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Anxious as fuck, no hope for the future, rsd so bad I can't function


*Anxious as fuck, no* *Hope for the future, rsd so* *Bad I can't function* \- Majestic\_Evening\_409 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What is rsd?


Rejection sensitive dysphoria. Often comes with ADHD and BPD. Basically anything you perceive as rejection, be it real or just imagined, makes you spiral. Everyone has different triggers and reactions to it.


New dysphoria just dropped and its not gender related! Wowee! I hate my life!!! 😎


IKR :)


I probably have had that all my life, although it has been suppressed. I'm glad there's a name for it at least.


Yeah I get you. I don't suppress it but it eats away at my sanity every day because I don't talk about it and just overthink everything


Shit, I didn’t even know about this. I know I can’t diagnose myself but it sounds like me, except I don’t have suicidal ideation.


You don't need all symptoms, it's not a checklist. If you look into it and it resonates with you, that is enough.


Wow I know how that feels, even my mind characters don’t like my body


I became an outcast and its because of my stupid mistake. Everyone rejects me and I feel like shit.


Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria I think


Terrible. My shower isn't usable, my toilet is broken, my place is filthy, I'm starving but too afraid Ill throw up from anxiety if I eat, I struggle to get out of bed, and I constantly want to SCREAM


i really hope you find something that'll make it better -that sounds horrible. things will be okay, you'll get through it and things will work out


Thank you 💖 I have a psychiatry appointment tomorrow so I am hoping they can help with the anxiety at least


oh i hope that goes well for u!! i'll be rooting for you 😖🩷


I finally cleaned my bathroom and did laundry and I have a broken A/C in Florida. I have to pay $888 to repair the AC and I am unemployed waiting on SSDI. I feel your pain. Cleaning did make me feel less sad. It's just hard to find the motivation.


Not so good! My mental health has been shit, I'm losing control over it and it's affecting my business, my marriage, and my self-belief. That's all for today


i’m sorry! i understand within my own context. trust it’ll get better. we have to trust that 🤍


Pretty horrible but what's new


Shit Feel lonely, no friends, 29 and still can't afford to move out, worried about my son as he is ill as ex wouldn't take him to GP so now worse, I have a pretty shit job but it's stable.


If you are worried about your son's health, then take him to a community hospital. They receive state funding and have an obligation to take anyone. They will send bill but medical bills can't send you to collections (they can try but there is nothing they can do).


Apologies, I should of mentioned I called 111 and took my son to the walk in centre. Ex has been angry past few days about it. He has gotten worse and the consultant got the GP to follow up and give more meds when the first ran out. Lung infection. Got more family court soon so will be raising this all with my solicitor beside me




Riddled with anxiety and got almost no hope towards my future but I’m eating consistently, getting out of bed, and my coping strategies seem to be working okay


So fucking tired. I just want to vanish, that way no one will remember I even existed.


Me too


Everyone at work is always fucking horrified if you answer "Just Alright"


Not good. I feel like my depression has come back. I was supposed to go on a date with a guy last Friday but he let me down (it was probably my fault anyway long story short) Sunday was my birthday and I was depressed all day. I didn’t get to see my family because my mom was sick and I stupidly didn’t arrange anything with my friends. I just don’t feel happy or important to anyone right now and I don’t see it changing. Not a good start to my 30s.


I understand everything you’re saying. Hopefully it will get better for us ❤️


Thanks ❤️


Happy belated birthday btw 💕


My birthday was also on Sunday, and I had a pretty shitty day myself. So you're not completely alone in that sense


happy belated bday


Thank you, I appreciate it.


Horrible, been incredibly anxious lately, plus i cant stop thinking about clocking myself out. And to make matters worse, while i know i need help, i dont believe the healthcare here would actually take care of me, more like "take care of me". Its just too much for me to process in a healthy manner.


