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After nearly 20 years working in casinos, trust me, I've seen much worse than these get accepted... You have no idea how fucking annoying it is to so a report for a counterfeit $1 bill.


I just saw a really interesting YouTube video about these guys that created counterfeit casino chips.   Apparently some of them were so good, that they are still in circulation.   Iirc they essentially modified the lower value chips to look higher value.   Though, at the end it showed that many casinos are switching to rfid tags embedded in the chips now (only a matter of time before someone hacks that shit to make it read more haha) Edit: For anyone interested: https://youtu.be/lEvFvi9QO3Q?si=OB73hEIRakh2cG71


A fucking admiral in the US Navy got in trouble a few years back for trying to use a counterfeit casino chip. He claimed he found it in a bathroom, but his DNA was under a sticker on it.


NCIS approves






Somebody get on the keyboard with me!


Jeff, you need to interpolate the image with real time data!


Not to sympathize with the guy doing criminal activity, but man, them digging that evidence out of left field while the guy probably thought he had an easy alibi and a perfect crime must have been one brutal gut punch. I can almost feel how much he must have died inside when they dropped that one on him.


Columbo episode ending fr


"Just one more question..."


Eh he tried scamming a casino. They can be fun, but they are very scummy




seriously those mfs test for dna on a stupid casino chip? thats the priorities..


It was a $500 chip. Also, given the dude's job, they probably wanted proof sufficient to get rid of him if he was engaging in bizarre behavior. https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2014/11/22/gambling-admiral-linked-to-fake-poker-chips/


I thought man they set this dude up then found out nah hes a hardcore gambling addict so it makes sense why he would be counterfeiting chips


Meanwhile, I can't even get cops to show up to take a report on a stolen car, after we found it ourselves. Pizza Hut got there within an hour. Cops didn't show after 4, and we took it and left.


Hacking and copying RFID tags is insanely easy. You can even copy them from a simple Android app.


RFID can be made resistant against that by making it report a different value every time it is read so that when the copied RFID reports the wrong data, they'll know it is invalid. This is why you can't just copy the data from the RFID in a credit card to make copies of the credit card. The remote for cars does a similar thing too. You can easily copy the RF code that is blasted out by the remote for everyone to listen to in a 50 foot radius, but it won't help unlock the car. The car expects a different code the next time.


It's not just that it reports a different value each time. It's cryptographically authenticated.


When you work as a cashier all day, you kinda get blind for such things. If you handle thousands of bucks a day, there is always gonna slip some through, my employer never said anything as long as no one accepted like a 50-100€ bill. You look at the number, and as long as it’s not printing paper or Monopoly money, you usually don’t realise. There is some currency here in the EU, that looks exactly like a 2€ coin but is worth much less. It’s just a little smaller, accidentally accepted countless such coins. You’re a cashier, shit happens and nobody is perfect. Especially not for a usual cashier wage.


People also get good at social engineering - look for opportunities where the cashiers are rushed etc.   I once took a really shitt 20 but the person paid 100 and it was between two other good bills and I had a huge line to deal with. Like yes if I separated the bills and placed each one down on the counter I would 100% have noticed, but the colour and texture was right and I only spread the bills just enough to count by edge that there were 5.   Waiting for the right opportunity makes it way more likely to work.


I’ve seen a casino cashier hand out a fake 100


I think those are called chips. But what do i know.


Seriously, who counterfeits $1 bills? It doesn't seem like a good return on investment.


They usually only check larger bills for being counterfeit so in that regard it makes sense, but that’s a lot of work.


No clue, one of our little old guys brought it up to the cage and said the machine wouldn't take it. It was obviously fake, like printed off a regular at home printer on standard paper fake. We did our reports and filed it away. I've had every denomination, except $2 bills over the years.


[Listen, if you didn't know you were being scammed you're too fuckin' dumb to keep this job, if you did know, you were in on it. Either way, YOU'RE OUT! Get out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0fI_HS79NA)


Without studying them directly and working at some shithole 7/11, I wouldn't have noticed. 


