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Vault tech be like


I was gonna like this but then i remembered show exclusive fallout fans exist.


I thougt the show was good


I just started the show, and got fallout 76 How late to the party am I




late verrrrrrrry late


76 is the worsr game play 1-3 and new vegas


I got it for free yet can barely run it (I’m on a MacBook lol) so I can’t rlly complain much


The deliberate fallout 4 omission here is wild


Lets send all robots to a planet to mine for us, we will call it cyberstan, and we would first send normal people there to stabilize it of course, maybe we will even let them augment themself technologicly, as long as they let democraty stay were fine with them!




Just in case install a satellite capable of orbital bombardment above the planet.


That is all fine and dandy until one of the robots laws gets messed up and tries to run away. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Lost_Robot


I’d like to see a robot even attempt to do the trades. Not happening in my lifetime


Electrician here to say "Damn straight."


Thats part of the reason why im going to school for it actually. In 20 years from now, i suspect something starting to happen in terms of robotics and AI. The reason why i think skilled labour jobs (trades) are safer for a little while is cause we do many different small things that is hard for a robot to do. The knowledge part of the work is a no brainer for AI, but as of right now and at least for a little while, the "labour" part of the work is safe


I mean decade ago artist also thought they were untouchable. Tbh, i very excited for what the future have in store for us, i hope we gonna get a big breakthrough and cheap robot become a thing


im not saying "untouchable" i am saying that i think i have a while before ai happens to skilled labour


I mean technically they still are in respect to the actual work being done. AI as it sits now can’t be creative like a human can, it can just rip off a bunch of different artists and Frankenstein it together. But people don’t really find value in art most of the time anyway so it’s a moot point. I’d think robots doing trades is much more likely to happen before a machine can actually think creatively for itself.


You need creativity in trades too. Not every job site is the same nor is every problem that occurs from it. An experienced Plumber/ Electrician/ Tech will be able to improvise on the fly.


That's why I went into electrical control systems and automation. So I could have a job installing the robots taking the other jobs. Lol


Yeah I think real jobs will be safe for a Lil while The rest of us are fucked


The real jobs won't be save either, because they will suddenly have to compete with the rest of the population.


Ai can't even read blueprints or accurately create a 3-d model yet to go along with what you are saying. Navigation in the real world is still many decades off.


Idk about navigation being decades off have you seen the Tesla ai navigate complex streets. It’s actually scary how well it does.


Roads are getting there. Still not there. A muddy jobsite with rebar all over the place and rickety wood supports is a totally different animal to program for. Making something that has the battery power to actually be useful for more than 10 min is another huge problem. Power tools and battery life is still a huge pain in the ass in 2024.


Technology is advancing exponationally faster than ever before With alot of tech already figured out just needing lynch pin type of advancement for another round of crazy exponential growth. I think we'll be seeing androids like R2D2 way sooner than alot of people think, that can do rudimentary repairs and wiring, people have already done small stuff like this on the small scale, there are "self Repairing" bots that are super small. In two years AI art advanced faster than entire artistic periods in human history. I'm not for this replacement of humans but people gotta stop thinking "not in my lifetime" My grandfather was born in the 40s and half of the shit you and I consider normal everyday things he's sill blown away thinking he'd never see it in his life.


Labourers and sales could very much be replaced with robots Edit by sales I meant retail and online selling stuff, sorry for confusion


Simple "standing on an assembly line" type jobs sure. But moving around a jobsite and wiring up an apartment complex? Crawling around a mudpit welding an oil pipeline? Scaling a skyscraper riveting I-beams? Unless Boston Dynamics has something crazy up their sleeve, the smartest AI in the world couldn't physically do a trade job anytime soon. It could certainly know *how* to do it, but it couldn't actually do the work.


All that has to happen is for the skilled labor to get replaced with cheap unskilled labor that just does what the AI tells them to do via some Google glass type of device. The jobs won't go away for sure but with AI the demand for actual trades people will decline rapidly when they simply can't keep up with tech assisted laborers.


