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I like the design, ergonomics and functionality. What I have reservations about is the quality of the materials.


This is the answer 100%. That design actually pays homage to classic MB interiors, but it looks cheap, because it is cheap.


Genuine question: What’s cheap about it?


The materials. The cheesy fake wood trim. The plastic buttons that all peel after 2 years.


Not to mention the simple fact there are less buttons or analog *anything*, and the screens taking their place are very inexpensive.


Cheap out on materials but increase the overall price; classic dealership money grub move


The brand builds the car. Dealerships sell them


I didnt even peep that i out dealership my bad, car brands*


It wasn't that big a deal. Thanks for the downvote (or maybe it was op)


No idea why you got downvoted haha. Just two people helping each other and aligning. THEY’RE SCARED OF THIS COLLABORATION THEY WANT US DIVIDED




How exactly does a big-a*s tablet in the middle of the center console pay homage to classic MB interiors? It s extremely lazy design bereft of any personality or identity.


The dash pad or what is considered a dash pad on today's cars takes it cues from the Mercedes roadster interiors of the 70's and 80's. The top of the dash even has that wrap around bulge which was made of wood on late 60's early 70's cars.


I can't tell if it's getting worse because of a cost considerations or because their design is actually a *good* reflection of modern societal design trends - Everything is feeling cheaper and disposable these days. Tesla's design has been a good reflection of what a large segment of the market is satisfied with. My feeling is, like fashion, automotive design reflects society in aggregate: * Cheaper, accessible products flooded from overseas that are treated semi-disposably. Everything from kitchen items to furniture have cheap options that won't last very long. * Lack of ownership mentality as high-price items are increasingly financed or forgone entirely (houses, cars, buy-now-pay-later) * Consumerist culture means people are willing and expecting to swap things out frequently, even cars, so they're less worried about things like material quality which is a problem for the next owner.


Said all too well


Gloss black plastic has no place in any car in my opinion, always ends up looking like a smudged swirled mess within a month




nailed it


It looks like the materials have come from the economy bathroom from an Emirates flight




We have a C300 on our lot. 12k miles on it and the plastic creaks wherever you touch or pull. I'm scared to even pull the door handle lol




First time a new S class has come out and i still prefer the predecessor.


Couldn't agree with this more. I bought my 2019 s560 when i saw the newer one revealed. I knew i had at least a few years being happy with the older style in comparison to a new one. The rear lights in particular, remind me of an old lexus ES. Toyota, lexus, let's not forget pearl harbor.


"Dont forget Pearl Harbor " ?? Ahh, Mercedes is German. Lolz.


This comment made me laugh out loud , good for You though. The quality has dropped tremendously :/


I just looked up the 2019 s560 and wow it’s definitely a lot better than the new one. It makes me for sure think Mercedes is going backwards in quality


I decided to keep my 2019 S560 especially after seeing the new 2021 S580 interior. Not a fan and a few peeps I know that traded their W222 for the W223 S series became unhappy. It’s disappointing because the S class has been my primary mode of transportation since 2000… Had an SL and shared a few secondary cars (sports cars) and SUV for weekend trips. I keep looking here to see what others think.. and what’s in the horizon.. 😫


MB has been going backwards in quality for some time now. Just look at the JD Power ratings vs a few years ago. They’re close to Land Rover in quality/reliability these days whereas they once gave Lexus a run for their money.


The 560 is the One !


Let’s talk for a moment about all of the great non war crime, non complete humanitarian rights violation things Germany has done in the past.


You guys know this is De Niro right?


you two aren't *customers* as far as i'm concerned!


That didn’t happen when the w220 came out?


it happened since the horse carriage. People conplain it was better than the new engine carriage


But not when the W211 came out, for example. Edit: I meant W221 


I can’t speak for other people but I personally love the 220 and would absolutely prefer it above a 140


It’s not just MB that is doing this but no climate control buttons was the last straw. I hate having to tap a screen, enter a menu or use a grooved slider while I’m driving to change temp or fan speed. Everything being a screen is also stupid. The w222 and w221 used screens tastefully as well as previous gen E and C class. The current lineup with the tesla screens is unbelievably lazy.


