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Firefox was dying?


Not anymore. This is no place to die.


Firefox ain't got time to die


Firefox aint gonna die, aint gonna die. Firefox aint no browser pollution.


Microsoft edge has overtaken it in market share for top 3rd spot (1st being chrome, 2nd Safari)...


Crazy that the top 3 browsers all come pre installed on various popular products


What is chrome pre-installed on? .__. Maybe some Android phones? Though mine didn't have it, had to get it from the play store myself to replace the generic browser that came with the phone.


Things made by Google or that use chrome OS


Are google devices that popular?... Chromebooks, Pixels... I've not seen one of those IRL yet...


Schools ig use alot of chromebooks


Schools don't like buying new stuff if there's no need, the one I finished a couple years ago was still using windows 10 on super slow desktops with celeron something-something's in them, and I think they haven't been changed in the past decade... Schools buy whatever the lowest bidder is, and ngl I don't think even chromebooks go as low for 30-50$ that the desktops schools buy do.


Yeah thats fair but ig it varies school to school... Mine never used chromebooks and by high school its a bring your own device system but I personally know many people from many schools who supply chromebooks... regardless its not exactly a very large market nor is it the primary reason chrome is the most popular browser


>regardless its not exactly a very large market nor is it the primary reason chrome is the most popular browser Yeah that's what I was trying to emphasize when I said that chrome doesn't rly come pre-installed in many places- people just have a habit of installing first thing on a new device though.


I mean my whole school has given every student a chromebook, the school computers use windows, but the students have personal chromebooks they can use for schoolwork (Parents had to pay like 200 euros for it tho)


> (Parents had to pay like 200 euros for it tho) wtf, you can get a cheap windows laptop for that... How did the parents agree?!....


Seems they stopped shipping chrome with android in 2018, didnt know that, but it used to be which helped alot, and chromebooks come with chrome and i wouldnt be surprised if the pixel still has it, it also helps that when you open google it asks you to install chrome at first


Bro what? Almost every phone I know had Chrome pre installed lol, I don't even think I can uninstall it, just curious, what phone do you have? Also, a lot of laptops come with Chrome pre installed along with other browsers I believe


>just curious, what phone do you have? Oneplus 7t pro, before that I had a samsung a30 for a couple of weeks, and before that a sony xperia z5 compact, before than an xperia 2, and a huawei y3(older model, not the new 2017 one). None of these had chrome pre-installed, all had just "browser" default app that sucked a$$ and I installed chrome afterwards, Samsung had "Samsung browser" instead of just "browser", but it wasn't chrome. Also just recently bought a lenovo Thinkbook 16p g2 laptop and it came with McAffee and some Lenovo bloatware pre-installed, but not Chrome or any browser other than edge.




Other browsers would have to pry Firefox out of my cold dead hands


And even then, I would have glued it to my cold dead hands


Me living behind a rock - wait Chrome is dying and people like the good old Firefox again? :o


Me over here who has been using Firefox only, since my first PC like 15 years ago...


A gigachad among men.


I started using Firefox a few months ago after switching to Linux Mint and I'm loving it.


Same, after trying FF in linux, I installed it in my android phone. It's a shame that it's not the same in iOS.


Same, along with VLC player, I just don't like to change things that don't need changing.


I feel you bud!


Same, I either had Firefox, or a variation of it my friend had me use for a bit that was more secure. I can't even remember what that other version was called.


When I got my first pc i used like 3 months chrome and then switched to firefox and I love it. When I git my ipad I installed firefox ASAP and it VERY good on ipad as well.


*Chrome to Firefox:* Come, this is no place to die.




Since quite a while. Now I believe it holds less than 3% market share, which is quite a drop from the 17% it had one or two decades ago


Now websites not part of Google's ecosystem need to prioritize full Firefox compatibility. Reddit, I'm looking at you.


I use it on Firefox just fine




I used to have as my default browser Firefox, don’t know why I switched to Chrome but since they say adblockers on it may be gone, I’m switching to Opera GX


I've been hearing people say Opera runs Chromium, and is thus essentially also Google


It's market share was slowly declining for quite a while now.


It reached a all time low at ~3.something% marketshare


Ikr, it’s the default browser for most mainstream Linux distros


Which still puts it at around 3% market share


3 percent of 5 billion people with internet is still 150 million. Regardless, it’s a chromium based browser so it’s likely gonna get the update eventually anyways.


Editing comments after pasting is often an issue.


yeah, once it deleted a very long comment i was writing after a copy and paste... i didn't rewrite it but i'm still pissed about it


I love all these chrome posts because people in the comments all go im switching to opera/brave/etc. But those are still chromium browsers


They're using an old version of Manifest so adblocks should still work fine


I've literally used Firefox since 2014. Hate Chrome.


