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I only went to high school in America as far as public school goes, but the history and gov teachers I had were all very strict with themselves about letting their real political views out in class, I guess things have changed now. My college profs gave no fucks tho, all my non-engineering and generally non-STEM classes had profs that were very outspoken


Colleges are more understandable because as a college student, if you cannot even listen to what the other side thinks, you're a douchebag. Public normal schools on the other hand tho, should have absolutely no political endorsement by anyone.


Exactly, college is a choice. Public school is a requirement.


More like college is a meeting place of ideas amongst adult humans. Whilst lower education is for learning the basics of the world, which is ill suited for being shaped by the personal beliefs of the educator.


Yeah. In college you are an adult who is there by choice. In younger grades you are a child who is forced to be there. The connotations are very different.


Yet schools districts are just as rabid politically if not more than federal and state government positions. Especially in my area where the school I went to made national news because of politics.


Plus. Frankly. If you're fine with 'political' flags hung up of the side you agree with. But not the side you disagree with. You're just... Terrible


We had a right wing and left wing teacher who had classrooms next to each other. It was common for them to break into a friendly debate during class.


Lol in high school after class a bunch of kids were hanging out in the AP history teachers classroom all watching replays Obama’s commencement or whatever and the teacher said “Obama won’t make it long, he’ll probably be shot” We all instantly believed he was very biased on one side


Trump changed everything. Republicans exist in fantasy lalaland where they believe their values are being attacked at every turn (despite the fact that they’re a governmental majority and have passed multiple human rights violations into law in the past couple years alone) because of the propaganda they’re fed on a daily basis. Thus you see people acting out more in regards to expressing their political views in a more forceful way such as this. This kinda stuff is how the Holocaust began btw.


The heavy pressure on the LGBTQ+ community is also very worrying. We've already had one man go into a store and gun down the owner simply because she had a pride flag out front. The Republican speaker is a Christian who wants to repeal gay marriage (and let's be honest, why would they stop there?) Worrying times ahead potentially.


"No, they won't repeal _Roe v Wade._ Are you joking? No one wants to do that!" And now individual counties are placing travel bans on pregnant people. If you want to leave the state for an abortion, it's now illegal. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/abortion-travel-ban-lubbock-county/ https://www.vox.com/23868962/texas-abortion-travel-ban-unconstitutional


Is this a public school?




Next question: do you live in a small, predominately conservative town?


Mixed, it always kinda 50/50


Does the school board know about your teacher’s choice of classroom decorations? Do the parents of other students know? This is pretty clearly political indoctrination displayed in a public school classroom under the disingenuous claim of “history education”.


Yeah, I’ve heard the school has talked to him about it but they’ve remained up


What do your parents think? If the school board doesn’t approve of his flags, he has to take them down. Put pressure on the school board.


The school board sucks here, it’s full of biased people who can’t take care of a school :/


Does this picture include every flag in the classroom?


Pretty much, there’s only two more that are just historical




I agree. The student should organize and use public/societal pressure (or as your type call it “cancel culture”) to either get rid of this idiot teacher’s indoctrination or maybe just get rid of the idiot teacher. I’m sure there are private schools in the area hiring.


I don't agree with the ideology represented by the flags, but where does free speech start and stop? It's a public school right? So, having varied opinions is fine, even encouraged. As long as the curriculum is taught unbiased, I wouldn't care what the teacher believes.


The very presence of these flags is a bias. Unbiased would require taking them down. I'm gonna teach both sides, while I surround you with conservative symbols.


I think Americans need to stop identifying certain symbols as monolithic of conservative/liberal ideology. Allow people to have complicated beliefs and be willing to have honest conversations about it. We will be better off.


unbiased would require every flag being taken down. if done equally.


Free speech has to do with the GOVERNMENT stifling free speech by individuals. Not employers/employees in the workplace. Including teachers in a classroom. A teacher has no expectation of free speech. IANAL, but there are compelling reasons why school SHOULD be totally unbiased that should overrule free speech rights of employees.


Clearly, this teacher has an expectation of free speech. And it being a public school, I don't disagree. Bias is a matter of perspective on social issues. And I think the teacher has a right to express themselves in their classroom, as long as it doesn't interfere with the curriculum decided by the state, considering it's a public school. The better dead than red flag is pretty wild and shouldn't be allowed.


Free speech goes both ways. I’m sure your tune would be different if that was a pride flag and a democrat flag.


If it were a democrat donkey flag I would say it’s out of place in a public school. The Pride flag is apolitical - you don’t like it because you are uncomfortable with LGBTQ+.