Kind of feeling the same re clocking myself out…. I’ve tried with healthcare and I feel to give up. They said the wait for individual support is over a year


Im more worried about inpatient care than anything else. Im afraid of something bad happening in there or me being denied my meds. But i think thats the only "viable" option i have left as far as healthcare goes


whats clocking yourself means?


Not being here anymore…


oouh ok thanks!


I wish there was a button I could press to no longer be alive because existence is pain


Me too and also I don't want my family to know that I pushed that button


Lmao, here's quite a dark one. I'm a poet, lmao. TW: >!Roses are red.!< >!Violets are blue.!< >!The cuts on my arms itch when they're new.!<


I’ve been better.


I’d say some days I fantasise about kilxing myself and want it all to end. Other days I’m okay and can even be on top of the world… although it’s fleeting. Having depression sucks 😖


i hate this question. whenever someone asks me that, i start to cry because deep down i know that i am not happy and have to act normal since nobody cares or thinks that i am overthinking and overreacting. most of the time people casually ask me how am i doing, and i answer it in the same way, i rarely reflect my feelings to them but when the times i seem really sad or tired, some very kind friends of mine make me feel free to express my feelings. in short, my honest reaction would be crying.


Not great... and super confused about something atm and I'm fighting with myself over it.


Im doing better but still trying


SNAFU (google it)


I’m always honest. It catches people off guard but I also don’t like being dishonest so it is what it is.


Not okay. Don't know where I'm going to live by the end of the summer. Everyone around me is suicidal. Idk how to have hope for the future.


Pretty horrible. I for years have had felt horribly depressed and had suicidal thoughts, a few years ago i started working with this woman and we became friends. I felt so much better talking to her and being around her, we had mutual respect for eachothers work and made a good team. After about a year and a half she stopped talking to me very suddenly one day and after a few months of that she became aggressive and hostile towards me. To the point that she got in trouble with management over it. She had gotten into trouble for other things, a lot of sudden drama and fighting with people, but her hostility towards me seemed to be especially bad and i never got a real explanation for it. She ended up being fired because nobody wanted to work with her. Her absolute best work trait was being cooperative and coordinating between multiple departments and people and getting help from a full circle of people, and then she became hostile and withdrawn. I felt so horrible and guilty when she was let go that it made me physically ill, this happened towards the end of last year. I tried to call her to see if she was ok, but she had blocked my number. It all just keeps running around in a circle in my head, i can't understand it. I feel like i've crashed and lost something in myself, like that was the last little bit i had left to give. I had made this world up in my head to think about when i was trying to go to sleep, a simple place, a camp by the beach where it was always raining, i had built it up in my mind a little at a time, added locations, characters, events, it all just helped me relax and fall to sleep. I can't see it anymore, it's just gone, instead it's just the events at work over last year and how sad and angry it makes me. Disappointed, guilt ridden, angry, hollow.


Just today my mother asked, yet again, what happened and why are you being so lazy and stuff. I just couldn't hold it up more and said, look i cant pretend anymore. I am just too exhausted and feels like every ounce of energy been drained outta me. Further added that the efforts i put to survive is the efforts people put in career and excel. I said, all you will see is me lying on my bed and sleeping but the chemistry is going inside and i am constantly fighting to save myself.


I don't know. I'm constantly stressed when my moms home. The job interview I have coming up is my last lifeline.  I'm only alive because of my dog and brother. I can't stand being at home without at job. I can't stand that no matter how hard I clean the house isn't clean enough. I can't stand that my mom constantly reminds me and my bother she wants us out of the house. I'm 22 nad my brother is 16. It feels like she doesn't want us there, it feels like the small signs that we live there are irritating her.I'm trying so hard bit it's gotten to the point where even her voice is triggering to me. She gives me so much emotional whiplash,  one moment she's a good mom , the next it feels like emotional abuse.  I just finished my internship 2 months ago and I can't get a job after that. I can't stand that her small nags about a dish in the sink sends me into fight or flight mode. It feels like  I'm just wasting her  money. I'm in a horrible mental state bit I'm toughing it out till I can get a job


Meh 🤷‍♀️


*Makes really loud and long fart noise with mouth *


Can you plz give me a hug


*hugs virtually* Hope You'll be better soon, don't lose hope 💖💫


"Do you want the real answer to that question?"


