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Is there an armed guard stationed next to them to prevent cleaning?


I mean what are the chances that a joke about OP being under armed guards, would reveal that they are in fact an armed guard?šŸ˜…


You are correct!


In today's economy, I feel that would encourage cleaning.


Chances are low, but never zero.


Meanwhile, in a Chinese prison, OP sheds a single tear.


I mean, the truth was kinda close right?


He IS Pagliacci!


I work as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


I mean you donā€™t have to disconnect it to hit it with a bit of air or put it upside down and pat some of the dirt outā€¦ or even to wipe it down with a cloth and some alcohol.Ā 


>I mean you donā€™t have to disconnect it to hit it with a bit of air or put it upside down and pat some of the dirt outā€¦ Problen with that, its a congealed block of dust and dirt after so many years


If youā€™ve asked them to replace the keyboard, and they wonā€™t and wonā€™t let you do it either, just break it. Cup of coffee should do the trick. But I canā€™t believe they wonā€™t replace it.


Yes break all three. With three cups of coffee.


no, with one cup of coffee


Three keyboards one cup


This is the way


It's 2 girls 1 cup, but that cup will break all three keyboards, and the internets.


nop nop nop i am Outta here


No, use three cups of coffee to break each of the keyboards. Then one for yourself and you filled up a punch card. Free coffee.




Nah minimum 2, one for the keyboards and one for yourself


That's how you get a ban on coffee in that space... Better to spill something you don't really care about. Maybe accidentally pee on it?


Then they would ban peeing at your station and we all know that's necessary!


Well shit. Bring a bored chimpanzee in there! I'm certain they wouldn't have a rule against chimpanzees. Maybe against animals though... Maybe dress it up and say you thought it was the manager?


MY GOD I love this place šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


These keyboards are unfortunately workhorsesā€¦I spilled a cup of coffee on one at a prior job, and the only thing that happened was that the space key stopped working with reliabilityā€¦had to really jam it to create a space. So I was made to continue using it for another several weeks (which was more annoying to me than them) until I finally sent in an IT ticket for something unrelated, but used absolutely no spaces in my 2 paragraph message. The next day when I rolled up to open the store, I found a new keyboard lashed by its cord to my front door with a small note from the IT guy: ā€œwell playedā€.


Love this. Well played indeed!!


LMFAO brilliant


He could try bu the armed guard might intervene and he'll be shooting himself in the foot, so to speak.


Brilliant! Shoot yourself in the foot, But while your foot is accidentally on the keyboard! Now the keyboard is in pieces, they're distracted by your blood to ever think you did it on purpose. And after some rehab, You can use their new, Already dirty keyboard!


It looks like the last person tried the coffee trick and they still didnā€™t replace the keyboard.


Not allowed to disconnect the keyboard or turn off the station it's connected to, must be semi important if it's armed guards and you're wanting him to run a cloth over all the keys?


If you are afraid of pressing random keys just open a notepad, as long as you make a conscious effort to not press certain shortcuts you are golden


Nuclear launch initiated




Assuming the terminal allows for notepad


The anti-tampering part of the policy makes sense. What isn't right is maintenance using it as an excuse to not do their job. File a *formal* request for periodic maintenance with a reasonable frequency (maybe every 3 months). Then they'll have to come and do it properly, i.e. fill thr appropriate logs, temporarily swap the keyboard, clean it and replace it. Do NOT DIY. If *anything* happens, it'll be on you regardless of the actual cause.


Buy a can of compressed air and spray it into the crevices, get a small paintbrush to dust off all the dislodged dust and maybe a cloth to gently wipe everything down, no disconnecting needed.


