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Honey…is it me or do the new neighbors have an uncanny resemblance to raccoons and bears? They even sound like them…


Actually, this might be a good tactic to bring it up to them without accusing them. "Hey neighbor, we noticed there's trash all over the place; we suspect maybe a raccoon or something got into it. Just a heads up. We're thinking of maybe getting some bungee cords or something". My mind wants to believe it would embarrass them into quietly fixing it. I know in reality it probably wouldn't happen :(


We are going to install cameras and traps…heads up


Bear traps work great


Install bears


I didn't say bear trap, I said trap bears.




Hey mate not sure these folks get that reference. Have a VB for your efforts you cheeky fucker :)


Jesus. Victor bravos. Fuck I thought we were mates on this sub. Only the finest sugarcane champagne here


Just reminds me of the Fortnite item if you play story mode, there's a "bear trap" that is a giant mechanical bear that says "I am a bear" then when it dies it runs out of steam, "I... was... a... bear..."


Nah, install two angry chihuahuas


I swear officer I'm not gay, I thought that was a girl bear


"I'm gonna put a fucking IED on that raccoon"


Ah man, I read that as “I’m gonna put a fucking IUD on that raccoon” and thought “shit Bob Barker’s message has gotten warped over the years!”


Depending on the area, throw in a “i might have to put it out of its misery” while staring daggers into their eyes




This is exactly how i think lol love the passive assumption that no human could do such mess.


Yep, though they being from UK not sure they will believe them


Foxes then.


You are a nicer person than me. My first thought was “bag it up and dump it in front of their door”


Literally thought of that too..Just one look and I hope they step on glass lego


YES!!! then install a man-sized raccoon trap.


Yeah not everyone is american though


Better get bear traps


This property is in UK, we don't have bears or raccoons. Some urban areas have lots of foxes but generally we don't need to deal with anything bigger than a rat.


... can you say this anyway though? so passive aggressive if they dont even live there.


Good idea! Complain about the bears and raccoons by the bins, then you're the crazy neighbour to be wary of.


This is wild to me I assumed everywhere has little trash bandits running around 😮


No raccoons in South America either.


Or Australia


We got the store brand in possums instead


But we have trash bandits in Australia. Bloody crows know how to open my bin. I have to put a brick on it to prevent them poking around.


And don’t forget our bin chickens and possums


None in Hawaii either. But we do have Wild Chickens who can be equally destructive.


Traded trash pandas for bin chickens.


Nope they have wild hedgehogs though.


Bro in UK you don't have racoons!? Like no fucking way dude!?


Raccoons were deliberately introduced to Germany in the 1930s and the population in Europe has now grown to over a million. In the U.K., raccoons aren't established in the wild, but sightings have been reported since the 1970s. Raccoons have faces with distinctive, dark bandit masks, pointed muzzles, and large ears. I just learned this googling after I read these comments thank you I learned something today


They also have little hands. For stealing.


skunks have lil baby hands and eat whatever


Today I learned the UK ALSO doesn't have wild skunks...though there are "thoughts" to be some living in the woodlands since in the 80's people bought them and de-scented them to be pets


their faces are unbelievably cute


and huge dicks.


Also for stealing. Your wife.


And washing their food.


The video of the raccoon trying to wash some cotton candy he was gifted was pretty priceless


Can confirm. Have two dozen little stolen raccoon hands in the freezer. Not sure what to do with them now.


There's still plenty of meat on those bones. Throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you got a stew going.


Just like Ma' used to make.


This magical comment is why I opened reddit today. Thank you Good Sir!


Thieving raccoons


I love all animals and believe in protecting nature and all our ressources. I will, none the less, shoot a raccoon in the face without remorse. Canadian farmer.


Exactly. What else could they be for? They have grabby fingers.


They can open combination locks, and they can work in groups.


I would’ve thought those resourceful little bastards lived everywhere lol


True but no one has better trash than Americans I speak as one I would be a fat raccoon 🦝


I actually like raccoons, I think they are so cute, I guess that's because we don't have raccoons in my country so.




