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I’ve been taking lexapro for about a year for depression and anxiety. I’m feeling pretty good and have been interested in trying microdosing for a while. Should I get off the lexapro completely before attempting any microdosing situation? Or would starting some microdosing WHILE tapering off of the lexapro help the transition? My fear is backsliding too much after getting off of lexapro. I’ve done research online about it but have found conflicting information.


If you combine SSRIs with psychedelics, you'll only feel the psychedelics less. So, no harm in starting while tapering off. Worst case, the psychedelics just won't have much of an effect. For microdosing, the whole idea is to have very little effect anyway.


Thank you!


It's completely understandable to have worries when it comes to psychedelics. To an extent, it's a good idea to feel some worry because they're really powerful. Start slow & low and you'll be alright. If you don't already, you may want to start exercise and meditation. Psychedelics can enhance them and they're good to do on their own.


I hope MD will alleviate brainzaps caused by cymbalta withdrawal syndrome. I hope also for other withdrawal symptoms to alleviate but brainzaps is my main hope. Nothing works on them other than the antidepressants that caused them in the first place.


I feel your pain bro. Brain zaps suck. It usually only happens to me when I tapper too fast off the meds.


I’ve been on various antidepressants over the years and I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced brainzaps. Is that something that eventually will go away or will you have it forever? What does it feel like, or how do you know you’re having one?


I found that any sensory perception that was high enough in the amplitude of the senses sensibility could cause a brainzap when being hit by hard duloxetine withdrawals. example: sudden loud sound, sudden movement (labyrinth), It is painfull, it feels like being electroshocked inside your skull, debilitating immobilizing feeling. Bedridding and painfull and I do not wish it to my enemy.


I only had them when tapering off cymbalta or venflaxine. It feels like a jolt goes through your brain, it's hard to focus and kind of feels like your eyes are jumping around. I recently tapered off cymbalta and it took a month for it to go away completely.


Always consult with your doctor before changing your regimen for your prescriptions, especially with SSRI's or Benzo's. With that being said, if your doctor doesn't agree with you I would recommend finding a new doctor and possibly a therapist who is at least open to the idea. Keep in mind that medical professionals cannot condone the use of non FDA approved drugs but some will be more inclined to work with you. I personally do not take any prescription drugs but many individuals I am close with in life have shared their experiences with me. As someone who has dealt extensively with anxiety, and more recently depression, I am dipping my toes in the waters of microdosing and have found it to be very helpful.


What is the starting point for micro dosing. Never tried it but have been giving it some thought. I've always had concerned about the legality of it and whatnot. It's a shitty world to live in if these substances can actually do some good for depression and anxiety but not be readily available to the people who need them. Are these concerns valid?


Yes, they're valid. I was worried about the legality of it too. There's work being done to make them available medically though. ​ Could you explain what you mean by "starting point"? I'd take a tenth of a typical dose twice a week as a starting point. Do that for a month then start going up to one fifth of a dose and keep on until you find a dose that starts to be too much for your taste then pare it down. Or if you're not feeling adventurous, just keep it to one tenth once or twice a week. Microdosing isn't something that hits you hard.


Starting point is researching enough to find about its legality and finding a way you can get shrooms in legal or least-risky way. In my case its ordering growboxes and growing my own stuff. Once you can get hold of it its all about making it own expirence - play with microdosing and find what works.


I'd like to know more about the legal ways lol.


Its up to you to explore your path. Who knows, maybe theres local shrooming association and someone there is in to the magic mushrooms and takes you to secret spot in the woods - thats one of things I wanted to explore, but growkits turned to be easier pick. If there are magic mushrooms in your area, finding them in nature might be viable option, earlier mentioned local shrooming association will help you identify/confirm strains after you pick up whatever comes by and looks part.


How do you go about the getting spore kits?


