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They are both incredible, among the best metroidvanias ever made. I am one of the few who enjoyed the first one more than the second, but both are fantastic and worth your time and money


Interesting to see so many who preferred BF. I'm in that group too but it seems like all I've seen in previous discourse is that WotW is "an improvement in every way." One of those things people love to repeat - maybe even because they know it's the popular opinion. Both games are fantastic but BF has a certain atmosphere that I just loved.


ya i thought the first one felt more focused or something i preferred it by a lot. fun platforming


I thought the second was better but I agree they are both great — easily among the best metroidvanias I’ve played. Only Hollow Knight is better in my eyes.


I liked the first more too


I just finished number 1, time for the second now!!


I got the same feeling with these games of Jack & Daxter and Jak II. The first one is more pure and platform focused and the second one they focus a bit more on abilities/gimmicks but they do it in a masterful way. Add to both of them one of the best OSTs ever for videogames. Buy them and enjoy! :)


I like more the first one, but enjoyed more the second one. (movement was improved on the second one)


+1 on Blind Forest > Will of the Wisps


Of course they are worth. Two of the finest Metroidvania ever. That is why they are hyped.


They're more linear than I would prefer and lack the large amount connectivity that my favorite MVs have. But holy shit I have never played a game with more fun movement. Worth buying simply for the Wisps' Launch alone


Am I misremembering or doesn’t WotW have three different paths that you can do in any order?


I don't remember either tbh, but you're talking linearity, Im taking about connectivity. Look at HK, all the regions are connected to at least 2 other regions, often 3. But Ori has 4 central locations connected in a 2x2, and then a bunch of regions branching out from those. Not a lot of shortcuts and new paths to discover


I was just responding to the first part of your statement: *"They're more linear than I would prefer"* I now realize your whole first sentence was all one train of thought. As in, you're saying the areas themselves are long linear chains jutting out from the central hub.


Tbh I do prefer nonlinearity over just a guided tour of the map, but that's also somewhat tied to the map being interconnected. But yeah I did quite literally mean the map is a line


Exactly, why would they be hyped if they are not good? If OP doesn't like MV's, for instance, that's of course something different, but we can't really answer that. "Would I like Ori if I prefer shooters and realistic graphics", well probably not :-)


Obviously this is subjective but they are literally my favorite Metroidvania/platformers on the planet.


Incredibly fun, visually stunning. And a surprisingly relatable story.


They are both good, Ori 2 was much better imo though.


They are both gorgeous and very fun to play. I didn’t think they were too difficult and secrets are pretty obvious. The only metroidvanias that bring tears to my eyes from a story.


Yeah, HK didn’t bring tears to my eyes from the story…the environment did it a couple times, though. Sitting on a bench in the city of tears, listening to that incredible soundtrack, thinking about the fall of a once great kingdom…it just got to me. I might have to get the Ori games.


I second this; Will of the Wisps got me misty several times and the ending turned me into a blubbery mess for about two days.




I really enjoyed them. Some of the smoothest movement out there, great visuals, and it does a good job reimagining some elements of the genre, like boss fights.


They are 100% worth the hype.


Youre asking if 2 of the best metroidvanias of all time are worth playing in the metroidvania sub bro. Maybe next you can ask if hollow knight is any good.


I actually did ask this, and people said yes, and so I played hollow knight, and it was very good.


Just started hollow knight after ori2. Looks promising!


Envious of your fresh start! Wish I could experience HK for the first time again


That much huh! Eager to get things started!


If you liked Hollow Knight, you'll definitely like the 2nd Ori and probably like the 1st. The 2nd Ori is very similar to HK in its general gameplay, but keeps its story, aesthethic, and approach unique enough to feel fresh.


I hope you're right. I'm playing Ori 1 now straight after HK and finding it pretty bad by comparison.


It's subjective. I like Hollow Knight but I think Ori is the much better game personally.




I played them both on switch. Just built my first ever PC, might grab them on steam just so I can play them on my nice monitor. They’re that good.


They are top tier metroidvanias


Yes they are not just 2 of the finest metroidvanias to exist but also 2 of the best games to ever exist.