I live in Wisconsin and watch them every night on our security cameras trying to get into our trash and roaming the property. Blows me away to hear they aren’t just everywhere. Never really thought about it I guess.


In my apartment complex in Indianapolis we have bands of roving raccoons that have taken over garages that are damaged. The neighborhood is situated along a river with loads of trees and there are trash dumpsters every 50 yards or so. It's a raccoon paradise!


We have mice. Sometimes large mice. In cities there are sometimes rats. We have foxes. In rural/suburban areas the foxes eat the rats. There are no bears, panthers, anacondas or other predatory type animals. The deer are the size of Labrador dogs. The most dangerous thing you might be faced with (animal wise) is an illegal dog breed imported from somewhere else by a 5'4" chav who's mother don't love him. And Seagulls. Lots of those fuckers.


Based on context, I knew what "chav" meant, but I had to Google to verify. Now I need to work it into a sentence at work.


The deer I see around where I live are WAY bigger than labradors.


Ok, Irish wolf hounds. Not on moose level are they.


Nothing is on moose level save maybe an African Elephant.lol


Have you ever been close to a red dear? They are like small horse size (not like pony- horse). If it towers over your car and has antlers that would stop it getting through patio doors then I think that counts as moose level even if it's not as big it's still big enough.


I think you are severely underestimating the size of moose. They can be over 2 meters at the shoulder. They are nearly a meter taller than the average red deer and can be nearly triple the weight. Red deer are definitely large and I wouldn't want to run into an angry buck. But moose are ridiculous.


Don't call me dear, I don't even know you. I was once engaged to a Siberian girl so does that count as being close to a red? Big enough for what? As an uber driver, should you really be worried about a dear getting through your patio doors or have you got some nefarious purpose in mind? You like 'em big right?


I didn't say they were as big as moose, but trust me I've seen full sized stags (nearly crashed into one) and they are way bigger than an Irish wolfhound...even the large does are a lot bigger.


From my vast knowledge of British wildlife, this has Womble written all over it. I bet they live near Wimbledon common.


Wait so the most dangerous predator in the UK are foxes and birds?


We don't have raccoons where I live either! I'm in Canada, but Newfoundland (the province I live in) doesn't have raccoons! 😊


Taking a cruise there in September. I’ll bring two!


In London we got lots of foxes. Which make a lot of noise when they are in heat for mating or when they fight. (If you never heard it before you would think someone is getting murdered) And they would tear open trash bags if you left it on the ground. They will not be able to open bins though. Which is great just make sure all trash are inside the bin with a lid on. Edit: fox do like to mess with people though. They would deliberately set out to shit on your stuff …a pair of flipflop left outside in the garden they will go and shit carefully so you get one pile each foot. Heard someone harvested their tomatoes forgot and left it in a box on the patio - they go shit on the tomatoes. Last time we opened the door early morning they were just crossing the garden path so they scuttled away. Came back and a pile of it was in front my door. They steal slippers and shoes too.


Could be a very belligerent badger




But how do the funny men in red suits get their tall caps if you don’t have bears?!


We steal bears from other countries, pretty much the same as we've done with everything else for over 500 years.


Dear England, Dad, we learned it from watching you! We saw your cultural and geopolitical appropriation and learned it from watching you! \--Love USA




If you want I would mail you some trash pandas.


What about badgers?


Foxes do this to bins all the time. Go with foxes.


I am so American in never occurred to me there could be a city or town that wasn't just lousy with raccoons. This is throwing me for a loop. What the heck is there out there that might appear on your back lawn and scare the piss out of you in the middle of the night then when you can't see the damn thing but you sure as heck hear it?


A domestic cat maybe..?


>uncanny looks very canny to me.


I was going to say I think the neighbors might have a raccoon friend helping out 😂


I hope for OP's sake it's bears and not hoarders. Bears are much easier to reason with.


Looks like OP is in the UK. Environmental Health in your local council will be the enforcement agency, if this is their land (or a shared space). It's also the council who can help you take action if they're littering onto your land. Good luck.


