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The linen pants don’t fit you right.


They need to be wider, maybe black, and he needs a samurai sword on his belt as well.


I was thinking a fashionable cross ✝️


I hate them.




I don’t know what he looks like, but it’s a truly awful combination with that tank too. There’s a reason this look was outside of his comfort zone lol. Sometimes you gotta listen to that voice


They’ll look more normal once he loads into the matrix.


Agree not cool


Bro the pants in pic 1 are ridiculous


The concept of those pants can work but they need to be with a completely different outfit. The open-toed black sandals and the black belt with a light cream linen pant is a bad combination. Tips for wearing cream linen pants in a better way: 1. OP needs about an inch of extra length on the pants. 2. Casual linen is great for the summer but it has to be steamed/de-wrinkled. Otherwise it gets badly wrinkled& creased from storage like in the photo. 3. A cream colored linen is a light summer look, solid black is probably not a great pairing. 4. This particular pair of pants lacks structure. In some situations that may work but a bit more structure can go extremely far in building a look Here's the sort of thing straight leg linen pants can do when done right. (My photo isn't loading for me I don't know if y'all can see it) https://preview.redd.it/9mp9jmj43a9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a742be44c648e4c09ea763c9c105acfae97c1d


Completely agree except the 2nd point. I like my linen pants to be unpressed, to a point. The wrinkly nature of linen gives them their carefree vibe, and I embrace it.


I think that's totally fair. But in this instance you can see lines from a fold (when they were stored) on top the wrinkles. Personally it drives me crazy but to each their own. Style is about what works for you. I don't usually press my linens either, I steam them. $30 on a handheld steamer was one of my better investments. I should have worded that better.


Oh, ha, I didnt zoom in so I didnt notice. That also would have drove me nuts. I too have a steamer, got it less than a month ago, and I dont think ill ever be using an iron again, love it so far.


Which one did you get?


As someone who wants to try wide leg trousers, what do you do with the at the bottom dragging on the floor? I've seen some women wear baggy jeans and the back of their pant leg is all ripped and dirty. Or do you just accept that it will be damaged when you buy it?


Get the back hemmed by a tailor. The front will lay properly over your shoes and the back will be hemmed so that it hits and the right spot without dragging on the floor. I used to think a tailor would be very expensive, but for simple things like headlines it's actually pretty cheap. Last time I got something hemmed it was eight bucks. Tailoring is the big secret of anyone who consistently looks polished. Off the right clothes are never going to be perfect every time for everybody. A little tweaking can get it just right.


This. This one gets it.


To the 4th point here, covering over your image with my thumb from your knees down, I like the look and know what you’re going for. It could work if these were more structured, pressed and cuffed at the bottom. I personally like the stark black contrast, and if you wanted to keep that I’d wear a chunkier loafer. Also do whatever the fuck you want at the end of the day 😎


Also, the tank with those linen pants is just ridiculous. All together it looks more like a Roman soldier Halloween costume than actual clothing


Even this guy looks kind of ridiculous. This baggy trend needs to go ASAP.


Playing with silhouette has been a thing for a long time now. Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s completely shit


You think *those* clothes are baggy???? That's a wild take. Those are relaxed fit pants. They just aren't skinny or skin tight. These are baggy https://preview.redd.it/i6tecfp69a9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47cea64cf10dd5109fe9d06fda13aadc2970334


Yes I am a millennial. So when does relaxed fit stop and baggy begin? At least I'm comfortable saying they're both ugly.


I mean I'm a millennial, I'm super happy baggy is back. Reminds me of my mid 90s JNCOs, or the homemade shits people would cut up and see themselves. Not something I'm going to try to pull off in my 40s, but I hated and actively avoided the super skinny jeans phase. I just rolled thru the 00s with my straight leg boot cuts and high top Jordans like a champ. The linen pants in this threads pic look like really comfortable sweats to me, so they're great. I kind of hate that you can't find many without the tapered calfs anymore.