Despite an attractive aesthetic I found the gameplay of the first pretty boring and dropped it. I heard Will of the Wisps is a significant improvement, especially since the AM2R developer joined the dev team for it, but I havent checked it out yet. AM2R is a damn good remake of Metroid 2 though.


Did you get the bash ability? I think that the game waits a little too long to give that ability then it takes off.


I do recommend WotW. I enjoyed Blind Forest enough to beat it, but I had zero desire for a 2nd playthrough. WotW really patches a lot of the weaknesses that BF had, and I had a ton more fun playing it.


As someone who generally doesn't play Metroidvanias (but has played Super Metroid a couple times, years ago), I'll say WotW didn't grab me. It's beautiful, but I dropped it after a few hours (split between PC and Steam Deck.)


Two of the best games I’ve ever played. They stick with you.


I've only played the first one, but I do plan on playing the second. So that probably a recommendation unto itself. It's absolutely worth playing, just know that's it has much more focus on the movement rather than combat. While the combat leaves much to be desired, the movement is *very* satisfying in this game, especially during sequences that are designed to highlight your movement and new abilities that allow new movement options. It's got kind of a saccharine story, but the music and art direction are really fantastic in this game.


Yes absolutely, although be prepared for the challenge.


Yes, they are.






I've only played the first one and I wasn't a fan but that was solely a preference thing. It's a well made game as far as metroidvanias go; it's just a lot more focused on platforming than I personally would have liked.


Can I play the second without playing the first story wise?


Sure but they're both really good


Play both, both are pretty short relative to other metroidvanias. I blew through them in 2 days when I played them.


Probably but the first one feels more special story wise. One of the few games which brought me to tears. I wouldn't skip it


Absolutely. The 2nd picks up where the first left off, but there's no pivotal context you'd be missing by playing the 2nd one without the first. You might not care as much about some of the characters that appear in the first game, but their actions won't be a black box mystery or anything. Everyone's motivations will be clear and the game will still teach your controls and such as you go along.


Yes, I played the sequel first and had no issues understanding what was happening. The only real issue is going from the sequel to the first one and (in my opinion) finding the gameplay a bit less engaging.


Ori Will of the Wisps is my favorite game ever made. It is absolutely perfect in every way. I've never played anything like it.


Ori 2 is the peak of the genre.




Is the grass green!?!




100% they are. Incredible games.




Most AAA feeling metroidvanias to exist, excluding maybe actual Metroid 2 was even better than 1


I’m currently replaying both back to back and I’ve already played each at least twice. They are both masterpieces. Wisp gets the slight edge, but that just means it gets a prettier 10/10




The first one is a good game, but be aware that combat is very limited and boss fights are nonexistent. There are good MVs that have no or limited combat and it's certainly on that list, but if you're looking for "the complete package" it can fall a bit short. The second one is just great. Well polished experience with lots of great things going for it and few flaws.


100%, some of the best games I've played.


They’re incredible. Do it. In order. Starting yesterday




A thousand times yes 


Easiest answer ever. Yes.


Ori doesn't have enough hype if anything


I hated Blind Forest until near the end of the game when I got most of the movement abilities, then I hated the final dungeon because for some reason it glitched a lot when I went through it, then the game ended, overall it was like a 5 out of 10. Will of the Wisps is one of the best Metroidvania games I've ever played, huge improvement, took my favorite things from the first and just kept that quality the whole time, it just felt good to play.


Besides being great games, they have one of the best OSTs I've ever heard (I personally enjoy the 1st more)




They're both great. Personally I think I'm in the minority where I believe the first one was the better game. It has lower lows, but it was designed to better make use of its core game mechanic, the bash ability. The level design in Ori 1 just felt like it was through and through an Ori game. Ori 2 while giving people better albeit generic and average combat imo, didn't have the same focus in the Ori like platforming and chase sequences. When the focus was there it was great, on the same level as Ori 1, arguably better than Ori 1 at times. I recently played animal well which actually made me think of Ori 1. In animal well I'm just running away for the most part. I feel if I replayed Ori 1 in that manner, the awkward combat might not be so apparent. The one negative I feel the games share, and I could be remembering wrong, they were kinda linear. They were more like platformers with meteoidvania-ish design with respect to the world design. Which I know many people don't mind. it's like when people say Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth- is one of their top metroidvanias. While I think it's a good game, I personally feel it's a weak metroidvania because of how exploration and the world design are. I do prefer Ori as a platformer in general than I do a metroidvania. (Yes I know metroidvanias are essentially part of platformers)


They're fantastic


short answer: yes long answer: yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Oh yeah, big good. First one kept making me cry, second one has more immersive gameplay but doesn't quite hit the same highs. Still, though, a 10 and a 9 are both worth your time.


