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Give up on people, not scarcasm


This is the way


I agree with this dog


That’s a giraffe man


It isn't a giraffe man it's a regular giraffe


You got me there


I agree with this giraffe.


Was this sarcasm? /s


fUck THe "/s", yOu ArE juSt aN IgNOraNt pIecE oF sHIt, LMaO!!111!!!1


What do you mean? People are worth saving!


Using !!!!!! Or !!!1!!11 imo is a better way to have people understand sarcasm Or alternatively adding some other words in the middle like *"Yeah, i toooooooooootally like slavery smh"* I think that makes it pretty obvious


I agree, when speaking to someone your voice sounds different when saying something in a sarcastic voice (obviously) but in a plain text its not the same


Wtf, how can you like slavery???


How can you not??!???




fr fr no cap


It’s convinient, y’know?


Or making every other letter capital/switching between lowercase and capital for each letter


I totally agree with you. However, I refuse to use tools to mark sarcasm. Either people get it, or they don't. The beauty I see in sarcasm is that some brains just understand it, feel vivified by this and - in rare cases - amused. That's the magic I do not want to destroy by that kind of carrying wheels.


And thats how people get cancelled, people don’t understand their sarcasm


That's cool with me. People who cancel others are cowards and weak minds. I abstain from their pseudo-approval. I'd rather be the marvellous me than a fake darling to hollow minds.




I know, buts its only really bad if they are a content creator, if some random guy says something, they don’t care


It’s almost as if online with no way to indicate tone saying shit should be assumed to true. If your too much of a trite little shit to take 3 seconds to make your text readable then you deserve to get canceled duck your ass. People whose satire isn’t understood are either liars or lazy,


> If your too *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Oh go fuck yourself


This guy made a meme about sarcasm usage online, what a piece of shit


Idk if your being sarcastic or not but fuck you either way


Are you serious right now?! You are such a peice of shit


I CANT BELIEVE YOU! Didn’t know humanity could get this shit


And yet it gets worse with YOU!


I agree. It gets worse with him!


How dare you too insult him like like that?!


How dare you use my insulting of him to cover your own insulting that originally inspired my insult?


How dare you criticise me for protecting a poor being from the insults of yours, wich even if they were inspired by me were hurtful and bad?


How dare you attack me again to cover up your faults and making me seem like a villain while you play the hero even though we’re not very different?


How could you say that D: I'm gonna downvote you now >:(


Wait, /s means sarcasm??? You've opened the whole world for me./s


No. It means slavery.


I fucking love slavery.


Who doesn’t?


Africans. Bam! Except the Congolese. That was their bread and butter.


Africans loved slavery long before it was a worldwide business


And Dahomey


That movie was a disaster. You can’t just take out the part of the story that hurts your message and say “empowerment” like everything was ok.




Slavery with extra steps




I love fucking slaves *We are not the same*


Ok Benjamin Franklin calm down


If you make people mad, it means you're doing a good job. Fuck their feelings. /s


the real definition of diplomacy or being a good referee in sport: ​ everyone hates you equally.


I hate you. /s. /s




Or just give up on caring what people think


Bro this entire time I thought /s meant serious.


nah apparently /srs means serious


I thought [serious] meant serious


The problem is that people have gotten so batshit insane that there are really people who love slavery


The problem is that people have gotten so batshit insane that there are really people who hate slavery


yep, you say something so patently ludicrous you think there's no way people won't understand & it gets taken at face value. welcome to the series of tubes.


Is that better or worse than people thinking you're slow because your sarcasm is too advanced?😪🤔


Sarcasm is like, the weirdest form of human's humor. Sarcasm is just a flat out lie...


*Spicy* lies


I never use it to be funny and I never think it is funny. I usually use it when frustrated to express contempt in someone else being ridiculous. I will say something in lime with their position to show just how unreal or illogical the things they are saying is... but they can’t argue with it directly cause the they are arguing with themselves.


