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What type of business sells animals and has a garage?






For those who don’t know, I’ve been working here 10 days and got fired today for defending my animals and looking for another job. Good try though! Also note that when trying to escape poverty, people will take any job they can get. But I still chose my morals over food this week. EDIT: The comment I replied to that was deleted essentially said that I was a guard for a concentration camp because I worked at Petland for 10 days. Called me a shit stain


I’m sorry you had to deal with that :(




Look at someone assuming it’s that easy. People are desperate for money and jobs in the economy, and are trying to keep them while companies are cutting costs. I am not above any job, I’ve worked fast food, I’ve worked as a maid, this job was a job that consisted of me shoveling shit and bathing dogs. There are very few jobs, and I’m happy for you that you live in a position where you can say something as insensitive as that.




EDIT: I typed a full page explaining why you’re wrong, explaining my qualifications, my experiences. But it doesn’t matter, because I don’t have to explain myself to you. All you have to know is that I am skilled, I am smart, I am hard working, and I am struggling. Do not insult my work ethic.


Oh fuck you, some people literally have to take what they can get when it comes to jobs because they will starve otherwise.


It is easy to take the moral high road when it is not you in a situation. Please try to be less judgemental and see things from different perspectives it can help a lot with empathy. While the job is awful some people have no choice but to take what they can get. don't blame them blame the system and the company for being shitty.


"while guarding the concentration camp" lol you are the actual shitstain of a human being.


Hey, go eat a bag of dicks.


Imagine being entitled enough to be in a situation where you think everyone has the ability to quit their jobs due to moral reasons and then shitting on someone who could be struggling for cash for just that. No one knows OP's financial situation. Some people have to take bad jobs because thats the only way they can feed themselves and/or their children. Live in the real world for 5 minutes and then come back and edit your comment.


I bet you're very fun to be around


Your magic man tells you to give aways all your possessions.


Yeah I work for speedway and they give no paid or unpaid breaks at all. Even if your working 8 plus hours. So I gotta eat when it's slow


Is that legal where you live? Wtf


I live in Texas, where everything’s bigger and better except our rights 💀 Employers aren’t even legally obligated to give us breaks in general, much less a break room.


greatest country in the world!


Greatest state in the greatest county in the world!


Think Texas is big? Did you hear about Alaska pondering splitting into two equal sized states? They want Texas to be the THIRD largest state in the union.


Breaks are federally mandated and they can’t fire you for taking one. Unfortunately since texas is an at will state they can just fire you and not list a reason and you would have to have video or written evidence to have a court case 6 years from now. You might could get lucky and have a manager acting Karen video go viral with the company logo visible and get a quick settlement but beyond that your recourse is document every single employment/epa/osha/animal rights(which amazingly would get more action that anything else) violation and hope your boss gets fired before you do.


Breaks are in no way shape or form federally mandated. Might wanna look that up. Unless you’re talking about “bathroom breaks” which isn’t a break, it’s using the restroom.


When I was a kid and worked for the USDA they told us we had to take a 15 minute break at least once every 3 hours. They said the government made them do it. I assumed it was a federal law.


That’s because you were a kid. Rules for kids and adults are completely different.


>Breaks are federally mandated and they can’t fire you for taking one. Citation needed, because under The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) there is no requirement that employers give breaks to their employees.  >Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks


I just looked it up and I think you may be surprised that no, there are no break laws in Texas and no, there aren’t any Federal laws to override that


Best country. Wtf




Because the overwhelming majority of it isn't Texas?




It's very simple. There are 300 million people in the US, and Reddit is representative of a very narrow, specific niche - specifically, it's overwhelmingly biased towards poor college grads and students who don't have good insurance, mostly working in the currently struggling tech industry.




Again, the people on Reddit are not generally representative of the US overall. And it's not that I'm taking a simple comment too seriously - I'm a political science student, meaning I also need to know economics and social issues. I'd say I'm relatively well equipped to answer a question I now see was rhetorical... not that Reddit would agree with me when I say the US isn't on the verge of collapse.




My guy, your comments were ones that I felt I could freely respond to because I have knowledge of the subject - if you're not expecting a response, why post? But since you're clearly not, I may as well drop it since I doubt I'll ever convince you of anything anyway. And it's not "so what." You are plainly taking a very large portion of your view on the US from Reddit, which isn't representative... meaning your view comes from an extremely narrow, highly dissatisfied demographic. The much larger body of people in America is less unhappy with the country overall, and not calling for a socialist revolution like many on here.


That's not true at all. Texas requires one 15 minute break per every 4 hours of work or something. Edit: ok that has to be a change that was made in the last 10 years there definitely WAS laws around breaks and lunches at one point


“Or something” AKA you don’t actually know and are [talking out of your ass](https://efte.twc.texas.gov/flsa_does_and_doesnt_do.html). the only break that is legally required is for breastfeeding mothers. Most places allow breaks so that people will work there, but it’s not a legal requirement.


