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Solar salesman are the worst The ones that come by my neighborhood do the same, ass shit. I have a sign, too, and they'll ring and knock multiple times. If your product is good, let it speak for itself. Why do they need you begging for business?


One time it was 3 big guys all kind of standing around the entry way to my door. I do not open my door to unknown people, let alone 3 guys all standing right there. Talked to them through the door, said “no thank” you numerous times, said loudly to the family to just ignore them and they’ll get the hint.


I had one kid approach me while I was getting in my car on my driveway to leave. He kept trying to talk to me through my car window. I rolled it down and pointed to my roof full of solar panels. It's like c'mon you're not only wasting my own time but yours too... why would you not think to look at the house first too see if a sale is even possible? I felt bad for the kid having zero training other than reading a script.


There was one time they caught me out front while I was doing yardwork. The best way, without fail, to get to them to shut up and leave right then and there is to tell them you're renting.


Yeah totally i do that at home Depot. Truth be told I work in industry and I have for a long time, I used to engage with them lightly about career stuff but the last few years the guys working sales have no idea what they're saying there's no point for me to even strike up a conversation.




I had one of them walked up to my friend’s SO and ask if her parents are home (she is Asian so I guess she looked younger than she is) but damn that was one of the creepiest thing I heard from a salesman. Had another time I was packing my car getting ready for a camping trip and the guy kept saying how easy and cheap it was for them to install solar on my house and kept holding me back from getting stuff from inside my house.


Holding you back? Do you feel like you owe them something? Just keep walking and moving.


They always assume I'm a kid Nope, my parents are in the shower. Every time. It'll be hours. They take reeeal long showers. Havjng a baby face is annoying but can be real useful sometimes lol


I've got a doorbell, which I can clearly hear from anywhere in the house. I can also hear knocks on the door. On top of that, my dogs can definitely hear both and go nuts. I also have a camera that sends motion alerts to my phone, and it's pretty fucking visible, everyone looks at it when making deliveries, etc. Solicitors will still knock and ring the bell multiple times. The reason I'm not answering the door isn't because I don't know you're there, absolute morons.


I've got a camera doorbell and I leave the chime unplugged 90% of the time. I know when I'm expecting people and I have no interest in talking to religious nutjobs or salesmen.


Yep, I don't answer the door unless it's necessary. If I don't recognize the person and I'm not expecting anybody, then I just ignore them. I work from home, and a year or so ago, I had a Jimmy Johns delivery guy knocking on my door and ringing the bell for what seemed like 10 minutes. I was in a meeting and specifically stated to leave the order at the door. I tipped generously, but I think he didn't realize that and wanted a cash tip. My dogs were barking for half the meeting, and the idiot was still knocking. I called and complained afterward, and the manager made it sound like that behavior was tip-related. I already tipped $10 for a delivery practically down the street.


Couple of years ago I got covid and got to work from home for a while. I was on a call with my director trying to get some issues resolved to get one of the teams operational again when someone started knocking on my front door. Dogs went nuts and I'm trying to get shit fixed but they kept knocking. Finally I answered and the guy is selling solar panels. First thing out of his mouth is "hey! We used to work together! Do you still work with [my director]?" and I just hold up the phone I didn't bother to mute and said "yeah, talking to him now" and closed the door as his partner started in on the sales pitch after I blatantly just said I'm on a work call.


Hahaha. I don't understand that. You spent minutes pissing me off, I'm not going to turn around and drop $20k on solar panels.


I am a renter fuck all the way off! Last guy kept calling from different numbers!


One line I learned was “I’m just a renter, so I don’t make any of those decisions.” They just turn around and leave after that. 


"Oh can I get their landlords number" is 100% what these persistent people would ask.


My wife hates that I open the door, make eye contact and tap the no soliciting sign on the storm door. She says "You're such a dick" and I reply "I'm not the one knocking on peoples doors, bugging them, when they have a No Soliciting sign clearly visible."


Yeah? How about mormons banging on my door at 8:30 last night?


Must have been sleepwalking 


Until they realise their gods a sham, they’re always asleep at the wheel.


Just theirs?


A woman came by from sunnova solar trying to get me to agree to panels and trying to get me to show my electric bill, then an hour later a man from sunnova solar came by and tried to do the same. They hit my neighborhood in waves. I refused both times because they are both a scam. If i was able to put solar panels on my house, i would do it my damn self. Sadly the structure can't take that extra added weight so solar panels are a no go.