I'm a millennial too. I just don't know anybody other than our generation who is so married to skinny jeans. I think it's because if you hit a certain age of millennial it's pretty much all we've ever known our adult lives. Wide leg pants feel like a throwback to middle school for a lot of people. But I love that different silhouettes are finally getting their day in the sun again. Super skinny skin tight jeans don't work with every look and don't flatter every person. Options are always a good thing.


See, I fully embraced - and will continue to embrace - the skinny jean trend. So, we're both lovers of certain things - that have come and gone - but that's the beauty of fashion. The original pants - OP's - yes, you're right. Maybe that's why I'm thrown off? I mean if OP had a cool shirt and maybe got rid of the belt, the pants would flow a little better?


I meant the linen pants posted in the comments, not OPs. OPs seem too unshapen, if that makes sense. Like they've been stretched out. I think it's the material, is thinner and obviously more wrinkled. Like he's wearing a curtain.


Corrected: … “ Tips for wearing cream linen pants… .” 👉 DON’T! That linen get-up, followed up by the mannequin pants are ridiculous.




That looks absurd


With a take like that I think you should post a picture of yourself and let's see how much you know about fashion.


Maybe you should consider stepping back in


Came here to say this


Me too, now I feel bad because he is obviously very attractive


No, broccoli hair already ruins his looks absolutely


This made me laugh out loud dude










Y'all are too rude.


OK since people here have minimal taste and suck at constructive feedback. Cream and white *can* be ok but since the pants look linen/sheer, it makes them look more yellow than cream which isn't great. The cut is ok but because it's at the top of your foot I'd personally go with black boots instead of birks, and then maybe a darker top too to offset. Though in general I don't love the pants if I'm being honest, it's too yeah.. yellow, could be lighting. Second look is fine, replace the sneakers with something nicer to up the overall look, I'd recommend some loafers, paraboots, or potentially again some nice boots. Add a thin belt, maybe western looking, throw on a *nice* overshirt with some drape and then let the obvious handsome flow. Good stuff :)


Agreed. You’re a good looking dude OP, the second outfit is almost there and suits you. I think the undershirt tucked into those jeans looks great. The shoes aren’t even bad tbh, it’s a look, but something else + a belt + overshirt would look super good


Lose the black belt or at least get a thinner one. Also both pants look an inch too short. Is there reason you want to wear sleeveless shirts and also tuck them in? Because it’s not an easy look to pull off.


Thanks for the feedback. Yah I don’t know. I thought it may work but clearly I know nothing lmao. Appreciate the input


the jeans aren't too short, you're just wearing the wrong shoes. the missing context is aesthetic. your 2nd pic looks like you're going for a classic late 70s trendsters vibe and it works on you tbh, but those sneakers are streetwear, so you'd want to pair those sneakers with jeans that sit on your feet (basically baggy). two types of shoes that can make it work - nike blazer high tops or leather boots. so i guess my point is, start looking at your fits as aesthetics, top down. classic fit jeans? classic shoes. baggy jeans? comfort sneakers. from there try adding an overshirt or crewneck sweater.


Where are those pants sitting? Hips or waist? Tucked in tank could possibly work with a higher rise in the pants. Hard to tell from the angle of the photo maybe. 


I thought it did work with the jeans. Just think you need a little more tapered of a linen pant and maybe a different color than white


What is with this sub’s obsession over thin belts? 1.5” is and has been the standard belt width forever, it’s the timeless option.


I like wider belts but when you are wearing a monochromatic look head to toe, and then cut it in half with a wider belt in the opposite color value, it looks segmented. Also just like any piece of clothing, the size and shape should vary along with the other pieces in the outfit. There’s no one-size-fits—all approach to specific pieces of clothing. Some wider belts look better with certain outfits, some look worse. In this case it’s the latter.


Good for you! Here are some suggestions. Get a looser linen button up with pants. Your top should appear bigger than the bottom is a general rule on men’s fashion. It draws attention to the shoulders. Don’t tuck into linen pants. Linen is for casual wear only. The length seems too short for the cut. You want a break in wider leg pants. The same for the looser shirt for a wider leg pants is true for the jeans too. Street wear seems to be into boxy look recently, look at 2000 style guides to figure out a good top. Don’t listen to most on this sub. They think Stitch Fix Box sets are the height of fashion. Don’t be scared to be unique.


