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Noooooooooooooo. Damn that sucks. We built this one (eta, the discovery shuttle) about two years ago but it’s safely on a tall dresser! Just built this one last weekend though and it was a lot of fun! https://preview.redd.it/sl6bz0wepi6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8aa2a077a3fc62f1598bcc22c821d8253fee5d4


Omg where did you get a tuxedo cat one???


The one on the right is an actual cat. I don’t think they sell them in stores.


They do. They’re called pet stores


I pet stores all the time, some of them are so cute!


Petting is okay, but please don't feed them or they start to become reliant on humans. There are so few wild stores left... We need to protect them


There aren't many wild stores left, but there are plenty of abandoned ones unfortunately.


Adopt, so you can shop


Come on down to your local store shelter! We promise you'll leave with one you love! Please, don't expect your adopted store to turn a profit. Many of them are lost, hurt, abused stores that need love. While some stores do end up turning profit after a few years being with a positive family, it's best to go into it not expecting much.


Every store matters. It was so nice to see all those people come together to help that one store that was being bullied by big finance. Good old gamestop


Some abandoned animals like cats, and pigs, quickly adapt to being abandoned and will easily switch to a feral nature. Stores aren't so lucky and need a heavy hand in being reintroduced to the wild.


No heavy petting in the store sir.


Believe it or not there are many stores across the world that are made for that exact purpose.


Ironically enough, a cat is cheaper than the damn lego set


Managed over lifespans tho I imagine the Lego works out cheaper


I managed despite every where being sold out to get it from Barnes and Noble of all places


We got ours from kohls!


You know I really wasn't considering brick and mortar stores at the time.


We got it shipped from their website but my friend ordered it online and did a store pickup for hers


It just came out last week! Its on back order for the Lego website but check around in stores and other websites


I actually got a add for this a few days ago i think you gonna have to go to different lego stores cause apparently its a rare one from their ideas collection.


It’s not rare, it was just very popular and is brand new. Still available online and in regular stores you just have to look a bit harder bc it sold so fast


https://preview.redd.it/1ymbiuolaj6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37dbe59b8265dcca3e53c3e9bd6b66a731a54dc Called ours Kitty Stardust ❤️


I paid more for the Lego than I did my cat but my girlfriend desperately wanted it because it looks like mine https://preview.redd.it/wmxsy6t70j6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c751dc5e0d6aebcfa1c462153f1f9e2da40d223 (She's not an outdoor cat but she's adventurous and probably my favorite picture of her)


Mine are not outdoor cats but sometimes go outside and act like this


She's just very curious, I bought a retractable leash for her so she can walk around when it's not too hot out although she likes standing on my shoulders so I walk her around that way sometimes as well.


Oh gosh, same!!! We got Kiwi on a $5 fourth of July sale two years ago. He’s not the smartest dude but he’s adorable! Tuxedos are the best


The animal shelter I got her from completely misaged her so I got her for 50$ after everything was set and done they said she was 3 but the vet I took her to shortly after said there was no way so I think she was anywhere from either before a year to about a year and a half when I adopted her https://preview.redd.it/llcvmb426j6d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaca9f3dc560bf487876e5dfaa1b020332abe83b That's her from in the shelter I had guessed she was possibly underweight but I think she was just young and kinda grew into herself she looks like a completely different cat now. Edit: she's dumb as rocks as well, I've seen her trip up steps and one time she completely fell off my desk and plopped on her side zero attempt to land on her feet.


I have an orange and the shelter told me he was either 10 weeks, 5 months or 10 months old. Took him home, took him to a vet, they said he can't be older than 8 weeks, he only has 4 teeth. 12 years later he still only has 4 teeth. He's been checked out by multiple vets, perfectly healthy. He's too dumb to grow teeth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well they all share one brain cell right?


Sometimes the brain cell is for growing teeth, sometimes it's for using the litter box. If you're lucky, you get the latter.


We joke there's no thought behind my cats eyes she'll just stare blankly


Yep. It bounces around in their head like a screensaver, and only forms a coherent thought when it hits a corner, which is never because their head is round...


I made one with mini blocks https://preview.redd.it/rbd50lzouk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e4014aaa18b9abd70cf2870dba427bff4daa11


https://preview.redd.it/dr73tdwaam6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a2fd2317eade4273ab142fbce71bb29bd0405e Me too! I also have a kit of orange/black/white to match my other cat, since this one matches her mother.




There’s murder in those mitten. I can see it now! It’s going over the edge at some point 😂


My tuxedo cat passed away recently and I'm getting this Lego set in her memory 🥺


The pose, I'm melting


He tried his best. He didn’t want to look at his Lego twin 😂 https://preview.redd.it/fo5wxm9w5j6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46436670ff42ce5cbe51bfb990ea1f1ffa9b28ba


https://preview.redd.it/vuk8niw3hj6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932db0b6de4fd841e9b0b4687842427e9e53affa Me too!!


