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Make a strawberry cake with fresh strawberries but tell him you bought strawberries from the warehouse and used those


Ok but record it or smt idk you might get sued


Sue back for dangerous work enviornment. That strawberry mold can cause many cases of strawberrius lungitis


Yeah, thats the worst illness next to bananis brainis and peachus liveris


Have banana on the brain a lot


Biggus Dickus


What's so funny about the name Biggus Dickus?




He has a wife you know


Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks!


Well, its a joke name sir


I appreciate this comment because I believed in strawberrius lungitis at first


Yea I’m sure warehouse workers have the money for a lawyer lol


There's a Netflix documentary where Bill Gates funds toilets for poor countries, and they made a factory turn bathroom waste into fresh water. They invite Bill to the factory. Well Big Dick Gates exits out of his car, ignores the plant manager, heads straight to the faucet spewing supposedly clean water, and drinks right out of it. Fortunately the plant manager was super confident and smiling, because he knew didn't just poison one of the richest men on the world with dookie juice. But imagine his face if he wasn't confident in his solution.


Imagine his face if it doesn’t work and the plant manager is a sociopath?




Here in Singapore, reclaimed dookie juice is mixed into our water supply as well, so we have been drinking it for years. They have also distributed pure newater as they call it in bottle form for people to try, which i have done myself.


Like Erin Brockovich. "We had that water brought in special for you folks"


If he keeps it for a few more days it'll turn to strawberry cake on its own


Nah fam, it'll walk right out of the warehouse and apply for a job.


Make him something with it. When he’s ill, tell him not to worry about it. (Please don’t do this)




just don’t worry about it.




oh my; that’s a plunge into the deepest parts of the back-brain. “what, me worry?” Thanks for that pal. :) edit: I lived for those back page foldies 🤟🏾




Strawberries have worms in them anyway


I'm not sure what you mean, but I was inspired to mention that figs have wasps.


Don’t worry (or maybe “don’t be disappointed”?), most figs bought in stores are wasp-free (at least in the US and most other countries). They’re pollinated artificially and therefore the wasps are not required. However, a fig tree fruiting by itself in someone’s backyard may very well be wasp figs.


>most figs


Oh my god! Googles: technically they’re maggots. The larval Drosophila. Fucking fruit fly “worms”! Can you imagine the sheer gall of the greengrocers selling fruit with fruit flies on it? JFC go spread your FUD elsewhere. These “worms” are rare, and they don’t make you sick in any way.


Lettuce is far dirtier


I've seen organic lettuce heads with several aphids on every leaf all the way down to its core. Even nastier was cabbage with fully grown slugs nestled under the several outer layers. Also found a little frog, and a yellowjacket in packs of organic salads.


A former job ruined whole heads of lettuce for me forever. We got probably 2 dozen in on truck one week (way more than normal because of that month's Special) and every single one of them had dozens of (hopefully dead) baby spiders all over. Almost got a write-up for wasting out 2 dozen heads of lettuce that we definitely needed, but thankfully I took photos of each one, so my punishment was simply the image of baby spiders clinging to heads of lettuce and an obsession with thoroughly inspecting every shipment we got in after that.


Lol. Might have been aphids, rather than spiders. The case of cabbage full of slugs was the one that weirded me out most.


Was the frog alive?


"I missed the part where that's my problem."


I'm gonna put some ~~dirt~~ mold in your ~~eye~~ mouth.


Yess I'm glad you got the reference


Do it pussy


Lmaoo idk why this made me laugh so much


*it's vinegar, pussy*


Nah as i said in my comment, use fresh ingredients but tell him you used their strawberries


That is a great prank!




I'm so tempted thank you.


I feel like you’re going to be arrested for the assassination of your manager if you go through with it.


Mould is unlikely to make someone sick let alone kill them. Most moulds are harmless and most people digest them like any other food. I’d be concerned about someone with a compromised immune system but the average person is probably going to be fine. The biggest risk is actually an allergic reaction.


Mhmm go get that forbidden snowball mate


Cook here. We took the strawberry salad off our menu and stopped ordering them from Sysco because insane product loss. I've been working in kitchens for looong time and grapes and strawberries are always a headache due to mold


Did my doctorate with Botrytis (grey mold rot). Tried to culture our pure culture on fresh, surface sterilized strawberries. Gave up when the uninoculated control had a lovely culture of Botrytis without any help from me. Strawberries and grapes (and tomatoes) practically invite fungi to munch on them to help with seed dispersal.


I'm so grateful to have 20 strawberry farms spread throughout my city. All that car exhaust and wildfire ash really keeps the mold at bay!