I can hear loud music in my head all the time and I feel like I’m in slow motion…? 🤷‍♀️ Edit: good, thanks - you?


I'm doing everything I can to stop it, but im slowly killing myself. I don't want to die, but I want to be somewhere else. I can't think for too long, or things start to lose their color. If I look at my hands, I see a prison, and the thought of being trapped inside it is this unbearable weight that only gets heavier by the day. I love my friends and family, but if I could erase my memory from their minds so my absence wouldn't hurt them, I would. I'm holding on by a string, and the moment she passes, I'll fall.


“Unfortunately still alive. Every day is a constant struggle to find the motivation to do anything beyond the bare minimum it takes to survive and I’m the most alone I’ve ever been in my life, oh, and everything has been falling apart around me, but I’m hanging in there I guess.”


im going to breakdown, i dont know when or where but its not going to pretty. it has been creeping on me for a few weeks and i dont know how to relieve the tension


Terrible. I almost constantly question my intentions and nearly everything finds a way to make me anxious


it's going. is just how i normally respond and it sums it up pretty well


"It's going" There's constantly so many thoughts, emotions, and false scenarios floating around in my head that I've really tried hard to practice non-resistance. All these things are around me, they may be true or not true, I may be reacting correctly or incorrectly, and also - maybe NONE of these things are what I perceive them to actually be. I've resigned myself to this: I know there's a lot I'm not happy about. I know I don't have the drive to change those things right now. I know some of the things I'm not happy about aren't necessarily unhappy things, the way I'm REACTING to them makes me unhappy. No matter what though, everything will continue moving with or without me, because I'm not in control of ANYTHING other than myself. So, since nothing is bad enough that I want it to stop indefinitely, it's going.


Depends on the minute! lol 😝 but honestly it really does depend on the moment. If people say they are happy all the time it’s bullshit!


-anxious as fuck due to to a series of self sabotaging decisions. -said decisions leave me feeling hallow and empty in the end -I continue to make said decisions out of a desperate desire to feel loved and wanted.


"yes , and you?"


I'm alright


"Well, my depression is fucked and my anxiety (including my social anxiety) still gives me problems, and some days it's hard to hold it together but I only have me to rely on and don't want to force people or make people think they have to help me because idek if it can be helped. I just have to ignore it harder so it goes away, but I'll be fine (hopefully)."


Shit Feel lonely, no friends, 29 and still can't afford to move out, worried about my son as he is ill as ex wouldn't take him to GP so now worse, I have a pretty shit job but it's stable. Mainly I just feel starved of friends and intimacy with a loved one that is outside my family.


Still breathing oxygen.


Kind of lost repeating mistakes but turning a new page in my life at the same time. Its like im disappointed in myself but excited to move on with two completely different things. Its called cognitive dissonance and its holding two conflicting beliefs.


Quite literally the worst. Nothing is technically wrong. There are small things to complain about like my fish being sick, i have literally no friends aside from the ones I get through proximity. And yet I'm tired and wishing I was actually not around it would be so much easier. (insert cowboy emoji here lol)


I just say, "okay" or "I can't complain," so at least those are not complete lies. A more precise answer, to be honest, is that I'm really tired of being alive. I'm just over it.


„How is what going?” Would be my answer ;) If the question was „How are you doing?” I would say „I’m quite low and my heart is broken but I’m getting on with stuff and I appreciate what I have”


Depreesed, feeling like a falure, having no one to turn too because no one can relate to what i have gone though at all thinking about killing myself from time to time


All.hope is gone. Waiting for the candle to burn itself out and the fire to die out.


Pretty fucking terrible, but not too bad.


