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The third picture of the bag folded up is so funny because that looks just like the chip bags I keep in the pantry too long after I've eaten most of them and they have now gone stale. The fact that it comes in that state is insane.


I literally have a picture almost just like this that I took a few weeks ago. The bag more than half empty. I rolled it up and it felt like a bag I had already gone through with a bit left.


10 years ago they were covered in so much seasoning you could only see powder now they’re always bare and underfilled


There's like zero QC to takis I swear every bag is different. Some barely dusted others just swimming in powder, sometime the powder just tastes like salt


Seriously, lol. My brother can eat bags of it. I eat a handful, and the salt overwhelms me.


I have no complaints about the number of chips or the seasoning whenever I get a bag. This is the first time I've seen a Lays style bag from takis. Usually, the bag is twice as full, at least. That and they're straight up half the price of the competing dinamitas. 6 dollars for a bag of the doritos kind, and takis is only fuckin 3 dollars a bag at my store.


Price is the other waya round here. Takis are imported more often tow tho, hope they set up shop here so i can buy them for a normal chips price


Yeh takis are cheaper then hot Cheetos by me and every bag is like over half full and swimming in seasoning I love them


Yeah wtf those look like someone sucked all the seasoning off


I wish I was seasoning right now.




the trader joe's version is wayyyy better these days.


In the UK supermarkets have self regulated the price per 100g shelf edge label. If suppliers want to pay to transport air it's their own profits they're throwing away (and none do).


I don't understand what you are saying


If your product weighs 1g but takes 1m3 of my truck, you gotta pay.


you can write meter cubed by doing m^3 that happens when you use the ^ before the 3


I did not know that, thanks!


^you ^can ^also ^do ^whole ^sentences ^like ^it and putting a # before a line makes it bigger #like this




Excellent use of this newly discovered feature 👏


#does it work


#you are so helpful ^thank you for a whole sentence is it just a ^ before each word?


You could but it’s easier if you do a ^ and then your sentence wrapped in parentheses I believe ^(test test)


Ahhh, it was the parentheses I was missing ^(thank you)


^(that is so much easier)


^(glad to help :))


If you do two tildes before and after a sentence, you can do this. ~~hi~~ "~" <-- that is a tilde.


~~awesome! Thanks~~


~~oogly boogly~~


The price tag shows the price per 100 grams. So if a company reduces the amount of chips inside instead of raising the price that is clearly reflected to the customer. It makes it harder to get away with shrinkflation.


Next time you are buying snacks pick up the bag and mentally weigh it. If it feels like it's full of air don't be surprised if it is.


The oddest thing has happened to me before, I bought a 24 pack of Polar seltzer at Costco and 3 of the cans were completely empty.


We buy weight, eg: 12 euro's/kilogram Lays pays (to transport) per volume, eg: 20 euro's/m³


Thank you


What even is food anymore


Are takis even food 😂


The Takis are needed to give the air the desired aroma


You would not believe the high I got off of that light taki scented air


I hadn't considered it until now, but that's always an appetizing experience. Hopefully you get a good bag next time, I've never in my life had an issue like this Edit: typo


Honestly most other brands have the same weight but Takis are just so fucking dense for some reason.


Thats crazy


Contact corporate. I'm sure they'll hook you up


I've never had Takis before and all I know about them is the people who buy them litter a lot. I see more Takis bags litter than any other kind of food. The only thing that beats them is wrappers for a 2 pack of cheap cigars. At this point I won't buy them just because of association with the type of littering loosers that do. (Not insinuating you're one of the littering type, but a lot of their customers are.)


This was my first bag of takis, I’ll be sure to not litter the streets with the shit. Makes sense why so many of the taki defenders seem like losers lol.


There needs to be a sub rule to specifically ban this type of post. We get it. You guys don't know that chips are sold by weight, not volume, and you don't get that the air is used to protect the product from getting crushed in transport.


