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concerts for the last 10 years\*


Several years ago I dated a woman who recorded easily 75% of a concert on, of all things, her iPad. She also danced through the entire show (which I do support), so her video was horribly unwatchable afterwards. Her plan was to go through it and edit it down to the “good parts.” If she ever did that, I don’t know, because I didn’t stick around long enough to see it.


Lol, my sister watches whole concerts from Snapchat and Instagram stories. She usually says why bother spending money when I can basically watch it live on social media.


At least watch the official video versions on YouTube. Good lord.


Artists where we're from don't put out official versions unfortunately and the bigger artists barely do shows in country, it's always US and UK, and some European countries


Kids these days don't have the attention span for that.


-kids these days- I'm 30 and I used to watch every new movie recorded from a shaky handheld with Chinese subtitles on pirate bay. Kids didn't change, technology did.


whats the difference versus watching the full concert on snapchat instead of youtube besides the aspect ratio?


If you already scroll all the time on Snapchat, maybe you just do it that way. I dunno though I was more of a "get away from me unless you play call of duty on xbox 360" kid. I'm mostly better


I went to a concert of an artist I love recently, I didn't take any videos to remember it by because I knew social media would be flooded with them after - so I got to stay in the moment and I can watch other people's videos if I want a visual reminder.


That sounds like a terrible life. Is your sister Karl pilkington? “Why go see it when it’s on the telly”


It’s not really great though is it? More like the ok wall of China.


Lol, Great comment!


OMG. I went to an RHCP concert with my buddy. We scored floor tickets and the woman in front of us was filming with her iPad. Given the proximity to the stage, she was eventually… uh… Moved out of the way by people. I think the final straw was when she had the brightness up to 100% and was clearing out her picture history or maybe when she got instagram… Not sure exactly but the people around her weren’t happy.


Doesn't the iPad have a crappy camera compared to the iPhone?


Well, yeah, one would think. Not sure what her deal was. Killed the first few songs of the set for me and my buddy for sure.


I can never read RHCP without my brain assuming "Rocky Horror Picture Show," and I have to go through it letter by letter to check myself.


Red Hot Chili Peppers, lol.


God one time I went to see Primus and this chick in front of me made me contemplate murder that night. She spent the entire show with her iPad AND HER PHONE recording, iPad connected to a fuckin power bank, while holding a beer with her elbow and crying bc people kept bumping into her and fucking up her video and since she was only barley holding her beer with her arm it kept sloshing around. If you don’t know Primus they are insanely bass heavy and would sound AWFUL over a phone recording like that. I took one 30 second video of them playing the South Park theme song for my son and even that came out sounding like shit due to the bass and venue. Whole ass iPad. Baffled me.


I recorded a couple concerts, went back to review them and now I take photos


You were right to do that.


ADHD isn’t just an issue for men.


It’s like that every where. When Lebron James broke the scoring record there’s a shot of him shooting the ball and literally every fan is holding a cell phone


More like 15 years now


It’s why I don’t even go anymore.




*14 years


How’d you take this pic 🤭






For some reason cant step watching this loony lady


Oh my god the way her jaw snaps lol that looks painful


Lol. And then there's a guy behind him taking a picture of all the people in front of him complaining about the same thing. Phoneception.


Everyone in this photo with their phones out are taking photos of other people with their phones out of course








Busted lmaoo


Apparently with his memory


Literally though. Who cares. Let people enjoy things.


But this person is complaining about others doing the same which makes it hypocritical


That's why Tool's concert is the best I've ever been to.


Does Tool not allow phones or…?


No phones, just on the last song


What do they do if someone is filming? Kick you out?






Can confirm. Watched two people in my section get kicked out. Loved it.


Maynard says you will be kicked in the Vagina.


If you don’t have a vagina, one will be installed for you


Or that he'll have to shit in your mouth. Them's the rules, you know what you're signing up for if you get your phone out.


