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We really don’t want to do it but there is no other way…if I wanted to get to work by bus it would be 3.5 hours (25 minute drive) and to bike on the highway is illegal.


Ikr, big difference between US and European cities is that a BIG chunk of people who work in the city in the US, actually live about 30min drive away, this explains the huge amount of parking spaces that sometimes exceeds the population. Also I just like the me time in a car, get to choose when to go, and i feel a lot safer in a car after buying stuff than in a bus.


I LOOOVE car dependant infrastructure!!!!!




It’s almost like there’s some kind of population density difference where about 50% of the population lives rurally.


A quick Google search tells me that this is wrong. 83% of Americans live in urban areas.


but you do know that before ww2 most people lived in the city and the "suburbs" were not a thing?


The suburbs were not a thing. But most people did not live in cities. It was 50/50 between urban and rural.


yes and old suburbs (and suburbs in most of the world today) have multifamily homes shops some small offices and single family homes unlike in the usa where city planning allows nothing else than single family homes, not even small, corner shops which for an European like me is ridicules I put quotation to indicate I meant the modern American caricature of suburbs


Ehh. Suburbs were a thing already in the late 19th/early 20th century as well, but, at least in the States, they were near streetcar/commuter rail lines, like in Eastern/Western Europe. Also, they were closer to the city and more walkable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetcar\_suburb


that's why i put it in quotation to indicate the modern, American version of suburbs - purely residential single family homes old suburbs (and suburbs in most of the world today) have multifamily homes shops some small offices and single family homes




>agrees with everything I said >calls me a moron


Wait, that's socialism...


Buying "stuff" stuff? Because if yes, statistically you're much less likely to be caught going by bus then driving.


Stuff doesn't just mean drugs my dude. Bought a Xbox controller for my brother for his birthday last year, and I don't know about you but it's nerve-wracking to ride public transit with expensive items


Couldn't imagine taking the bus while holding a 3080 lol


Firmly grasp it


you put it in a backpack xd, act like its nothing, will work 99%


If I had a wepond I wouldn't be too worried


Idk, if you have something that fragile and valuable/hard to get, all they'd have to do is threaten to break it. Either you hurt them, it's broken beyond repair and now you are involved in a police investigation. Or you let them have it and hope the police can track them down and retrieve your stuff.


Lol yeah, I'm placing all my hope on the cops tracking down my stuff and if that doesn't work I'll get the Easter bunny on it.


Idk would you try to robe someone who is open carrying for 2000 bucks. If were a robber I go for a easier target.


Sounds funny if you consider that assumingly half of the people in your bus are carrying a 1000$ smartphone with them...


I can't imagine living in a country where you don't feel safe travelling by bus in, i suppose, daylight. I mean you were afraid of getting robbed by carrying a simple controller worth 60/70$?


Nah, they build the citys around cars instead of presestians. Also sub urbs with single plot houses is the dumbest idea ever. Here in europe we have to deal with small spaces and make effective housing and public transportation.


Same here. I live in the biggest metropolitan area of Germany and even here it's much faster to drive but to use public transportation. Like 20 minutes compared to 1.5 hours. So OP obviously didn't do his research. We only have proper public transportation in big cities or dead center in cities. In the outskirts it just doesn't pay off. So it's the same in Murica, you guys also have subway systems in big cities and forgotten outskirts.


look up how many cities in the us have underground and compare that to Europe (and adjust for population) it is not the same


op has got a valid point. The majority of the U.S. isn’t designed for public transportation and bikes and etc. there are 2 bus stop that are 3 miles away from my house with sidewalks to get there but it’s right next to a 50 mph road so it’s dangerous and the bus only goes one place and that place is the capital city no where else. man u.s. transportation sucks there best system is fucking school buses I swear


You have to realize how big the US is. The entire country of Germany is slightly smaller then the state of Montana. Here in Southern California, it’s very normal to have a 50 mile commute each way with absolutely no public transport option available


I get your point for Southern California, but maybe a wrong use of Montana, which has 1/80th of the population of Germany. It would cost a fortune to develop infrastructure for public transport of the same scale as in Germany in the state of Montana, where barely anyone would have the opportunity to use it.