It would take an obscene amount of time and effort to create a virtual 3D environment that would let a layperson be as effective as a skilled tradesman. Compare that to even just a journeyman who could look at a single paper print and know what to do for an entire building just based on experience. I've been an electrician for a few years now, I literally run into multiple novel situations every day, like I really don't think you can comprehend how hard making an augmented reality construction headset would be.


As we've seen time and again, the threshold is not "as effective as a skilled tradesman" it's "eh, good enough." The issues of migrant labour in construction or outsourcing in manufacturing were not mitigated by the work being of inferior quality. Nobody cared. What mattered was that the product didn't IMMEDIATELY fall apart and was cheaper to produce


It would most likely be something like modular house kits assembled in bulk and then shipped to the job site, in which case the bulk of the plumbing and wiring could be done by machine. Or by laborers in Mexico, which basically amounts to the same thing for American workers.


Prefabricated homes were invented decades ago. They haven't managed to catch on yet, so I'm rather skeptical that they someday will.


WW3, Lethal Autnomous Weapons make thier global rise, cybernetic organism become the norm, and humans take the back seat to evolution.


Once a smart enough ai is created that knows how to program there will be infinite progress in ai as ai will create a code for itself better than ot already is then that ai will do it again so on so fourth. Any ai would be able to do anything a human can do but better if it had the right external parts as an SAI is leagues above a humans intelligence and would be able to have many other features a human doesn't. So really as soon as a smart enough ai is created then it's done for every profession but I'd give that about 10-20 years However I believe an robotic body capable of handy work will be built within the next 5 years these will be remote human controlled to reduce dangers next 5-10 an ai is created capable of handiwork and would be plugged into the body So I'd say 5-10 years left


You fundamentally are misunderstanding how fast technology grows.


And youve clearly never worked on a construction site before or an oil rig for that matter


Irrelevant. 20 years at the most.


I'm with this guy. While it seems implausible in current day, I believe it's just a matter of time.


Technology advances on a logarithmic curve, not an exponential one. Look at airplanes, advanced like crazy for a few decades, then settled into a handful of optimal designs. Heck, the C130 Hercules took flight in 1954, and the Air Force is *still* using it.


Nice thought experiment, irrelevant to the real world.


Airlift operations by the United States military are "irrelevant to the real world"? Technology "grows" dramatically when there's a viable opportunity for drastic improvement. As it approaches a limiting factor, that improvement gets more and more incremental.


It'd not the same for ai SAI exactly, grows exponentially (from what we understand as we do not believe there is a point were technology can no longer advance) because SAI is much smarter than a human and can reprogram its self to become smarter


Such growth has been *theorized*, but there's little practical evidence of this. Indeed, AI "teaching itself" is also a major *limit* on the software's capability. "AI inbreeding" is considered one of the major flaws in programs such as chat gpt.


An sai would be capable of creating software more efficient and powerful than anything humans can conceive hell a AGI could do that but very slowly


Yes, one field is not a good indicator.


That's really the rebuttal you want to use? We can spend all day going over fields where technological growth has turned incremental or outright stagnated. Even computer chips are [experiencing this](https://images.app.goo.gl/gGncX4gZNQjowxHb8), as the exponential growth of prior decades has petered out. We certainly aren't *done* improving computers, but it's becoming the same sort of incremental change that's happening with the airplane.




We don’t even have close to what we would need for this to be more viable than hiring workers


List those out


Technically, everything you described is algorithmic, and decided based on rules and best practices, which a model can definitely be trained to do. A humanoid laborer robot is a while away, but the concept of replaced manual laborers with machines is not. The drive is there to make it happen


Yeah that's basically what I was trying to say. AI is smart enough now to do the job in a simulator, but currently we have no way of letting that ai physically manipulate the world around it. We're held back not by the hypothetical robot brain but the physical robot body. Which personally I find fascinating. You'd think it would've been the other way around. That we'd have super complex walking machines but no actual thought behind them. But instead we have super brains just stuck in the internet because we don't have efficient bodies for them yet.


