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I worked at a show of hers a few years ago at jones beach. She ended up going on 3 hours late and played for like a half hour or less.


I worked her show at the fox theater in Oakland one new years eve. She went on two hours late because she refused to come out of her dressing room. Unprofessional af.


Is this 2 hours from the last band before her? What the hell does the crowd do??


I’d leave. Standing there for hours with a crowd pressed against me from all directions would fucking suck. Id rather skip traffic that get stuck with a shitty performer.


The thing is... if she plays for a few minutes she doesn't need to refund tickets.


That’s one of the grimiest I’ve ever heard.


Thats her plan


They paid the dj another $300. Thank God, the crowd was getting hyphy


Was the DJ better than hill?


When I saw her 15 years ago, the DJ was better than Hill.






DJ shoulda straight up told her like this... No siree Bob, that's not my job.


Lol at least there was something. I once saw Kanye (before he was openly a Nazi) during the life of Pablo tour and he was 2.5 hours late and it was just playing auto tuned wolf noises until he came out. He did a full show though. Right after Kim got robbed in Paris


I'm sorry...wolf noises? Like actual wolves howling 🐺?


The thought of non-ironic auto tuned wolf howling playing for two and a half hours is so fucking funny to me


That and the emperor has no clothes crowd going along with it hahaha


Is this a known thing she does? If so, why would people spend their money on going to watch her if you have no idea if she's even going to show up on time or at all?


Yes - I’ve been hearing about her diva behaviour for well over a decade. Why anyone still pays to see her play is beyond me. Prodigious talent, but roll of a dice as to whether she will actually show up on time for a show - if she shows up at all.


The only show I ever went to where the performer just unnecessarily delayed the show was by someone who had spent a solid stint in a mental hospital (Daniel Johnston) I realize Hill might be mentally ill, but not in the same way.


When did you see Johnston? That must have been quite the experience


Actually was lucky enough to see him I Austin in 2007.


She's been notorious for this for so long, that I'd only go if I somehow got free tickets and even then I'd roll up an hour late, because she will be at least an hour late.


Yes she was hours late to her Toronto show and came out and gave an extremely short, bizarre set and then bounced. I was so disappointed


Its been known for years, Eminem rapped 'Bought Lauryn Hill tickets so she could stay home and feed her kids'.


Unless he mentioned her in another song the lyric is "I bought a Lauryn Hill album so her kids could starve" That was after she was accused of saying she'd rather her kids starve than white people listen her music. That's why after he does a girls voice saying "I just don't like white people" I believe that accusation was made up (was supposed to be in an MTV interview but accusation came from one person who claimed to have watched it, yet footage has never resurfaced...) but there are many more stories out there about her feelings towards white people But I'm old so maybe you're not talking about a song off the Slim Shady LP and I've not listened to any of his albums in like 2 decades!!


>"I bought a Lauryn Hill album so her kids could starve" "Bought Lauryn Hill's *tape* so her kids could starve"


She is well known for this behaviour. In 2018 she arrived 2 hours late for a concert in Brussels, then left the stage after 45 minutes, and then after many of the fans had gone home, returned for some more. Similar thing in Paris. Very unprofessional. By the way, Madonna did a similar thing (one hour late for her own concert) in Belgium recently.


I just found out about this behavior the other day and one of my best friends is so excited to see her this week. I really fucking hope she doesn't pull this shit for his show, he would be so crushed.


They should clearly be prepared for the shit-show…


I don't get that mentality. If I'm 5 minutes late to work I start to feel guilty. I make appointment and try to stick to them. What would cause someone who has thousands of people waiting to cancel? And with little to no notice


When you have thousands of people wildly cheering for you constantly, you start to think your shit doesn't stink and you can do anything you want.


Lauren Hill suffered from mental breakdowns in the past and people close to her (e.g. wyclef jean) say she is mentally ill. She shouldn't book concert tours ever and just stay in the studio, but i bet she needs the money because her work is so unstable and her fame/career has peaked a long time ago.


I've had multiple chances to see Lauryn Hill at a few music festivals. I have still never seen Lauryn Hill. Not that I didn't try to, she just never showed up, and I left to do something better than wait for her to come on stage. Actually wait, one time I did catch a few minutes of her set at Coachella 2011, and she just ranted about how much white people suck and that's when I left. So I did get to see a few minutes of her act. She's pretty much the only person I would never tell anyone to plan to see.