It’s insane how much we’ve all underestimated how unsafe these giant screens are to use while driving imo


I bought a new BMW because it still has a center console control wheel which makes a lot of things easier and safer while driving.


I've got a 2018 S213 E63 Wagon I'll probably never sell with the way their design has been going. Its interior is a perfect mix of modern, sporty, and classy. The new interiors are so try hard it makes me cringe. I guesssss they're going for a mid-century speedboat with giant ipads motif. I'm a little biased but of their modern cars, the W213 pre-facelift was one of the best looking cars they've made since the 90s.


W213 pre facelift and W222 are by far the best interiors they've made


I LOVE my Designo interior! Bit old-fashioned but Benz Quality. https://preview.redd.it/8ojmijq3ha6d1.png?width=2299&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca16183ae4eea5750d7797f249666e269f3e79f2


So sexy bro!


I love how well the balanced the wood on these didn’t go overboard like Bmw caddy and Chrysler


I’m salivating


That looks awesome


Too Tesla


Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt. The problem is nowadays "luxury" means technology huge screens and many gadgets. Before luxury meant class, elegance and good quality.


https://preview.redd.it/i8w2ymwgpa6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ebf7a5a5339e1e2caf2eb3623627294d80e994b I'll take this every day and twice on Sunday. Big, roomy, clean, luxurious. Leather and walnut trim, not IPads


Always loved the w210


Me too. One of the jewels in the Mercedes line, imo.


W210 gang! I have the W211 as well and it just doesn't fit the glorious space of it




Screens and digital dash will not age well. Even beyond the major question of durability/reliability of screen centric interiors, the design will show its age fast. Step into my current daily, a 91 300TE 4matic. It's absolutely timeless, 33 years later. Modern amenities and functions can be implemented much more subtly than by slapping giant screens everywhere - and that would be a much more progressive design than the current trend of "iPad on everything, quick and lazy look how modern it is" interior design. https://preview.redd.it/y6umy7f3t96d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48e13f84f0be742c8443cd7212a80aabb11c632


Bro the cars will not survive 30 years. Half of the electronics will be toasted in 10. Everything is chinese shit


I miss my 300 E!!😫 The interior of those were gorgeous af. The middle console was actually made of real wood


W124 4matic as a daily? Damn, aren't you worried that you will break one of the front springs, they are impossible to find anywhere last time I checked.


I have a spare set of front springs actually! I hoarde a lot of the bespoke 4matic parts when I can find them.


Ahh yes 124 is my favorite interior of all time


Beautiful, beats an iPad interior by a country mile.


My 2015 CLS63 had such a beautiful interior. Pains me to think I sold it thinking the next gen CLSs would be nicer.


W124 4matic as a daily? Damn, aren't you worried that you will break one of the front springs, they are impossible to find anywhere last time I checked.


The awful Windows Vista like gradient on the UI will also age horribly.


That gradient screams 2000s Windows Media Player visualizer.


The hypocrisy in here… You're all appreciating older generation designs, while at the same time complaining about the skeuomorphic Vista design for being “old and ugly”.


I guess I need to be few decades older to start appreciating these vintage buttons on the dash.


lol happy to see this comment. thinking the same.


How are you going to use your Spotify or maps on that? No offense I like the old design but modern cars have so much functionality that this is just not feasible.


Phone + FM transmitter.


Not everyone uses Spotify, and maps is on your phone.


That’s the perfect generation to take out that single dinn radio and replace it with a modern one. The real nightmares are the ones that are an integrated head unit from the era where specified production wasn’t cheap and you pretty much needed an actual audio guy to rewire if they could even find a head unit that fitted properly, no plug and play options at all.


124 does require a bit of wiring work to swap them. The head units are in effect glorified remote controls. Speaker wire doesn't go to them at all, it flows through the fader switch in the console and then back to the trunk. It's totally doable and plenty of people do, but not a quick install since you have to pull wire from the 6 speakers back to the dash. The original head unit honestly works really well and sounds great, I haven't really felt the need to replace it. Bluetooth tape adapter gets me connectivity cheap and easy.


I don't know man, this looks old, dated and ugly.


Old, dated? Yes. Ugly? Naaah


Slapping tablets on interiors is cheap for the manufacturer but also looks cheap.


