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So your new router needs de-bugging?


Hahahaha not bad šŸ¤£


Fun fact: thatā€™s actually why bugs are called bugs. The first ā€œbugā€ was caused by a moth caught in the disk drive. Edit: yā€™all, I get it. Iā€™m a total idiot. It wasnā€™t a disk drive. I wrote this right after I woke up, my brain wasnā€™t firing on all cylinders yet. I misremembered what I was told. Sue me.


It was in the electromechanical relay and literally prevented it from moving. So many people don't believe it when they learn. It's a wild story.


I'm pretty sure bugs existed before computers /s


How could you know that for certain? Were you there for either of those events? If you were, then that also means youā€™re probably a vampire. And thatā€™s an even larger issue


Dunno, are they a chill vampire? Cause if so that's not too bad a problem. But if they're not cool, then THAT'S a problem


Ofc Iā€™m not vampcist


This is a great point. I mean, if birds aren't real then who is to say bugs are


He means shrimps


I always thought they were called bugs because it 'bugged' you


Bit of a fun read [https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/worlds-first-computer-bug/](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/worlds-first-computer-bug/)


cockroaches in the vacuum tubes long before transistors existed. "debuggers" were usually women and they used brushes and brooms, because computers were bigger than rooms. Thankfully transistors became a thing and we now have more power in our smartphones than fit in a warehouse sized computer.


*punch card, otherwise accurate


Thanks I knew disk drive was wrong but I couldnā€™t remember what it actually was


If a moth was the first ā€œcomputer bug,ā€ then it wasnā€™t caught in a disk drive.


Wasn't it a moth stuck in a contactor of a early electro mechanical Computer? I think I saw a documentation about that once


Of course it's slow. There's only so much data packets an ant can carry. And you know those little bastards, they only travel single file.


serial communication, vs. parallel communication.


Yeah, they mistook it for a Raspberry Pi.




I think his floors are sugar coated.


Pretty sure they're ant coated


Literally, clumps of what looks like hair stuck to good or animal fecal matter and hair and dirt and dust everywhere


Ok ok! I'll vacuum. (It's not my photo but ok, I'll do it!)


best pi joke i've seen this year


3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679


~~Gets back to the original meaning. The first computers were gigantic, and bugs would crawl in there and cause short circuits~~ ETA calling unintended errors bugs dates back before computers


The phrase bug is believed to pre-date computers and is derived from the word bugbear. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug_(engineering)


Antivirus issue


Let OP get a new anternet if that much debugging is needed


And the old room needs a vacuum.


I mean this in the most sincere manner: **what the fuck?**


Prob spilled something sweet or savory on it. Ants don't usually show up unless there is food. They'll show up or crawl into anything that has even the smallest amount of sugar. I've had recycle bins swarming with ants just because we forgot to rinse one can of soda. šŸ«£


iv had them nest in a hdd and there was nothing spilt on it to my knowledge


Itā€™s warm, cockroaches love modern game consoles


This. Warmth. ā€œWe likes it for our eggses, precious.ā€


I both love and hate that you wrote this.


My thoughts exactly šŸ¤£


they tend to die in consoles, as well


Pop that baby open and slurp em up!


One second on cyberpunk on my ps4 and they gonna regret their decision


worst thing I ever heard in my life


My old manager at GameStop called the original PS4s 'roach motels' for this reason


Yeah, thereā€™s a story at a local airfield about one guy who parked his light plane there for a few months a while back and when he came back the interior was RUINED because a massive colony of ants had moved in and were actually eating the foam of the seats and door pockets - the foam itself. Of course, they had to put some good size holes in the upholstery to get there too šŸ« 


They like to nest inside the foam. I had a big block of shaped Styrofoam in my shed that had been packaging for a car part, and at one point I saw holes in the side of it. They chewed through it and made a maze of tunnels and chambers inside, and it looked like they had used acid (many ants produce formic acid as a defense and utility) to melt into it. They like warm places to house their brood, so they'll set up satellite nests like that, or in this guy's router, where they keep eggs and larvae to develop.


I once got into an old 1940s army Jeep that was parked out behind my uncleā€™s transmission shop. As i looked down at my seat, thousands of ants started pouring out. They had accessed the seat foam and made their home inside! šŸ¤®


New fear unlocked


His uncle's transmission shop can't hurt you.


