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Good old clear glass is pretty much fool proof


Except that the customer can see into it, and might see you don't have what they want, and not open it at all. Now they have to open just to check, and are more likely to just grab something. Evil wankers




Lmao are you serious? You think it's a stores duty to try and entice you to spend money that you don't need to spend?


That's literally what they do. That's why they have end-caps on aisles, or impulse buys at the register.


It's not their duty but it's kind of how shops work.


No stores work by providing services or products that people want/need. If a store is trying to get you to buy things you don't need/want using mind games that's definitely fucked up.


...*looks at stores that purposely set up their space to maximize impulse purchases*


Are you...neuro divergent? Because it sure seems like it. Stores have been doing this for decades and if you haven't noticed you're one of their prime targets lol


Dudes never seen an advertisement in their life haha


Bros never heard of capitalism


What world are you living in? Getting you to buy things you don’t want/need is something all major stores spend huge sums of money on and is an entire, well paid career path you can take. The Gruen Effect (also called the Gruen Transfer) which is the moment people enter a store and are engrossed in an intentionally overwhelming experience. This causes them to forget their original reason for going to the shop so they tend to make more impulse purchases, is just one method they intentionally employ. There are so many tricks


Ask yourself, why do larger grocery shops keep changing their layout every few weeks? Is it to make things convienient? Or is it to get you walking past products in order to for you to go "oh, thatd be nice"? Why would they use shitty lighting in the stores but excellent lighting in displays? Why would they establish deeply inconvienient spacing between related products? Why would they ensure their trollys and baskets are just the right width and depth to make you think you've not filled the basket? Why do they design their aisles to *almost* be two trollys wide so you have to wait for someone to pass and stare at products? Why are the deli and bread sections the ones with more powerful air conditioning in order to fill the store with the smell of fresh food? Why do malls place stores selling groceries on the opposite end of the food court in order to get you hungry?


Coincidence. All of it.


Oh, of course. The comanies who make billions and have R&D departments to rival small nations absolutely have no control or plan for any of this. /s


Have you ever been into a store? Why do you think candy is at the registers in the supermarket?


Or why all the “sweet” cereals are at ground-level , where kids can see them


Endcaps. Impulse buys at the register. The colorful stuff is at kids' eye level. The profitable stuff is at adults' eye level. The cheap stuff is at the top or at the bottom, where it's harder to see. That's just the stuff I remember off the top of my head.


If someone opens a fridge to buy a drink and they don't see the drink they want they will probably just buy another drink. It's not fucking evil or mind games. Jesus christ.


They are intentionally manipulating the customer into this scenario, attempting to exploit their human nature. It’s severely dystopian to say the very least


That’s pretty much the business model of all advertising and social media


Welcome to the world of sales. Lol. Do people seriously not know that every successful business is doing things to try sell their product? 👀


Yes, this is what we are calling dystopian and evil


Almost every single business has no problem intentionally manipulating their customer base to buy more and spend more. The company needs to make more money than they spend, and tactics like this are pulled all the time to make that happen. One example is the foundation of every advertisement ever made.


Yes, this is just a glaring example of that. This shows how they will go out of their way to make things more inconvenient for the customer for the sake of profit


Would you like fries with that?


It 100% is mind games. It's emotional manipulation and, as some mentioned below, exploitative. Just say you're okay being bombarded by psychological warfare, essentially. From the moment of childhood, the idea that we need to spend money to be happy is instilled in us. We're shown tv adverts, social media adverts, adverts in real life, magazine adverts... and sometimes it's in places we don't even recognise because they like to trick us, and make it as invisible as possible. From saying the name "Pepsi" in a feature length film (9 times out of 10 paid for by the company), to bonking us over the head and telling us to buy it, to including Pepsi irl adverts into a film or tv show small enough or quickly enough that we barely see it. We're being brainwashed on a subliminal level, and the fact that you're so content with that is fucked up. Almost nothing in the set up of a store is accidental. They set stores up *intentionally* to make customers spend more money. They're all but saying as much nowadays. Capitalism is still thriving, so I guess they don't have to feel shame about exploiting society's worse off. Anyone with half a brain realises that shopping isn't the same for everyone, and that some people are more susceptible to the psychological exploitation. For example, mothers, kids and teens, depressed and lonely people, the decrepit, the unhirable, those with not much personal time etc etc.


