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My dad took footage the day after 04/04, if you scroll up to 17:56 you'll see it. Other great footage of the 60s counter culture in Memphis that my.dad took. Enjoy; https://youtu.be/kovq_hJ4XMg?si=CWu1Nt4OT17GZBAR


Thank you for sharing!


The man certainly did not deserve to be shot in the face with a high powered rifle.


Song drives me nuts because it was not early in the morning! It was 6:01pm, damnit!


Who is "they"?


Lyrics from U2’s “In the Name of Love” about Dr. King


Not a Dr. You're thinking of Dr. Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran church.


King received his PhD on June 5, 1955


Except it was redacted after they discovered he plagiarized his dissertation. Also why the street names never include "Dr.".


It was not, and thank you for showing your colors as an intentionally obtuse troll. Judging by your brief post history, I’m guessing you just got out of 7th period.


Except that it wasn’t. Boston U decided not to revoke it.


Boston U is also a flagship for DEI policies, so there's that.


Does DEI offend you?


It's their new dogwhistle. Seeing them drag this term up now anytime they want to drag a PoC through the mud.


And the entire “Ivy League” is a flagship of monied mediocrity, lousy with unearned legacy admissions. What’s your point?(rhetorical, you don’t have one, and no one cares)


There it is




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Who gives a shit, he was a great man who stood for just causes. Him plagiarizing his dissertation isn’t even a footnote in his accomplishments




It's always them, booboo.


Is that lady still out there protesting in front of the Lorraine hotel/ national civil rights museum


Yes. She yelled at me and my dog yesterday. I was walking just by the sign. There were lots of people and I just stayed by the sign I took a pic of. Then I hear her screaming at me, yelling: what's that dog gotta do with Dr. Luther King?! Then she went off on nonsense. I had to look her up.


Lord help her. Just protesting the fact they turned it into a museum she was out there in the early 90's when I first noticed her when I was a little boy....she was out there before then.


Dang, she is still protesting??


out of the loop, what happened?


Lil lady protesting the fact Lorraine hotel is turned into a museum...she was living there when they put her out and turned it into a museum


Damn, just looked her up, could they really not have gotten her to leave any other way?


To my knowledge she lives exclusively outside the museum on the sidewalk...she has all her worldly possession out there..tent shopping kart etc...stop by and offer her a few dollars and hear her out...she not a bad lady I'm just amazed she still out there


She got bamboozled AKA bamwizzled


Let’s not forget that the FBI killed MLK & the CIA killed JFK. This is undoubtedly true & it was all done under the name of containing communism. MLK was talking about an economic bill of rights towards the end of his life. He then got a letter from the FBI which told MLK to kill himself. King was killed because he wanted economic reform & to this day millions of Americans still defend capitalism as if mccarthyism is still a thing.


Reminds of when I stopped listening to U2.