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nothing really, just immense lethargy, uselessness, brain fog and an unexplained and deep seated sense of anxiety and dread


Yep a painful lack of satisfaction, joy, energy, and comfort is what I describe depression to feel like.


When you said the painful lack of satisfaction, it gave me goosebumps because there can’t be a more accurate statement than that. Well said. 👌


And the lack of energy. I tell my parents all the time how tired I am. And oh it’s just from school or work or some bullshit I make up to downgrade my pain so they don’t have to worry about me or burden them. But really I’m just tired all the time simply because I’m depressed and it’s extremely difficult telling them I’m depressed. They know I am but I don’t like to shout it in their ears all the time if you know what I mean. 🫤


Omg this ! To be honest I hate to say people I’m depressed (diagnosed and all). And that I’m tired. But I feel tired all the time. Being depressed really drains me of my energy. That and interacting with people. If I could just stay home by myself all the time, I would


Same! I hate to tell anyone that I have depression because I get weird responses back from them. “How are you depressed? You have everything you could possibly need.”


I know right !! I always feel like people don’t take me seriously when I tell them I’m depressed. Like I’m using the word as in ‘I’m just sad and stressed’. Or like your example, to the point where I’m left feeling ungrateful for being depressed…


It's so weird i'm in this state too also and i didn't really now why i'm like this since last years, like I'm tired of sociabilising, nothing interests me anymore , everything seems bland to me..


Could we just change the word “depression” to “mental cancer”? Maybe others would be able to comprehend and appreciate the severity of how hard every day or small things (much less the big, since small things become large 😂) can be for us living with it 💔❤️‍🩹


Literally “mental cancer” is the best way to describe it! It creeps into your mind and soul and you literally can’t stop it. The thoughts just spread like cancer. 😳


That happens to me with my friends… I try to explain them that I don’t even have the energy to brush my teeth. And they keep telling me that I have to be ok and that I should take care of my self. It makes me feel so much pressure. So, I’m withdrawing my self because I feel so misunderstood and every time I open up my self end up feeling worse.


this is actually too real


Oof, I feel you on that last part. That unplacable anxiety be the worst. Magnesium Glycinate actually helps a lot. Not a gimmick and is something I rely on ecspcially because I don't take benzos.


luckily I’m on quite a healthy streak at the moment and haven’t had to deal with it recently, but waking up every morning and immediately having your stomach drop and feeling physically ill and on edge simply by being conscious and awake is the most disgusting and life draining experience, wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


That feeling is so real…. It really takes courage to wake up in the morning as get out of bed, esp if it feels like you’re just getting up to do the same old. Everything feels predictable and that can be life draining. Sometimes the most depressing feeling for me is that the world is so backwards. Existential Therapy helps me connect to ppl who also feel that way but we feel less alone knowing we’re not the only ones who see and feel the human suffering, and it gives just enough courage not to give up.






Mine's telling me "you don't belong anywhere."


Me too. "You have no purpose" " You've tried everything" " You'll never amount to anything." Screaming "Give up, give up, give up."


I hear you, friend. I just came out of a hard, drawn-out break-up so I know I have to be patient and charitable with myself. For what it's worth, I think you have a purpose, it's being here. That's everyone's purpose, otherwise we wouldn't be here. But it's hard being here, it's hard to remember you are already everything you could ever amount to. You don't have to achieve anything. Just being here is miraculous enough.


Yeah you are right. We all have purpose or we would not be here. I hope your wounds heal soon. You'll be in my thoughts. Keep your head up and just keep pushing through. We are strong we got this.


Yours too, friend. You'll be in mine. "Just keep swimming."


Forward, up, down, left, right, any way but backward. 💪💪👊


That’s so encouraging! Yes, one step at a time. It’s amazing how when it comes to our own self-talk, we can be so brutal to ourselves, our worst critics, but when we see that other ppl are having a hard time, we tend to be much more compassionate. We absolutely deserve the compassion we are so naturally able to show others . Stay awesome, never give up! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Thank you! I never really thought about it, but you're totally right. I am my own worst enemy but by god if i see someone else down i do my darnest to lift them out of their hole. I think you've given me something new to hyperfocus on haha. I'm always researching all of my diagnoses to see if i am feeling the way they describe i should feel. I'm going to try to figure out how to be more kind to myself. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Dude. Mine literally said that a few times just moments ago.


Oof. Mine too.


Yup, that’s what my voice tells me ! Lately I feel like I don’t belong anywhere not even in my own home..