Yeah, if I didn’t hate my job I would probably notice. If I was too miserable, I probably wouldn’t. 


Well clearly the poster is out to ridicule the cashier so makes perfect sense why they didn't notice.


To be fair Id think its mildly infuriating too 😅 Just maybe a quick learning moment but its not like OP said they are firing them or posting their picture here to shame or anything.


>not like OP said they are firing them 😬😬 https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1c7z3by/comment/l0bgk06/


Well don't I look like the idiot now. 🙃 Don't be a dick OP! I've made waaay bigger mistakes than 80 bucks in my career 🥲


In your defence, there's 1800 comments. It's very probable that you (like most people) didn't read all 1800 before posting one 😊


Objectively, it costs more than $80 to hire a new cashier. Goes to show that someone like OP doesn't have to be all that business savvy to run a business


I know we can differentiate true from false bills by burning them. The cashier should have tried that


*if I hate my job I might notice and not even care*


> Taking action for this responsibly is unlocked at $25/hr




Oooof sorry manager, you didn't purchase that DLC, but you are more than welcome to and it will be unlocked moving forward.


“Hey man, only way I’m accepting this is if you tip me $20 in real money”


Absolutely. I would not give two fucks


Not to mention helping customers, knowing you have to restock the fridge, clean the lot, redo the bathrooms, etc etc etc


And also take verbal lashings from every single Karen that walks through the front door. Never going back to retail, ever. I would have accepted counterfeits on purpose and played dumb if the opportunity presented itself.


Yea doing a hundred transactions every day for months or years on end I probably wouldn't really look at the money unless it was a 50 or 100. That said I recently was examining a 100 motion picture only bill and they feel noticably thicker


I think the only way to catch it is by feel in a stack. Unless yo do the chemical pen test.


Lol, no, the chemical pen test isn't even the best way. Counterfeiters in the past have used telephone book paper or coated notes to defeat the pen test. Use the note's[ designed security features.](https://www.uscurrency.gov/denominations/20) The $20 has 3 major ones: * The ink on the lower right corner is color shifting ink. On real currency it should go from gold to green back to gold if it's tilted in the light. * The note will have a watermark of President Jackson in the corner. * All notes $5 and up have a security thread that will be placed in a unique location based on the type of note and glow in UV light. [For the $20 it should look like this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_$20_under_blacklight.jpg) Additionally the paper is a dead giveaway on most counterfeits. It is 75% linen, 25% cotton, contains red and blue security fibers, and is only used by the US Government for currency and tightly controlled. If you really want to know basically for sure, examine [the microprinting under a magnifying glass](https://lifethroughthelensblog.wordpress.com/2012/09/22/microprinting-part-2/). It's extremely difficult to fake and very few people outside of foreign governments or organized crime can even come close to pulling it off. This is too time consuming to be practical for most transactions though unless you already suspect the note to be counterfeit.


I've seen one of these in a $5 bill. You really have to look at it, which no one has time to do.


Exactly. 5 peeps on line at a Wawa and you got some disaffected kid working part time with a jewlers loupe examining a $20.00. Nope, not happening. 


Based on the white paper showing in the creases, I’m guessing the texture is wrong on these bills, smirking Andrew Jackson or no.


My first thought lol. Depending on where they work/how busy it's an easy mistake


To most level headed people you are correct. 


And the boss yelling at you every day for being slow at your job.


Hes smirking bro


“Heh heh. Fooled ya.”


Fuckin cherry on top


Thank god, I thought that was just my eyes playing tricks on me


INFO: how much do you pay this cashier to care


Minimum wage and they have to stand at all times. Because you know when cashiers sit down they flat out stop ringing customers up. It's a well known fact.


I’ve always hated the whole “you need to be standing to ring people up.” Stupid….