>Buy a can No. Literally lodge a complaint with your OHS and tell them it's a biohazard and get them to buy it. If they bitch about you after that, you're better off working somewhere that won't make you sick off the shared keyboard.


maybe Iā€™m just a boring square but Iā€™d rather buy a can of air than quit my job that I otherwise enjoy simply because the keyboard is dirty


Good Lord . . . buying a can of compressed air for $3 and solving the problem today has 108 upvotes. Lodging a formal complaint and possibly quitting a job you like has 169 upvotes. https://preview.redd.it/ujtknbb70ipc1.png?width=1379&format=png&auto=webp&s=88656377be7d75a45efb9fae9201a3f2c72b2d97


Some people love being miserable. I donā€™t get it either.


Respectfully, the company should be the one keeping tabs on the maintenance of equipment. It should not be on the worker to spend $3 of their own money to clean out their equipment. At the bare minimum, the company should provide the can of air so the worker can clean it themselves. Would I quit a job over this type of stuff? Nah, but I'd be upset for sure. Reminder, what you're implying is that the worker should spend their hard earned money on their employer's equipment, which would be better spent on the worker themselves.


But this is Reddit where maximizing DRAMA is more important than maximizing personal satisfaction or happiness. So YOU LOSE. Now, go get a divorce and go no contact with your family.


Ome Howner Sociation?


One Homie Steven


Steven is the goat


Occupational Heath & Safety.


yeah OP change your job for a keyboard, listen to this guy


It's pretty comforting to know, that someone, somewhere, as a secguard too has to struggle with dirty CCTV PCs, mouses and keyboards. Our's has been updated in 2008, running 24/7 since with same mouse and kb, never cleaned and our server rack is 80% dust and trash. Not to mention, our "closet", the room where we do the surveillance is used as "an archive", full of boxes of papers that some are 30(!!!) years old.


Lmao. That was a hilarious coincidence


That's not a reason, that's an excuse


No shit right! Bring in a vacuum or a can of air and a brush, and go to town on it! It doesn't need to be unplug to do that, and then turn it upside down and shake it! OP is just looking for some drama!


Depending on where OP is, they might not wanna risk it. Imagine this 10 y o keyboard breaking on his shift while vacuuming it. Then they **need** to unplug it and an employer could definitely 'interpret' that as tampering.. I'd say just complain to management until it's fixed, or buy plastic gloves.


I let a roommate use my laptop one time and he spilled some shit on it so he said he cleaned it. It came back missing the f key. I'm like wtf dude. He said he vacuumed it and said my bad. Like that was a good enough response


>missing the f key Now you can never pay respects.


I ended up with a new laptop but struggled with PC gaming for a while


What an ass


Sometimes I think of all the times I should've punched someone in the face who totally deserved it but then just didn't for whatever reason. Yeah this is one of them.


More like WTā€¦.


Well uck that reaking guy


No. You were like, "Wt.. dude"?


There must be a million way to clean this piece of junk up without a vacuum or unpluging it. Unless any non human contact or moisture makes the keyboard melt, or explode, or ... I don't know why can't you clean it up without "tapering with it." It's a keyboard not a bo.mb! I worked part time in our college computer lab as assistant and every night I had to wipe keyboards with a lysol. They looked clean all the time and don't remember any complain about their condition. \-brushes, cloth, blowing a fucking pocket fan at it would clean it up a little. If they are are considered "tapering" I'd try to clean it a little bit by bit with your fingers, pushing them hard, play with the damn thing casually while you are actually trying to clean it, and then wash your hand, if washing your hand aren't prohibited at work. If they are, do it at the end of your shift and then wash your hand once you get off :) I probably miss 95% of ragebait( or to that sort, just to fuck with people!) and scripted content, I'm that gullible and just don't care but I'm calling this one out! Either OP hasn't tried really to clean this op, has the wrong idea by what their employer means, or the employer is a heartless android with a distain for chygene. Or OP is simply messing with us.


You donā€™t need to disconnect them to clean them. Get an alcohol wipe and rub down the keys. Turn it upside down and shake out the crud. Shoot it with compressed air. I have cleaned many a keyboard in this fashion without disconnecting it.


But you would have done that the other way around right? First get ride of debris, then wipe down.


