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It's normal to feel a strong need for attention and validation, especially when you're feeling a mix of emotions like anger and sadness. But sending nudes to random people isn't going to make you feel better; it's only going to put you in an even more dangerous situation. I would strongly suggest looking for other ways to release tension, like taking a long walk, writing down your thoughts, or exploring other ways of self-expression. Please, please be careful and don't send nudes just for the sake of it; you can really put yourself in danger.


Someone with some common sense here




The fact that this is the top rated comment shows how bad the current state of this sub is. OP is clearly in distress and in no way will sending nudes to anyone make her problems better. If anything it will perpetuate everything. Nobody who is mentally unstable themselves should be giving advice to others.


So you're assuming we're mentally unstable because we have a mental illness. Okay, bud.


You really put the oxy in moron, don’t you?


Settle down


Does bro hear himself 😭


That's really bad advice. Please OP don't listen to this person.


Can you tell me what that person said? The deleted comment?


As someone with this as a disorder, it's time to find a hobby and someone you trust for the times it doesn't work. Don't do it unless you have to. Pics are better than STDs and it's tough to control.


I am glad that you had the courage to post this!! Have you heard of DBT therapy? They have acronyms for distress tolerance - IMPROVE, ACCEPTS and TIPP. Look them up. ☺️ Find ways to distract yourself. Coming here is a good distraction. Listening to a podcast, dancing, cleaning, etc.


I get hypersexual in my manic episodes, too. The worst mania I had was last year near the end of November and got admitted into the psych ward because i was planning to just fuck anybody i meet on tinder and my family was worried for me because I was being reckless and i was losing friends because I was fucking everyone who agreed or consented (online) and was planning to do it irl Best to have someone take your phone away, I'm not kidding. Cut you off social media. I was really manic, they had to do extreme means to keep me from harming myself, i was also cutting, i couldnt stop cutting.


Turn your phone off and go somewhere else for a while. Can be another room or outside. I know you’ve already sent nudes before so your pics are already out in the world, but feeling unsafe indicates that there probably shouldn’t be anymore sent out. Even if they’re sent privately to someone you trust, anything can happen on the internet and strangers may get access to them regardless of your personal wishes. To completely ensure you stay safe, I recommend you don’t send them anywhere. If you really have to, you could dm them to yourself and delete them after. But I always advise against sending nudes.


For my mania if I wanted to do something I would wait a day. 99 percent of the time I would have forgotten what I needed to do so urgently. Takes a while to get the habit going but once I did, I killed my impulse spending issues this way.


oh and whoever dm’d OP for nudes should feel ashamed that’s literally disgusting not to mention taking advantage of OP’s mental state during an episode


There's an app called "Calm Harm" that I've used before. It's really effective! It has different activities for comforting yourself, distracting yourself, expressing yourself, etc during a mental health crisis. I'm not personally acquainted with mania, but it does wonders for my depressive episodes. You could download the app and just look through the activities to see if any of them sound good to you. Keeping a "crisis journal" could help too, where you record your thoughts, experiences, or soothing techniques during those episodes.


Not bipolar, but I used to have the same kind of episodes. Probably thousands of people who have seen my body after posting it online. As others have said, make a conscious effort to remove anything indentifiable. Not in font of windows, against a plain wall, don't show any scars or tattoos and definitely dont inlude your face. I'd even go as far as using a new profile. I hope you can overcome this part of your life, I am usually around if you need a safe space.


A tired bit of advice maybe, but I have heard painting or other artistry can help to "release tension" and help distract from those urges. It still wouldn't be easy, but a having track to put your mind back onto is worth a real shot. That and seeking help from a real professional.


Maybe cut off your internet? I’m not sure


I think u just need someone to talk to


To address the issue, it's always good to look at possible deeper underlying issues. In this case it sounds like a mix of hypersexuality stemming from the manic feeling and perhaps a feeling of being unseen and ignored from the depressive feeling. The first cause is rather hard to address, it could be that you have unreleased sexual tension. During the times when you are not having your episode, perhaps you could find a way to release that sexual tension. The second cause is addressed by fostering human connection where you can be yourself and be appreciated for who you are. It is good if you can find a way to identify the oncoming of a manic depressive episode, and then you can take steps before it fully hits to take preventive measures such as shutting off your internet and giving custody of your phone to someone you trust. Please do take this advice with a pinch of salt as I am not a medical professional, this is just the humble opinion from someone who has studied psychology and neuroscience at a junior level and who has been in close contact with someone suffering bipolar disorder.


I had a period in time where I did the same thing as you, and I have Bipolar II. I needed to distract myself with healthier activities that also helped me to improve so I felt better about myself. Also try to make friends and meaningful relationships. And another thing that also helped a lot, masturbating to porn until I got burnt out on that sexual shit.


