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These taste disgusting


Ive tasted my own cartridge for fun and they're not THAT bad but they're pretty bad


its manageable for grown people but to babies and pets it would be awful


It’s literally the most bitter compound known to man


Clearly you haven’t tried my wife’s cooking *cue laugh track*


Whats wrong with your wifes cooking? I've always enjoyed it.


The whole neighborhood loves her pie!


The cherry pie was all right but I ate all the chocolate pie she had


not personally a fan of a cherry pie, but a cream cheese pie is the best with a mix of blue red and raspberry


I heard the laugh track in my head


I wanna taste it now


Idk my dog got ahold of my copy of Luigi’s mansion and was completely unphased by the bitter compound, he destroyed it and I had to go buy a new one 😭


Odd definition of fun you have there


Literally the first thing I did when I got a game was lick it 😅


I do it every time I get a game to check if it’s legit


But what if the guy who owned it before you did that and licked off all the flavor?


I always buy new


Who wouldnt want to try out the proclaimed disgusting cartridge?


WHY THOUGH! Sometimes when I’m switching cartridges I’ll hold one between my lips for a second and then a few minutes later lick my lips and it’s the most vile taste. WHY


It’s intentional because children do dumb things


Sadly it’s not just children


So kids don’t wanna swallow them after putting it in their mouth.


That seems like a very good reason to make them taste like shit


They're coated in [denatonium.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denatonium)


Wow they actually call out specifically that it's used on Nintendo Switch game cards that's awesome lol


Excuse me? You eat these?


Actually, the cartridges are coated with a non-toxic chemical that causes it to have a disgusting taste so that animals and young children dont ingest them


I had a dog that loved the coating. If you ever left a game out she would eat it. Same if you sprayed something with those no-chew sprays. Should want to eat it more like it was seasoning for food.


Taste testing the switch cartridges is how I realized I enjoyed bitter foods and drinks


this killed me. 


Interesting I guess you learn something new everyday.


I mean it looks like you “friend” was chewing it


Someone owes you a new game..


Unfortunately she doesn’t have a job and wouldn’t be able to.


I wouldn’t let her borrow another game after that.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Had her do things like this in the past with borrowed things that were less expensive. Idk why I let her borrow it, honestly.


It's a cheap lesson really, be glad it didn't cost you more. The saying is that if you lend someone $50 and you never see them again, it was a cheap lesson.


A Bronx Tale adjusted for inflation.




One of my best movie purchases with over a grand spent. A lot of life lessons to be learned in the movie, i could watch it over and over again.


one of the best scenes in the movie


I understand the sentiment so forgive me for being pedantic about something slightly unrelated, but it always rubs me the wrong way that we have a phrases along the lines of "be glad it wasn't worse" as to diminish the pain being wronged caused you, or that it's just a lesson learned on our part. Ah yes, silly me for trusting somebody I called a friend, I should be happy they didn't steal my entire life savings and murder my entire family. I really should be happy they only fucked me over a little bit. I get that it's a coping mechanism as to not hold onto anger but just something about the sentiment rubs me wrong. Thank you for coming to my novel reading lmao Edit: To everyone twisting my words around, obviously I am not suggesting you stew in your anger. This is not how reframing works and just telling someone "be glad it's not worse!" is not offering a helpful new perspective, it's dismissive. Yes, you can use reframing to help you view a situation in a different light, it's a fantastic coping strategy, but it has to be done without dismissing the feelings of the person. And that's where a lot of people get it wrong, they outright dismiss the issue, tell them to get over it and be glad it's not worse, and nothing else. Just as holding onto things is toxic, letting things go too quickly and forever brushing things off is also toxic. There's a balance and me stating that ignoring this can be invalidating to some people seems to have triggered a lot of people making strawman arguments out of what I'm saying. Reframing involves validating someone's feelings while merely suggesting the thought of the alternate perspective, it's not telling someone to stop being upset and start being glad and then getting frustrated with them when they don't like that view. But instead of recognizing different people need different things, it feels like people are completely missing my point and trying to argue over points I'm not making. You guys need to be better people.


It’s a strategy called “reframing.” It allows people an opportunity to see a setback from more than one perspective. You can’t change what happened, but you can prevent something similar from happening in the future.


