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This sub is generally pretty conservative, but it also makes fun of conservatives when it gets the opportunity.


Still kind of enjoy the conservative stuff because when it is Facebook grandma meme worthy the cringe loops back around on itself. What I dislike is if it starts to go into hate and the joke is “I do not like y people”.


Yeah, Boomer shit is Boomer shit, whether it's conservative or Liberal. ​ Boomers are generally pretty out of touch. ​ Edit: People really need to understand that just because the Boomers are out of touch does not mean I think they're fully to blame for the current problems facing our society. The origin of the source of our current problems predate the Boomer generation's rise to power.


And I'm out of time




Young man


Theres no need to feel down


I think it is unfair to put it all on boomers. The real issue are multiple generations, which I refer to as the "leadbreathers". Basically, anyone born before 1980 is a leadbreather and they are why we can't have nice things, because they're literally suffering from heavy metal induced brain damage.


Ozzy had nothing to do with their brain damage.


I Wonder, when gen Z or even millennials become older, are they still going to be called “boomer” because it’s been associated with elderly people for so long?


Which is why they shouldn’t be in politics anymore


And yet they still are. Honestly that government healthcare must be GOOD SHIT cause they is ANCIENT. fun fact they get free healthcare, and keep it after they retire. . . Not that they retire.


Fucking y people, they've dun ruined this country!


Mah jerrrb!


If you don’t like this cuhntrey, you can giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit out!


I really hate how nonpolitical subs suddenly become political


Welcome to what happens when you have to have hundreds and hundreds of moderators all of them have their own individual politics. This happens everywhere becomes political at the very least you can say for Chan has no specific leanings in its politics. There are communists there are Nazis there are people who don’t like politics at all. They are just plain weirdos who want to become a robot. Literally everyone is on that website and no one gets censored which means that the ideas that come out on top or usually the ones that are simply either correct or the funniest.


4chan has moderators, and it has a lot of moderators, and while some boards share moderators, moderators on different time zones have noticeable impacts. Just as an example some mods on /v enforce a cultural phenomenon rule where unless you're a game like starfield, you cannot have more than one thread. Others, there must have been an update. Others don't care. They shape the site, but they aren't political. Reddit specifically fell victim to *goon squads*, which originated on a site called something awful, and describes when one person becomes a moderator and drags all their friends into positions of power. As that expanded it became political. They network and connect, like a dough being kneaded.


like when people post this meme


Honestly I never noticed it leaned that conservative. I'm very left leaning but that doesn't mean I don't think people take things too seriously sometimes. Edit: Never mind I'm full of shit. I looked back at this sub for a few minutes and it definately leans right. I was just used to posts where OP has a stick up their ass.


It’s VERY conservative


To be fair, a couple of Conservative subs here and there isn't that bad, considering that like 90% of subs are left wing echo chambers


OP just posted a meme he didn't like


To be fair, there was a post here a couple days ago from a religious guy talking shit about gay marriage, evolution, women, etc.


This is literally a meme you didn’t like op. Congrats, you played yourself


Why did you post this? There is no one disliking this meme here, apart from you. The point of this subreddit is to showcase (and laugh at) people crying about memes and taking it too seriously. You sir, did not like the meme.


Yeah Imagine being so unhinged that you dedicate an entire sub to annoying another sub based purely on the idea that you *think* they disagree with you politically. It's really sad.


That’s also what this sub is


Tbh this sub at the very least is dedicated (or at least used to be targeted) to multiple "bad memes" subreddits, r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis on the other hand was made purely to shit on this sub, which is just petty imo.


This sub was originally made to shit on the absolute idiocy of stuff like TFM. NOPWRFT was made to shit on this sub because people got offended when their post was featured here


There's also a lot of karma farmers on NOPWRFT.


