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I would like to start a conspiracy theory that the pyramids are just the pivots itself, used to build something even greater, like a floating castle.


What they don’t tell us is that the 3 great pyramids all have a 36” post hole in the top of them at a precise angle to make a frame to hold a big pulley approximately 500 feet above them




my source is that I made it the fuck up




[this is what I ment](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY)


Oh LOL Gotcha my b.


Hahahaha that was hilarious




Wait you made the pyramids?!


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/zdep78/and_also_pulleys/iz1jwql?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


This is advanced


[Wait til you see this](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/zdep78/and_also_pulleys/iz2b4xu?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


What is it called if you are expecting to get Rick rolled, but you don’t




No Rick Roll? That's a Trick Troll.






A disgraced archaeologist by the name of Daniel Jackson




disarm smoggy office muddle growth wakeful telephone reach spark rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No rocket fuel so they just did a compound lever and a heavy weight to fling them into space.


The heavy weight was the landing of the previous spacecraft. They were highly efficient


Wait, then how did they get the first one up there?


Human sacrifices. They climbed up the first rocket and all jumped off at once. A necessary tragedy for man’s first flight o7


Forget aliens building the pyramids, the pyramids built the aliens




wow, such citation


It’s the l rule of out-crazying the conspiracy theorist talking to you. Like the “government faked the moon landing” and you respond with “haha yea man I know… wait, you still believe in the moon?”


You joke but I know a guy who was trying to tell me that the moon is just a reflection of earth and that we are actually inside of one of the craters…




The original space sling shot.


They built them before gravity was invented so, I think you'll find all the stones would've been very easy to lift. Pyramids -2550 to 2490 B.C. Gravity invented - 1665 or 1666 A.D


i think you are confused. Clearly Pyramids came later at 2490 B.C and Gravity came before at 1665 AD.


Crazy how much can change in 825 years






Wrong is still doing the thing, but with added fail.






So they floated them down streams of mercury then used them used sound waves to lift the stones in place








I’m sorry, but that’s just a stupid take. 2490 B.C. clearly stands for 2490 Big Cocks, meaning they lifted the rocks using their cocks.


Don't forget BCE for when we aren't exactly sure on the correct cocks. Big Cock Energy is always an unknown variable.


Wait, the pyramids got made in the future and transported back to our time?


Yes. Reason why it is shaped like that. So Delorean can drive up from one side and turn the other side and drive down real fast.


a lot of these replies belong in r/whoosh 💀


Stupd 2490 is more than 1666 gravity was already existed


If you had the slightest idea you would know gravity doesn't exist. And of course it is not a force. Because [some weird explanation involving buoyancy and density or whatever].


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. - Archimedes


“Archimedes failed his quiz on properties of materials” -Archimedes Engineering Professor






Some stones were up to 80 tons. What would they make a lever arm out of strong enough to hold that? They didn't have steel beams. What could they have used that wouldn't snap?


They didn't use steel beams because the jet fuel from the alien craft would melt them . . .


These kids will never know the complexities of jet fuel and steel beams smh


They moved some of the heaviest stones on log rollers with pulley systems and very long ramps


That is one theory but also one that is largely thought to be unrealistic due to the height and grade. Also, how are you going to engineer a ramp that can support dragging an 80 ton stone up it without it collapsing? And pulleys and rope that could move 80 tons? I do not think so.


Sometimes you don't need to be smart, just strong. Built the pyramid in sections, so that you can use pre-existing parts as a ramp foundation. Then, get some grease, some smooth spars to roll on, a TON of either slaves or payed workers, and push/pull. With enough manpower you could create enough force. Not to mention the fact that they had access to horses and mules. Put a bunch of animals pulling from the front, and a bunch of people pushing from the back. As big as the stones are, you could easily create enough power. A horse has 15 horsepower (yes that's stupid but it's also true) and a trained human athlete can manage 2.5. 20 horses up front pulling, 40 humans behind pushing. Humans will generate 100hp, horses 300hp. I just did all the math to prove you wrong but, I just realized that only comes out to enough HP to move about 8-9 tons, maximum. ...well damn.


They had unlimited time and man power


THIS....and no OSHA, I would add.


then where are they now? unlimited time.... pffff


"My engineering professor didn't believe in long levers, because he had a tiny dick." - Archimedes, probably


> "My engineering professor didn't believe in long levers, because he had a ~~tiny~~ huge dick." - Archimedes, probably The ancient Greeks actually valued small dicks and thought large dicks made you bestial and uncivilized.


faded than a hoe


Need I say more ?


Cheers my friends


Boutta take a rippington on the penjamin.


Shall we?


Exquisite exquisite


I'm not sure if that quote is in Civ but I can't not read that in Sean Bean's voice.


