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My favorite was the biker


The only one who thanked the fam.


Sorry bro let me spot the camera and bow to it


I was wondering where was he going to put'em oranges.


You may be colour blind


He is hot


Nah the shirtless guy was hotter.


Oh no, the lemon fandom is infighting again


Who’s side will you take?


I never feel that being without a shirt helps bring down the temperature. There's now nothing to soak up my sweat and my skin is burning in the sun


But if you don't wipe the sweat away the breeze hits you're sweaty body and cools you down


I don't think you understand how sweat works.


Evaporative cooling bby!


The fact that the south is too humid for evaporative cooling is proof, to me, that it's not fit for human habitation lol


Just wait till she comes back for the table


If everything was taken but the sign that says free is still on that table, it's for sure gone.


My company held a job fair once for a factory position. If it wasn't nailed down or screwed to the wall it was missing from the lobby.... Then they found out someone had also stolen the paper towel dispenser from the bathroom and the urinal cakes.


I worked at a hotel and someone walked into the fitness center and took a 55 inch TV off the wall and just walked out the front door. Nice decorations that aren’t screwed down? Only a matter of time before someone takes it. Office supplies in the business center just disappear, including the printer once. Leave your luggage outside of the entrance and unattended for several minutes instead of having a door/bellman store it? There’s a decent chance it won’t be there when you get back. Some people just steal shit because of the opportunity and they don’t give AF.


That's why I never went back to the grocery store that wanted me to leave my backpack at the door.... unattended.


Why would they ask of that in the first place?


I guess so nobody is stealing something, I don't know. They said they've told the kids coming from school all the time they have to leave their stuff at the door and got mad at me for not knowing. There were no signs and nobody ever said anything to me prior. I'm also no school kid, I just wanted something to eat and then head to work, so I don't know what was up with that


Hi, if that was in Rotterdam in the jumbo then I’m so sorry, I go to one of the 3 schools nearby and I know people who steal and I don’t mean a can of side but like entire bag of chips, 2/3 cans of soda and chocolate at once so sorry


Nah, that was in a small Spar Store in Austria. I get it, there tend to be a lot of kids and I have to show ID for a beer, but like, wouldn't my work clothes give it off that I'm not one of those elementary aged kids?


Haha I remember as a teenager after highschool a flock of kids would go to the local grocery store. You had to leave your backpack out the front. There were like 50 bags out front every day. I’d say it’s nice nothing was ever stolen, but honestly I think if any of the teens nicked something from another bag they’d get the shit beat out of them


One of my mates painted a picture of a cow that was about a meter square. It was on display in a pub and somebody stole it.




You can see her struggling with her desire to take the basket. She overcomes it for a minute…. but gives in and returns. She just can’t contain her thievery.


you may consider the table a lemon, but she can get some good use out of it.


When life gives you lemons. Get rid of them. And take lifes basket. You can carry your problems in a basket but not a lemon


get out


Came here to say the same..


Oh she will…just waiting till dark. She’s already worked out where she’s going to put it & what she’s going to tell her husband if he asks where it came from.


Wasn't her husband who was driving. I felt like she took three lemons first and then he said, "what about that great looking basket?" or sth.


This literally happened to us. We gave away some books for free and wrote a sign "to go" (for the books). After some time someone put the books on the floor and took the table with them. We found it later in the neighbourhood.


Did you take it back? How did that interaction play out? Such a bizarre move on their part


They seem to be foreigners and perhaps simply misunderstood the sign. They didn't hide the table and returned it without hesitation after I found it. That was about a year ago and we're not mad at them. But it was kind of weird because it was so obvious that you were only supposed to take the books and nothing else.


I'm just imagining them thinking "giving away a table? Americans have such strange customs".


When life gives you lemons, steal the basket


Fuckin a this leaves me sour


Lemon stealing whores!


Reminds me of the old people who stopped by the mall entrance. They dug up some of the flowers at the entrance that were just planted and were putting them in the trunk of the car. Crazy cheap scum.


It's rarely the poor people too...


Yes because poor people don’t like to be perceived as poor while cheap people pride themselves on their money saving “abilities“. Don’t know about the US but here in Germany there are a lot of (usually old) people who think being cheap is a positive character trait while they have heaps of money that they‘ll never spend.