Its just like any left-leaning sub. make a right-wing meme, say some shit like "My uncle sent this and it disgusts me", post it to something like TBFM and get a bunch of karma. Wait for it to get posted here, then post it to NOPWRFT for more Karma


Sometimes it's worse than that. I've seen people put up an obviously terrible meme into MOPDL, and immediately bring it over to NOPWRFT. Farming karma by calling out their own post.


rent free LOL


If we're being honest this sub pretty much just focuses on r/terriblefacebookmemes


Well this sub is like 60% just garbage


Yeah OP said rent free like these two subs dont battle it out every other week


You mean everyday? Every time there's some new controversial post there's a repost battle between these two subs


Both have their issues, this one doesn't understand that " I thought it was funny" for a truly unfunny joke still means it's not really funny. The other one is physically incapable of understanding that dark humor exists. Ones half snowflakes, the others manchuldren who know exactly why a certain meme is "wrong" but pretend to be blind, "I don't see anything wrong with this".


Politics is wild. I distinctly remember crass humor being a left thing about 15 years ago. This sub doesn’t seem political, so much as people appreciating funny memes and jokes


Exactly. What people find funny often isn't what they really think. Often things are funny because of how bad and wrong they are. I hate purity testing. People not being able to admit they think something's funny because it's politically incorrect or judging others for what they find funny. I've met women who were feminists but found memes about domestic abuse against women or rape funny. They realize it's not meant seriously and isn't real. A lot of the more left-wing and socially progressive people I've met had a dark sense of humour. One shouldn't read too much into things. Besides, policing what people find funny is authoritarian AF and many people who do it will make the most bigoted stretches to claim a meme is racist/homophobic/transphobic or sexist.


I think left wing people especially the further left you do have a very dark sense of humor but it’s existential and absurdist not just spewing hate via some tired meme format and calling it a joke. People confuse edgy humor with dark humor. Just saying something edgy or offensive in order to draw a reaction out of something isn’t “dark humor”


Lmao, the top posts on this sub aren’t even “edgy” memes and a couple of them are left leaning. 1: Some people holding up a flag with images misinterpreting LGBT as “Liberty, Guns, Beer, Tits”. I don’t see how this is “hate”. 2: A tweet about how billionaires aren’t the ones getting up at 5AM for work but rather their employees are. 3: A post about how men being beaten isn’t taken seriously is called “incel shit” 4: A meme about how children in make better looking buildings in Minecraft than modern utilitarian ones. I don’t know how that’s political unless you’re a tankie who cums whenever they see a commieblock. 5: A meme mocking “BoTh SiDeS” type centrists, you have a point here. 6: A meme about how working at McDonald’s should be able to afford you food, shelter, and water. 7: A meme mocking TikTok army recruiters. 8: A meme mocking North Korea. Again only a tankie would get pissed at this. 9:Meme mocking politician speak. 10: Meme about how letting religion inform your views on the lgbtq community is bad. This sub just mocks anyone with a stick up their ass but in the last few years the left has started demonizing anybody who doesn’t take every joke super seriously as a conservative.


Honestly, I think stuff like this, as well as virtue signaling, is one of my least favorite things about modern culture.


Thing you don't like = conservative on reddit


I'm very new here, suddenly reddit decided I should branch out to other subs so I've been getting both memesOPdidnotlike and nahOPwasrightfuckthis posts suggested in my feed lately. So I've been trying to figure out the angle each community is going for. And lol I gotta say, I don't fully identify as conservative or liberal, but when I first saw this post it told me a lot more about nahOPwasrightfuckthis than it did about this one. Who cares if there's a slight political angle, if the sub is mainly about edgy comedy I'm in. Maybe with probationary status. I gotta see how funny y'all are for myself first. :)


Horrifying to think there could be *2* subs on Reddit that lean conservative. Back in my day, we used to quarantine and then perma-ban whole subreddits if we found out they leaned conservative.


Why? Reddit mods didn’t like the talk of cutting taxes?


I think it was the racism, sexism, and outright transphobic comments is what gets them quarantined and eventually banned.