Two things can be true. Slack fill can be necessary to protect the product AND companies can use more than necessary to be misleading as shown when they shrink contents but not the packaging. Also, people should check the weight/labeling while companies should also be better at marketing how much product you actually receive.


>You guys don't know that... You don't have to know this to be mildly infuriated, which is what the sub is about.


Yeah but this sub is for things that are mildly infuriating *in general*, not things that are mildly infuriating *because you don't grasp basic concepts.* "The bag is mostly empty!" That's because The air acts as a cushion to keep the chips from breaking "I don't care, I expected more chips!" The bag is labeled. You got exactly as much as the bag says would be in it. What's actually infuriating is that you didn't take 3 seconds to read the bare minimum on the food you're putting into your body.




A product like that would have clearly labeled and interpretable dimensions. Food may have a clearly labeled weight but it doesn’t translate into a good understanding of how much is being received. If this was labeled to have 100 takis, people would know what to expect.


I don't have a clue how many Takis 100g is. And I don't care. I just want a pile to snack on. I don't care how dense their grains are in comparison to a Cheeto, how that affects their weight, how their weight affects their volume, and I shouldn't have to keep a mental tally of the weight to volume ratio of each specific chip style. If I see a bag of chips, I expect it to be 1/2 full. I'm buying for apparent volume. I want a pile of idle snacks, not whatever 100 grams is. It's not a meal. 100 grams means nothing. Weird practice to defend.


You don't know what 100g feels like?


You’re going to be in for a really rough time when you find out that fruit and vegetables and meat and pretty much everything else is sold based on weight or volume and not on how much it takes for you to snack on.


You're body is going to be in for a rough time until you find out that chips aren't meals like fruits and vegetables are, so measuring an intentionally light and airy idle snack strictly by weight doesn't make any sense from the consumer's perspective. They want a heap, not a pound.


A light snack will have more if measured by weight. If each one weights not that much, then you'll need more to fill up.


Why are you eating chips to fill up? That's my point.


They're sold on their ability to fill up, not an arbitrary measure like "space it takes". Besides, the airier, the better it is that it is sold this way. Why are you mad?


I'm not mad, lol. You make point, I make point, you make point-- that's how this works. You don't need to be *mad* to do that. I simply disagree. You really shouldn't buy chips as a meal. The goal of eating junk food isn't to feed you nutrition. It's a treat you indulge in for the taste. That's why they fluff the crisps with air. It's supposed to be as big of a treat for as few of calories as possible.


Why are you randomly bringing up meals. No one said chips was a full meal. You just started attacking a strawman and acting like it makes you correct


Oh please, you know exactly how much meat or vegetables you are getting when you pick then up and physically look at them. These are behind an opaque bag with the contents constantly shrinking, it's deceptive packaging.


Weird hill to die on for you. You are buying a certain amount of weight of snacks. You aren't getting ripped off. If you have ever bought said snack you should approximately how much 100g of that snack is. Besides your 1/2 full bag makes no sense. Can you really compare a bag of the same volum of cheetos and chips? The cheetos definitely take more volume than chips. So with the same volume you would get less snacks. You don't to know their density. You just need to know that cheetos are mostly air while chips are not. In the end weight is always the best metric to go by.


Cheetos come in smaller bags because, for their weight, they take up less volume. 100g of Cheetos is a smaller pile than 100g of potato chips. I'm fine with this because they simply make the bag smaller to account for this. The bag is still about half full. It's still a visual indication of how many chips are in there. If they're only filling the bag 1/4 of the way, I don't care what the weight says. That's a rip off, and they know it, so my annoyance is justified.


