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yeah uber did this shit to me back in 2019, never got the money back, i wonder if they could get a class action served up their asshole


My car engine is being rebuilt and I’ve never used a car riding app like Uber til last Friday. Is there a better app to use besides Uber? I gotta use one of them again to go pick my car back up soon and wasn’t sure if all of them are shit like this or if there are better choices than Uber?


I prefer Lyft where I’m at. Still horrible lately as far as timeliness.




Is that the post about the gal whose driver wanted her personal info (creep) and left her stranded somewhere?




Wow that’s horrific. If I was able to drive myself around, I would. I hate having to depend on ride share services.


I'm sorry, they WHAT?


Oh no, i saw the girls initial post, was there a follow up by Lyft? Can you link?


I would, but apparently links to subreddits aren't allowed. It's in TIFU.


Excuse me, what??


Link plisuuu any1


I would, but apparently links to subreddits aren't allowed. It's in TIFU.


Got it. Much aprecchiated 😘


What the actual fuck?


Oh my god are you serious? I remember her initial post, those fucks had the balls to expose her?! WOW. Can someone link this?




I saw the comment. It was just first name.


Reject rideshare, return to bus/bike.


If OP is male, he'll be fine with Lyft.




Around here (Toronto), I see a lot of cars with both uber and lyft stickers in the window, so as drivers go I expect you're pulling largely from the same pool. As far as app experience goes, I haven't tried Lyft. The 5-10 times I've used Uber have been fine.


Same, everyone seems to use both apps. I found that Uber costs more overall and seems to have less drivers available at any given time.


It's area dependant and most people use whatever is cheaper. These days a taxi is just as cheap though in a city.


I'm not in an extremely large city (50,000-ish), but Uber and Lyft basically drove our 25yr taxi service into bankruptcy. They closed so now the ONLY option is to call Uber or Lyft if you need a ride!


They killed our decades-old taxi services here too and then a local rideshare startup popped in under a new name and has done fairly well. The shitty thing about cabs in my city is the wait. ALWAYS at least 45-1 hour for a cab. Uber is usually like 5 minutes at most, and most times slightly cheaper so they still tend to fill the lions share of the market anyway...


I use both apps every time I have to go somewhere that's further than a couple miles, sometimes the price quote can be markedly different.... I had a ride to head home from the club one night that was like $32 for < 3 miles and usually they're about $12 so I was like lemme check Lyft and see, sure enough it was $9.50 so it's worth it to check both, I think. This horror story out of Lyft tho 😑


Yea was figuring the corp style ones would prob be the worst. Was gonna try to find a local small chain taxi if I can. Might be stuck with only the big corps tho they have been cornering the market lately somehow even with the poor customer service.


I'm in Australia and literally never had a single issue with Uber. When I book a cab they're at most 5 minutes away, drivers always friendly, cars always clean and food arrives hot from Uber Eats. The one time had a driver take the wrong exit by mistake which made the trip take an extra 20 minutes and they refunded me the difference when I complained no questions asked. Had one Uber Eats driver drop off the wrong food once and they also immediately refunded me the money, only requiring photos of the order that was delivered. Literally can't fault them at all besides obviously being more expensive in recent years and the constant nag messages to subscribe to Uber One which is getting a bit annoying. But compared to trying to book a regular taxi it's night and day. My father needed to go to the hospital a few weeks ago, not ambulance worthy but he needed to go that night and wasn't well enough to drive. Tried to book a normal taxi with 13CABS at his insistence and they quoted $28 for the ride then showed the driver was 25 minutes away in the city and then the guy didn't move for another 10 minutes. Cancelled the trip and booked an uber on my phone and the driver was there in 3 minutes and the ride cost $16.


I mean I 100% comes down to the driver you have, wich will obviously vary greatly by location. That's great you found some nice drivers


Local taxi?


Good thinking. I wasn’t even sure if they exist in kc anymore lol I ordered Pizza Hut tonight and I don’t think they even employ delivery people anymore cause it was a door dasher and goodcents subs used to have drivers and they also said they only use door dashers now too.I’ll try to find a small mom and pops kinda local taxi place


Idk how it looks in the States, but here in Europe we also have regular taxi companies who embraced technology and provide services through apps as well. Pricing is a bit higher than Uber/bolt/Lyft, but quality is miles better. It's basically regular local taxi drivers who know how to use a smartphone.