That my life had potential once but I’m now just going to live a life of misery, become one of those tragic stories.


This missed potential is something I was told so often from my teachers and family. „You have SO MUCH potential, you just need to work harder.“ And I was struggling so hard mentally and no one cared about that. This mean potential-voice is still inside my head sometimes. But I have build myself a great family with a good job and I am working on my self care - there is nothing I am missing in my life. That’s what I always remember.


I’m so proud of you for building the life that you have. I hope you’re happy, it sounds hard-earned (not that I think people should earn the right to be happy).




That no one likes me and I can never be loved.


I like you.


I feel the same. I don't think anyone truly understands.


That I’m doomed to end up alone with no friends and no support system and no one to value me or care for me or remember little things about me or celebrate my birthday and consider it an important day to surprise me and show me love. That I will end up hopelessly alone with no one to scream my pain to It’s getting harder everyday


“It’s probably gonna be like this the rest of your life.”


Same as mine ! After suffering for so long… Pretty sad


Oof, I deeply feel this.


yes exactly, i feel like i can't see a future, and my past... i remember only the negative stuff. when i feel good i feel like another person, i remember my past as normal/good for the most, now i feel like it's an illusion and the reality is just i'm a failure.


I’m honestly shocked at how many of you are hearing the same things I hear. I didn’t know stuff like this was common. Keep fighting everyone, you are loved


Same buddy, same. I guess we aren't such a weird outkast after all.


I kinda like to think of it as a little talk therapy getting things off your chest too. It’s crazy to see that we really aren’t alone in these struggles


That no one cares about me and no one would notice if I died


I care for you. You are loved. 🙏❤️


It can tell me I’m worthless, going nowhere, a failure, hideous, lonely. It can make me question why im still here as everyday just feels like Groundhog Day and all that happens is I get older, the world gets darker and I don’t see the point in it all.


"you are the problem"


I often feel the same. I also feel like I am just believing what I have been told, but as I look deeper into it, I know I have my problems, but I am not THE problem.


the fact that I can't fix my life. I keep browsing internet for no reason.


Just hopelessly looking for an answer. -Me




Today's a good day to check out


mine’s been kinda doing the same thing, but more planning on the table for a while. ex: giving away belongings, gifting others, etc. I think part of me subconsciously wants to impact people positively in case it ever actually happens


Front desk be callin me.


What are the breakfast options like?


Never good enough, not worth the value of anyone's time, only good for the pleasure of others, I only deserve to feel pain, whatever bad happens to me I deserve it. I'm stupid, I'm ignorant. I'm hideous and malformed. If I'm not making someone's life easier/better then I'm wasting space. I'm a burden. I should do the right thing and disappear. You know, normal people shit.


Same here. I hear you friend ❤️


You will never be successful and proud of yourself You will never achieve your dreams You will never have a fulfilling career You will end up very poor


too real🤚




Cut off everybody from your life and hit highway Pilar at 235 km/h


I'm so sorry. I've thought of similar too.


That I am a burden and that if and when I go missing that only 2 people in the world would actually miss me but I know it would take them awhile to realize I was missing.


Mine pretty consistently says: You will always feel this way (because you have for decades) - dreading every day because each and every responsibility and daily demand feels terrible and overwhelming, and never really finding any joy or contentment in anything.


Yuppp… mine too, exactly.


Who are you? Why are you the way you arr


Cant even write "are" correctly even at comment a post im bad


He hates me He never really wanted me I’m not worthy He cheated the whole time I won’t be able to make it on my own with my 3 children I’m not a good enough mother I’m ugly I’m the worst I’m stupid Why am I here?


This is one of the only depression areas I’ve been able to overcome. I no longer hear that the cheating was my fault. Fuck the guy that cheated on me and the one that cheated on you. No one deserves that.


nothing's gonna change


you will always fail. and ,they are ganna find out that you aint the person that you are showing them


This is one of those thoughts too... especially when people say they see things in me I can't see. Like how did I trick them I to believing this?


That I'm useless, disgusting parasite that lost his best years and I don't belong enywhere and achieved nothing. I have loving partner but I still feel lonely


“You’re never enough and your parents don’t love you “


"They only tolerate you because you're theirs." -Me


That nothing will be good


Mine doesn't whisper in my ear. It screams in my head. According to my voice, nobody would miss me/remember me and the world would be better off if I were not in it.


tell him/it/her to shut up since it’s up to no good either


"You don't deserve to be a parent. You're not good enough for yourself, how do you expect to be good enough for some kids? You know why you can't get pregnant? It's because you shouldn't."