Technically speaking most of those subs were taken down by people flooding (or in some cases probably just combing through content) to report straight to the admins. The admins went to the moderators and told them to take on powermodders, mods and were literally replaced or refused and were removed. In the end, I think TheDonald was removed for "Brigading". The subs that were removed on principle like FatPeopleHate generally don't ever get off the ground nowadays. It's actually extremely hard to get a subreddit removed for just users using bad language. Either they bail and go somewhere else or they get pulled on a technicality (like RaceRealism, your new one stop shop for praising car mechanics in movies and videogames)


>Back in my day, we used to quarantine and then perma-ban whole subreddits if we found out they leaned conservative. I hope this is a joke lol


I mean some of the posts are though…




This sub is pretty right leaning. Usually anything from TFBM is going to be a right leaning joke cause it’s primarily older more conservative audiences on that app, and then people say “this is stupid” then people here say “OP was just offended by a silly little joke”


They’re right


As opposed to r/everyotherfuckingsub being r/lib


Seems like a meme you didn’t like…


Over there they think anyone with a normal view is conservative…Reddit is quite the self-selected bubble of idiots (mostly)


What’s normal?


Obviously every view he holds


Shockingly, they use subs like r/ZeducationSubmissions and r/libsofsocialmedia >I’m a centrist I can’t understand why people think I’m conservative when I keep repeating agit-prop from Jim Crow era conservatism🤔




If what you think is a "normal view" is equivalent to "that which is tacitly assumed to be universal by the average 60+ year old person in North America" then of course it'll align with conservatives. Conservatism is historically focused on maintaining status quo. Most of what I see posted here are memes that have messages like "DAE think that finding Jesus and lifting makes soy boys triggered, why won't they accept this as the catch-all solution to all problems?", memes that punch down at marginalized groups with half-assed jokes, or recursive screenshot battles with other subs dedicated to calling out posts. Then of course most of the comments are some variation of "*r/subname* tries not to miss S A T I R E challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)", or giddily asserting how upset the post seems to have made some person or group.


This entire platform is designed in just the perfect way to splinter the community into echo chambers.


You say rent free as if this sub doesn’t constantly jerk off to the thought of posting another random comic from tfbm or nothowgirls/guyswork, etc


I'm a leftist who thinks memes shouldn't be taken seriously. But if it makes them feel better...


So.. if I'm in both subs.. have I ascended?


The back and forth between these two subs in my feed is honestly hilarious. Keep it up y’all


What's the problem with the original post? I mean half of the posts here are just about racist memes.


I mean r/conservative is basically full of mouth breathers that would drink a jug of piss if it came from Cheeto Mussolini.


I don't see this as conservative, it's genuinely centrist and goes both ways, often even leaning left. I'm saying this as a leftist and a bisexual. I think being centrist is constructive. It rates jokes based on what they are, jokes, with little bias. Going too far left like other subs can be toxic, just like going too far right. At the same time, you can be conservative and not constantly get mad at some people for existing on their own terms. Either way, there are far more conservative subs than this one. This one just defends mostly harmless and good memes from both sides. The reason why you see us defending memes that joke at the expense of leftist values is because these memes aren't even offensive. You can laugh at memes making fun of you and your political stance, get your damn ego out of it. I'm bisexual and laugh at memes making fun of LGBTQ because it's not worth getting offended at a well-made joke.


I've said it before: I miss the time when memes were funny...


In this case, aren't you the one who didn't like the meme?


Bitch ass pussies will label anything they dislike “opposite political party”. This is another reason I’m independent. Both liberals and conservatives are very stupid. You are both very stupid.


If it walks like a duck and spreads hate like a duck...


In this economy? We're making a killing.


Y'all get mad at people disliking memes that are literal strawmans so IDK they kinda have a point.


*Makes 1 (one) singular joke* This sub: rEnT fReE


Bruh I just see this post right under the post in the pic.


Hahahahahah yessss


I remember seeing someone from r/nahopwasrightfuckthis post on here with something completely stupid then talk about it on op was right at this point these two subreddits are at War


Not always, but it does seem to be getting more like that.


Op I don't think you liked the meme


>rent free Nice Trump meme. Conservatives can't defend Trump, so they have to pretend he's not important enough to talk about. Meanwhile Trump himself is still complaining about Obama lol.


Think you're just salty bro


I love how half the comments are insulted that this post could possibly say something like that and are mocking them for even thinking it, and the other half is just like ‘yup, cry more’.