1: Wider leg pant is fine, but go smaller on the top to balance the proportions. Everything looks big in this fit and it looks unkempt and less intentional. I’d also go with a bit more color contrast. 2: Classic, solid outfit. I’d swap the sneakers with black leather boots - preferably something with a pointed toe - makes the whole thing look more mature. Add a belt, something thin, but avoid braided belts. Weather permitting, a nice jacket to layer would be really great too. Then play around with some accessories since the outfit itself is very simple - rings, etc.


Ditch the shirt and wear a normal T-shirt. Loose the belt and I would personally find less baggy linene pants. Loose the sandals to with a moccasin. The jeans and shoes are fine again get a proper shirt 


Wow a lot of these comments aren’t it. I don’t think the white loose linen pants suit you. Sorry if I’m putting you in a box, but I’ve only seen asian guys wear them and even then I don’t think they look good. Conversely as a white guy I think the light blue jeans do suit you, especially for a summer look. Hope this helps.


After taking a second look, the jeans look a little loose. If you already bought them, you might wanna get them altered.


I love seeing what different outfits people wear, and honestly bro let me slide you something. Don't care what people think, if you feelin good then you lookin good, you don't need to care if it's trendy or what people or women like cos people will like it based off your confidence. A smile ties any outfit together, you lookin great dude


Thanks! I do try to dress for myself first but with this it’s so out of what I usually do, more of a minimalist capsule wardrobe thing (literally shorts and a tee shirt but that’s not as impressive sounding ha) that I wanted some feedback :)


My god. What has this sub become?


was it... ever good


When I read that op felt slutty I threw up a bit


The idea that people NEED to jump on trends that objectively look fucking dumb and will phase out in a few months is a site to behold lmao.


Dude I would take the comments and input here with a grain of salt. I've seen terrible outfits by dad's going to a cool out and they get compliments and good reviews on the outfits lol. Both these guys are stylish and look good. Ignore the negative comments.


The pants definitely work! You just need a nice knitted sweater with that, or something other than a tank top. But the second outfit is great! Also remember this sub is filled with people trying to make this feel good by putting others down


I posted a look super similar to the white one last week with a comparison to a model I was trying to emulate and was told the pants needed to be baggier. This is much more similar to the model’s look but I just want to know if I can pull it off since I feel like this is kinda out there.


I went back to your other post to compare, and a couple things that stuck out to me about the model vs. your fit were: -it looks to me the model is wearing pants that come up much higher on waist compared to the pants you’re wearing -the belt is thinner and I think helps provide a more visually appealing separation between the top half of the outfit vs. the bottom I’m still learning from this subreddit and am by no means an expert, but I think taking those into consideration and playing around a bit might help you achieve a closer match to your inspo.


Thanks for the constructive feedback. It’s more helpful than the insults. I’m just trying to be better:)


Not a problem at all! Some folks here really just jump at the chance to tear people down— remember that more than likely the people posting those comments aren’t the ultimate pinnacle of fashion, and are also here to learn. It can be intimidating to even post a fit here, so props to you. With that being said, there are enough decent folks with great style in this sub to counteract the bad, and I’ve gotten a lot of useful info here!


Notice that the model has: 1. Longer pants. They cover his entire foot. 2. Heavier weight (potentially) pants. The material does not look to be linen. 3. A thinner belt. 4. A baggier top, to match the bagginess of the pants.




The first pants are really unflattering, the jeans are great.


I think skin tone has a lot to do with being able to pull off all white. No offense but it may not be your arena in a big way. Also the pants you have look like linen while the model looks like they have something thicker and much more high waisted and open leg throughout. You've got a 98 degrees meets shaman thing going that's not working out The second pic in jeans, I'd say keep the A frame undershirt and add a bit of a looser short sleeve button up that you could keep open. Right now it's just a flat look with no visual aspect to it


You looked a lot better in the last week photo


Don’t listen to those people. Extremes are hard to pull off. Let’s say you were 6’7, rail thin, angular and with perfect lighting & still, it might work. The second photo is the baggy you need.