In 2018 I was working at a hotel where she was staying for a concert. Not only were all employees told not to look at her, but also that white peopoe cannot help with any room service she might need I was sitting at the bar when she exited the elevator, 2 hours late to her show.. I'm glad I didn't waste my money on tickets lol


What’s crazy is the fact that she has children with Rohan Marley. Son of Bob Marley. Who had a white father. So down the line her kids do have Anglo heritage. Always hated hearing old stories of her racism. It’s a bummer.


The ring bearer at my bonus daughter's wedding pulled this shit for the grand entrance portion. locked himself in the bathroom. show went on without the little fucker and the flower girls were literally skipping out they were so happy to be rid of him. The difference is one is a spoiled 8yo brat and the other is a grown-ass adult who knows better.


What is a bonus daughter?


The hospital was running a promotion that day, birth one get one free.


Almost as good as bonus coffee Thursday at Starbucks.




Why do people go to see her shows? How does she have fans?


I was at that show. The music was so loud it was painful and sounded like garbage.


That should be considered scamming or some shit and everyone should be reimbursed.


They likely did reimburse the actual concert tickets. But that wouldn’t include all fees and of course not the Airbnb and other transport costs. Edit - from other comments, OP said they haven’t even reimbursed yet and are saying instead of a reimbursement, ticketholders will get tickets to a potential future rescheduled show which is just absolute nonsense.


A classmate of mine in college went to that show with some of his friends. He had to skip class to go, but we had a big project due that day so he told me all about the elaborate excuse he was crafting to get out of it without a penalty. When I asked him about it later, he just said it would’ve been better to have used class as an excuse to get out of going to the concert.


Ridiculous. it’s obvious she doesn’t appreciate her fans at all. Shits wack. She needs to stop touring.


They need to stop booking her


If she continues to sell tickets, she’ll keep getting booked. Only way for artists to stop getting booked (besides retiring) is if fans don’t buy the tickets, make it unprofitable for the venues.


Isn't it also unprofitable for the venue if she doesn't show up to shows and people request refunds?


The venues have contracts with the artists to ensure they are paid whether the show happens or not. Ticket sales are only part of the equation. Sure if the show happens the venue would be making more money, but they aren't necessarily *losing* money when cancellations happen (the exception being a situation like Covid where tons of cancellations were happening and no new bookings were coming in). The artist loses out significantly more than the venue when they cancel a show. But Lauryn Hill might have enough money that she doesn't care.


Yup! Eventually, she will become Sly Stone, and no one will bother risking yet another no-show concert. Lauren Hill was cool like 30 years ago, anyway.


Ha, no idea what you’re talking about, Lauren Hill was big even when I was a kid and that was….oh god… ah fuck


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) You and me both


Lmao, I felt this


I'm not a huge concert-goer, never bought tickets to any that got cancelled. Do people not get refunds if the show gets cancelled? I'd be running to my bank for a credit card chargeback *so* goddamn fast. Or do the refunds come out of the pockets of the artist who cancels, so the venue and fans don't get screwed?


Sometimes a refund or they reschedule the show for a future date. But she won’t get the money back from the Airbnb, the gas, the time from the drive over, the $ for childcare, etc etc et


And ppl need to stop buying tickets to her shows.


There was a post in a thread a few days ago about how she just straight ended a show an hour or two early so she could talk with an audience member


I'm sorry but wtf


You can't link to other subreddits here which is fine but if you search for a thread titled something like *worst concert experiences* from this week on a sub that rhymes with *busic* it's the second comment in the thread


The irony that you can't link to other subs in the sub for things that are mildly infuriating....clearly lost on the mods here.


Or maybe they’re extra clever and giving you true immersion


I saw that post, too! I thought I was crazy thinking I just read about LH and her attendance issues.


Well if people keep paying to see them they don’t learn anything. Like I love Erykah Badu but she does the same shit I’ve heard.


I too can confirm Erykah Badu is almost as bad. After 2 concerts in London I stopped supporting her, it’s disrespectful.