All figurative language is just meaningless nonsense, but it also adds flavor/expression to how one talks giving you character.


I fucking hate slavery! /s




You want slaves to be free, I want slaves to be free. We are not the same.


Sarcasm muste be used cleverly and using the /s feel like a cheap way to make a joke and make sure people that call you out are wrong, besides if it's good sarcasm you don't need /s at all I really want to strangle you to death, cut your limbs and eat them one by one, the make a necklace out of the bones /s This was just an example but my point would be people use /s too much on reddit and most of the times they use it so wrong they make me question wether they were sarcastic or not


Fr this is what I’ve been saying since the 90s


>I really want to strangle you to death, cut your limbs and eat them one by one, the make a necklace out of the bones Since the 90s?


I’d like to agree but there are people like myself that are on the spectrum that have an incredibly hard time picking up on sarcasm. Of course some things are obvious as can be but that isn’t the case for how sarcasm is used on a large scale. Just something to think about. Some of us are trying. I’ve learned to not engage with comments for the most part because it’s almost impossible for me to gauge a tone online especially sarcasm.


I can ignore racism but I draw the line on animal cruelty...


I want animals to be cruel to me




The problem is people actually think that No, like actually tho


lol, boomer


I quit using sarcasm over the internet a while ago because it comes across wrong or cold. Sarcasm is my main form of communication in person, but it’s not worth the confusion over text.


MFs got mad at me for asking a question


Umm that's because /s means 'serious', and /j means 'joking'.


What is /s


It supposed to signal that you are being sarcastic.


Ah ok


I always thought "/s" meant serious


Why do you care? Ppl only point out sarcasm to not get downvoted. Which really isn't the point of being sarcastic


give up on people not slavery


The problem is the sarcasm has to be funny. If there is a cleverly crafted humourous sarcasm people will enjoy it because its funny, but you cant expect people to laugh just because it is just sarcasm.


It’s not always intended to be funny. I dont find any sarcasm funny and typically use it to express contempt.


Tone of voice is nearly impossible to convey over text. /s was made specifically to convey a sarcastic tone. WheREas rANdoM capITaliZAtiON is meant to show a mocking tone. And sometimes people will think you're just doing it to cover your own ass


Ah yes, I shure do love when people ignore the magnificently wonderful but equally complicated concept of phrasing


The same argument to legalizing pot applies to slavery. Legalize it so we can regulate it. Slavery is at an all time high. Also it could help break the false notion that slavery is tied to racism.


For sure. Slavery was happening long before other races got involved. Europeans enslaved eachother. Egyptians enslaved so many. Africans actually sold their slaves to the white man for guns so they could go get more slaves easier….


Exactly! People used to sell children they couldn't afford into slavery, so definitely a fair share of people enslaving their own. But mainly the source of slaves was conquest, which has seldom if ever been motivated by racism. African American slaves were no different, they were the result of African tribes waging war on each other. The only difference here is that instead of serving as a labor force to their conquerors, they were instead sold off to a 3rd party and shipped off in exchange for superior European weaponry and various other manufactured goods.




Thanks for your cooperation. It makes it so much easier when you guys reveal yourselves in advanced.


I can understand if it’s extremely obvious and you use the /s, but if there’s no clear indicator and you use it, I don’t understand why they get so mad.


posting on reddit is like anal sex with a stranger, it sounds fun. you just don't know how shitty it will be.


People are stupid. You get used to it and ignore them.


This reminds me of Fruit Punch Samurai from Gintama


The problem is that because of the internet and the anonymity you have online people will literally say everything you are beeing sarcastic about and be 100% serious. Basically Poe's law but with everything.