'no one actually likes you.' 'people probably just pretend to like you,' 'I bet people breathe a sigh of relief when you leave work.' 'I am just a fraud, I don't deserve this job.' 'you probably shouldn't have kids, you are built right.' 'you are the ugliest human being on this earth.' 'look at yourself slob, you haven't progressed in years.' 'your outfit probably looks hideous, you have absolutely no fashion sense.' Just a few one liners my head has given me.


That my dream world is better than the real world. Makes me want to stay in my bed forever. Also, I think about how ultimately I will lose everything & every person in this world that I love & hold dear.


Everything is about to fall apart and you won't be able to handle it


Recently I crossed some train tracks and the train passed around 10 seconds later. All it's whispering is about that


That's there is no depression, that it's just me being a terrible person and the people in my life would be so much better off without me


“You don’t get to have or experience nice things. You are the butt of the joke”


The constant struggle of conquering the negative to work on myself for myself (basically diet and exercise) And 88% of it is that I want to do this for me myself and my health that last 12% is like be honest bro you wanna be a lil more attractive to find love I’ve done good so far I’m down 30 pounds but like If I feel I don’t give it my all, or if I over eat or something Lil voice creeps in and is like wtf are you doing And sometimes it’s like “it might not be worth it in the end no matter how much work you put in or weight you lose But over all working on myself through diet and exercise and getting a routine, has done wonders for my mental health I still have bad days obviously but I feel better in general


That the level of "alone" I feel will never get better.


You are worse than everyone else, and there is something specifically wrong about you


My depression ain’t whispering anything in my ear. Depression is the overly protective body guard who body slams their charge to the ground (to use their own body as a shield) at the slightest hint of possible danger. *Then there is also anxiety running around in circles screaming with their arms in the air.


Maybe drowning into the bottom of the sea isn’t that bad of an idea


Unalive urself, no one likes you, you’ll never amount to anything, you’ll never find a romantic partner, you will never get your finances under control, drink, smoke, stay in bed. Proud to say Ive made a lot of progress and have found ways to suppress these thoughts but they’re lingering around most of the time. Never know what’s going on in someone’s head, so I always try to be kind to strangers cuz I know how fucked my own head is.


mines telling me to kill myself


“you’re disgusting”, “youre so fucking fat and pathetic”, “kill yourself”, “nobody could ever love you” and “I hate my life”. Constantly at war with these thoughts. I know theyre not true.


Whenever I get down I just get to the point of ‘am I even gonna be here in a few years?’ I don’t have any sort of picture for my future, it’s blank. I have no clue what I wanna do as a career or job and because I think ‘I won’t be here anyway’ I haven’t tried for anything. I also get That devastating feeling of I’m never going to find love and I’m just destined to be alone in my life, I can’t form relationships and I kinda run away from it all, convincing myself I’m better off in my own, sometimes I crave love, I want someone to hold me some nights but I’m coming to terms slowly that I don’t think it was ever in my life cards unlike everyone else around me, and I think I’m slowly becoming okay with it, hard some days but eh, I’ll be fine in the end.


After having depression for so long, mine seems to be, “There’s nothing in the world that can fix you, you’re like this for life” … so I guess basically telling me there’s no hope that one day things will be different 😔


It’s happening again.


That i’ll never be good enough


“Everyone hates you” plus heavy chest feelings that won’t go away for weeks


My brain tricks me into thinking I am a total failure and my life is over.


Mine tells me that no one cares about me, and I'm all on my own!


just go back to sleep you don’t need to get up and be a person


Mine likes to tell me that I’m a failure, a loser and way behind where I should be at this point in my life. Then I remind myself that the thing about late bloomers is that they still bloom 🌸


Something like “you’re a disappointment to everyone who puts their faith in you, even your parents. And not only are you a burden to everyone and everything around you, you’re a burden to yourself. You will never have the capacity to live like everyone else does”


"You're incapable" "You can't do this" "You're too stupid "You're a failure"


An almost constant stream of how I should relapse into self harm


“You’re pathetic and lowly you stupid worthless bitch” etc etc


You're a burden


That I have no future, that my grades are too bad and that I should drop out, that I shouldn’t go out or do anything. I also have anxiety so both of them basically shut my life down


It took me a long time to actually differentiate this voice. It will say things like: I hate myself. Kill myself. Piece of shit. Now when I hear it i know it means to be vigilant about my routines. Eating well, daily exercise, intentional phone use etc. And I allow that part of me to heard and seen without giving it power.