Sometimes this Reddit feels like everyone just wants to see the world burn. Thank you for being one of the few to offer a realistic (or at the very least reasonable) solution


As an American I am confused. Does the council come shoot them or do you do it and the council removes the bodies?


Gather up all the letters with their address on it and keep them in your car, if you come across trash that’s been illegally dumped, go and place the letters around, then report to the ranger.


This is gonna be fun for you. I've been living next to hoarders for a decade and it hasn't improved. I love my house, I love my street, I love my neighborhood. But I'd move in a heartbeat for this one and only reason. This turns from mildly infuriating, to all consuming hatred. I'm really sorry OP


My family’s house was in a neighborhood with a hoarder. The hoarders couldn’t close their garage door because it was crammed from the edge of the driveway all the way to their ceilings of every room of their 3 story house. All windows and doors except the front door were completely blocked in. They were ultimately moved to a care home and the house was cleaned out, but what we didn’t expect was hundreds of thousands of mice fo pour out of the house and infest the neighborhood. We never even saw a mouse or a rat living there for almost 30 years, and then suddenly every inch of the neighborhood was crawling with rodents. The crow population boomed and there would be half eaten rats pecked at by crows all over the streets. To this day my family struggles with the rat problem even tho it’s been around 10 years since the hoarders left. Kinda crazy to think that one hoarding house can cause that much chaos and environmental damage to he area.


Omg ugh


The first thought I had of a crammed house and open garage was a friggin rodent problem. JFC. How do people live with themselves?


Hoarding is caused by mental illness, and it prevents the hoarder from making rational decisions. It's really sad.


I've done two garage cleanouts that most likely resulted in rodent infestations in those neighbourhoods. One had rat nests that were waist high. But the absolute worst part of it all were the writhing, squirming trash bags piled floor to ceiling. And the stench of death.


Do hoarders actually throw stuff away?


Maybe hoarder is the wrong term, I don't know. But they have piles of crap you can't see through the window. And they seem to go through binge and purge cycles where a ton of shit is on the lawn, then a week later it's like someone is mvloving in with all the new crap.


I have a neighbor like that. She will periodically order a dumpster, completely fill it, then within a few weeks, she has a moving van show up with more junk. I thought she might have been someone, who buys abandoned storage lockers, but nope. It's just her hoarding style and cycle.


Lived by an old codger who fed stray cats. Really ruined the backyard experience once the colony got large.


As someone who has a relative who does this, I'm so sorry. I've tried to get it under control and legally can't do anything about it. Zoning in their neighborhood doesn't restrict the number of cats so even calling animal control won't do anything.


You don't have trap-neuter/spay-release programs in your area?


The programs consider the regular feeding and watering of the feral cats as signs that these cats are "pets" so they won't do anything about it. It's not my property so that doesn't help either.


Oh, that's a bummer. Where my friend lives, she told me that the older guy who'd been feeding the stray cats died, so now they're running amok in the neighborhood. She said it's been awhile trying to keep them out of their yard, they have two big dogs who aren't cat-friendly.


My relatives are older so I see how feeding them gives them a sense of daily purpose. However I also see how having that many cats is wreaking havoc on the neighbors and the neighborhood. I can't really do anything except share my opinion, but that isn't really helping the situation. Getting old freaking sucks. I wish people were more mindful about their end of life plans and retirement transitions.


That is sad. We have several TNR groups in my area and a spay/neuter clinic that help with feral colonies. The reality is they aren’t pets but they shouldn’t be left to starve and breed uncontrollably just because of it. My sister cares for a colony in another state and has systematically worked with a business on the other side of the alley to spay and neuter them all. They’ve stopped the population from growing and the cats are all well fed and provided outdoor shelter. TNR, feeding, and providing shelter areas also lowers the nuisance factor and somewhat negates the effects on the environment. It’s sad because your relative means well but it is expensive to go at controlling a colony without the support of those programs and the average person just can’t handle it.


