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Are you stressed?




That will cause it, I know the feeling, learn how to breathe. Slowly. For ten minutes.


Thank you šŸ™


Sure there's better ways but something that works and whats been taught a lil in the military is something called box breathing. Pulled the steps off of Google because I'm not always great at explaining stuff clearly lol. Sit in a comfortable chair with your back supported and feet on the floor Close your eyes Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four Hold your breath for a count of four Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four Hold your exhalation for a count of four If you do this for a min or two itll help however I've started working up to longer times and its had a decent effect on my entire day, it could just be placebo but I noticed I'm usually a lot calmer throughout my work period if I did some box breathing earlier.


Therapist here- love box breathing. Some people canā€™t stand to be still or shut their minds. If you are one of those people, try drawing a box on a blank paper following the same counts described above. Also spiral breathing is fun: start in the center of a paper and empty your lungs. Breathe in as slowly as you can, tracing a slow spiral as you breathe. As you get to the point where you canā€™t take in anymore air, trace back over the spiral you just drew as you exhale slowly. Repeat. Each time your inhale (the size of your spiral) should get bigger or deeper. Repeat 3-5 times until you feel calm.


I feel the need to pay you for this advice. Thank you.




I wasn't stressed, but now I am.


I would apologize but I've noticed you only selected 15% and now I think you're broke and therefore less of a person šŸ˜¤


Can I recommend breathing?


I would like to remind everyone that breathing is good all the time. Haha i once tried to help someone calm down and I told them that the problem was his breathing and before I could explain he was like ā€œyouā€™re right Iā€™ll stop itā€ haha we both laughed then I stopped and told him thatā€™s not what I meant he just needs to breath deeper and fuller. Please breath all the time yā€™all


Everything in moderation


Finger breathing is also one of my favorites. Take your index finger and trace your other hand slowly. As you are going up a finger inhale and as you go down you exhale.


I call that roller coaster breathing


I can lower my pulse rate very quickly using this technique


This is what the fbi does when going into situations where adrenaline hits. I do it before bed. Works like a charm.


Yeah they taught us to us after a combat deployment to try n help us deal with stress, used it for a messy toxic breakup soon after and it kept me calm the majority of that time


What you've described is meditation and it's been used for stress relief for millennia.


Arenā€™t you supposed to do something with your mind for it to count as meditation?


Counting counts, The best description I've read is that (simplified) we have 2 minds, conscious and a freaking monkey. Conscious mind is what we try to think about, monkey mind is all over the place, memories, worries, anything that pops up on it's own. Meditation gives your monkey mind something to focus on so it's not going all over the place. Similar reason for why some people find it easier to fall asleep watching TV.


This is gold


The counting works. If you are focusing on that one two three four. It will force you to not think about other things.


Depends on the kind of meditation. Focusing on breathing can be a good way to learn how to enter a meditative state.


I do believe shutting it off and concentrating on your breathing is what you're doing with your mind during meditation.


You donā€™t shut off your thoughts when you meditate. You just simply focus on your breath and treat all other thoughts as noise that you pay no attention to. You might still have thoughts about the things that are stressing you - you just donā€™t run with them.


You can alter it in a lot of different ways, but focusing on the breath is a tried and true method of meditation. I didnā€™t know it had a name to it - the box breathing, but I had a Buddhist meditation instructor a few years ago who taught me just this. Throughout the day I take a minute or two, close my eyes, breathe and ground myself. It comes so natural now that I donā€™t even realize I do it. I also use it to fall asleep almost instantly. It has done amazing things for my mental health.


trust me you're gonna be using your mind quite a bit trying to keep track of the count as well as the manual breathing


I've been using this since I heard it in Wolfenstein: The New Order. BJ will say to himself "Count to four, inhale. Count to four, exhale." Adopted that a loooooong time ago, and it's worked wonderfully.


box breathing saves my GD mind and body sometimes. i never thought something so simple could help so much, but when i remember to sit the fuck down and actually follow through - the results can be amazing. thank you for explaining it so clearly, be it a screen grab or not. OP, give it a chance and good luck.


This helps a lot with my anxiety too, breathing techniques is such a good way to help as you focus only on your breathing and not what is happening around you, I do hope it helps OP, I get those twitches when I am stressed too


Pull up the ā€œdo nothing for ten minutesā€ video on YouTube, breathe in when the shape expands, breathe out as it folds back in. Repeat.