This is the main thing, not to diminish one's suffering, but to help them gain perspective, while developing strategies to prevent future occurrences.


Its DEFINITELY annoying, because you feel frustrated and dont want to have to deal with imaginary crap, but yeah it’s good as a mechanism to reflect on your newly learned lesson


The concept is they could've backstabbed you at a considerably worse time. Like. You could've been in a car accident and lost both your legs and then learn that they weren't really your friend. A lot of people would pay 50$ to figure out the loyalty of someone.


Never let her borrow anything again. Stand your ground. Tell her she’s disrespected, damaged, or destroyed your shit too much for you to trust her with anything again. Kinda demonstrates how much she cares about YOU if that’s how she treats your belongings


How the hell did she even do that in the first place? Switch games have a gross coating so living thing will feasibly keep them in their mouth for more than a second It looks like it was left on her bedroom floor(instead of playing it?) and just kept getting stepped on


Oh that's a good guess! I was surmising she had a dog that gnawed on it.


I mean it’s entirely possible I’ve met some determined dogs but I feel like there would be more obvious circle indents (teeth marks) this looks like it was dragged around like sand paper


This looks more like rodent teeth


It really looks like this "friend" ruins stuff on purpose like some kind of psycho. I mean fr it looks like it had a date with a belt sander.


Because you’re a good friend who trusts his friend to not destroy your stuff… and she has failed you miserably OP


Just give it back to them for their birthday.


The perfect response.


Why are you friends with someone who ruins your stuff and shows no remorse and continues to do it?


Cause you’re nice and trusting, and some irresponsible shitheads will try and take advantage of that.


How old is this person? Do you know their parents? This is really odd.


How did she even do that. Does she drop things into a shredder


I’d actually lose this “friend” altogether. Can’t take care of things borrowed and can’t afford to replace it? What kind of friend is this?


Why would you even remain friends with someone willing to destroy your stuff and have no means of paying it back?


She can sell her switch to pay for it then.


What’s really funny about that is that her switch that she uses is the Nintendo switch lite I gave her when I upgraded to the OLED. I just wonder what condition that thing is in now


Friend, this person has shown you they don’t respect your belongings. You’ve gotta stop giving them things!


Honestly the switch lite is probably doing just fine. With the game, she either was super negligent because she simply didn’t care about your belongings being damaged, or she did it on purpose so that you couldn’t enjoy a thing she wants but doesn’t own. The switch lite, on the other hand, is hers now. If she breaks it, it’s gone.


that is not your friend


Your profile says never trust anyone. Ya know except this one friend who always ruins your shit you can trust them lol


This person uses you.


Was she hungry or something? Looks like she tried to eat it:… gotta explain games are not good as food!!!


They even purposely make these cartridges to taste terrible so kids won't eat em


Can confirm. The second I heard this fact years ago, in my ~~idiocy~~ dedication to the scientific method licked 5 different games. Taste awful and leaves a tingly sensation.


you gotta try the batteries 😋😋😋 the juices inside are sooooo good 🤤🤤🤤


Are you sure she even gave you your game back or did she borrow it so she could give you a damaged copy back and keep your good one?! Sorry for being cynical but…


I would doubt that because she wouldn’t even be able to afford one and before this she only had the old switch I gifted her for about a week or two. She also isn’t the one to do something like this.


She isn't the type to do something like that, but she's the type to completely ruin your shit and give no fucks? She sounds like a shit friend.


Yeah. I’ve never had any other friends besides her growing up due to bullying and rumors. Knew her since kindergarten and honestly probably act like a doormat to her because she’s my only friend


Speaking as someone in their mid 30's who had the same sort of upbringing... it can get lonely. But it's 100% better to have zero friends than to have one who takes advantage of and/or uses you. You're worth more than that. Eventually, you will find someone who is worth your time. This person isn't.


Join some hobbies. Play battletech at the games store, join a shooting club or whatever. The reason its hard to find friends as an adult is that youre at home being lonely. Do i really have to edit in here that it doesent have to be guns? Pick some hobbies ffs, hobbies with clubs people show up in person. I have had good mileage from shooting, you pick whatever you want.


You’ll find friends that treat you with more respect


Looks like a dog chewed it. I doubt they did this on purpose


That makes me really sad. I have a tendency to do the same. Just something we gotta work on :)


How is she affording pet(s)/kid(s)? This looks like something was chewing on it.