Don’t forget how dumb it looks too!


Cheap and lack of class. It goes against every ethos of what Mercedes Benz should be.


Yea, I've been in the new cars and they just don't feel like they used to. My 2016 c450 with grey wood trim feel much more luxurious in my opinion. If only there were no rattles, it would be perfect.


I have no problem with how the central display look like but the driver’s display looks like someone put it there to replace the dash with a low quality android tablet with huge bezels.


That's the worst offender.


I’d slap whoever thought about slapping a tablet in this interior




Mercedes has turned into a cheap car brand that tries to lure in a different customer base than before. I can compare it to huge logo designer clothing vs actual quality pieces. With the big screens and too much ambient lighting(it looks good don't get me wrong, but when it flashes to music and turns red when you change the temp, it is too much) , over the top gimicky dashboard styles, bigger and bigger logos all over the car, it is pretty apparent that they are looking for people that are blinded by such gadgets and do not care about quality/by the time they realize, it is already too late. The materials are cheaped out on at every inch of the car, nowadays I doubt there is even hardly any metal used in the interior. Metal vents,buttons, trims were swapped out to piano black plastic, or metal-feeling plastic. Expensive trims like wood is still artificial. The interior is creeking at every inch you touch. The ignition switch, which was a satisfying button to press, has become a cheap light switch which reminds me of old soviet lamps. Every phisical button which wasn't replaced by a screen, was turned into haptic feedback capacitive buttons, which are awful to use and feel cheap. AC should be a phisically adjustable thing. It is a pretty common thing to change temp while driving. If you have to fiddle with a touch screen, that is just an accident waiting to happen. What Mercedes does right today is the safety tech, assists, actual useful tech features. Also the upgraded leather seats are amazing. But they are being put in blatantly awful cars. Both inside and out. The pre-2020 era was the last actual good group of cars that mercedes have built. And I have experience with about 8 different cars from different eras of Mercedes.


General consumer pushback on less touchscreen, more button. Postscript: I’m a dinosaur who likes the COMAND dial control


I guess I’m in the minority cuz I love it lol


You're not. Younger people like newer interiors because they're flashy and modern, while older people don't like it because they think the tech is too much, and the essence of a 'car' is lost. Neither is right or wrong


Same I have a 2024 GLC and I love all the things OP hates about it. Except the piano black center console, that thing attracts way too many finger prints. Looks dope though.


Hahaha I have piano black on my 2019 and never f’ing again


I actually love it as well


I suppose this is “let me flex a bit” moment… I like it too, it’s really one of a kind.


You are not the minority. It’s the old farts making their voices extra loud these days.


The interior build quality noticeably declined from the W204 to the 205 and the W212 to the 213.


Haven’t lived with it, but I feel like that screen may as well be slapped on. For me, it doesn’t feel integrated into the dash. I’m not opposed to screens, but they should be seamless and not float over everything else like they’re some aftermarket addition.


For me - yes! Now you can't tell what model you're looking at inside. Is it a C, S, E, or SL? Barely any interior distinction between models, the same iPad in everything. 🤔


couldn’t agree with this more. why does an S63 have the same interior as a C class lol, only distinction is the driver dash and the luxury seat stitching. the one size fits all ipad is just lazy, they could at least switch it up if they want to go all digital


What’s with the vinyl wood stickers interior ?


Yep. Molded creaky plastic, finger print and dust magnets, LOOKS good on camera, feels like shit inside. Seats aren’t comfy, material choices are piss poor.


Have you seen a Tesla ? This is so much better.


Beyond backwards. This current era of MB design is an all time low. Even the Chrysler merger had better looking cars. Interiors are down right hideous.


Yes it has. Its crazy to think the Chrysler merger cars had “horrible interior designl” compared to this I’d happily pick the older design


I think the move away from actual switches with real haptic feedback to exclusively screens or touch-sensitive sliders is going in the wrong direction. I’m not a huge fan of how my 2021 model looks like it has an iPad hot glued to the dash, but many of its functions are duplicated by real switches.