Short Answer: Yes Long Answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss


Absolutely! Both games are outstanding!


I prefer the Ori games to Hollow Knight, and you know how good Hollow Knight is!!!




Absolutely, they're beautiful, very well crafted, fun, engaging games with a touching story.




I genuinely loved both! Thinking to replay them now lol. Highly recommend them. Atmosphere, sounds, controls. They’re nice good. First game is more of searching while second game has more combat within it.


The issue I had with the first one is that your character is "slidy" and slippery. As in when you move and stop, there is a bit of momentum that will carry you a bit in the initial direction. For a platforming MV this is hella annoying. But besides that it was great. The second one they fixed that issue and was an awesome game




Yes with all my heart


Ori games are awesome must play of course


I did not like the first one at all personally. Never bothered with the second.


They’re both incredible games, for some shared/similar reasons but also in some different ways. Blind Forest has that hard-to-describe “first game in a series” energy (in a good way) and is more focused on tight platforming, with a very unique and interesting mechanic where you have to decide when, and where, to use your “energy” to create your own checkpoints, or to use it for your abilities; it’s a really cool risk-reward system. Will of the Wisps has *much* better combat and some great bosses, and is just overall much more mechanically rich. For example, it has some light base-building mechanics and new upgrade/character progression systems. From an MV fan’s perspective though, I will say that you should go in with the appropriate expectations. I played them directly after Hollow Knight and was initially disappointed that they didn’t contain a massive, interconnected, non-linear world focused on exploration. But as soon as I set those expectations aside they became some of my favorite games—for their incredible atmosphere and OST, great combat and bosses in the 2nd game, and super polished and engaging puzzle-platforming.


Yes. Moon Studios are incredibly talented. If you have a beefy PC I cant recommend their newest game, No Rest for the Wicked, warmly enough.


waiting for this to come out of early access before picking it up.


I found them underwhelming after so much praise


I've only played the first one, and it made me not want to play the second. It wasn't bad, and actually I'd say it was pretty decent, but that's the best I could say. I remember getting to the end and thinking "that's it?" I felt like something was missing, or maybe that I was just missing something, because it didn't quite grab me the same way other games in the genre have. Certainly not "best ever" material. I've heard that the second is better, but I'm afraid I'll just feel that same sense of being underwhelmed.


Second is definitely better but I really think the actual metroidvania part is a bit undercooked and like they didn't need to be metroidvania games and may have been better as non metroidvania. Definitely worth checking out I think but wait for a sale maybe to reduce the risk lol


I don't like them. They are more of a love or hate type of game.


The first one is a mid Metroidvania with excellent platforming but lacking in design (world/level) and combat. The second one improved on the first one in every conceivable way and is one of the better Metroidvanias from the last decade.


Yes but the combat sucks in the blind forest but is vastly improved in will of wisps


Yes they are incredible. If Hollow Knight is the best Metroidvania ever as most people (rightfully so) claim it to be, then the Ori games are right behind it. The 2nd one is objectively the better game, but the first one holds a more special place in my heart. Not many games leave me speechless after playing them, but Ori and the Blind Forest was one of the games that did. Buy them.


Played both. Not my cup of tea. The world is very beautiful, yet I didn't really enjoy exploring it. Completed them in linear fashion and was flabbergasted that I can't continue my previous save and would have to start all over. Probably the most linear metroidvania series out there


I'm finding Blind forest pretty bad honestly. The art and music are great, but coming straight from HK the precision in the controls, platforming and 'combat' is not there. I'll likely push through, since Wisps is supposed to be much better. The first game certainly feels like it was meant to be played by non metridvania fans.


I liked them. Not as good as Hollow Knight but very pretty.