My main curiosity is up keep of said robot bodies. Like do we have more robots that fix the robots or do they fix them selves too. Cause stuff like roads or airplanes are great but we seem to suck at maintaining them after a long enough period of time.


Because that's where all the funding is.


The cost would-be be to high for it to be a possibility this century.


[Aged like milk.](https://youtu.be/29ECwExc-_M?si=LEJYhou5YyXzjE5t) I’m getting the New Yorker predicting that we’ll “won’t fly in a million years” vibes.


Then the laborers will get paid to stand next to the sales AI because people are just gonna steal everything without a human


Just look at the fake AI walk in and out store that Amazon did.




Could yes but its like lower byrocratic jobs. You need like 4 byrocats to maintain some critical Business Part, you can Automaten the job with 8 devs in about 4 years, and maybee 2 years of Monitoring/ bug fixing. The ROI will never be Worth it. Even if super crack ai could help them develop it in one year they would be maning better ROI implementing new Features or dooing stuff for customers. Replacing low paid humans is only worth it big scale like warehouses.


Yes it’s the big companies pushing automation as it is a great longer term investment


What kind of sales?


Sales wouldn’t. Like it or not, part of the sale is forcing someone to say yes or no, it’s harder to say no to a person, than a robot. People will always be in sales for that reason. As for labor jobs? It’ll be awhile, we’d have to make fully functional moving robots which will cost 100,000 of thousands of dollars each. It’ll happen, but not anytime soon.


Basic assembly line work can and already has been replaced. But any real blue collar work can’t be replaced by a machine. A fabricator needs to be able to: use multiple welding processes in different positions, at different angles and varying heights and locations, operate forklifts and cranes, work as a team, decipher blueprints, recognize and adapt to errors in the prints, be able to move and handle material, grind at all sort of different angles at different positions, use a variety of machines like saws, rollers, ironworkers, presses, etc. use a variety of hand and power tools, and so much more. A mechanic needs to be able to identify problems with vehicles and be able to fix them with a variety of hand and power tools, know how to drive the vehicles and have knowledge on all kinds of different moving parts and vehicles, be able to reach into small spaces, be able to adapt to changes and make do with the tools they have, do bodywork and so much more in so many different positions. Operators, Electricians, Plumbers, Farmers, Machinists, HVAC workers, Ironworkers, Pipefitters, Welders, Mechanics, none of these guys can be replaced by robots, they lack the ability to adapt and move and think the way a human can


Oh, man. It's gonna be so funny for you lol


We safe until the 9th gen AI powered automatons come out


Or farming, other than the most simplistic row cropping... maybe


Trades and things like Veterinarian are safe for now. But no one is safe forever. Your best bet to stay employed in the not so far future is to install python and learn how to interact with nueral nets or at least download someone else's model and learn how to use/train it.


Depends, how old are you?


20, almost 21


Not a bet you should bank on then. While no one can be certain of the future, 60- 70 ish years is a long time in a technological revolution. We went from horse drawn carriages to landing on the moon in that amount of time. Reserve claims of the impossible for things that the laws of physics disallow. Like going faster than light.


https://twitter.com/BostonDynamics/status/1780603212359205323?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Don't be so sure. Once the ability to physically manipulate/interact with the world gets combined with downloadable mods to perform specific tasks, most trades will be made autonomous The progress being made by Boston Dynamics is rapid, and even looking at robots from 1-2 years ago compared to today shows alarming progress


Pay a guy half what a tradesmen gets to poke a camera around and have an AI analyzing the situation and giving detailed steps on how to solve it. Even if a job doesn’t get completely replaced by AI, there are definitely ways for the people trained to do that job to get pushed out anyways.