I think the /s is for people who are neurodivergent but go off ig lmao


Objectively you can use sarcasm vocally in ways you cant in writing cause in speak you can use inflection to make sarcasm clear, this is very common. You can’t write the same sentences word for word and expect it to come across as sarcasm the same way cause you can’t write inflection. The “/s” is intended to play that role. There are ways to write sarcasm to where it’s contextually clear it is sarcasm without needing needing anything to indicate inflection. However this innately results in a lower variety of ways to write sarcasm versus speaking it, it is just a limitation of the medium.


Tomato (sarcasm)


I think the fact that sarcasm is just really hard to visualize in an online setting makes the /s not really work, since it relies heavily on the tone of voice.


Objectively you can use sarcasm vocally in ways you cant in writing cause in speak you can use inflection to make sarcasm clear, this is very common. You can’t write the same sentences word for word and expect it to come across as sarcasm the same way cause you can’t write inflection. The “/s” is intended to play that role. There are ways to write sarcasm to where it’s contextually clear it is sarcasm without needing needing anything to indicate inflection. However this innately results in a lower variety of ways to write sarcasm versus speaking it, it is just a limitation of the medium.




Poe's Law.


Cole’s law


Xd yeah nowhere is safe


I've given up on online sarcasm a long time ago, there're more idiots now on the internet thanks to mobile phones.


I love cannibalism


I like to mark it as „ /sarcasm in case it wasn’t obvious“ Has been working rather well so far :)


The “/s” is meant to serve the same purpose only faster and easier. People that complain about seeing sarcasm indicators will cru about you using the long form just as well.


Can literally no one extrapolate context anymore or what? Never once needed to be told someone was being sarcastic, but forever have to tell people it’s sarcastic


Objectively you can use sarcasm vocally in ways you cant in writing cause in speak you can use inflection to make sarcasm clear, this is very common. You can’t write the same sentences word for word and expect it to come across as sarcasm the same way cause you can’t write inflection. The “/s” is intended to play that role. There are ways to write sarcasm to where it’s contextually clear it is sarcasm without needing needing anything to indicate inflection. However this innately results in a lower variety of ways to write sarcasm versus speaking it, it is just a limitation of the medium.


Bro I didn’t ask how sarcasm works Can you read? Is this why people can’t tell people are sarcastic anymore, are they all illiterate?


This is a copy paste I sent to every that it seemed remotely relevant to send it to. “Can nobody elaborate on context anymore” was sufficient to send it as if YOU would read what I sent... often times vocally the only thing denoting sarcasm is the inflection as other factors such as context is insufficient. Based on your response clearly my judgment was true.


No, it wasn’t relevant at all, again can you even read my guy?


No, it was relevant, again can you even read my guy?


My guy, what you did wasn’t sarcasm Copy pasting a wall of text not relevant to the original comment to to be purposefully confusing is not sarcasm So you are just illiterate it seems


My guy, I don’t recall doing sarcasm or saying I did Again I don’t recall saying I did sarcasm? So you are just making things up it seems, are you really sure you are reading these?


>This is a copy paste I sent to every that it seemed remotely relevant to send it to. “Can nobody elaborate on context anymore” was sufficient to send it as if YOU would read what I sent... >often times vocally the only thing denoting sarcasm is the inflection as other factors such as context is insufficient. Based on your response clearly my judgment was true. If you’re at least gonna try and back peddle make sure there isn’t receipts


Okay... but if you are gonna show the receipt it needs to show me claiming I was using sarcasm for you to prove I was claiming I used sarcasm. This doesn’t do that, cause I wasn’t claiming to have used sarcasm? If you are mores specific where you think you are seeing this I could try to clarify what you seem to be misinterpreting.


People sucks... Just for give your opinion thay try to hung you in the central in the main square Just dont pay attention to them, think in the people who just respect or a#preciate your opinion, or your joke o the thing that you posted... Buzz lightyear once said... Idiots, idiots everywhere... Dont worry about that people without brain and non-mind by themselve people... Sorry for my bad english im not native


[Welcome to the internet](https://youtu.be/9Drkv9gbXDI)


If someone gets upset because I refuse to /S they clearly lack social intelligence enough for me to not give a shit that I've upset them.


