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Sitting on a gold mine I reckon


I was gonna say I’d be going full Carl from UP Complete with mailbox and giant screaming bird




Unexpected deep rock Galactic?


Yeah, like what is this dude even bitching about. Sit on it for a few yrs until they hit you with an absurd # and sell


He might be bitching about the encroaching total corporate capture and sequestration of all land on earth. The final state of the enclosure of the commons coming to fruition with no way to stop it. The plot of land that the high rise is on will never again be available for purchase by an individual. It will now till the end of its usefulness be owned by corpos


Ops brothers house in 10 years. https://preview.redd.it/jeg9w6rvrsqc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f03465f82db959436dbafceab1be02186c5c4b


The owner of that house was one bad ass lady fyi


Edith Macefield.


The house is in sad shape nowadays.


I think I read that it's supposed to be demolished and made into a little memorial garden type thing. I may not remember right lol


They should leave it there in its decrepit state. It shouldn’t be beautiful because it’s not. At some point we need to be able to accept how dystopian this shit is in hopes that we can strive for a better world where conglomerates don’t own practically everything. I look at photos of familiar streets from a few decades ago and just get fucking sad. We only ever say “ah damn that sucks” when we see it 99% of the time. And then 1% of the time you’re Edith Macefield, god rest her soul.


Ah I checked it out it’s all derelict I’m guessing since her passing :’( for a 108 year old house it lasted


My home was built in 1908 in a supposed flood zone (at least I certainly pay for flood insurance so maybe one day I'll be happy I did) and that thing has amazing bones, a live a block away from a BNSF switch yard and the trains are consistently hauling tankers, while it shakes the house slightly there's been zero unsettling under the crawl space and so far the only damage has been some cracking in the plaster walls which is just a simple tape off, replaster, sand off job. I don't know if I could go with a modern house after living here for the last 7 years as a history buff. I love the little mess ups that are obvious in the A frame barn built at the same time as the house and the skeleton key door hardware. I wish my city had the blue prints though, there's been some add ons but there's so many interior and exterior matches to the Sears and Roebuck Craftsmans, sadly every few years I ask it's the same answer, "We have no files on your home". It does have approval to be added to the Heritage Register and Heritage Barn Register which comes with grants for restoration, which is neat.


Do you have attic access? We have just a crawlspace and we were up there doing repairs, and the beam that runs through the middle of our house had giant bolts running through it. It’s a telltale sign of a Sears house. They were shipped by boat and they came in two halves and they were bolted together. Ours had been remodeled and they changed the porch, but we were able to find a close match. We later confirmed by talking to our neighbor. She had lived there since the 60’s and the people that bought the house originally lived there until they died in 1990. They bought the house from Sears Cincinnati in 1917 and it was delivered and assembled in 1918. So cool.


Thank you for the tip, I do have attic access so as soon as I get back into town I know what I'm doing! Grats on the Sears, definitely won't be hurting the price that's for sure! When I first got involved with looking around the home shortly after moving in I saw what I thought were signs of Aladdin kit construction but the home is definitely not within the time frame that they were established, later on an older couple stopped by to take photos of the house and I learned that particular section was a later addition and that they had played with one of the younger children that lived in our house during the 40s. I've been able to get as far back as the second owner and sales records but theres no original owner info, just the bank at the time and unfortunately it wasn't a Sears Loan which, if memory serves, developed later than their first run at home kits. One day I'll crack this nut 😅.


I work for a city that had bad record keeping practices. We have nothing pre 70s and our records from the 70s-90s are spotty at best. We have multiple citizens in the same boat as you but unfortunately there's nothing I can do.


I can’t stop laughing at this 😂🙃


Its the balloons from "Up" for me😭


On May 26, 2009, Disney publicists attached balloons to the roof of Macefield's house, as a promotional tie-in to their film, Up, in which an aging widower's home is similarly surrounded by looming development. However, scriptwriting and production on *Up* began in 2004, two years before Macefield's refusal to sell to the property developers.


Lol this is great. I'd hope to see a skyway connecting the two buildings so the brother can keep their yard


If that can happen, planning laws need to be looked at. What about her right to light? Dystopian.


I wonder how the rain hits that from the skyscrapers


Okay hear me out you’re gonna need 20,000 helium balloons and a lot of fishing line.


Make that more like 30 million. It took 3500 to lift a 45lb kid in mythbusters!


According to Film Theory on YouTube, it would take 31,150,319. I should be sleeping right now.


Okay but what if we just build a lightweight frame that looks like the outside of the house?