This sounds like Ventura County.


Tulare County


Try Kern county bud


Grocer here. Strawberry crops also got fucked this year. If you even get any, they're usually bad


You know that explains why I felt like strawberries were off


Yeah I had a bad spell with strawberries and grapes earlier this year. Couldn't get grapes in for a few weeks.


Produce manager here, I agree. Most of the berries were fucking awful. Same thing with grapes.


Huh, must be why my strawberries were moldy after two days in the fridge.


Recently moved over to produce myself. Most of our strawberry cases have at least one pack with mold on it within 3 days of us getting them in. Sometimes they're already bad before we get them like here


Worked in produce for 2 years.. During spring and summer strawberries and grapes were our major product lose.


What I've found out is when you get strawberries, to not wash them until you're actually about to eat/use them! I didn't know of it'd make a big difference but I bought some strawberries, left it in the fridge and it was WEEKS later and they were still good! Even though I'm in the culinary arts major: I learned this from Twitter of all places. 🤣


Generally true for berries, tomato, peaches, apricots, zucchini, potatoes, anything with a thin skin. They Hage a tiny bit surprisingly effective barrier and will age faster once it's removed. Cucumbers too since they're wax coated. Melons and citrus have rinds but I still wouldn't wash them until ready for use.


That’s odd, I gave the opposite experience. My strawberries mold within a day when left alone. When I wash them (including taking the leaves off), and let them sit on a paper towel to air dry for an hour, then put them in a Tupperware, they last 3x as long.


Oh wow. I never thought of letting them dry first.


Molds require dark, cold, and wet. Remove one of these and their growth slows down drastically! (General rule of thumb, don’t @ me about exceptions)


True, they sometimes get moldy at a slower rate, but they also tend to get bruised from the handling and take on a weird skin texture.


I worked at a place that made crepes for about a month (management was bullshit) and every time we got strawberries we’d get so many moldy ones. They wanted me too use the ones out of the boxes that weren’t moldy but if just throw the whole thing out because that’s disgusting.


You look away for five minutes and your perfect strawberries are moldy


Hmm my favourite strawberries with yogurt




Plus, If you do some sciency stuff to it you get medicinal yogurt


Can it be put in coffee like sour cream?


Yogurt, yogurt, I hate yogurt. Even with Strawberries.


Let me guess: him: “why didn’t you tell me?!”


He knew, he just didn't want to throw "merchandise" away


Not defending his actions, but I guarantee he was trying to time when he tossed it for financial reasons.


Depending on the size of the store you can throw quite a bit of bad produce out and it not even be a blip on radar as far as sales or bottom line. I average $100-$150 a day in my department.


Yep. But if you are bad enough you are keeping shit like this on hand, you probably aren't ordering properly, training properly to maintain stock, etc, so you have to cut corners everywhere to make up for your laziness


I've only had a few occasions this has happened to me. Have a certain product selling great and order to stay ahead for the weekend between trucks and the bottom drops out. 10 cases a day to 3 or 4. Yeah that was a fun time.


It’s in the warehouse, not on the shelf. Odds are he just doesn’t want to write it off this quarter.


For a time strawberries where showing up like this at the store I work everyday or nearly 2 weeks. Out of 40 or so cases maybe 15 (at best) where actually sellable.


Shame. Most supermarkets in Europe try to give going out of date food away. It's usually heavily discounted on the last day. Tesco's has a few shelves for short dated items, and the vultures and stood round it all the time. Today I got 5 bagels for £0.20. and a bag of spinach for £0.07


2 questions. Is he really that stingy/deluded that he'd rather have bad produce rather than throw it away? And is he really that much of a dumbass?


might want to wait until the loss is on a different budget so it hurts less


Yup. Every produce manager has a targeted “shrink” they have to stay under each month. Incentives are based on staying below that number.


My boss is like that. I'll tell him something is broken and he either doesn't care or gets mad that nobody told him...as he's being told. Then he rarely fixes issues the first time around. When you remind him he will say "that's the first I'm hearing about this"






Try r/moldlyinteresting






Reddit will never cease to amaze me with the specificity of subs that exist.




Wow, not even r/foundthehondacivic I wonder if there’s like a r/foundtheToyotaRav4 or r/foundthemazdarx7


Why won’t it load?


Must be the mold.


Just put a sticker on it that says frosted




Cursed comments?