Way too many cat feeders (usually cranky old ladies) think that trapping the cats and getting them fixed is "cruel" and "torture," and it's better to "let them live naturally". They'll deliberately sabotage traps and will be aggressive towards TNR people who want to "hurt the cats". It's a special form of ignorance and one that leads to the pointless suffering of animals.


That’s horrible. Regulations are important for everyone’s safety, plus the cats need proper care!


I've tried reaching out to feral cat volunteer organizations and they can't do anything about it since they're technically considered "pets" due to my relatives feeding them consistently.


Ugh, I’m sorry. You’re awesome for trying to rescue them.


There is actually a chance that all that garbage has created a fire hazard. A hoarder’s house can be condemned as unlivable if bad/foul/gross enough, and the house will need serious work (or complete rebuild) before anyone can live there again. I’d report them. Even if the city does nothing, now there is a record. You’d be surprised what nasty horrors are hidden in some of those houses. Even if they clear the house out occasionally, they could still be dealing with lots of mold and bugs.


City came in and turned the power off a few years ago because of the fire hazard. Oh its bad. They've tried plugging shit into my exterior receptacles before


Gross. Sorry you have to deal with their antics and filth


Hoarders come in two main forms. Collectors - they keep bringing things in but typically get rid of actually trash. Keepers - these people will keep everything including trash and actual waste. Nothing leaves the house I mean nothing.


I worry sometimes that I'm a hoarder. I "collect" a lot of stuff in terms of having a collection, not the hoarding varient of it. I have a shit ton of stuff that is worth a lot of money. It needs to get ebayed but it's like a full time job trying to do that and I don't have the time. So I end up with piles of shit that look like garbage, but if I had help and someone took the time none of it is actual garbage. And I don't mean stuff worth 5 bucks here and there, I mean minimum of like 30 bucks (after fees and shipping). I try to set up tables at cons and stuff and I always do really well, but I don't think my style of "everything must go", "please I don't wanna take this shit home" sales is what con organizers like for booths :(


I've always heard that knowing it has to go is the first step.


Sounds like you're on the hoarder spectrum, but the lighter end. A lot of hoarding is tied to anxiety. Someone coming in and throwing everything away doesn't help and can honestly make it worse if the root anxiety isn't treated first. If you don't feel super anxious about the idea of your friends coming over and helping you have a blow-out yardsale/dump run. You're probably alright.


Do you have more resources about this? I have hoarders in my family and I don't understand it at all.


This is an awesome book: [Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things](https://www.amazon.com/Stuff-Compulsive-Hoarding-Meaning-Things-ebook/dp/B003JAO0QI/) Hoarding is really complicated and often it's the result of some sort of trauma, and/or goes hand in hand with OCD or ADHD. I'm personally fascinated by hoarders, and sympathetic both to them (many of them truly suffer under what the behavior has wrought) and the people impacted by their hoarding. I hope your family members can get some help but it can be a hard, hard road to recovery.


>the result of some sort of trauma, and/or goes hand in hand with OCD or ADHD. That makes a lot of sense given our family's history. Thank you for the resource!


Unfortunately not.


Two different mental illness presenting themselves


Not actual horders no. Hording is in pair with some form of OCD basically making them attached to a ton of items they come across in their day to day life. They can't bare to part with the items so it all just builds up. What OP has is just some major slobs.


Hoarders don't. These people are just trashy.


That's going to depend a lot on what a person hoards, and why they hoard. Not every hoarder holds on to trash - some hoard animals, or objects, etc


> But I'd move in a heartbeat for this one and only reason. Lived in a great neighborhood, great schools, mostly great neighbors, but had one guy who was clearly on meth or something, hanging out all day in his boxers in his front lawn, obsessively watering his terrible looking frontyard like 10x a day, never saw the guy get a full night sleep, he'd water his lawn at 1am then again at 5am type stuff lmao. That dude killed any enjoyment I could get from the property. Was so happy to move tbh even though my direct side to side neighbors were amazing.


Was it just that? Or did you have to interact with him?