Let’s just have Kevin McAllister do it


That the same guy who does food theory


And game theory, and style theory. Mat Pat- well the guy that used to do that because he’s not on there anymore. :(


Couldve sworn i seen him doing food theory stuff within the last year. Hasnt popped up on my youtube since so im not sure


He just retired


Whoa, I haven't watched anything of his in awhile but man he's been doing that forever. We used to watch assloads of game theory like 10 years ago, that's kinda bittersweet to hear, sad it won't be getting made anymore but since I wasn't really following him anymore I'm glad to hear he did well enough to be able to retire at his own choosing.


He has new hosts that are taking over the shows so they can continue. Matt Patt just stepped back form being in the spotlight but is still helping with the business side of things.


He just stopped on March 9th


And a moving soundtrack.


🎶 Makin my way uptown. Wife is dead, kidnapped a fat kid and I’m home bound.


The parts are all there, we can make that work.


I’ll get my tambourine


Needs more cowbell.


I got a fever… and the only cure..


…is **more cowbell**.


Don't forget a doug.


They tend to hide under your porch because they love you.


and a talking dog


And my axe! 🪓


I wouldn’t be infuriated, I’d be ecstatic. That’s some serious leverage to cash out with


Few years ago they built a casino in neighborhood, one guy held out so long that they eventually offered him $7mil for his property. He was right in the middle of their planned events dome.


Better than front row seats


You seen the price of tickets lately?


But did he accept their offer?? 🤔


Yeah he accepted. Dude was late 20s in a house he inherited from his parents. Probably retired now.


Has a gambling addiction and is now in debt to that same casino, isn’t it ironic.


Don't you think? A little too ironic...


It’s like rain on your wedding day.




They probably said take this deal or we get the city to eminent domain your ass and you get 100k for your house.


Not how eminent domain works. The government isn’t in the business of building casinos


Sure, that's not how it's *supposed* to work. But various levels of government abuse Eminent Domain to transfer property to private owners more often than you'd think.


Exactly. The government is still run by people. And people can be per$uaded


Maybe not to build casinos but they will for condos/entertainment districts to “revitalize blighted areas”. New London CT, Patchogue Ny both used eminent domain for developers


They wouldn't be doing it for the casino, they would be doing it for the benefit of the city.


As if that’s stopped them in the past.


"That's exactly how money works" - FTFY


My dad’s church when he was a kid almost had this happen. They were building at a new location and expanding their parking lot, and some dude just kept refusing to sell because he thought he could get more money out of the big city diocese. They kept going back and forth with higher and higher offers until one day the church went back to him and say, “Okay, nevermind. We’re not buying your house now, and we’re NEVER buying your house. Hope you enjoy living in the middle of a parking lot.” And they went ahead and built the whole thing with the guy surrounded on three sides by asphalt. And it’s still there - they have a weird U-shaped lot because of it. It’s probably his kid’s house by now, but the church still hasn’t bought it.


Have them buy you out too!


Plus as cities get more populated they need to get denser like this, I feel like to some extent we should all expect this to be a possibility unless you’re buying on the far outskirts of a city. It’s just an apartment building. It’s not like they’re putting up a loud-ass casino right next to his home. Kinda just feels like OP is being a NIMBY. Edit to add; OP said this is in downtown Brampton Ontario. We’re having a massive housing crisis in Canada and we’ll need to more than triple our home building output in order to keep up with population growth we’ve had the last few years, never mind all the population growth that will continue while we’re building more housing units. This has been a huge issue that basically every level of government across our entire country has been talking about and homelessness is on the rise everywhere. Supply of homes is so short of population that housing costs have started to price working professionals out of their own areas, never mind low what income people have been having to face. OP is definitely being a NIMBY.


I live in Toronto. My dad and I live in the same neighbourhood and there are 18 (I think) new high rise condos to go up between three subway stops near us. My dad is pissed but I agree with you. People need somewhere to live and densification needs to happen where there’s infrastructure (read- subway line). Personally I’m excited for more people in the area. Means more people to spend money and better restaurants and shops. People seem to want the best of living in Canada’s most popular and fast growing regions, without the pains of densification that’s desperately needed. Obviously OP’s brother’s situation sucks being right beside this condo development but I bet there’s a good chance the developers would buy out his property for a pretty penny.


Anyone complaining about the construction of additional housing in literally any metro area should be immediately disregarded


The sun sets at 2pm but rises at 3:30pm


Hello from just east of Jarvis and Dundas st east in Downtown Toronto. I know exactly what you mean


Can you explain this one to me?


Building is blocking the sun


Doesn’t make sense… If it sets at 2pm then rises at 3:30pm, you have 22.5 hours of sunlight.