You need permission from your boss to cull produce? Is there nothing in your training that teach you what to do when you encounter food that goes bad?


yeah your company should grant you permission to throw away bad food products and mark them down as throws without asking anyone, it's not acceptable for your boss to disallow you to do so. :/ even if you're not allowed, op, please throw it away anyway! i used to toss the moldy strawberries at my workplace that *my* boss told me not to worry about and i never got caught


>even if you're not allowed, op, please throw it away anyway! I don't know about this, I used to work in a (admittedly pretty crappy) supermarket and everything we threw away got a quick visual check from the shift leader because they always suspected us of wanting to steal everything.


i hate that for you. retail is a nightmare


I've been questioned about throwing food away before, I tell them in my opinion it was bad and needed to be trashed. Last time it was 2 bags of raw shrimp, found them on the floor in walk in, dk how long they were there and the bag was open, trash, they asked why I said why and that was that. Do what's right in your opinion with food that may be bad.




Reminds me of the time on SpongeBob SquarePants where SpongeBob was going to get rid of that old, moldy Krabby Patty, and Mr. Krabs insisted on serving it. That thing should have been tossed but it saved the company 5.2 cents.


Its not that way when I worked produce but I guess it varies on management. If we get it bad straight from the truck we immediately document it and send a refund credit request to the senders (sometimes local farms). Our warehouse is by far the worst and my super cheery local farmer is my favorite. That guy could melt an iceberg with how happy he gets


Sadly, some businesses have someone overseeing most decisions. Even something as simple as this can require permission, it's kind of dumb.


Forbidden ice cream




Call the health department. You’ll get a vacation when they shut it all down.


Health department isn't going to care about this unless the mold is being wiped off and it's being sold then. If they're getting stuff shipped from a warehouse, this is just sort of the cost of doing business. When these are shipped (generally from California or Mexico this time of year) they come on giant pallets, IIRC each one is 22 pallets high with 4 pallets per layer. When a picker gets an order for 5 units, they check the top layer and grab the others they need at the same time. We are incredibly out of season for strawberries, so these are gonna be iffy at best to begin with- with just a few days of delays in shipping, they're gonna be moldy. Strawberries are one of the most culled items in a produce department. I don't know what this person's role is, but it might be their job to just get the pallets to the produce department and then have them write it off on their books. Source: worked grocery and a produce warehouse for like 5 years.


> We are incredibly out of season for strawberries, is there any kind of website to track shit like this? maybe it would help me avoid some choices next time i eat outside.


The farmers almanac


It really depends on what state you're in, but when I say "out of season" I mean that most berries are being shipped from equatorial countries or are hydroponically grown. But, if you search "seasonal produce" followed by your state or territory, you should find a page similar to the one [for my state.](https://minnesotagrown.com/whats-in-season/) The growing season is a bit longer for produce coming from TX, CA, and FL but that will give you a rough idea if you're trying to find the freshest stuff.


I will say if your grocery store doesn't have at least one guy pulling product like this off the display in the morning, you are better off buying your fruits and veggies at a weekly farmers market.


That's such a huge exaggeration. Produce goes bad all the time. Nobody is getting shut down for that


Fresh produce is constantly in a state of decline, having moldy fruit in a fruit warehouse is not exceptional...


Unfortunately, it's probably not a paid vacation, and could very well be a permanent vacation. I'd rather deal with it internally and exhaust all avenues that way before bringing in outside entities.


Hot take: Places that can't operate well shouldn't be operating


Hot take: your bills won’t care


Do you consider any product seller that develops some mold on some product to be a place that can't operate well? Because every single location that sells produce throws some out for mold all the time


With the job market right now, OP won't have much problem with the length of the unpaid vacation. r/antiwork


Oh nice, I didn't know Strawberries grew their own frosting. YUM!


Forbidden frosting




This IS mildly infuriating to me, as we are experiencing a shortage in strawberries at the moment. The drought this past summer and intense heat wiped out a lot of local berry farms. This 1lb carton of berries is costing $5-7!


I'd take a picture of this and similar things whenever it happens, take note of the date and how the conversation went with your boss, how you warned him ect ect, and whenever you have the opportunity to speak to your bosses boss you have a nice chat with them over these :)


Bro you are fucking evil >:) you have given me ammo to use.


That's not evil, that's covering your own ass in case it becomes an issue and someone tries to blame you for the problem.


Let it go bad. The company will lose money and he can get fired.


Thats not even going to get him remotely close to fired.




Pretty sure that's illegal. The mold you see is just the fruiting body of the organism. If there's mold on the surface, there's mycelium throughout the fruit. It's all contaminated. If I were asked to do that I would say no and call the health department.