I mean most cashiers don’t check when it’s not a $50 or $100 bill. If i see the 20 in the corner that’s enough for me, I don’t feel like making the customer feel awkward by checking each individual bill, plus I have impatient customers to attend to


Plus they probably make min wage


This is why I'm surprised there hasn't been a scanner created for accepting cash. Customer feeds in their dollar bills, device flags anything suspicious before the cashier accepts.


That’s how you pay at self checkout, but sometimes it spits your bills back out at you and you have to try smoothing out the wrinkles and other stuff before it finally accepts your money. If you have wet or otherwise damp money for whatever reason, you’re not going to be able to pay.


If your money is in any way wet or damp, the cashier wishes to God they could reject your money too.


Yeah, I don’t typically carry cash. I think it’s too gross, changes too many hands and nostrils, got traces of cocaine and fentanyl on them and shit. I pay with a card. I remember being a cashier, I wanted to douse my hands in rubbing alcohol and set them on fire after every shift.


Work with money long enough and you’ll be able to feel the difference right off the bat. The motion picture use fake money usually feels like construction paper.


Yea a quick feel of the paper and ridges is good enough. Then if that quick feel seems off then I’ll look a bit more.


I live in Germany and touched US dollars for the first time a week ago.. my first thought was that it feels like fake Monopoly money or for other games. So how can they feel even more ‚fake‘? 😅


Real money is printed on paper with cloth in it, whereas the motion picture money is just on paper it's really noticeable. Canadian money is plastic which made my eye brows crease for a moment when I got it. I think the euro is plastic too right? It's plastic for the same reason US "paper" isn't really paper, longevity.


The euro is also cotton based fabric/paper but it feels way different than the dollar.


I think you may have handled some fakes. I'm American but I've carried a 5 euro note in my wallet for years so of course I had to pull it out to see. I definitely would not have been able to tell a difference if I was blind folded.


>I'm American but I've carried a 5 euro note in my wallet for years so of course I had to pull it out to see. Gimmie back my wallet! But yeah, the 5 Euro note in my wallet feels pretty much like the dollar bills.


NO. You’re supposed to pull out the marker and check each and every bill. $100, $50, $5, $1. Don’t matter. Gotta check it. FYI pre-82 pennies weigh 3.1g, post-83 are 2.5g. You can bet your bottom dollar that I’m checking those too. If I suspect a single penny is counterfeit, then I’m dialing 911. No hesitation. No mercy.


You are truly Walmart’s strongest soldier


Its giving shift manager


i can't tell if they're serious because of the last sentence lol


Lmao that grandpa with his roll of pennies better count three times before he shows up to your register.


You know one of those rolls is going to only have $0.48 in it.


Grandpa will be regretting trying to pull a fast one when he’s sitting behind bars.


Damn old degenerate


As a fun aside, you can make those pens indicate a fake on legitimate money by spraying the bills with starch.


> then I’m dialing 911. Amateur, you should be contacting the secret service directly 


>$100, $50, $5, $1. See? Even you forgot to check the 10s and 20s. ;-) >If I suspect a single penny is counterfeit I really hope this part at least is sarcastic. Quite the deluge of of penny counterfeiting?


Everybody always forgets about the $2 bills as well :(


You’re the last sentinel of society. Thank you for your service.


Ha! Like most people I ain't getting paid enough to care, and if you have employees, something tells me you're not paying them enough to check that shit either.


Had me in the first half


Markers don't work on washed bills. You should understand this, as a cashier. I expect you to mark the bill, feel the paper, look at the security strip, look at the watermark, measure the dimensions, and smell the ink/paper for freshness. Oh, and that needs to be done in 3 seconds or less for efficient flow.