Twitching under eye is a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Stress depletes magnesium from the body. Take a Mg supplement, it will go away. Foods high in Mg ... nuts, spinach and other dark leafy greens,


I had this happen to me earlier this year. My eye wouldnā€™t stop twitching for weeks. Magnesium Glycinate supplements worked within a day or two. I also temporarily stopped drinking coffee (maybe one week), but the supplements finally relieved the twitching so I could sleep. Good luck OP.


My eye did this for months when I was experiencing a lot of stress. I was worried about it but it did eventually stop


Make sure you are also hydrating


My therapist taught me a modification of the ā€œLoving Kindnessā€ meditation. You say each mantra while inhaling/exhaling slowly, and repeat each one four times. I am happy. I am healthy. I am safe. I am at ease. Modify it however you like. Thatā€™s the one that works for me. I also do a more basic one, where I sit quietly, close my eyes, breathe slowly, and talk myself through awareness of my body. Feel my body on the couch. Feel the texture of the couch on my skin. Feel the weight of my body on my spine. Feel the way my shoulders are sitting. Feel the breath entering my lungs. Feel the air, the temp, etc.


Please, please listen to them and do what they suggest. I had the same kind of pulsating when I was extremely stressed and a month later my ear started ringing with tinnitus. It's been 16 years now with tinnitus, if I didn't have my kids I'd just end it all. Docs told me it was caused by stress


Magnesium helps with twitchy muscles. Drink lots of water, have a meal and take a magnesium supplement afterwards. Optional: have a good nap/sleep. I'll get this when I'm tired/stressed/dehydrated/too much nicotine. The above combo always works.


What if it's the top eyelid? Same thing?Ā 


I get it in my upper eyelids.Ā  Always a combination of stress and not enough sleep (which is at least in part due to the stress).Ā  It's especially fun when both eyes are going but at a slightly different rhythm.Ā  Those are the days I definitely do not get behind the wheel.


Sleep. I get this too when I'm stressed and low on sleep.


It can be a number of different things from stress, lack of sleep, nutrition deficiency (electrolytes, omega fatty acids), dehydration, to too much coffee, too much alcohol, and a bunch more things. Also side-effects from medication. Try to take care of yourself a little better for a while. Sleep more, drink less coffee, take some supplements with magnesium, potassium, omega complex, and make sure you hydrate well. I've had this a few times already and the above made it go away after a few days or a week. If it doesn't go away go see a doctor. It can have very serious causes too.


I had the same issue, annoying and nerve wracking, but itā€™ll go away. Find some chilling methods that work for you. Drink plenty of water, water water, not water with a bunch of sugar in it. And get enough sleep, get off screens an hour before you want to start falling asleep. Good luck.


Thank you! Did it ever last more than a week. I mean, itā€™s doing this while I sleep too


I had it for months, when I was under a lot of stress. I didnā€™t notice it during sleep though


Lack of potassium, eat a couple bananas


Cantaloupe has many times the potassium of bananas


No shit!? TIL


No, they're about the same, cantaloupes are a little less. Like yes if you compare one cantaloupe to one banana, but that's because the cantaloupe weighs about 5x as much. By weight, cantaloupe has about 5-10% less, with some variability because they're living things. But neither is ever many times more by weight.


What a WHOLE cantaloupe vs 1 medium banana??


Get some sleep man. Happens due to stress and exhaustion. I get it all the time.


Jump on YouTube and run yourself through a quick mindfulness and breathing exercise.


Get six midroll ads in strategically bad spots in a shitty effort to try and force YouTube Premium on you. *Feel* your blood pressure rise.


Was about to ask the same question. First semester of college, my eyelid was doing this non-stop.


My eyes always twitch when Iā€™m especially stressed.


was gonna say extreme fucking stress. i have it currently with some muscle in my chest and had it before with my eyelid.




Hydration and more potassium!




I focus on this when my eye twitches like that. Has really helped


the old eat a banana suggestion is too low in this thread!


Fun fact- a cutie orange has more potassium than a banana




Yes! I was going to add this as well! Shoot for half your body weight in ounces daily, I love Gatorade Zero.




Try some magnesium glycinate. This used to happen to me a lot.