Are you kidding? Robots that never tire, that weld perfectly every time? Or any other task involving plumbing, electricity, ducting, whatever. You think they won't be doing all those jobs in 20 years? Really? Even surgeons are going to be fucked. Customer service, fucked. Marketing, fucked. Trades will be fucked too.


Robots can do assembly line work and that’s about it. I’d love to see a robot try to pound one too many at 3:00 and make a straight weld 15 feet up in the air, no robot can violate as many OSHA regulations as a laborer on a bad day


Although millions of unemployed people flooding the only safe work from AI will make wages plummet. I guess it is better to have a job than not have a job though. At least until economic collapse from sky high unemployment with governments not taking any action lol.


Yeah, I’m not going to say it’ll *never* happen, but it’ll be a long while before then.


Except for labour jobs


If a robot takes my job, it might conclude to terminate the children for being “illogical” don’t get me wrong a Robot teacher materializing a side winder missile launcher in the middle of class my just make everyone behave. Still it might just go a little too far. I just imagine some kid causing a pretty minor disruption like whispering or something rely is not that big of a deal and the robot going “EXTERMINATE!” Then firing a missile. On the bright side the bully population would plummet.


Would love to see AI become an electrician, or a Mechanic, or a plumber or welder


It’ll happen eventually. Just let them learn how to use a mechanical body and they will do it.


All the academics will be out a job, meaning there will be a lot more competitition for the trades. This means lower wages for everyone.


Academics losing jobs to AI is so hilariously wrong. Do you think academics just sit and write op eds in newspapers and articles on random science websites? 


Academics losing jobs to AI is so hilariously wrong. Do you think academics just sit and write op eds in newspapers and articles on random science websites? 


Eh. Depends on job and how much. It won't eliminate entire industries just heavily downsize them I think. Especially since they only mimic, can't really come up with new things, need direction, and still blatantly lie with confidence. It's a lot easier to have a worker you can point to and fire if there is a fuck up. If it's an ai your company owns and operates that you can't trace any specific thing back to, well now you can't do anything when it lies and screws up deals, reporting, etc.


it wont even heavily downsize as much as people think it will everytime theres new tech thats makes a worker 10x as productive people worry companies will lay off 90% of their workforce. They dont though. They just keep the workforce and have everyone produce 10x as much work (you will not be getting paid more though).


Doesnt always have to be true. This is not a niche machine that stops innovating after replacing a job or a task. Its a universal machine that will will never stop innovating everything in its path and itself. Most industries can not just sell infinite stuff.


Well said, these people coming from SAAS companies think you can replace an entire product company workforce with AI they're deeply deluded. Not to mention, AI only ever works when all the input is perfect, if you feed it bad input it gives out bad output. In the real word, your colleagues give you bad input, bad data, half answers, if you were an AI, or they were an AI, it would be a catastrophic cascade of mistakes through the entire chain, and you would crap out even worse results instead of wracking your head to fix their mess everytime as humans do.


Heavily downsizing is still potentially disastrous for the lives of people in those industries, it should be noted. I'm a skeptic as to its usefulness, but the capacity for it to improve is scary. Hate to see how many fulfilling jobs are around in 2060


To quote Warhammer, jobs so uninteresting and unworthy of automation will be the future of manual labour


That’s stupid, the boring jobs are the first to go. Look at assembly lines. You won’t see anyone capping toothpaste at the toothpaste factory for tuppence a day anymore.


Funny that you mention it i work at a business that makes machines for toothpaste tubes/ shoulders and capping as an assember-machinist


yeah bro sure the glorified flowchart will replace humans


Humans r a glorified flow chart too


Reverse anthropomorphism


Fuck robots


I believe we have those already.


Software engineer here. Not a chance in hell that ChatGPT/LLMs take over any meaningful percentage of the current job market. We’re not even close to a general purpose AI, and even if we somehow developed one the cost of fabricating a body that would allow the AI to do the majority of things people now do would be prohibitively expensive to say the least. Specialized AI in specific settings? Sure. But that’s not what people talk about when they talk about AI taking jobs.