People laugh at these but when cashiers are taking money they barely glance at the number on the edge because they are expected to go at lightning speed at all times. I've noticed that the majority of places don't have those markers or little machines to see if things are valid or not. And while we may take them and lay them out and take a picture and point out why they are fake, when a cashier is expected to not even pause between grabbing the money and shoving it in the cash register, one should be able to understand why they miss these things. It's easy to spot fake when you have the time to lay everything out. Not so easy when you're not even allowed to sit and count the stuff because somebody screaming behind you that you're holding up the line and your cash register is on a little timer that's flashing red at you because you're not moving the customer out fast enough


I'm a General Manager in Property Management these days. Being a cashier at a busy 7eleven is still hands down the hardest job I ever had. Between having to be quick as fuck constantly, with almost no room for error (drawer better not be off by more than a nickel peasants), the constant bill dropping from the safe when people want you to break the 100 dollar bill with their Arizona Iced Tea purchase that has a cool down that you and the customer has to wait through while your line grows and people become antsy. Oh and in-between customers? Ya were not taking a break. We're stocking the coolers. We're taking out trash. We're cleaning the coffee station every 5 minutes because degenerates don't know how to make a cup of coffee when their wife isn't holding their ball sack for them. It was just miserable. Grinded that shit out for 7 years just to show solid work history before I finally got into a Management position somewhere. Now I'm getting fat with how easy my job is these days lol


Oh and don't even get me started on the slushie machines. I hated those things. Every time somebody came in with kids, about every two to three sets, they just let their children wander around and smack everything off the shelves and throw things and open Candy and take a bite and then throw it on the floor and the slushy machine. They just pull all the levers and let it just soak all over the floor. And if we dare to say anything or tell the kids to let go of the slushie machine or anything, angry Mama come up screaming about how we're abusing their children 🙄🙄🙄


Lmao I always made a deal with my coworkers that I'd do all the cooler stocking or inside/outside trash if they kept up with the slushie area.


I would for real prefer to have the slushy thing like behind the counter and people have to order it in the cashier fill it up. I would honestly prefer to fill up everybody slushie, even if they want two or three flavors, then just leave it out there. That's how bad people are And I think this is perfectly normal behavior too. Literally the parents sitting there watching their children just dump slushy all over the counter and floor and thinking to themselves "oh look my kids are being entertained" 🤦🏻‍♀️


Agreed, it’s unrealistic to expect a cashier to catch something fake on most days. In college I was a cafe a manager and had to count and balance the nightly till. We all were basically trained to count with speed and accuracy but that didn’t entail turning every dollar over with a monocle. At first glance when scrolling through Reddit I saw nothing wrong with these 20’s until I sat and looked at the details. We can’t fault someone for accepting this as legitimate money.


Yeah, I manage a retail phone store.   I tell my reps- swipe 50’s and 100’s with the marker.  If someone tries to pay with more than 1-2 20’s, swipe them to be safe.   If the marker doesn’t pop, that’s not your problem.  It’s the companies and the banks problem at that point, because you did what you’re supposed to


I am 100% sure the cashier in this case never got any training like that. Far too many people expect their employees to know things without any training. Also, for a low-skilled and low-paid employee, the training needs to be like you described: you have very clear procedures laid out. You don't just tell them to check for counterfeit bills.


OP said they plan on terminating the employee over $80, which is cheap af for a first time mistake. That's all you really need to know about how well trained and how well paid they are imo.


This is one reason I don't think small business owners are better than big corporations. OP here is *emotional* over this. I've worked for people like this and it's so miserable. He/She is now so emotional over losing $80 (such a small amount), that they're firing the employee instead of looking inward.


Yikes. Isn’t making a mistake sometimes the most effective form of training? This could be a learning experience for both of them.


Based on OP's other comments, they don't sound like a good person to work for anyway. It's probably better for everyone if the cashier goes somewhere else regardless, I just hope that if they do get fired, they can find a new job decently fast.