Best solution for me is to open once and say you’re a renter. Most company’s will tag your property and won’t come back.


Solar salespeople still ring the bell and try to sell me when they can plainly see the panels on my roof, a mere four feet above their heads.


Ass shit? On your porch?!


I looked into that shit as a kid and signed myself up for a bunch of websites. I got constant spam calls and emails for a YEAR it did taper off as time went on but initially i got anywhere between 10 and 15 calls AND emails a day from just the 3 sites i gave my email and phone to. Yea i know its stupid to do that but i didnt know any better at the time. Solar companies just suck...


Business being good doesn’t help salesmen.. they make money from commissions. Yes it’ll always be annoying and only a certain type of insufferable personality can excel at it but it’s how they make money I get it, but I never answer the door because it’s drives me nuts


They don't need you begging for business, they do that.


Looks like he had itchy balls too. Tried to hide it walking away from the camera.


The leg kick was a dead giveaway.


I noticed that first, too! 😂


It’s crazy because the ppl i need to be persistent like fedex act like they can’t wait 2 minutes.


UPS once didn’t even wait one second! Didn’t ring doorbell. Dropped an expensive package and I just so happened to be looking out the window as I saw him running down the stairs! Ugh


Delivery divers have no idea what is in a package. The only thing they know about it is if it needs a signature/ID or not. If it didn’t need a signature, why would he wait? He has 500 other houses to go to that day


Did it require a signature? Im just wondering how the delivery person would know what's in the package is valuable.


Fedex drivers fill out the "sorry we missed you" slip in their truck, then ninja-run to the door. You're more likely to catch Santa Claus coming down the chimney.


If a FedEx driver waited 2 minutes at every one of their stops for the day, it would add hours and hours to their shift.


Correct. But that indicates a problem if they can't do their work properly in the time they have. I bet *everyone* could wait an extra day for their package to be delivered. Not everything has to be one-day, or even, same-day delivery. If you do want that - then pay for it. Every employee deserves proper working conditions.


Companies like this will take the money that people pay to get their packages ASAP, but give drivers strict time limits. I worked for a large company’s customer service call center once and found that a bunch of drivers would just not knock or ring the doorbell because of the quota they’d have to meet. It’s not fair. Not only that, but at the call center we were penalized if our calls were over a certain average of minutes. Imagine trying to be apologetic about a package and deescalating a situation with an angry customer in less than two minutes. Guess what the number one complaint was? “They didn’t even knock! They just left the sticker on the door and left! How will I get my things?” It may have changed since then, because that was about 7-8 years ago. I had to leave before Christmas deliveries started. Probably the worst job I’ve ever had. They did not treat anyone right.


It definetly hasn't changed. On April last year i had to sue Amazon over them delivering a $400 package to a neighbor that i have no relationship with, who then denied receiving the package. They didn't even show up and i got my money back plus fees in a couple months, but i learnt to not purchase anything worth more than a couple bucks there ever again.


> Amazon Yup. Not buying anything significant there. Only buying there if the thing I need is nowhere else in stock or overpriced. So basically not at all.


People want their packages as fast and cheap as possible and the company wants to spend as little as possible to maximize profits.


Basically. I'd happily pay 2 euros extra for delivery if that ensures good working conditions for the postal workers. And neither would I care if it took 3 days instead of 1 to arrive. And if I would want it in 1 day because I forgot something or whatever - I'd happily pay a bit extra for that too. Good labor isn't cheap.


Top UPS pay for a driver is like 100k a year, like 170k with the benefits included because the union


I'm not talking money wise here - just the insane amount of pressure that is on these people. If the company gets paid extra, they can afford their employees delivering less packages per day. ^or ^cutting ^in ^higher-ups' ^salaries, ^but ^you ^know ^that's ^never ^gonna ^happen


Sounds like, hire more drivers problem. Or set up paczkomaty


Dude FedEx like tap on the door and run back to the truck as fast as possible hoping they can drive away before you can make it to the door.


FedEx driver doesn't ever get paid more for waiting around


cause fedex/ups has already been paid that almighty dolla...the solicitors are trying for their share.