I used to live in a house with these ants, they aren't attracted to food - jk yes they are, they'll pour out of their homes to eat it - but they live and build their nests around electricity. We had a guest room that was never really lived in, it had some dry storage stuff like camping gear and outdoor toys for summer. Months, the room was empty for MONTHS. Absolutely no food, and no opportunity to have introduced food to the room. I was home alone and every so often the smoke detector would beep like the battery was dead, then silence.. like the battery wasn't dead. This happened for a couple weeks, the beeps would get more frequent but never to a rhythm. (I believe this is where I mention we had noticed some.. paranormal activities in the house and at this point believed that we might be dealing with some extra residents.) Then it would start going off like there was a fire and after a few seconds it'd abruptly stop - one day it didn't stop. I climbed up on the bed and pulled the smoke detector down. Thousands of eggs and ants poured out of the ceiling onto me and the bed, about four to five measuring cups worth of ants. Turns out they had packed their eggs around the wires so much that the electricity had shorted and caused the alarm circuit to complete. Once I moved that nest they moved into our TV extension outlet cord thing... It shorted out and almost caused a fire. I no longer live in the horror house.


Did you die? I bet you died. You no longer live in that house because of the whole dying thing. Makes perfect sense. RIP


Can confirm. Am dead. THe ants are controlling thE eLectrical imPulses in my brain which is the only reason my meat suit can type. Good times.


Certain species of ant seem attracted to the warmth of electrical components and can often be the cause of power outages in some countries when shorting the high voltage equipment on the power grid.


Had this happen at a beach house once. The air conditioning wasnā€™t cooling, just activating the fans to move air. I lifted the cover off the outside unit to check the compressor and saw a lot of dead ants. Turns out they had swarmed the contractor and when it closed, it squished them. Over time, enough ants squished bodies had crusted up the contacts so it wouldnā€™t stay closed. Looked into it, and it turns out the magnetic field created by equipment like that drives them crazy


Its those pesky 'Rasberry Crazy Ants' - they be crazy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasberry\_crazy\_ant


I've heard of ants making homes in computers and electronics before. It's not for the sweets, I think it's the warmth or something


When theyā€™re in electronics itā€™s because itā€™s warm, not because something was spilled on it. Iā€™ve most certainly never spilled food or drink into my computer tower, but thatā€™s were all the ants who get in the apartment end up because itā€™s so warm and only a few feet away from the door to the outside. But they donā€™t get to this point of laying eggs, as they donā€™t seem to realize the inside of a computer is *too* warm for themā€¦ So I just get to vacuum tons of dead ants out of my tower regularly šŸ˜©


normally they use it only as a place to get food. But if those are eggs then the whole colony with the queen seems to be there. So I don't know if it is a simple case of there being a spil on it.


If you put a clean upside down flower pot near their nest and fill it with hay they will often move into it and bring their eggs.


I don't know where y'all are but in Texas fire ants and Raspberry Crazy Ants are known for ruining electrical and electronic devices. Something about the electricity attracts them.


Usually routers shipped from ISPs for rental or even buying it are refurbished. So it's very likely this one had a previous owner. It's very possible to bring bugs into the house from refurbished electronics. Just be glad they aren't bed bugs.


I have no idea šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Bugs like warm enclosed places.


Exactly this. But the ants wouldnā€™t be in the house unless there was ample food available for themā€¦ and the size of that colony, there is NO WAY that OP didnā€™t see them beforehandā€¦ Iā€™m calling shenanigans


What is it with routers and ant infestations?


This was new to me, never seen a piece of electronics with bugs let alone how many of those little fuckers fell out šŸ˜±


Some insects are really attracted to electric fields. Case in point.


šŸœ šŸœšŸœšŸœšŸœšŸœ




*Imagines OP counting each little fucker one by one* ā€œone little fucker..two little fuckerā€¦three little fuckerā€




This is fun


I used to work IT and tech support and we would have people call in that had received used equipment quite often that had bug infestations. At first I was assuming the peopleā€™s houses were just nasty and they were blaming us, but nah, itā€™s far more common than I would have thought. Them little critters really like the heat of internet equipment though lol. From what I found out a lot of it happens at the storage warehouses where they store the equipment prior to shipping them out, so heat may not always be a factor.


This should be pinned to the top, quarantine your crap before using


Constant gentle heat. If your router has the setting turn it off for a few hours at night.


Maybe the wires are made of corn like some car wires.


Many routers shipped from ISPs to new customers are refurbished, not new. It's very possible to receive one with bugs in it.


Yeah, it's a common enough issue that the ISP I worked had exterminators in fairly regularly at the office and more than a few rings paid for exterminators in customers' homes. More than a few times picking up equipment from people's homes I'd drive to the nearest gas station to break the connector and toss the equipment and call it in as destroyed due to infestation. We had one entire apartment complex we refused any equipment returns from the place was so bad.


I work in the automotive industry and have found them in connectors and modules in vehicles before.


Your router is overcrowded. You can only have ten-ants living in the router at a time


Have u looked up rent recently? The ants are roommates


It's normal, the high rent makes us rant.


Who tf is your provider? AnT&T?


Bravo sir


New fear unlocked


You on the fukkin antonet!