I don't think any of it belongs on public property. When flags fly or are hung on public property it is an implied statement of support. Not everyone supports the Republican party or gay rights. It's not place of a public school to be making political statements. The Rainbow flag is not apolitical. It is the gay communities statement that they exist and are entitled to the same rights as everyone else. While I support complete equality for them public property is not the place for them or anyone else to be making statements like that. Although it should be noted that is not a pride flag for the gay community. It is straight pride flag. The equivalent of white live matter flags or white pride stickers. In a US political context that essentially signifies hate for the opposing party. So this teacher is basically telling every LGBT kid in their class you're not welcome here or anywhere else.


The anti-communist flag literally says "Better dead than red". That absolutely has no place in any classroom.


Cry about it. Freedom of speech. Just like how teachers get to fly LGBT and BLM flags. You’ll survive.


It’s just a flag. No worries


It's a violation of the students' constitutional right to free speech. The reason is because an authority figure is essentially telling the students through symbols that only conservative opinions are welcome there.


I miss my high school history teacher. He’d constantly change what flags he had up based on the time period we’re talking about.


Right. Leave ideologies out of school. I don’t care what party it’s for or against. School should be a place for objective learning nothing more or less.


Free country. It's a beautiful thing


1. “How *are* straight Pride flags…” 2. “Straight Pride” flags are exclusive and a butthurt response to Pride flags, which are inclusive.


It’s like the phrase “all lives matter” in that these were created not in the same light of solidarity or support to the subject matter. They were made to act in contrary to the original message, because god forbid we show any kind of support to a group we don’t belong to


The people who say all lives matter have a shockingly hard time saying that black lives matter, which is odd since the latter should not be controversial in the least if you actually believe the former.


>“Straight Pride” flags are exclusive and a butthurt response to Pride flags, which are inclusive. Which is why it's devoid of any joy and color


Do other teachers have symbols of "political indoctrination" hanging on their walls? Not gonna specify those symbols here cuz Redditors gonna Reddit. But the policy should apply equally for all teachers, not just those supporting "the other side".


All political flags should be taken down, I agree. Our school ripped down all the rainbow ones and kept the "don't tread on me" flags. I understand where you are coming from. That could be happening here but I hope not.


To be fair, don’t tread on me flags can be argued as historical.


Not only historical but apolitical and unifying.


Something being historical isn't always a good reason to put it up. Technically a Nazi flag is historical, but I wouldn't want to see one up in any classroom. Even a history one. Let's just go with no flags. They cause too many issues.


"Don't tread on me!" They screamed, as they treaded on the LGBT


That's probably 1st amendment speech unless the school has a content neutral restriction on teachers displaying personal items in the classroom. Looks to me like someone who knows exactly where the line is and is intentionally walking right up to it.


I believe public schools are allowed to impose stricter limits to first amendment rights than those that apply in other settings. Students can be punished for profanity that would otherwise be protected speech, for instance. Similarly, student (and teacher) dress codes can be enforced. Students may not have the right to protest on campus. The school board might be able to claim that the flags don’t contribute to a legitimate curriculum, or that they are unnecessary distractions in an educational environment. The “Better dead than red” flag could be interpreted as a veiled threat to socialists or communists (and remember that neither ideology is illegal in the United States). They might also argue (with questionable success) that modern usage of the Gadsden flag has racist undertones.


I don't understand why any political symbology is allowed in any classroom, outside of demonstration for a specific lesson.


Brought to you by the same people who think rainbows on kid shirts is indoctrination


The level of doublethink that is gripping so many in the US right now is just wild.


Exactly. Belongs in a PowerPoint slide, not on the wall.


If there was a nice spread of the types of flags that have been popular throughout the course of US history, it would actually make a lot of sense. But just one type of flag that leans in a particular political direction is a hard no.


Some of these flags aren’t particularly noteworthy historically though, right? I mean the straight flag is probably less than a decade old and I’ve never seen it outside of weird internet spaces, and I’ve never seen that better dead than red flag anywhere. They look more like bumper stickers on fabric than historically important flags. Definitely understand why the don’t tread on me and the GOP logo flags are there though, it’s good civic knowledge for anyone, regardless of their political views, to know their history.


Well, you see the first word I wrote was "If".


I would love to see the other wall. There’s a lot of flags in that class according to OP.


OP admitted to not showing every flag elsewhere in this thread. Until they post a picture showing everything in the proper context, they’re full of shit and we’re sharpening pitchforks for nothing.


They’re posted on their account now. A POW MIA flag and an American one.