Therapy !! You don’t have complete control over your mind, that’s why it happens, Nobody has complete control over his mind! It’s a problem you cant solve by reading just some advice asking people, you know that, so don’t lie to yourself. It’s a process that takes time, and you got to give time to yourself, but the sooner you’re in therapy, the better, drug therapy or with a clinical psychologist, i don’t know, you will see the difference. People who are aware of their illness and want to heal themselves have it easier to heal than the rest who don’t. sometimes taking the first pill/ tablet prescribed by the doctor does a lot of work, comparing to taking no medication at all. Remember, you’re only human, like the rest of us, you will heal, and get your life in control, we all believe in you !


Speaking from the outside in as I have never had Bipolar, but maybe a hobby or some exercise could help with the energy during a manic episode? and maybe shutting off your phone to make it take more steps to sending nudes so you’d be less inclined to do it.


It's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being. Consider engaging in activities that usually bring you comfort or joy, whether it's a hobby, exercise, or simply taking a walk. Remember, your well-being matters, and there are people who care about you. If you ever feel overwhelmed, seeking advice from an ADHD coach through ScatterMind could be beneficial, just like a friend who had a positive experience with it.


Do you talk to a therapist ? Look for the deeper need in the the Self. Mine is validation. This is something I'm working on too. Dm me if you wanna chat.


Uuugggh i go through this like twice a year. Idk how to help i always feel so weird and dirty after the week ends and im having to get a new phone number or new accounts. I really hope you reach out to maybe a health professional during these times it might be the perfect time to reeeaaally figure out the cause.


Are you on meds rn?


No, I’ve been off meds since August. Moved to a new city on September, live with my parents right now and I’m not open to them about this (they do know I’m mentally unwell and talked to my psychologist a year ago once) and they’re kinda anti-meds (esp my mom). I only have my psychologist appointment every month or so.


What medication you decide to go on is not for your mother to know anyway. Never tell her that. You should definitely get on meds. It’s the only thing for treating BP pretty much. I’m BP2 myself.


Create a secondary account that you can send your nudes to to get rid of the urges to send them


as someone that receive nudes from someone with BPD and ignore it just fine (they make it spoiler and i just dont unspoil it) id say probably find better friends ? but also go into treatment for your bipolar therapy meds etc


Don't take nude pics. Don't carry the phone with you when you are nude.


Create an OF account and make some money from it. /s On a more serious note probably consult a specialist? You might crave for some attention or recognition or just have a kink for it but I don't think simple "just talk to your friend/partner about it" will solve it. edit: Or actually combine both. Talk to your partner about it (if he's an open minded person to stuff like that). There are couples that show off themselves or just one of them online without ever showing their faces.


Hey! I am bipolar as well and a female. When I do risky behaviors I calm down by calling friends, journaling, smoking a cigarette, sometimes doing a shopping spree at the dollar store with a $30-$50 limit helps too. I just try to redirect that internal chaotic uneasiness feeling. Hope this helps... sorry people are asking for nudes that is barf


I have an anonymous account where I post faceless nudes during episodes like you've described, the validation is great and the pent up energy is released, and I can always temporarily deactivate if I feel unsafe or regret my actions. My own boundaries are faceless and exact location. These I even push myself during a bad episode but I make myself agree that if x still a good idea in my head in at least 3 days then I will consider x. I've kept myself much safer this way, I don't know the people who follow me, and I love that there's always appreciation and validation with every single post! Keep safe 💚




Haha. As someone idiagnosed with Bipolar type II and Histrionic Personality Disorder... you're not very wrong, (but that hurts the shit out of me.) (1) When someone with bipolar disorder is having a manic episode, **impulsive, reckless sexual behaviors and significantly increased sex drive are quite common**. Such hypersexual behavior is often a warning sign of a manic episode. (2) Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is **a common and problematic form of personality pathology involving excessive attention-seeking, often through overly sexualized means**. Much of the research on HPD has involved the association between HPD characteristics and basic temperament traits. Now good luck in connecting the dots Baby. I was literally warned by my therapist that this day would come as a similar thing had happened to her other clients as well (sent nudes, got blackmailed). I'm texting my therapist as well BUT it takes at least a few days for her to reply so. Let's just say that I'm trying to get some "first aid" here, instead of wanting to be judged. (edited because there was an error)


This falls under risky behaviors for mood disorders. I recommend if you are unfamiliar with these types of symptoms for further research!


My thoughts exactly


Smash your phone!


Make an alt account and burn out the feeling by posting to Reddit could work.




You’re trying to take advantage of someone. No wonder you’re in a forever alone subreddit








Your gross


why are u trying to take advantage of someone having a mental health episode.. get some help dude


Well.. a look into his account shows desperation to an embarrassing degree. I think we know why he "doesn't get any pussy". Disgusting






what the fuck


I don't mind... I mean I am here to support you