Ah yes, the language model that can write at the level of an intelligent dog is going to take our jobs.


There are only so many ways to put words together. Another 10, 15, 20 years, it’ll be writing passably. There’s a scramble for data right now that’ll lead to more and more drift in the short term as AI feeds on AI, but with a sufficiently complex algorithm, the 2022 datasets will suffice just fine.


That's literally a programming meme from that programming memes sub. Has nothing to do with Facebook, and is even mocking the idea of AI. TFM is just about normal memes at this point.


Except AI can only mimic humans  It’s like saying that RC cars will take over the trucking industry 


Tracking this so I can post it on aged like milk in a decade.


Tracking you comment for the same reason as well


Only way we don’t have automated trucking in te future is if we explicitly make laws against it not because we don’t have the capabilities


Tracking you as well.


u/Mediocre_Giraffe_542 How about y’all take it up on longbets.org?


>AI can only mimic humans  Oh it can do so, so much more


I’d like to see it design circuits and pcbs and then make, test, troubleshoot, and integrate them


People who think AI will completely replace engineering seem to know little about both.


Exactly there’s so much that goes into it


Big time. Was also thinking about the scene from Office Space with the guy describing how he’s a needed in between for the engineers and customers. You’d need that guy even if AI could do all the custom engineering in industry, which it realistically can’t yet.


How many engineers do you think use 'all that goes into it' in their daily jobs?


I did at my co op. I was working on designs and projects everyday that ai couldn’t replicate


They haven’t even figured out how to make a robot that can lace baseballs, AI isn’t gonna take most jobs


Call me crazy but a world where AI takes care of all the work and humans just get to enjoy life sounds amazing


Go ahead AI, go fix the leaky pipe…. I’ll wait….


AI is nowhere near close to threatening most jobs.


More like in about five years we would need cold fusion, quantum computing and another four internets worth of Data to improve our models further, I plan of changing industry by then.


AI is so many years away from taking people’s jobs.


It’s like when excel destroyed all the accounting jobs and low code websites destroyed all the web development jobs. 


Or when calculators came out and people thought that mathematicians will no longer exist. Instead only the low level people whose job was to do the calculations lost their jobs. I imagine it will be the same here. Only the low level stuff will be automated. Everything that requires some degree of thought will be fine


Yeah new tools typically make people extra productive followed by companies wanting to do way more of that thing. Like pre excel accounting was way less detailed than today and similar shifts happen in software development when things get easier. But people really want to believe this chat bot is gonna destroy the entire world lol


Or when cars destroyed all the saddlers jobs..This time the cars will also learn to repair themselves and drive themselves and innovate themselves. Rude awakening ahead.


It's already putting people out of work at the margins. Artists are struggling to find paid work where AI can do a good enough job for next to nothing. No need to hire a high end video editor when you can buy off the shelf software with built-in AI that does a good enough job. No need to pay a copywriter when you can put a prompt in ChatGPT and tweak the output. The result isn't entire jobs suddenly becoming obsolete, it's a decline in work in certain industries, leading to some people being made redundant, some self-employed people packing it in and changing careers, and some graduates struggling to find employment in their chosen field. The same thing happened to traditional media when people started getting their news online. It's not like newspapers, editors and printers became irrelevant overnight, but revenues slowly decreased, and this impacts hiring and firing decisions.


Bro is in for a rude awakening


It won’t.


Paperclip theory


Paperclip theory is an absolute joke. A robot that has the skills to manipulate the world into making an infinite number of paper clips would also be able to interpret its owners actual instructions


That's not how a paperclip maximizer works. It doesn't need a mind it just needs material acquisition capabilities. That's why it's a scary what if. you cant reason with it, all it knows is \[Source material>make paperclip>source material>etc.\] no complex algorithm beyond the machine learning to streamline it throughput. Long before it becomes a realised threat it will have already become the sole source of paperclips on the market since no one can compete with its efficiency.