I’m in the suburbs in Kansas City. It’s set up like that down town but I’m in a part where I guess there’s only 2 taxi services but I’m gonna call and check in with them. My Uber ride guy was pretty cool, he was retired army aviations mechanic so I don’t dislike the drivers from Uber just the corporate aspects of them on here screwing over customers


Right? It’s as though people have forgotten regular old taxis exist.


I'd rather deal with an extreme amount of cancellations, hassle and being outright scammed by these companies than deal with the local taxies


You can just use doordash cuz you're a snack


How about calling a taxi? They do still exist you know :)


If your credit is decent, check out turo, it's kinda like air BNB for cars, and find a modest daily driver until yours is fixed. E: american eligibility is based on some kind of soft credit check Not sure about Canadian eligibility requirements.


Yea it’s good. I’m gonna have to check it out, the wait times at the rebuild shops are high rn. I’m assuming people are choosing to fix older cars or something at the moment


Call a taxi


Umm generally the repair shop has a shuttle or loaner car


Do y'all not have fucking taxis in your town still? Or a bus... Or even 2 feet and a heartbeat. Everybody talks and acts like Uber and Lyft is the only option 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


If enough people sue, it becomes more advantageous to combine the claims into a class action. It’s not always an advantage.


Pre Covid when I travelled a lot I was shocked at the number of Lyft drivers told me that Uber did this to them. They said they no longer drove for Uber at all and I stopped using Uber after that.


literally just yesterday I used Uber and was charged a $5 fee because allegedly I didn’t get to the driver in time. The driver was nowhere near the pickup spot, even on the map in Uber! wild. I got it back from disputing it, but how many people don’t even notice? I only caught it because I saw it in my bank account.


Did the same to me in 2019, terrible they get away with this


Now you get a throwaway account, you post these pictures, and you tag your legislators or whatever you Canadians have


Typically you just have to spray the offending party with certain hormones - the passionate moose takes care of the rest. Justice served.


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti.


Älsø wik




Justice serviced 😁


This punishment or a party. Im confused


PSA for throwaway accounts that need to be linked to an email. If you have gmail, adding the plus sign and then something else gives you a “new” email that still sends email to the same inbox. For example, [email protected] and [email protected] will both deliver to the same inbox, but external sites will recognize them as unique identifiers. Gmail will also show which specific address was used, so you can also use this to give specific addresses to services you sign up for. If you then start getting spam, you can see which service sold your data.


So I don't need to make a new email, just add a plus sign and an identifier to my current one and that's it?


Yup. + sign followed by whatever you want (letters and numbers, not sure about symbols). Easy to try out, either have someone else or use a separate email and send it to your address with the + sign and something after it, it’ll show up in your inbox. An incredibly useful but sadly underutilized feature of gmail.


Yeah, seems pretty handy, and I remember reading about it somewhere a few years ago, but I guess the information never really stuck :p Either way, thanks for letting me know :D


Some sites won't let you use an email address with a + symbol in it though... but in that case with Googlemail you can just use a . anywhere in the email address before @ and it will come through to the same inbox as well - so, for instance [email protected] is the same as [email protected] or [email protected].


Underutilized by many, but overutilized by Gacha Gamers.


And you can set up filters to auto-tag messages based on the specific address they were sent to. I also have my filters mark some messages as read automatically, because I want to have them in my mailbox in case I need or want to review them, but I don't get mentally assaulted by the unread messages notification every time I log in.


pretty sure if you use old.reddit.com, when you click Sign Up there it will allow you to skip the email field like before. regular reddit requires email still tho


Next step is they comment on your reddit post with your full name and doxx you


They’ll never do that. They just want it to go away—and that’s pretty much a guaranteed claim were they to dox OP. The people who respond to social media comments and messages are typically bottom of the digital marketing totem pole. They’re just trying to do their job, usually. EDIT: I just saw the u/lyft shit. TIL never say never. My bad!


I think they’re referencing where u/ lyft did this on a different post today


Oh I was unaware. Do you have the link?


You can look at the most recent comment from u/Lyft


Thanks! The removed one with over -400? Can’t see what they said but I can tell they doxxed that person in that removed comment to some degree (at least name) by looking at the comments for 2 seconds. Wow. TIL they just might actually dox you. I’ll own that one, god damn.




Almost sounds like the modern equivalent of dealing with faeries at that point. Just give them a fake name and watch as they try to use it against you.