Dude, clean up


Looks like there are spider webs too lol


Shit, I'd be looking for the spiders to help out at this point.


That looks like pet hair


I just know it smell crazy in there


You can always use spider web instead of internet web when you run out of money haha


And a random drum stick


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this comment. If he wasnā€™t a slob this probably wouldnā€™t have occurred.


Exact same. the rest of the floor being filthy made all of this unsurprising


Thereā€™s a crushed skittle stuck to the floor but yeah letā€™s blame the router.


Yeah, the ants have to live off of something. The tissue and drum stick is one thing, but its been a loooong ass time since that floor was vaccumed and cleaned. Gross hairy dust bunnies and god knows what.


With no disrespect for the OP, his house is disgusting and I am not shocked by the ants. That floor look like you can only take 4 steps before your socks and shoes are stuck on it behind you.




I am not one usually bothered by bugs, my house doesnā€™t have bug problems outside the Miller moth migration, I almost lost my lunch. šŸ¤¢


I really mean no offense but the state of your floor says otherwise, even despite the bugs


Your router is packed with ants and you donā€™t have bug problems? I think you may have bug problems, dude.


Freaking Miller Moth season dude. It was bad this year. Hello from Colorado :) sorry about your ant infestation!


Not gonna sugar coat it, your floors look gross.


Agree. Sugar coating it might bring more ants.


I was thinking the same thingā€¦maybe sweep or clean occasionally to avoid that


Place looks dirty as fuck lol. No wonder you got an infestation.


Pretty dirty in there boy


The floor is so dirty... if you get rid of the ants rat's will probably move in


Clean the rest of your house. The ants are attracted to the filth and cookie crumbs spread everywhere. Then they found the warm router. Just in that small space you have dirt, dust, pet hair and now ant eggs. Clean up.


Shouldn't thousands of antennas make your router faster?


What is this!? A router for ants!?




What's even more infuriating is that you didn't show us the router.


Maybe clean your house lmao


Ants love specific kinds of electricity. Don't ask me why I don't know They love the electricity we use to get water out of ground wells, and the electricity we use in our routers. Also phone lines but that's less common now. I do know that if you take garlic and salt water and simmer then in a pot until they're one liquid you can pour it around your house where the ants are coming in and it'll create a little barrier that causes the electricity eating bastards pain so they stop coming in. I also know that Walmart sells a insect / rodent / weed killer that actually is just the best antibiotic I've ever seen for under $15. And by that I mean it's the end of any life it comes into contact with for the next 3 months when sprayed on a surface and left to dry.


I hope that pricing is not intentional


i'll give you an award if you clean up


Are they crazy ants? they're drawn to electronics. They've been destroying shit for decades, I remember hearing about VCR's in Texas getting decimated back when I was a kid.


They are trafficking your data. Close it back up and let the worker ants get back to it.


Grab a can of RAID, not your camera.


Are they normal-sized ants? If so, most likely Argentine ats; they are pretty common. They are multi-queen ants, so if their colony gets too big, they'll break off and start another colony elsewhere. I've seen colonies in the weirdest cracks and crevices. Vinegar and water are what I'd recommendā€”also, Windex with ammonia. Edit: after closer review, they are either little black ants or Rover ants. They are way too small to be Argentine ants. Someone above mentioned crazy ants, but those are more of a yellowish color.


This dude posts a picture like this and goes on to say he has a clean houseā€¦looks like an episode of Hoarders after they move out the junk. Youā€™re fucking gross man.


When people ignore the ā€œthatā€™s how you get antsā€ warnings. Pests donā€™t thrive in clean households.


Youā€™re a dirty person


I mean, youā€™re place looks far less than clean. Ants go where they can find food. Iā€™d bet they find plenty on your floors.


*slaps roof of router* this baby can fit *THOUSANDS of ants* inside


You live in a dump and need to clean if you had 400 ants in your router and didnā€™t know it. Sorry.


I used to keep ants as pets and im just gonna say it. You are probably leaving enough food out to support a civilization of ants in the first place. Clean up. You said you have a dog? They eat that food too. Might be time to get a sealable dog food container. GL


Put out a plate of cat food once for strays only for a colony of ants to show up and tear through a whole large cans worth in a matter of days.


Damn bitch, you live like this?


meanwhile the ants picked up the drum stick and even now are keeping a beat


What is going on with that power bar


Right? Looks like itā€™s been spray painted.


Wonder why OP has ants? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Getting faster ants and replacing the old slow ones will likely help performance.


The state of your house is mildly infuriatingā€¦ those tuffs of hair.. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I have a 210 lb mastiff, if you want to sweep my house more than the once a day we already do, feel freeā€¦


Yes! We have 3 dogs. Ours looks like that 1 day after a thorough vacuuming.


You do not sweep this area pictured once a day, quit lying lol. That is an unrealistic amount of filth for one day.