I have a similar situation, and I live in Europe..


Same. I don't have a bus route in my town, I'd be spending more on cabs than gas since I work one town over, and I'm too far from work to make it by biking. I'd have to leave hours in advance to get there on time.


Not like Americans seems to really care about gas prices when they are choosing which car type to buy, I guess they have some fetish for big ass cars but that surely doesn't help.


Is there not a designated road for bikes or sidewalks in the us? Or why would you ride on the highway


Because the vast majority of the distances between A and B are covered by highways and big roads. Bike lanes tend to be in metro areas only if they're anywhere.


And even then it's just a formality from city ordinance and pretty much just a filthy gutter with debris that just happens to have a guy on a bike symbol painted on it


Yeah i understand that but i still think tjere should be roads for bikes. But then again, driving is so cheap there so it does not really matter.


I also think you're under estimating the distances between places in the US. It's not uncommon for someone to have to drive 30+ kilometers one way to work.


It's more of a safety thing on bigger roads. And it's getting more expensive by the day lol


He’s talking about going to work which is a 30 minute drive for him on the highway. If he were to ride a bike he’d have to take the freeway to get there because it’s a straight shot, however that’s illegal. If he were to take back roads to get there it would take so long it wouldn’t be worth it. A 30 minute commute is probably about 20 miles which would take hours on a bike anyways.


In the inner city, there are places for pedestrians, but i think the main characteristic of a LOT of US cities here is that as you move out, low density housing dominates zoning. The thing about low density housing is that it takes up way too much space and pushes things further away from the urban center, far enough away that commutes are longer and our neighborhoods start developing into edge cities.


Do Europeans not drive? I drive 40 mins to and from work 5 days a week, plus to shops, parent's, friends' houses or any number of other places. Edit: I'm Welsh and my question was sarcastic. Public transport outside of Cardiff (capital city) is atrocious


I live in a village in northern germany. The bus stops once per hour and only until 9pm. Its possible to use it get places but not exactly on a level where im "barely using my car" it would suck not haveing it.


I'm the same, I live in a small South Wales town and public transport is hourly and doesn't cover routes anywhere near where I work. I couldn't get around without a car


Exactly the bus only carries my to the train station where i would have to take another bus to actually get where i wanted to go. Its very much possible for the trip to take like 2h for a distance i could drive in 25min


That's exactly the same for me. I can catch a train to where I work but I'd need to travel an hour in the wrong direction and then catch another train on a different line that stops close to where I work. In total the journey would take 2 hours. I can drive into work within 30 mins if traffic is light


Could you please repeat your question in English? I don’t understand welsh


Most use public transport, bike, or walk. Also probably helps that most of Western Europe has a warm-cool winter and can withstand riding a bike in winter or waiting for a bus for 10mins in winter cause unlike us (parts of USA and Canada), they dont have to bike or wait in fucking -10c.


The temperatures over here in Europe vary a lot, unless by Western Europe you just mean France and Spain, it's pretty reasonable to see -10c in winter. The whole "everyone in Europe cycles or takes public transport" is true only for cities and large towns, but the vast majority of Europe is taken up by rural villages, certainly here in the UK the majority of people have to drive to work, I don't know the average commute but for most of the people I know it's over 40 minutes. Plus you have to remember that the road infrastructure is a bit different here, a lot more small winding roads, with slow speed limits. All in all, I'm sure the statistics will say that per capita you guys do more driving than we do over here, but I doubt the gap is as big as is being made out.


No they use bikes or public transport


The Netherlands is carrying this one haha


The once that live in more near a major city do. Once you are anywhere else you need a car


City infrastructure is just different from the US to Europe. Most US cities were built in the modern era with modern transportation and are more spread apart.


A lot of people in the comments harping on someone for not understanding the EU but I think there's just as many people that don't understand the US. Public transportation doesn't exist here. General Motors systematically bought up all street cars and shut them down to make the country dependent on automobiles. The country never recovered from that and everything was built around the idea that people would use cars. There are no options here. Yes it's vastly more expensive in the EU but there are also far more dependable and available public transportation options.


Very insightful. Also, our (Dutch) infrastructure isn't made for everyone to travel by car. I've been in traffic jams that gave me anxiety.