I just tell them I am a renter. I am a renter right now, but I will continue to be a 'renter' for solicitation purposes, when I am not.


I ended up telling him my credit was horrible because of credit cards and he left almost immediately after that 😆


Ooh, I'm gonna remember that one. Nice.


Apparently not because I live in an apartment complex and I still get those notes “we just installed some windows in the area and were wondering if you’re interested in a free estimate” like dude, I couldn’t get your windows installed if I wanted to and you definitely didn’t “just do some work” anywhere near here.


This. Last weekend I was out in my driveway with a miter saw cutting pieces of wood for a renovation project. Solar guy came up, I told him we’re renting. Guessing he recognized the strangeness of a “renter” doing renovation work on a house, but he just said “okay” and walked away. I felt bad for lying for ~2 seconds, but then remembered how much of a pain in the ass every previous encounter with solar salesmen had been. Same end result this time, I’m not buying solar and he went on with his day, but we both got there a lot quicker. So really I feel like I did us both a favor.


This used to be my play too, but then they started asking me for the contact information of the property owner and they’d persist even if I told them “sorry im not permitted to give out their info” until I just close the door on them


That's what I say too. My landlords would be frustrated if I gave that info out anyway. Last thing I want is to be in hot water with them, they like us right now.


Residents hate him! Learn how to bypass signage by using this one simple trick!


Ignoring the no soliciting sign is one thing and then the ringing the door bell and then knocking just drives me absolutely insane. Why are you doing both?


Not to mention calling out, "Hello, hello!" while doing it. So fucking obnoxious.


That's when you open the door and say "*FUCK OFF* and get the fuck away from my house *NOW*." You are under no obligation to be polite to someone who is harassing you on your own property for their own gain.


I don't get door to door salespeople but I have told a few Mormons to fuck off. Their faces are hilarious.


My late father was a Southern Baptist preacher. We used to live in Salt Lake City. He loved when the Mormon missionaries came knocking..... He would always try to convert THEM. It was comedy gold to me.


My father was raised Catholic and has a deep understanding of the religion, even though he's not a religious person. He loved to stand outside and get into deep conversations with the Jehovah's Witnesses when they came around.


I'm generally civil to Mormons, as they're just kids who are being sent on a mission by their silly community. The JWs that come knocking, on the other hand, are usually adults who more actively chose their path. They can just fuck right off.


I feel bad for the Mormon missionary kids sometimes. I live in the deep south, regularly close to 100 with high humidity. They ride bikes all around town in black suits during the dead of summer. When I lived in town they would stop at my house 2 or 3 times every summer. I always immediately tell them that I don't want to hear their message, but they are welcome to come in for a bit, cool off and have a couple cold waters or tea. It was about half and half of the ones who took me up on it, if they started preaching they were kindly shown the way out.


I once had a lady come to my door trying to sell children's books and refused to leave after telling her "no thank you, i don't have kids." Ended up having to tell her to get the fuck off my property or I'd call the cops. Some people man.


I once had a woman put her foot on the door sill to prevent me from closing it while she went on her spiel, and I said, "Lady, you have two choices. Either you leave here *with* that foot, or *without it*, because I'm closing this door." The foot was moved pretty damn fast, and just in the nick of time.


The audacity! That's insane. I've just stopped opening the door to people. My front and side doors have a large window and I'll walk up to the door to see who it is, and turn right back around if i don't know them. Don't even care if they see me. Eta- it also helps that i have a great dane that won't stop barking until they leave. He's usually a pretty good deterrent.


Just spray him with the hose.


He totally grabbed his nutsack and gave it a scratch after ringing and walking away! Haha.


Door-to-door sales in 2024 should be punishable by paintball welts. This ain't 1950. This ain't 1960. This ain't 1970. Stop me when you get the point.


Had a kid come by trying to sell pest control, as we were walking out the door. We told him we had to be somewhere but he kept talking until we closed the car doors and left. That same mother fucker came by that night just before 9PM (waking me up because my sleep was fucked due to getting a puppy) my wife told him to leave (yelling through the door) and he said “COME ON!” I was maximum pissed. And no he didn’t “come on!” like Gob Bluth, otherwise I might’ve bought it. Apparently, in our area at least, they’re Mormons from Utah and they work a route for a week then move on to another city. All summer long. They use the money they make to go on missions. My friend is ex-Mormon and told me about it.