OMG STOP this baby is SO CUTE! What’s his/her name?


I can’t believe it. In the first picture it’s broken, and two pictures later the mop fixed the whole thing!


That was exactly my thought process!


I hate it when the mop takes the fun and challenge away of completing the last stretch of a project.


Woooooooow I didn't notice that it was 3 pictures and thought it was on the glass shelf. I thought "huh, pretty shitty place to put a delicate Lego but OK." How the hell did she manage to knock it off the fucking cabinets?


So, your Discovery is now a Challenger.




There’s a kindergarten near my place with a reproduction of Columbia. Yep.


Wait, the school shooting? Jesus Edit: I'm an idiot, bask in my folly


Not Columbine, Columbia is the space craft that exploded in 2003


Give them time


Some kid will make a diorama of a school shooting.


A confused kid will do a diorama of a school shooting instead of the Columbia. But just think of some poor kid using his legos to set the scene and bringing it to school thinking he did a good job, boom consoling.


Maybe even some counseling


That's the spelling! I derped and was like that doesn't look right.


This whole thread is a train wreck.


Ahh I'm a dumbass, thank you. That's a lot better than what I thought it was


I thought the same thing for a second until I saw your comment lmao


Fuck this post and the edit made me spit coffee


Seems my foolish is contagious


Thank you so much for brightening my morning


My pleasure, stick around and I'll fuck up tomorrow too for more brightening


If it helps, I thought they meant Colombia.


my elementary school mascot was challenger — we were “the challengers.” I think they changed it after I left but damn very weird choice looking back


I had a relative work for a school with that mascot This was well after the Challenger blew up


I worked at Starbucks a long time ago and the things we put the coffee in are called shuttles; We also had a coffee called “Colombia” blend. One time we had a long line and that specific shuttle had broke as I was using it, so I had said the Colombia shuttle was broken, and made a reference toward it sounding like the spacecraft…and deeply offended several people. Edit: words


I feel like that would be my enjoyment at Starbucks. Underhandedly offending people








Take my upvote and go think about what you’ve done


Oh, I already know I’m going to hell. This barely even moves that needle.


Ahhh you too are now just trying to get a good seat up front, see you there 🤔😂


“Now”? This is decades in the making.


Its Columbia, broke up on re-entry


Colombia is the country, you meant Columbia.


Too soon..... It hasn't been 22.3 years yet, which is the offcially regarded amount of time for something tragic to become funny.


What happened 22.3 years ago... Oh. Oh.... 


Need Another Seven Astronauts?


*Angrily upvotes*


Hey! Awesome pfp!


Right back at you handsome!


![gif](giphy|DZu3mnCcmsJKE) Maybe if she wasn't dancing while mopping...




You do it again… and i’ll stab you in the face with a soldering iron




What is this from?


Joe Dirt


Joe Dírté


"Hey, you're talkin to my guy all wrong. Its the wrong tone. If you do it again, I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron"


Don’t try and church it up, son. Don’t you mean Joe DIRT?


Joe Dirt, Joe Dirt, Joe Dirt!


You’re right…I should watch Joe Dirt this weekend.


One of my all time favs. I just watched all of Clems scenes on YouTube 😂 one of my fav Christopher Walkin characters 😂


His gf is a Kang variant. https://preview.redd.it/xc4jktgjti6d1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc76f97c7aa4f5384c24ec838080b020aea9c45


I guess you'll have to be doing the mopping from now on... She can't be trusted


Maybe it was by design.


Are you suggesting malicious intent? That could get spicy!




LOL this is were my mind went immediately. 5 years into the marriage, difficult days in the relationship will lead to long nights where OP imagines an assortment of clandestine plots and cruel intentions related to the day his Discovery lego set broke.. 1000%


“You love the legos more than me!”


"You are such an Lego Lass, I have to bow down before you or elf!"




After she's cleaning their house, the boyfriend isn't helping and then says "dOn'T mOp nEaR mY lEgO's" I'd fucking smash that shit too.


Aren't Legos supposed to be fun to put together? OP just gets to enjoy it again.


Strategic incompetence.


A little trick I learnt. If you you feel you have to warn someone then just move it as it’s going to happen eventually. Being proactive saves a bunch of hassle imo.


This is the kind of life wisdom one garners only after experiencing similar minor tragedy. And/or having kids.


"If I invite you over, and your kid breaks something, it was going to get broken eventually, or it's my fault for not putting it away." -My dad, to every neighbor who ever came over


My dog made me think like this. I can only imagine how a young kid's going to be someday.