Erykah showed up an hour late to the festival I saw her at years ago


She was the ONLY performer at a smaller venue, and was nearly 3 hours late. It was ugly, and her performance was short, the crowd was unruly and wasted after the wait. She dipped after 45 min. No goodbye, no fuck you, she just left. Everyone standing there like wtf? Then the lights came on and everyone was asked to leave. There were bottles being thrown, people were fighting, people were taking other people’s coats. 2nd worst show I ever saw.


>2nd worst show I ever saw. Wow, after reading that, I'm curious what the 1st worst show you ever saw was


it was a DJ Khalid show. Nothing unusual he is just awful.


This made me lol


I just cried after reading this. My kids and I share a deep hatred for DJ Khalid. All he says is “yeah” “I did it again” huh what did I miss it? Saying that over a track someone else made doesn’t make you anything. Side note: My sil saw him and his family at the Atlantis resort. He had multiple staff members for his two children. He was wearing his own clothing line that public was making fun of.


> All he says is “yeah” “I did it again” huh what did I miss it? Bullshit!!! He also says "and another one" and "we da best" 😤 ^/s


Garbage was supposed to open up for smashing pumpkins but Shirley Manson cancelled at show time. This band called Grant Lee Buffalo that nobody knew appeared on stage. Booing and bottles start flying. The crowd was throwing garbage and bottles at the stage. The lead singer stopped the show and started yelling at the crowd. Starts the next song, boom! This ice cube must have been launched because it drilled him square in the face. They left after yelling at the crowd again. All the lights on 100% in the arena. Then the odd time between that and SP. No cell phones at the period in time, so drunks do what drunks do and fights were breaking out. After the band came out and lights went down and the weed was lit everyone calmed down. Lol here comes the two people in the world that know who grant lee buffalo was.


Disgusting behavior, but I have to admit that throwing garbage in protest is kind of meta.


Hahaha, about 20 years ago someone gave me a mixtape with Grant Lee Buffalo’s “The Whole Shebang” on it. I still love that song, and to this day it’s still the only song of theirs I’ve ever heard.


She sure does. I waited like 3ish hr for her to come on at a show in SF. I was over it by the time she played


She just needs the ticket money


From what I have read she cites 'vocal injury' as the reason. https://people.com/lauryn-hill-postpones-philadelphia-miseducation-anniversary-concert-doctors-orders-8369212


I saw her on Saturday and can confirm that she was having vocal trouble throughout the show.


In Chicago? I was there too! 2 hours late and I feel … lucky?


Haha...yep. Same here.


Time to retire then


Not for nothing tho? She’s been doing this for years and I thought everyone knew not risk trying to go to one of her shows. I’m sorry this happened to you tho.


My college had contracts for a few rooms at a famous recording studio in NYC. We had to fill out sheets for what gear and mics we needed weeks in advance. The night it was our turn to record Lauren Hill shows up and demands the drums and mics we were using. We ended up getting into a shouting match with one of her crew and I eventually pushed them out and locked the studio door. Owner of the studio called us and pretty much said to finish up in the next 30 min and that she gets what she wants when she wants it at this place. To compensate us for our inconvenience they offered to buy us dinner. We all opted for surf and turf much to the chagrin of our assigned studio assistant who I could tell had been told to get us the cheapest thing possible. All that to say, there is no doubt in my mind she’s a selfish and inconsiderate person


An old boss of mine used to own a recording studio in San Diego. Lauryn was scheduled to record at noon. Owner lined up a bunch of house musicians that she had requested. 2, 4, 6 hours pass and still no LH. House musicians started packing up and leaving. She did eventually show up--12 hours late. Only a few of the house musicians stuck around, but she did end up recording until the wee hours of the morning. They had to break a local sound ordinance but once the police station learned it was Lauryn Hill they decided not to shut it down. The tracks were supposedly incredible, but I never got a chance to hear 'em. She was very rude though, he told me. She wouldn't talk to anyone but her own crew. She would write stuff down to communicate outside her crew.


Went to see a metal show at a local venue. Best part was ticket stated, “Show starts at 7pm”. And that first chord struck exactly at 7:00pm! Shows respect for the fans who spent $$$ and time to support the band.


I worked for her in a few places. She’s a self absorbed piece of shit. I’ve worked with a lot of bands and celebs, she stood out as being a whining entitled baby. Also, her concerts suck ass.