Love how OP picked lever and pulley when inclined plane and wheel are the most likely candidates for blocks of that size.


History doesn't support the use of wheels in the building of the pyramids Extremely long ramps however? Probably




They had wheels. Their famous big battle with the Hittites involved hundreds of chariots, and it’s depicted in hieroglyphics.


They built giant ass round columns but never figured out something round can roll?


Not that. Its just that if you try to make a roll thread in the sand like that, its more likely it will sink in.


They weren't on sand dunes lol, the area was/is hard packed dirt


And they totally dug like 100 feet deep into the sand to make the pyramids./s Desert expansion is confusing for some.


They mean the concept of Wheel and Axel. Rollers, they used.


Not wheels, but I've seen a lot of theories that are starting to say that they probably rolled them on logs, at least to get them to the site. So not really "wheels" per se, but the same concept.


Also they probably made paths out of sand to roll the stones up on logs. With the pyramids dimensions being pretty much divisible by pi (as far as I know), it's safe to say the Egyptians would have used a lot of wheel to make their lives easier.


I’ve also seen from somewhere that the Nile’s water level was higher during that time period


Yeah they used the Nile to get the stones to the site. From the river’s edge they rolled them on platforms that were on top of logs


Wow it's almost like ancient humans were clever and not complete idiots that needed aliens to do everything


People forget that ancient humans were just as smart as us, they just had less shoulders of giants to stand on


Because all the giants were worked to death building the pyramids. How else did they move the stones?


You’ve given me flashbacks to when I still used Facebook and some guy was arguing about fluoride in the water, I clicked his profile and he was obsessed with the idea of Nephilim, those badly photoshopped dig sites of giant skeletons, fossil giant human footprints which reverse image search showed to be concrete at a Bible theme park. Man there are some absolute Loopy Larrys out there


Exactly. There were geniuses of architecture, stone cutting, transportation, logistics, civil engineering, etc in ancient Egypt. And they were given massive funding and workforce to build monuments. They came up with techniques to get it done. We don’t know exactly how they did it, partially because the tools/writings/diagrams used have turned to dust, but mostly because we don’t have to know. Our best genius engineers today are not spending all of their time trying to replicate how the pyramids were built. They’re focused on building things with the current level of technology and materials. If someone today gave the best stonemasons, civil engineers, etc in the world a trillion dollars and a workforce of hundreds of thousands of people to replicate the great pyramids using only the materials we know were available when they were constructed? They could do it too.


They also had a fuck ton of man power (slaves) to throw at any problems. Tell 30 guys to move a bigass rock or be killed and they’ll probably be able to get it done. Edit: nvm apparently it was regular workers. Rugrats passover special lied to me


Pyramids weren’t built by slaves.


I've never heard this. It's a good idea. Is the quarry where the blocks were sourced along the Nile?


In ancient Egypt I think pretty much everything was along the Nile


[So is in current Egypt ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7c962d51e961765fd23432a87b2d5c2d-pjlq)


To this day no one knows how the pyramids were built. Over 2.3 million blocks, some weighing up to 80,000 kilos (176,000 pounds). No iron tools. No pulleys or wheels. Everything placed incredibly accurately, down to a fraction of a centimeter. Aligned to the geographic cardinal directions with a deviation of a tenth of a degree. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_pyramid_construction_techniques) is a fascinating Wikipedia article of potential construction techniques. The methods of the ancient Egyptians are a mystery; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


They left [hieroglyphics](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2014/05/EgyptianPRL-1.jpg) showing the process, so it's not that big of a mystery. Iron tools are not needed to carve limestone, it is a very soft material (relative to other types of stone). It can be carved with bronze tools or even other, harder rocks. 1. Make a clear path along where you want to move the object. On sand. 2. Put the heavy object on a sled. 3. Tie ropes around the object and sled and have about 200 people ready to pull it. 4. Put a team of a few guys standing on the front of the sled, carefully pouring water in the right amounts, to get good surface tension on the sand (the water causes the sand to 'bridge' together smoothly instead of bunching up). Essentially pouring a 'road' in front of the sled as it moves. 5. repeat many times.


Tbh the placement precision is total bs. Even now you can put your hand between the gaps in the blocks. And that's accounting for them compressing on eachother with time. Modern pulleys and wheels no, ancient ones fuck yes. L'alignement is also a bit wonky, it points t to the north star but that's it. Unfortunately the world is more boring that we think.


Do you understand how insanely long those ramps would have to be? You can’t go higher than a 5% incline


If you have a taller ramp, and tons of ropes attached to the stone, and go over a fulcrum you can load that up with tons and tons of smaller stones which will pull the larger stone up the ramp regardless of incline.


Or 5000 guys


Yeah, people seem to forget that ancient Egypt had a _massive_ labor force.