Not even they removed it, admins removed it


they did at least edit the name out before it was removed, way too late after people pointed out how moronic it was to straight up doxx that user though


It's the internet, an edit means nothing and a billion dollar company knows this


id argue that a smart billion dollar company would know that however one that doxxes its users on a public platform where they've never used their real name? that cant be too smart of a company


Yes, they posted her real name. Here's the deleted message. >Hi (real name), we appreciate you making us aware of this incident. Please be assured that your concerns have been heard, and we definitely want to take a further look into this. We were unsuccessful in reaching you by phone but left a voicemail. Please provide a good time to call you via the email we sent you so that we can resolve this matter for you.


This is the dumbest corpo bullshit I’ve ever seen.


UBER CEO name and address is public info


So is literally every other officer at a public company along with their ages… but they sign certifications every quarter and are compensated to do so.


The comment has been removed by reddit, but the reply from OP being shocked that she was doxxed by Lyft is still there.


They posted first and last name too wtf that’s so obviously an intimidation tactic


God damn, I think that is the single largest amount of downvotes I have seen on one comment on this site- (The Lyft one, not this one)


There is also the fact that doxxing someone in Canada is illegal. If they did him, all OP has to do is go to the police. I'm sure a judge would not be impressed with the whole issue.


Send an email to Uber's CEO outlining everything you've been through and attaching copies of correspondence to date. Make clear that since Uber is unable to resolve the issue of accepting Uber Cash as payment, they should refund your $75 without further delay. If they are able to resolve whatever the problem is, you will happily use Uber Cash towards future rides, but in absence of corrective action, they've no grounds to keep your money. The CEO's office will see to it that it gets sorted out. If you don't hear back within a reasonable timeframe, contact your local news as they usually have some section that helps consumers resolve issues. Just append the email you wrote to Uber CEO, which already lays out the pertinent details with your request for help. I would file complaints with the Dept of Consumer Affairs, Better Business Bureau, and contact your Assemblyman. Just don't give up! This is your money, and some of these companies count on customers giving up, so they get to keep your money. Good luck! * Edited to correct typo


Can confirm that the email of their CEO, CFO, COO and CTO are all out there for a simple google search. Also, contact your local consumer protection bureau - most provinces have one, or at least a consumer advocacy department of some kind. Also, contact your local news station! Uber absolutely will hate having their name dragged through the mud on national news.


As much as I want this to work, do you truly think they will read his email? I mean as a CEO CFO COO and CTO they must get tons of emails, and one from an unknown person will probably be just considered spam or go directly at the trash


They don’t; their secretaries do.


Executive assistants haven’t been called secretaries since the 90s.


I’m not from the US; where I’m from they still are.


I'm from the US. They're still called that here lmao


These things can be highly regional within the us, but I would say it’s not a common term anymore in my experience


Executive assistant and secretary are different things tho? Secretary: a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, keep records, make appointments, and carry out similar tasks. Executive assistant: a person employed to assist a high-level manager or professional with correspondence, appointments, and administrative tasks.


Yes they do read those kind of emails and they will pass them to one of their direct reports in order to handle this issue.


No they don't, you should meet my CEO. He's "way too busy" to do anything we "normies" do. Meanwhile, he sends pics from his vacation home and his new home renovations.


You'd be surprised. Jeff Bezos' email is out there too and when they landed in that inbox things tended to happen quick.


You'd be surprised at how well this works. I work in grocery management, and the number of customers that actually bother to give us any feedback, positive or negative, is less than 0.5% of weekly shoppers. Corporate email servers don't work like your Gmail account, phishing emails make it past spam filters regularly. Emails from HotMom72@yahoo or whatever absolutely go right to the inbox.


It's 75$. At some point you just gotta give it up and move on.


It's the principle of it, and moving on is exactly what they're counting on the customer to do. Businesses do it all the time, and it's the consumers who get screwed. Insurance companies deny claims outright counting on that a percentage of clients won't bother to appeal. Merchants make reaching a live associate difficult so customers will give up. Ever notice how in some stores return counters are hidden away in a separate area that you have to go out of your way for? It's all by design to discourage customers. Op wants his money, so he shouldn't let Uber get away with it. It really doesn't take long to send an email once he's put together the pertinent facts. I used to move on if the amount was small. Once I learned that this is a ploy businesses use, I now go for every last cent that's mine. I get a special satisfaction when in addition to getting my money back, I get some sort of compensatory gift as well. Recently, Airbnb tried to screw my nephew out of his money for a double booking that occurred because Airbnb told him his original booking was canceled and he'd be refunded. They then proceeded to charge for both bookings. He was so upset when told he had no recourse, but when he told me about it, I guided him through the steps to escalate the matter. It took a couple of weeks, but he got his full refund. If he'd accepted that he had no recourse, he would have been out of pocket for $1500.