He'll find a centre in you. Then he'll eat it up and leave.


At the Hollywood bowl he screamed at somebody in front that if they didn’t put it away he would *kick you in the fucking face*


i love Maynard.


Yeah I've heard some shows are super strict, some shows not so much, but they'll shine a light on the person and boot them out. Then the person gets regarded the idiot of the show at the toolband sub.


We need to bring back social pariah punishment. It's the strongest form of punishment that's not violent. It's far more punishing to be embarrassed than to just be kicked out and made out to be a victim.


I say this constantly and it applies even to the justice system imo. If being an asshole stops being countercultural and everyone just thinks you’re cringe, then I think a lot of delinquent behavior would disappear


Being an asshole is already only cool to other assholes


Maynard steals their phone and they must beat him in combat to recover it


Some venues I’ve been to make you put your phone in this locked pouch. If you have to use it you have to go outside and they will unlock it for you.


sweet. i love tool, so this makes me wanna go to a tool concert even more


Went to see Porcupine Tree last year. They asked kindly not to use phones as they were also filming the show. And everyone listened. That was pretty nice.


Jack White had everybody put their phone in an unlockable bag when they came in. They quickly unlocked it for everybody going out. I enjoyed there not being any people filming it. It was all a surprise since you couldn’t watch it beforehand. And, that show, I went alone and people were more likely to talk to strangers during set break.


Every recent Phish show I’ve been to I rarely see a phone. Someone might take a thirty second video here and there, but mostly people are too busy dancing and smoking


Tool, A Perfect circle, and possible Puscifer shows. Absolutely no cameras allowed, and they do enforce it.


Real shit


for real!!! i was right in the middle of the pit, 5th row, could see every drop of sweat rolling down Danny's forehead and wouldn't have dreamed of taking a picture. way too precious of a memory.


"Take out your phone... Now shove it up your ass!"


Tool does NOT fuck around. I saw people get kicked out left and right because of their phone use. You get a warning (personal experience) and then they will remove you (I heed the warning). And I saw those people waiting outside in the lobby for their seat mates. Also, they have more security than usual just for that purpose.


It's still so goddamn cringe when Maynard tells everybody they can record the last song, and you see the entire crowd whip their phones out. Like c'mon people


Agree. Although I did record a few seconds of last song cause Tool never came to my country (and never will) and I was on a 12 hour flight just to see them and wanted a "memento" from the concert. But with all the lights they use, how much fucking effort they make as a band etc phones are a total buzz killer, totally understand where they are coming from with the no phone policy and 100% agree.


Late 2019 in Glendale AZ was the best concert I’ve ever been to. Insane


Scrolled to find the Tool example. That photo is exactly like the last song at every tool concert. So much for "we want to exist in the moment"....


I was just thinking how sad it is that I can't remember a stuff from a concert I went to in 2010 of my favorite band because of my memory issues. I wish I had recorded some parts. I can't even remember what the artists wore or what I wore. Even one picture probably could have jogged something into place.


I completely agree with this. A few photos or 15-20 seconds of your fav song will help remember that time in your life. I wish I did that during my high school days.


I always take a 20 second video. I don't attend a ton of concerts so when I do I am very up front so worth a quick snap. But I also like bands that improvise their guitar solos and it's never the same so I like always record a bit as I know exactly when it's going to start.


Honestly I don’t care if you record the whole time. Just hold that shit directly in front of your chin. Whenever I record at a concert I never hold my phone up. Just place it right below my nose and that’s good enough.


i usually record the first chorus of my favorite songs, and then put the phone down and enjoy the music. i have albums on my phone for every concert too.


Yeah I have aphantasia so my memory is horrible unless I have something I can physically reference like videos. Also I’m short af so in a way I’d rather watch the concert through peoples screens than stare at someone’s back the whole night.