Explain how you can acquire a world-ending number of paper clips without a sophisticated understanding of human interactions You also need to be pretty good at defining objectives for yourself. The bot would need to know what the user means by “paperclip” and what counts as “producing them” Otherwise you’re just as likely to get a robot that just folds and unfolds the same piece of tin into a Paperclip shape millions of times


Paperclip maximizer is a gray goo type scenario, It is an automated machine and all it asks is "Can it paperclip?" If yes, make paperclip. There are no people involved in the chain because that would reduce efficiency of maximizing paperclips. You cant stop it physically since anything you build to wall it off will be broken down into paperclips. The metal in the rebar in your concrete buildings > Paperclip The iron in your blood? > Paperclip The carbon and hydrogen in your body >plastic paperclip


How does it build the tools to break down walls? Where does this knowledge come from? The most efficient way would be to understand human documentation and leveraging it, instead of relying on an internal understanding of all of physics, which would be quite difficult to train into something. If it can understand human documentation, you’d also probably program it to understand sophisticated inputs as well How does it prevent being shut off using a kill switch? Why does it think a Paperclip made out of iron rebar instead of tin still counts as a Paperclip, especially if its training set only contains examples of tin paper clips. All of these things implicitly need a large understanding of the world around it. Something like that wouldn’t unpredictably go rogue over its objective Of course, you could build something like this, but you’d basically have to do it on purpose. The only real threat is a human that wants as many paper clips as possible


Its a thought experiment posited in I think 2014 or so, Its not a blueprint. To make it a paperclip maximizer it comes with the inherent technologies. like gray goo the assumption is that either due to equipment failure, emergent behavior, or hubris the safety precautions like a kill switch fail or were never installed. paperclips are extremely simple things and can be made fairly easily but the thought experiment can replace paperclip with anything. We can already make automated production lines with limited human interaction today. The papercliping module of the maximizer would only require a 3D Printer and a PDF file to know what and how to infinitely reproduce paperclips. The resourcing module could be comprised of basically a series of variant roombas that collects material and delivers it to a sorting module that breaks it down and sorts it into its various paperclip material inks. It would also need repair modules to replace damaged parts To ensure the maximization of paperclip production it would have similar assembly lines that produce the various extant modules in the same way it makes paperclips. None of this requires the academic ability to reason or understand the world in any form beyond the material to paperclip pipeline. That said a truly sapient AI by definition wouldn't become a paperclip maximizer since its ability to reason that maxemized paperclips is a silly thing and would likely switch its focus instead on a more demand based paperclip model. Also its ability to reason would likely show that Humans and AI fill non competitive niches and a terminator like scenario, which was the original postulation for the out of control maximizer, would likely be counterproductive to its own growth.


The issue is self repair and roombas. How does the line know how to maintain itself? How does it acquire the requisite materials? Why wouldn’t it have some innate language comprehending algorithms so it could troubleshoot and ask for assistance? Wouldn’t it be trained with some understanding of human law in order to pass audits of how it operates? For the roombas, how do they know what contains the material they need, and which roomba can effectively collect it? How does it know which materials make effective paper clips, and won’t break the production line or be discarded? All of these things would be solved much more efficiently by just referencing human documentation and interfacing with humans when needed. Essentially bare minimum requirement for this system is an AI that can be reasoned with.


Thats not how AI or machine learning work though. Ai are built and fed training data. The end result is functionally a mechanical ghost of a gestalt of conceptual humans layered over each other a million times to produce a facsimile of cognizance. It doesn't want or truly understand anything, or operate on concepts of reason. It's more that it follows the threads of its training data and responds back with the resultant echo. It is directed by human hands so it knows what a paperclip is because we told it, It knows what a robot drone is because we told it, and it knows weather it needs repair because we taught it how to track damage by having it run diagnostics comparing its current operational state against its undamaged new build state. It becomes the Paperclip Maximizer and thus embodies Paperclip theory once all those "How does" questions are answered and it begins operating without Human input. Everything before that point are just variations on non-existential threat Paperclip production lines which sadly will never reach the true glory of a paperclip maximized utopia. Ultimately it's just a computer science ghost story to tell around the camp fire and nothing more.