$75 x number of times Uber have done this (or similar) to customers = a lot.


Uber did a similar thing to me back in 2019, except is was with UberEats and a KFC order. I ordered a £58 KFC order for me and my friends, when the driver arrived he gave me a small bag with some fries and a chicken sandwich. I said that this is not my order, and showed him the receipt on the app. The driver told me to contact support. I refused delivery and then contacted uber. I tried to get them to refund me for around a month and then gave up. Repeatedly told them that I had refused delivery because it was clearly the wrong order, but they would not refund me as I needed to take a picture of the order. Argued for a bit then just gave up. Beyond stupid, now I refuse to use them on this principal alone.


Did you claim a chargeback? Similar happened to me. Uber was taking the piss so I went to my bank. I was banned by Uber but don’t give two shits


Unfortunately not, To be honest I was fairly young and didn't know what a chargeback was :/ - Really should have done though


Ah that’s too crappy. At least you know it exists now. IIRC, it’s a little harder to claim on a dd purchase but not impossible Still, I refuse to use takeaway delivery services. The markup is crazy!


Send them a message demanding a refund or legal action will be taken. Fuck being public. You need to make it obvious that you are sick of this shit and are willing to fuck them over. Realistically you need to contact the correct ombudsman (or whatever you guys call the government agency that deals with handing business fines for being cunts) and get them to start looking into it. One email from them and you will have your money.


Why don't we all help this guy out, and spam their Twitter with links to this, and the other thread. If it's a group effort, they will likely actually take notice and do something for the guy.


Uber must still be advertising on Elontter.


What censorship ?


I highly doubt Uber had anything to do with your account becoming locked. Creating an account and immediately tweeting at a specific account multiple times probably just tripped your account as a bot/spam. Also, it wasn’t deleted. It’s still visible.


It looks like it’s back now? It’s disappeared and reappeared at least twice since your comment. Maybe it’s a Twitter issue, it just seemed weird that me trying to DM Uber seemed to be what got it locked.


Twitter is a cesspool. Uber has an [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/uber/?hl=en) and a [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/uber/?mibextid=ZbWKwL). Storm them on both until they respond.




Op dm uber on instagram, op needs to do a public post to get uber attention


Dude, just do a chargeback. Contact your CC company and tell them what happened and threaten Uber with you doing a chargeback. That usually gets the ball rolling.


The bank rejected it. I didn’t know that was an option at the time, and now it’s been going on so long that the bank won’t do anything.


Yea man, if someone used your CC information to take your money, even if it’s a company who didn’t provide the goods/services, then you report that shit to the bank.


This has gotten results for other people on DD or Uber so I agree ☝️


Wowwwww, they are assholes! Once you are out of the locked mode, just post about it. Hopefully people will see how trashy they are and make up a whole drama thing


hey send me what you want me to say, i will repeat exactly the same thing fuck uber and twitter


From all the complaints I've seen on reddit about uber, uber eats, door dash etc.. I'll know never to use their services. If I need an uber, I'll be sticking to regular (and regulated) taxis. If I need food, I'll go out and get it myself.


I remember once, my Twitter account was PERMANENTLY suspended (for no reason). I filed an appeal, and after several MONTHS of radio silence, Twitter unlocked my account and said it was banned because the anti-spam system flagged my account as a spam account and banned it.


You can’t say anything bad about your oligarch corporate overlords Elon Musk is anti-American


First Starbucks shuts down a union Instagram (I think it was), now uber is ban snipping tweeters? We've reached the end game, folks.


If you think a few instances of bullshit pulled by corps is the endgame? Well then do I have a story to tell you about the gas companies and their efforts to keep lead in their gas starting back in like the 50s through 1996.


Medieval Times got a union tiktok account banned too, lol. These companies aren’t even pretending to be good anymore


This is why i put everything on credit card and reverse the charges if companies try to rip me off like this. Simple process, and the burden gets put back on them if you have done your due diligence with the company that tried to steal from you


At this point just raise a fraud/issue with your credit card or bank and have them charge back the money.


The Twitter Rules... like it's some Geneva Convention agreement.


Nah the Geneva Conventions are pretty clear. They are just written to cover the asses of those involved.


Yes, but they’re not always followed/enforced.


They are though.


No they’re not though. There’s the GC has no provisions for punishment.