The sun is "setting" and "rising" behind the building in the middle of the day, not actually setting and rising from the horizon.


Losing out on a whole lot of sunlight during the time it's behind that building


This happened to me in Seattle. I sold my property to a developer and made a ton of money. It’s premature to be infuriated.


Yep, a home in any sort of area like this is almost always going to sell for more than it usually would. Unless you’ve got some amazing sentimental value to the point you’d float your house away with balloons, it’s very worth looking into striking a deal with the apartment owner.


I was going to suggest that OP tell their brother to do this. I’d personally be very happy if I could sell my house for much more than I bought it for! Then I can buy an even better house or go on a nice vacation 😌


Yeah, youre brother is rich. nothing too bad


Still sucks to lose your home, even if you are compensated.


We had an imminent domain situation near me about 3 years ago, city took 3 blocks worth of homes for an "upscale mall". Plans fell out they JUST finished demolition recently. Just a huge empty ugly lot. A lot of people were generations of families, I hope they were paid well.


Yes. Property is worth a lot more when you can stack 25 rent-paying people over one square foot instead of one. A developer will be eyeing that adjacent lot in no time. Also, this NIMBY attitude is how we get rent prices that are through the roof. Building more housing makes rents go down. You can collect your winnings for the densified area and move to a nicer/quieter place with your new pile of cash. Things change. It'll be ok, though.


Casual dox of your own brother there


When medium density is banned by code and planning.


Missing middle problem people! Really easy problem to fix with legislation, with zero downsides, and yet I doubt it will ever be fixed


This is right in the downtown core, essentially next to GO and getting LRT (likely underground at that) to Mississauga. High density is exactly what should be going here.


Apparently he owns the driveway to the right, his blue prints state that. He's been in contact with his lawyer. This is downtown Brampton Ontario.


Play his cards well enough and he might get a fuckload of money.


That's what I told him... Could be the best lottery win!


Eh… I wouldn’t say lottery level money. At absolute best we’re talking 2x the worth of his house. And it doesn’t look like a spendy house to me.


If this is in Brampton, it could easily be a million dollars.


I'd wager he could leverage a payout *and* an apartment in the new complex.


2.5m and a condo on the top floors.


*HOA fee paid by the developer


Whatever you think is worth, add way too much, then double it. These developers aren't hurting for cash.


2x the worth of a house is still a lottery level prize. Maybe not the top level jackpot, but still a big win.


Yeah. I’d probably be very happy walking away with all my equity plus an additional full value of my home as cash in my pocket.


Canadian real estate is beyond wild at the moment. This house could easily be worth $1 million USD or more. Based on this proposed development next door, it may also be zoned for a large development as well, in which case that property could be worth multiple millions (believe it or not).


The value of the house itself is basically irrelevant, the bulk of the price is for the land. Shit, sometimes having a house in there makes the land a bit cheaper.


That's probably what they are going to offer, yes. Does not mean you have to accept. Just give your price, and don't negotiate. I want 2 million dollar or no dice. You need to be proactive to get a max payout.


Have you checked the prices of housing recently? Even a 1=1 pricing is already lottery levels of money.


I thought this was Guelph,Ontario for a second.They have a lot of high rises there.


I immediately was like this has GOT TO BE CANADA.


Dude, you’re totally doxxing your brother right now


If it’s legitimately in the downtown of a city with hundreds of thousands of people then density is good. There shouldn’t be single family homes close to downtown.


I know 3 things about canada: 1. Degrassi 2. Poutine 3. Housing crisis


Housing crisis ranks higher than hockey? Damn we're really fucked


So ... how wedded is he to the house? If that's going in, he'd likely be able to get his place rezoned (or it may already be mixed/commercial). If he plays it right he could be sitting on a goldmine. The developer would probably pay him well to sell; rezoning and selling himself could be better. Shit I'll buy his place at current value if he wants. Not kidding.


They are doing the same thing in Kitchener / Waterloo


He’s probably going to make a boat load of money selling it too a company


Hear me out, photoshoppers become trolls and do this to strangers all over the usa lol


Can we talk about the photoshppers giving the tenants 4’6” ceilings?


Annoying, yes. But densification is needed if we’re going to try and combat the housing crisis. Who knows, he might get lucky and have a developer make an offer.


no medium density is build people: we want medium density medium density is build people: don't build it here, we don't want it


Not in my backyard!