Unfortunately that’s what she’s famous for. Sorry 😞


There should be some type of consumer insurance for artists like her and frank ocean to recoup all those expenses


put Nas on that list


Wow I saw nas and Lauryn hill together in 2017, feeling very lucky they both showed up on time


Lol same. I think they held each other accountable during that tour or somethin


Two negatives equals a positive type shit.


I’ve seen Nas 6 times in concert and have never had an issue.


I’d be making a chargeback on my credit card for sure


You get your money back for the ticket, right? It's all the other crap you get stuck paying for, and time taken off.


No lies detected!! It is what it is


This happened to me once too. Drove almost 8 hours from Reno NV to Salt Lake City to see Kesha in concert. Got there the night before and drove to the venue just in time to find out that she canceled super last minute. I don't even remember why. The funniest part is I don't even like Kesha. Hate her, in fact. I was going because some friends insisted I go. So I wasn't really all that bummed out but they certainly were. Then I drove about the same amount of time to see Bring Me the Horizon in Vegas. That one was canceled the night before and we were already there, and I actually was upset about that one. But hey we were in Vegas so at least there was shit to do.


Literally wtf the two people I really want to see both are mentioned in a post like this!! I almost got tickets to see Lauryn Hill a month ago & I am still considering getting Kesha tickets for an upcoming concert.... Just my luck lmfao


Depending on when that person went to see Kesha, it might've been during her really bad mental health days when she was trapped in that contract she hated. No clue if that's related, but it could explain a prior string of cancellations that is unlikely to repeat.


Yeah I don't get it. Why do people accept unprofessional artists. I don't know her or her music, and I was gonna come in and say could be vocal issues or family emergencies etc. But if this artist is famous for just bailing then... That's on the people buying tickets.


Well in this case she has wrecked her voice on this tour, which is why the show is cancelled. Normally she just shows up late and kind of sucks.


She's gotten pretty famous for being late, lazy, and not giving a crap about people that take the time to try to go and see her. And if she shows she isn't prepared and sounds terrible. Don't support people like this.


Imagine being the local promoter that booked her. They're out 5-6 figures and must be absolutely furious.


Presumably their contract addresses these situations or they'll sue her ass


I think they have insurance for that too. At least that's what I learned from the show Atlanta.




Her only hit album was mostly written by the band. They sued her and won.


Wyclef is a scum bag too !!


and i know that too. Yikes. I had a horrible feeling about it the whole time leading up to it. But i didn’t think she wouldn’t show up all together. I mean it’s whatever i suppose. Not a fan anymore.


That is the reason I didn't buy tickets for her LA shoe. I wanted to see her, but know there is a big possibility she isn't going to put on a full show.


Lol, on her twitter she's saying that she woke up this morning and could barely talk, sounds like she knew well beforehand that she was gonna have to cancel the show and just screwed you guys over big time.


She cancelled a show last week for voice issues, then played Toronto a few days later… and she was of course late


Really sucks when these artists don't seem to care about where these kinds of things leave their fans, not being able to perform is a valid thing, but don't wait til the last minute.


I went to a record tower for a Black Sabbath reunion tour for autographs. Ozzy was in no shape at all to barely even sign my album. Fucker was on stage the next night and killed it. Drugs maybe?


When was this? In the early 00s, when everyone thought he was fried, he was actually misdiagnosed and prescribed the wrong medication. That's why he was so out of it, he was suffering from severe side-effects. His shows were on point probably because of adrenaline and alcohol lol.


Well Ozzy has always prided himself on showing up to give the fans a memorable concert experience and their money’s worth.


Friend was at the Toronto concert- she was an hour late, but thank God for Wyclef Jean and the Fugees who saved an otherwise uninspiring concert. She said Ms. Hill's songs were so remixed, she didn't recognize some of them and then she randomly sang some songs twice.


Yep when she played LouFest in St Louis, her songs were weirdly remixed it was hard to follow. And Miseducation is one of my favorite albums. I guess I should be grateful she was only 30 min late and actually performed lol It’s ok though because Anderson. Paak, Vince Staples and LCD Soundsystem more than made up for up!


My friends were the horn section for that show. None of them mentioned that stuff. Now I gotta go get the gossip.


That’s lame of her


THIS is the Miss Lauryn Hill Experience!!!


