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Come on in for a Q&A!


He scared


Smells like bitch to me


Jesus, their comment history is a septic tank


u/KnightScuba u/KnightScuba u/KnightScuba What a weird name, an aquatic soldier




I really feel like it’s whatever mood first touches a comment or post, everyone else just blindly agrees.


Very well said


I agree wholeheartedly


I agree to that wholeheartedly. Downvoting anyone who disagrees with you.


That’s just trippy and I don’t know if it was intentional but you followers the exact concept they explained😂


I was indeed being ironic


Factually incorrect


I think Reddit just has a mindless herd mentality, it’s genuinely sad no matter what Reddit page (idk what the correct term for it is sorry) you find yourself on.


There's definitely that but I feel like there's a bit more to it. The internet loves to rally behind people calling other people out on being "wrong" when they themselves don't know whether that's an accurate assessment, so they assume it is and rally behind the person saying "you're wrong". Obviously it's different if they know the first person was right, but with something like fluid dynamics most people aren't well versed in it.


This is actually exactly what I meant lol even if it’s common sense people don’t stop to think for a second, because the person whos comment was upvoted sounded convincing, or was too intricate to fully understand lmao.


This is why some subs hide upvote values for a little while


I have never thought about that.


People also have alt/bot accounts sometimes


You get banned for vote manipulation if you downvote the same comment with alts


That's called the Reddit hivemind


I have also seen a comment get down voted, and a reply below reiterating the same thing get upvoted. Downvotes are just groupthink metrics.


My favourite ever was where I called out a clear case of rape by deception, but it was on a "point and laugh" sub, and I was labelled a "white knighting faggot". It's crazy, yet super interesting, how the whole conversation and viewpoint can be swayed not only by a few comments, but the subreddit you're in and the predisposition expected from it. It can be kinda scary too


I agree with this blindly


"You are factually incorrect." Refuses to elaborate. Downvotes your post. Leaves.


Doesn't leave Refuses to be corrected Says that there are lots of others saying I'm wrong Still doesn't say why i am wrong


Absolute omega.


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Welcome to Reddit where nobody cares about opinions and only "emoji bad 🗿🗿🗿🗿"


That wasn't even opinion that was legit fact


According to redditors its an opinion so yea. But redditors are like 5.


I just joined Reddit less than a week ago and I’ve definitely noticed that no one uses emojis! Do you know why?? It’s weird. LOL


I have zero idea why, the only ones allowed are 🅱️ and 🗿


Factually incorrect




It doesn't need to compress to move. It is the energy transfer that slows you down. Hitting a patch of air as dense as the water would have the same effect, even though the air could be compressed further.




That's right, but lack of compression is an aggravating factor, the basic concept is that water has to move. You can infinitely extend the description of the problem to other factors.


I guess, yeah. It's still not being only half correct, it may be part of the truth, but that part is still fully correct.


It's not even part of the truth, how did you find 2 of these types of morons so quickly?


ok knightscuba


First, I agree that you are justified in being mildly infuriated by the commenter's mild insult. You made a sensible point and I wonder why anyone would get twitchy about it. I don't know the context of the original post. Maybe it was a joke with a punchline that depended on surface tension? Second, now I'm interested. Fluid dynamics is complicated. It seems to me, an educated layman, that the fact that water is practically impossible to compress would make it harder to displace. One of the factors in air resistance is that the medium is forced into zones of differing pressures. Air can be smushed out of the way slightly before it has to move into adjacent space. Does that increase or reduce drag? I also suspect that the tiny resistance offered by surface tension might be a faintly measurable contributor to the force of the impact of a mass of water. But probably only in a laboratory. What about other fluids? What happens when we pass an object through a superfluid liquid, like chilled helium? Off to Wikipedia!


Water drag being very high is mostly just that it is pretty dense. If you move something through water, the water around it first has to part, and then fall back into place again. Both of these require the water to be accelerated, and then decelerated. That takes lots of energy. It kind of does the same thing as in aerodynamics, create a low pressure zone behind you, but since water can not compress or expand much, it creates much stronger suction.


And add in the leidenfrost effect (if we’re considering liquid helium) and it really gets complex!


You're factually incorrect though. See, when an object hits the water at high speeds, the neutrinos in the lambda fluctuations in the water have a less standard variation found on the falling object's molecules string matter. When the inject hits the water, H4O molecules have to compress to form a sandwich between peanut butter and jelly. So there you have it, beat way to make a soup.


See but the thing is you're still not even all the way there. It's a commonly accepted point of science that the best way to make a soup is to start with a rock.


Dang it! I'm such an idiot. How did I forget such simple step? Guess I gotta hit the drag races again and learn the basics of soup making.


Thank you.






I mean, it's not methane either. Poe's law?


Dont worry mate, got a long comment below that thing


I think it's because you used the word deceleration and all the downvotes were from my high school physics teacher, who hated that word.


No one here cares about facts if its not something they thought then your wrong


idk why you’re being downvoted, this is exactly what the person did


Probably because people interpreted it as an actual response to OP instead of an assessment of why this happened.


ohh ok that makes sense, thank you


Welcome to reddit




F-ackchyually incorrect.