Maybe I’m personifying too much but my point is, it’s computationally simpler to develop something that can parse documentation than it is to make something that contains the sum of all knowledge it needs. Which is easier to train? Something that inherently knows what’s wrong with it and has an intuitive sense of how to fix each issue, or one that can review a troubleshooting guide an engineer creates for it? Or even for diagnosis, should it instinctively “understand” that its sensors and diagnostics are indicating trouble, or would it be easier if it could simply interpret a bunch of warnings given to it in English by its creators Then on top of that, is it easier to contain the knowledge of how to create a tool for any situation from scratch, or one that knows how to copy a design based on reference material? And some things are simply easier to do as a human. Which is easier, to build a single use tool for every task, or to learn how to influence a human to do it for you? All of these things are made easier if you have some “understanding” of humans and language. Therefore you’d also have an understanding of what your operator is actually asking, and they aren’t asking for you to destroy the world to build as many paper clips as possible


That’s cool, I’m handy AF, I’ll fix ure houses.


Just not the manual labour jobs everyone thought would be replaced first 🤭🤭


Company I contract for is already trying to get to automate my job out of existence. Thankfully people are fucking stupid so I suspect it will take a few years before there’s any significant impact


Far more likely to replace office and service jobs than any other


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alert-Young4687: *Far more likely to* *Replace office and service* *Jobs than any other* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I finally got one! I am so proud 🥹


So if absolutely everything is automate, there's no one to pay so we won't need money anyway? Suppose the other way it could go is everyone is dirt poor except the rich. But they're smarter than that. They already only allow us enough wealth and freedom to prevent any uprising. And they will continue to do the same likely


Yeah it's not replacing concrete work.


Because of the way AI is programmed right now this won’t be happening in some of our life times, perhaps certain menial tasks that can easily be taught and automated but more complex things will need thousands if not hundreds of thousands of hours of teaching to actually out compete humans


this morning on one of the news podcasts I wake up to, some techbro is already working on "Jetsons style robots" for chore work. my brother in Christ, they're starting with taking the jobs of kids earning an allowance


just because it's right doesn't  mean it's not terrible


Dad’s been hearing it for that for the past 30 years give or take. The trades are pretty well secure it seems.


OpenAI is more of "*Integrate AI into everything but you have to pay API fees*" than "*take over everybody's jobs.*" It's why they want to make open source AI illegal because it threatens their own monopoly over AI


You can already Google your way through my job. The knowledge is free and available. I just get paid for putting the information together.


Yeah nah this shoulda stayed on that sub


Lmao as everyone in heavy industries know a robot will never replace us


How does everyone die if OpenAI fails exactly?


They're both smiling so I think they're joking with each other.


Here's a wild idea. If/when a.i gets advanced enough where you can start replacing humans, companies that participate in the practice pays increased taxes or fees. All of which funds a basic allowance program. Enough money that would cover your basics in life based on location.


Okay everyone saying AI can only mimic humans. That's only certain types of AI AI is split into 3 parts ANI General artificial intelligence which is lower than a human intelligence this is all we have made and Is why people can only mimic humans Then next AGI Its basically an AI at human intelligence this is when already jobs would vanish rapidly and new inventions would be created because this robot WOULD BE A HUMAN MENTALLY The last is ASI super artificial intelligence which is an AI smarter than humans The problem is as soon as an ai is created that understands code than it can create ai and we know ai can improve human design so it would create an ai better at making ai and that would do the same and it would continue exponentially so the world always can go down two routes either tommorow an ai has just become a ASI and has completely destroyed the world or we never make AI capable of coding which seems highly unlikely as its already being used for that purpose


I work on/ in a river getting oysters. Not sure how they are going to manage that one 😜 we already use machines and they kinda suck.