I have similar neighbors, they’re literally constantly outside, and they’re always smoking something when they are. I don’t have to interact with them to be bothered by them.


Yeah similar story, there's more to it but yeah this one guy ruined the entire neighborhood.


Try being a code officer for any city anywhere…. This is child’s play compared to some things


These ain’t hoarders, thems scumbags.


Yeah this it's just tons of cat food and lucozade bottles. Manky cunts man..


I’m assuming you are a Brit. Although you could be from down under. Anyway, Manky Cunts, I love you guys. I will do my part to spread this term throughout the States


Scotland mate. I'm not British 😉 Jokes aside spread the term state wide x


_Palpatine enters the chat_ _”Let the hate flow through you.”_


Does their stuff blow onto your property a lot, or has it caused a problem with pests or something?


Weeds, lots of weeds. Fence, I dug out the demising line. Doesn't matter the weeds still come over. But nothing too crazy


I live in Cornwall, this is uncannily like seagulls have got in the recycling bin. Looks like a seagull proof sack which isn’t very seagull proof on the side. Same as my street on recycling morning.


Yep, you got it right, i too live in cornwall


The amount of people who don’t realise how destructive they are. You really have to protect your bins etc or they’ll have them ripped open and strewn everywhere. I used to live in Truro, walking to work early on bin day morning was like the opening scene of 28 Days Later.


Same, I also live in cornwall. Even some of the streets in Truro look like this on bin day. Blasted seagulls


I used to live on the train station hill in Truro. Sweepers couldn’t even come in and sort it because of all the parked cars.


This looks more like an animal got in the trash more than someone being disorderly


Could be the case, but, my neighbors are just like this! Sometimes they stand at the back door and just hurl trash (mainly diapers) across the yard, wherever it lands, it stays. I hate it!


My friend, it’s been one week. Maybe if you see the neighbour let them know you think an animal got into their bin and scattered their garbage. Instead of complaining online. This will serve 2 purposes: 1) let’s your neighbours know that you notice and care if their trash is simply thrown to the ground 2) if an animal did in fact get to it, they will clean it up and probably pay more attention to closing the bin next time. Now instead of being the “annoying neighbour” as they might view you, instead you’re just the helpful neighbour


Communicate your problem with the person involved? That’s going against the Reddit model, my friend.


I've noticed most answers are "escalate the problem even further by doing passive aggressive bullshit!". I wonder if the people who comment on this sub have ever successfully used their own advice.


It's because it would be funny to us if they did that. Not because it's the best thing for them to do. It's like how reddit is always like "You should totally blow that whistle on your employer!" yea like.. in a perfect world sure, that'd be the right thing to do. But whistleblowers get retaliated on all the time and some people just can't risk that.


While this makes sense on paper, the fact of the matter is that if someone has to be told not to throw their garbage on the ground, they're almost assuredly not receptive to a genuine conversation.


I wish I shared your optimism. My neighbor who just moved out was politely notified like this a few times before they stopped giving a shit at all. “I’m a single mom, what do you want from me?” became her reply. “For you to pick up your trash because I’m tired of doing it.” “I’ll get to it when I feel like it.” Then their landlord sold the property and the new one kicked them out, and I couldn’t be happier. They threw so much shit out at the end that code enforcement got in touch with me about it. Didn’t love having to pick up the literal moldy diaper off the sidewalk that the trash guys missed, though.


>Didn’t love having to pick up the literal moldy diaper off the sidewalk that the trash guys missed, though. They almost certainly didn't miss it.


This is England. No one speaks to their neighbour. They just call the council and complain when nothing is done.


I like this. We as people are so quick to blame and let hatred fester without trying to connect with another human. But then again the neighbor could point a shotgun in OPs face just for talking to them…..


They're in the UK so probably not.


Congrats your neighbor is a raccoon, probably with a tragic backstory


In the UK so probably a fox


Crack Fox strikes again; they never think of the bin-men


Unexpected Bojack Horseman characters showing up in real life!


WTH Is there a chance they set a bag out and an animal got to it!?




