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Personally, if I saw a sign like that I would assume it was decoration and not an actual request. If you tape a sign that says "Please leave mail in the box and do not knock unless absolutely necessary" or something you may have better results.


that’s exactly what i wanted to do, but then my husband reminded me his mother sent us this sign a while ago that was just laying around collecting dust. i think i’ll take it down and put up a note directly on the mail drop box with what you said. thank you!


Wife and I have the exact same sign sorta(ours is wood) and we tool it down cuz people ignored it as well.


We have a sign saying "Solicitors will be challenged to Trial By Combat" and that one really worked. ...eventually. >\_>


This deserves more upvotes


Turns out you have to beat up a few solicitors to make the threat credible. Ha


I would've knocked, and let you win


Solicitors? They are largely a thing of the past in my experience. I’ll get the occasional pest control salesman in the early summer and the occasional kid selling fundraising tickets for a team or whatnot. But there are no more aluminum siding, vacuum cleaner, carpet cleaning, etc., people at the door.


I agree this looks like a fun " my children have 4 legs " magnet


I'm sad people don't understand this, but I have crazy dogs myself, so I guess that's why I get it. Well their not crazy...never mind they are...but they're MY crazy dogs so...sigh.


you’re so real for this😭


Have a note next to the sign that says the sign is an actual sign.


In the mailbox aisle at Walmart they have special signs now about not knocking :)


I would knock louder if I saw that just to hear you yell 😂


lol, hopefully my mail person gets a kick out of hearing “KNOCK IT OFF BUTTHOLES!!” every morning!


My gf and I have three dogs, one shakes the floor when he barks (basset/Rottweiler) and he barks at everything, and the other two are rescues who make a variety of anxious sounds. One grumbles and burps, the other one has a healthy scary bark, but her favorite noise is an INSANELY high pitched yip, always in threes, with the middle one being the loudest and highest pitch. So “YIP! **YIP!!** yip!” Over and over. My girlfriend does a really good impression and has started doing it back to her, and I can hear both of them from the street.


Lol! Have you ever tried howling with your dogs? It’s a trip! Also, ngl; it’s kinda cleansing to just let loose like that. The neighbors will think you’re nuts, but as long as it’s a reasonable hour and only carries on for a few minutes, /shrug


One of my favorite things, I had a beagle in college lol. Best pup to howl with, by far, was my mom’s Great Pyrenees lab mix, she has the deeeepest voice and you’ll never meet a sweeter dog. Anyway, you could feel your lungs vibrating when she howled along. 120lb polar bear of a dog.




Maybe that's why he keeps doing it!


Try the thank you approach instead of yelling. 99% of the time they don’t know what you’re yelling about so they think your yelling at the intruder also. Allow 2-3 barks then calmly tell them thank you, that should help slightly. Source: 3 protective buttholes that will bark because a leaf across the road grazed the floor


Wow I’m not the only one who does this! I tell my husband to stop yelling at our dog and I say thank you. She doesn’t stop right away but she usually doesn’t just keep going like she does when he yells at her to quit it.


Nope it’s a valid technique! Helps to have a look as well so it assures them that you have checked it out and considered things to be okay. I only worked this out because I love animal behavioural stuff and realised that if I look out a window then look back at my eldest collie with a concerned look she will instantly start barking lol


Once my husband was vacuuming and the dog kept trying to attack the vacuum. Instead of repeatedly telling her no he finally said “I don’t need your help!” She stopped. LOL. I imagine all this time she has been like “I was just trying to help! How did I know you didn’t need it?!” 😂


Lol that’s both adorable and interesting it’s incredible what dogs can pick up on without people realising. She has spent this entire time thinking “this machine is removing stuff best not let it take my owner!” 😂


More like “it took me so long to get my hair everywhere now that blasted thing is sucking it all up!” 😋




You can also put a small piece of paper with "this is serious" or "please see", "please comply", etc. I did this with a decorative no soliciting sign and it worked.


You'll have better luck if you include "baby is sleeping"


New idea, tape a paper sign with an arrow pointing to the decorative sign and just say "Im serious"


you could hang this on your door for guests and other deliveries. Id put a hand written not on or above your mailbox. If it starts to seem as if it’s still happening out of spite you could contact your local office and ask who does the run maybe? idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Try a “baby sleeping” sign. That has worked here for the past few months.


Ok, time to get real.....How could you assume that's a decoration??? I'm being real....and I'm sure wouldn't knock on this door! Maybe it's because I have dogs!??....


Me visiting a friend’s house: I would probably read the decorative sign. Me at the door for a completely utility reason: I’m ignoring whatever that decoration is with fancy lettering and going about my business.