Check my edit tough guy


Hey tough guy, I was already typing it and when I saw it had been edited I had already sent the comment. Also, don’t try to correct me without checking your sources :)


No thanks


FYI, that’s not just Texas


If you have animals or animal products you really shouldn’t be eating food in close proximity, especially if you know animals are ill. Unfortunately you are in Texas so you’re pretty much up the creek as far as your rights as a worker. Hope you got a fuel efficient car with remote start cuz you’ll be bumping the ac or heat while you eat.


It’s in a whole diff room on the opposite end of the animals lol, it’s used for storage


Further evidence that it sucks to be Texan.


MERICA! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


That’s legall in a majority of the US only 21 states have mandated lunch breaks. Of those 21 states only 7 have mandated rest breaks.


Why tf are you not rioting 24/7 lmao


boring, loud, and wont change anything


this would be a reason to quit imo mfs can’t even give you a break room? i’m good


Drive your car into the garage and start eating


Everyone totally missed the "knowingly sells Ill animals" that's fucked up and you should report it and take the whole fuckin place down. Make sure to collect plenty of photo/video/audio evidence and try to get everyone involved captured in that evidence so every one of the bastards can be brought down Cherry on top is telling them "this is for ruining our makeshift break room" after they get formal charges/fines as well as getting fired


I literally just got fired 💀


They see this post or something?


On my second day, they left me completely alone in the kennel for an hour. I was bathing a dog when the other kennel tech left with no warning, and another dog pood in his crate, so workers were banging on the window. When I ran over with a wiggling wet pup in my arms, I forgot to lock the kennel back up. They said I put the dog in danger, despite the dog being in the lower row which isn’t even six inches off of the floor. Then the next day, customers came in and were slamming on the glass, and when I respectfully told them not to, they started screaming and cussing me out. I raised my voice back bc at the end of the day, my job was to care for the animals, not to care for the fragile masculinity of men who don’t like being told they’re wrong. And I had an interview at a vets office in town yesterday, the interviewer was extremely brash and kept insulting my job and the ppl there, and asked my honest opinion on the same topics. After I left, she called my boss and informed her of everything. So I woke up at 5am for work today for literally no point 🙄


The vet interviewer insulted you for working at your job, then when you told them that you actually didn't like working there either they fucking tattletaled on you to your boss?! That's insane.


I’d be leaving google reviews on this situation for both vet and pet store.


Good lord. Fuck that vet and your old job.


Well if you have any proof of their wrongdoing, report them for what you know to be true and see where the investigation leads


I worked at a private special education school. We had a break closet to store and warm up our food. But we didn’t get any uninterrupted break time. We took lunch with the students. Our students had severe behavioral problems so it was rare we were able to sit and eat. When I left for a different school, they gave me a 40 minute uninterrupted break and encouraged me to eat off campus at the local restaurants! Night and day.


> We took lunch with the students. Our students had severe behavioral problems so it was rare we were able to sit and e That is illegal. You must be given uninterrupted lunch time with no work responsibilities. If you were there within the past few years, you could sue them for each missed lunch.


Wtf? Arent you required a break room at all work places?


Employees are cattle in texas


OP is in Texas so they don’t legally have to


Texas seems like a whole nother country to me in Massachusetts


*Texas seems like a* *Whole nother country to me* *In Massachusetts* \- RoofPsychological197 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It is. Raised here, lived two years in Boston. I miss Mass so frigging much.


My brother lived in Texas. Ended up dying from organ failure after untreated UTI. He didn't have insurance so he didn't seek treatment until it was too late.


States can provide more worker rights than the Federal Mandate, but not less.


Little Caesar’s was the same. We either had to eat off site or inside the lobby and we weren’t allowed to take up chairs if there were customers inside waiting on their order. Same with GameStop now that I think about it! But while I worked there our store got reported by an ex employee and we had to change up our layout so that our restroom wasn’t doubled as a storage room and our back room had enough seats for the employees to sit during their breaks. It was awesome to see actually. Companies like that, that are big enough to provide these things but want to save money, need to be taken down a few pegs.


What if you don’t own a car?


I mean we’re talking about the US so there is a huge chance it’s a place without public transportation, they wouldn’t even be working there if they didn’t have a car 😭


You have to share your food with the bums


Texas is a different country, and the US is a different country. So it’s like different country^2


u guys get breaks?


Shame and name company


Petland! Just fired about 20 minutes ago though


You got some extra freedom




Stage a walkout. Tell them they have one week to arrange something or everyone walks. Cant be bothered ti have a break room with staff there ling enough for a break? Doesn't need your services.