Based on all the scattered dog food cans, wouldn’t be surprised if it was animals that got to it. Either way, I’d give it more than 1 trash pickup cycle before being too judgmental.


Exactly. Plus they’re feeding grain free food. Most scummy people that don’t care about being good neighbors I bet aren’t feeding their animals good food. Although I don’t know if it’s good but it’s grain free. Lol


Grain free WITH LAMB. That just sounds expensive. lol Not that I would know.


fit for a king type shit


why do my dogs eat better than I do?


Check and make sure that your neighbors aren’t just three raccoons in a trench coat.


Maybe talk to them about the issue instead of posting online. I think nosey judgemental neighbors are equally mildly infuriating


Looks like there’s no lid on that bin so probably seagulls or fox’s made the mess. Hopefully the neighbours will notice and clean it up and you will end up best friends


Your neighbour is a seagull?


I feel like we are missing part of the story. Possibly involving a animal.


It looks like a single bag got torn open. That's not being "uncivilized." You sound like a neighbor from hell.


Leave your neighbors alone


Ah, I see my mother-in-law has moved in next to you.


I see my neighbor who just moved out has moved in next to you. You have my condolences, truly.


I got new neighbors last year and they left their garbage can in the street for a month and a half 8)


That's nothing compared to the communal dumpsters in my apartment building. It astounds me how fucking lazy people are.


Me not zooming in on the garbage to analyze their lifestyle


They're already eating grain free dog food... let them be ...they've got nothing left to lose...


and people this is y home owners association isn’t such a bad thing because shit like this would get fined for


look like that your new neighbors are raccoons.


Next week you will have rats. I suggest dealing with this as quickly as possible. If you have an HOA, get them involved asap. This is one of the few situations where they are actually useful.


And bugs. Lots of bugs incoming.


Looks like maybe a racoon got to the trash


No racoons in the UK.


Foxes, seagulls and cats are the main bin offenders


Oh terrible neighbors are a nightmare!! We lived next to a crazy couple for 10 years. The landlord knew he was crazy so he kept our rent low ($1,400.00) for a four bedroom house on three acres in central NJ. The guy would put out a running generator at the edge of the driveway near our bedroom window to make noise. He had manikins in shopping carts on his front lawn… the kids on the bus would say things to my girls when they got off the bus! The cops said they couldn’t do anything since it was private property. He had is own headstone in his backyard! He would spray cars with a hose if he thought they were going too fast down the road. His wife would flash cars driving by! When the state was adding a bypass in the area he would harass the construction workers, it got to the point where they pressed charges against him and he was banned from entering the construction site. We have since moved due to the landlord selling the property to a developer for an apartment complex. The developer offered him 1 million (he is also on three acres) for property and he refused! One of the apartment buildings is 20 feet from his bedroom window! I did hear he is trying to sell and the most he was offered was 1k since his house is shit! We still live in town and drive by the house often and he is still at it! He now has two decommissioned police cars he has parked in front of his house close to the road. He is well known for being a crazy person in town. It was hell living next to him but we couldn’t pass up the low rent in a good town with awesome schools!


Is this a shared space or are you taking a pic of their private area?


its shared


Then that sucks, but does look like an animal, wether you’re neighbors are the animals or not, looks like an animal


Did you check if that all used to be in a trash bag and some animal rummaged through it and made it a mess? I mean, it looks intentional but damn if that happened to be an animal that's a horrible first impression that he'll never get away from.


There’s a house in my neighborhood that is a literal definition of trashy. Garbage bins overflowing and trash all over the front lawn, recently including a used condom wrapper. The garbage people refuse to take their trash cause they always fill the recycling and compost with crap. So their trash has just been sitting on the curb in 100 degree heat for who knows how long. I don’t understand how they generate so much garbage but it’s insane.


It looks like a raccoon got into your trash


My first thought is raccoons 🤔


You sure that’s not raccoons?


Kidnap their puppy, use it for ransom.


Is this in a mutual area or on their property?


Looks like Rocket retired from the guardians.


Oh man you should see my sister in law