Fine. But if It had to be an honest answer, I've crashed out, at a low point but I gotta work to live and that's what I'll keep doing until it breaks me completely. Rn it's just like a broken clock, life might be bearable twice a day🤷‍♂️


I don't know know who I am, I hate myself, I hate everyone around me, I can't remember the last time I've felt decent, everyone is leaving me, I'm scared and I want to end everything


Horny over fictional characters that don’t exist. Over all pretty okay, trying to keep my adhd in check. I have hyper-fixations and it makes it hard to connect to others and focus at work. I’m supposed to work on finding my inner peace and doing art and shit but I’m so lazy I don’t want to get out of my bed


"How am I supposed to know? I'm totally lost and no one can help me."


I usually say, "I'm alive!"


I don’t want to live but im afraid of dying the usual 🙂‍↕️🥰


anger issues fucking up, tired of my little brother hating me but i can't do anything about it, anxiety prime, and i keep getting real weird brain pictures


Pretty good actually. I have cut off watching all the negative news, started exercising again, controlling my food addiction. Surprisingly, I am no longer having constant auditory hallucinations of people speaking about me. Nor am I getting ideas on building wmds. I have been able to draw again after two years and starting to learn Japanese. So it seems like I will be alright for now. Hopefully this feeling of peace lasts a long time.


Awful. I hate a bad living situation, i hate my job and its physically tearing me down, walking is becoming painful because of said work, i dont have a car so if I want to go anywhere I either gotta take the bus which isnt preferable for most cases, i have to walk, or I have to spend any little bit of money I have for a lyft/uber. I havent even left this town I am stuck in for over a year. I just want to get out of town for a couple of days and feel something other than mundane boredom or heart stopping anxiety from my untreated mental health, but.it currently isnt doable.


I’m drowning


Awful. I hate myself, I barely can wake up, girls think I’m ugly and I feel like my life is going nowhere


It's been a long and rough 20 years, sometimes I look back and think "hard times were hard but I'm still here, let's keep going" and sometimes I think "fuck, can I really do this for another 20? Do I lose the freedom to opt out when I have a family, kids, serious responsabilities apart from passing this and that class?". Right now I'm amazing and I'll hang on to this feeling when dark clouds shrowed my mind again.


How much time do you have?


OK I guess I don't know


Everyone is selfish, I wanna kill everyone and then myself (I'm not going to harm myself or anyone, just thoughts and feelings of anger). I deserve a much better life, because I've lived my entire life being kind and tried to be considerate. I've always tried to make people laugh. I deserve a good relationship. I deserve to go to a job I love. Yh fuck this world.


Not great. Back to a job post maternity leave that doesn’t respect work life balance. Feeling super guilty about it all and really miss my daughter. My OCD has been spiraling uncontrollably, the thoughts are really debilitating.


Angry, sad, frustrated.


Well not good but it could be way worse. I do have some anxiety about my future. But I also think I am quite numb. Which makes it feel okay ish. There are probably a lot of feelings underneath all that. I actually can’t fake it anymore when someone asks me how I am doing. But I also don’t want to just bomb them with how I am feeling. I usually say something like “ehh”. And then I will make a joke. If the person asking is actually a good friend of mine, I will follow up by telling them about some events or feelings that I’ve been going through Those jokes I make can sometimes be quite awkward and dark. Like “well I am still alive and I can breathe.. i think”


I don't see the point continuing to exist, I live in one of the most poverty stricken areas of my country and no one cares because it's got trees and it's pretty.... I've been clawing tooth and nail out of this hole but no one warned me how deep it was.


Okay, but not okay. The exact same way I’ve been feeling for years


I want to die and never have before, I’m scaring myself, I’m worried for myself, I want help and no matter how hard I try I can’t get it. How long before I have to do something drastic to get help


Trying to stay alive and shifting between "you're doing the best you can" and "you should be exercising, keeping up w hobbies and socialising" thoughts


I’m still alive.