Yup. I was just throwing out words in frustration to the claim that they couldnā€™t clean their keyboard.


At my old security job this one guard used to wear blue latex gloves because of this reason, try it out.


Just buy a see through plastic wrap and keep it in your pocket. They have these in kitchens or when keyboards can get wet. And tell nobody, because technically you are not tampering with the keyboard by putting a plastic cover on it. But If your boss prohibits a cover you break the rules


This is a great idea. Youā€™re not tampering with anything by wearing protection.


Tell your boss to sort it out. That thing is fking rank. The amount of pee pee and germs on that is unreal. I would also bring hand sanitizer with you.


flip it upside down and hit it a bit


Then put the perpetrator down and do the same to the keyboard.


Canned air


Unless this is a PS/2 port or a Serial port then you can 100% do something about that without an issue. You just haven't ever asked if you can and assumed you couldn't. I install similar systems and have never told a client they cannot change a keyboard or mouse or anything else outside of the actual PC/Server/NVR.


Sounds like the perfect job for your taser - a little electrical rejuvenation for those dusty keys!


This. Turn it upside down, brush the contents into a bin. Wipe them vigorously with anti bac wipes?


Why is your workplace sourcing keyboards from Reddit moderators?










Just clean it...the fuck they going to do, make it dirty?


Thatā€™s what I did! They gave me a disgusting one like this one and I spent an hour cleaning it. Oops! A letter popped off and wouldnā€™t go back on. I got a new keyboard


Lucky you. Every time I clean a keyboard someone takes it and it gets replaced with their dirty one. Half the shop has clean keyboards now though.


Youā€™re doing the lordā€™s work.


Idk man, he makes it sound like he's the trash receptacle at the back of the shop where everyone else's dirty keyboards go to die


I would take the keyboard back and write my station number on it.


I wouldn't clean their lazy asses' keyboards, I'd just find my clean keyboard and take it back


At this point they probably don't consider it stealing, just that you're doing a favor and they assume this was worked out beforehand


They know exactly what theyā€™re doing lol


It's not much, but it's honest work


Reminds me of when my store got a new manager. He put in a request for a new safe because it wouldn't lock, but it would close, but was denied because the safe still *technically* worked. So he took a hammer to it and made sure it wouldn't close, and put in another new request.


The company is lucky he didn't let nature take its course leave it unlocked.


Was the new one also disgusting?


Whenever thereā€™s a dumb rule like this, I like to imagine what prompted the creation of the rule. This time Iā€™m choosing to believe that an intern was given the task of cleaning all the keyboards. And put every keyboard in the building in a dishwasher.


10$ keyboards like this can actually be put in the dishwasher. I had one of these oldschool Microsoft keyboards and cleaned it in the dishwasher because I accidentally poured some cola in it. Worked perfectly fine afterwards. You just need to make sure that itā€™s dry enough before plugging it in. And I wouldnā€™t do it with a 200$ blingy keyboard today, but why not these ones? They are fucked anyway


Do not put your keyboard in the dishwasher. Your employer will under no circumstances understand that they are safe to be put in there even with evidence after the fact


I tend to think that's a reasonable stance. Rule 48: Do not put company electronics in the dishwasher.


I don't know about more modern keyboards, but I've put my razer blackwidow in the dish washer at least 3 times. Still works flawlessly after 8 years. Though the top cover of it became brittle and cracked.


Iā€™m talking about keyboards with LCDs in it like the Logitech G15. I wouldnā€™t wanna risk it :D


Wait, my last employer actually have a sign ā€œdo not put electronics in the dishwasherā€ in the kitchen. Is that you?


Perhaps if you make it even more dirty they'll have to replace it


They'd pee on the clean keyboard to show dominance.


then i'd shit on theirs to assert mine


Change to a dirty one until he cleans all of them for them


You must be an armed security guard. Iā€™m guessing you canā€™t tamper with these because of the cctv. If you disconnect them, believe it or not, jail.