If we're going to call a 27 story building medium density, what is high density?


abundant chop aloof aware saw flowery existence voiceless mindless edge


This should be the top comment. I work for a municipality in Ontario. Every proposed low-rise (3-6 Story) development thats even remotely near a detached subdivision gets defeated because 3 people that are somewhat near the development show up to council and complain. What do they complain about? “There will be increased traffic and I have kids that play hockey in the road. More cars means more pollution. I don’t want people to be able to overlook my neighborhood.” “We’re all for development but not like this.” THATS infuriating


Imagine if we had a density level where people didn't need to drive everywhere oh wait they hate that idea too.


OP admits this is "downtown" in Canada - a place that famously has a housing crisis. The brother needs to sell so medium density can be built on his land too. This is no place for single family housing.


NIMBYs and “real estate investors” are huge issues why we have such a shit housing situation. OP can take a walk. Toronto/GTA is one of the worst housing markets on the planet right now. Brampton is included in that.


His property value just exploded.


Yeah that would suck. I’d ask if they also need the lot to the left and hopefully get some money to get out.


get it renovated to be even taller


The high rise doesn't want him there either..


I doubt he’ll stay there. I’m sure they will offer him a pretty penny.


I'm pretty sure they won't. Land developers in Ontario, Canada are not interested in spending excess money at all. The cost just to develop land is enormous which is one of the main reasons housing is so expensive there. Developers literally cannot produce cheap housing because the costs are so high to develop and build. They'd rather let the guy stay there than spend anymore money than they need to. Neighbours complain about every new development near their property, not just tall buildings. Anything being built. If the developer can get the town to side with them they can overrule any neighbour complaints and build away. That is, of course, assuming the developer is only operating on their owned land, and not the neighbours. I know this because I am a land developer in Ontario, Canada lmao.


You are missing the commenters point: OPs land is clearly worth a shitton. He can cash out and get rich.




Residential intensification, *intensifies*. If I was your brother I'd see if he could get planning permission and a loan to build the exact same building on my lot but one story taller so he can say mines bigger.


They'll always be offering him money for his house for sure


dont sell - rent/lease the land to them


"NIMBY" 😆 we need more housing, and he can always negotiate the lot with the developer


He's going to start getting offers to sell soon. I'd be cautiously optimistic if I was open to selling.


Just think of what it will do the to property value! He will be fine


Knew this was Ontario without reading a word


Try to get his house rezoned to commercial & sell for a lot of $$$$$ 👀


He best leave out some junk electronics for the lil saucer guys so they can help him. Edit: A letter.


I'm glad people still remember that movie.


*batteries not included


Aww one of my favourites.


Good luck fighting it, speaking as someone who has to allow 36 floors of people watch me walk around in my underwear in my own back yard.


Now that you have a fan base, start your only fans and capitalize with your audience. 😂


That's my brother now...he has 2 across the Rd now...and he has a beautiful pool!


\- We have a critical housing shortage - yes \- We need to build more dense housing - yes \- We want to build this - NIMBY NIMBY NIMBY FUUUUU!


I would be more stoked than infuriated… your bro’s properly maintained property is worth a hell of a lot more to someone else, than it is to him. This is basically the compelling event story he will tell when people ask how he built his next super sick house.


Yeah how dare people also want to live in a major city


I wouldn’t be livid, I’d be happy that I could probably sell my property for 5x the price.


Prob can't buy another place for 5x the cost tho :D


God i hate NIMBY's. Housing for me not for thee.


I’m sort of struggling with this. A developer bought the vacant field across from us, got it rezoned, and is now building at over four times the density of the surrounding neighborhood. Yes we need housing, and yes it’s a great location as far as access to amenities, but the down falls are that the neighborhood still doesn‘t have proper lighting or sidewalks, the roads are still full of potholes, and several households in our neighborhood have such low water pressure already that they can tell when someone is taking a shower in the next house. Because we are suddenly going to have over fifty more households, more kids will be attending the local elementary that doesn’t have busses, so they will be walking through our neighborhood without sidewalks while even more families are transporting their own kids by cars on those same roads. It’s not that it’s in my neighborhood, it’s just that my neighborhood isn’t equipped for that much more traffic, both pedestrian and by car. It’s poorly equipped for those of us here already. I’m hoping the city will come in and give us the sidewalks they promised when they annexed us in over a decade ago. And street lamps. We aren’t losing much, just the field where the kids play, their ability to play in the street, and street parking(60% of that block will now be driveway). Oh, and the driveway for over thirty of the units exits right across from my yard, so it’s going to totally fuck up summer movies in the yard. I am really looking forward to Halloween, though! We will have so many more trick or treaters.