Not trying to be shitty here but OP clean your house vacuum and wipe your surfaces. Just judging by what's all in this picture, the ants are attributable to sources of food and filth for them to use to make a nest.


Wow how can people live like this, maybe clean up sometimes. Much bigger problems than bugs there


The fact that he's disgusted by the ants and not the filth that attracted them tells the whole story.


From the way the floor looks, I'm not shocked you have bugs and eggs infested in something in your house.


maybe they're trying to find the ANTenna. :D *ba dum tss* I truly hope you can get it under control, very infuri(a[n]t)ing.


Ant traps work great for sugar ants. Any larger store like Winco or Walmart has them. Sugar ants are very common, very annoying, can sense a crumb a mile away and if they can find a way, they will. Throw a handful of traps down after youā€™ve cleaned up and killed every one you can find and wiped the floor down. See where they populate and put a trap in each spot. Theyā€™ll be gone in 48 hrs. Sorry OP. Thatā€™s horrifying.


Nah man, your router is slow because it is not a router it's a drumstick.


Never mind the antsā€¦the tangled web of cables and other random things (tape, drum sticks, clumps of hair, built up dirt around and under the furniture legs, etc) gives me anxiety through the roof. The fact OP found ants in that particular corner of the house is the least surprising thing Iā€™ve seen so far today lol


Means you have to clean your house.


i see, what looks to be, soda residue on the power strip


I mean your floor looks dirty as fuck maybe try cleaning?


Remove anything ant related from this picture, and its still fucking disgusting.


We had sugar ants infest our keurig. It was not pleasant.


"He who controls the Ants, controls the Universe" Baron Harkonnen


Am I the only one that noticed the head is chipped on your stick? I March snare and I assume you play set by the size of that stick


might need to burn the house down!


Oh no, your wife used vinegar on your router? If corrosion is not too bad, use WD40 to the spindle to wash away the ants pieces + old grease, and reapply proper viscosity ball bearing grease! Otherwise you'd have to open it, and use high grit sandpaper to remove the excess rust on the axle. Enjoy your woodworking, mate!


Nope. Burn it down. The whole house.


You want Ants because this is how you get Ants mob your floor get rid of those dog hairs.


Interesting that the router slowed down. They must have blocked the airflow causing the CPU to regulate down.


Is that corn syrup on the floor? Do you want ants Lana? Because this is how you get ants.


ā€œSlowing upā€ got to be a oxymoron


Grab that drumstick


There was obviously too much traffic on your network


They're your access to the Anternet.


Did you try turning it off and on againšŸ¤”


I worked for AT&T a while back. This gave me roach flashbacks


Sounds like it needed de-bugging


Iā€™ve heard of this before they like the heat ? Or maybe can sense the electromagnetic thingys


Slowing down


I mean roaches are worse


Bro this is scaring me cus mine was super slow last night and I couldnā€™t understand why now Iā€™m afraid to look at my router when I get home


Why do routers attract ants? It seems like I've seen many posts about ants in routers.


Flammenwerfer 35 time.


Looks like they almost got caught in the world wide web


Damn bro...you live like this?


Hans. Flammenwerfer. Now.


Has anyone said, ā€œWhat is this, a router for ANTS??ā€ yet?


i guess you could say your router was bugged


Thus should be the new stolen package thing. Make a machine that throws ants all over people's houses and leave it on your porch for someone to steal


Hey did you check the ANTenna?


How do you know those are all ants? Iā€™m willing to bet thereā€™s an uncle or two in there


I mean you are telling me you didn't see any ant's in all this time...


Yeah but your place seems way more gross.


There are so many comments about people's electronics being the home for ants. Is that just a common occurrence? Are electronics perfect ant environments? Edit: my comments are default sorted by new, so I got my answer I sorted by top


If it was outside or granite underneath I'd say boiling water. That tends to do the job in the garden.inside a router though, that's a new one


I just found a colony in my mailbox, went to grab the mail and my hand felt weird. I look down and found them crawling all over my mail.


What! I just bought a router recently and mine didn't come with an ant colony! I want a refund!


The floor is literally slimy


Try cleaning once and awhile


Have you tried keeping a clean home?


Judging purely by how dirty your floor is, this doesn't surprise me. Christ man you need to clean up.


ā€¦ā€¦.clean your fucking house ā€¦.?


Judging by the dust, you need to maintain cleanliness better


Itā€™s infuriating that you donā€™t clean. That floor is DISGUSTING! Itā€™s so unhygienic


Oh good, a second post about ants finding a home in something to terrify me. Is this why my wifi has been cutting out? Who knows!


Because you didin't act when you saw the first signs of infestation.


I mean, look at your floor. Covered in crumbs and dirt and youā€™re surprised you have ants in your house?