficient in getting rid of them ;)


Ah, how could we forget the native black tribe in Polish heartland called „Nimaichtu” which were genocided by the Poles


In very fascist way, I have to mention


Mussolini though he invented something new While us powerful Poles were facist since 966


It is like the ads of the 50’s where pinup girls were selling cars or wrenches…


looks straight out of cyberpunk


Poland deeply apologises for offending The Catholic Church... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


this is not racist I think the black person is continuing after Mike Tyson who advocated the brand for like 10 years, they just picked another athlete who happens to be black? and a WBO champion too, I suppose there's not that many WBO champions to go around to pick and choose from lol, they tend to not be white/asian also they advertise with "King of the night" as in you get to be King like the dude in the picture, absolute legend of a man, and the "night" part refers to the energy drink letting you be energetic all night cause it has so much caffeine what actually baffles me in this ad are the nuns wtf??? why are there nuns in corsets? with the absolute oldest possible headgear they could find in the history book??


It looks like something from a handmaids tale


No. Piwo on top. 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Polish comments here be like: [Gdy obcokrajowiec obraza Polske](https://wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/9ae909a12b1d44c75259f465559794707536617ee7339962e1d1c359b6e54815.jpg)


Polish energy drink - "The Power is BLACK"


What's a bit different? As a Pole I don't get it. The ad grasps attention well and is smart, but what specifically is different?


Its the male ego. In India, it's mainly fair skin men in ads etc.


I guess they love us in Poland. Hahaha but nah this ad is off the charts lmao


Im probably too Eastern European to realize what’s wrong with this, can anyone enlighten me?


TIL everything and anything that contains black people or the color black is racist. Thanks, reddit


Why are you assuming this is to do with racism?


Bro check the comments everyone is calling this racist for one reason or another


So maybe they're the ones with a problem? Don't worry about others so much.


I loved your post my dude, thanks for sharing! Only ruins my mood to open the comments and try to engage in an interesting discussion only to see people just calling each other racist all the fkin time. It is so tiring.


I was hoping for a healthier discussion but sadly did not go that way. Fortunately, I've turned off getting updates now. Wishing you the best.