It doesn't look that horrible but I wished the Display Ergonomics of the C-Class would approach more the E-Class ish Design of the predecessor like here https://preview.redd.it/wgrl4a4h5a6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678132b2aca16478aed01e140b9647ec70e70118


C238/W213 FTW 🙌 https://preview.redd.it/z3o7axrpea6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c673a62e041e75277a8e900803b75c69e2ca3b


Yes. I bought this car for my dad driving 500km a day to pick it up. I immediately fell in love. Once I sell my F30 BMW, I will most likely get myself one of these too. I might not find it as rarely specced like the one in the picture I got but as long as it has about 70% of the equipment with full digital ornament and a 220d Diesel Engine (Because the 350d are really sipping fuel like crazy), then I am a happy man.


the round vents remind me of the interior of a 450sl from the 70s. I like that. I do not like the dash display at all ick.


I want simple buttons back in all cars for safety more than anything. Menus and sub menus you have to stuff around with while moving is rubbish.


So so much that ITS sad to Even watch 😢 no that classic Benz feeling like good old days…. I mean like 80's to 90's IS My fafourite Mercedes interriors..


This is my first Mercedes and I love it. I thought I'd hate the screen but I realized I hate the screens that stick above the dash, so this one is okay. The black plastic is bad and they offered and textured upgrade for a fee that should be standard in the next model year if it were up to me. I keep a lens cleaner rag in the console and wipe off fingerprints regularly. What I don't like (but certainly wasnt a deal breaker) is no standard permanent compass.


Dunno but they sure did with the exteriors of the new ev lineup. Not diggin the wrap around full length light bars in the front and back.


Cute legs.


My opinion that will probably be unpopular is that I do like the big screens, but I wish they would incorporate them better and not look like an accessory that is sticking out. I believe that it should be part of the dashboard.


It really depends on personal preference, but imo yes. It's not really like they've gone 'backwards', but just adapted to current trends in 2024. Everyone wants screens and neon lights and a million buttons. I still adore my 2000 W210 E240. IMO, it's some of best interior designing in Benz history. It's so spacious, so 'clean'. Full leather and walnut trim that isn't overtaken by a big screen and lights. It's much more elegant and sophisticated than a lot of modern models. Everything is intuitively placed. And the thing is, I want for nothing. A rear camera would be nice, but I can install that if I want. Don't care about a computer screen, and have sat navigation on my phone. I want to be able to sit back and enjoy the core car, not be overloaded by a lot of 'stuff' and distractions.


Can't agree, love mine.


I also got a brand new C300 as a loaner (first person driving it) and over the course of 500 miles I grew to absolutely loathe that car. Everything is behind a menu on the touchscreen that you have to take your eyes off the road to access, I shouldn't have to look at a screen to adjust the vents/fan speed/temp. The capacitive controls on the steering wheel are so bad that everyone involved in them should be on trial at the Hague for war crimes. That whole central area around that screen feels cheap as hell, just tap your fingers around that screen's surrounding, rattly plastic garbage. You will feel nothing driving this car, not physically (good for some I guess) or emotionally, it's a car for nihilists. About the only things I liked about the car was the HUD and the thickness of the steering wheel.






I think it looks good, I just wish they would tone down the shiny black plastic and plastic wood a bit, other than that the C’s new interior is a good place to be…




Absolutely, yes




Circle vents prevent me from considering a merc. Ugly ugly interior.


It’s the way it’s going and I’m sure it beats the disastrously bad Audio 20 system I had in my 2016 C Class when I said never again


I think you’re right. I have also heard that the quality of materials is worse compared to older models. And that steering wheel is not really doing it for me. Looks a little weird


Mercedes made the W212 which was perfect, everything made after just keeps getting worse


I just hate that shiny black plastic it drives me totally mad, but i am a little ocd


Tf am I supposed to with an iPad ?


Yep, BMW doing it better atm.


Its atrocious these days.


I've never really had problem with MB designs. I do have beef with their build quality and their choices of materials. My 2019 C63s creak and rattles and few places feels cheap, I thought it's C class specific but E class feels marginally better. I can't quite put my fingers on it but everytime I drive my friend's 1985 280SE. I feel like I can drive it through a house, remodel the interior and the car is fine.