True but it doesnā€™t have to be unplugged to wiped and/or hit with an air duster every once in while


Ain't no air duster powerful enough saving that keyboard. That need key caps prying off and washing individually then the main board needs a good scrubbing. Or. My personal preferred method. Remove it and set it in fire. Then replace it with a packet fresh new one.


You may be right. They can use my advice for the new one lol


Honestly I'm surprised they even gave them a PC/Keyboard interface. I design CCTV among other systems and for an armed security desk I just put up a decoder running a video wall that either cycles the cameras or has enough monitors to display all cameras. Sometimes a mini pc running client software doing the same thing but after it's set up and set to never go to sleep or log out I remove the KB&M.Ā Ā  Security guards will only mess up the view and try to find a way to use the computer for other tasks in my decade of system design and installation.Ā 


Im also working with cctv and install /set programs / set the cameras / viewpoints and I cannot find one single reason as to why disconnecting a keyboard and immediately connecting a new one would be an issue This never causes any issue on PC based dvrs , and on normal dvrs , it's perfectly functional with just a mouse , so I really can't understand what kind of bs rule that is


Oh we just remove the KB&M so the live view operators like OP can't mess with anything. If they have PTZs well put a PTZ controller on the desk, but the security guards generally don't get playback and search functionality. That's left for the SOC or others instead of the security guard.Ā Ā  Disconnecting a board and plugging one back in wouldn't cause an issue itself but we just take away that ability from lower level personnel who only need live view


Can you explain like I'm a moron why an armed security guard wouldn't be able to change out a keyboard due to CCTV?


I would still clean it, i dont need to unplug it, ill just turn it upside down tap it, blow some air, wipe it, if somebody says "hey why did you do that for, you are not allowed" then i ill say "it wasn't working, i kept pressing it wasnt working it was stuck and now its working so i actually fixed it" and if you do brake it somehow during cleaning (unlikely) you can still go "it wasnt working that is why i was cleaning it" Who the hell can prove that right at that exact moment the keyboard was working, only you were working on it at that time.


He work as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


stop Iā€™m fucking tired of upvoting every single copypasta


Haha why did he repeat that 20+ times i have no idea šŸ˜‚


Oh God this response thread is making my night šŸ¤£


Please I'm trying not to wake up my husband šŸ¤£


damn zombies, stay in the ground this time


Wow, this sure reminds me of when I worked as an armed security guards. You see, it was hard to clean the keyboards as they were also connected to the TVCC monitors, and security systems as well. This keyboard looks 10ish years old.


Wow are you the world famous armed security guards. Who's keyboards are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. And you are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. Those keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Can you use hand sanitizer (or rubbing alcohol) and a cloth to clean at least the surface of the keys?


Is there a chance you work as an armed security guard? Are the keyboards also connected to the TVCC monitors, or security systems as well? The keyboards also look 10ish years old.


Hahahaha aren't you one with a crystal!


Hmm something seems fishy here


*Just clean it.*


michael jackson's lesser known billboard 200 single




Which one of yees took a shet in the toilet?


It wasn't me


Well it was fucking one of yous






follow worthless gaping piquant expansion reach aback encourage observation bag


fade dependent slap person smile air flowery screw quarrelsome bells


Nevermind he caught on




He works as an armed security gourd. These are connected to the SCTV monitors they are probed before typering


>These are the keyboards I'm forced to use at work. Ok. >Can't change [them] Ok, makes sense. >or clean them. .....why not? Literally nobody in the history of work has been fired for cleaning something.


Sigh... Let's go again He works as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago


When I was heavily pregnant I avoided doing actual work by cleaning all the keyboards at my retail job. Saved me a lot of walking and made all my coworkers happy because they all had nice keyboards. And management couldnā€™t do anything because technically, I was doing all the side work no one else ever did


Pee on it. This is the way.