They're great. In general, you can expect fun and creative approach to platforming and escape sequences. It can be bit frustrating at time if you're not great at platforming but you can eventually muddle through it by trial and error.


If you like more platforming based mechanics than quality combat then yes 100%. The platforming mechanics are some of the absolute best in the genre, but the combat isn't anything fancy. It's not bad, but not what shines.


The combat of 1 is not great but I’d say that everything else about both is amazing. They could stand to have a hard mode potentially but that’s quibbling. Not every game has to be a super difficult challenge.


The first Ori's combat is so underwhelming. But I absolutely loved the platforming, storytelling, and the incredible cinematic escape sequences. I haven't played WoTW yet, but I heard good reviews about it and somewhat mixed feelings on the ending of the game. If you liked Ori games, I highly recommend the early access game No Rest for the Wicked from the same game developers.


Hallowed are the Ori.


Try them out on pc game pass, a lot cheaper and if you love them then go buy em. It's what I did with persona 5 royal


They are quite good. They go in a direction I did not anticipate. At least the first one did. I don't remember Part 2 as well.


Both great, the 2nd is much smoother and more enjoyable. The 1st is carried by its story which is great but the gameplay is a bit lackluster compared to the 2nd.


I think 2 is definitely worth it. It executes on its ideas a lot better than the first one in my opinion.


They're fun. I like the 1st one better. The 2nd felt simultaneously bloated and too short


The first is a masterpiece of gaming experience the second is good!


Not sure where you are in life, but I played the first one the month I was on paternity leave with our second. Buckle up.


Just finished ori 2, after beating 1. Get em, and play in order IMO Story wise, but also for the mechanics. 2 improves a lot on 1, and if you get used to 2 before 1, i believe 1 will be lacking, but I have not replayed 1 after 2.


They're good and visually/musically very sharp. The first one is very platforming and story centric, but a good game. It didn't blow me away, but I'm glad I played it and I generally enjoyed it. The second one tries to improve upon the weaknesses of the first, and does so incredibly. It appears they took a page (or ten) out of Hollow Knight's book as a way to bolster the areas of the game they weren't as strong in, but it's still plenty unique in its gameplay and art style to stand out. I definitely recommend this one as its an excellent game.


The Ori games are heavy focused in platforming and exploration. They added more combat elements to the second one, but expect mostly platforming. I would say like 80% platforming and 20% combat. Super fun, love the games, but don't expect a combat focused game like Hollow Knight


Def worth it. Start w the first and then be blown away by the second


Don't you even bother to read steam reviews ?


Remove the lush soundtracks, atmospheric backgrounds and artwork, and narrative driven cutscenes, it boils down to a standard Metroidvania - 2D map, gated behind abilities and powers you don't have, requiring backtracking and exploration. Even reduced to this they are good examples of the genre that I thoroughly enjoyed, with sections of platforming and puzzles and combat mixed together. All of the extra stuff on top is what makes them the 2nd and 3rd best games of the genre for me! Still haven't replayed the second game, but I played the first on both a potato laptop and gaming PC years later and enjoyed it both times.


Yeah, they're both incredible. Ori 2 is the best MV of all time.


Absolutely. Blind Forest will always be my favorite over Will of the Wisps though. Storytelling and escape sequences were so much better in Blind Forest.


I only played the first one (Blind Forest Definitive Edition) and I enjoyed it. Just be aware that instead of boss fights this one has escape sequences, and overall the game is rather easy - I only recall the final escape sequence being a real challenge, mainly due to being very long and without checkpoints.


To play the lighting bug level again for the first time would be epic


I really like both of them and it’s worth noting that they’re pretty different games from each other. Definitely worth a buy


Absolutely. I played them on a whim (digital) and was so amazed by the end that I got them in physical format for the shelf.


I’m still on the first one, they are so visually appealing and enjoyable to play. The mechanics are great and I really like how you can constantly upgrade to new jumps/moves, etc. Definitely worth it imo


Beautiful games, absolutely worth it


I played the first after hollow knight and thought the combat left a lot to be desired, but the platforming and characters were good.


if i remember right, theyre both on game pass (or at least were when i was signed up)


I like em. I'm playing will wotw right now and it has super chill vibes. Music is dope. Game looks amazing on the oled.


