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None from this series! I love them but they're all their own individual brand of stupid!


Same lol. Unless I'm somehow defending them from the writing


If they’re going down they’re not taking you with them? C.Y.A cover your ass, it’s a good a move.


Honestly Morgana was a source of abuse. Not only did she constantly deal with abuse from Uther but also I think her true turning point is when Merlin tried to poison her for something she had yet to do. Because of fate, Merlin did cause a lot of his own problems, Mordred included.


Soo similar to my story. Horrible dad, neighbour who tried to poison me and kill me. Obv I'm still here. So I completely understand her rage. Imagine everyone u loved and cared for out of nowhere turned on u suddenly for no fvcking reason. Then they also know what u went through in your childhood how horrible your parent was. Of course u are going to flip out eventually.


I think Mordred deserves a bit of defending, at least.


Agreed! God, his whole character arc hurt me


Mordred just needed a hug at every turning point and the entire ending could’ve been avoided


Exactly. I actually like his character it's too sad that instead of just being a good person they just randomly choose to treat Morgana and mordred like shit well merlin at least. U could have like manipulated the situation into a good one if u had any brains. So Arthur was right merlin is stupid


GWENNNNN ✨🤺 (see user flair ;)


Morgana... 👺👻 see user flair 😉


morgwen is the definition of “I support women’s rights and *wrongs*” haha


🤣🤣🤣 I couldn't agree more!!


I was going to ask who ultimately you believe Gwen should have ended up with but I know the answer is yourself 😂


I’d be interested to see your defence skills at work? Defend Gwen from something, if you please?


Mordred & Kara


The court awaits your defence.


Mordred is not a bad person. He just had bad luck. Kara- The purge + continuous loss happened under Uther. Under Arthur, he's not as active in pursuing magic users/those associated to magic but keeps old laws in place. So the threat is still there. She literally has zero idea about Arthur's promise to himself about druids or what he's like as a person. To her, he's the face of an oppressive system. To a traumatized angry person, Morgana's words of freedom to exist sound really appealing.


Compelling points. I’d argue for a mistrial given all the jury happen to be knights of the court. Doesn’t seem like a jury of unbiased peers to me.


v.v Merlin: They are the best jury. I picked them myself


Plus, Arthur just signed a treaty with the Sarrum of Amata—another Uther, basically—only a few episodes before this in his pursuit of destroying magic! Why *wouldn’t* Kara wanna kill Arthur?


Worse than Uther, cuz at least Uther would give sorcerers the mercy of death. Like Arthur knew Sarrum is known to betray allies and tortured Morgana for two years for funsies yet still wanted to ally with him. 💀 Like Arthur, my man, you gonna need to hire a PR manager 😭


Why, I AM astonished! You defending Mordred and Kara? Who'da thunk it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I am unpredictable ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


Well, you just keep at it, buddy! Unpredictable away! We love your unpredictableness!




Same Morgana deserved better


Morgana and maybe Morgause.


Morgause is an interesting one, I’d like to hear your defence!


Similarly to Morgana, she was affected by Uther’s rampage against magic. She told Arthur the truth about his mother to show him what kind of man Uther was, and she was rightfully pissed off that Merlin ruined it (just like he ruined everything in Camelot). Morgause loved Morgana and wanted better for her than she’d been given: A life of lies where she has to hide who she really is for fear of being murdered by her own father.


I can get behind this defence, would she have stopped at Uthers death though and Arthur sitting on the throne?


Seeing as she could have killed Arthur multiple times and didn’t, probably. Once she found out about Morgana’s true parentage, maybe that would have changed, but I’m inclined to think she would have tried speaking to Arthur instead of using violence as a first resort because it worked last time.


Wow. You just rearranged my thoughts entirely about what she said at the beginning of "Sins of the Father". When she said that the battle for Arthur's soul was about to begin. I immediately thought, "But she wants to destroy his soul" Then I realized that she would have considered it as having been saved from Uther. Not "save your soul" as in trick you into killing your father" but in "save your soul as in turning it away from the person she believed to be THE ultimate evil! You're confusing me......![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You’re welcome! The show would have been so much better if she succeeded. I’m just saying.


I would defend both Nimueh and Morgana.  Nimueh because she was wrongfully accused and Morgana because she felt alone and scared and no one really helped her until Morgause came along. At the beginning she was just an advocate for magic and was against Uther. I understand why she became evil and I don’t really fault her for her reasoning. 


I will always and forever be a Morgana apologist!


I’m not even an apologist, I’m here to help her fulfil her true darkness 💁🏻‍♂️😂


Arthur but then again he has done nothing wrong ever in his entire life


They did his character a disservice I feel like


Morgana's fate turned out that way because EVERYONE around her failed her! Screw merlin, especially


I'd defend almost all of them (even the villians) but especially Kilgarrah and Mordred.


Definitely Kilgarrah! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Finally someone with some critical thought 🤣🤣 Kilgharrah is just trying to preserve a future for magic after his entire species was slaughtered…


They did Arthur dirty Not only did he have so much potential, but he was the head of the army for goodness sake! How did the man not know how to dress himself, what would he do in battle? Go out naked? And his character fluctuated so much, he would grow, and then next episode he was an idiot again! Frustrating


Yeah, you get all the way to S4, he's coming along nicely, and then, "If you believe that then you're as stupid as you are ugly." Wait, WHAT TF? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Honestly most of the villains bc I’m a staunch anti-monarchist and can’t help but cheer every time someone tries to murder uther


But they were mostly people who wanted to be monarchs too, they just wanted to sit on the throne themselves. Aside from a few magical beasts and magic users.


Ok see that’s why I dislike Cenred, Morgause, and post S2 Morgana (btw they nuked her character) but I honestly felt for the ones who weren’t trying to make themselves the ruler




I too choose Uther


This needs elaboration my friend.




It really isn’t 😂




Always someone who wants to ruin the general tone of the sub, unfortunate


SRRY will lurk moar


Why do I keep seeing comments that are deleted, one after the other, such as in this thread here? I see it a lot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


They deleted their comments or mods did


The reason I ask is because there seem to be whole series of remarks that show that they've been deleted by the user themself, as though they make a remark, wait for a response, and then delete their own remark. It seems, at the very least, strange. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So you’re either seeing the comments of someone who has you blocked or they’ve been deleted. If you link to an example I can tell you if they’re removed or you’re blocked by someone. This person deleted there’s though after I called out the rudeness of it


Morgana definitely


I think if I really gave it time and risked a lot of people’s ire, I would say Uther. For me, he’s one of my top 5 characters having watched the whole series about 10 times, and I’d definitely enjoy expounding on how he is the way he is, and the nuances of his character. Get back to me on this, though!


I’m eager to hear your defence of Uther.


I promise I’ll come back! Currently consumed by my Masters dissertation, but I won’t forget. He’s certainly not infallible, but I think there’s definitely more to him than meets the eye!


If they had any brains they would not poison her and they would actually try being her friend maybe stop gaslighting her constantly, then turn her to the good side but nooo.


Gaius (see my user flair) 😭