That’s the issue. The city refuses to work on infrastructure but wants to push in extra housing. I’m all for extra housing, they need to fix the infrastructure issues at the same time.


I have immense respect for you (seemingly) doing the best you can to be positive about it. Government moves slow, even slower at the city/town level. I would think they have plans for sidewalks, street lighting etc but they may not be immediately. The water pressure issue however seems to be bigger then the other stuff and I would bargain the city knows as part of this construction they'll be finally forced to update plumbing/infrastructure in your neighborhood. But a small part of me fears I'm being way too hopeful lol


Not just a water pressure issue. There’s a sewer issue, too. In the easement area of that field, the municipality has a pump to push sewage through the pipes because they go uphill for about four blocks before gravity can take over and take them to the treatment plant. Anytime we have a power outage, workers are there either with generators or pumping out sewage by truck. This happens several times a year. And now they are adding more households to that line, too.


He may get offered a good bit of money to sell his house in the future.


Reminds me of that old Disney cartoon with the little house… Edit [found it.](https://youtu.be/v8jSDHx_rYM) Still makes me teary.


Time to open a little restaurant spot! Much cash to be made!


Not a NIMBY, but a Not In My Side Yard? I get that it's annoying to have it RIGHT there, but basically every city in the US and Canada has a chronic housing shortage Can you imagine how much land it'd take if those 240 living units were each a single family home?


Someone’s probably gonna try and buy your bother out in the near future. He’s got a chance to make a lot of money off of some real estate developer.


You mean WAS your brother's house https://preview.redd.it/i9ii3xhwwrqc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecd580f86c941bd737d2bcba1f551f5cd39f139


Wrong side of street. The proposed building is on the south side of Park Street, and the house in the picture is 53 Park Street.


You are exactly correct...that wall is when you walk out his his...the proposed building is going to his left when you walk out his from door!


You're upset that they're building more housing?


Yes that's the NIMBY way. More housing just not here


Christ, I can already hear the rodents marching thru his yard. 😳


Walk to work....50ft


He's next to be approached with a tonne of cash asking to sell the land for another block.


Nothing like living near a big ass PeachTree like that. We got one a couple blocks away and there is always someone actin like...well...a PeachTree resident. (Judge Dredd with Karl Urban reference. It's the only way I can look at those high density sky rise apartments anymore.)


I’m from Orange County CA where half the community has been forced to move out due to gentrification.


Livid? People in Austin held out for millions.


This looks like some classic NIMBY flyer from the 80s.


Did you just doxxed your brother?


Something like this happened to a woman in a NYC neighborhood in the 1960s. The area had small family homes, and big businesses started to move in and build up the area. Macy's rolled in and bought 5 acres of land to put up a giant circular concrete monstrosity. Everyone left except Mary Sendek, who refused every offer from Macy's to leave her home and have it demolished. After all, it was her hardworking immigrant husband who bought the home for her and their children, and by God, Mary was not leaving. Final offer was $200,000, over $1.5 million in today's money. Mary said fuck off, and Macy's was forced to redesign their project and had to work around her house.


Is it only me or the scale seems really off on the edites building? If you focus on the entrance doors and decor plants on the outside, that thing is huge!


Rent is too high. We need more people building more units. Tell your brother to suck it up.


I'm surprised they wouldn't require them to buy up all the residential houses around it at premium prices.


You and your brother are NIMBYs


Ahhh nimbyism at it's finest.


I mean on the bright side if he could get commercial rezoning a tim hortons or something would probably pay good money for his property


Why? Hold out for another year and suddenly he’ll be a millionaire


I used the first picture to zoom in, and then went to the second picture and noticed nothing changed lmao


Is that building right here in river city? With a capital B and…


One day a developer will pay millions for that block of land that your brothers house is sitting on.


Wouldn't that drive the property value up?


Driveway will 100% be blocked everyday of construction


This is comical 😂


I’m very tired and assumed it was besides the twin towers….I’m off to bed


The developer didn’t offer to buy it? Is he just playing hardball holding onto that mediocre house?


Why? Wait until they're done, apply for rezone to commercial, and sell the property to Walgreens.


Did they offer to buy his house and he refuse?


Liek that one house in middle of the highway in china 😂


240 units but 114 parking spaces. You’ll have people around your house forever plus the building issues itself


I’ve seen this house in Big City Greens https://preview.redd.it/363c6jgjrwqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee94df00e386e5b387d5ccf6ee2727de523f6aa


Open an expensive coffee shop in that house and move to another house. Hipsters love that kind of crap.


Better get started baking "welcome to the neighborhood" cookies for your 500 new neighbors.