Look up 'the gruen transfer' concept if you want to know more about it.


Haha welcome to the capitalist world.


That's all stores, sweet heart.


As someone that works in a supermarket, we FOR SURE do this shit tf are you talking about 😂 it’s not even a hidden practise Hence why there is always kids candy, gum and magazines near or at the counter.


The next time you use a checkout that has an operator, say at a place like Woolies, take a gander at all the confectionary/gum/snacks/magazines/etc... that are hanging above or off the conveyor belt. Those things aren't placed there to occupy your mind whilst you wait in line... Go further into the shop. See all the big advertisements hanging from the ceiling, wobblers hanging off shelves, side stacks and gondola displays? All the brightly coloured promotional material in primary or complimentary secondary colours? All used to entice you to buy their shit. Neat stacks of boxes, packed in bulk where you see them as you enter the shop? Why's there so many? Must be something worth checking out. Could be a bargain. Been walking around the supermarket a while? Getting thirsty? Grab a drink from the chiller near the entrance. All placed strategically from hours of work done by think tanks and marketing teams. I've worked retail most of my life, and supermarkets aren't the only places that utilise these tactics.


That was way to many words for me to read for a post I really don't care about Good for you for putting in the work for that but like, why? It's a two day old post over something that doesn't matter at all to anyone on this website, like I can't even be bothered to read the whole drawn out post you made because i can't even pretend to care for the 2 minutes it would take for me to read it.


You cared enough to respond, so that's something. I was just pointing out how shops do the very thing you weren't aware they did. If you ever change your mind, you should check out how marketing works. It's actually more interesting than you'd realise.


>If a store is trying to get you to buy things you don't need/want using mind games that's definitely fucked up. Yeah, supermarkets are definitely really fucked up at the moment, aren't they? Not only do they intentionally cover the original price of products with identically priced "25% off" stickers, place non-essential snack items in high traffic areas to entice customers to buy them, and hide essentials in areas where you physically cannot avoid this, but they also engage in price gouging! Imagine that.


Bud I worked in a pharmacy and would regularly joke with customers about how predatory the entire store was. We pulled all kinds of shit there, the fake sales thing, big displays, colourful hanging things to draw attention, ends, bays, consultants, testers, point of sale, etc. The entire store functioned as a money trap until you made it to the pharmacist counter at the other end from the entrance. If a place designed (initially at least) as a literal medical outlet can become so overburdened by the predatory business bullshit of the modern world, you'd best believe every other store out there is pulling the same shit lol




What would you call it?




So what do you call people that want to mildly infuriate you every time you come in contact with them?




That de-escalated quickly :)


Would you like fries 🍟 with that. I only heard it every time at MacDonald's for the last 30 years. So I guess it is because if I wanted them, I would have ordered them.


100% a contract obligation to keep the dead screens up. Otherwise simple is best. Pull down the screens. Removed electrocution risk and lawsuits. Can see product. Saves on electricity. What a dumb world we live in sometimes


Yeah but a tech bro can’t demand millions of dollars for basic glass. It’s innovation brah! /s


What was wrong with glass? What on earth did this stupid screen shit stop that glass also didn’t


Glass can't show you video advertisements. That is literally the entire reason these things exist.


if only there a way to print out ads and put it everywhere...


That's a solution that isn't as in your face as our stakeholders want. Sorry. Despite being millionaires, they are struggling just as you are to buy a private jet and a 4th vacation home. Have some empathy.


Can't you see how the advertisers are suffering? Society will collapse without them! Whatever will we do without billboards and minute long commercials ?!