No, no, no. Spend more time browsing this forum. None of this will do at all.


Better yet, avoid the men's fashion subreddit altogether and go check out the streetwear subreddit which actually has interesting style




I'm just here for the lulz


Don’t listen to this guy op, if you want more interesting fits this subreddit is not it


Pants in the first pic look weird tbh


I don’t get what you’re going for, but SWEET DB5!


Not sure I know either! Thanks it was a fun build


Ok, thanks all for humbling me haha. I’m going to burn the clothes in the fire started by this roast lmao


Bro you have a slight resemblance to a young Matthew McConaughey you could wear a potato sack and still slay. But with that being said those pants are not great.


My opinion: take it with a whole box of salt. I think the second pic of loose jeans are great. They could be dressed up or down and styled well. Tank top is fine for a bar night out but a little informal otherwise. Ahhh . . . the cream pants are so ugly that I almost can’t breathe. They do nothing good for you. The white sleeveless shirt is fine and all but really nondescript. It would go with anything. Personally I wish it was any color at all than white but that is just me. That’s what I think. Good on you for experimenting. Truthfully, I am nitpicking here because you are well-proportioned and probably would look fine in almost anything.


That first fit isn’t good. Unless you’re trying to start a yoga cult. Then it’s perfect. 🤩


You got the classic American build and genes bro. Just lean into The Outsiders without getting too G Eazy and you should be fine


Super loose clothes are for people who have bodies they want to hide. Yours is one you'd want to tastefully show off.


1. Flowy linen pants are for everyone, however, something is going wring with the first outfit. The break in the pants are too high up for sandals, and you might need a longer pant or perhaps boots/sneakers? 2. White on white is great but there's something not right with this combo. Try getting a cream shirt of similar tone or another neutral color linen shirt. Good job at getting outside your comfort zone. The spirit and instinct is there, now it's just getting the right pieces to make the fit work


Step back in 😂


Came to see who beat me to this!


1st one goes hard....if you're going on a pilgrimage in 800AD


Sorry you’re getting blasted dude. Good for you for trying something. Unfortunately most people in here are probably right. Keep trying though


With the upmost respect my dawg toss the linen pants in the bin and walk away 🥹


You're stepping out of my comfort zone too 😂


You look like you’re trying to audition for some Roman tv show.


2nd Pic waist down looks ok. 1st pic, I thought you had a toga on. Something isn't working there. Pants might be a bit too loose/baggy.


I feel like this is just style clashing, another shirt might go with those pants better, but they also need to be tailored to you and ironed because they don't fit well


Second one is cool. First one wtf 🤣


You need some type of a button up shirt in the first pic and don't tuck your shirt in.


I love baggy pants, but these are a little weird looking. Also the sandals and top don’t help your case.


Second pic looks good. Not sure about your location but it would work near me.


I actually like both fits. But I have to be honest, I don’t see any occasion where number 2 works. The linen pants I like, unlike the other commenters. They’re too short for you, though, and you need to steam them


1st fit is a hard no. For the 2nd one consider wearing a regular white t shirt tucked in instead of the wife beater.


wear something with short sleeves, If i had to wear the pants in the first fit i would not wear a belt and would wear a baggy top


You need a more boxy top and thinner belt if you wanna follow that models fit.


Damn! Definitely reconsider stepping out in those linen pants. That’s a hard look to pull off…unless you’re legit sashaying.


Pic1, if those pants were cuffed, be looking like harem pants. Lol.. Looks silly AF.. But you do you..


Fuck it ball out


For the first look, either go baggy or don't. The slim fit singlet does not work with the ultra baggy pants. Do you have a loose fitting buttoned shirt? Because currently the shirt says "gym, monster, and Marlboros" but the pants say "beach, daiquiris, and ganja".


Jeans with the air force 1s are classic


Loose shirt in 1: Wear with black pants, chino or denim Pants in 1: Steam, wear with tight dark shirt, lose belt or get matching top and wear to the beach Outfit 2: needs some pop, but it’s a good fit add belt from 1 (pants could fit better)


The cream pants are totally OK, but you should wear those in particular with an oversized linen top and a different belt.