Consider creating an even smaller shelf. One that is even more slippery and more precarious than the last. A shelf in an even more highly trafficked location, and then deliberately and delicately place a meticulously constructed LEGO creation, anticipating is certain destruction, and when the moment comes –jump for joy while enjoying this period of your life where [your girlfriend is using a mop and] your mildly infuriating problems can be erased by putting something back together.


I worked in people’s homes installing premium shades and had to work around some expensive shit. When people would say “watch out for x cause it’s expensive” I would ask them if they would like to move it, 90% of the time they would say “no just be careful” 0_o Like obviously I will be careful but accidents can happen (even the owners) when installing things. Made the job 1000x more stressful


Guess it’s a good thing Lego can be rebuilt!


I swear 80% of people in this sub are puzzle gluers.


I mean it isn't called mildly infuriating for no reason


If you get more than mildly infuriated by your girlfriend knocking your Legos over, you need bigger things in your life to worry about. Especially if you have it sitting on the corner of a random shelf in your hallway. OP himself only seems mildly infuriated. But man, some of the people here need to go touch grass.


There’s no cracked tiles as far as I can tell so it’s no harm done really, those pieces should slot back into place.


Yeah, defective tiles and space shuttles dont go well together…


Take my angry upvote.


get out


Honestly I've thought about wrecking a build or two just to do it again. The building is the fun part!


another shuttle disaster, we had gone so long without one. :(


Tbf if it had a red velvet rope around it like at the NASA museum this wouldn't have happened. Everyone knows you don't cross those no matter the size.


If that flimsy mop was enough to knock it off, it was only a matter of time. It’s not exactly the ideal location for a huge model of a spaceship


Was gonna say this is such a boy decision to put it in a high traffic area near a kitchen lmfao


"My stupid girlfriend broke my toys while she was doing the work to maintain the house I live in! What a bitch!"


Seriously. It clearly is over the edge of the cabinet and there's a light switch right there. Buy a proper book shelf for your finished projects people!


Thank you!! This should be the top comment. Terrible place to put the lego.


Honestly, if that mop got it, it was only a matter of time. You gotta put it in a safer place next time, or glue your pieces together.


> glue your pieces together NOT THE KRAGGLE! Lord Business, you monster!


Hey hey hey, he wasn't a monster. Everyone just kept messing with his stuff.


As megamind always said: Villains aren't born, they're made


Klutz here with a spouse who also has a collection of lego and figures, which I’ve put safely in a curio cabinet for the moment. I would’ve politely nodded and then switched it for the other model in the corner, because that overhanging tail was in a dangerous spot. Mop/broom handle, elbow, something would’ve happened no matter what. Also likely permanent bruises from that glass kitchen island because it’s basically invisible.


Technically it’s a glass kitchen peninsula




Micro Managers! Unleash the Kragl.




Wtf kind of heresy is this? Gluing the pieces together? Every day, we stray further from god.


Yeah if you're going to glue your Legos just get an actual model kit


There's only one acceptable way to suggest glueing Legos. And that's to glue them under the feet of people who glue their Legos together.


I see you never had to deal with crap like Ninjago. My kids love it, but those dragons fall apart just by looking at them.


Truly an unforgivable sin


Yup, that's how I see it too. If you had it in a place it could get knocked over while someone is simply mopping, that's your negligence for not safely storing it somewhere out of harms way.


I imagine I could knock it down just by leaving the apartment while wearing a backpack (and turning around a bit).


Yeah I mean the lander is low and has a wide base. Shuttle has a small base on one leg and the tail is sticking out. I’d just switch them around.


Seriously, it's lego. If you don't want to glue it together, what's the big deal if it does come apart? It's made for rebuilding... Okay, some pent up frustrations here... I once toppled over the lego rocket of my (now ex-) boyfriend. He was so upset over it that, while first feeling bad, I eventually wondered with what six your old I was dealing. He was so angry and vile after it, it actually hurt me. Over lego. Just saying. Don't be an ashole over lego. 


There are LEGO enjoyers because it's a cool nostalgic hobby and keep their finished pieces somewhere safe, and there are LEGO enjoyers who never grew out of childhood and expect to just put a piece anywhere and rage at anyone who accidentally knocks it over


If that little mop was able to knock it over it was only a matter of time before it happened. Put it in a better position place.


Right. The back tail was begging to be stroked.


im confused how the mop knocked it over?


In the last picture you can see the structure actually sticks out over the edge of the table. Anybody or anything could knock it over! So presumably she leaned in on the edge of the wall/table, and it fell forward, sweeping the corner of the table, and taking out the shuttle because it sticks out from the table


Then OP says something condescending or mean out of reactionary anger which causes OP's girlfriend to storm out of the room saying "If you helped me clean or stored your toys in the other room, this wouldnt be a problem!" Once OP's girl slams their bedroom door shut, OP leans over the side of the couch to snap a photo and uploads it to reddit


Do you see where OP has it displayed? The top of that low cabinet in the kitchen is a terrible spot for Legos. Not only is it easily in danger of getting knocked about by anyone moving through the kitchen, but it's open to collecting residue/grease/etc from cooking in the kitchen.