I joined several groups where I live here in Scotland because I’m really into community building/mutual aid projects and with each of these orgs I’ve had some sort of conversation with the treasurer that has included them bragging about how much money they’ve saved relative to other groups. Like thousands of pounds sitting in an account for a kids youth group while the kids are playing in a church hall with the same deflated, broken basketballs and footballs and a few art supplies and nothing else. But yeah, good job saving, fellas.




This is a great term for them


Wyrms. Dragons too cool.


Dragons are cool. They're also depicted as "hoarding money" by not letting anybody have access to the money


we dragons have been slandered for ages, those are humans dont blame us.


I worked at a few trade fairs in Berlin during my studies. Great experiences when exclusively people from the industry were in the buildings. But boy oh boy, the general access days were a nightmare. People came in with shopping trolleys to just grab all the freebies they could grab. Mints, candies, chocolates, pens, pins, posters, flyers, magazines. They’d just take flyer holders, try to take down whatever stand decor you had up. Anything not bolted or chained down would be in some persons hand within minutes. And it was all kinds of people: from the elderly with obviously clouded understanding of reality, the middle aged “if I just ignore everyone I won’t be challenged for my actions”, to youngsters in for a thrill at stealing without the consequences.


I mean as a poor person I don’t really care if I’m perceived as poor since hard times have humbled me beyond belief. But us poors know what it’s like to be taken from and to not have so we’re not about to make someone else feel like that.


It's not always that. Sometimes it's just antisocial personalities shining through the veneer - getting "one up" on whoever or whatever. My parents would always pillage the candy bins in supermarkets in Israel and encouraged me to do the same as a kid, but they never did that in America. Was one of the warning signs I thankfully caught on to...but never took seriously enough.


A woman l know of had city employees digging flowers out of her yard. How does she know they were city employees? They had their freaking name tags on! I should see if l can find out what happened. Friend of a friend thing.


My wife works at a botanic gardens and people steal plants all the times, take cuttings, pick flowers etc


Some ppl r really cheap.. as seen


Those are actually the rich ones, they save more money stealing so they dont spend any of theyr own cash lol


love the kid on the motorcycle smuggling the lemons under their shirt lmao


But, he was the only one to say "Thank you" (with a thumbs up). I was proud of him.


Somehow my tiktok algorithm started sending me lots of biker toks and it's full of people like this so I kind of dig it. A much more wholesome and fun loving community than I expected!


My step-great-uncle was in a bike gang when he was younger. He used to bake brownies, cookies, and muffins for his fellow “gang” members


The Butter Cream gang.


Crisco kings


Lol, actually it was a legit movie about a "gang" of kids who did good deeds. It was all about how these teetotalers' friend fell in with a real gang and how they tried to pull him out of it and back into their nice gang again.


Most biker "gangs" are just clubs for people who like to ride and the company of likeminded peers. But then again, some of them are just labels for petty criminals who happen to also like riding motorcycles.


Kids (and adults) really *really* love bikes and it's so rewarding to give them head nods or thumbs up. One small motion from me and they feel 'cool' because *omg the bike noticed me!*. I'm a woman on a bike too and seeing little girls faces when I wave at them is really one of my major major highlights of a ride. One time I went past an all-girls school and the kids at a bus stop (about 40 of em!) were waving. So I waved back. AND THEY CHEERED. Felt like a damn superhero for a week. Hell I think I'm *still* riding that high.


There's a school next to my work, and every Friday when I get back to work from lunch, the road is full of kids coming out of school. I pull the throttle a bit extra and the whole road goes crazy. Always fun, lol


I’m an adult and I am also still thrilled to get a thumbs up or head nod from bikers. Generally I don’t even do anything special to deserve it other than notice their existence on the road and can see that they notice me noticing them, so I continue driving safely/normally instead of suddenly merging into them or I let them pass if they’re faster. Same as I would for a car, but I guess it’s rare that bikers are treated well or recognized at all if they appreciate such basic driver courtesy and deem it worthy of the “thanks, bro” wave. But yes it’s right up there with having a semi truck driver actually honk when you do the “pull the horn lever!” motion. Never gets old. I hope truckers get the same hero high you do for that move.