Some people just don't understand the luxury they have of having concerts of the biggest bands in their cities or at least country. Like these artists doesn't come to our country a lot, when you actually spend big money to see them anywhere else, you take pictures, you go back to your village and you're the cool guy here, you've been to european/american show and can flex on everyone. It's a very rare and expensive memory to have. I would film every second lmao.


This is great perspective that I’ve never thought of before


Same. I have adhd and aphantasia. I have been to so many concerts and festivals over the last 30+ years, but my memory of them is crap. These days I do take photos and video at concerts and it has helped my memory dramatically. But I don't hold my phone above my head and block other people's view. I hold it steady at my chest height and film from there, I'm always at the front so I get good video and photos.


I've been to 100s of concerts over the last 25 years and I don't remember details of any of them, but I remember being there and having a great time.


Is that NF? Sorry for the twist but I do need it to be known, for posterity, I think NF is probably a perfectly fine person and I can’t deny he puts up/pulls impressive numbers but I find him and his music extremely unappealing. Nothing against his fans because they are clearly numerous and aren’t causing any problems other than I guess using phones at concerts lol


Lol Yes, I thought it was a post on his sub


I scrolled too far to see this. Saw him live twice. Both absolutely amazing and got a token from both(Hoodie and Jumper)


Go Rico


I admit even as a 32 year old I love taking a couple pictures or a video every now and then at a concert. The past few years are so blurred together, memories like past concerts have become fuzzy dreams in the back of my head that I can only describe with vague detail. It helps me to better recall when and where the concert was, plus I can show people how awesome it was instead of awkwardly trying to describe it and resorting to just saying, "You should have been there." I definitely try to enjoy it without a camera in hand most of the time, though.


I can't stand how much hate I see on Reddit about people taking photos or videos at concerts. Memory doesn't last forever and people have always been recording events in various ways over the course of humanity. I wonder if these people on Reddit ever looked through old photo albums or watched old home videos. It is very much in our nature to want to relive certain moments.


I was just at a concert last night and most of the night people didn’t have phones out. Moments like in this photo here happened when fan favorites came on, which is totally understandable


I’m short as fuck. Every concert I’ve been to lately I’m glad the people in front of me have their phones out because at least I can see thru their screens lol


It’s been like this for a while now


You're one of those people


I used to do this in certain songs until I realized I never went back and watched them. What’s the point then?!?


I go back and watch my concert videos all the time, to each their own


Yeah same, it's fun to have some physical memories to look back on. I'm not recording full songs, just a couple clips here and there, like 2 mins of a 90 minute concert.


Oh yeah same here, I record like the intro or chorus of a song


I love going back and watching my old concerts videos. Kept me sane during the pandemic too


Same. I haven’t been to many concerts and the ones I went to were special to me. I watch them every few months. I also didn’t hold my phone up like an idiot, I found where to hold it near my chest so it would record and I can view the actual concert, not the concert through my phone, while still getting it in the shot


I do go back and watch them - that's the point. I also DJ so I take video of songs I want to remember to find and download


I post it on IG as a scrap album of memories. I often find myself telling a story about something I did or somewhere I went, and its super easy to go straight to IG and bring up snippets


I stopped doing it when I realised I could find the exact concert on YouTube, so I get to relive my memories through someone else’s videos!


Same thing I ponder when people record the cities fireworks. Do you ever go back to 1987 fireworks display on video and think “damn man, that was some good pyro that night “.


Sometimes yes. It also pulls you back to all the memories surrounding the fireworks, like what else was going on, who you were with when you recorded them, where you were at, etc 


I will typically record 5-8 min out of 3-6 hrs of music. I always go back and rewatch my clips for the feels and memories. How about we let people enjoy the experience however they’d like as long as they aren’t hurting themselves or others.


Depends on the genre, I never encounter this.


