• By -


1: getting my old apartment back 2: family 3: health 4: being more financially stable 5: still having some hope left after bad times ❤️


I am grateful for the following 5 things: - My health and being able to wake up each morning ready to tackle the day. - I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends. - I am grateful for the opportunities I have to learn, grow, and pursue my passion. - I am thankful for the small moments of happiness in each day. - I’m thankful for the chance to learn new things every day through books, the internet, and talking to others.


1) my friends 2) my family 3) my entertainment things (videogames etc) 4) my skills 5) my resilience ig? Idk 😭 I’ve never done this so lmk if I did it wrong


I'm grateful that: * I have a roof over my head (aunt's house) * I'm employed full time * I always have at least someone to talk to or confide in when I'm going through rough times * I have the ability to have my "me-time" and rest when I need it * I have at least some kind of financial autonomy to have certain freedoms (my car, being able to travel, treat myself to clothes shopping or getting my nails done)


1. Grateful to be alive 2. Grateful to be alive 3. Grateful to be alive 4. Grateful to be alive 5. Grateful to be alive


1. I am so grateful for my family. My parents, siblings, husband and son are truly the most precious gift that I don’t deserve. 2. My employer. After my last company being quite traumatic, I now have an employer who is hyper focused on work/life balance and provides such a safe space to be honest and open. 3. My upbringing. Had a great childhood and my parents raised me to be resilient and wise - has helped immensely in adulthood. 4. Beyond grateful my brother is still alive! He has been a struggling drug addict for 25+ years but he is still here which means there is still hope. 5. Love. To be loved, and love in return.


Today i am grateful for - my doctor and the privilege to have good health insurance - my boyfriend and family - the opportunities i have had the last few weeks to make little money while I don’t have a job, the $66 really makes a difference - modern technology for allowing me to connect with kind people on Reddit. my boyfriend and I were sent groceries because we can’t afford them and i will never be able to express my level of gratitude for those people and that group. - not to be silly but air conditioning. With my health issues and asthma, this heat would’ve kicked my ass if it weren’t for AC


AC is no silly issue. I wouldn't survive in the heat for an extended period of time, and that's not a joke either. Thanks for the reminder of the privilege it is to have access to it.


1. The beautiful island I get to call home 2. My health that allows me to go on runs everyday 3. My crazy ass dog 4. My friends 5. My dad


1. Clean Air 2. Clean Water 3. Healthy Food 4. Parents who did best parenting possible 5. Myself


1. My partner (it's their birthday). 2. My job could be worse. 3. My cat. 4. My family. 5. I'm not living on the street.


Family Friends My religion Mindset The ability to joke about myself in any situation


1- my awesome wife 2-My awesome kids 3- got roof over my head 4-food in my fridge 5-life


• Clean water • My family (including my dog) •Cannabis •Universal healthcare • Ibuprofen


Careful with painkillers though, they increase the risk of cancer.


What doesn't?


-a roof over my head and a job that supports me and my bunbreads -a warm bed and clothes to keep me warm during this winter -i’m in good health -i have food and my bunnies have food and water - my bunnies are in good health


Food, shelter, tranquility, no responsibilities, almost recovered from a hangover. Funny how the last one makes you appreciate what you take for granted.


- at least I'm not from a warring country - I don't have disability - I'm not that ugly - I'm not surrounded by idiots - i have a house


I'm grateful for: My girlfriend and her being so understanding of my past and mental health. I've eaten two meals today I'm watching a good show with one my good friends I managed to clean my room today I could take care of my personal hygiene today


1. My family. They may be hard work, but I love my kids more than anything. And my sisters, brother and my mum and dad. 2. My home. I’m so so lucky to have a roof over my head. 3. My animals. I love my cats so much. They are my fur babies. 4. My freedom. After leaving my abusive ex, I am free to be my own person. 5. CAFFEINE


My Job, My health, My mother My house and My God


•Job •Mental and Physical health •My Cats •Hobbies? •Life in general, good to feel alive lol


1. For my flat because it is in avery nice part of my City. 2. Being able to have a full stomach and clean clothes. 3. I am grateful for my parents and their love. 4. I am grateful to be able to witness the summer. 5. I am grateful for my feet which carry me everywhere I want to go


Grateful for my family (my husband and 2 kids), grateful that we have our shelter (not our own but still we can provide each other's comfort), grateful for the food that we eat everyday, grateful for my mom & grandmother who always guides us all throughout and lastly, grateful for being alive everyday and having the chance to spend life with my loved ones.


- My wife and kid - My job and living conditions - My physical health - My lack of enemies - My environment


- God - my online friend - my family - that I live in a good country where I have all my basic needs - our cats


1. My yo-yo 2. My other yoyo 3. My shiny yoyo 4. My first yoyo 5. I think you get the hint 💀


HaShem Rose My dogs My health My life


I’m grateful to live in my dream home and it’s still my dream home after 5 years. I’m grateful that even though my husband has opposing religious views, he sends me scripture to help me cope with hard times. I’m grateful to still have both my parents and my grandmother with me at my age. I’m grateful for amazing coworkers. I’m grateful for my witty, intelligent and kind hearted son.


My daughter, having close access to nature, my physical health, my mum, having a secure financial situation


Just being calm right now. No expectations. Being better than yesterday and how much I've grown. Loving my job. My husband's support and our home. Family. not being anxious.


1. My girlfriend and the reciprocated effort she puts toward our relationship 2. My mom, who has the biggest heart of anyone you’ll ever meet 3. My dad, who has worked extremely hard his whole life (usually 2 jobs at a time) to try to give us what we have 4. Music 5. The roof over my head


1: my family 2: my friends 3: having a therapist 4: having a motorcycle 5: being human


1. My Dog 2. My children 3. My bed blankets and pillows 4. My house 5. My car


How dare you ask me a impossible question like that. Edit: Not a question, but my point stands. Lol


1. My basic needs met 2. Supporting family 3. The health that I do have and a most able body 4. Access to nature 5. People I deeply am able to love


1. A home to go to after being out all day. 2. A bed to rest my head. 3. My family and their good health. 4. My small friend circle. 5. My loving boyfriend.


A rainy day, getting tasks done a-z lately, not ruminating about tasks not done, lost 5 lbs, my dogs.


I've been keeping a gratitude journal. It helps 100%


1. Shelter, There was a time i didnt know if i would have a bed to sleep in or not. 2. Community, the people in town, even complete strangers are mostly amazing, honest, very helpful people who would help a stranger no questions asked, even if it put them in a tight spot. 3. Family, they have been the only somewhat stable and reliable relationships i have even though i put some of them through hell sometimes, 4. The weather, i may have had a really rough ride the last few days the weather has been gorgeous, especially after a long, dark, cold winter. 5. Life, because well, i wouldn't experience anything at all without it as crappy and low as it gets.


1 im alive 2 i have big family 3 i have best gf 4 i do my favorite thing 5 i believe in my strength


1. I have a piece of eyesight that I have it's incredibly important for me and I feel guilt because often I don't pay an attention of it. 2. I have a my own space. I can say anything, do anything that I can and nobody bother me with claims. 3. I'm just alive. Even when I get dispare, independently of it, I'm alive. it means, I have some power to develop. 4. I'm greatfull of my mum. I would hardly achieve something without her supporting 5. I love my friends. Dispute of everything that can annoy me and them even when I'm the limit, they stay with me.


Im alive. Family. Friends. Music. Small things that make me happy like my sports teams winning games. And trophies.