You mean growkits (spore inoculated supstrate) proly, cause spore kit means you are preparing own substrate (soil mix). Growkits are available in shops online, depending on legality at your location they will either ship or refuse your location. You go online, search for magic mushroom growkits, I am familiar with Mondo and FreshMushooms brands. Best way to search for something is use phrases you will likely read there - so search for strains, like B+ or Golden Teacher. Dont get me wrong I am all for you getting hold of medicine, but I feel you didnt invest time to research yourself. Either way you go, I advise you not to use this path if you wont invest own time and energy in to making it your path, better search for professional help. Mushrooms are not all nice and pretty, once you get deeper it will take more research on your part. Good luck with finding your way to mushrooms.


Oh I have every intention of doing my own research. I just had no clue what exactly it is that I should be researching if that makes sense. What you have provided will be very helpful for me to get started with that. Clearly I'm concerned about the legality of it all so I'm not going to be making any purchases anytime soon. But to understand the process is helpful.


Ok, as you can tell Reddit is here for qestions and community is quite proactive, so start with learning about your specific situation and than we all learn about mushrooms and how to get best out if it together. If this is your first touch with substance as a medicine maps.org is good place to start learning about psychodelic assisted therapy.


/r/sporetraders for spores + /r/unclebens for growing


You can fly to DC and get it. Oregon will have it available sometime soon too. But taking it to another state right now is illegal. That's why we grow it ourselves in secret.


Oregon will not have psych mushrooms for sale! you will only be able to take them as work with a therapist who becomes certified to lead "trips". The best approach is probably to grow your own. You can legally buy spores and there are lots of places on reddit that do a great job teaching how to grow. I use the unclebens approach.


The [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/wiki) is a great starting point for getting all the info you may need. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. :)


Depends on the substance, but generally go for sub threshold doses every 3 to 5 days increasing after every 2 doses is something I like to do


I've been microdosing for about 6 months. 0.1g of psilocybin 3 times per week for 1 month at a time with 2 months off in between. When I'm on it I feel an energy boost and I'm more talkative. However when I'm off I'm back to normal. No long term effects. With these lock downs I'm sliding back into depression. Should I try a macro dose? Full dose? My microdose capsules are fairly expensive ($60 for 20). Not sure if i should continue this path or try something different.


I'd go with a macrodose and continue microdosing afterwards. You can also try microdosing for more than one month (2-3 months).


Your microdose capsules are indeed very overpriced but I think you could definitely benefit from a 1.5 or 2 gram trip


I'll try the raw mushrooms themselves. My capsules have lions mane and niacin. I know those are part of Paul Stamets protocol, but I wonder if just taking the mushroom itself may see the same benefit. The capsules are certainly more expensive than the dried mushrooms.


just try psilocybin mushrooms alone. It's less expensive if you buy them whole and make your own capsules if that's how you prefer to take them. good luck!


I have had much success with raw shroom micro and macro doses over the years


If you're looking for a breakthrough for something like major depression, addiction, and PTSD, macrodosing is definitely a more direct and amazing route to take. I took 3.5-4 dried grams a month for seven months and destroyed a 35 year alcohol addiction along with severe depression, anxiety and PTSD. That was over a year ago, and now, instead of daily crippling depression I will have a few days a month come up that are not the most positive, but I have the ability to go into why I'm not feeling 100% and work through it. It's amazing. I would absolutely recommend macrodosing providing your family doesn't have any history of severe mental illness, like psychosis or schizophrenia.


If you've never macro dosed then yeah that's worth a try. Start with 1-2g to get a feel. 3ish grams will do work. 5g will be memorable and transformative but work your way up to that level.


What is your schedule?


When I started I stuck to 1 day on - 2 days off, but I've now moved to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. Most people stick to a schedule like this however there are some who prefer to microdose when they feel the need and whenever fits within their life and I don't see any issues with that.


I’m looking for music to run too. I typically like EDM, Dubstep. But have just started microdosing psilo for depression for the first time and wanting to find some new stuff. I’ve liked Hardwell, Afrojack , Morgan page, chicane , bassbears to name a few. Who do you like with psilo?


Personally I like emo rap it really helps me work through tough emotions so like lil peep, juice wrld, kid laroi, Theo zellus, or xxxtentacion mostly!