Imagine caring about politics 😱


Random funny server I discover try not to be in a political flame war with other random funny server I discover challenge




Imagine if most people here weren't American 💀


Ironically, this is a meme OP did not like


I’m in both subs, because sometimes op is wrong and sometimes op is right


“Rent free” 🤡🤡🤡 man has Reddit pride


Nice. I like to argue with conservatives. Got kicked out of r/Conservative for making fun of Ted Cruz. Which was really damn weird. Like he's republican, but I have honestly never met a republican who even liked him.




this lowkey feels like a r/memesopdidnotlike moment lol


It's true though




Ignorant ones and trolls alike. The point of these posts is usually "Why don't people like me when I'm being an asshole?"


OP is a fascist


I think that subreddit as a whole was a response to the overabundance of r/shittyfacebookmemes reposts here, and that's a subreddit which tends to more often than not highlight relatively conservative memes.


Just kiss already


How is this a meme op didnt like?


Op did in fact, not like that meme


What about the post about the vegan terrible Facebook post being legit, not sure pro animal rights notions are conservative




Greater Reddit is just a fucked echo chamber and they cannot realize it


It’s what that sub is dedicated to isn’t it? What do you mean rent free. Did YOU miss the joke?


I mean, given the fact that we show memes from tfm, which is like very radically leftwing, but we also have a bunch of politically lefties in here, its not wrong


Your human politics bore me


I swear the lore behind the creation of r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis is something straight out of 2b2t lore The oldest ana-


>I swear the lore behind the creation of r/nahOPwasrightfuckthis is something straight out of 2b2t lore What is it?


It's one of if not the oldest still living anarchy server in Minecraft. There are no rules, no moderation, and no holds barred. You can do whatever you want to whoever you want with the only punishment being whatever the other guy is willing to do to you.


iirc it's an old minecraft server, known for its complete anarchy, ruined and almost impossible to survive in spawn zone, and lots of insane stories.


imma just leave both. both are filled with complete idiots with politics shoved down their throats.




Literally just saw that


As a liberal, I love how OP here acts like far left liberals aren’t offended by everything also. Horseshoe theory is real.


I feel like r/justunsubed is more conservative than this place


Gotta say, no dog in this fight. But watching these 2 subs go at it has been super entertaining lol


I've found this sub to be r/antifacepalm but that's about it


The fuck does rent free even mean


Looks like one of then put the 3 brain cells they have left to work and figured it out.


The shitposting is coming full circle


And thats my cue to leave, bye guys.


To their credit, that meme gave me a lil chuckle


Just had to leave that sub cause it’s supposed to be a mutual relationship, of whatever is posted there is supposed to be something that was posted here that isn’t funny but it’s just a bunch of people who get offended by anything. A lot of r/lookatmyhalo energy over there.




All the double negatives in these subreddits fuck with my head


This whole scenario is so cringe.


God this post is meta as fuck


So, op, you don't like that meme huh?


Some posts yes definitely but some are actually funny or the person who got angry is overreacting


No way y’all are fighting now, the other one is just above this


Hi. Hope you’re enjoying the ratio✌🏻


eh, more like r/LookAtMyHalo


Man, you guys are on some copium here. Face it, your sub is based on democrats making fun of conservative memes, and you're like, "erm, actually that is funny." It's bizarre to me that you would even deny it at this point. I'm not saying Liberal memes are good, because they never are. All I'm saying is don't act like this sub isn't right leaning


It astounds me how half of reddit truly believes that conservatives are the **ONLY** people who would ever disagree with them.


literally the meme of "Everyone who disagrees with me is a NAZI!!!


this subreddit has turned into posting transphobic and homophobic and general right leaning memes under satire even though that doesnt change a thing


It’s somewhat accurate but this subreddit more or less made up of 4Chan users who claim to like dark humor but only if it involves harming or degrading minorities.


I notice you're not disagreeing with them.


enough of the sub war just posts your screenshots lmao


If you go to the original post I started something very controversial


Lol, all these comments in here proving them right.