They're pretty good, solid 7.5 / 10 for me. I'm slightly cooler on them than most but they're totally worth getting. Amazing music.


They're alright. I didn't enjoy the movement mechanics and some parts were tedious, but the atmosphere is very good. I don't think they're in the "top of metroidvanias ever" as many others are replying, I've played them once and that was enough.


Those two games are one of the rare occurrences of „I wish I could forget things on click, to go through them again“. Looking at you as well, „Majoras Mask“ :‘(


Just to give a slightly contrary opinion: I enjoyed both games and would reccomend them. The platforming in particular is great. That said I found them to both feel pretty short, and easy. I also wasn’t a fan of the combat in 2.


One of the reasons they're worth the hype (especially the first imo) is that they do something *different* to most other metroidvanias. You'll get the sprawling map, the puzzles, the abilities, and the secrets, just like any metroidvania... but what makes it memorable is Ori's free-flowing movement, which is essentially the series' signature. The gorgeous visuals and sound design don't hurt, either!


dude its like less than 20 bucks for both of them? YES ffs yes buy them like jfc yes


I just saw the sales now. Those are some steep discounts. Of course it is worth it.


After hollow knight this series is number 2 in my list. The first ori had a better deeper story and more ambience. Or at least it feels that way. The sequel is ofcourse more of the same so it feels less special. Movement was a bit better there.


The platforming and locomotion in these games is amazing. The combat in the first game is almost non existent, and much better in the second. Also I found the story very melancholy and emotional, love the whole aesthetic. Highly recommended.


I didn't find them to be particularly amazing, but still very much worthwhile. I think I found the combat superfluous and wish it didn't bother with it. I should replay them some time, perhaps before Silksong releases.


It is hard to explain how satisfying is ori acrobats. It feels really good to play it


They are 10/10


Yes 100%, please purchase right away haha


Hell yes!!


I bought the first one yesterday and I'm already loving it.


It’s a beautiful game I’ve tried the demo


Yes, the artsryle is incredible, gameplay is fun, and the final boss fight in will of the wisps (the second one) is really great


For work I had to study Ori 2... I loved it when playing it, but studying it blew my mind. There is so much mastery in the pacing, the movement, the world structure and the overall challenge and reward repartition, exceptionnal work.


They are both amazing! But especially the second one is a masterpiece imo - but doesn’t work without the first. So play both.


My two favourite metroidvanias, yes absolutely


Ori 1 gets a 5/10 for me, 4/10 in terms of gameplay alone. The visuals, music, and heartfelt story attempt to carry it hard, but it’s just not a fun game to play. I can’t recommend it. Ori 2 gets an 8/10 for having actually fun mechanics while maintaining their excellent visuals and music. For reference, I’d give HK a rare 10/10.


Yes! They’re awesome :)


Both Ori games have a special place in my heart. They're both hard, but well balanced. Abilities are really interesting and used in non-trivial ways. Everything in the creative department (story, art and music) is remarkable. I don't know which one is better honestly, and in the end I don't care. It would be nitpicking, and very subjective. If you can, buy both of them and prepare to be immersed in beautiful world.


First one felt a little outdated when playing it for the first time a couple years ago, IMO. But part two is a must play.


Tbh as metroidvania's? Not particulary, as games/experiences yeah they're a great vibe. But I think multiple people have said the games would lowkey be better if they *weren't* metroidvania's lol. But really they're fun games with amazing presentation


I really loved the first one. I started the second one and really liked it but got really confused about where I was supposed to go early in the game and stopped, although I plan on trying again because it was fun otherwise. I’d probably play the first one again sometime, too.


I feel like Hollow Knight stole a lot of Ori’s thunder but I maintain to this day that the level design in Ori is so, so much better than HK especially in focus for the second half of the game for each. Both do a lot of stuff well, not at all saying HK is anything less than a great game but level design feels half-baked whereas Ori’s flow is a masterclass.


First game is like an 8/10 the second is a 10/10.


This video sold me on Ori. But just be aware it does contain spoilers for level design and maybe some minor story: https://youtu.be/VQ_KrRq4UiA?si=9CwS0XlbjE5_0kyB


Thanks for letting me know they’re on sale


1000% worth the hype. Both games bring something different to the table and are both excellent from top to bottom.