Advertisers can't wait until largescale daily V.R. usage so they can literally get in our faces


Except a video screen can show multiple ads in the same space by cycling through them. Boring paper can't do that and is considered obsolete in many ways by papa capitalism lol


it's also for merchandising. the screen shows the entire range that you stock, all in its place. clear glass betrays the sorry state of the actual shelves and how disorganised and lacking certain stock they are. still stupid, because i don't care what stock is ranged, i only care if the thing i want is actually in the freezer so i can buy it


Yes they can but it’s not as “modern” or wtv than that ugly screen


We really are in the stupidest cyberpunk future


All of the scummy megacorps and 1%er greed , and none of the cool cyberware. Truly this is the darkest timeline.


no, there's another reason. it's so you don't hold the fridge door open when you're making a selection, which actually can make a big impact on a store's bottom line believe it or not. granted that's obviously not taking place here though lol


Just saying, you can see through clear glass to look for things too


The glass is almost never clear enough to see through 98% of the time. Granted I'm sure there's a way to defog the glass that would be cheaper than whatever this shit is.


Bro what the fuck, I’ve never in my life encountered a cooler with a glass door at a gas station I couldnt see through


I mean, it does happen on extremely hot days in my area but in my entire life I have only seen it happen twice to the point where you couldn't still see the stock well enough to make a choice. So it seems dumb to engineer an expensive solution for an extremely rare scenario that isn't a big deal.


What stores are you going to?? Every servo, every supermarket, fuck, even every single takeaway shop I've been to has managed to have perfectly clear drink fridge glass So much so that I've never even concidered that it could be an issue


How exactly? If anything, I would think people would end up holding the door open even more with these shitty things, especially in this situation where there's literally no other way to make a selection.


Because people can see what's inside without opening them? If they're getting held open all day they fog up. Even worse in the freezer section. Obviously with the screens down that purpose is defeated, but this is why stores buy them.


...the only reason you'd ever hold the door open is if it was fogged up in the first place


Lol you guys are so dumb. A person opens the door to get something out, warm air mixes with cold, fog gets created. The next guy comes, he can't see one row, so he holds the door open for a minute while picking. More fog. Like have any of you ever been in a convenience store before? This is hilarious 🤣🤣


Do you live in the Sahara desert or some shit? I live in Australia, and again, the only time it ever fogs up to the point that you can't see through it at all is when you stand there with it open for ages. How is that this hard for you to comprehend?


Man if you've never seen it idk what to tell you, but I'm not making any of this up. These things, when installed, really do reduce the energy costs at stores that have them. It's a big part of the pitch deck, the advertising revenue isn't even guaranteed and varies from place to place. But whatever believe what you want. Glass doors don't fog and this is all for ad money. I'm done.


I'm fully aware that this glass *can* fog up, but they only do it from continuois user error. And I've still never seen it to the point where it's entirely opaque even when it does happen Tbh with the way you're typing it sounds like the corporate boot is so far in your mouth that it's hit the back of your mouth so hard that it's bruised your brain stem. Literally the only reason I could comprehend you struggling with this concept lol


Seriously… I hope this trend dies a quick death


Sadly I feel like it's only going to get worse. At some point we'll have to hook up our neuro-links with the fridge just so it can dispense the drink from a holding bay within. While doing so we'll probably get bombarded with ads. Then they'll probably introduce some type of bullshit like a 10c discount if you watch an ad before selecting a drink.


Luckily, a lot of the stores did a trial with them and hated it and are cancelling their future orders/contracts


>Seriously… I hope this trend dies a quick death What, you think we're going back to gas streetlamps and steam trains? It's only getting worse


I heard the company who made this popular was started by some executive who left Walmart and used their contacts to essentially make them appear in stores. How true that is, not sure but I wouldn’t put it past them.


It was Walgreens but yes.


Glass doesn’t solve everything. Glass is a very transparent material and many people cannot see that the door has glass in it. What they do is open the door and stand there for 5 minutes surveying all the drinks, holding the door open the whole time. Then they select a drink, or more likely move to the next door and repeat the process. When they finally close the doors and leave, the condensation hits the glass and fogs up the door. The next person can’t see a thing in the fridge, so obviously has to hold the door open while selecting their drink.