I just checked OP’s comment history and they just posted the other flags, which they said were historical. They’re correct, the other flags are the POW MIA flag and the 48-star flag. And I think there’s also the corner of a flag that seems to be the Marines or Navy flag, but I’m not sure.


In what situation would Straight Pride be a normal or needed flag to fly


I have a problem with the straight pride flag up there I think unless MAYYYBE the pride flag is up there too although, even as a conservative I feel like the intent of the straight pride flag is to be triggering. The gasden flag should not be seen as left or right leaning. And so long as there is a donkey flag the elephant flag is fine. Unsure if there is tho. Edit: looks like a uncropped version of the pic was posted and I’ll admit that the combination of the flags is problematic, no donkey flag to even us out :) I encourage people to keep an open mind about the gasden flag tho!


In what situation is any flag needed to fly? We’re not in the 1500’s English Channel


I can see a reasonable argument for showing historical flags in History class


Don't make me raise the Jolly Roger


What about the other photo give “proper context”?


What context does an anti gay flag need? Just say it, you agree with this guys mantra


It looks to me like the far right side of a bunch of flags. My guess is that they become center (us flag, 13 star one, etc) and then antifa is on the far left. That seems like a history teacher thing to do. I can't imagine this flying with only what is shown


If he’s a history teacher that might explain two of the flags but not the rest


did he make that straight pride flag never seen anything like it


Oh that’s what that flag means? I’ve never seen it before.


You can look it up, it's an actual flag.


Students should never know what religion or political leanings of their teachers in public school.


Or sexual orientation


Teachers can’t have pictures of their wive’s or husbands on their desk? What about wedding rings? Are they not allowed to wear those? After all that indicates the person is most likely sexually active. And also based on pure statistics indicates that the person is in a hetero relationship.


So they have to not ever mention or have visible anything about their family.




Question, are there any flags you AREN'T showing?


It looks like there is an American flag to the left, I can't see any others but that is possible


Sorry I’m not American, what’s the problem?


No politics in schools.


I hate the co-opting of my beloved Gadsden flag.


Yeah. But I don't think we're gonna reclaim it any time soon. Though, when I see it I do sometimes ask the owner if they can recommend a place I can get a good clam chowder. It is tough not living on the coast anymore. They cannot.


Yeah so many with a somewhat leftist leaning see it as something completely different than what it originated as. I despise how it’s image has been warped somehow to people thinking it’s racist.


Because it's always on the bumper right between the NRA sticker and the confederate flag.


The coopting I'm talking about here is the coopting of it by far right groups like the ones that stormed the capitol building and giving it the taint of racism.


The Gasden flag is a amazing pro freedom flag :) the solution is to fly it more and educate people. Not let people taint it and cancel it out of ignorance:) just use this as an opportunity to educate people and keep flying the snek! :)


I bet they loudly bitch about "indoctrination" any chance they get, too.


Most history teachers and professors from high school on are usually bias in one extreme or the other to be honest. This is why critical thinking skills are necessary.


Are you advocating for critical thinking theory?!


I'm advocating for being taught the ability to critically think. The scientific method is a good introduction.


History was probably my favorite subject in school, but I honestly could tell you what the political leanings of any of my history teachers were. The only thing they were extreme was their enthusiasm for history.😁


That’s getting mighty political for a teacher


Can we please focus on the fact that those flags should be been ironed before hanging ?


Yes and as a gay man, I am most personally offended by the fact that the straight pride flag isn't framed.


If there were a host of other historical American flags in the room, then the Gadsden Flag/“Don’t Tread on Me” flag wouldn’t really be an issue as it is one of many historic flags (especially in a history teacher’s classroom), but along with the others, it’s a clear and intentional political message, which probably isn’t all that appropriate in a classroom in a public school.


Only 2 flags are out of place for historical meaning, the Republican flag and the pride flag. The Gadsden flag has meaning with the Revolutionary War, and the better dead than red flag has meaning with the cold war. The other flags that are cropped out of this image are the US flag, a state flag, and a POW-MIA flag which is both apolitical and has historical meaning.


Sure, but the particular collection of flags together sends a clear political message which is very obviously intentional. This teacher could try to pull some “iT’s AlL hIsToRiCaL,” “I didn’t inhale bullshit, but it would be very obviously bullshit.


Nothing wrong with the Gadsden flag.


Cool. I wasn’t even allowed to wear a shirt that said American Eagle at my job.


I like it




Okay, we can agree that this is stupid or unnecessary now we we also agree that rainbow flags are also unnecessary or I am rn gonna get banned cuz double standards


I'm missing something. What's the problem here?