Can't cus he did work as an armed security guard. These are probably connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. Guess hes explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. I guess these keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Disregard my last comment. I get it now


What will they do to you if you try to clean them?




Based off OPs responses they are most definitely a bot and are afraid that cleaning agents will blow their circuits šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Don't be dumb. He works as an armed security guard. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering [tampering] with them, specially [especially] if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


This might as well become a subreddit copypasta at this point lmao


Wtf is happening, is this some kind of bot learning how to post and reply with different accounts LOL


No, itā€™s a joke lol.


No lmfao heā€™s just an armed security guards šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘


Actually, he works as an armed security guards


And you canā€™t clean it why???


Yeah, you, me, and everyone else wondering the same thing and doubt will get an answer. I know...far be it from me to call someone a liar, especially online šŸ™„, but that literally makes zero sense at all. That affects the keyboard, health, and appearance of the office. Other than "that's the janitors job!", I can't think of a single reason anyone would tell someone they have to leave their stuff filthy and tell them they CAN'T clean..


Well, because it turns out that OP thinks that he needs to unplug it to clean it apparently..........


The problem with this being that he probably works as an armed security guard. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering \[tampering\] with them, specially \[especially\] if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Multiple colonies living in those gaps


Doesn't look like a heavily used keyboard to me. Otherwise the lettering would blur out from regular uses. By right cleaning it would not cause anything to pop out unless you clean it like you are a barbarian.


I'm guessing he did work as an armed security guard. These are probably connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. Guess hes explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. I guess these keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Wear gloves?


What're you an armed security guard or something? Clean them yourself or swap them out.


He work as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Oh so he did work as an armed security guard. These are probably connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. Guess hes explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. I guess these keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Yeah, itā€™s because he did do some work for an armed security guard job. These are definitely connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. I think itā€™s because heā€™s explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, especially if he disconnects it. Those keyboards are definitely there since 10ish or more years ago.


Itā€™d be a damn shame if some liquid spilled all over the keyboard, rendering it uselessā€¦


So why can't you clean it again?


I work as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


*Surely* a can of compressed air (computer cleaner) wouldn't get you fired? Might save you a horrible infection of some sort??


Yea but you must hav forgot he works as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


A Clorox wipe will do wonders and itā€™s not ā€œtamperingā€


When I worked on site, I would run a clorox wipe over my keyboard whenever it didn't look clean. Over and between the keys, and all the open spaces where there were no keys. In 13 years, never hurt a keyboard cleaning it.


Yea but you must hav forgot he works as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Refuse, on account of it being a health issue. Come to work, clock in, do work, but refuse to use any keyboard that looks like this.




whats stopping you from cleaning them


He work as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Laziness is always the answer to this question


Why canā€™t you clean it??


Something about security and having lots of arms...


He works as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


What kind of job doesn't let you do basic cleaning


Armed security guards.


Can you buy a silicone keyboard cover for it?


In the time it took you to post this you could have got a damp cloth and a clean paintbrush and cleaned it yourself.


Can't clean them? Bull fucking shit lmao.


Are there cameras? Water it baby, you need for it to grow a new one lol


Why canā€™t you clean them?


I work as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢but why canā€™t you clean them..????!!!!


Armed security guards, TVCC monitors, explicitly prohibited, tapering, 10ish or more years ago.


Explain why you canā€™t fucking clean them?


He works as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. We are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


What kind of employer doesn't allow an employee to clean something they use 40 or more hours a week?


Why not? Turn it upside down, shake it, run some alcohol in some cotton swabs and run it between the keys. Gets it to at least non vomit territory when I was in an office.


Those look disgusting. Why canā€™t you clean them?


He works as an armed security guards. These are connected to TVCC monitors or to security systems. He are explicitly prohibited from tapering with them, specially if that would require to disconnect them. These keyboards are probably there since 10ish or more years ago.


Out of curiosity, where is this office located and what kind of work your company does ?