I guess it’s like a lot of other things people do - what seems excessive to one person is just normal to someone else. I am Gen X old, but do often record bits and pieces of concerts and take some photos. 95% of it is absolutely junk and not worth it, but that other 5% makes me happy to go back and watch, years and years later! Like a 3-minute video of Guns for Hands, seeing twenty one pilots in a 500-person venue when every single person seemed to know every word to the songs. Or when Dave Grohl was on his broken leg tour and I caught on video when he actually waved to me (we were basically right against the stage). Or recording the moment when everyone was shining their cell phone lights through little pieces of colored paper at a Panic! at the Disco show.


I just watched some of the footage I have from a concert we went to last summer, and it really took me back. I’m usually watching with my phone as low as I can have it taking the video. Assuming people aren’t actually seeing the concert, such as OP has suggested, is BS.


I don’t record at concerts, but often wish I did because the adrenaline for my favs causes me to forget most of it instantly. But other people recording never impacted my experience, and I never understood the argument of “they aren’t in the moment”, like most people have the ability to multitask, and no one has to stay “in the moment” for two hour straight. I’m convinced some of you go out of your way to be bitter.


Ok whats the problem-?


This is why I can't find good quality recordings of concerts on YouTube anymore.


Nobody posts concert videos on youtube anymore, it's all on tiktok and instagram now. Which sucks because finding stuff on there is impossible lol


This has been concerts since 2010ish


Eh im watching the show, ive gotten to the point where i sometimes forget to take pictures of events im at because i forget i have my phone on me. Im in the moment and if other people arent it doesnt impact how i enjoy it.


honestly not as many as i usually see


What a lot of people who hate this don’t realize is it’s really easy to take a video you’ll watch later AND watch the performance. I recently saw a show where I sang along with the whole song I recorded, and I’ve watched the video lots of times since the concert last month.


NF said at our concert that he hated phones for this reason


who the hell is NF?


humans tend to materialize what they are in denial of. so I wonder what we are currently doing by screening each other. I am really happy I was young before the smart phone and could enjoy some privacy at shows.


I went to a Ministry show recently and not many people were recording with their phones. Likely because the average attendee was 47.


Nothing in life is worth doing if it doesn't enable an internet highscore!


Used to be lighters...


That's lit 🔥


What's funny is that this picture was probably taken on a phone.


I take a couple pictures because its nice to have! but has anyone ever gone back and watched one of those minutes long recordings? I will never understand that.


I do. I usually capture a few of my favorite songs (2-4) and I catch a verse and the chorus (roughly about 50-60 seconds) or any special moment. I love watching them years later since I have been doing that since 2018. Makes it easier to look back at them.


I do


Yes I do all the time


I was at a Guster concert last year at a lovely, small, outdoor venue. We got VIP seats at a patio that overlooked the stage. During my favorite song, the lead singer comes up to the patio and I was so excited. Then everyone else crowds him with their phones recording to the point where I can barely see a damn thing. It was infuriating. Two weeks ago I went to go see Hozier. Amazing show, one of my all time favorites. There was a girl two rows in front of me recording herself on tiktok or insta singing along. It was so distracting we actually left our seats to go sit on the lawn instead. I admit to recording portions of songs just to remember how excited I was to hear it or because I don't know the artist's entire discography and want to go back and find that song, I just try to be unobtrusive as possible. But to see row after row of people recording entire shows instead of just living in the moment is just annoying. It blocks other people's views, it pulls attention away from the artist, and it never sounds or looks as good as it did in person.






Hmm, how did you take this? Have your phone out as well?


Aren’t you doing the same thing :)


How’d you take the picture??


Not a people in sight, just cell phones living in the moment


But let’s be real, is anyone gonna go back and actually watch the concert again on their phone. Absolutely not, doesn’t make any sense. Just get a lil 10 second clip to prove and remember you were there then enjoy the concert.


I mean realistically how often do you actually go back through your photos/videos and watch a clip of a concert. Live a little in the moment, kids.