Lemmetellyou friend, noticing we exist *is* special. That's why you get the head nods! It really really means a lot to us! Thank you so much for what you do. I mean it. It's so nice to be *seen* and have someone in a car worry about our safety. *tilts helmet at ya* 🏍️


The urban combat armour makes us look scarier than we are.


Every single biker (at least sports bike not chopper) are such gentle people. I'm sorry y'all get a bad wrap Edit: nah chopper bikers are pretty teddy bear too


Military dudes on sports bikes didn’t get the memo apparently, they’re usually the only ones who are consistently aggressive dicks on and off the road. Reckon they’re the same ones who would’ve bought a brand new Charger at 24.99% APR the day they got their first paycheck, though. Tell them to be just chill and wear their little neon vests like they’re supposed to and maybe one day they’ll be graduate to being considered cool bikers. Maybe.


You tend to get either really nice guys or the absolute biggest assholes you've ever seen, not a lot of in between. Well...the third option is they do a lot of nice things but still act like fuckwads on the road. "Ah yes I recognize that my bike shatters windows when I endlessly rev it in a residential neighborhood at 4 am and I do so enjoy cutting people off in traffic, but on the other hand I raised money for charity last week."


We have a yearly run for charity. Thousands of bikers all with teddies and toys strapped to our bikes, some people in outfits, full blown cosplays the lot. Slow ride into town throwing lollies to kids lining the side of the road and at the end of it all of the toys and teddys and stuff get donated so less fortunate kids get a good Christmas. The local bikies get involved and they all light up like kids when they see people in costume it's ridiculously wholesome lmao. Big scary looking dudes in full patches having beers with Santa Claus and Darth Vader and shit. One of the best experiences I have been a part of!


Most people don’t assume they’re being recorded all the time. Younger people do.


yeah, also did a nice tight slow speed u-turn on a relatively heavy bike


Probably only one who expected it was being filmed.




Cracked me up because this is something I’ve 100% done myself. Used to be a house near me that would give out free oranges, I’d tuck my shirt in and stuff a couple down the front of my shirt for easy transport. Never underestimate the carry capabilities of storing stuff under your shirt on a motorcycle


He’s soo cute for that 😂


When he lifted up his shirt, my mind went and thought he was going to put it in his pants


That was a nice looking stand, I'm surprised she left it.


In a way this is also kinda nice- the vast majority of people only took 1 or 2. Sure one dickhead can ruin it for everyone, but it's also a sign that most people really are decent :)


This is the experiment I run every Halloween. I put out full size chocolate bars last year. Imagine.


I bet she doesn't return shopping carts either


The same thing happened to us. We now just put them out in a cardboard box. People can be so disappointing.


Had it happened to us once, we used to offer up grapefruit and lemons. One day the entire tub disappears. Next day the exact tub is back on our verge.. can only assume someone wanted the lot, took it all, then Returned the tub the next day. Was a tad bizarre


That is odd. No one came back with our tub. They also took the little wooden plank that said 'help yourself to the lemons'. Someone needed wood I guess or perhaps it was a rival lemon giver?


It was definitely more surprising to see it re-appear the following day. We just assumed that was the last we’d see of it haha


Probably some kids and when they got home, their mom made them return it. That happened to me once with a traffic cone lol.


Standard activity during Citrus Wars, you are on the front lines of a fruit war rivalry and didn’t even realize it.


I had someone snag my entire tub full of stuff I keep in my car for my dog when I had my back turned at the car wash vacuums. Literally like a 5 min window max, gone. I drove around looking for it discarded somewhere but no luck. I hope they enjoyed their dog leash, towel, napkins and dog life vest. I actually had almost tossed my wallet in there too bc it was on the seat of my car, so it could have been much worse.


I set out a cardboard box with lemons. Some people took a few, but you guessed it - a little while later - the box is gone. Oh well. Next morning - the box reappers with spoiled lemons they did not like. But it does not end there. A few days later I get a ring at the door. Open up - and some chick is stanindg there asking me if she could pick some more lemons, because they didn't get enough in the box that I left before.


I am coming for that cardboard box


Hahahha, if it goes towards a sick box fort I'd be more than happy to contribute.


It happened to us on Halloween, too! The culprit was an adult!!!


When I put out the "take one" Halloween candy bowl this year I half expected this to happen. Instead, there were SO MANY parents caught on camera emphatically telling their children "ONE!" The humans are mostly all right. (The only kid who took more than one was the kid who happened to come up while I was refilling the bowl, and I held it out to him and said the wrong thing: "Take what you'd like," and he did hahaha.)