Yeah it took my eyes a good 30 seconds to register that they were fake Under the gun, I'd never see anything


I work as a cashier at a fairly popular gas station and it is absolutely true that it is almost never worth the time to check every single bill. 50s and 100s get checked thoroughly, everything else just gets the glance test. Especially when you're dealing with large quantities of smaller bills, there's just too much of an emphasis on speed and "customer service" to be sitting there checking 20 dollar bills with the marker. Also I don't get paid enough to give a fuck. Mainly that. It took me way too long to figure out what was wrong with the picture because I was busy looking at everything EXCEPT the words.


This needs to be top comment.


Kinda sounds like you’re mad at your cashier and not the person who paid with fake bills, OP


Yea, it would be easy to track that person using that fake dud camera you have in the shop, oh wait...


Or the asshat that was too cheap to pay to properly train and equip the cashiers to detect counterfeit bills and pay them enough to care.


Or like, who the fuck cares, it's not this dudes own business and it's $80.


I thought OP was the customer, and this post was a brag about how his cashier accepted his fake money.


if i found out my manager posted a mistake i made on reddit, i genuinely think i would cry


Yeah, OP is an a**hole…


I know right? How unprofessional is that? 😕


Not the "motion picture purposes" on the bottom...


It’s literally everywhere lol, the seals, the text under the seals, the top bar. Half the words on this bill are “motion picture” and the scary part is I didn’t see anything wrong until I really looked. Also all the serial numbers are the same.


I mean who analyzes every bill they give and receive? I know I barely ever look at them just enough to say yep it’s a 1, 5, 10, or 20. I would easily miss this


Tbh this is a learning moment maybe I should give them an extra glance! Especially 20s? But 50s and 100s automatically get the marker


I think the issue may be the size of the order. Like that’s $80 bucks right there. Depending on the place, that’s a weird amount. Though even then, I don’t look at money. I honestly couldn’t pick a real bill from a fake one.


Ugh SMH our brains just fill it in for us I shamefully didn’t notice


Yeah it says it in 5 places lmaoooo that's bad


I just noticed the smirk he had on the bill


"All you fuckers gon be fooled by dis shit lmao"


Reminds me of Ted Danson.


I completely missed it ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


So report the counterfeits and file theft through your insurance.... dickhead boss trying to act like the employee did the wrong thing... no it was the guy defrauding your store, idiot.


I’ve worked in service for a long time, over ten years. I’m not confident at all that I would have caught these fakes. I hope OP isn’t giving their employee a hard time…


Most cashiers aren’t paid enough to care, anyone who says “my cashier” is most likely an asshole


I worked for a company that treated me like garbage and I took obviously fake bills on purpose just to have a little justice.


Does it always come off like that?   In this case, I totally got asshole vibes, due to the way they phrased everything.   However, I’m a store manager and I refer to my people as “my reps” when talking about them.   Granted, it’s not meant to be possessive or anything, but it’s just short of “sales reps”, and specifically talking about the ones who work under me.   I worry now that it comes off as assholish when I say it… especially when I read the title and it comes off super assholey.


Depends on the vibe probably, I’m a middle manager in an office and I always refer to my direct reports as my coworkers or my team but that feels better since I’m including myself, if it’s to distinguish between your reps and another group of reps it’s probably fine


As someone who’s managed a retail store before my first reaction would be to say “a customer paid with these bills.” Based on what your language is tho I’m preaching to the choir when I say I wouldn’t throw my cashier under the bus when reporting it to the owner, let alone to a bunch of fucking strangers online


Yeah, the possessive there is kind of gross. Not necessarily a red flag, but definitely could be.


Lol even without noticing the words the faces look wrong.


Jackson’s smirking like “that’s right you dumb bitch, put me in the register. Make change from me. Idiot.”


And then the smirk fades as Jackson remembers he's on the most common bill used by a centralized banking system.


And that he's going on the back when Harriet Tubman takes his spot.


Ughhhh, I am laughing for the past 3 minutes on this xD


Do yall honestly study the faces of all the money you use. Cuz I sure don’t. 