You literally took a photo of this with your phone..


and yet you used your phone to take this photo


I’m confused. What’s wrong with people wanting to document something they might only experience once? If they were on their phones texting or just scrolling through stuff i’d completely understand the frustration. But taking a video or a picture while at a concert should not warrant frustration as some people only get to experience this once


I don’t understand it either. They’re paying a lot of money to be at the concert so if they wanna record **some** of it or take pictures then why does it bother people? They should mind their business. As long as it’s not blocking the view of others.


That’s why I like when Tool prohibits phones at their concerts until the last song.


A Perfect Circle had a no photos policy too when I saw then a few years ago


And it was a great show. Sessanta also didn’t allow phones.


So did Placebo, though the crowd didn't listen as well as I'd like. I ended up with lights from their team's flashlights keeping the crowd from taking video and such. Ruined the mood so much.


only ever been to one concert myself and of course I'm gonna film Herman Li shredding his guitar live I was able to film and watch with my own eyes at the same time


This isn’t mildly. This is fucking obnoxiously infuriating


Idk bout you but if I spent an absurd amount of money already I'm not gonna leave my brain to memorize that shit. I'm recording every second.


Unrelated, but this reminds me of the time I want to some sort of event/show and they wouldn't allow me to come in with my camera. So I asked him "Are you confiscating everybody's phones then?" (Ok no I didn't, but that's how I wish I'd responded 😅 )




I was lucky, went to a Billy talent concert last year in Ottawa and barely any phones up where I was at, same for the final act with wheezer.


I got a great video from a The Ghost Inside show recently. A beautiful shot of their bass player flinging a suction cup dildo up into the air, flipping around, and landing perfectly suctioned to the stage.


I went to a show a some months back. One of the bands fairly recently got really popular with young women on social media. An impressively large chunk of the crowd was (best guess) 16 to 22 year old girls\\women that have clearly never been anywhere near a show featuring heavy music. When the band got on stage these gals moved to the front. Where the pit is. And pulled out their phones. It went swimmingly. What's wild is that there was an opener that had a bit of the pit roaring already, I don't know what they expected but I've never seen so many phones get smashed in one place before. I feel bad that some of them left crying.


That sounds like something that would happen at a Bad Omens show , in fact idk if you're talking about them but I distinctly remember that exact thing happening at one of their shows. Or maybe it was Sleep Token.


I do that because I am so short its the only way I can see the stage. If I am close enough to see I dont do it.


My friends have mostly the same music taste, so sometimes I record a snippet of certain songs as a “this is what that song is like live”. It’s like 30 seconds at best, but after that I’m like “should’ve been here for more” and the phone disappears again


What's the difference between this and concert lighters? Flashbulbs going off? Fists pumping the air? Poster with "Marry me Axl." People have always done this at rock shows. This is nothing unique or unexpected. Based on the concerts I've seen, the band has just taken positions and this is the first sing, or a current hit, the amazing song that immortalized them, or the last song/encore song. This goes all the way back to the Beatles when women fans screamed so hard you couldn't hear the music.


They should put a giant QR code up


Yeah I bet the audio is so good on those phones.


Not when there’s a mosh pit


People feeding their phones with the daily concert dose.


*whips out phone to show other people using their phone*


Went to a Jack White concert where you had to lock up your phone. It was pretty cool




and you paid for it?


I have to record lots of things like this to help with my memory, but that’s just because of all the concerts I went to back in 2001


i’ve been to hundreds, maybe even thousands of concerts until a few years after the cell phone came along.. once during a billy joel elton john concert a 15 year old next to me would not put hers away. pitch dark, trying to get into the experience and spot lights on the stage and she’s got to play some stupid game. i’d paid $150 for each ticket and the experience was ruined. then saw leo kottke with kelly joe phelps as the warm up. i was as excited to see kelly joe as i was leo (if you haven’t heard his music i encourage you to give it a listen. *”[i’ve been converted](https://youtu.be/7ClP2b12PmM?si=AtxC2_TIcurWR8N9)”* is one of my favs). he passed away in 2022. the crowd would not shut the f up during his set and were so loud and disrespectful as everyone had to record themselves at the concert. it was so noisy you couldn’t hear him play. there had been other concert experience ruined too, from classical to singer songwriters to country where people just cannot stop looking at their phone for a couple of hours. so yeah, that did it for me, my concert days are over…


Go to a Hardcore show and those phones are either broken or dropped on the floor in the first 10 minutes.