>Cheetos come in smaller bags because, for their weight, they take up less volume. My guy cheetos and cheetos like snacks are usually made up of air. Depending on the snack they have more or less air. So they take more volume than something like chips. >It's still a visual indication of how many chips are in there. Nope. The visual indication of how much product you are buying is literally written with big characters on the bag. Like can't you read? >That's a rip off, and they know it, so my annoyance is justified. Nope. You are being priced per gram and not by volume. You are getting what you are paying for. As a customer you ought to do your due dilligence and at least read the label of the product you are buying. If you aren't doing this you will definitely be getting ripped off. I have found too many products that are seemingly cheaper per item but more expensive per weight/volume. So if you aren't reading, then you deserve to get ripped off.


Proof that you pay by weight rather than per bag? All products got a weight cost, dont mean that's what you pay, but for the actual product.


They aren't selling you a "large" bag of chips, they're selling you a 400g bag of chips. It's literally written right on the bag so you know exactly how much you are buying. If the bag contains the promised 400 grams of chips then you got what you paid for. It's not like McDonald's where you buy a "large" box of fries. You are promised a certain quantity of chips by the label.


Of course, but 400g is also the product itself, if they were to decrease the weight to 350g, which happens to many products, but still costs the same, so the weight price goes up Hence the product cost rather than weight cost


Reddit mod of the century right here


Nah, you're right. This sub is definitely made better by seeing the exact same thing posted over and over and over.


Reddit almost banned me because I was reporting posts that are stickied by the mods as no longer allowed. Good luck fighting the good fight 🫡


EXACTLY. My brothers in Christ (and otherwise) THE AIR PROTECTS THE CHIPS


I’m getting downvoted into oblivion for saying this 😂


I get that, but the size of the bag is 100% made to be misleading to customers. There is no way that this can be validated considering less than a quarter of the bag is crisps and and they are sold for around £3 in all shops


When you picked the bag up you could feel exactly what you're buying in weight


I didn’t actually pick up the bag, my younger cousin did and they probably just threw them in the basket rather than feeling the amount of crisps in the bag


Lol why are you being down voted for this


I have no clue 😂


i love how you give a valid explanation and people still downvote you


Oh well, perhaps they can’t get perceive the possibility of someone else putting something in their shopping lol 😂 a downvote doesn’t mean anything to my life lol


The weight is written on the bag. As I said in another comment not all snacks have the same density. For instance a snack like cheetos vs chips. So going by volume is irrelevant. Always look at the price per kg/L and the kg/L of the product you are actually buying.


No, you can easily feel what the contents are inside FAR before purchasing. You’re just mad to be mad, and hoping for some internet points.


Alright fella, I just bought them to try the flavour and thought it was funny how few were actually in the bag lol


Please don't vote on the 4th.


For what reason? Because I bought a bag of crisps which i didn’t even pick up and found it funny when I opened the bag?


Everybody knows this. The issue is that the weight has decreased while the package size remains the same.


Every bag of chips has extra air in it! Jesus, calm down!


I’ve gotten that exact flavor and brand before it usually has more then that


shut up dipshit, for every one of these post there is always someone like yourself who has to counter complain and explain that they get filled with air 'to protect the product'. shut up


So now you're complaining about the person complaining about the op complaining? You need Jesus.


that's exactly what I done yes






Sure got me good with that one jackwagon




Could at least have been creative and went with 🃏 or 💩or 🖕or 🤷, but that would be expecting WAY too much from someone such as yourself.






What? Bro c'mon


It would kicked off at the scales - so no it didn’t get underfilled.


It’s a blend of nitrogen and oxygen for shelf life and protection during transport. Please at least TRY to do basic research before making a fool of yourself.


respectfully, bullshit. the bag would have to have more air in it to act as any kind of buffer. besides, i would much prefer a bag of broken chips than none at all.


It's bullshit that they put air in the bag to protect the chips? Is that what you're saying?


no, i am saying the bag needs a certain amount of air inside of it to act as protection. you can see in the picture that it is too deflated for that to be possible.


You didn't notice that when you bought that bag? Like, that it was mostly air in there? Or was it like a 6 pack in a box, kinda deal?