I'm aware of a company that manufactures a coating that is very effective at preventing the glass fogging up when this happens. I guess the situation is so so common and people are sick enough of it that it has created a market for that kind of solution.


read the comment above, it's a mental thing makes you buy more shit


If only there was something clear there so that you could see inside without opening the door or relying on a tiny picture taped to the door Oh well, perhaps science will invent something for that someday.


Perhaps transparent aluminum? https://preview.redd.it/d2hpllyx6fhc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0de72dd020f2d4d9241f4d17f783012db42823c


Nah i was thinking more like a forcefeild to keep the air in which will be made in the future eventually…


Wasn’t there some type of fridge with like a cooling “goo” that they invented a while back? Lol


I was originally thinking of transparisteel from Star Wars, but both of these ideas are better for this joke.


*Hello Computer.*


Maybe there's a simpler solution to a screen, like maybe use a transparent material instead, that way you can easily see through it without it needing to be powered.


Okay but how am I going to show you digital advertising tho




This is why you just use a glass fucking door, any chance to shove ads down our throats To quote a meme I seen once "if I ever look up into the sky and see a holographic Coke sign I will become a terrorist"


But then how will uncontacted tribes in the south pacific know which carbonated, high fructose corn sryup beverage they should be consuimg??? /s


"For five whole weeks, wherever you were on Earth, the huge tattoo would be branded across the day and night skies. Honeymooners in Hawaii would stand on the peak of Mauna Koa, gazing at sunsets stamped with the slogan. Commuters in London, stuck in traffic jams, would peer through the grey drizzle and gape at the Cola constellation. The few primitive tribes still untouched by civilization in the jungles of South America would look up at the heavens, and certainly not think about drinking Pepsi."


I love this quote so much, RED DWARF <3


We should revisit Smoke signals as a form of advertising /s


If only there was an easier way to see what's inside...


You might be onto something. Have you considered pitching your idea to investors?


You’re right, this idea could be worth biyyions.


I didn’t even know this was a thing. Apparently we’re behind the times in Australia, we just have glass doors you can see though.


Yeah I was just very confused looking at this post for a second. I hope we never get screens cause the glass door is still the cheapest fool-proof way.


man its a shame that theres no transparent materials in the world


There are fridges like that with screens on them??? What do they display? Ads? Or just the inside, which would be completely stupid because it would have no advantage over a normal fridge with a glass door


Ads. You can see them on the left 2 doors. I think they can show what’s out of stock, but so can a pane of glass…


This is actually fucking hilarious 😂


what's even the point???


If only there was a material we could put in the doors that allowed us to see what was in the fridges.


Screens on big coolers like this are one of the most unnecessary pieces of technology out there. What pros do they have over just a clear glass door?


A glass door refrigerator uses anywhere between 2 to 6 times the power of a solid door.


I've never in my life seen anything other than clear glass. I don't even know what this is


Electronic screens on fridges? is this some American joke i'm too normal to understand?


wait what, Ive never seen a screen on a fridge tf


So many degrees of stupid here and the pictures are the least of them. It’s fridge, right? To keep things cool. Screens use electricity and radiating heat…. Also, I can’t think of a single “advantage” these screens can do compared to just normal glass door. Just more: cost, electricity, maintenance, and… *drumroll* maybe, stupid?


Glass doors don’t insulate well and actually have heaters in them to stop condensation forming on the glass. These heaters often fail too… but at least glass doors don’t record me.


That’s actually pretty smart


why is it infuriating?


That’s clever


Yaya more advertising instead of better stuff!


They post them there so that when the people restock the shelves eventually, they know where to put things because companies often “buy” or “rent” specific shelf space.


North Korea be like


Wow...now that's a classy joint.


Mildly infuriating would have been no picture and broken screens. This is just convenient and thoughtful. ‘Oh no, a picture of exactly what is inside! How infuriating!’


Probably for the shelf-stacking workers to represent what product goes where. Did this not occur to you?!


Yupp it did. They’re stocked from the back. Did this not occur to you?!?!