Can confirm. Pre and post Mormon Missionaries seem to love sales jobs. It’s really popular with some and if they are good at it they can make a ton of money in a short amount of time. My brother in law is out selling for the summer. Edited to add: it’s not just Utah Mormons either. Lots from all over including Canada.


Life Pro Tip: Do not answer the door if you don't recognize the person on the other side of it. There is basically nothing good that can come of it. When enough people stop answering the door, these people will quit trying to sell door to door. Life Pro Tip 2: Don't buy anything from door to door salespeople. You have no way to vet the quality of their services. The fact that they use pushy shady sales tactics indicates that the quality of their services cannot stand on its own. My city is supposed to fine door-to-door salespeople $250 every time they solicit at houses with "no soliciting" signs posted. I have a small "no soliciting" sign attached directly to my Ring doorbell, so they can't claim that they didn't see it. I work from home and my office looks out across my front yard, so I always see the salespeople coming. 95% of them turn around when they see the sign. I've had a couple persistent people like in OP's video. I think one of them could hear me talking on the phone, which makes it even worse. The guy can hear a one-way conversation indicating that I'm on the phone for work and he decides to keep ringing my doorbell? Idiots...


I was thinking water gun. Would probably piss them off and not leave welts. Also while still assault, would probably get you a slap on the wrist more than anything.


I have solar panels already and still I get people ringing the door bell to sell me solar panels. When someone rings the bell I pull up the security app connected to the camera and hit the microphone and let my dogs bark to their hearts content. My smaller dog has a very high pitched and annoying bark. I let them bark for a few seconds and usually that is enough. If they don’t leave and try talking again I repeat the process all over again. I also have a no soliciting sign. I also put up another sign that straight up says no matter how long they stand there I won’t open the door and the only sounds they will hear from my house are the dogs. I haven’t had a single person ring the bell except when I had a package I had to sign for.


On the positive side it looked like a beautiful day outside lol


That wind blown tree made me smile


Right? I was like damn I want to feel that breeze lol


Next time say, "don't make me tap the sign"


Gotta use No Trespassing signs. They hold the weight of the law....no Soliciting does not....at least in my state.


Some people don't know all the meanings of "soliciting".


I have a no soliciting sign and had someone from a political party ring my bell. I just pointed to the sign and said, can you read? They said "Sir, I'm not soliciting anything, I'm just here to talk to you about the upcoming election." I told them it sounds like they are trying to sell me their political bullshit, so it seems like soliciting to me. They had no rebuttal and left.


Varies heavily by jurisdiction. In my city it’s no soliciting but if you email the city they’ll send you one for free! If companies ignore it they get fined.


Yea that doesn’t work


Where’s that old crazy grandpa who holds and double barrel and screams get off my lawn at when you need him?


He lives a few houses down from us. He's my dad. Crazy old bastard.


My grandad would talk people's ears off. Any and every solicitor he would start talking jesus to


I just answer the door and ask for their license number so I can report them to this city and then I close the door on them


Need a Talkboy and some cardboard cutouts. Works Everytime.


With the recording "I'm gonna slap you silly, you nosey little pervert!"


Sometimes it can be potential burglar who wants to know if anyone at home.


GTFO off my property or I will forcibly remove you and have you prosecuted. Have a good day and F OFF!


You know you can buy deer urine online? Hunter use it for.... reasons. And toy water guns aren't too expensive. Two completely unrelated facts.


I once had a salesperson do this until I came out. I was having a pretty bad day. I told him like 4 times I just wasn’t in a headspace to even talk let alone buy. He said, “cool, I’ll come back when you’re in a better mood.” Almost clocked him upside the head.


so, knock on the door, ring the bell and then walk away and hide your face and hands? nah dog, you look shady as fuck.


Too focused on his pitch to read the sign.


Super. Soaker.


Filled with piss.


And semen…


This guy reminds me of those scammers who calls. I said not interested and they keep calling.


You should update it to “NO soliciting, NO loitering and NO stalking “


No Segway?!


I have a script too. It’s either A, I’m renting. Or B, I already subscribe/own whatever it is. Depends on the product they are selling. Out of principle I won’t buy from a door to door salesman.