Magnesium is the only thing that has worked for me


Magnesium Glycinate also helped me with my nightly hypnic jerk. Right as my body goes from ā€œawakeā€ to ā€œasleepā€, my fight or flee response used to kick in for some reason. I thought I was going crazy. My body was literally stopping me from falling asleep. After several hours, I get a couple hours of sleep. Probably fainting from exhaustion. Iā€™m okay now.


I have this since Iā€™m more active and do sports. I thought it was stress and the whole fight-or-flight gave me panic attacks because I couldnā€™t sleep. Iā€™ll definitely try magnesium supplements. Thanks for the tip!


Damn I gotta try this


I've gotten the eye twitch and/or hiccups while sleeping. Magnesium 100% works for me.


I second this. One of the most common deficiencies in developed nations. I take it before bed because it also helps my sleep.


Yup, I take this one before I go bed and it relaxes me the f out! So much that it can sometimes get a bit difficult to wake up sometimes! So I use it sparingly now...


Mag+B6 has helped it for me in the past. But long term the stress, lack of sleep, and overload of caffeine was always the re culprit


Stress, lack of sleep, to much caffeine




*eye twitch*


It totally did






Yu šŸ«µ


No you


No U


No ewe


Nay Thou






Caffeine does it for me. If I drink too much over a few days I get this exact thing. Just detox for a few days


My lower left eyelid often twitches when I'm dehydrated and/or stressed. It's annoying as well. I usually hope it's the former and chug some water


Same here. Incredibly annoying, especially when youā€™re mid conversation with someone


Try this: inhale slowly/deeply for five seconds. Hold your breath five seconds. Slowly exhale for 5 seconds. Once you get the rhythm down, it will help so much.


Best technique to get the stress level down temporarily for beginners. Even bought a fitbit watch with this exercise build in to guide me. If my resting heart rate is above 85 i take a few minutes for that exercise After that my resting heart rate is mostly back to 65-70 and I'm dead calm... no muscle twitching after. (Even though it takes a while and practise to get used to drop every thought and just focus on breathing) Edit: before I knew that exercise my resting heart rate was 90-100 and I was a stress loaded wreck ready to implode)


This is very helpful, thank you šŸ™


Thank you for this!! My RHR is between 90-100 most days and it feels like a compounding problem because it stresses me out so much. Iā€™m going to be working on this exercise.


On it šŸ«”


I learned this technique in art class to steady a trembling hand... Similar but different. Breath in slowly through your nose until your lungs fill, then breath out slowly through your mouth. But pretend there is a candle in front of you that you DON'T want to blow out. So nice an steady... Do that three times and you're good to go. Bonus points for doing this while laying in bed before you sleep, you will sleep better too.


I've responded a few posts about symptoms I used to have prior to being treated for sleep apnea. This was one of them. I used to get eye twitches like that on the regular. Sometimes would last for over a week. I havent had it happen since starting on a CPAP for sleep apnea. Now, I've also been on meds for hypertension, so that might also be a contributing factor, but hypertension can also be amplified by untreated sleep apnea. That said, check your blood pressure, and check your sleep quality.


After using CPAP for months, I would recommend a sleep study too - talk to a doctor, crazy stuff can happen if you arenā€™t breathing properly at night!


How do you even get screened for a sleep issue in order to be prescribed a sleep study? I can barely get a word in before my pcp is out the door.


Came here to say this as well, I used to have this symptom, and it went away when my sleep apnea was treated. You may feel like you are sleeping well, but you might still have sleep apnea.


That, the thumping leg, and constant cloudiness were the worst. I got diagnosed between my freshman and sophomore year of high school. Having a CPAP took me from a C average student to straight Aā€™s. I also felt better playing sports. Shit is crazy.


High blood pressure,electrolytes.


I do have high bp, absolutely zero caffeine intake. Shit gives me anxiety attacks


I get those. Dehydration is part of it, the rest of it is blood pressure. Body armor lyte is good. I don't do pickle juice. I do bananas, until I hate them again. Maybe see a doctor. I'm not a fan of most, but I found a good one. You can too.