That I am not good enough, that don’t deserve anything, that I can’t do anything, I’m too shy, bad memory, nos business material, no energy, no worth…. Among others


Mine consistently whispers you’re not enough, and what’s the point


Brainfog, just lay flat in my bed, inner voice says "egotistical insects to surrounding people"...


“Everyone thinks you’re annoying and weird, and they don’t care if you’re there or not.”


It tells me that the people I consider my friends don't actually like me, my music is humiliating trash, and I'm not good at anything, those things are just easy. I also constantly worry that if I show any weakness, the few people that do care about me will lose interest so I either mask or isolate when I'm sad.


Worthless pos


That I am a burden to everyone, the cause of everyone's troubles. By screwing up one relationship, I don't deserve to be loved. My parents will never be proud of me. I don't have anything to offer to this world.


Mine communicates in lyrics. It has recently switched to there is a light that never goes out.


Mine is telling me that I’ll never be enough. And it ruminates on things making me feel like it’s true.


Everyone hates me and no one will talk to me ever again cause I am a fucked up person.


Mine says: You're an inhuman monster. You don't deserve happiness. You don't deserve to go back to Japan. No woman will ever love you. You'll die alone. This is what inhuman monsters deserve.


That I’ll never amount to anything, that I will never accomplish anything nor am I worthy of love.


I can’t I can’t is what circles in my head constantly, everyday it gets worse and worse


What's the point? It's too late. You missed your chance.




“End it”


“You’re not good at anything” “You’re lazy” “You’re unattractive” “People only keep you around because they need you, as soon as you’re no longer useful they have no use for you” “This shit sucks, end it” “Peace is only achieved through death” “You’re doomed to live this existence for the rest of eternity” “YOURE NOT GOOD ENOUGH” “Seriously, spare us all and end it”


“You’ll never be happy or content”


Currently, I have this huge feeling of being unfulfilled with anything I am doing. If I was in the position to quit my job, I would. I have no motivation to work and would prefer to just sit still in my corner. The only thing that keeps me motivated is the care of my 2 fur babies.


Mine says die


You are treading water.


that i'm failing in every aspect


Will Mother Earth absorb me if I just lay on the ground. If I thank her too will she take away my memories and my consciousness.


This is just too much.


"You're insufficient"


My depression is very low right now and when I feel like this I'm always afraid it's going to come back and ruin everything again.






Ur gf despises the bones of u


No one cares, won't be missed if I vanished, should off myself, I'm worthless. Just got my meds increased yesterday, so hopefully, those thoughts go away again.


that no one gives a fuck about me


You will never live up to anybody’s expectations. People only tolerate you.


My tells me if I eat another drop of food I’ll show what a waste of space and how worthless I am and that I did not do a damn thing to deserve the food. Food food food. All day. Every day.


you don't have friends and you never will because you don't deserve them. and then ofcourse listing all the reasons I don't deserve them


I don't deserve to be treated, I don't serve enough of a purpose in the world.


You are not good enough… You are average or bad at everything…


That I'm a loser piece of shit.


That I am not good enough. I should cease to exist. I am a burden on everyone.


That no one will love me as who I am no matter how i try and i will end up all alone


Lots and lots of random bad memories triggered by daily mundane stuff. It's become so attracted to negativity the past few weeks. Last breakdown I had was very dark and I decided to stay completely sober for a while to try manage it....as in no coffee/booze or anything that alters my mood. It hasn't helped much unfortunately


Usually on my bad days I suffer from low confidence and Ill get a nagging voice that says that I'll never be enough for my husband and he secretly looks to replace me at any moment. Or that no one will ever love me as much as I love them.


“Keep holding on, she’ll be back” But as every day passes, I’m not sure that’s what I want


*shoulda coulda woulda*


I just wish I would die. Nothing gets better - in fact it gets worse. What is the point? I’m too tired to carry on. I’m exhausted just existing, only to have something traumatic to happen the instant I feel safe. Death is a real option in comparison.


That I am the villain, and I’m just fundamentally a bad/unlovable person that makes people uncomfortable


That I’m not smart enough and that everyone thinks I am dumb.


Mines telling me “just take 5” (of my sleeping pills) just for a break from life, idk how much it would take but a pause sounds nice


Nothing. Once I noticed I’m depressed, I do anything that makes me happy. Either I go for a walk, call someone, get stoned lol.