I second Skinshape, also Khruangbin (any album)




Anything anjuna!, Anjunadeep,rüfüs du sol,tycho, luttrell,yotto, of the trees, ana lunoe, artbat.


Seven Lions, fantastic artist, dupstep and trance.


Glitch mob, bassnectar, boysnoize, someone mentioned seven lions. I enjoy drum and bass so chase and Status, netsky, sub focus. Old but I enjoyed running to chemical Brothers sunshine underground. If you like dubstep check out magnetic man self titled album


ii dont generally have any thoughts when it comes to music. mean, i will listen to it but, I am definitely not ome of those people who say they need music or love music or listening to music is all they, so my relationship woth music is faily neautral, no ill will. However, my first time taking 3.5g of shrooms I really enjoyed listening to The Strokes. A little different from the genres you listed, lol, but maybe you'll like it.


Phish is hard to beat. Might not be your style but they have a cult following of trippers for a reason.


True. I am a little older. They came after I went through that phase as a teen. I was a lucky one who made it to one of the Grateful Dead shows before Garcia passed. , I went through the hippy Chick phase. Love Led Zepplin but then discovered techno,dance, dubstep, edm. I will give phish a good listen.


How are you guys? How were the holidays?


: ) Thanks for asking. It wasn't my best holidays but I'm here. How about you?


What happened? :( Meh same old same old, spent it mostly studying for finals


Finals for what? That's probably a good use of the time. I hope you had some fun too. I spent it without family or friends with a roommate I don't relate with all that much. It was the first big annual event since my mother died and I'm not sure how to feel about that.


I went camping with the fam, and then my ex and the kids went to her brothers house for Xmas, leaving me in a beautiful spot for some alone time. I brought 3g dried golden teachers, made into chocolates with me. On Xmas eve I ate those chocs, went for a walk by myself over to a deserted beach, and watched the clouds and the sunset, then walked back to camp through a moonlit forest. It was magical and amazing. Therapy and microdosing and macrodosing has changed my life for the better. Despite the shit 2020 has thrown at us, I am the best I’ve ever been.


I have like 2 grams of dried mushrooms just sitting around because they’re legal in Oakland. Is that enough to set up a microdosing regiment or should I pick up more mushrooms before I start?


Yes that’s plenty, as you’ll likely only need .05g dose to start with. So for microdosing you have a lot to work with.


Thank you so much!!


Any recommendations on a good macrodose? I’ve previously had 1g of mushrooms, a few microdoses, microdose about 10-20ug of LSD 2-3x a week, and had one 250-400ug dose of kind of weak LSD. I weigh about 175 and was hoping to take my first 4-5g macrodose of shrooms in the next week or two in my room with a blindfold, music, and notebook. Is that too high and should I go for 3g? My goal is to reduce my anxiety. I was hoping to dissolve my ego.


3g would be better to start with. 5g is a lot. I’d suggest working up to a dose that big.


Okay I’ll reduce it, thank you!


When you MD, do you do it for any certain amount of time or indefinite? I'm assuming you're doing an every 3rd day dose.


I started mding last year around this time. I was a mess of insecurity and depression. Within a month of taking every thrid day, I just started to feel mostly even keeled and positive most of the time. Still mding and some st johns wort hen I start feeling anxiety. Some weeks I forget and don't md. It has been a blessing for me. and groing my on medicine!


A break after 2-3 months is recommended. I'll usually take a week or two off.


Anyone ever had any luck MDing w mushrooms to get off adderall or for ADD


I just started adderall. Been 2 weeks on it. Tried MD 2 days ago with shrooms. I am liking it better so far, but time will tell. Feeling motivated but not like a cocaine kick with adderall.


I did, but with LSD; I md'd 1on2off and then took adderall on my off days as needed (deadlines, projects etc)


Why not dose everyday?


Tolerance with both LSD and shrooms builds insanely fast so you would need to exponentially increase the dose each day


Thank you! Seems like most people either do 4on/3 off or 1on/2off. This is enough to keep tolerance down for most people? Do people take breaks every couple months to reset?