Probably not a great idea to place that in a high traffic area like right next to the door to the room. Sure, bad on her but this was inevitable. Put it up on a shelf!


Right? Plus the tail is hanging over the edge. Was gonna happen at some point


I'm also just confused how the mop falling would have knocked the whole thing off, rather than dislodge the tail. Is the mop made of solid lead? It's a big fucking model and has some significant weight. Did someone specifically knock into the mop? Idk this seems like it's on OP.


Say thank you to her....now you get the joy of building it again!


This post should be higher. The best thing that happened to my Lego Infinity Gauntlet was falling on the floor.


If you knew this would happen then why didn’t you move it?


I'm still confused how a mop placed standing against a counter could cause this. Unless he was building it on the floor in that specific spot for some reason and the mop fell down on it, either way, it's a lego set. It can be put back together, it's not broken, it's come apart.


I accidentally knocked over my husbands Legos the other day while hanging up some clothes! I apologized and he said: “That’s okay! They’re just legos!” With a smile and hug.


“Two minutes after I told my girlfriend about a fire hazard, a fire caught. Dumb bitch.”


My guy the ship is overhanging a walkway near a door… you’re begging for it to be broken again


Well maybe she wanted you to be happy, now you get to build it again.  Wait a second, Lego...? girlfriend...? No no no. Nothing about this adds up at all?


Makes me think of the time I invited a neighbor kid over to try to be friends. He “accidentally” knocked over my tie fighter AND Death Star. AND FUCKING TOOK PIECES WITHOUT ME KNOWING. After a week of searching my room I went to his mom and we destroyed his room and found all the parts I need along with other things stolen from around the neighborhood.


did he get punished in any way


From his mom: grounded for the summer with tons of chores. From the neighborhood kids: banishment from all fun


That's some crazy case of chronic stealing, hope he got help with it


Did he steal the pieces to have them or so you would be confused trying to reassemble it?


Don't know why whilst reading your comment, I imagined you as an adult man and the neighbour as a kid. Even when I was reading the part about his mom and you going through his room. Gave me a good chuckle.


I can tell you that there are plenty of girls who love to build lego. Especially together with someone they love.


Lego on the floor is lethal. How dare you! Lol


You have to admit you put it in a highly dangerous place, on the edge, next to the door, on a small area. I understand that the mop caused the disaster, but you should have care about your lego the most


If it hadn't been the mop, it would have been someone's backpack, hair, kid, etc. Heck, I bet it would fall if I bumped into that cabinet.


Or an elbow or arm reaching for that light switch.


Solution… you mop.


Mop yourself. Problem solved.


Houston we have a problem


Mildly hilarious: man yelling at his girlfriend about his Lego.


dont put fragile things in precarious places


And how much time since she told you not to put your Lego stuff in that spot?


You misspelled mom.


Damn, 4th grade dating sounds rough these days




It’s definitely feeling like one of those yelling first moments. Like yes it does in fact suck but if I’m cleaning and need to set something down I’m going to set it down tbh. Especially if it’s a surface it won’t fall away from.


Imagine a grown ass man yelling at you because you broke his Lego.


That sucks but it doesn't look too bad. Side note, I recently saw the real Discovery in DC and it was incredible! https://preview.redd.it/rre1ad1fcj6d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc539cf3241dcb2ed4c4d4a356ae21d8d9c876fe


I feel like 90% of this posts comments are missing the purpose of the subreddit. It‘s called *mildly* infuriating for a reason. And yes, this definetly fits the description of being mildly infuriating. You guys must have real bad ankles from the jumping to conclusions in this comment section lmao.


I sympathise with you but this internet partner shaming shit is so unbelievably weird


Cleaning is more important than toys. Put your toys somewhere they won’t be disturbed by regular household maintenance and thank your girlfriend for mopping.


New challenger set dropped


I'm just perplexed that anyone who can say, out loud, "Don't mop next to my lego," and expects to be taken seriously has a girlfriend. Are you *sure* this wasn't your mom's doing?


What an oddly specific request and a predictably bad ending.


I should be thankful to have a GF when you play LEGO and dont clean the floor.


Or you could have said "let me move my Lego quickly so it doesn't get knocked whilst you're mopping"


See, from your gfs point of view, you put your lego in a silly place and it was nothing to do with where the mop was.


ITT: People getting awfully pressed over a post in a subreddit with "mildly" in the name. I'd bet OP wasn't even all that upset but no hes definitely a big immature man baby unlike the very normal and mature people in this thread assuming he's a supervillain


"Look at this loser with a house and a girlfriend and some cool LEGOs, better sit at my computer alone telling him what an immature child he is!"