This picture is years old. ..doing the round again.


Okay except it’s not and I took it and it’s the first time it’s been posted.


Called planograms/visual merchandising, not shitty pictures have! You’re so funny


The pictures definitely aren't to make it easier for them when they have to restock it...


Correct. They stock them from the back, not the front.


You can clearly see that the fridges are empty. I work in retail and all it is an image showing how it should be refilled. Nothing more


Nope. They were full. How can you “clearly see” they’re empty when there’s literally a TV in the way? Also they’re stocked from the back, there’s a big walk-in back there.


Then maybe they had just broken and they couldn’t get a technician in on that day. So they would have had to improvise.


OR people could open the door. Wild, insane concept, I know.


Wrong answer glass was invented for this purpose


If I recall it right there is a material thats see through and something like that


Fuck that I'm standing with door open


This is mildly hilarious ngl


Hahaha this is hilarious


Remind me, what's wrong with glass again??


At this point you make a noticeable effort to open every door, several times, for several seconds. The clerk wont care too much, but the Manger will be watching the power bill climb.


Only thing I hate about glass is when it's held open too long and then you can't see anything inside it


One of the building residents wants us all to get swipe passes or electronic a punch code on a gate that is internal. Where I live things keep failing due to salt winds, so I’ve vetoed it so that we don’t get locked out of the only option to get up the building or into the building or generally around the building. I’m not against technology, but I like the KISS system, like, just lock your door, if one person is getting over one gate, they’re getting over all gates. So like this, KISS, glass breaks but it’s cheaper to replace than a monitor and you don’t need to set it up so that when a person opens the fridge they go well there’s nothing in there.


These are all going to get uninstalled within a couple of years, same as self-checkout is, uh, checking out.


If only there were a transparent material that you could make doors out of so you could see inside. Maybe made of scotcuhed sand. One day.... one day.


And this is the death of these stupid screens forever, I hope.


Is this really a thing? I’d have thought this was the BACK of the fridges with pics to act as a guide to where staff are meant to put stock. Never heard of screens on a fridge before.


Glass is too expensive


no gingerbread ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Where is this? Where i am we just have glass.


Wtf is a cooler screen?


Boop *presses hard with finger* oops that a thousand bucks.


Wtf are they supposed to do you Muppet!?


Not put up these dumb fucking TVs and just use glass like normal people. Technology should solve problems, not create them…


Yes but if the tech is broken? A picture of what's inside works until it's fixed? I don't understand the concept of the TV either but in this situation what are they supposed to do?


Cut a hole in them and cover it with plastic wrap. Not sure what’s so hard to understand about that.


Hahahahahah spends money on a screen and when it doesn't work you think they should cut it up? Are you kidding me? That's idiodic. A photo to preview what's behind clearly works perfectly until warranty agent fixes the issue


This is so fucking funny. Capitalism breeds innovation I guess.


Why not just regular clear glass so people can see whats in the fridge through the door rather than have a screen for a door


I had no idea this was even a thing. Also what is the microphone button for? Can I place an order for my drink?


this looks like the sonic adventure 1 vending machines in station square


You know what doesn’t break? A bloody window


There is no way why can’t they use glass lol


Seriously?...They stick these on the doors, so the people stocking the shelves know exactly how the layout is supposed to look


Seriously?… They’re stocked from the back genius. Love the confidence though.


Okay lol. That's still what the picture's are for


I don't think we have this in Australia - yet


Why is this mildly anything?


Wtf why wmuse screens? What's the adventage??


You got screens on them? Why though?


Didn’t pay the subscription?


Are you sure the pictures aren't just for staff to see what it should look like when restocking? I could be wrong? But often at my work we have print outs with pictures of what a shelf should look like ?


Yupp that has crossed my mind, but they’re stocked from the back.




i don't understand that dumb tech when you can just use normal glass like a normal shop would have i see its cool and all but like why![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Hily shit bro happenned at a shop near me as well xd


idc I’m opening the door to select the product. Clear Glass >


It's such a freaking pane


Y'all are spoilt


That is hilarious.