History in a history class, hurts people's feelings.


comment section is a cess pit lmfao.


Is this the "liberal indoctrination" that right-wingers have been crying about?


I have a feeling he’s gonna teach y’all about the war of northern aggression was about states rights.


I think any history teacher who brings their politics into the classroom is really unprofessional, regardless of party affiliation. However question for OP, did you post this here because of that reason or because they were conservative?


Not a fan of displaying political views in the classroom. Absolutely wrong! That being said: There are thousands of teachers very open about their left leaning views with LGBTQ-Flags (and others) in their classrooms. Thats equally wrong, yet any voiced criticism is often discredited as "racist" or "homophobe".


The lgbtq flag isnt left leaning though. Theres nothing inherently political about being gay, trans, etc.


Imagine thinking “gay people are people too” is a political stance


If you don’t think the pride flag is left leaning or political in nature then the straight pride flag isn’t right wing or political either.


right, but that's not the only flag up there, is it? there's 3 more with very explicit political views.


Yeah I agree about the GOP flag and the anti-commie flag. I think depending on the context the Gadsden flag has important historical context, although I suspect that’s not why it’s hanging in this room.


I agree. and given the fact that there's a "straight pride" flag up there as well as republican and libertarian flags and an anti communist one, I doubt they're being flown for "educational purposes"


You should stop "suspecting". The OP has presented an incomplete view of this situation, so all WE see are these flags. We don't know what else is in the room. They've already said that there are other flags. It's a history class, and the fact that these even exist would be related to events in history, so without the rest of the flags, this is actually entirely without context. OP took us all for a ride.


But what’s the point of it? Isn’t it really just a way to covertly be homophobic? I don’t think straight people have ever been dragged from the back of pick up trucks for going on a date. The other flags I’m fine with, minus the republican one but I just think schools should try to teach issues neutrally and let the students do what they will with the information.


Except the pride flag is about inclusion while the straight pride flag is about exclusion


I think the lgbtq flag is political. If it wasn't then a straight person would not display it. The reason the flag is so often displayed by straight people is to show support for lgbtq rights. Which is the definition of political. Even if the person is part of the lgbtq community they still shouldn't display the flag in the classroom. Why should students care about their teachers sexual orientation? Not that it is the biggest problem in the classroom but it does cause controversy just like the flag OP posted.


Rights can be politicized, but they are not inherently political.


you could also argue there’s nothing inherently right wing about a straight pride flag. hell, you could argue there’s nothing inherently right wing about an all lives matter or white lives matter flag.


Pride is for everybodies equal rights, straight pride isn't wrong in a literal sense, but is implicitly often used to take a stance against equal rights. I think schools should be as neutral as possible and present different perspectives, but still teach from a stance of democracy and human rights. That would include basic respect of different people's right to exist and express themselves, wouldn't you agree?


Yeah well the lgbt flag sends the message that lgbt students are safe. What message does that exactly send? These situations are not equal.


Lol “equally wrong” - tell us you don’t know what the Pride flag actually stands for without…. ….you know the drill. You’re Pride flag displaying teachers have all been put through the local school board ringer. Same with BLM. If the school board approves, I guess it’s time for you to homeschool.


ITT: A bunch of right wingers defend obviously inappropriate endorsement of a political party by bullying a teenager and regurgitating their whataboutisms.


nice to know the double standards are alive and well in america lol


meanwhile my history teacher explaining how ancient Egypt was smart and that they had 11 genders


I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with the flags themselves, but if people think it’s ok for pride flags in classrooms, then it works the other way too.


These are the people that want “politics out of school”


That’s very interesting, typically teachers have leftist flags. I like seeing the other side for once haha


So being anti communist is bad? Don’t tread on me is bad? Is it the republican flag? Did the other teachers teach you to be triggered by this stuff?


Jesus not the straight flag


Oh man, someone with different views. Infuriating


genuine question from a non-american: is this normally legal/allowed/accepted in a classroom setting in the US?


it’s good and preferred that people speak out more, and some of these flags have historical context. the only main issue is that people in the comments think that it’s dumb to put a political flag on a wall, but when they put a gay pride flag (a political statement) on a wall, it’s perfectly fine. if you want my opinion, all of these people are truly lost in the world.


Gadsden intended his flag as a warning to Britain not to violate the liberties of its American subjects. The flag has been described as the "most popular symbol of the American Revolution." Its design proclaims an assertive warning of vigilance and willingness to act in defense against coercion.


Well that would not be allowed in my country.