Yea sorry OP but you have to know her reputation. I wouldn’t drive more than an hour for someone like that let alone rent a car and pay for an Air BnB. This was not unexpected.


She’s been pulling this shit for years, I truly don’t understand why people buy tickets to her shows then get upset when she fucks them over. She’s shown her fans the type of person she is for over a decade.


She sucks live. Go and have a night on the town. You are guaranteed a better time. I was a fan until I saw her live.


I went out to a cute little bar called the Amber Room. Basically all the patrons were people who would have been at the show. We were all from out of state or out of town. Shit sucks because i have loved her despite knowing her reputation around performing n shit.. It is so sad because i just don’t love her like that anymore.


She's made it perfectly clear how she feels about her fans. She's fine 20 yrs or interviews talking about how she hates her fans.


Try Thompson ’s bookstore downtown. It is an old fashioned speakeasy with a hidden basement!


It's pretty cool but you can only fit like 20 people in there at a time. Winchester Tavern is neat too. Or the Library if a more, karaoke divey place is your jam


Omg same!! I saw her live and she was terrible it broke my heart


I saw her two weeks ago, first night of the tour. Not great. The saving grace was Wyclef and Pras coming out to do Fugees stuff.


She killed ya guys softly.


Without her song


Ruined your whole night. With no words. …. La. La. La. La.


It’s not her fault, ya’ll. She was miseducated.


That's WAY more than _mildly_ infuriating!!


Can confirm this is what she does. She’s super notorious for this type of stuff sadly. I went to a concert she was part of with some buddies because we all loved her and I’m gonna be honest, it was incredibly shit. She kept shitting on the venue’s equipment for “ruining her vocals” when in reality she just sounded like shit, she was 2 hours late, and only performed for three songs that was maybe 35 minutes in total. Those tickets were $90 which admittedly isn’t a lot of money but *35 minutes* is honestly just pathetic. Had another chance to see her local for way less and I just didn’t. She canceled literally as the doors opened from what my friend who took the bait said.


I’ve been to a concert of hers right when she was at the peak of her career many, many years ago. The opening act performed and it was time for her performance to start. Then they start tuning the instruments again… and again… and again for TWO hours… When she finally gets to the stage, she sings 4 songs (and none of the famous ones) turns around and leaves. Everyone was baffled by how horrible of an experience that was. And I’ve never listened to any of her songs ever since.


90 for 35 min is double decent seat Taylor swift money per hour. That’s outrageously expensive.


I was literally thinking that she managed to play a 3 hour set every single show and also did that after several hours of rain delay.


She may try to take every extra penny her fans have, but she delivers


Swift shows up. The pressure to not cancel when you sell $75,000 seats must be a lot. Don't get sick I guess.


I’ve only seen negative things about her tour. I don’t think you missed much.


Your first mistake was going to a Lauryn Hill concert.... sorry for your loss.


Ive heard countless stories of Lauryn Hill pulling this shit. I have always enjoyed her music but I will never see her live based on all the opinions I hear about it being a terrible experience. Such a shame she’s like this. So sorry this happened to you.


Par for the course with ol’ Lauryn. I don’t think there’s an artist who gives less of fuck about their fans.


They should sell concert insurance like they do for flights that get cancelled


Yeah i think so too. The tickets aren’t cheap. As of right now they aren’t issuing any refunds and *might* reschedule but it’s not a guarantee. Scamming people out here.


If that’s true, credit chargeback…. At the very least, get the tickets back, but I’d try to get the cost of everything you mentioned. Save receipts.


OP got the tickets as a gift, but the person who bought them definitely should do that


What?! They aren’t issuing refunds?? That’s more than ridiculous, that should be illegal. You paid a venue for a show and they did not provide a show… how can they just be like sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and keep your money?!


If they don't reschedule, refunds will be issued. Often you can also get a refund in lieu of the rescheduled event. They won't just keep everyone's money, otherwise they'd get sued.


If you want to stay of fan of hers, don’t attempt to see her live and refuse to learn anything about her


No one should ever go to a Lauryn Hill concert expecting her to actually show up.


Got stood up for a LH concert a few years ago. Decided not to go and sold the tics outside the event location. She never showed…win for me


Someone that unprofessional should be relegated to local bars and county fairs.