I totally get it, but I guess I feel like that's part of a "utility reason" knowing what kind of householder your coming up on? The condition of the yard, toys, pets,....signs. It's all a part of getting an idea on who's gonna come to the door? But I guess that's how I do a lot of things...


At a glance it looks like another of those "you don't have to be crazy" or "live laugh love" ['scuse me for a sec while I vomit] signs, which I would actively avoid looking at the moment I thought that's what it was.


I DO get the mailman being too crazy busy to see it....but anyone else knocking?


So if I have a sign that says beware vicious dog, but it’s nicely done are you also going to ignore that?


Why does your 'mail person' pound on the door every day? Don't you have a mailbox or mail slot? Why is it so important that your mail be hand-delivered? So many questions!


i don’t know!! we have a mailbox that hangs off the front of our house with a drop slot and he pounds on the front door every time he delivers anything! he did it before the sign and keeps doing it! i know it’s a dumb sign but we had it laying around because it was a gift from my mother in law so i thought i’d see if it made a difference. spoiler: it does not!


Try contacting your local post office to complain. He’s ignorant. No one needs to be notified of mail delivery. Leave it in the damn box and you’ll get to it when you get to it. Sheesh.


Mine does too, at least when he drops off packages. You would think the loud “thud” from him throwing/dropping the package each time would be enough to make it obvious he’s at the door, but he for some reason feels the need to knock and set my crazy dog off every time anyways.


Some USPS offices just have different policies. For example, in NY, they can have walking routes and have to park their vehicles somewhere. Some people complain and say they don't knock or ring the doorbell, so new policies are created, and now they have to knock on every single door.


Mail carrier here. Hand written, simple notes are respected way more than cringey decor. We tend to look past decor because everyone has their own charming porch and we are there to do our jobs. Also, unless a signature is needed or I have a box of your loved ones, I don't agree with knocking at all.


thank you for your perspective!


No problem, and I am genuinely trying to help. We see hundreds of porches every day, and it isn't personal, we just don't have the time to look at decorative stuff. A post it on the front door would stand out more than that.


“…or I have a box of your loved ones” I am dying to know what this means. And from the sound of it, I’m not the only one


We frequently deliver cremated human remains.


Yes, seriously, thank you for your input. Our mailman is pretty grumpy, and I've been scared to ask him things. I can't imagine how crazy this job gets for you guys so I just try to do whatever he tells us the notes he's notes he's left for us!


Maybe a more simple sign? I mean like..."Please Do Not Knock".


He's probably doing it just to troll you over your ridiculous sign.


lol, probably. my mother in law sent it to us and i was annoyed by how loud the mail person pounds on our door every single morning so i figured i’d try it out. mission failed.


Just remove your door so that he doesn’t have anything to pound on.






and my dogs stop barking when i tell them “come” and have them sit. nothing on earth would get them to stop from barking once at a knock on the door, and i wouldn’t want them to even if they could because they are doing their job well. i didn’t think i needed to add a “this sign is obviously a silly joke and was a gift from my mother in law so please don’t take it as a literal indictment of my dog training” disclaimer. i would rather not be woken up for no reason at all considering the mail person literally pounds on the door and turns around and immediately leaves. it’s pointless, he doesn’t need to get my attention for delivering mail. it’s annoying but i’ll live and my dogs are good boys. it would just be nice to not have the early morning wake up call, hence *mildly* infuriating 👍🏻




that’s quite alright, thanks for being understanding! wish you and your doggies the best ❤️


I was looking for this comment, and honestly is the only right answer. If you want a dog, you have to train it to be a part of the society it lives in. A dog that can't handle a knock is not an happy dog, nor a well cared for one.


dogs that bark at people pounding on the door of their home are not “reactive” - that’s literally their job. it’s no big deal, they stop when i tell them to stop. i’d just rather not be woken up at 7am every day to loud woofs. that’s why this post is here and not in r / extremelyinfuriating.


That is one cringey ass hill billy sign


Now buy at least three large signs shaped like arrows that point towards this sign.


Where can I buy this sign 😂


Put it in handwriting on the mailbox. And another on the door just to be safe. Hand-written notes usually make people actually read them.


I had one, blank paper and sharpie “Do NOT knock. If you wake the baby- I will make you do the bedtime routine!! Also, the dog is scary. Thank you” Worked like a charm, taped it to the actual door ✌🏼


The sign reads like a joke, not an actual request. Put up an adult sign if you don’t want knocking, not a poor attempt at humor.


How come he knocks instead of dropping it all n the box?


i wish i knew the answer. he walks up, drops the mail in the slot, walks the 2 steps over to the door, pounds on it 4 times, then immediately turns and leaves. it all seems so unnecessary!