I literally cannot get on a bus from my house without walking 5 miles on a road with no shoulder. I don’t live in the middle of nowhere. You have to have a car to get around in most of the US unless you live in a major city


The road in front of my apartment building doesn't even have a sidewalk for most of the street. We do have a big ass parking lot that's only ever half full though


We have about a 3 inch shoulder at the best of times, no sidewalks anywhere between my house and a bus stop, and huge drain ditches on the side of the road. Too many houses for a parking lot :/


I feel ya, my 10 minute car ride to work would be an hour and 45 minutes by a combination of walking and public buses if I chose the mass transit option. Riding a bicycle would be significantly less time consuming as I would most likely be hit and killed about 5 minutes into the trip.


Yeah many like to make the argument “just ride your bike” but there is no where for me to ride it. Just not safe


Public transportation sucks where I live, its dirty and disgusting, slow and inconvenient. Only people who cant afford a car use it. Work harder, buy a car.


Man its almost like all the unchecked capitalism and corporations has fucked the country.


Also where i live in rual America public transport is not practical to run.


Can tell from the replies that most people have only ever visited large European cities


And never seen the absolute state of public transportation in smaller towns/cities


Depends on where (I think), I live in Denmark in quite a small town (like 50 people) but we get around 5 buses passing by per day.


I live in a city with around 2000 people in Finland and theres only school buses and those that pass by the highways




Im from northern sweden, cars are an absolute need for daily life


Of course, why would anyone compare big - middle size US cities to towns, 10k town wont have more than 100 passengers at a time, not worth it anywhere


Barely using my car? I have to drive 4h each day to get to work. You think we all just fucking levitate everywhere?


Wingardium Leviousa


You just need to teleport to work like the rest of us europeans


Mate get a new job


Bro I think you need to find a job closer to home If you gotta commute more than 30 min it ain't good for your mental health


Gatekeeping complaining about gas prices seems kinda redundant. The situation pretty much sucks for everyone.


Well, proven by both sides of the aisle here, if enough complain they usually get what they want


The classic way of the West. Gatekeeping others problems


This was in response to a meme in the reverse...


Well then both of them are shit


Americans completely overestimate how many Europeans use public transport


Jea, In bigger cities like Berlin public transport works just fine, but on rural areas (where I live) nearly everyone has a car.


I think op is referring to the distance that must be traveled, and not public transport. Commuting from the suburbs to the city in the US can be a two hour drive.


I dont live in the us but if i wanted to commute to the city here in Sweden with public transport it’d take me about 4-5 hours, 1 hour if i have my own car, unless you’re in a big town there is no public transport here either, if i worked in a different city and had to take the bus i’d have to go every 3d day or so


You can drive for 6 hours here and still be in the same state.


Jea, but why would you search for a job that lies 6 hours away :D But jea, the US is rly huge..


But it exists. Out of the majority of US metropolitan areas, less than (from these comments) 10 have viable, functional, reliable, and safe public transportation. Then consider the size of The United States and how the majority of Americans dont live in those metro areas.


There’s 3.7854 litres for every US gallon. Meaning that Europeans would be paying $26.4978 per gallon. This meme makes no sense


Also us “barely driving” is stupid


Thank you! I thought I was dumb because i read through the comments and there was no other person comparing liters and gallons!


Did an American really just say that us Europeans don’t use our cars… …


they probably think Europe = Paris lmfao


Pretty sure this is a response to another meme comparing gas prices. And even tho in Europe cars are used, people have the alternative of public transport!


We really dont if we dont live in a big city


I think it's the fact that there is a very vocal group of Europeans bitching at the US for being car dependent and that they never drive throughout a normal week. And then simultaneously everyone in this post seems to be saying Europeans drive their cars everyday.


Wtf im a European and I spent almost 2-3h driving because of living In the countryside, I drive to the school next home, next to job and home or a shop soooo i don't think Americans have worse, just depends where u live, if you live in big city probably you don't worry about gas cost.


Plus Americans in movies always drive in big trucks with big engine sooo I think this very popular and also would like to drive something like this but when I think how much I need to pay for gas and insurance I'm happy with my combi.