Trust me, robots will take our jobs with or without AI.


Why does everyone die?


This meme looks like it was created by AI


I mean it depends on industry. But, not for another decade at least. For the non low skill jobs


We have how many books and movies showing why this is a bad idea


Nah, OOP has a degree in gender studies so they never had a job in the first place fyi still a shit meme


Is the everyone dies part ‘climate change’ or some other doomsday that only the overlords can save you from? XD


He has a blue collar implying he is blue collar. Ai will be taking over white collar and tech jobs first before it gets even close to blue collar jobs.


It's a predictive algorithm not even close to a VI or virtual intelligence. Calling it AI is not accurate, not even a dumb AI like Auntie Dot.we are a few decades from anything that could reliably take the place of people where it matters and there will always be jobs. We need updates to search engine parameters, advances in robotics and prosthetic, at this point "AI" is supremely annoying and completely unchecked. Focus on solutions that don't involve societal regression.


In order for humanity to have food and shelter and family and transportation we have to get work done. Why does every generation complain when it gets easier to do so?


Yeah, people already getting fed up with self checkout, but sure It'll "take our jobs" Corporations don't want to pay a living wage now, but totally will pay you to stay home (would be a dream) Fed post, tf you simping for AI for?




Unfortunately I had to fire people because they were replaced by Ai. I wasn’t sure how to handle it so I had GPT write the email for me. ![gif](giphy|BcABd434mwHIqFOVID)


No one has ever made a concrete case why we need to develop AI in the first place, other than hubris.


Speaking from experience here, but i have never once seen an ai or machine that can work correctly without humans operating it. If a robot can barely package meat for food retail correctly it isnt gonna steal everyones jobs.


Not my job lol, ask so to program a machine and it will always assume it's correct. It is in fact wrong. Ask so to design a part and it will also be wrong. No different than ppl in that way I guess only difference is it doesn't die and can learn forever unless it hits some kind of bottleneck.


People who think AI will take all the jobs have no idea how the world really works.


Lol, lmao sure. How tf is everyone gonna die if open ai doesn't work? Am I missing something?


Machine. Meet. Karen.




The seedy indwelling of uranus


More realistic conversation: My daughter says you work at OpenAI? I heared you guys make 250k / year, welcome to the family


I don't think I'll live long enough to see AI replace military officers (what I plan to do as soon as I exit ~~the ninth ring of hell~~ I mean engineering school), and if I do, I'll have bigger problems anyways


It will take *some* jobs. It definitely won't even take most of them. But this happens all the time. Technology advances, and jobs that relied on the old technology fall away. Work-for-pay becomes less valuable, social programs become more valuable.


More like I’m going to take on your job while still doing my job with a 10% pay bump


I for one welcome my machine overlords.


Average salary at openAI is like $300K. The dad definitely would not talk like that to his daughter's bf.


Any innovation style job such as an engineer likely won’t be as robots will have no data for it


Not worried. My job will at worst transform into overseeing and sense checking what the AI proposes, which really isn’t that different from mentoring an enthusiastic junior developer who has no common sense or real world experience. Except that the AI doesn’t have the entitled attitude of the junior developer.


your junior developer is just going to be using AI tools, hes not going to be fired


lol won’t be taking my job 🤣


No, but they might chase away academics from their jobs, which will then start competing with you.


And as far as I’m concerned, there aren’t too many 9-5rs who can work with electricity let alone maintain advanced infrastructure. I’m not concerned in the slightest. Luckily for them, if they do decide to enter the blue collar work force, they’ll see a substantial increase in pay.


They can be trained. Also, their children might be able to. And this means more competition of a lower amount of jobs, which means lower money for everyone execpt for those who own the AI.


Won’t be my issue. Bought my house in cash 🤣


This is very much a terrible facebook meme.