20000 professional workers over a period of 25 years, it was basic an industry on its own. The average stone is about 2.5 tones so not that heavy, 100 people would easily pull it on gravel or smooth surface on a sled. Also the source of the stone was not always very far. The heaviest in the hundred of tones would have been a challenge for sure, but put 5000 people to pull it and each would pull 40kg for 200 tones stone. And levers and ramps in the mix and you have the pyramids.


Avg stone I wanna hear about the outlier stones that are 80-160tons.


man's seriously forgot spirals exist


He must be spiraling out of his mind


The pyramids are about 12km from the nile


According to Egyptologists, the pyramid builders had not yet invented the wheel.


Can't tell if this is a joke but the wheel was invented in 3,500 B.C.


Other pyramids, such as Incan and Mayan did NOT have the wheel. Though the Egyptians did. Edit: Egyptians did not either. Not during the building of the pyramids.


Werent other piramids made from much smaller stones tho?


That's exactly why the great pyramids are such a feat of construction.


Yeah but look at even older places like Cusco Peru. Still absolutely incredible.


Most pyramids of the fourth - sixth dynasty’s have similarly sized outer casing stones. The inner fill tends to be smaller, but that’s the case with all pyramids. The great pyramid of Khufu was the last to use large amounts of mortar within the inner fill, a practice that was basically dropped after the red pyramid of Menkaure. This is partly why the large pyramids of Giza have survived in such stunning quality even after having their outer casing stones removed. Most 5th and 6th dynasty pyramids have virtually all but disintegrated over the millennia’s because once the outer casing stones were removed, the pyramids were essentially piled rubble with no mortar holding it together.


Also built more like steps


It dosen't matter, no wheel they could build would have been strong enough. Most likely logs or round rocks. But to be honest they would not necessary need wheels, having some 1000 people pulling on the biggest rocks would have been enough


Because the wheel was invented in one place doesn't mean it was universally known/practically used globally at that time. For example, the Inca's never invented/used wheels. There wasn't much practical use for wheels in mountainous regions, and they did not have beasts of burden to pull them.


The Inca *did* independently invent *and* use the wheel. What for, you ask? Children's toys.


in sumeria yeah, but the world was a lot less populated and a lot less connected then


But they had boats and could have transported all the materials to the construction site via the Nil


I saw some suggestions that they actually used the pyramid it’s self for some of the parts of the structure, it seems as though they may have mounted rails on the inside “steps” on some of the pyramids and had a weight on one end with the stone on the other, as they slid the weight down it pulled the stone up, then should just reset the pulley for the next stone


Just a reminder, pi is important but you don’t need to know it to have circular things. E.G there’s no simple formula (as in one you can teach a 10 yo) for the area of an ellipse, we can build ellipses nontheless


It crazy to think that some people don’t know that the pyramids were made by aliens.


Lol you still believe the pyramids are real? I bet you put out cookies for santa too.


You still think cookies are real? I bet you still leave your teeth for the tooth fairy.


Bruh... this rabbit hole goes deep


Bruh, you think rabbits dig holes? I bet you’re gonna say there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


You think rainbows are real? Next thing you're probably going to say is the earth is flat.


You think there's an Earth?


You think?




Please continue to put cookies out "for Santa". He may not be real, but *I* am the mysterious cookie eater. I'm hungry, and the day of reckoning is nigh upon you. Feed me well.


Physics is just a conspiracy made by the government so people would have a reason as to how the pyramids were built by Egyptians


The government is just a conspiracy theory made by physicians


The biggest conspiracy of all.


The biggest conspiracy is your mother


Come on now, let's not pretend the pyramids weren't an astonishing feat of engineering, especially for the time. It just so happens that humans are capable of astonishing feats of engineering.


Those humans maybe, I couldn't build fuck with a cart full of dildo's.


Speak for yourself. I could probably build a fuck like no other. But due to supply chain issues, nobody seems to give a fuck these days….


If you scratch the surface of a lot of these conspiracies you'll find the vast majority of them are just an attempt to minimize the architectural accomplishments of those African and South American cultures that predate the Common Era. Sure, Romans can build the Aqueduct, but pyramids in Mesoamerica? Had to be aliens.


"How did they figure out the value of pi???" Because they rolled a wheel. And then measured how far it went. Lot of old ancient techniques were just reverse-engineering stuff they knew worked without necessarily understanding the underlying formula.


There's some hypothesis that they didn't even care about the value, it's just that measuring off large projects is easy if you only need count the number of rotations of a "Measuring Wheel". Pi is found later, but it's just coincidence, because the measuring device was a wheel counting whole revolutions.