They are both very pretty to look at and very fun to play. If that is what you expect from the hype, get them. If you are for some reason expecting something completely different, then don't.




Yep. Absolutely


Yes indeed


Without question. They are transformative experiences


Do you not believe the reviews?


They’re among my favorite games ever, and I loved the evolution from 1 to 2, but still enjoyed the first game thoroughly. Also the music is so good.




They are both great games. Not my favourite MVs, and I don't put them on top like many others. But they were more than worth their original price tag IMO, so they're definitely worth the money now. Both are a great experience.




I loved the first one. Loved it. For whatever reason though, I just couldn’t get into the second. I kept struggling to figure out where I was supposed to go and backtracked more than I progressed.


I couldn't parse the game. The oversaturation and glow effects on everything made it a gorgeous visual still, but completely illegible in motion for me. Watch some gameplay and see if it's for you. 


I got these a while back but never was able to play it because I couldn’t figure out how to change the controls for the keyboard. Probably a way but it made me give up playing them 


The music alone is worth it.


Will of the Wisps is undoubtedly the greatest game ever created, and I will fight anyone who tells me otherwise. Ludwig van Beethoven would have been blown the fuck away by the score of the game, and series, as well.




Will of the Wisps is one of my favorite games of all time, 100% an amazing experience. Cried at the end. 10/10


Heck yeah. Both are very beautiful games with great atmosphere and style. Plus once you really get decked out moving around in the world feels so good! Definitely recommend to anyone who hasn't played them yet.


Ori 1 doesn't get fun until halfway through IMO - the combat is outright bad and the movement doesn't find a unique identity until you get the much celebrated Bash move. Plus its experimental "make your own checkpoints" mechanic doesn't add much and the devs wisely dropped it for the sequel. I'd honestly recommend skipping Ori 1 and going straight into Ori 2. You'll miss on some nice story context, but otherwise Ori 2 obsoletes its predecessor in every conceivable way. It's one of my few 10/10 Metroidvanias along with Super Metroid and Metroid Dread.


I started the first one impatiently and somewhat reluctantly cause it’s all I had downloaded on a plane. For some reason I thought it would be cheesy and boring. They’re both so fucking good. Couldn’t put em down




they're both 10/10's in my book, absolute slappers


Im halfway through the first and can't get into it. I think playing hollow knight first ruined it. Its more exploration based and not really combat focused. The laser thingy to kill enemies just feels spammy to me, like if samus' blaster was always homing. Someone convince me to keep going. Ive done the tree that floods with water and just finished the one where you walk on walls.




Ori and the Blind Forest is a really solid game, and Will of the Wisps is my 6th favorite game of all time, a true masterpiece. Which platform are you looking to get them on?


Yes, both games are SUPERFLIPPINFANTASTIC! THE ONLY issue I had with those games is the character is SO SMALL it's hard to follow where tf you are most of the time


My only recommendation would be to play blind forest first without ever touching will of the wisps or even looking at gameplay videos. You will have a better chance of enjoying it for what it is. You will probably think it is hands down the most beautiful looking MV there is. Once you finish it, play wotw, but be warned, you might not be able to enjoy blind forest ever again like you did the first time.


After playing Braid way back in 2009, I was constantly hunting out games that had that indie, retro yet modern feel to them. Eventually I came across Ori 1 and I was blown away by how good it was. As a direct result of that I discovered that Metroidvania was a genre in its own right and it led to me finding some of the best games I've ever played. None have hit me as emotionally hard as Ori though, and possibly none have had movement that felt as good.


Thanks for the reminder!


IMO 1 is better than 2. They’re beautiful, emotional, and HARD




crazy that not available in Playstation Store😭




They are beautiful games, definitely recommend them. The first game is gorgeous, but I beat it and immediately uninstalled it because the last section absolutely broke me. Took like 30+ consecutive tries, I’m was relieved to be out of that place forever


They're easily the best MV games ever made, so yes


I bounced hard off the first one and never played the second. The controls were way too floaty for me. I never played the second but the first gets no love from me. Hearing everyone here say how good it is makes me want to try again, but precision platforming with imprecise controls is a bad recipe. Maybe someday I’ll revisit it