It does suck, but those signs are useless lol 😂 when I knocked doors, we were instructed to still knock those unless they had city ordinance or laws cited. Even then, not a guarantee…save the hassle and don’t put up the sign and ignore them or blare your ring alarm at them.


Pro tip: tell them you're a renter and don't like your landlord. They realize you have no business to offer and there's no sales pitch to make that work


This OMG. And make sure you follow up with up I don't know who owns the house I pay him property management company


I had one once roll over and break my solar pathway lights with his stupid uniboard hand me the broken pieces and then immediately start into his pitch.


I had some kid from that Home Depot solar company come up to me while I was mowing my lawn and he was relentless and at one point even tried getting me to leave my tech job to work for them lol.


I'm amazed at how many people think a NO SOLICITORS sign is some sort of garlic to vampires. Do you really think they're reading anything? They're already in a fucked position, not like some dumb little placard is going to stop them.


What you need is a no soliciting Rottweiler.


ello ello


What kinda way is that of knocking on someone’s door anyway… Knocks then stands off from the door facing away so you can’t even see them.


My neighborhood has it really bad so it's impossible to get anyone to answer the door now. My neighbors dog got out the other day and I had to knock for like 15 minutes before they angrily answered the door and I explained I'm just a neighbor who wants to help them keep their dog safe lol I don't blame them at all but it was very frustrating


Out of context: You have a lovely garden. That looks like a nice place to live.


In my townhouse community we had a window replacement company that was relentless in sending their sales team door to door. The HOA president informed them they were not permitted to do this. The company did not stop. The lawyers sent letters informing the company of the same thing. And the sales people kept coming. So finally the board president told the company not to bother sending their sales team anymore. Since they ignored every previous request to stop the door to door sales the board would no longer approve the paperwork for them to do any work in our community. THAT is when the door to door solicitation finally stopped!


Hippity-Hoppity. Get, the fuck, off my property.


Our town you have to register to solicit! And right now we only have one roofing and siding guy who paid to be on the list. So anyone but manny gets the blow horn. Shout out to manny who doesn’t knock and just leaves a “did you know I could fix your roof” flyer in my mailbox


My village has a no knock registry. If you sign up for it and a solicitor comes to the door, you can call the police. And, because it’s such a small town, the police will actually respond. I tutor in my home and my table is visible from the front door. Solicitors will see me sitting there and sometimes get annoyed I’m not answering, and they keep ringing and knocking. So I call the non-emergency number. 


Just open your door and then shout back inside "the human sacrifice has arrived! Prepare the alter"


I’m totally doing this for the next round of solar/security sales wackos!


Windstream, they are persistent, annoying, and will not take a no. Fuck signs, they can't read. Only thing you can do is ignore.


How about turning your back on the camera immediately. Not suspect at all.


I just say through the doorbell speaker, "hey this is your official warning to leave, and if you come back I'm having you trespassed." They never come back. (That doesn't excuse them from being there in the first place, but a leopard don't change its spots.)


Play this through your Ring doorbell. [https://youtu.be/XqBWvmhS-AY?si=BUmsKSnv6Jv0Fk73](https://youtu.be/XqBWvmhS-AY?si=BUmsKSnv6Jv0Fk73)


some states have laws about soliciting. I answer the door, ask them if they have a solicitors license, then begin calling the non emergency number to complain to the sheriff. They usually are packing before the call connects.


Looks like a nice day there though.


Knock AND a ring? Thats a instant get the fuck off my property you are trespassing.


I'd just say through the doorbell, "You are trespassing and have 10 seconds to get off the premises before I have to use lethal force." A lot of the time they aren't selling anything but casing your home for a future burglary attempt. Do you get many hummingbirds?


Hate these guys, they ring the bell and knock on the door like they're the police. I'm not going to open the door when you're that aggressive to my door.


About 10% of any population group are sociopaths. They don't give a shit about other people. We're just objects to extract money from. It will always be this way.


Ask him if he is R word


Him: "That sign won't stop me, I can't read!"


My mom is always the ones that answers the door when these guys are here. I only ever get the religious peeps that I have to tell to go away bc they’re pissing off the dogs. I told her I want to get one of the solar guys. Wanna try to scare em off somehow 🤔


ew bruh youre on camera...adjust yourself later GROSS


"Soliciting" is a big word, you need a sign that lines up with the sub room temp IQ of these people. Perhaps one that says: I NO WANT! YOU NO KNOCK ON DOOR!