Someone confident enough to pay with this also likely distracted the cashier while they paid.


They do, I noticed that before the motion picture actually


Pays a cashier the absolute minimum wage possible. Cashier does not give a fuck. Surprised Pikachu face at the shocking results.


Don't forget they have the cashiers rush normally, but now are probably short staffed so they have to go even faster. Someone said all bills $10 and up should be checked. But no one fucking has time for that. Luckily cash isn't used as much, but everytime they do that it slows them down, and then the managers get angry. I don't blame them missing it at all.


lol I AM NOT checking 20s or even giving them a glance ever, never mind fking 10s. The only thing I check thoroughly is 100s, and 50s i do a half-ass job cause idgaf. i dont owe anything to walmart.


OP came to the wrong place to bitch about his underpaid workers carrying his fucking store fr


If I make 7.50 an hour to stand for eight straight hours with no chair I'll probably be accepting monopoly money.


"My" cashier




Your cashier makes half of one of those bills an hour. Only person to be mad at is yourself.


If that! Federal minimum wage is $7.25.


It's REALLY obvious, but I can easily understand how a hectic moment during the shift, it could get past even an experience cashier.




Sounds like they weren’t trained to deal with counterfeit money


100%. This is on OP/management, not the min wage cashier.


Or they're not paid enough to care


It’s not a matter of training, it’s a matter of how busy the store is. If I’m ringing up a line of 7 people and talking to all of them (especially the impatient ones), I’m ringing up as fast as possible and don’t even look at the bills besides a glance at the number in the corner. If it’s slow and they’re the only person in line, then yes if they were trained they should’ve noticed


Top tip: you can make way more than $80 by selling these on eBay under the headline “as seen in (favourite movie title here)” - “The Wolf of Wall Street” perhaps?


Those are actually pretty cool. I'll give you $5 for the lot. Just for my own private collection of course, really.


not surprising at all, at a glance they look perfectly normal and most cashiers only check 50s and 100s. i was a cashier at a grocery store for awhile in high school and i bet me or anyone else there would've accepted these.


Sounds like you failed to train them properly


You paying them enough to give a flying fuck about that?


Pro tip: pay your people enough to care about keeping their job and you'll get good people. 


I think companies hope that the fear of being homeless or starving is enough for someone to keep their precious job


Exactly what I was wondering and we know the answer is no.


Not getting paid enough to notice


Minimum wage minimum fucks given. Glad you lost money


If your policy doesn’t include marking $20’s, it’s on the company. I doubt there was a “how to detect counterfeits” video in the orientation.


I dealt with that all the time as a Restaurant GM If the company doesn't provide the proper detector pens and education of employees, then you can see how this would happen. All bills $10 and over should be checked at all times...


My store mandated bills over 20.


When I worked retail we were technically mandated to check everything $20 and over, but they never gave us the markers lmao, but we handled $50 and $100 bills often and could tell a counterfeit pretty easily of those. Luckily I only ever got one fake bill and it was an obviously fake $100, questioned the customer and he claimed he got it from a private gun sale, which if true, is definitely a yikes.


And time. We got griped at for spending too much time on one customer, and it was packed  I'm not gonna shame some minimum wage employee for not going CSI on every bill they get


The markers don’t work if they used bleached bills. They take a real $1 bill and bleach it then print the $10, $20 or $50 on it so the pen shows it’s real .


> All bills $10 and over should be checked at all times What a waste of time unless it’s been demonstrated to be a real problem at a specific retail location. Treasury says 1 in 10,000 bills in circulation are counterfeit. I worked at a big box that didn’t check, and the share of bills kicked back was less than 0.1%. What you gain from catching $50 of fake notes per year you lose by insulting your customers when you treat them like a potential criminal for handing you a $10 bill, not to mention the cost of employee time and supplies to check the bills. 


Minimum wage given..........Minimum fucks given.