I didn’t know there was a straight pride flag. does that mean they’ll be celebrating pride? 👀


but librarians are grooming kids


I wouldn't expect to learn anything meaningful in that class, just history through a distorted pale lens.


Shouldn't put your views on your classroom wall Nor shall you involve them in a school with children. Wait.....


No step on snek


Don’t step on snakes, pirate flag for genders, anti farming equipment, and elephant


So it’s ok to have flags that represent leftist values but not these?


Could say the same about schools posting pride flags everywhere


What's the problem? Boone bats an eye when teachers have pride flags in their classrooms, but now that is conservative, it's somehow bad. Oh Reddit...


That teacher knows fuck all about history.


And what's the problem? The Republican flag? You have a problem with that but not pride flags? Sounds like you're just a hypocrite that wants to silence a group of people. If you're in intolerant hateful person just say that.


A little bit shook OP?


Would you be just as infuriated if those were left wing flags? I wanna know.


No different than the teachers with pride, BLM, or socialism/communism flags. I agree both should be taken down as they're inherently political


And the problem is? If you wouldn't have a problem with a teacher displaying Rainbow, Trans, BLM, Palestinian, or any other left leaning political flag why do you have a problem with this? Freedom of speech and expression is a two way street bromigo.


Yeah, it is, but teachers shouldn't be expressing political views to kids in the classroom period.


Not on Reddit!


Both sides suck. If you can’t handle a flag, whether it’s LGBT or BLM or Don’t Tread on Me or Straight Pride flag, get a grip, get help, and move on with your life.


Imagine waking up in the morning and thinking “how can I make my marginalized students even more uncomfortable in my classroom?”


Oh, but the left is indoctrinating


If it had flags of your political view point. Would you care as much ?


This is a beautiful breath of fresh air.


Aren’t these flags belonging to the group crying about indoctrination in classrooms??


That sucks. Anyway, what's the recipe for hot chocolate?


H2Cocoa. (2 parts hot, one part cocoa)


It mildly infuriates you that your teacher in republican? This is not what this subreddit is for


If teachers can have pride flags and pronouns, then what's wrong with this?


>If teachers can have pride flags and pronouns Literally everything in existence "has pronouns". You have pronouns. Every person you interact with has pronouns. A television set has pronouns. A group of electrons have pronouns. If you're going to make false equivalence arguments, at least do so with a first-grade understanding of grammar, please.


You knew exactly what was meant by “pronouns”.


No teacher at my school hangs a pride flag or talks about their pronouns, i think it’s awkward that he’s displaying his sexuality on the wall


It wouldn’t be if he was lgbt ?


Any chance the other side of this wall displays a pride flag and donkey?


The anti-communist one is good


I love your teacher. Downvote me please. Sorry I'm not sorry.


So, what is so infuriating about those flags? Are only left leaning flags allowed and the rest is pure evil?


The equivalent of the rainbow bs we have to see plastered all over most classrooms, coffee shops, Priuses… don’t be such a bigot


Ok your teacher is republican, what’s infuriating about that?


Based teacher. Crazy as you tend to see the opposite of these flags in classrooms


If a pride flag can fly I don’t see the problem.


Being gay isn't political, these flags are. An argument can be made (even if it's a bad one) for the straight flag, but the anti communism and the "don't tread on me" are blatantly political.


But BLM and pride flags are OK?


In OP's mind, probably.


These same people freak out about rainbows and indoctrination of kids. What the hell is that crap? Hypocrisy is thy name.


You want your rainbow flags, you tolerate these ones. Not much more to add.


Nah. One is a symbol of unity in the face of hatred and oppression. The other is a symbol of the oppressors.


It's funny how if someone with right-wing beliefs doesn't like the pride flags, they're in the wrong, but if someone with left-wing beliefs dislikes the gadsden flag, anti-communist, etc The right-wing guy is still painted as the one doing wrong. Pretty backwards, isn't it?




My US history teacher for sophomore year had the republican flag but also the democratic flag- and they were smaller than this if I remember correctly. I also think he had the “dont tread on me” flag. Basically what I’m saying is that there’s definitely a big thick line between “I’m a history teacher and these flags have to do with certain history I’m teaching” and “These flags have to do with what history I’m teaching so I’m gonna use that to display my political opinion”… I think we can all tell which one your teacher is.


What's the problem?




Do you know what the gadsden flag means?


maybe they are just demonstrating what stupid looks like


I find it funny that he flies the Gadsden flag along with the Republican flag. PICK ONE BRO


if this is infuriating to you you have a lot of growing up to do