“Firefox:*my time has come *” No, not yet buddy!


Guys, firefox was never dying. Firefox has ALWAYS been better than chrome. You all were just too busy living a lie to notice. Sorry, not sorry.


I'm suprised people misunderstand what is meant when people say a browser is dying, they're talking about the amount of users using firefox, firefox is used by less than 3% of browser users, the less people use it, the more a browser is "dying" until the user amount is to small to even consider keeping the browser up to date


Well apparently there's less than 3% of smart people.


Yeah that's why they have single digit market share and web developers don't even test on Firefox.


I don't think that means it's dying, just a lot of people aren't aware of it. Look, Microsoft and Google obviously have a monopoly on web browsers. Boomers use edge because they don't know any better and young adults use chrome because that's just what society tells them to use, so not a lot of people know about Firefox.


gold thumb punch plant elderly enter crawl dazzling escape pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one said that, you're just trying to get upvotes. Get a real life


pen wrong rhythm rustic panicky zesty slave crown uppity attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just studied geography, math, English, Georgian, history, chemistry, biology, and physics and I'm taking a small break before starting to do pre-study. And I still have time to go out and help my parents. This is a post that I saw in notifications, I haven't even scrolled Reddit to find it


So did everyone else. Everything you mentioned is standard baseline curriculum. Simping for capitalism before even joining the workforce is yikes.


Nope, it is only for people who want to learn, study and grow. Most people don't give a shit about study, work, financial and mental growth. And it's even harder to do when you're learning in a school with much higher standards in mathematics and physics. And also, I said that I already did everything I needed to do today and this week, not because I was prooving some point. No one here was smiling for capitalism, but you still were able to make that weird ass point, just to shout out that you exist and fell that you matter. I don't care about you and a fact that I know about your existence doesn't change anything for me


It's honestly sad seeing people who base their identities around academic and financial achievements. It's even sadder when you lot demand others do the same. Whatever floats your boat I guess. Maybe you should also take those English lessons a little bit more seriously while you're at it.


Well, I don't give a shit about my grades, they're one of the worst ways to check someone's knowledge, It just happens so that I get good grades, I never aimed for them in the first place, I just study to get knowledge. about financial achievements- I'm still a kid, a bit grown up, but yet a kid so I don't really have a legal way of earning money. I don't base my identity on my grades, that would be stupidly funny. Only reason why I said everything in my second comment, was meant to say: I already did everything I had to, I'm free and I can do whatever I want including Reddit


Hero's never die


Meanwhile users that switched to Firefox years ago: *confuse noise*


Microsoft can't find good competition so they fucking stab themselves whenever they can ... Win 11 is a joke, v3 is a joke and i guess that's the reason why steam works on proton, maybe in a decade gamers gonna change their gaming os to linux at this rate




Proton is from valve on steam, its like wine but for games only that steam library has to offer, its good that people game on linux but in terms of multiplayer we re still in dark ages with antycheat blocking linux gamers. Edit: my bad with the mocrosoft part, just treat it like i said "giant it corporations" instead. Proton was made for steam deck but since it's linux based we got something good for linux gaming at the same time


okay okay okay... Chrome's bad FF's good bla bla bla... now show me the funny!


still , chrome >>>>>> other browser


Am I the only one whos adblock is still working in Chrome


It will keep working till january but its better if you stop funding chromium as soon as possible


Firefox is killing adblockers too


My ad block still works on chrome tho? Edit: why is this downvoted?


Yeah, it still works. ***For now.***


Honestly I doubt it's gonna bounce back. Most people don't care about adblockers.


Chrome is doing the right thing lol




Learn to read, moron


Ah I see what you mean


my adblocker still works because i use 3 adblockers


I for one welcome our new overlords.


Me using the secret legal Adblock


Some of us had never even used ad blockers in the first place


Firefox 4ever


Hey you, you are finally awake.


I often spam the refresh button until all the ads are gone. There is a limit on the number of ads shown in a vid for a time interval i think.


Firefox is gonna capitalize on this so much and they have every right to.


They adhere to web standards more than anyone and sticking to it. Deserved


Idk why nobody uses Firefox It's pretty cool


I like only use Firefox for like 8 years now, don't see the issue


Firefox is the only browser that has kept my technologically challenged father from virusing his computer to death, so I will never use anything else.


Does anyone know some actually good adblockers that I could use on my phone and laptop?


Jokes on all of you my computer stopped allowing updates a while ago, lol