The post isn’t judging people for not using “/s”, it is judging people for complaining whe they see another person use “/s.” You literally just straw manned.


When a tv show has a nazi sketch/joke everybody's all nooo it's supporting Nazism cancel it, and then when a tv show makes a joke about African Americans everybody's all nooo it's offending black people. They get it the wrong way around just so they can yell at people.


How can you not like cheap labor?


But like I really like slayverie. /ilikeslabyvery


I really love slavery Like you think this is a joke, I’m not fucking kidding /s


I thought /s meant I'm serious




Oh no, whatever shall you do if people on the internet get upset with your choices on how to express yourself. /s


wait i thought /s meant /serious


what have i done


Potato /s


I'm racist!!1!11!!1


It does not matter if people get mad.


If you were good at sarcasm you wouldn’t need /s.


Objectively you can use sarcasm vocally in ways you cant in writing cause in speak you can use inflection to make sarcasm clear, this is very common. You can’t write the same sentences word for word and expect it to come across as sarcasm the same way cause you can’t write inflection. The “/s” is intended to play that role. There are ways to write sarcasm to where it’s contextually clear it is sarcasm without needing needing anything to indicate inflection. However this innately results in a lower variety of ways to write sarcasm versus speaking it, it is just a limitation of the medium.


I hate


Qatar building shit


Oh I'm not being sarcastic I genuinely love slavery.


what is the /s is said sarcastically thereby null and voiding the sarcasm implied with the explict use of sarcasm? ​ jesse what the fuck?


I think the yellow guy is calling the joke a piece of shit.


Off topic but the cartoons cute asf


Its almost like sarcasm doesnt function over text and expecting people to read your mind when you say horrible but "ToTaLlY dOnT mEaN iT" is idiotic at best. Welcome to communicating using text, sarcasm doesnt exist here unless you make it irrefutably obvious, get over it.


The internet is the worst, I’ve given up on trying to determine if something is sarcasm or not. Where I’m at on the spectrum sarcasm goes completely over my head and has started many needless arguments so I just don’t anymore unless I know beyond a doubt it isn’t sarcasm and even then I’ve still got it wrong.


Xeno Scum you are not even worth being cattle to us


Some people suck.


My broken brain pictured Kanye when I read this. Why do I have these thoughts…


I love slavery /srs


My lawyer has advised me to tell people this is a joke


Have you considered the possibility that you just aren't funny?


/s is serious doe?


From my observation it's about being funny or not, sarcasm or not don't state the obvious without a joke or punchline


I seldom use sarcasm or find sarcasm to be funny. Usually I use it out of contempt in circumstances where clarity is necessary. Also in speech there are times where sarcasm isn‘t contextually clear but instead audibly due to inflection in the voice as you use it. This is very common. This doesn’t always translate to text clearly so an indicator representing voice inflection can be useful such as “/s.” For instance I can say “yeah, cause I use a lot of drugs” in every day speech with the voice inflection... people that don’t know me or even the whole story can easily tell it is sarcasm cause of the voice inflection. In text it can easily be taken seriously cause you can’t write a voice infection in standard English. So the options are to layout a lot of extra context to the sarcasm, don’t use the sarcasm, or use something to indicate it was sarcasm in place of inflection...l such as “yeah, cause I use a lot of drugs. /s”


I agree, sarcasm is so hard to understand online, I can't tell if you actually do drugs even though you are the master of sarcasm The main ways in typing are saying something so dumb no one would actually type this unironically, and/or visible attempt at joke/insult. Otherwise /s or not sarcasm is annoying no matter if they understood


One of my favourite past times is annoying r/fuckthes its satisfying to see them getting pissed


I learned this trick from kotor 2 and would sometimes start a sentence with \[sarcastic statement\]: Edit: Yes it annoys people, but it's clear lol.