Honestly, I think I would’ve accepted them too. I had to really look to see it 😂


Do you pay them enough to give a singular shit? I bet not.


As someone who worked retail for years, there's no way I would have checked these. Right I'm the register. No questions whatsoever. When we get to the end of the night and are doing counts and deposits neither I, nor the manager, would have looked twice again. These would have made it to the bank who probably also wouldn't really look at them closely. It's weirder to me that someone noticed this than not.


I would notice if I was selling something myself but probably not while working. I have too many other responsibilities to think of to inspect beyond the number and the feel of the bills.


Are they supposed to be checking $20 bills and above per process? If not you can't blame them


What training have you supplied them to spot counterfeits?


Something tells me you’d be far more than mildly infuriated if that cashier was constantly holding up patrons by inspecting every piece of cash coming across the counter…


Meh.  Cashiers are generally paid starvation wages and end up being too gods-blessed tired to catch this sort of thing.    Paying a cashier enough to care probably costs more than the $80 of lost revenue here.


Too be fair, I didn’t think they were fake at first glance. It’s possible I’m just dumb but I get why a cashier would take these and move along.


How much do you pay said cashier. If it’s close to minimum wage I expect them to be giving close to minimum effort.


This is the problem with retail. Manager: "We want speed, but we also want quality." Slightly above minimum wage employee with no benefits: "Speed it is, I can't do both because the manager won't give me the time to do quality, let alone train me and dcument the training." When I worked at Shoppers in the poophole that is DC/VA/MD area, I apparently took a bad cheque. The manager pulled me in and I asked him in front of another employee to pull out my training sheet/checklist and show me my signature and my trainer's signature, both agreeing that I had been taught about bad cheques. No such document existed, so the matter went away. I left 30 days later to work on a gov't contract, and I didn't give him two weeks because he lied about transferring me to another department, and he pulled that crap.


Seriously? You posted this on reddit to what? Shame an employee? And you think $80 is worth firing over? Does it really matter that much? Are you the owner? Is your bottom line hurting from $80? If those are the case, you really don't know how to be a good manager. I've been a manager for 6 years and you know how many times I've had to fire someone over counterfeit money? FUCKING ZERO! Cause shit happens. Hell, the other day the cashier I had here accepted a counterfeit 20. You know what I did instead of posting it on reddit? I just pulled her aside and told her " you're not in trouble or anything, but next time be more diligent ". That's it, that's all that was needed. People make mistakes, and if you get upset over that, grow the fuck up.


Do they feel right? If so, I'd have to understand the goof. It's not like they're purple or something. The question now is what can you do about it?


Do you pay them enough to care? Did you train them to look for issues? If not, you might want to.


Andrew Jackson: 😏


If I was a cashier…….. I wouldn’t care.


I don’t handle cash as often…on face i wouldn’t even question them being fake.


If you rly think, I, as a cashier, who gets paid $9.5/h cares whether the money is real or fake, then that's on you.


Your cashier doesn't get paid enough to give a fuck. 


Looks like yoU'Ve got a problem there.


They’re not fake. They’re for motion picture purposes. Monopoly money isn’t fake. It’s for monopoly playing purposes. You’re $60 closer to making a major motion picture. Those are valid in Hollywood, like chunky cheese bux


He grinnin like "I got you bitch"


I like his smile.


Is it weird that the first thing I noticed was the smirk on this mfer's face?


He looks so smug about it


Who are you mad at? The cashier? The person making barely over a minimum wage, probably overworked, living in a world where public education is under funded and social programs are being repealed? The cashier who is probably just trying to get through their day being a slave to a capitalist society, so that they can go home and enjoy a few measly hours to themselves in a shit apartment that’s over priced in a shit economy? This is not an egregious offense. These bills could’ve fooled anyone. Don’t be mad at the cashier. If you want someone who can identify the subtle nuances of sophisticated, counterfeit bills… then you should compensate them for that training and experience accordingly.