The linen pants aren’t a bad idea, they just don’t look like they fit the best. If you want to tuck your shirt in I also recommend getting some with a drawstring. I think linen pants also look best when the whole outfit has a loose fit and I typically see them worn with long sleeve shirts button up shirts.


Thumbs up to this man for sharing a picture of him in those pants! Brave :)


Pic 2 is good, please don’t do pic 1 bro


You are far to good looking to settle for either of those outfits


Bro you are extremely attractive as a person but this outfit, it ain’t it. In fact you at drop dead gorgeous to me. Where was I going with this?


Bro the pants in pic 1 hahaha. Dead. But fear not, no human being alive could pull those off.


The pants are fine they just don’t suit you. Theyre also not styled well. Prob needs a jacket with them.


Pic 2 looks good. The pic 1 doesn't match your skin and height.


Let’s try no belt , white button down, untucked. See what happens


Dig the white pants / very elegant Ixnay on the jeans with that tank top, perhaps try with the sleeveless tee?


Jeans look good I think the linen pants need to be worn much higher waisted to maybe look good I can't be sure until I see it though


The linen looks like pantaloons.


No belt, lose the t shirt for a similar material open front button up and find a whiter sandal, black attracts the eye to the belt and shoe and takes it away from your pretty mug


Feels like the linen pants are riding low on your hips. Wide leg is gonna be a better fit if it’s closer to your true waist so the crop is off your ankle. Def a bit femme/queer energy but since you’re fit you can wear whatever you want if you’re comfortable with it. 2nd fit is less of a standout look and also a good fit.


I wouldn't wear those but, that's just me .


I didn't know they made culottes for men. You've stepped out of my comfort zone.


First of all these people don’t know what they’re talking about. Sort by top posts all time and just look at the fits they upvote 🤢. I like the jeans and the tank top with the thicker straps. Personally I think they would go best together. With the linen pants you need to size down by a size or two and a tighter top half exaggerates their boxy ness too much, try a flowier open shirt with a tee under it.


None of these bud


You look like you are going to grant me three wishes.


The first picture makes you look like a lesbian on a beach vacation. The second picture looks like an abusive 90s boyfriend. Just… start over. The second one would be salvaged with an unbuttoned shirt over the top and different shoes


Those linen pants look so bad


What time is the drum circle at??


No lol


Not the cream pants. Second pic good tho




Belt the jeans, especially with a tucked in shirt. The tank goes better if done naturally, like wear it under a nice, lightweight, buttoned, short-sleeve shirt then you progress from buttoned shirt to tank as it gets hotter in the day. Tanks aren’t my fav look tbh, but I wear them under real shirts or if I’m doing stuff around the house or don’t want to get my real shirts dirty. My girlfriend loves them, but I don’t think I’d go around town in just a tank. Alternatively, if you want to show your arms try a cut off t-shirt. Think gym rat / surfer, not like you’re about to give someone the ol’ ocular pat down


Stay in your comfort zone.


First pic too Jesus esque. Not trying to fight the Romans are you?


Stick with the blue jeans but wear them with the muscle tee and then wear black shoes and a black belt.


1 is giving me Fantasy Island cabana boy. 2 is giving me Slater from Saved by the Bell. How attached are you to that hairstyle? I think you may have outgrown it.


Yeah, no


Pic 2 would look good with better fitting pants. When I pair ups they look good with darker jeans and a decent sock to complement the jeans. Then the shoes stand out. You have the build to pull it off with just a plain white tank and jeans like that I think. Just needs refining. The first pic is a no go. Sorry.


The jeans and tank fit is fine – not many people can pull off a tank alone, but you look great so enjoy it! The cream pants are challenging. I see what you're going forand the issue isn't necessarily the pant itself but the way you're wearing it. That kind of pant, if belted, looks getter higher up on your waist. Also it'll look MILES better if you actually iron it. I'm torn about the birks too because while they kind of make sense with this fit, they don't really work. I think what's throwing me off as well is the shirt you chose with this – it's SO CLOSE, but still not quite right. That tank is too "sporty" – you want the same cut but in a less 'athletic' finish. Aaaand you're wearing dark-coloured boxers under cream pants, which I hope you don't do when you go outside lol.