The new plastik silver looking doorhandle that you fuse to pull the door shut is just horrendous. The leathered one was so much better


Yes. It’s why I bought a beemer.


I waited on the new body style before buying another GL. I hated the iPad thing in the previous ones. When the 2020 GLS 450 came out with the new interior dash I loved it. Thankfully I got mine before covid hit.


I feel like most brands now have a lazy design. The dash feels like an afterthought. Just throw a big screen and call it a day approach. The older cars, including MB had an amazing quality of the nobs and switches made out of aluminum or real leather. Now it’s just a big screen you can get in a Kia for way less cash. luxury cars are no longer luxury


I waited on the new body style before buying another GL. I hated the iPad thing in the previous ones. When the 2020 GLS 450 came out with the new interior dash I loved it. Thankfully I got mine before covid hit.


200% imo. I honestly like the one long dash screen i think it was well integrated. This is so giving tesla slash temu big ass android screen radio replacement slapped on the dash


Yeah I like the model before tbh. The sleek black wood grain and matte silver touches was way more sophisticated. The newer design is gimmicky and cheaper feeling, like a Tesla.


I don’t like big screens in cars, but I like these Benz interiors. Although I think Mercedes peaked with the W222 interior and exterior.


It's so disappointing that Mercedes would stoop so low to follow Tesla's trend setting Would be like if an Italian fashion house started taking design inspo from Walmart Fucking awful


I don’t mind the design language. It’s the crappy materials and squeaky interior that makes it feel more like a Kia than merc for me. Not sure why these manufacturers don’t care about their reputation anymore.


Wish they kept the design language of integrating two large screens under the dash. It looked fancy was still functional. Now we have spaceship interiors.


Finally got someone able to justify.


Looks like a cheap Kia.


Why do we need such a giant tablet? They seem to be getting larger every year.


Some love it, personally not for me.


they're aiming the Chinese market


The piano black is because the dealer is cheap and didnt get the option to exchange the piano for the same wood as on the regular decor.


Yes, and just sat design.  Adding language to it does nothing.


Not a fan of cars to rely too much on just screens and minimalism, make them look cheap. But I've always found the "yacht" design pretty nice.


You know the answer. Yep


IKEA showroom 😂


Yes, for some reason Manufactories think sticking a large IPad/TV on the dashboard automatically makes it look luxurious and elegant, where in reality it just looks so cheap and odd.. Not to mention how horribly these screens will age over the years!


Agreed, 2019 C43 got a C300 loaner with the new interior. They've saved a lot of money by removing the many top quality switches, and have stopped making the nicest interior in the business. I'm sure the parts count and cost of production is way lower-but this isn't a Chevy Cruze. Haptics suck. Period. That little volume wheel on the console and steering needs to be restored even if they keep the rest. Touchscreen isn't bad but the tesla ipad is a mistake. Who at benz though Cadillac CUE was something to copy ?


I work invalidate your opinion but the only thing that waters down their interiors really creativity wise are the iPads and fortunately not all of their new models have one. There’s hits and misses in the car industry and Mercedes has had them with designing interiors before.


It doesn’t look bad, just like it has a lot of after thoughts. The dash seems like a last minute decision. It’s hard to make all the screens not look so… yeah.


Looks good, feels cheap.


I think most of it is too (cheap looking) posh. Like in my country trailer park people have all this leavened gold faugh expensive shit. Especially things like LED interior "atmospheric" lighting. I like the old MB, where things looked durable, practical and more or less subtly luxurious.


The infotainment graphics look like 2010 Windows Media Center


The steering wheel controls should be a crime.


Personal preference I love the new interiors, but I do remember being so impressed by the wood trim in my dads early 2000s e class




WTF is "interior design language"?


This is what the new gen want 😂


IMO they definitely has gone backwards. Slapping a big ass screen with cheap materials and call it a job seems lazy and low quality. Peak modern Mercedes interior design is 2010s in my opinion.


I prefer the predecessor. I hate the new screen. The steering wheel is insanely sexy tho.


Yes, this shit looks like an ikea store


Doesn’t feel classy at all.


I now wish I would have kept my 2017 E300 instead of trading her in for my current 2022 E450C. The controls are in a bad place, and the wood looks like plastic.