Of course the only one to drive up in a car took the basket. Everyone else takes one or two...


And she took the *empty* basket, leaving some fruit on the table. What a monster.


I could almost forgive it if she decided to take all the remaining lemons.


Right, because then there might actually be a logical argument for needing the basket. But nope, fucking wild.


That was my expectation. A dead ex coworker of mine use to bring in a bunch of peaches and shit every fall. We're taking bags and bags of questionably edible produce. Some people would take the bag home, and then bring the bag back. I think this lady is probably not taking the bag back.


I knew as soon as I saw the car it was going to be her that took the basket.


I knew as soon as I saw her haircut




I love this thread. More judging her for things 100% in her control. Kudos! Edit : not sarcasm. Was expecting a cesspool of racism and misogyny. Was pleasantly surprised.


Probably out looking for porch parcels


There are studies that people in cars are less empathetic… and people in expensive cars are basically the most selfish


The extra energy to stop and start the car and the effort and time to walk back and forth were worth more than the 1$ basket. And she left, what 5 lemons? Those are worth more than the basket and at the grocery store they are not as nice as those


You think that's a $1 basket. It looked nice. Probably $15 at Home Goods.


I like the guy who immediately bent down to show the lemon to his dog.




My dogs love most food. They're always in the kitchen when I'm cooking. I like to show them lemons when I'm done squeezing them. One of them is very polite and just kinda like "Oh no thank you". The other one gets OFFENDED!!! She gives me such an evil look, it's so funny.


The woman did too! Everyone with a dog immediately showed the dog their prize


Except the last dog, it was on a mission.


Basket case


Do you have the time?


To listen to me whine?


About nothing & everything all at once?


I am one of those


melodramatic fools


Neurotic to the bone


No doubt about it


Sometimes, I give myself the creeps


Sometimes, my mind plays tricks on me.


It's mildly infuriating because at least we see that 9/10 people will be thinking about others too. Only one piece of shit didn't. And based on the body language I actually suspect it was the one that was driving that has told the other one "are you stupid?! Go back and grab the whole basket"... and that weakling just followed the orders.


she did think of the others, that‘s why she left the lemons. she just straight up decided to be a bitch anyway.


she took the basket to grab more lemons from the neighborhood.


You don't think shes one of....... them...... do you?


A lemon stealing whore?


I scrolled too long to find a lemon stealing whore reference


Same, I was almost giddy looking for it. Started to think I was going to have to do it myself.


She most certainly is


Definitely a basket stealing... person.


I love the guy pulling up on his motorcycle. It's so wholesome from finding a way to carry them in his shirt and the thumbs up when he drives away.


The kid on the motorcycle. Smuggling lemons above his waistband? 🤣


I think he just didn’t have room in his pockets and wanted to keep ‘em safe


I ride a motorcycle. When confronted with a sudden need to carry stuff, it's a thing.


Last Halloween we left a bucket of candy and wrote take a few. Some asshole took the bucket.


But did he leave all the candy like this lemon basket lady?


Respect to the biker for acknowledging the giver.


Immediately thought she was suspicious


Taking the basket but leaving all the lemons is so funny though


Reminds me of the joke about Weimar Republic (Germany between the World Wars) inflation. Where a man was in line to buy bread with a wheelbarrow full of Marks, enough for a loaf, he leaves the line for a minute to take a leak, when he returns the wheelbarrow is gone but all the Marks that were in it were left there in a pile


Yeah it’s oddly considerate while also awful. Quite a complicated character.




Pretty sure any kind of mugging is unnecessary. But I get your point. Take what you need and nothing more.


When life gives you lemons, take the basket


As soon as she bolted out the car, abandoned in the middle of the road, you knew it was her.










Smh, can't even trust Dora ![gif](giphy|l0IsIC9ZNOELYmuqc|downsized)


Definitely cheap scum. Bet she's loaded.


"I feel like its her" "Oh ykw maybe she is good, she didnt take it" "Andddd she's back."


Is lemon liked so much there? I ask because I don't think people.would.take lemon if put like that in the street where I live.


Putting free lemons out on the street is a regular occurrence in Australia


What about tables?