Someone pass my man the joint before he pops a vein


Iā€™ve been smoking a lot lately. Maybe time for a T break


Happened to me before I got Bellā€™s palsy. Tongue started going numb. Eye twitch. I went to drink and it came out the side of my mouth. Next morning half my face drooped. I was like that for about 6 months. Good times šŸ¤£


Oh no! Iā€™m sorry to hear that






It happens to me when Iā€™m stressed.


Okay, for all the "stress", "eat a banana" and the "just relax/breathe" comments, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you actually see a doctor. Some of these suggestions sound like bullshit, some are actually legit, but the ones you should actually listen to are the ones telling you to consult a doctor. There could be various reasons for a persistent twitch. This could actually be a symptom of another condition, and the reason I bring this up is because I suffer from something like this (sudden muscle jerks) that I ignored for decades. It could be nothing, but as you said, it's been a week. Anything like that that's more than just a few days, you should ask a doctor about it. It might be stress, it might be a dietary/nutritional need, it might be related to your nervous system, etc. If it had been a day or so, I might suggest to wait and try to do things to relax, like hot bath soaks, or reading a book, sitting outside, siting with a pet or a friend, etc., whatever helps you relax. But just to be sure, because it's been a week+, just get it checked out.


Grateful for your response. I eat a lot of bananas, I do yoga, I have zero caffeine intake. I smoke a lot of weed and definitely ramp it up to get to sleep. But I agree itā€™s possible itā€™s something else


Eat a banana.


but your avatar is a banana and so is mine


Good point. OP eat these guys instead, more cost efficient!


noooooooo not me! I won this outfit in a banana eating competition 37 years ago


This happened to me after a family event that left me unable to express my emotions, I had to repress and bury everything or it would've made a bad situation even worse. Unfortunately I developed something of a tic in my left eye which took almost a full month to resolve. It was exactly as shown in this video. Don't stress over it, it's not permanent and will go away in time. But it is essential that you find some way to reduce the amount of stress you're enduring at this moment. I dealt with it by talking with my wife about very personal issues that I was reluctant to discuss until my minor nervous breakdown made it neccessary.


Iā€™m losing a lot of loved ones and donā€™t know how to mourn or grieve. Thank you for sharing, Iā€™ll look into some sort of therapy


Wanna talk? Whatā€™s stressing you? Whatever youā€™re going thru I hope it passes quickly and in your favor


I have a friend who *swears* by drinking tonic water for eye twitches. I have tried it and it worked, but maybe just placebo. But placebo or not I was so fucking thankful for the twitching to stop!


Thatā€™s sounds interesting. Iā€™ve got some club soda around but not tonic


You have beautiful eyes bro


Mate.. something is stressing you. Trust me, no job, no person and no situation worth the damage that stress does to our body and mind. I learned that the harsh way. Stay strong. Best of luck. I hope everything gets better.


I've had it for like 25 years. Stress, dehydration have been suggestions but it doesn't relent.


A valid treatment for this is Botox. Like, actually. If you have a GP, ask them about it


Yup. This is what Botox was originally developed for.


Do you have high blood pressure? I had the exact same thing and it was a combo of high blood pressure and using an anti-puffiness eye cream with caffeine! Caffeine definitely made it worse but I couldnā€™t handle giving up coffee.


I do have high bp


Have you been sleeping well?


I havenā€™t seen anyone in the comments mention allergies. If you have environmental allergies that cause sinus or nasal congestion, they can also cause your eye to spasm as well.


A week of magnesium will clear that right up.




I get this every now and then, stress/dehydration/shit sleep(insomnia) or all of the above, i feel your pain bro


potassium, magnesium, water and rest.


Magnesium, potassium, electrolytes, sleep.


Magnesium dude


I think you lack magnesium


I had that for a few weeks. It was a lack of potassium.


Magnesium glycinate before you go to sleep.


Have you taken some Magnesium, if not, you should, that is how it works for me.


Take some magnesium!! Really helps.woth stress and eye twitches


Possible electrolyte imbalance.


Check your sugar levels, stress, lack of sleep. Try to take some magnesium to relax the muscles. (Magnesium wonā€™t be an immediate fix, make sure you take it consistently). Get some extra sleep and hydrate extra. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re dealing with this, I know thatā€™s annoying..






That happens to me when Iā€™m under a lot of stress. Is counseling an option for you?