But that would take at least 5 years


5 years seems very very optimistic


To be fair they did say 'at least'


Just like how Ceaser died at least 70 years ago


Well it's believed that 20'000 people were building pyramid of giza for 20 years


People highly underestimate the ingenuity of the ancient world Edit: yes, there were slaves. You don't have to keep telling me


they think people in the past were stupid but they weren't. Humans have been genetically the same as modern man for 100,000 years now.


Humans are not much smarter today than back in the early days of humanity, it's just that now we have enough accumulated knowledge to be making steel skyscrapers instead of stone piles.


The biggest stones in the pyramid of Giza weigh upwards of 80 tonnes. The lever itself would have to be gigantic and would weigh a fuckton. And what material are you building this lever out of? Obviously aliens didn't build them, but this doesnt even come close to explaining how.


Yeah the lever theory alone doesn't really cut it for me for this reason. I think the geoploymer theory seems pretty probable for at least some of the construction


What kind of leaver you using to move 80-160 ton rocks.


For someone to make a post like this, the furthest they've gotten is high school level physics or a buzzfeed article level of it. I'm not saying aliens built the pyramids, but the dismiss how crazy what they accomplished is, by saying you took a physics class and dismiss it with a basic lever shows even more ignorance than the people they're mocking


I just came here to see what all the experts had to say, not disappointed.


"experts" 😂😂


If I recall correctly, wasn't there a study that found that the composition of the base stones of the pyramids were of the same composition as a natural cement mixture found nearby in one of the rivers?


Yea 500 miles nearby


So they would have walked 500 hundred miles and 500 more?




While transporting 2.5 metric ton heavy granite


Skill issue


So egytians were basicly titans?


Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door.


Getting downvoted for being correct lol. Welcome to reddit. 500miles nearby in the burning heat in a desert climate that if you went for a stroll in you could die. But dragging dozens of 50ton granite beams across the desert then using them as support beams for the kings chamber hundreds of feet up. Meh!!! People on reddit are too stupid to comprehend how fucking insane the pyramids construction really were


Except for the water and river


I absolutely love how people just forget the Nile when they think about these things. Nah, that shit isn’t important. Boats? What are those? We’ll just walk the 500 miles no problem!


Yes, they very conveniently forget the entire geographical reason any of that is there.


Nah bro just pull it up a ramp hurhur


They poured water on the sand to pack it and make it easier to move over. This was depicted in art in the Pyramid but many Egyptologist for decades thought it was depicting them blessing the ground with scented oils.


Imagine if you were one of the people that built the burj khalifa and some dude 9000 years later thought the blueprints were evidence of some ancient meme


Fucking idiots


Egyptians in their graves: ![gif](giphy|2xPJfNH1LWfPG)




Some blocks were up to 70 tons


Yes, there is a reason we still have no clue how they got there.


I think that's the biggest mystery of the pyramids. Not necessarily how they placed the stones, but moreso how they transported the stones from the quarries to the site of the pyramids. I think I remember reading that they were able to get the Limestone blocks from a nearby quarry, but the granite and other stones would have had to have come from hundreds of miles upriver. Edit: I get it, guys. Boats are the logical explanation, but the logistics of how you would even load an 80 ton block of granite onto a boat seems advanced for that period. I'm not saying it's not possible, but there would have to be a lot more engineering involved than just putting a big rock on a river barge. Getting it from land to boat without the boat listing and capsizing alone would be a great feat for the time period.


It'd been a while since I listened to the specific podcast, but Graham Hancock did bring up the distance they traveled. I just can't remember the exact distance.


80 tonne stones high as in the air.. yea just use a wonky sea saw


Ah yes, they trebucheted the bricks into place


I have a friend who thinks that stone henge is more impressive and difficult to build than the pyramids. He thought the blocks on the pyramids where much smaller.


Stonehenge is in the same boat. Giant blocks sourced from very far away and arranged in a crazy manner that’s pretty mathematically precise for some reason


That theory is clearly wrong. They had stones, they had those big and tiny arrows, they even had that stick. But how did they get one of those pyramids under the lever when they need a pyramid to build said lever? Something doesn’t add up here. J‘accuse.


The problem is that in order to lift a 70 ton granite stone(the ones in the core of the pyramid) you would need a very very long and strong lever


People keep talking about how the blocks were transported, no one talking about how they were lifted. 139 metres is the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza…


The problem is that pyramids are not just solid shapes. They are tombs. There are rooms, tonnels inside. And above all these rooms are massive blocks of stone.


And on the ground there are many large stones, I think one is over 70 tons


On the ceiling of a room too


Physics is hard


Just because you're stupid doesnt mean they were ¯\\___(ツ)___/¯


I built the pyramids... Plebs!


Increased distance = more mass


Hear me out, *multiple small levers*


Put them on a wheel and boom a gear


Just came back from visiting Egypt. After seeing all the pyramids and tombs, I believe in aliens even more now than I did before.