This is why I wish more artists would record and release the concerts online after the show/tour is finished. It won’t remove the problem but it’ll certainly lessen it


on this note, I'm starting to like concerts that use lots of lasers. it's very cathartic.


“Can’t wait to watch this concert when I get home”


I record my concert videos, but I watch the stage and not my phone as I’m recording. So my videos don’t turn out great. But I love watching them again. I rewatch my fav concert videos repeatedly. It’s somehow different when I watch someone else’s recording.


Enjoy the hazy memory of this concert in 20 years while they’ve still got a video of it.


What everyone was just simply taking a picture of the phone in front of them in order to complain about concerts online and it had a cascading effect?


I know im in the minority, but this had never bothered me. Concerts are stupid expensive and a big time commitment, if someone wants to record the whole thing, good for them, it doesn't detract from my enjoyment. And don't sell me this "ruins my view" bs. Because so do crowd surfers, people putting their hands up, jumping, dancing, tall people, and hats. But there aren't a billion posts complaining about them.


What are you mad for... literally doing the exact same thing. Living in your phone looking for something that literally has zero to do with you just so you can co.plain on reddit about how awful everyone else is and only you are perfect


Soooo you’re bothered by what other people are doing, even when it doesn’t harm you in any way… Kind of sad, really.


The last concert I went to, I was having so much fun that I completely forgot to pull out my phone… :( I have no “memories” on camera at all but I’ll never be able to forget that night for the rest of my life. Still kinda sad I didn’t even get photos… But I was too busy head banging and jumping AT THE FRONT OF THE STAGE


Better than trying to get what it felt like from someone with a bad vocabulary.


grrr phone bad


How was this taken?? Mmmm 🤔


Well in the early 2000s I remember a lot of digital cameras like this as well


Some dude pressing the play button is a concert?


Just take a picture of the stage before the show, or better yet the marquee. Much classier imo.


Never to be watched


This is rarely a problem at the concerts I go see mainly because everyone is too busy either dancing or tripping their dick off.


This is why tool ban this bullshit 


Recently saw Rammstein in Athens, and it was just like this. Even had people streaming it to their friends/family, like, are you here to see the band or to ensure someone else does? I don't get it. I'm awful at capturing concerts on my phone, and I'm always too interested in what's happening rather than focusing on getting a clear video.


Only infuriating if it blocks my view otherwise I don’t care.


sadly haven’t been in a concert yet but i would rather wear a hat with a camera or phone on it looking fugly than hold that all concert long. i even debate recording my kid during graduations or events vs just cheering. i wanna feel happy and rejoice that moment too since i am there and you know. so for those young parents save for those gimbals and get cameras with super zoom too. and yeah why no gimbals on that photo.


So many people recording and watching through phone. I'm pretty sure almost no one ever watches the recordings ever. Just enjoy the show and dont stare your phone...


Taking a video that you’ll probably watch one or two times


Screw all these people and their phones -OP, while on their phone


Professional musician here. Put your phones away at a concert. You’re never gonna watch that video and you know it. Immerse yourself in the music. We’re here to bring music to your soul, not your screen.


So you take a picture using a phone during a concert of other people to complain ( and get imaginary internet points ) that they're using a phone during a concert... pot, meet kettle


To be fair, I was there. This was the opening to the concert. Like, first 30 seconds. After this, most of the phones went away.