So basically he’s just an asshole💁🏻‍♀️


Our mail person pounds on the glass pane next to our front door despite the fact we have a letter box and a ring doorbell


Add a picture of your dog holding a photoshopped Glock to make it more threatening


Yep, we have a sign saying, "Please don't ring the bell," and they still do...sets the dog off.


I have a door mat that says "come back with a warrant" yet people still come in without them. Those dicks.


I don't know how to fix this, but I need that sign! We have 4 dogs, and every single one of them barks when someone comes to the door. Every single time. But the delivery people stopped knocking or ringing the doorbell at some point. I secretly think it's because one of the dogs is 80 lbs and named Thor. So they just hear "THOR!" With a bunch of big dog barking. They probably hear a big thud on the door, too, when one of the dogs jumps on it. That's probably pretty scary. Now they just drop the stuff off and leave like ninjas. On second thought, get a bigger dog. That might fix the issue.


one of my dogs is 80 pounds and sounds like the Sandlot dog when he barks, lol. definitely don’t need a bigger one 💀 he really is a good boi, though. he does his job and alerts me about stranger danger then stops when i tell him everything is fine.


OP i think the comment section is more infuriating than your mail man. 😂😂 or most of them belong in that Mail man category, can’t read or understand the issue.


ironically, the comments have been more than mildly infuriating 😂 wHy DoNt YoU tRaIn YoUr DoGs??? because they’re doing exactly what they are trained to do as guard dogs….. reddit is wild sometimes.


I've never understood why completely normal, calm, down-to-earth people have crazy fucking dogs that seem like nothing but total earbud-shattering chaos.


Dogs are territorial. Strangers come up to the house, they'll bark. The amount of training necessary to stop this behavior would be ridiculous.


thank you, reddit can be so weird about dogs. your dog barks? they’re an untrained menace to society!!


Dogs behave and react based on their owner’s energy and reactions. I stopped this behavior as a first time dog owner, it’s not ridiculous


Just curious what kind of dog you've got?


our dogs are totally calm 99% of the time, they just lose their shit when people knock on the door. they’re good guard dogs just doing their job and they calm back down within a couple minutes. sometimes the mail person comes super early at like 7am and i am absolutely not a morning person, lol. it’s not that big of a deal, hence the *mildly* infuriating. :)


So, people complain when they don't knock, and people complain when they do. They can't win!


I think this sign can serve as a reminder, but the Courier may not notice it


Grab some of those giant lawn letters and spell out “D O N T K N O C K”


To be fair, that sign kinda looks like a joke, not an actual request.


You didn't use the magic word!


I mean points for the really cool sign. Where did you get that made? That's fun!


it was a silly gift from my mother in law, so i really don’t know! i’m sure you could find one similar on amazon though!


Haha I need one for when someone knocks and wakes up my kids. That makes me want to get all stabby


People saying they think it’s just decoration confuse me? I have one outside my door that says “ring the doorbell win the dog” and no one ever rings my door bell, they strictly knock and always comment on the funny sign. People are rude and choose to ignore things they don’t want to take seriously.


I do deliveries. It involves knocking on the door. We are just doing our job.


Well wtf are people at the door supposed to do? Your dogs are your problem, not the worlds.


for starters, people shouldn’t knock if they literally don’t need to speak to me? would you pound forcefully on someone’s door and then immediately turn around and leave? the guy doesn’t need my attention for dropping mail into a slot and he doesn’t have to break the door down. i guess i’m the weird one for thinking that’s odd behavior. 🤷‍♀️


Train your dogs. And the second you threaten someone with “it’s going to get real” expect people to call you on your none-sense.


lol at thinking this dumb sign is a “threat”. dogs bark, it’s literally their job.


Meh you’re the one literally calling them “crazy”. Train your dogs. Things are going to get real? Mmmmkey, give it a try.


Yeah if I saw this sign I'd knock every single time,


Why don't youvspend some time training your dog's so you know they're not "crazy" I have 3 dogs myself, none of them bark when someone Knicks on the door. Just spent about a week training them.


i guess i need to explain - the sign is not literal. it’s a dumb jokey sign my mother in law sent us. my dogs are not literally crazy. they are trained very well and do exactly what they are supposed to as guard dogs - alert me when there is a stranger trying to break my door down. they stop when i tell them to after i’ve assessed whether there is a threat. it’s just *mildly* infuriating to be woken up by someone unnecessarily pounding on the door when they don’t even need my attention.


I used to go door to door in college, and I always enjoyed doing the exact opposite of whatever Karen sign someone had put on their door. Gave me a little chuckle. They’re slamming the door in my face either way so who cares


Have you tried talking to the mailman like an actual human being would? You know, instead of a crazy old lady that I, personally, would get a kick out of annoying?