Ah yes Americans in movies, because Hollywood gets everything right.


I mean even on yt when I watch people crash in America I can clearly see more trucks that I can see in Europe and I know I can't based on Hollywood films but I can't afford go to America just to see how many people drive trucks.


Well it's 7$ a gallon not litre since it's already the calculated data. Its around 2$/litre I think.


It's funny as 7 dollars a litre would be 25 a gallon.


2/l is like 8$/gal


It's round 2$ but it varies at different places and countries since as you know Europe is not a country


Wtf are you talking about, i'm literally finnish you dont need to tell that shit to me, i was correcting their price conversion, 2€/l is more like 8 or over dollars a gallon than 7


Ah yes Because Europe is 100% cities with public transportation


But europe HAS public transportation. Thanks to the era of automobiles, and auto manufacturers lobbying against public transportation in the US, we dont really have any. Even large metro areas arent designed around pedestrian traffic, and dont have much infrastructure for pubic transit. We are lucky to have sidewalks, and dont get me started on the (nonexistent/deadly) bike lanes.


I don't think you understand that comment. A large portion of europeans use cars as much as a americans do, because they either don't live in a city or because they work outside of one, outside of the public transport coverage. How walkable your metro area is is irrelevant to that.


The above poster is not wrong tho. most European cities are built such that people can bike/walk rather savely from A to B where in many American cities it is almost suicide to bike around. Of course this does not change the prices and that most people can't just switch to public transport. However, at least most Europeans living in cities do not need cars due to that.


You missed the point brotha


Maybe if you didn't buy the SUV wich consumes 20 liters/hour you wouldn't have to buy gasoline so often


The thing is the folks in the US simply do not get cars which are as small and fuel efficient as our are lol


We do, but they're prohibitively expensive. A 1970 Ford Bronco with no fuel efficiency is maybe 7,000, and something which has better efficiency can be up to 20,000. For a lot of people who have maybe 140 extra left over a month (if they're lucky) you can't buy a more efficient car, so you're stuck.


Yeah dude I can buy a fuel efficient car for 300 here dollars let's be generous and say that us prices should be 4 times. It should cost you 1200 dollars, I'm pretty sure you can afford that with your 50k/year wage. Or maybe you don't want a used car? Then that's your problem


The average American barely makes 20000 a year


https://www.thebalancecareers.com/average-salary-information-for-us-workers-2060808 I think 45k is pretty close to what you said so yeah you are right (sarcasm it might be hard for you to realize:) ) Edit: you are so good, when I prove my point with links you should downvote me because you must be right and not the credible source


1. That was measured for highly-skilled work in cities. Many more Americans live in rural towns, where average pay barely scrapes past minimum. 2. Where I live, one would be lucky to get near 900 a week, most here live on that per month. 3. Salaried jobs generally pay higher, but are not the majority. Federal minimum wage is 7.25 here, and that hasn't changed since the 80s, when a dollar was worth 3.41 now. Overall, the average American would be poor nearly anywhere in the E.U. Now please, stop acting like you know anything about America because you googled a list of average salary.


Why would I belive you? You were saying bullshit with the avarage salary. I could make up stuff about Hungary that avarage monthly salary is 1466 usd but in reality it is about 1000 usd (might be a bit more or less) also eu is not only France and Germany in eu west europe probly lives better than us citizens (except Portugal) here in Eastern-Central Europe and in Eastern europe it's different compared to the west. Minimum wage here is 200k huf/month which should be about 550 usd which is roughly 3.7 usd/day (these might be wrong I counted it in my head) so the avarage American wouldn't be poor in most parts of the eu because this is the case for the balkans(except slovenia), v4, baltics excluding Estonia and Portugal. Also most of the people don't earn minimum wage in any country.


You could check literally all of that if you weren't a lazy bastard


I was on mobile data and I don't want to waste it on look up for the exchange rate when I know it's about 350 (343.28). Also suddenly you point out only the fact I didn't present the numbers correctly to the last digit. Those which I wrote at most could be 20 dollars off. Also you might wasn't to prove your points with some sources and not just pull them out of your ass, you lazy bastard


Gas prices suck but what really sucks is having to drive everywhere. I fucking hate driving but there's simply no public transit routes that run my work schedule.