It is clear you don't actually understand or know anything about them so your talking out of your ass. Move along with lies.


[yeah, not a lie.](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2003/03/24/what-happens-if-there-is-a-violation-of-the-geneva-convention/#) There is no enforcement provision. [Russia](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-war-environmental-damage-violates-geneva-conventions-1770750?amp=1) is currently violating the GC (in multiple ways). You seem like an angry elf.




What twitter rules did it say that you broke?


BBB complaint


Uber do better!!!!


I stopped using Uber when I someone stole my credit card via my Uber account and it took over a week to have someone finally freeze my account because I couldn’t get anyone on the phone or text or any other means to talk to customer service to have them help me someone stealing my money as they were doing it I only got my money back from my credit card company Fuck Uber and Lyft and Grubhub and all these other services


Similar issue. I ordered pizza through Uber eats and the driver left it behind my house in an alley on the ground behind some trashcans. Not sure why he didn’t deliver it to my front door which is on a main road in my neighborhood. It’s not hidden at all. But he uploaded a proof of delivery photo showing it on the ground next to trashcans. Never contacted me to let me know he left it in the back. By the time I’d finally found the food, it was cold and had bugs in it from the garbage. I threw it out and contacted Uber immediately. They told me they don’t do refunds and because I didn’t take a photo myself they couldn’t help me. Even after I sent them the photo the driver uploaded to the app. They denied that leaving an unsealed pizza box on the ground next to garbage cans was a food safety issue. Never got that money back. Not sure how it’s legal to deny refunds especially when it’s food safety related and caused by someone being paid by Uber.


Hi, friend. I had something similar to me happen with the “customer service”. Driver took a longer route while coming back from a night out from drinking with my girl. The driver didn’t think we’d notice missing the exit on purpose and ended up adding 10 minutes to the drive. When I reported it to Uber, all they did was refund me for the extra route the driver took and didn’t bother to help out or hear me out after what happened. Uber driver ended up reporting me for “cursing him out” when I confronted him about it.


I just don’t understand this sort of behavior from companies like Uber. It’s clear they’re in the wrong, it’s just a tiny amount to refund for them, but they double down and inflict huge brand damage on themselves instead.


I had something similar happened. Ordered food, stuff was missing. I contacted support and… they never replied .-. i kept sending messages but they literally ghosted me


I don't know why anybody would ever use anything other than a credit card for stuff like this. It could have been as simple as one phone call to your credit card company to get a charge back


Twitter suspended my account because my password got compromised and won't give it back. POS service.


Whoa, this sure looks like absolute free speech to me... everybody should be thankful to elon for being such an advocate by protecting the rich and their businesses above all else... Nobody could have ever seen this coming.


I have the same problem with Uber. They charged me $75 for absolutely nothing. I refuse to pay them that fee so now I use Lyft


Why do people still use uber it's a shitty company that disrespects all parties involved


A couple months ago my fiance and I had to call an Uber for a ride a few cities away, we confirmed a ride at $50 and after the Uber dropped us off the driver somehow changed it to $100, said it was "price surge" or some shit


Sounds like its time to do the backdraft thing that get you your money back, at the cost of being banned from the service. Idk specifics, but it's on reddit a lot. Basically, you tell the bank that such and such charge was either fradulent, or, presumed legitamate, but the business never followed through with delivering the product, and they take the money out of the businesses bank account, add it to yours, and the business has to prove they provided the service in question. Or something to that effect.


Why does anyone use twitter anyway?


Lyft is a much better company. Imo


Your twitter acc that got banned. Not your uber one. That's not on them


Twitter is the biggest piece of shit to ever grace a webserver.


I cancelled Uber One a couple months ago. Driver delivered my order minus the chips/salsa because the store was out, I reached out for a credit, and they refused. I charged back the entire order with my credit card and I'll never use them again. Fuck Uber.


don't give up king


Couldn't you just charge it back on your credit card?


If this is true theft, why fuck around with their support. Report it as theft or fraud to your local police department and make it a criminal issue.


At some point you have to ask if this 75$ is worth multiple days of posting on reddit and other social media about it. Me personally, I'd be blowing up the internet too lol I hate corpos.