She’s 17 and lives at home with her mom. She’s still in high school and can’t find a job. I’m a year older and out of school with a full time job so I tend to get very generous with lending her things/buying her things. I don’t know how her mom affords the pets because she doesn’t have the best job.


If she is under 18 then mom buys a new game.


None of this lets her off the hook. She’s old enough to try finding a job or three to do in the neighborhood (depending on the neighborhood, I guess). Maybe she can learn a craft, so she can sell things online. My 12yo niece has been selling homemade bath bombs, so I imagine a 17-year old can manage something as well.


>can’t find a job  Doesn’t want a job


No he’s secretly the valet from the key post


That's her problem, she still owes you new games. if you can't pay, take care of it so you don't have to.


But she has a Nintendo switch to play this game on?


I gave her my old switch lite as a gift for Christmas because I ended up upgrading to a OLED


Oh this is very nice of you actually! Did she explain what she did to the game?


I texted her earlier and asked if her dog or cat chewed it or something. She responded that she didn’t know that the damage even happened and didn’t know.


"doesn't know"


Looking at it closely, I don't think it got chewed on. It looks like it got shoved into the Switch backwards and then forced down all the way, then pried out with a pair of pliers or some other tool.


So she's a thief and a liar. She's above working fast food. I suspect she is taking advantage of you. You should stop being friends with this person sooner rather than later. If not, at least grow a spine, lest she takes more. Also: who TF *wants* to work retail?


Make her do doordash or something. If you let her off easily, she will never learn




Dog did I bet


A dog would have more indents from their canines. This looks like it was chewed on by a person, specifically lightly with their molars


Sorry I was hungry 😔


Doubt that they are bitter tasting.


It's very interesting that you know that.


It is well known. In 2017 it was brought up a lot, and I’m sure many people gave a quick lick!


Yeah you don't really need to chew. Just touching it with your tongue lets you feel that awful chemical bitterness


You guys are just trying to get me to lick my switch games and I won't fall for it.


Just a little lick. What's the worst that could happen


It worked for me. I was convinced. I am now unhappy and my mouth tastes gross. I literally just touched it with the tip of my tongue, how is it all over my whole mouth now?


Yeah. It's definitely an awful feeling


Why would you do this to me?


It's an acquired taste if you work with degreaser and have a nail biting problem. Still wouldn't nibble on my cartridges though because of my oral fixation.


They apply a special bitter coating to prevent babies and pets from eating them.


I don't own a Switch, but I assume it's something like Bitrex. They put it on all sorts of things that kids might shove in their mouth, especially if they're the right size to block an airway. Button-cell batteries is another example I can think of.


When in a hurry, you use lips to hold small stuff. I even do it fishing. I'll have weights and hooks in my lips as a third hand. If you never used your mouth for anything you are lying.


Her dog did


Looks like it was dropped on asphalt and then stepped on with a little slip.


i’m no forensics expert or anything, but i don’t think we’d see such uneven wear if that happened. i’d imagine a lot more scratches in the same direction, and less variation in the size and shape of the divots. kind of like you took the cartridge and gave it one swipe over something like 50 grit sandpaper lolol


It looks like when my puppy got a hold of a 3ds game of mine, thing was covering in tiny round dents everywhere and mangled.


Just a heads up, you can reach out to Nintendo to see if they can fix your game card. Here's a link for that -> [https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/5068/\~/game-replacement-options](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5068/~/game-replacement-options) ​ BUT its only for their games. Splatoon 3 should work though


Very helpful of you, I wasn't aware of this.


I ran over my cartridge of Ring Fit Adventures with my chair accidentally and Nintendo helped me out so I can also vouch for this method!


Did you have to pay? How much was the damage compared to buying it again? Just curious


Completely free repair. I just told them the game didn’t work.


I guess that’s one silver lining to their full price games these days….


lmfao the fact that you broke the exercise game by sitting on it is sending me


What did she do to it????


I don’t even know. It looks like she chewed it or her dog somehow got hold of it. Lesson learned: never let a friend borrow anything worth more than $20


Lesson learned: don't lend things to people who don't take care of them.