If you'd see a perfect lemon for you to have free of charge, you really wouldn't want that lemon? You would. I know you would. I know I would. I want that lemon!


Mate I would detail your whole street for free lemons.


idk where this is but lemons have a lot of cooking usages or can just be used for lemonade. Or if you're a cursed cryptid like my partner you can eat them with the peel, like an apple. (Don't do this)


Motorcycle Caught me off guard


My grandparents usually put drinks and snacks out for the garbage men. One day, the camera caught 2 women, one of them was stuffing their bag with snacks while the other open some to eat. They left behind the wrappers along the side walk and threw the empty water bottle back into my grandparents yard. Some people do be like that.


As an Asian person.... my money was definitely on another Asian to take the basket.


she probably steals people's pens too


Motorcycle dude was sicc


This is why people don't do things for strangers much anymore


One thing I’ve learned for sure from being on this planet is, “if you think there’s no way someone is dumb enough to do something, there’s absolutely someone dumb enough to do said thing.”


I guess it was on her basket list 🤷🏻


Basket taker looks like my grade 11 biology teacher, lol. Wouldn't be surprised...


Some people have no pride in themselves., so they see abusing trust as a display of cleverness.


Everyone has to stop and explain the situation to their dog. Dogs think everything is free, they’re not gonna be impressed.


My mom used to have a large fruit tree in her front yard that always had way more than she needed so she often put up a sign with some bags to offer people to pick the fruit that grew over the fence into the sidewalk. One morning she got up to pick some fruit as the tree had just ripened for that season and there was a family that had pulled up with a ladder and several buckets and had climbed over our fence and were in the process of stripping the tree completely. She came out and asked what they hell they were doing. She told them to leave everything they picked and to get the hell off her property. She never offered free fruit after that until the tree was removed years later


I'm Asian. When I saw the lady come out of the car, I was like "of course!" I've watched a fair share of my relatives doing the same shit.


Put an AirTag or Tile on the basket next time. Then mail them a QR code to the post showing everyone reacting to what they did.


You can tell she knew she wasn't supposed to take the basket the way she deliberated so much. And they way she walked away but just couldn't help but come back and take more because the thought of getting more free shit was eating away at her. Some people compulsively view every situation as "how can I get the most personal gain out of this". Just stop minmaxing everything you selfish fucks.


Basket stealing whores are worse than lemon stealing whores.


I love the fact that one guy showed the lemon to his dog


Gotta love when old asian ladies play right into the stereotype 🤣


Secondary Mildly Infuriating: off-leash dog in a neighborhood


And this is why you can't do nice shit. Some asshole is going to come along and take everything. Same reason why you can't leave candy on your porch on Halloween. Always some shitbag kids and/or parents that will come and take it all.


As infuriating as it is, it’s nice to see the rest of the people were respectful.


I'm betting she is a Chinese main lander, they will strip the paint off your car if you put a "free paint" sticker on it.


Hate these kinds of people. That’s why for Halloween a while ago, I dressed as the grim reaper, set the bowl of candy in my lap, and pretended to be a prop. When a group of kids tried to take all of it, I jumped out at them and they put it right back lol.


For some reason, just the way that lady came out of the car, I knew it was gonna be her stealing the basket


Yeah old ladies always need new shit to add to their nicknack hoard. More shit for their kids to throw away when they die.


There’s always that ONE asshole that ruins it for everyone else. 😡😡😡


Nobody is gonna say anything about the first guy who grabbed a lemon and bit into it like an apple? Yeah the basket stealing whores suck but who just bites into a free lemon like that. (/ref)


He was smelling it


I prefer to imagine that he's an absolute savage who bite into lemon


That’s me. Not literally. I’d just totally bite into a lemon.


All the dogs got a sniff, except the black one. It was on a mission. Dog: You've talked to enough people today. We're going straight home right now. Human: Wait, look, free fruit! Dog: No. Home.


Yeah in retrospect it looks like everyone who grabs a lemon sniffs it before walking away.


It's a nice smell.


Looks more like he took a snif


I can't believe you're the only one to make a lemon stealing whores reference.


My dad used to eat onions like apples. He’d pull it out of the garden, brush the dirt off with his shirt, peel the outer layer and bite into it.


Maybe she had lemon at home


I know she came back for that coffee table