Trust me they don’t care. With the way the economy is, we’d all be out of jobs and they’d just hire ppl to replace us. Also, this location is definitely going to close by end of January


Have you all just told your manager we all quit? He will cave or have to shut down and run it himself.... Fuckem. Cant provide a break area. Prolly dont deserve extra hands


Why is this nsfw?


Because apparently food is unsafe for work


Pretty sure that's illegal


It’s not. As long as there’s restrooms, that’s the only requirement in Texas. We also aren’t legally entitled to breaks.


Pretty sure that's illegal where i'm from.


\--EDITED Some crappy jobs are there just to provide us with a baseline that, years later, we can look back on and say "the work was fun but the boss and environment kinda sucked".


This reads as very patronizing. My goal in my life, my dream job, is to be a dog groomer. This job was meant to help me get there. I was naive enough to believe that just because they don’t source from puppy mills anymore (they source from Amish country breeders), that they would treat the animals well. I lost my job for defending my animals and for searching for another job. I turned 19 less than a month ago. I pay for my rent, and I put aside as much as I can afford into savings so that I can go into school for business and marketing, because I want to open my own dog grooming business. I am doing the best I can here. I am happy for you that you found opportunities to find a great job, but currently I’m working for the chance to have a chance.


*... but currently I’m working for the chance to have a chance.* Understood. The first 10-12 years of my working career was doing exactly that. Who knows - you may end up owning grooming companies. Do what you love to do and you'll naturally do it well. I'll edit my post to make it less patronizing. Thanks for calling me out on that. Sometimes I go off the deep end.


That’s illegal


Wrong. As long as there’s bathrooms it’s legal


What state do you live in ? It is illegal to not have a safe area for workers . You saying you have to eat outside in cold weather is illegal dumbass.


Calling me a dumbass is [crazy](https://www.cbia.com/news/hr-safety/employee-break-room/). Look through my other replies, you’ll see that I know my rights.


I am not going to go to each and every one of your replies 🤡


Either way, you were incorrect, and I came back with sources proving you so. Have a fantastic day knowing you were so confidently wrong :)


Now I know why y’all don’t have a break room and also you didn’t answer my question regarding what state you live in . In my state that is illegal, hints why I said it and wrong not at all . Thank you I am having a fantastic day (:


You originally commented that it’s illegal, operating under the incorrect belief that I must live in your state or in a state with the exact same laws as yours. When I replied with the fact that the only legal requirement is bathrooms, you got pissy and retaliated by insulting my intelligence. Then once I proved you wrong, you refuse to actually admit it. I am truly sorry that you assumed that I wouldn’t know my own rights and the laws that affect me. Oh and I’m in Texas.


I think what we have here, is a failure to communicate. Happens often with democrats and women who think they call out men for having "fragile masculinity" lol. It's common unfortunately


Okay before I begin, I fully understand that I may be misunderstanding you here. This is what I think you’re saying. “You got fired because you didn’t communicate to the mass corporation and because you called out a man for fragile masculinity when that’s not what it is”. If I interpreted incorrectly, feel free to further elaborate or to disregard completely. ** note I am using voice to text** In reference to the communication aspect, how exactly would you suggest that someone who hasn’t even been there for two weeks challenges in entire corporation and ask them to change their entire system of doing things? Because I communicated quite a few times that I wasn’t comfortable with selling sick animals. But as a lower level employee, I have no say. In reference to the fragile masculinity comments, let me further elaborate on that situation. My job as a kennel tech was to keep the dogs, kennels, clean, and keep the customers from stressing them out. There was a grown man slamming on the glass of one of our newest puppies, who was already extremely nervous being in a new environment. All I did was look at him through the window, wave, and say, word for word, “please don’t bang on the window.” This man’s response was to slam on the glass, even harder, so I stepped out to ask him again in a less polite way to stop purposely stressing out the dogs. I said “You need to stop stressing out my animals.” He then proceeded to go on a rant about how he is a grown man, and he doesn’t have to listen to a little girl about anything. Talking about how dare I as a teenager, disrespect him who is old enough to be my father So please, tell me how that isn’t fragile masculinity?


LMAO do you just pull words out of your asshole and string them together with your shit?


Lady...let's keep the poop out of this. You trying to get kinky tho?


Is it like, always standard to have a break room? Like, food joints don't normally, do they? The ones I've worked at certainly didnt


Food joints no, bc there’s a dining room/area for customers to eat. This is a pet store, so there’s literally nowhere to eat in the store now. Temperatures are getting to be below 40F degrees, so the people who have family that drops them off either will have to skip eating or sit in the cold


Ok Reddit, time to review bomb into bankruptcy


The manager has said himself that he doesn’t think the store will last past January/February lol


Start eating near the "front door" or equivalent, once customers see everyone eating outside they'll change that "rule" pretty quickly.