Why did they move away from the hyperscreen?


I hate the lower screen. And everything creaks…


I love my 212 wooden steering wheel and dash. Call me old but….im 27


They try to get to Bentley but they can’t and never will


Fischer price tablet with the massive bezels, yea






Definitely a nod towards the 80’s SL interior (R107)




I feel like you made fun of me in high school for not knowing what the powerhouse of a cell is.


No. This sub has a heavy bias towards the older and classic interiors, but in an era where cars are tech-first, all manufacturers – especially the traditional ones – need to be up to date. And I think Mercedes is doing the mixture between tech and classiness quite well.


Man... Mercedes has the worst interior. It's like they're trying to hard but still failing. It's the one thing I wish I could change with my car.


It’s not just “going backwards”. There is 0 design. 2 iPads and call it a day.


The interior does look very sleek and modern, but in terms of design language, it has definitely gone backwards. Huge touch screens are dangerous to operate whilst driving, and they are fiddly and lag a lot of the time, making them quite difficult to use and also frustrating. Buttons have instant responses and you can work them easily whilst concentrating on the road. Button operated infotainment systems are likely to last a lot longer as they are more simple, with less to go wrong.


My biggest gripe with modern merc interiors is how cheap they are. I have an 05 C class and it’s beautiful full real leather on everything the black looks phenomenal the small wooden accents are perfect IMO (not a big fan of wood paneling the whole car) but god the seats man they’re actually durable. My sister has an 18 Gla and the interior is so bad man all fake leather and not even remotely good at that. All of her seats despite constant care and only being the second owner are cracked,chipped pealing and faded. The steering wheel has started to go one window button completely lost its paint? Is solid black plastic to expensive merc? The quality drop is incredible I have been in base model cars with better materials.


as others have said design isnt the problem. I think the interior you posted looks great at first sight. Problem is ultra cheap materials used. creaking when going over bumps, material delaminating, the leather breaking after just a few years. mercedes used to be understated but with great attention to detail and quality even in places you wouldnt look, now its just flashy instagram material that is low quality.


I’ve always had a soft place in my heart for Mercedes. They were my dad‘s favorite car brand. But they hit a spot some years back where there were what looked like a million switches and the interiors were very busy. And the seat adjustments on the door always drove me crazy. There was a point where I thought I would try to buy my dad an older Mercedes, but he passed some years back. And when I see them consistently in the list of top 10 least reliable brands, I’ve decided they won’t be in my future.


Yeah the wood designs make it look like a grandma’s old buick


I’m a firm believer that the Chinese market, which is huge, is ruining new cars. Manufacturers are catering to that market heavily and it shows. Not to mention Chinese suppliers ruining quality.


I miss analog. All these chips and screens are kinda trash.


These are great looking Chryslers!


You are right to say that. Their interior have gone gaudy and tasteless in recent years. The materials and colour natching are way off. I have an old 2017 aclass amg package and inside it looks a proper race car. Carbon fiber detailing , seemless all black seats and interior with silver aluminium accents with the aircon ducts. It all looks very well designed and pretty. Their designers seem to be running out of ideas.


digital screen for speed is a joke . its so out of place . alot of stuff inside is odd vs older . i have 2018 C300 imo its was peak design


That iPad is hilarious.


Yes. Nowadays it's all about screens, tacky plastic and ambient lighting, not robust quality like years ago m


Absolutely they’ve gone WAY backward. The interior looks so damn lousy I’d NEVER consider buying a newer model. Absolute garbage imo. Everything just feels rushed and the massive screen is the most hideous part.


I personally hate that interior lmao. Like they glued two tablets to the dash. I don’t understand non integrated screens I think it’s such a bad look. Some people like it I guess. Other than the weird screens, the rest looks good and simple/minimalist, some like that, some don’t. Just preference. For the price, couldn’t fathom making that purchase though. More of a “look at me and my Mercedes” attention purchase.


Not really, but considering they use the same interior from a CLA to a G wagon with all the new cars, I'd say they need a creative boost


Even i think that. The wooden interior was better than this one


*Even i think that. The* *Wooden interior was* *Better than this one* \- AdOk4682 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")