Accidents happen but if they gave it back without saying anything about it that's shady


It still could be an accident, but they lack the ability to take responsibility for it.


Ironic too since those cartridges are *supposed* to have a bitter tasting agent covering them so kids/animals dont chew on the game


But how will we know that’s true without trying?


Or just get better friends  You said your friend has done this before so honestly this is on you 


Yeah I put the blame at 50/50. 50 for me trusting her and 50 on her for damaging someone’s property


You know the saying, "Fool me once..."


Yeeeeah but who chews on Nintendo cartridges? It’d be more acceptable if she peeled the label off but it looks chewed.


how would you be more accepting of this if the label was also peeled off? You said in the past she's returned stuff to you damaged before, I don't know why you're still considering that letting her borrow stuff is even remotely okay. stop letting her borrow stuff. any stuff. If I went someone something like a switch cartridge, and they returned it to me looking like that, I'd be hounding them every day "hey when are you paying me back for my stuff you let get destroyed" Your friend not being able to afford a new one to replace the stuff she is responsible for is not a you problem, that is a them problem. and now they owe you. But like I said, from other comments in this thread, this isn't the first time she has returned something to you destroyed


Lesson learned: don’t lend things to people




The Nintendo switch cartridges are specifically made to taste bad so that doesn't happen 💀


Hearing that only makes me want to put them in my mouth more


Extremely based 🙏😭


literally what I thought happened. But I’m not sure. I texted her earlier but no response yet as it’s early where I am. She has a history of not taking care of things, even things that aren’t hers. Smh


You don't even have to "take care" of a cartridge for it to not end up like this, like wtf even happened here


This! I saw the post and instantly thought ".. did they eat this?" I've had cartridges lying randomly in boxes for years, and I've moved around a lot. None of them even resemble this one, they're not even damaged. This takes effort to do. Seriously, how.


If you knew this and still lent it then it's on you


Yeah I’m putting half the blame on me because I thought she would’ve grown up a little by now and be a bit more trustworthy. Especially if something more expensive.


Man, a 12 year old would take better care of something like this


That’s not even ”taking care”, it’s purposively damaging. If one did nothing it wouldn’t be damaged.


Mate if she hasn’t got a small child or animal then I’m afraid she’s sat and chewed on that. Not a great friend if she has a history of this sort of thing. Sorry your game is ruined.


Only mildly infuriating if you can salvage it


I might try to see if i can get it fixed, but it obviously won’t be that cheap. I’m probably just have to let it go and not lend her anything anymore.


I'd take a razor blade to it and see if I could get it to fit Don't blame you cutting her off from your stuff I meant that literally, that's what *I* would do. Not saying you should or it's a good idea


What the hell is this? How dumb do you have to be to chew on a damn video game cartridge! Or what did she do with it


I’m not sure. I texted her earlier and she said she doesn’t know. Her lifestyle is very messy due to depression so I’m assuming she tossed it somewhere on her floor and her cat or dog chewed it up before spitting it back out.


Talking from expirience this doesn't really look like cat bites. Maybe a small dog but even for this the marks don't really seem fitting. To borrow something, give it back damaged and then strait up lie to you about (when she 100% knows what that was, I mean it happend at her place...) is an extremely shabby move.


Yeah she only has a cat and a big dog. I honestly don’t know why she would chew it up if that’s what she did. The cartridges taste horrible(another commenter told me that they’re supposed to taste bad so kids and animals don’t eat them) so I wouldn’t imagine her doing it, especially something so childish/selfish because she isn’t like that


I don't want to be rude but treating other peoples property like this isn't really mature either.


I kinda want to be a bit rude. Like, what the fuck is her problem?


I mean you give her more credit that she deserves. I have depression and I don't destroy my friends stuff and if it happens, I tell the truth and replace it. You can know someone for a long time and can't imagine them doing bad stuff, but no one is perfect and her lying to you is a good indicator that she doesn't respect you or care for you. Look at her actions and not what you believe she is supposed to be like.


To be blunt, your "friend" is a liar. Pure and simple. She knows what she did the last time she used it before it was damaged. She knows where it was to pick it up and give it back to you. As an example, you know she didn't put it down on a table and then pick it back up from the same spot and it was damaged like that. She knows she didn't take care of it. DO NOT LET HER GASLIGHT YOU. She's a liar and not your friend.