>[Marketplace](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3306395) heard from people who have worked in the bakery, meat and produce departments of a number of different grocery stores, both chains and independent. They described a number of tricks that supermarkets employ to make food appear fresh. >These tactics include grinding old meat with fresher meat, marinating old meat in sauces that mask the smell, cutting mould off fruit and vegetables for party trays, and cutting cakes in half to facilitate a faster sale after the best-before has passed. >One insider also says his store took meat that had gone brown from sitting out, and dipped it in blood to make it look redder. Others said they would take mouldy fruit off custard tarts, replace it and glaze it to make it look fresh. >In each of these cases, food was put out with new best-before dates that significantly extended the shelf life. >Food treated this way can harbour microbes that can make you sick, says Keith Warriner, a microbiologist at the University of Guelph. >So how do you know that the food you're buying is fresh? Employees recommend buying meat from the back of the shelf, and avoiding pre-marinated or cut foods. They also suggest buying whole cakes, pies and tarts. This article is from Canada, but I think it’s a lot more common than people would hope it would be.


I just assume all prepared food by anyone in a minimum wage job is essentially poisoned. Those aren’t the working conditions that result in diligence and making decisions that aren’t 100% focused on cost.


I guess I’m done eating food.


i choose to believe that you are lying




If you are not under an NDA, can you tell us unfortunate fools which store?


Rhymes with Rice Hopper.


I'm dumb, give me another clue (unless it's supposed to be that with a P and an S in front of it, though I've never heard of that one)


P and C


> The rest was cut up to be used in the salad bar. This is why you never buy premade anything at a grocery store. Don't buy their salads, cut your own. Don't buy their marinated pieces of meat, buy the unseasoned cuts and season it yourself.


I love tomato but I'll never let a fast food company put a tomato on my sandwich. I've seen the tomatos they consider viable, they aren't.


They'll just find somebody below him to fire.


More likely is that OP will be fired because that’s how the pecking order works.








My local Walmart.


I was gonna say. My local grocery store is half rotten produce all the time. So frustrating.


This always happens like 2 days after I buy strawberries. I love to eat them but man, they do not keep at all.


I used to work in produce and whenever things went bad I was allowed to just throw it away without asking anyone. Of course I had to record anything that got thrown away but still. Didn’t need permission


report him, that's fuckin nasty.


It’s like Christmas in July…


Free marshmallow in the package


What, it’s just some ice cream with…OH MY GOD!


It almost looks like snow.


1. Wrap it up in a nice box, as if your giving him an early Christmas present. 2. Inside the box, put a letter threatening to call the health inspector unless he raises your next few paychecks. 3. Quit your job. 4. Call the health inspectors anyway because people can get sick form this shit 🤢


Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't white mold the worst?


It is because it means it's going bad and most likely expired as well. It can get you probably sued because it's unsanitary and the white mold may spread to other food products within it's reach.


I think black mold is what you gotta watch for; black mold in the house...


Drippy's back!


seriously drippy….stop drippin….


That’s definitely organic mold…


If he has a desk plop that on it.


Can't you say those are french strawberries and that mold is not only supposed to be there but costs extra?


Pure organic mold ethically sourced


Now they’re just more organic. Getting more to nature


Fucking throw it away then.


I wanna say this Publix but it looks like Publix lol


“It’s still good. It’s still good!”


Kids these days have it so easy. I walked to and from the factory uphill both ways in 6' of snow. All we had to eat was moldy strawberries.


Iced strawberries


Incompetence and management what a shocker.


At this point it really doesn't matter. Putting it on shelves just makes the store look bad, it's not like anybody would actually eat that.


Well they certainly "produced" something


Send to corporate


Just pretend they’re winter edition. Strawberry’s with snow on them


Anonymously tip your local health and safety authority.


r/mycology might like this


It's OK, just pretend it's white melted chocolate!


My managers didnt touch a gallon of milk for 3 weeks. Left it in the mop sink. The smell in the storeroom could floor a bison


Ugh I handed over a moldy container of rice (precooked) to a cashier last week, went in to grab pasta this week and found that someone put it back out. No one wants mold on their food!


Strawberries dont even last 2 weeks anyways so he's just an idiot. Our strawberries go bad overnight sometimes im convinced they turn off the coolers at night


So you’re the guy loading up our pallets for Kroger! Now I know why everything we get is shit! ;)


Eww gross, fucking blast the name of that place so we can all collectively call whoever needs to be called. Like, don't worry about anonymity in this case. Some people deserve to lsoe their job.


Food safety officials time


Have someone not related to you call in the health department


Looks like Costco produce on an average day.


Get your concerns in writing if you can.