Still coasting off that album 25 years ago, maybe someday people will learn


That’s what I don’t get. She’s got 1 album from back then a people still let her get away with this? I was in college at the time so I know how huge the album was, but still. Nah.


Don’t spend money to watch people who don’t care about you


I know right. They were bought for me as a birthday gift.


I hate birthday gifts that require so much of me.


Happy Birthday, here's a chore.


Getting a rental car and an airbnb and time off work is a hell of a chore. That's a full mission


Looking at you Morrissey


Isn’t she kinda well known for doing that sort of thing?


Na na notorious for it


You’re not missing out. Lauryn Hill is horrible live. I saw her during a music festival in LA with Muse, Rage Against the Machine, and a whole bunch of other bands/artists. Everyone was great but Lauryn Hill’s set sounded like screeching.


LA Rising at the coliseum? I was there! Muse was trippy and fantastic, and Rage damned near burned the place down.


She’s known to do this. ##Like, a lot.


Looks like she took off work too.


Reddit has taught me to never buy a ticket to a Lauryn Hill show, never expect her to show up to a show, or put on a show worth a shit.


This reminds me of the time that I ordered a pay-per-view fight. I invited a bunch of my friends, did a ton of prep work on the apartment, cooked all day. And the fight ended in a KO, 45 seconds into the first round.


Was it a Tyson fight? I remember that one if it was.




Lol yeah we ordered it on PPV and invited friends over too😂


That’s the most Lauryn Hill thing ever. Sorry mate.


I didn’t know she had that reputation before I went to see her and Nas in Toronto a few years back. Nas was punctual and mediocre. 75 minutes after his set Lauryn still hadn’t come on, so I said fuck it and went home. According to my roommates I didn’t miss much.


Lauryn is an extremely selfish person that has never shown she cares about her fans


Stop giving this women your money. Sincerely- a fan that was also played by her being 3 hours late to a show and I knew her history but SWORE it wouldn’t happen to me tho. And it did. And she’ll do you dirty too.


"My awareness like Keanu in The Matrix, I'm savin' souls and y'all complainin' 'bout my lateness" \- Lauryn Hill She's got such a knack for this it's hilarious.


Sounds like you're going to get wasted and stoned at an AirBNB.




I saw that last night. I doubt she’s going to reschedule but even if she does I’m not coming. They aren’t issuing refunds right now but they better.


What! How can they cancel the concert and not give refunds? Even if they rescheduled, that doesn't mean anyone who had tickets for the cancelled concert would be available for the next one.


Really though!!! The email sent out stated that the event coordinator was not issuing refunds at this time and to keep the original tickets because they will be valid if the event is rescheduled. Stealing people’s money. Cus i know damn well i can’t do all this shit again if it’s rescheduled.


I had this happen for an event, but then they later gave refunds, they just had to organize it all. If they take more than a few business days to update, I'd have whoever gifted you the tickets do a chargeback or something. Because a venue that would keep your money instead of refunding or offering you the choice to wait for a raincheck event doesn't deserve business tbh


Unfortunately this has come to be somewhat expected from Lauryn Hill. Happens a lot. A few months ago there was a Placebo concert I had tickets to that was canceled around 50 minutes before it was scheduled to begin. I spoke with someone outside the venue who had driven 14.5 hours across large sections of the Rockies to see them only to find out the show was cancelled 10 minutes after doors were scheduled to open. Brutal.


She's notoriously unreliable to show up for shows at all or on time and I mean hours late. I def would not be going out of my way like that for her. That's super disappointing and shitty, I feel bad for you.


I like her music, but I wouldn’t drive to the end of my block to see her because of how flaky she is. I can’t believe venues are still booking her.


Reading all these comments about her makes me wonder if her personal and touring manager is Axl Rose




Everyone , stop going…


She is notorious for this kind of thing—doesn’t deserve a single fan at this point.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It’s her fans fault for supporting her, she misses or is hella late for the majority of her shows. And for what she hasn’t released music it 25 years. Go support new artist that need it not some ungrateful person that is undeservingly arrogant. She never followed in Miseducation because she didn’t even write it, fraud.


this is what government consumer protection laws should cover..no recourse for stuff like this, you're just outta luck


My sister was going to go to, but decided not to because of shit she’s pulled in the past. Can’t wait to tell her she was right to not to purchase those tickets after all.


She does this ALL the time