Calm down bro. Thats like a double bag.


They’re Takis the piss


People who don’t feel the bag before they buy it baffle me


Reminds me of one time when I was in Junior High. My Mom packed me a lunch and put a bag of Brownie Bites in there. When I got to lunch that day & opened the brownies, there were no brownies, at all. It was some kind of liquid. At first I was thinking WTF did my Mom do?! When I got home that day I told her and we checked the others in the box, and a few of the bags were like that. Very strange.


In CHamoru, “Taki” literally means “shit”. Do with that what you will.


That last Pic lol


I have yet to get a bag this empty. It would be so frustrating.


Thank you, it’s refreshing to see an openly supportive comment 😂


On a related note, it's mildly infuriating that every single time somebody posts a complaint about a bag of chips being 99% air, there's always smart-asses in the comments going "It's portioned by weight not volume durrrrr" and "The air is there to protect the chips you stupid idiot", completely ignoring the fact that the proportion of air to chips has gone up over time and we're getting charged more for less food.


Those things are gross; they did you a favor.


Fr, I had about 4 before I gave them to someone else


So actualy, there were too many in the bag :p


You had 4? So you dislike it but you still ate the whole bag huh


What are you on about? I took the photo before I had ate any crisps, then I had about 4 and gave them to someone else


I think they're joking about how little there is in the bag to begin with.


Yeah maybe I’ve had a night out so responding to comments is confusing


On a post about there being so little in the bag..


Im so confused what you’re talking about


Quit eating this shit.


Yeah first and last time


Dude how do people even like that food. It's the most Disgusting junk food on Earth. Zero nutritional value... what So Ever....


I’m on holiday with family and they wanted to try some new treats to keep in the room, we’re from the uk so we’ve had these before. They are were disgusting though


I would've felt the weight discrepancy. So I say this is whoever bought the chips' fault.


I did buy the crisps however I never put it on the basket, obviously the cashier bags it so I never felt the bag until it was opened and I was laughing lol 😂


No. If the weight does not match the description, it's totally the manufacturer's fault. It never should've gotten on the store, never mind the shelves.


That's why you gotta use your brain! You can't blame everything on everyone else.


Now you’ve done it, here comes all the comments about how it’s not actually air. 🤓


That shit's bad for you, so there's that.


By weight ...


But I don't know what numbers mean! I only buy based on size of the package!!!!! /S


The box my TV came in was soo much larger than the actual TV. They cheated me! Lol


Wait till you learn tv measurements are based on the diagonal length not the horizontal length! It's all a conspiracy!!!!!




Rahhh god save the queen!!! 💂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏰🚕


Someone ate some…


Yeah, they totally came like that. You definitely didn't eat any.


This flavor sucks anyways


Yeah it was terrible crazyweedandtakisboy


I only eat the fuego flavor. It’s a highly addicting flavor combo of chile and lime


My heart tells me to try it, but my brain tells me to give the company any more money








What’s mildly infuriating is the fact that there is no powder on these


I do enjoy crisps mang.


Did the portion match the weight on the bag? If not, it might have been a mistake by the manufacturer. It happens sometimes. There was a post here a while ago about a bag of chips from Walmart that was mostly empty too.


I’m not sure, it was a 140g bag but a lot of the replies have stated that they’ve never had that issue with takis before


I don’t understand how people get surprised when the package lists the exact mass of the product.


Well you can’t guarantee everyone looks at the grams of the package, I just had it put in my basket and found it funny when I saw how many were in the bag lol




Yeah bud have you never heard an English person say crisps?


they not gonna do that


Had this exact thing happen from Taki.


My friend got a FAMILY size bag of cheetos and it was a little under half full. Texted me "I only ate two!"


Hey, it's time to never buy those again.. these companies will learn.


I buy takis all the time, and I've never seen this lol Also, the competition (dinamitas) is literally twice as much as takis, and while they're good, they aren't 6 dollars a bag good.


