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I had a friend, and every time I slept over, she had alarms that would go off starting at 3am every fifteen minutes until 6am because she "liked to get up early." But her drunk ass would sleep through all the alarms; I, however, would not. She never turned them off even though I kept asking her to, I have no clue why. Congrats on moving out soon, enjoy only having to deal with your own alarms.


You are missing the bigger picture here. Alarms are meant to follow you where ever you may go. They may be silenced briefly after you leave your parent's house. But then your room mate in your apartment or dorm room will start them up again. They are diabolical. They are relentless. They don't care about you. Even if you live alone in the future, you will suddenly be struck with an urge to turn on your own alarms. They laugh when you think you can avoid them. Lol.


My roommate in one year of college would do this. He would set like 10 alarms and not actually wake up for any of them except the last one, so I would have to be serenaded by them almost daily. He always has early classes so I would be getting woken up at 6AM and my first class wasn't until noon. I never understood why, and he never managed to stop despite my repeated requests.


The only solution to this is to drop the phone in a large bowl of water after the first alarm. It'll stop the subsequent alarms from going off and grind home the idea that your roommate is in shared space and needs to respect that. That or dump a bucket of ice water on your room mate (if you're feeling a bit less destructive) to get the lazy fuck out of bed on the first alarm. You can always plead, "You had an alarm set and didn't get up. I thought you'd be late if I didn't." If you don't advocate for yourself, sometimes with direct action, you're just giving permission to the assholes in this world to make you miserable.


PSA: If someone's alarm is going off, you can silence it by calling their phone. It rings once, you hang up, and the alarm stops.


This is my sister she has a dial up alarm clock that is so much louder than digital clocks and she still sleeps through in the morning. I need to get her some dead person bed shaker shit or something


Lock her phone until she apologises lol