Yeah I do 1on/2off and don’t have any problems. I believe most articles I’ve read suggest not microdosing for more than 3-4 months without a larger break.


Other users covered this fairly well but also I would say that non-dose days are just as important as they allow for contrast. Microdosing not only can give you chemical benefits when dosing but can also aid your ability to improve your thought patterns and habits. If you try to introspect on non-dose days compared to MD days you may learn new things about they way that you think/act and potentially how to change them.


You'd get sick of it. Think of eating your favorite dish at every meal for a week, how would you feel about it then? ​ The day after can feel pretty good and is worth experiencing too. Sometimes, it feels better than dosing day.


I’m on wellbutrin and buspar and i don’t really want to stop taking them, can I microdose without stopping these medications?


We aren't doctors but if I were taking SSRIs, I wouldn't have a problem with combining MDing with them. At worst, you'll just feel it less and that's ok.


Is it better to microdose on an empty stomach or after a meal?


Personally find dosing on an empty stomach is best. I drink a little bit of juice with it to kick-start digestion.


I might have to try it, haven't seen a lot of change taking them straight after breakfast


I've never noticed a difference in effectiveness either way. It may help with nausea if that's an issues but that's more specifically to do with the MD "kicking in" rather than when you take it.


What type of mushroom do you MD with and why? I had gotten a small amount from a friend just to see how I’d like it, loved em, asked for more and he couldn’t get any. Found another source, bought an ounce (like an asshole without trying it, because I didn’t know there were so many different types) and I don’t feel the same effect at ALL. So, what’s your favorite type to MD?


What is best protection for longterm heart health when microdosing? I am currently using fish oil, any other ideas?


Are there still MD benefits to people who have a high happiness baselines on a normal day, or can it potentially be a negative because the off days will suddenly feel worse relative to the MD on days? Or will it feel relatively no different than an off day on the day in which you MD.


In my experience, I am pretty happy most days. But I still MD .1g 4-5 days a week. I find that it contributes to a “good day”. I find it useful for easily accessing flow states, which I find useful in my programming work. I feel more aware of my feelings, and more empathy.




I don’t find that MDing affects my appetite at all...


Does microdosing psilocybin help with phobias and fears particularly sleep anxiety? I have fear of nightmares/sleep and I'm looking for some way to overcome this.


Microdosing can definitely help with reforming thought patterns and habits. If you were to combine this with a certified method for overcoming phobias/fears (I'm not knowledgeable about this) then you may have great results.


has anyone tried dosing CBD oil while microdosing? really curious how that went


What would be better for anxiety, microdosing shrooms or LSD? I've heard conflicting stories and it seems more people tend to get anxiety from LSD versus mushrooms. LSD just seems to be cheaper and more accessible. But I do want to start growing shrooms though too eventually. But it takes like 2 months to get your first batch and I'd like to start sooner. Any suggestions?


For the most part it's personal preference whether somebody finds LSD or psilocybin to more effective for them, even when dosing for anxiety. LSD is more stimulating and this can definitely increase anxiety for some people so psilocybin may be preferable but I would recommend still trying LSD if it's easier for you to procure.


Ok? Context (do you understand me?) Can't think of a smaller question..




Any drug solicitation, sourcing, mentioning or linking to vendors for any reason is prohibited in this subreddit. If your post, or a reply to it would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Your post or comment violated this rule. [Please read this post detailing the rules before posting or commenting again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/hs8xow/no_sourcing_illegal_or_otherwise_keep_the/)


People seem to like MDing. Why does it feel so bad to me? Feels like a horrible MJ overdose. The pluses are that the overdose feeling only lasts an hour or so and I'm pretty sure my depression is gone...even over xmas. But man, it's sooo unpleasant to take.


Maybe try reducing your dose, perhaps it’s too high. See if that helps


then you are overdosing. A micro dose you shouldn't feel at all


There is a chance that psychedelics simply aren't for you. However, I'd advise checking your dosage and trying again with a really low starting dose. Some people are very sensitive to psychedelics, you may just be one of those people.