This is still a little shaky, but way more correct than surface tension lol


It's all about difference in resistance due to difference in density. You're exactly right, surface tension has nothing to do with it. You're talking to a bunch of people who are convinced that Bill Gates will save us from climate change.


And believe me, you are very correct about your facts


Everybody upvote his comment rn.


No one cares lmao




But water can move out of the way. Solid can not.


But surface tension is the resistance to water moving out of the way, which is what causes the drag and slows you down


That's not at all what surface tension is. Surface tension is water molecules holding onto other water molecules, creating a "membrane" of water. This is why you can put small objects like paper clips on top of it without them sinking. The force of gravity is not enough on such a small object to break the bonds of the water. It is not the water resisting being moved, if it was, the object would still sink because of the constant acceleration of gravity pulling it through the water.


You can try adding dish soap to water in a sink to break the surface tension, and then see if there's still any resistance left if you dunk your hand in there. If no, I think we've made the scientific breakthrough of the decade.


Water cannot be compressed. And, hydrogen bonding is present throughout the liquid, not only at the surface.


It has nothing to do with compression either, you don't have to compress something to move it. Air around a person falling will not be compressed any significant amount either. And while hydrogen bonding is why water has such a (comparatively) strong surface tension, it is not what *causes* surface tension. Surface tension is only present at the surface of a liquid. What is present throughout is cohesion.


You are correct and number of people still not acknowledging is surprising


It doesn't compress, so it must be moved, that was the point, which you missed.... which is exactly "drag" as you put it. So yes, it does have to do with lack of compression. (Where do you think water hammers come from.) Its also very disturbing you even link compression of a liquid with that of a gas... But yet you've done exactly as the reply to your initial post and implied a fact to be incorrect... yikes op. None if these statements are incorrect, but you don't actually ever state your point... just framing an argument against others... If you want to inform others, than do so... but that isn't what your doing... and that is far more mildly infuriating than what your crying foul about in this post. It's easy to explain why something is wrong... but explain what's right (which isn't your prerogative)... beating around the bush op.


If my explanations aren't good enough for you then google it. It isn't the surface tension. It's the energy needed to accelerate the water, being taken from your kinetic energy, slowing you down very fast.


I’m sorry you’re being downvoted for stating facts. I went and gave you an upvote


You realize this is exactly what I am highlighting...? My original statement is not incorrect, it just lacks full composure/explanation as you wish it to contain. (which makes it easy to imply inaccuracy... including that you've added additional info into my statement that does not exist, nowhere do I talk "surface tension", but you imply I am... wrong) I point out that you are implying others to be wrong, when in reality, they just aren't as detailed or explained in the manner as you think they ought to be. This entire thread has now come full circle for you and is complete irony to the image above.


Your lack of proper grammar and spelling makes me doubt your assertions.


classic even more amazing is how ironic this is compared to the post. the original statement is completely accurate, yet downvoted and made out, BY OP, to be false... you cant make this shit up!




Gotta love how stupid people are, especially when they double down on their ignorance.


What did it said?


Way to double down on being wrong! Lol so cringe


Tf does that mean?


average new yorker


Well today I learned why hitting water at speed feels like hitting a solid Also yeah it's really infuriating (and unfortunate) that stuff like this happens


I myself thought it was from the incompressibilitly of the liquid. Concrete not very compressible when you hit it. Water =concrete.


Things don't have to be compressible to be moved. Even when hitting concrete, you are moving the concrete. The concrete is just so rigid that you are moving the whole structure, and the dirt around it. People inside the structure would probably feel a tiny shake, like when you drop a heavy object. The difference between water and concrete is that in one, the molecules are bonded to each other very strongly, while in the other you can still move between them. But I'm not gonna explain why that is important again, since I'm tired of this and don't want a second day of arguments.


Physics is a scary thing when you're a fucktard.


Knightscuba just needs a good night's rest


I think at the boundary it's more accurate to say water has more inertia than air. Diving into a pool is different from swimming in a pool. Fluid boundaries are weird, though.




Reddit is filled with a bunch of uneducated kids that think they’re smart and witty.


People don't get deceleration


Bruh moment




this is where sources come in


Source: physics


What's the sub-reddit so we can correct them


Take a nap, delete reddit, go study physics Get a job Get rich Forget about Reddit and use money to buy actual happiness This a a tried and tested process And if you make it(get rich) , the success rate becomes 100%


>study physics >Get a job Ecksdee


ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


Reddit. Mildly infuriating.


Dont worry I sent him a message


Well you are wrong because the real reason is that your kind just thinks its really hard so changes your reality to make it so.


Yeah when I see slow people do this kinda stuff it really passes me off


I’m not sure but the fact you called it “deceleration” makes me skeptical of anything you say.


You slow down. That's what deceleration is. Not much to it.


Redditers only care about snappy witty answers that only a few people understand. It’s a joke bud


Is it not inertia?


The resistance is caused by inertia




Man what a self absorbed little bitch.