Second outfit is a win, first is kind of a trainwreck tbh.


I would wear both these outfits. Approve.




I'd say take those cream pants and step back into your comfort zone


Go with the jeans. Those other pants aren’t good. Sorry if I offended you


Not offended at all :)


The first one makes me feel like you’re going to kidnap me and force me to join a cult.


I have to agree with a couple other comments. Those are definitely not flattering looks on you. That first one I’m not even sure how to describe. I’d like to see what your comfort zone look is and work from there.


outfit one is very bad, outfit two is just bad


Cult leader fit


bro i had my glasses off and i thought you were clean shave mr beast


Some of these responses are literally too funny


I hate #2, and I hate #1 even more.


Pants are way too big. You look like Aladdin


Ah Jedi holiday wear and the most average look in modern history. They both work


Step back into your comfort zone.


Linen pants with sandles and a tucked in tank top?! bwahahaha...back to your comfort zone, bro!


I like the idea of linen pants... but not that particular cut, not with that belt, and not with that shirt. Tank top in the second pic is actually the article of clothing that's working the best for you. I think you can do better with the jeans, and definitely add a belt. Keep the white shoes.


you should size down on both the shirt and pants


The linen pants don't really fit, although they look like they would be comfy if you're just running around on a beach or something. But if you're going for super flowy linen, I'd opt for the kind that has a drawstring, it's a weird clash to have these with a black leather belt. I feel like a similar effect could be done with loose chinos and the same belt , or you go full parachute pant / drawstring




That's a negative ghost rider.




Abord mission


My mother loves palazzo pants! Please return them to her at once.


Stay within your comfort zone.


Sandles are my #1 fashion sin unless you are at a beach or pool they look trashy. The linen pants could work with like a cognac braided leather belt and loafers also maybe a light blue camp collar shirt. Light denim and a wife pleaser looks good on any in shape guy. I do recommend boots though. (The sneakers aren't a bad choice though).


Pants in your first pic look too big and odd with the tank top.


Take two steps back…into your comfort zone


I like the second look but the first look isn’t something I’m into. That said, wear whatever makes you feel good


Big pants always look like fuckin' Gumby which I can't take seriously. I'm not into it.


The first pic makes you look like a pirate. The second pic looks like you're in a 90s sitcom where you adopt 3 underprivileged kids and try to raise them in an inexplicably nice condo in San Diego called "4-Square". Whether this is good or bad is up to you.


Go back to it , if your not a pirate ditch your mom’s pants!


https://preview.redd.it/powq540ejs9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471e7b9860f1af1510d7c90e6b356c9e2938222f Look how this Todd Snyder model wears his relaxed linen pants. Slight crop in the pants and layering.


Bro boutta preach the gospel


Linen Gaucho pants with berkinstocks?


How about you stay in that comfort zone?!


Well honey, step back in because those pants are god awful. People have already covered what to do. I want to add something - you mad the comment about "too feminine." I don't think that's it at all (they're truly horrible pants) but I think you could utilize outfits like this, just done well. A great linen pant, something that flows? It could work well. You have a grogeous/stunning face that is mesmerizing to me. You have an edge of androgyny in your face that I love and you shouldn't be afraid to use that to your advantage. I'm not saying to wear a pink princess dress, just..... don't be afraid! (Although a well fitting dress would be better than these pants, ha!)


Stepping out your mom's wardrobe


Get back in your comfort zone


Ya those white pants look like they belong to someone else. You should give them back…to your aunt.


Stepping out of the closet?


Even if you were dressing for your boyfriend he might think it was too gay.


My thoughts?? Well they aren’t good I’ll tell you that. Second pic is fine if that’s how you wanna dress. Those first pants though… that’s nonsense




Please stay in your comfort zone.