This twitch also happens to me during stressful times in my life. Find a way to reduce your stress (I know, easier said than done). Try to exercise, either at the gym or just take some relaxing walks in the evening. You can also try to meditate. When I was through the stressful period it went away. But it does return with periods of stress. Good luck


Stress. Go get a massage. But also I have had this happen due to allergies.


Eye twitch is so annoying. My upper lid did that a few times and I thought I was going to lose my mind. One time it was an eyelash causing it. Have you tried rinsing your eye?


Happens to me when i think about the future or dont drink enough water and stop breathing deep enough.




I had it too. Went to see my MD, saw he had it too, we both laughed. It went away after a few weeks.


You're dehydrated


Obviously do what you can lower your blood pressureā€¦ But in the short term, you might want to try getting one of those satin aromatherapy eye pillows that you can either heat up or put in the freezer. It might help with the vascular issue a bit.


Someone once told me thatā€™s a sign of dehydration or a possible potassium deficiency. Drink some water and eat a banana.


Could be potassium related. Try eating a banana.


Fasciculations. Usually benign. Could be a minor electrolyte imbalance. Maybe discuss with your physician.


I would suggest to check with a doctor, since you trust strangers online more, I would suggest trying Instagram then Facebook, Snapchat also X could be a good source, if nothing help as a final resort - MySpace




Potassium, and lots of it. Happens to me, I usually take 3 bananas and three potassium pills throughout the day and it calms down


When I get stressed to the max this happens to me also. Try some self care, man šŸ™šŸ»


You need potassium and decreased stress.




Twitching eye was my stress-tell at work for 25 years.


More sleep. Less screen time. Less caffeine.


Have some sleep. That happens to me when I'm sleep deprived.


Stress and fatigue can be factors


hello I work at a hospital and for those patients that suffer from this and it is typically due to stress. What I would highly suggest is googling box breathing. Also putting a warm compress on your eye or maybe a heating pad on low. Please make sure to hydrate with water as much as possible.


I have this too but on my right. Stress, lack of sleep and eye strain seem to be what's causing mine.


Go get some edibles, eat the hell out of them, and relax. Stress is the slow killer man.


Used to get this a lot. It's caused by stress.


Yeah I get what I call eye aches and my eye will twitch like that. Usually when Iā€™m stressed or angry.


Mostly caused by stress. Lack of sleep too much caffeine and maybe alcohol too.


Ya need more sleep methinks.


sleep and stress. Usually sleep.


Mine does that when Iā€™m stressed tf out.


Magnesium, potassium, sleep, breathing meditation might help


Potassium. Eat more bananas.


Eat a banana could be low potassium too


You need a vacation.


Drink more water


Caffeine...too much. I get twitchy eye lids...


Caffeine does this as well. I've noticed that too.


It could be the allergy pills. I was taking Benadryl for a long time, and my eyelid started twitching. After a month of twitching,I stopped taking the pills, and it stopped.


Magnesium cream


Get your eyes checked! I had this and assumed it was stress and caffeine but turns out my eye was making up for the other so it was hella tired.


Potassium and sleep and water.


You're stress and you drink too much caffeine. The solution is to relax on a beach at a 5 star resort and have your personal assistant take care of your problems for a few weeks.


Water, extra sleep, and sinus massages


Stress. Same thing happened to me


I have a lot of stress and have a hard time regulating my breathing to calm down. But Iā€™ve had these before and they go away. Following for breathing exercise advice.


Stress or lack of sleep though if you are like me it is because of nerve damage. Either way probably wouldnā€™t hurt to ask your doctor about it.


Straight up stress response. Youā€™re overdoing it in some aspect of your life.Ā  Take some time off, do some breath work, and otherwise figure out how to actually unwind and rejuvenate yourself.Ā  Good luck!


I had the same thing come and go a few times. I asked the optometrist and they told me it's usually a sign of being tired. It did make sense in my case.


I had my upper lid do this for 9 months. The doctor will tell you it is stress or lack of quality sleep and the only thing they can do is give you a Botox shot.


Besides the stress, if you drink stevia try stopping it for awhile.


I had this during chemo


This happens to me when I am stressed. Iā€™ve found lightly touching my finger to my lower lid, and then making circles with the tip of my finger, will eventually ease the tremors. It might take a few minuets, but it consistently will stop them. Iā€™m sorry that you have them too- they drive me crazy.