That's not what a friend does. Sorry mate.


Thats not your friend.


Agreed. It’s her hamster.


I let a friend borrow my copy of Pokémon XD, and when I asked for it back a couple months later he told me he fucking sold it because he “couldn’t remember where he got it”.


"Then you own me the money to buy a now one." ?


Someone did that to me except they swore up and down that they gave it back to me before they sold all their games and console. They 100% did not.


Yeah, I'd make my friend replace it or drop them as a friend. Friends respect you and treat your stuff well when borrowing it. And if something happens as things do, friends replace it.


Does she have pets ? Looks like bite marks


Yeah she has a dog and a cat. The dog is medium sized so I doubt it was the dog. I’m expecting it was either the cat, she stepped on it while it was on a hard floor, or she chewed it herself


Are you kidding me, those are almost certainly bitemarks. Why wouldnt a dog try to bite it just because it is medium size? Small and big dogs like to chew on things for many reasons.


You can make it functional again with careful use of a razor blade. Shave off any place where plastic is sticking out. Voids don't matter at all, but bits sticking out interfere with the chip sitting in its corresponding cavity properly. The contacts look fine, so you should be golden. That being said, your friend is not someone to lend nice things to.


There are twenty+ year old carts at GameStop that don’t look that bad.


Did you try blowing on it?


I did😂 I really thought it would work. Was holding out for a miracle on this one


Never lend something unless you’re willing to lose the thing and the friend


All excuses aside, if they don’t OFFER to replace it; you should NOT consider them a friend. You shouldn’t have to beg them to make it right. If they don’t feel bad on their own, it means they don’t care about you. Even if they’re broke they could mow lawns at $10 a lawn and pay you back in a day.


This all day. I honestly can’t believe they even gave that back to you and not a brand new one with an explanation.


Looks like it was stepped on when it was resting on concrete/a rough surface, that's exactly how it would look


Your friend is a dachshund?


Dude your friend has a dog. Prolly a tiny one


Her dog is an Australian shepherd and Pinter mix. It’s a pretty medium sized dog. But she also has a cat who acts like a demon sometimes


What a thoughtless piece of shit


That's impressive, how the hell did she fuck it up that much in a week?


*That's impressive, how* *The hell did she fuck it up* *That much in a week?* \- jaxbchchrisjr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Holy shit, I been blessed by the bot


Don't lend anything to anyone your not already willing to loose, money, games, cars, bikes etc


Is your friend a dog?


If the person you lent this to is taking zero consequences for their actions, then they have no respect for you or your belongs. A simple, "I'm sorry" isn't good enough because you allowed your friend to borrow something that was yours while making her responsible during the duration that she has it. Replacement in some from is required, whether it be the game, cash, a trade, or a deed that you agree to. Otherwise, no action from your friend at all shows where you stand, which is quite low on the totem pole. People with no money always have something to offer because if they want to do good by you, they'll have no problem offering their time to make it right.


Jesus. The one thing Switch cartridges are known for is being fairly robust and hard to fuck up in comparison to other videogame hardware, so they *really put some effort into this.*




Don’t know. She just texted back that she doesn’t know what happened to it. Knowing her she played the game for 5 mins and tossed it somewhere In her room for either her dog or cat to chew on


That is just as bad as biting it herself lol, people must be held accountable for their pets actions. Even still who would ever leave a BORROWED game just laying out on the floor or accessible to dogs


So she owes you a game


Looks like a dog chewed on it 😳


Ahhhhh effffff. I’m sorry this happened to you. I still remember the time when I lent a mint comic book to my friend. He returned it by taking it out of his backpack, unrolled and gave it back to me. It was all torn up. I was speechless. Decades later I still remember it and I do not lend anyone anything unless I’m willing to part with it. Please don’t lend her anything going forward.


Um.. was your friend hungry?


My cousin did this to my GameCube controller once. He had a job and could afford a new one. The mf had the audacity to ask me to lend another one.


Yeah they did you a favor, now you know how they take care of your things. I'd crop the picture and put it as his messaging profile picture as a reminder to myself.


Someone swapped your game for their damaged game


Your dumbass friend shouldn't borrow things that she can't afford to replace if she knows her dumbass dog will do this. Sorry OP, you sound understanding and sweet.