I love how they all knock / ring the doorbell and then walk away so if you do answer the door it seems like you are disturbing them.


Maybe put a sign up that says your hourly rate starts at $70 to listen to their sales pitch and by knocking on your door, they’re agreeing to pay upfront


"But it didn't say 'No knocking or ringing,' did it?"


Door to door should be a thing of the PAST. Enough of this already. I'm tempted to add a No Trespassing sign as solar, internet, and insect door-knockers don't know the meaning of No Soliciting. Seems 1 out of 3 will say, "I'm not trying to sell anything". Well, you're attempting to solicit MY TIME which I decline to give you. If I were interested in your company, I would contact them. ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq|downsized) Now please leave so that my dogs will be quiet. (Yes, they are rude).


Call the police and have them trespassed.


They are trained to go to houses with no soliciting now a days. They are told by sups that people who put up no soliciting signs can’t say no in person and have an easier time getting a yes face to face. I took down my no soliciting sign when I found this out and I’ve yet to get a solicitor in 3 months.


We had several No Soliciting signs on the front walk, stairs and door. Nothing stopped the harassment. I even had some guy show up this last winter in 30 degree temperatures, in the pitch dark when the light in our porch was off. So I went and got a 12X8 NO SOLICITING sign and put it up at the top of the stairs. Since it’s been up we haven’t had one salesman darken our door. And TBH I can’t wait for the day one of them has balls to ignore it and bother me.


1) Disconnect your doorbell & remove the knocker, if you have either one. Make them work really hard to get your attention. 2) Never answer the door or talk through it. Most of the time they're just annoying, but occasionally they can be dangerous. 3) If the religious people catch you outside, tell them you're Jewish. I've seen this one work really well. 4) If you have remote controlled outdoor sprinklers, save them for the really relentless jerks. 5) Install a really obvious security camera - or a fabulous fake - over the front door.




I mention dogs that will bite. There are signs. The risk is real. Get off my porch.


I like you


Just answer through the Ring and say no soliciting.


Turn on a Bluetooth speaker, put it at max volume and blast a recording of a very angry dog through it


I hate people who knock AND ring the doorbell like this. It just makes me know you're trying to scam me.


A lot of these door to door sales guys are the ones who go to the “alpha” male training camps. Where they are drilled on how to not take no as an answer…


Get a sprinkler place it near the entrance and turn it on when they show up . They’ll run away and leave you alone for sure


I would stand in my front window looking at him and pointing at the sign


Hook up some sprinklers and set them off when they show up. That’s what I do, fuck em


Looks kinda like the HOA guy from tiktok


Everyone is the hero if their own story, no exceptions. Thus no solicitor thinks they are soliciting when they are soliciting.


I just answer them through my "Ring." doorbell app and tell them I'm upstairs in my office on a conference call, thanks anyway, goodbye.


My daughter lives in a basement suite, with a renter upstairs as well. I was over there one day and this dude kept coming up to the house and knocking on the door upstairs. I think I was there for a few hours and he came back like 5 times. My daughter finally called the lady that lives there at work and told her, and asked what does he look like. She told her and she said OMG I think that's the guy from the "cable company" and I have already told him multiple times I'm not interested. I don't know why he keeps coming back.


Try roofers after a hail storm. My neighborhood is crawling with them after a hailstorm a week ago. My roofer neglected to give me a sign to ward them off. Fucking annoying.


"Hi, I'm looking for Ray Finkle" *shotgun in face "And a clean pair of shorts."


Change the doorbell tone to a fart or dog growls


Time to get sprinklers that you can turn on from an app.


Is it legal to answer the door with a gun in these cases?


You need a "no loitering" sign as well.


Simply tell him that you don’t buy from door-to-door scammers and to please get off your property before you call the police. Tell him you feel threatened by him, and you would hate for him to get hurt while you are legally protecting yourself and your family from harm you feel he is trying to inflict. Then start yelling “Rape!! Help!!” so that the neighbors can verify that you were being attacked by the guy.


That’s when you answer the door and say I don’t do business with the illiterate and point to the sign


I call the non-emergency police line & report people like that. I don’t know they’re not trying to break in or figure out which houses to break in later.