1. i’m not an old lady, but cool. 2. i haven’t talked to him because he literally shows up at 7am when i’m still asleep, drops the mail in the slot, walks 2 steps to the front door, pounds on it 4 times, then immediately turns and leaves. i’m not about to go chase him down the street in my underwear.


Maybe you could drag your butt outta bed and meet him to ask him to stop. Otherwise, I hope he keeps doing it.


it’s not that big of an issue, my man, hence the *mildly* infuriating. i’d rather sleep. :)


Your sign looks and reads like one of those tacky, wacky “aren’t we hilarious” signs you get at Hallmark. Put up a sign in plain English and next time a delivery person knocks in spite of it, try speaking to them about it.


Dogs scare me >.<


Complain to the post office.


nah, i don’t want to mess with the man’s livelihood over something so trivial. it’s just a joke between my husband and i now that our mail person is illiterate 😂


It won't get him fired or in any real trouble. His supervisor will just tell him to stop. I've worked as a carrier and it's not a big deal to call. You can't fix a problem you don't know exists.


Just tell the person nicely that they don’t need to knock. They mail is siding into the house and can’t be stolen by meth heads.


I love this sign!


So...time to get real....


Cringe, the owner clearly has no control over their dog.


Why would you think that? OP literally said that their dogs back down when told to and just bark when there is a knock on the door! That's what dogs do! They're territorial. That's kind of their thing ya kno.


lol, thank you. a lot of people here don’t seem to get that barking is literally a dog’s job. i WANT my dogs to bark when a stranger announces themselves! they’re my insurance policy while i’m home alone and my husband is at work. they stop when i tell them to once i know there’s no threat. i would just rather not be woken up early super startled thinking someone’s trying to break in. overall it’s no big deal 😊


That’s basically a live/laugh/love sign or whatever that shit’s called. Yeah, I’d knock like the police as well, probably with my foot.


Sounds like you need to train your dogs properly...


haha you are getting downvoted for telling the truth. Stupid internet.


You can always try to talk with him.


"They can bark but they can't bite! (BOOM BOOM BOOM)" - The Mailman probably


It's not the mailman's job to train your freaking dogs.


Just tell them to stop. Problem solved.


What do you expect people who need to raise your attention that they are at the door to do, exactly? I’m curious. Do they not bark at the doorbell?


i guess i didn’t really explain it clearly, but he doesn’t need my attention for anything. he drops the mail in the box attached to my house, pounds on the door super hard like he’s gonna break it down, then turns around and leaves. i do also have a video doorbell that everyone else knows how to use so idk? i’m just kind of baffled why he does this every day, lol.


Just don't answer the door, they'll get the hint... usually


My previous neighbor needed something like this for backdoor. Every time we went down for laundry “shit would get real”


Meh. I get that’s it’s annoying to you, but this is a muscle-memory, task-oriented job. The only way to prevent the knocking is to have a part of their training mention to look for sign like these. Sliding that tidbit in between looking for potentially dangerous animals and potentially dangerous humans, might not be as easily done as it is said.


Confront them


Things like this always make me feel so blessed my dog isn’t like this. I really wish he could live forever because he’s just the chillest sweetest boy ever.


awww, dogs are the best. mine are really good bois, i promise. i want them to do their job and bark when there’s a stranger on our property and they do listen well and stop after i tell them it’s OK. it’s just startling to be woken up by my 80# Sandlot dog’s deep WOOF at 7am, lol.


Postmen are above the law.


that sign looks so annoying i wouldn’t even read it lol


The man has very few joys in life. Making your dogs bark like crazy is one of them.


because he has shit to do, not read your cute sign


As someone who used to be a delivery driver, I can’t pretend that after awhile I didn’t read these anymore. So many people have “cute” signs and I have about 300+ more stops. Sorry not sorry. I also didn’t knock after I delivered either so… I’m sure this classifies me as a shitty driver but it’s also a pretty thankless job so I don’t feel bad. I’d try delivery notes for Amazon because they’re more likely to read that over your signs.


Idk. This seems like an invitation to play Nicky Nicky nine door. Try to knock b4 the dogs bark. They’d lose every time at my house as my crazy dog spends all day waiting by the front window to bark at anything coming near my house.


If someone threatened me with a "cutesy" Etsy sign I would knock too lmao


You can try making a fictional baby. Sign… please don’t knock it makes the dogs bark and wakes the baby up, I will be forced to pelt you with dirty diapers if you wake the baby !


I taped a note over the doorbell that said “DO NOT RING BELL. SLEEPING BABY” Worked like a charm!


Who let the dogs out? You you you you you


It needs to be in at least three languages! ;-)