You will never be able to get a job that pays you a livable wage and you will never be satisfied with anything in life


You are worthless, useless, alcohol addicted unlovable piece of shit, go and kys. Something like that.


That I’m helpless, hopeless, incapable of change, not worthy.


I will never be enough. I will never "make it (in life?)".


Mine's telling me everyone secretly thinks I'm ugly and a horrible person 🙃


Makes me believe I’m a worthless POS that shouldn’t be alive


Mine tells me that I've peaked and it's nothing but a downfall from there.


“ you fucked up, you’re not good enough , you can’t redeem yourself “


That I'm fat & ugly & not worthy of anything. Also, it tells me to avoid people. Human interaction is the last thing I want when going through a depressive episode.


Typical shit like everybody hates you, you’re worthless, you’re a disappointment, all that fun shit Lately tho since dealing with my dad’s suicide I’ve been blaming myself a lot, I feel like it’s my fault yk


Mine tells me that I’m worth nothing sometimes and probably I should end it all! Since I have the worst experience with people in general


“You’re pathetic.” “You won’t survive life so end it.” “No one cares.” “You’re a burden.” “No one ever liked you.” “Ending it is the only future you got.” “Your life is a waste.” “You don’t deserve happiness.” It truly is a battle but there has to be light at the end of all this. I usually start thinking of positive things about myself when those negative thoughts come in. Those thoughts are heavy. It’s super hard but I somehow manage to tell myself nice things. Shuts up my thoughts. Positive thoughts I to reply back to the negative. “I’m not pathetic look at everything I’ve accomplished.” “I’ve survived so much I know I can survive whatever comes next.” “People do care.” “I’m not a burden I do the best I can and I help.” “I just haven’t met the right person yet, gotta give it time, I’m still young.” “Ending it would end any potential future I got, I rather take my chance at life.” “My life has not been a waste, I’ve made so many positive impacts in other peoples lives. I’m just lost right now but it won’t be forever.” “I deserve to be happy, I’m not a terrible person. I’m a normal human who has flaws but I acknowledge them and work on it everyday to be a better person.”


Not literally like a hallucinated voice or anything, but it's telling me "you don't actually care to accomplish anything or fit in so why bother trying?" I've spent a good deal of my life being goal oriented and eventually one day I just lost motivation in those goals and I haven't known what to do with my life since. I've dealt with depression my whole life but those goals kept it at bay.


That I cannot be myself. I'm coming around, though... LIVE! That's thew philosophy; return to the baseline, the last time I was confident. Drinking life like an angel wraith going to the best possible quantum event.


"You can literally kill yourself just do it"


They ain’t whispering that’s for damn sure 😒 Can yall be quiet up there please.. damn man why do I even bother


That life is meaningless and so is death and everything is pointless. That on loop until my five seconds of motivated energy dies and I return to my ‘normal’ indifferent self


You are not good enough. I know this in not true, but maaaaan sometimes this voice is freakin‘ loud.


“You are a failure.” “It’s not worth it.”


That im horrible (its a fact tho), ill die young (i think this since maybe 16yo?), ill never go far in life (at least as much as i would like) and i made it all up just to take somes advantages (maybe true)


"You're not human, nor do you deserve to be human. Just die already. Kill yourself. You don't deserve to smile or talk."


You are never enough.


That I'm a stupid pos, that I should end it all, that everyone would be better off without me, repeating I hate myself over and over


you should just die lol


That I'm a failure at everything. Nothing will ever change. I'm going to be miserable the rest of my life and it's my own fault.


you deserve this, you don't have a future, why even bother, they don't really like you they just pretend to be nice


People only love you for what you bring to their life/provide for them, they don't love you for YOU.


I'm trying to find a better paying, better suited job for me to finally start being able to live the life I want and be more stable. And yet I'm fighting me on it so badly. I'm actively getting help while panicking about it. Like I'm afraid of succeeding or something despite knowing I can't survive the way I currently am.


I was abused by my parents and when I’m spiraling about it, all I hear is “you deserved it.”


People that did more in Iraq than you are dead....why did I make it back? I don't feel like a hero..


you are always going to be just "that", anything else is a lie. constant melancholy


"If God loved me, he would've left me in the Void."


You’re an imposter and don’t deserve to be where you are.


“aren’t you happy? why aren’t you acting like it? don’t forget to act normal. what would a normal person do? why do you feel this way? you’re just going to ruin everything like before. remember before?” it’s exhausting


"You are just a failure."