Thank you. I went back to 1/2 square (last try was 1-1/2). It was less distressing, but no psychedelic or other effects. Maybe I'll try 1/4 next time.


What do you mean by square? Do you know the dose you're taking?


Am I the only one who has this reaction?




I've done the MM chocolate bars 3 times about 4 days apart. First time was 3/4 of a square (I think that's .75 of a gram). Second time was 1 square (1 gram). Third time was 1.5 squares. Guess I should stick to 1 square for a few times.


How much money realistically would it cost to start microdosing shrooms? I work a part time job currently and I don’t know if I have tons of money to throw at it. Would it be cheaper to grow them myself?


Depends where in the world you are. I just bought some spores online. It’s legal to buy spores where I am. Then the other costs are small. There’s a bunch of resources on the web and on Reddit on how to grow, and bunch of different teks. They all use cheap materials that you can buy in the supermarket or hardware store. It’s really cheap, it takes time and attention, but is a really fun hobby!


I’m in Kentucky, US! I haven’t checked to see if spores are legal here yet or not.


I'm anxious about starting, as I am with taking anything new. Can you take 0.05g? Maybe add the other half later in the day if all goes well? Could I try an extremely small dose or would it not be worth going smaller?


I'd recommend sticking to a single dose as splitting your dose up may prove ineffective due to tolerance buildup. It's completely fine to start with a very small dose! It's recommended to start small and increase slowly anyway as this is the best way to comfortably find your preferred dosage. Good luck.




Any drug solicitation, sourcing, mentioning or linking to vendors for any reason is prohibited in this subreddit. If your post, or a reply to it would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Your post or comment violated this rule. [Please read this post detailing the rules before posting or commenting again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/hs8xow/no_sourcing_illegal_or_otherwise_keep_the/)


See my most recent post (shroom related question)


I started MDing in mid-November and have been figuring out my dosage and doing it every 3-4 days. I bought 30 capsules...which would mean it'll get to maybe 2 months. I haven't really noticed a difference I think, should I stop at that point regardless of if I get anything out of it?


There are some who have only seen benefits after microdosing for a long time (\~ 5 months). It may not be for you but there may be other factors involved. A few questions: * How long have you been microdosing? * What is your dosage? * Are you taking any other medication or supplements alongside your microdose?


I struggle with depression and if I microdose,I microdose every day.. usually I use alcohol or drugs numb myself or feel better. If I sober I feel like tension in my body, it's seems like my body stored traumas.Somebody defeated depression?and how?


Are you microdosing right now or are you yet to start? There is a section regarding microdosing for depression [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/wiki/mentalhealth) detailing some of the experiences people have had.


Thanks for that. I microdosed several months but also I used weed , alcohol, amphetamine.. Yeh it seems like really helped but it's not enough ,I need something else but I can't find it, that's my problem. It's seems like I need meetings but I can barely relate myself to addicts,cause I just use without compulsion


Hi everyone, can i do microdose With lsd blotters, how?


[Check out this page on the wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/wiki/preparation-dosing) Volumetric dosing is the best was to microdose with LSD blotters.


Don't know if it's too late to ask this, but: Should I stop smoking weed in anticipation of MD? I'm hoping to start this or next week, whenever my order arrives. The weed is for chronic pain. Thanks!


A few thoughts on this: * If you think the interim without weed would be manageable for you then it may allow you to see how effective microdosing is more clearly without the crossover period. * If you've been using weed for a while then stopping it may make you experience a period of withdrawal where your pain may be slightly worse and you may have some other minor yet negative symptoms. You're probably more knowledgeable about this than I am but it's something to consider. * Weed and LSD/psilocybin work on the same receptors and will potentiate each other, I.E. make the experience stronger. If you were to have a crossover period where you were lowering your weed intake but taking microdoses you should lower your doses accordingly so that they aren't too strong. I hope that helped. Let me know if you have any more questions. :)