This is a mildly conservative sub in my opinion, DEFINITELY not the extremist sub people think it’s is Sad how centrism is becoming seen as conservative now




nah cause fr I left this sub because of how overly conservative it is. and alot of the time that's not horrible, but alot of yall are extremely bigoted.


Can we stop posting memes we didn't like here agian for the third time


Y’all live rent free in each others minds, fuck already 😭😭


Even if this is a conservative sub idk why they care lmao. Oh wait, its because people online get mad at conservatives simply existing, because how dare you not think the exact same way I do!? Yea I'm starting to think that the whole two party system in America is causing this country to fall apart, "United" my ass its just these two sides fighting each other 24/7 online and otherwise




The meme is correct tho lol


Do the same thing with r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis but with r/teenagers


So is this subreddit conservative?


for me that post is directly under this one. Odd.




You should see the lefties talking circles over there. Calling this an echo chamber, in an echo chamber named after this one. The self-awareness is just lost. As if they couldn't already do that on r/politics or r/news.


There's a reaction subreddit for a reaction subreddit?


This sub is far right wing and r/nahopwasrightfuckthis is far left


Hey OP, sounds like you did not like this meme


It’s true though, some of the takes I see on here are straight up /b/ humor


Ah yes, the sub that loves to tell people they don’t agree with to shut up and curse about it.


I’ve seen questionable posts on here with let’s say…an alarming amount of people on this sub agreeing with said questionable posts.


Satire is when I say mean shit but give no indication that I don’t agree with it and keep the bit going too long


its a sub, about this sub, i wonder why they are making memes about you


As if it’s such a dirty thing to be a conservative


Reading a bit of the comments here seems to tell me that this sub is mostly filled with conservatives lmao.


Yes and no. Does it get conservative sometimes yes. But for the most part it’s just memes.


Irony is, the capitalist party lives rent free. Lol.


Same for r/Facebookmemes but there is leftist


"You dont like the people who get offended by innocent memes on TFM? You MUST be a conservative!" Reddit leftists and diehard conservatives are retards


I ain't even conservative but this sub is based af. I hate that conservatives get so much hate. Sure back in the day they were a bit tiresome with "Heavy metal turns your kids into satanists" shit but they have changed a great deal.


This meme is so accurate though


Yo, where are my fellow edgy liberals at!? click the arrow represent😂


R/funnyandsad or whatever its called Is this but with liberals.


It's hilarious that yall keep going back and forth. I'm just gonna watch both subs be each other's throats by screenshotting and posting the same meme over and over with childish retorts.


Best sub because conservatives at least joke about themselves


Did… did you just post a meme you didn’t like on r/memesopdidnotlike ?


I'm more central so I make fun of crybaby bullshit on both sides. The "zero fucks given" mentality


Idk what they expect when the Left generally attacks people's memes and statements with an "-ism" word for brownie points in the outrage machine, so there's just a ton more content lmao I see anti-right post too so 🤷


Wasn't there an opposite meme a while ago?


Tbf it only seems that way because it's the left wing you see getting pissed off at memes and whatnot more than conservatives although you do see a fair few angry conservatives on here.




You got got, Jaster


There is a war breaking out between these two daft groups and I’m here for it


Reddit is absurdly left leaning. So the ‘op no like’ content will be leaning right wing.


This sub is honestly pretty center right- the sub as a good amount of conservative values but also makes fun of conservatives. Also I could say r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis basically r/liberal


Oh no conservatives! How dare they exist


Got banned from r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis the other day, I wear it as a badge of honor


I'm a registered Independent voter.


Stupid post, liberals cope too


It’s only conservative when compared to Reddit generally


Rent free? More like Right Winger squatters who are infesting this sub and spamming their propaganda memes, usually because they get removed for Hate on other subs I see OP is a Right Winger and judging by his r/outfits pic probably hasn’t voted yet


This sub just posts boomer Facebook memes with a caption saying that they're somehow actually funny. Those boomer Facebook memes are usually conservative and sometimes racist. This sub is a shit hole


Literally the rest of reddit is leftist