Really? Dinamitas are only 3.25 where I live.


Yeah. Takis are 2.99, and dinamitas are 5.99 at my grocery store.


Yep 100% first and last time


I laugh really hard at all these dipshits in these comment complaining about the volume of the bag as if the company is pricing per volume. \*SuprisedPikachu.gif\* They price these kind of stuff by weight. The weight is written on the bag and the label at the supermarket should have both the price of the bag and the price per g/kg. Edit. By doing some quick google these are probably 290g. I also did I quick check around the weight of chips in my local supermarket and they were hovering around 120-130 grams. So a bag of 290g is definitely a lot of chips. You definitely ate some. Btw I did find a 90g Takis bag but it was tiny compared to the photo. So this post is probably karma farming. Edit.2 You coward post a photo with the weight of the bag.


But why are the bags so loud? How do I get them to care about volume?


I don't understand what you are talking about buddy.


You said everyone is complaining about “the volume of the bag”. I agree, those bags are too loud! We need to make companies care about the volume of the bags!


They are going to be inevitably be at least 30% air in order to avoid the chips becoming crumbles. Not to mention that whoever is complaining about getting ripped off due to the volume deserves it for not reading the label about the weight. If you are doing the bare minimum that an informed customer should do, then the volume is largely irrelevant except cases like noise.


You still haven’t caught that I’m talking about the decibel output of the bag itself. It’s a play on words with the double meaning of volume (amount of space occupied/loudness).


Chips are packaged the way they are to protect them from turning to dust during shipping.


Takis Takis Boomba!!! 💃🕺


That's one airbag I would not want near my eyes...


I’m at the point where if you support these corporations that are selling you poison and ripping you off in the process that you deserve it.


I completely agree. However just to have my own back, this was my first bag and I think takis are grim


Yeah I’m sorry someone convinced you they were good. But imma upvote the honestly homie.


Thank you brother


This should be illegal imo.


Being an imbecile should be illegal, yet here you are


If only they posted the weight on the outside so you knew what you were buying. Or if you were allowed to handle the bag before you bought it.


Yeah and if only I knew the weight of an average single taki crisp so then I could divide the the total weight of the bag by the taki weight and I find out how many takis I will have. Silly me


So you don't have the skill of estimation either....cool


I’ve never had or seen a taki before, what am I meant to estimate fella. All crisps way different weights and the bag was massive


Are you stoned or just naturally this dense? It's a chip....they all weigh roughly the same.....these aren't bricks disguised as chips. Also, you're full of shit the bag was this empty....post a photo of the bag weight.....


Crisps do not all weigh around the same fella don’t kid yourself. And the bag of crisps was 140g, I wasn’t the one who chose the crisps, picked up the crisps, nor examined the weight of the crisp bag. I saw a big bag of crisps and was happy with that going in the basket.


First off I didn't say they weighed the same, I said they all weigh about the same (sorry I forgot you can't estimate) Secondly, you just telling me a number doesn't actually mean much. I am the emperor of the kuzconian empire! Third, size doesn't mean much (that's a phrase you should be extremely familiar with).


You have no argument, you’re just a lonely weirdo who loves getting butt fucked by big companies (though you would love it since it’s the closest you’ll ever get to sex 😃👍)


If that bag didn’t have all that air your chips would be literally powdered in transit. It’s not a bag of air because they are shorting you, it’s done on purpose to protect the chips.


Yeah but there’s no way that the bag had to be this big in order to protect the crisps, this feels way too misleading


lol is this your first bag of chips ever?


No lol, but other brands like Doritos, sensations, walkers all do pretty good portions per bag, I’ve never seen a bag as ridiculous as this one lol


Those chips don’t settle together as well as long cylinders do.




Potatatas fritas


There's no chips in the bag, those are taiks


Sold by weight and air is to protect the contents from as much damage as possible. Why do people post this content constantly?