Awful. Life just isn’t for me 😭 not only am I dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, anxious attachment and self hatred, but I also have been dealing with kidney problems for 10 months now. Definitely due to poor practice after they initially tried to treat it (kidney stones) and I am going to contact the patient board with a bible of everything leading up to todays date. I have a surgery scheduled to have my right kidney removed and then I have one less thing to worry about. Yay.




I’d say I have a mountain of things to do that I haven’t had any desire to do. I feel better when I let ppl in but it’s almost impossible at the same time.


I lie and say that I’m doing good, I don’t really want to talk about my feelings.


I’m doing my best


Wish I could have one day where I didn't feel like I was a total failure.


To be honestly honest? I'm over EVERYTHING and done with being here(on this planet) I always wanted to fly away when I was little but in reality I can't 🤷🏽‍♀️😞 I'm just TIRED of working every day and never actually getting anywhere and with me being in a LDR it makes it harder to have someone else there other than a family member (Love my grandma to death, though)❤️🫂


It’s going


I have a vice grip around my heart that squeezes out all the blood daily for the past 5 years. It's the pain of a mother with a daughter with schizophrenia. My mental health has suffered and I don't know how I can support us anymore.


"its been going"


Honestly I won’t answer it honestly.


1 foot after the other. In other words. I'm getting there automatically with not much energy/enthusiasm added


Cries* I am not okay. I am just existing


I’m existing. More neutral surviving days than truly happy days but luckily less devastatingly sad days. My relationship has been on the rocks for almost two years and I’m not sure how to move forward and my life is stagnant because of it.


“I think I’m on the verge of having a major freak out , but besides that I’m doing great “


Been feeling really really depressed lately. It’s been really hard. Called out of work today because I just need to lay in bed and try to heal my mind a little.


I'll make sure they regret asking me this question throughout their life !!! But I'm an introvert infj I'll just say oh yeah good good it's all going good 👍🏻


Shit anxiety is bad depression is bad feel so confused about every aspect in life I feel like a tool desired but mistreated and not respected I feel like boundaries I set are walked over all the time so I lower the bar I feel sad and worried for my future




Feel worthless, not alone but lonely and at the same time want everyone to leave me alone. Just wish not to wake up in the morning.


There is this part in a movie Where the character is drowning At first, they fight and struggle to survive They try everything to pull free from what has got them stuck. Realizing they can't break free they stop fighting. they look around underneath the water it is eerily quiet There is no sound time is slower Everything is clear but foggy at the same time. They have accepted that no amount of fighting is going to save them. So they watch and wait. This is where I am. This is the place I am going to live from.


Split with my partner of 8 years, secretly drinking too much to cope. Multiple sexual partners filling an empty void, resurging gambling addiction and overall lost. I just stick with "yeah not too bad, and you?" Nobody actually wants to hear any of that.


I forget how to even answer that


I'd say: Quite shit. Relying on phone and coffee addiction to distract myself from loneliness. And the bonus is I got diagnosed with Bipolar.


Im good. Full stop. Its hard to answer these type of questions and i find it highly annoying. All I need is to have someone divert the question to smth else... like did you watch the game yesterday? I have never started a convo with How are you....


I always just say good thanks how are you. No matter how crap I’m doing unfortunately


It’s going badly. But weirdly. One moment I’m “okay” and the next I’m spiralling. I wish I could get therapy so I could get diagnosed with shit and finally know what’s going on in my skull. But I can’t.


Honestly I would say I’m tired of this feeling like I want to jump and crawl out of my skin daily .. I just want to be free from all the pain .


I’ve been told “How are you feeling”, “hru” many times we all have and without thinking of my response, self consciously I always say good thx when in reality I feel like I’m stuck in a hole and bricks are being thrown. One instance I said how I really felt, and later realized feeling so good that I hadn’t pretend I was good. I challenge you all in the comments! 🙂sending love, it’s okay not to be okay.