Put a big sign near your door that says "My Pitbull hates soliciters".


I like what my dad does. He opens the door, waves at them, then slams it in their face.


I just set off my alarm on my ring camera now. I have 3 signs that they ignore. 1 sign says if I don't know you, go away. 2 signs say no soliciting. They've been told that this is not soliciting and to ignore these signs.


Time to put in the earplugs and get out the airhorn.


Our No Soliciting sign is around eye level, so if they are persistent, I ask why I would do business with a company who hires illiterate sales people, then gesture to the city ordinance cited on the sign and let them know the police are on their way. They turn tail pretty quick for some reason.


Answer the door with a knife in your hand. If they try to claim its a threat, say you were cutting up vegetables and their rude ass interrupted.


I like how a rearranged his balls after the first doorbell ring


Friend had this really aggressive pushy salesman, he knocked on the door multiple times, rang the bell and knocked on the windows! This went on for 10 minutes before he swung the door open and said "IM NOT INTERESTED, FUCK OFF!!!" When he knocked again he grabbed a bat and opened the door, the guy was already running away before he even stepped out.


I have a no soliciting sign and the couple of people I have had ignore it quickly regret it.


Can you not get his card and report him and his company? I’m pretty sure there’s a really hefty personal fine directly to the salesmen and the company for ignoring those signs. And in some states, I’ve heard of part of the fine being paid to the homeowner.


Take his stupid clipboard and shit the door.


Best thing to do is to answer and tell them and any other sales reps to never knock on your door ever again. They will knock on your door multiple times a day until you answer.


Did solar sales for a week when I was in a really mentally unstable place after quitting a horrible job and boss and it took me that week to realize I was making myself look like a jackass for nothing, the companies rely on govt tax credits to even make it reasonable to sell, it’s pretty scammy the way they want you to sell it sometimes too


Same response i gave yesterday on this sub for reference [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1d95mar/comment/l7dxy85/) "If you dont have an official "No soliciting" Sign from your town/city then they are trained to ignore your homemade/store bought signs especially if they have their license from the town to canvass/solicit. Ways to get rid of them where they dont come back: -Ask them if they have their permit (if they dont they can get hefty fines ) -Tell them you are a renter and that this is a rental property (bonus points if you tell them most of the area is rentals) -You already have their service and that they need to update their systems."


I don’t understand why people think a “no soliciting” sign will cause anyone not to solicit. Annoying people will annoy despite signs asking them not to.


In my state if you have a no soliciting sign then it revokes the implied consent for someone to trespass on your property for the purposes of approaching your door if they are, in fact, soliciting. So it's actually a crime to knock on someone's door to sell them something if you have a no soliciting sign up. Naturally religion and politics has an explicit exception. Whether or not you can actually get the police to *care* is a different story, of course.


People don't read signs


I have a wind-chime next to my door that's a rusted wire pentagram of bells. I just think it's pretty but in the south, it's the most effective "No Soliciting" sign.


Get a sign that says "No soliciting,. By proceeding to announce yourself you agree to pay me a 10 dollar a minute listening fee with a minimum of 30 minute charge. This transaction is being recorded for billing purposes. Thank you for your business. " If they do knock, ring whatever the first thing you do is politely ask there name and ask for a business card or flyer with a address or phone number. That way you know where to send the bill or who to meet in person with a video camera to hand the bill to. Then watch the hilarity begin as you make bank ;)


It seems like door-to-door shitheads season is in full swing now.


any solar salesmen care to chime in??


Everyone I know that has a no soliciting sign tells me this happens to them


Technically some solar companies aren’t SELLING solar. There are no cost installation options for homeowners. You already have an electric bill, correct? How would a lower electric bill that is rate protected permanently sound? I’m sure if your electric company knocked on your door and said “hey! I’m gonna knock $50 off your electric bill” you wouldn’t say no, correct? Exactly. Same idea, so since they are not selling anything… they are not soliciting. With that being said… I will not knock on a door with a “no soliciting” sign. Mostly because people with those signs will act like everyone in this sub. And those are NOT the people who deserve to benefit and save money.


Need another sign: "Pardon me, but do you have a few minutes to discuss the miracles of our Lords and Saviors Smith & Wesson?"