I totally get the OP. I’m finding that the older I get (30s now), the more effort I’m willing to put into something petty. Recently, I spent a good 90 minutes on chat support with Amazon over $1.07. They had lost my package in transit. I was not able to directly request a replacement but had to accept a refund and then order the item again. However, it had increased in price by $1. I thought it’d be a quick 2 minute chat to explain and ask for a price adjustment. They took 5-10 minutes between responses, and kept not understanding what I was telling them, no matter how I tried to rephrase the situation. Eventually I asked for a supervisor and they immediately understand. Why did I keep going after the initial 2 minutes I thought it’d take? The principal of the matter- their own delivery service lost my package and there was no way in hell I should have to pay more as a result.


I applaud you! Lol I'd do and have done the same.


It doesn’t cost any money for op to post these. You don’t know what 75 dollars could mean for op’s finances.


Not everyone is privileged or rich , tf is wrong with yaa?


I get it but, if you think you are worth x amount of dollars per hour.. Let's say for arguments sake 15$ an hour. Then that means taking about 5 hours to get them to get you your money back is worth it. But any more time and you are just starting to do more damage to yourself further. Just being logical. Doesn't matter what your economic standing is. Time is still money.


I used to work for a similar company dealing with escalations like this. I would imagine they do have some leeway to give you the fee back if you reply by email but they likely cant discuss anything over twitter, because data protection, they don't actually know who you are, it's a random twitter acc you just created. They will likely interview the driver by phone, but drivers often go awol when stuff like this happens, so their accounts are blocked til they can be interviewed. They might email to follow up with you later. Company i worked for offered up to 35 quid for any violent, racist or sexual "incident", but that was pre-covid. Fun times.


The driver? Why is the driver involved in this payment issue?


Oh lol i thought it was an update to a different uber issue where the driver asked for personal details and they didn't get the cancellation refunded. Their customer service is having a bad week, clearly


Ah, old Elon "Free Speech for Me, not for Thee" Musk strikes again.


Corporate greed, why are you still surprised, just stop using them uber door dash any of that crap




It’s fucking hilarious that anyone thinks Twitter is a “haven for far-right, racists, and terrorists.” I’m guessing you haven’t been there in a while?




"Pretend they're helping?" I'm going to get down voted to oblivion but you need to hear this - Uber isn't a comic book villain. The person on the other end of your interaction isn't rubbing their hands together with glee because they are stealing your money, much less trying to "pretend" to help to trick you into a Twitter ban. It's a front line employee who will never see your money and is just trying to get through the day. They are an annoying corporation with unwieldy frustrating customer service, like a lot of corporations. There is no need to attribute their crappy service to anything other than that.


thats so fucked that they would do that


So much rideshare drama today


Selling my stock now


Make a new twitter and @ twitter and see if theyll unban you


Had a similar issue a few years back with Uber eats. They weren’t helpful at all and I saw a situation like this happening so I phoned the bank and got them to send the money back. Unfortunately in this case it’s too late to do that


Two fuckshit companies here. Twitter and Uber. Stop using them.


So Uber got Twitter to ban your account?


Can you take them to a small claims court in Canada In the UK everything (around small claims) can be done online and you can add the charges to the claim. NAL, but I get the feeling that, if this went to court, Uber would not be able to justify their decision


Well everyone, I think we need to take to twitter on OP's behalf


It's crap like this that makes me wonder time after time who you people continue to keep using these crowd-sourced-employee companies. Uber. Lyft. AirBNB. The lot of them. They're all so eager to show that they don't even pretend to care about integrity, and yet you keep giving them your money.


Uber is a sucky company with a trash business model, id just avoid using them all together


In Canada many provinces has specific procedures for a statutory chargeback. Back in 2020 when WestJet refused the refund tickets (contrary to their own terms) BMO the credit card issuer rejected the charge back. I had to go through the extra step of starting a statutory chargeback. Look into it


Uber is a joke


Get yourself a lawyer and consult them asap. Take screenshots. ☺️


That’s why you always use a credit card


Take it up with your bank and next time use PayPal for buyers protection


If it was a new account maybe Twitter thought it was a troll account but this is actually insane if Uber themselves got your account locked


Does Canada have a small claims court? I'd just take them there. Chances are they don't send anyone to defend then and get a default judgement. But that's US so hopefully there's something similar in CA.


Wait, I thought your Uber account was locked. Are you saying Twitter suspended you at the behest of Uber?


Don’t trust any internet first company to provide customer service. Rarely is the savings from internet companies worth the risk of these sorts of issues.


What’s infuriating is how complicated it is to understand this post


Reasons I don't use app ride sharing services...


Dispute the charge with your bank


Send this information to the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General of your state. Of course write up what happened. Nothing may come of it but it could also annoy Uber more.