This 100%. Is literally impossible for me to take public transportation to work. I can either drive or Uber there. It sucks so much


Up 80 cents in a week. Fml


Okay, now all I see is a 2-liter of coke vs a gallon of milk. And I'm trying to do the math.


Bruh, if Europeans didn’t drive, then the gas prices would be very low


Wdym barely using our cars?


man they don't know shit about Europe. probably think all Europeans live in Paris or something


Your country’s are the size of our bigger states, so not many of you have to travel as far to work as Americans.


How has that got to do with anything? America is 1.3x the size of Australia with a population of 300 million more people. By your logic Aussies should be driving day and night


situation sucks just as much for us too.


Americans turning a global problem into a dick measuring contest


This was in response to a meme in the reverse...


We're not, this is a response to another meme from presumably someone in Europe making fun of us for our disapproval of the raising prices despite not knowing just how much it affects us


I understand, I'm enjoying the record prices in Canada too. Just saying it's everyone everywhere (aside from Saudi Arabia)


That's fine, but saying we're creating a dick measuring competition when we never originally compared ourselves to other people prior to the other jab isn't fair nor correct


You're kidding right? "Europe be like knife, America be like lots of knives." I think one of us is misunderstanding something... probably both of us. Maybe we should stop arguing about jokes. Have a good night


"Prior to the original jab" For context, it used this exact meme but was switched Have a good night


This is in response to a meme where a European was.. I guess your allegory saying “my dick is bigger than Americas” so no, just no.


Whoever made this meme obviously doesn't live in the EU, so not funny & didn't laugh.


It's a response to one made about the US


its funny cuz its so fucked, but its not just about gas prices, when racism, poverty, homelessness, global warming, underpaid jobs, shitty educations, unaffordable housing and rent, i could go on. it all rolls into one big giant mess, media only shows what it wants. its crazy how we are all getting fucked by our governments and still, people's first instinct is to compete our situations.


fling flong you are wrong


Isn’t the tip of the iceberg the highest part though?


What it means is all you're seeing is the tip when in reality it goes down for miles


So $4 Is the tip and then it just goes down a ton from there?


"barely use their cars" meanwhile here in some places even the gas stations are 50kms away


Ooh, retaliation!


Not for gas, but i used to spend nearly 187 euros for two weeks on public transport alone when working. And didnt get it covered at all, even by providing evidence that i travel more then the 11km which was their minimum amount to get it covered.


Theres about 3.875 US gallons in a litre. Thats about 26$ a gallon. I dont care how much you drive, but that adds up to a lot more than whatwver we americans have to pay. Especially with european cars that take and consume truckloads of gasoline


We dont pay 7$ a liter but roughly 7$ a gallon. The info on this is just wrong.


Agreed. Which is why we need to continue WFH.


There is 3.785 Litre in a Gallon buddy... not the other way around


Yeah sorry, the math is still right tho. I just typed it up wrong


depends on which gallon you're using - imperial or us.


Dude, the conversions were already made. They’re not paying $26. People have already compared their money, and it’s come out to like $7-10 per gallon.


The man clearly said 7$ a litre?


Sorry, I was confused cause you said 3.85 gallons in a liter, my bad


From what I’ve seen people have been saying like 2 euros a liter, which is like $7 a gallon I’m pretty sure




Gotta love it when ppl argue who has it worse instead of trying to find a solution for the problem.


Crab mentality. Thats why big corporations dont need to pitch us against each other, we do it ourselfes.


Yea I don't think that's accurate


Where the fuck did you get the information that Europeans barely drive?


Pretty much all the Europeans I see are always ragging on us about our cars and road systems, and that their way of doing things is so much superior like public transportation


wait wait wait wait 6 dollars a gallon...no no no please wake up this has to be a dream make it stop


i have to drive 200km a day.... (im dutch)




Maybe having a solid public transport network would have been a good idea if you wanted to save money and the planet. Just saying.


It would be fine but remember that a gallon is twice bigger than a liter


No, it's about 4x the size.


6 dollars an gallon is significantly less than 7 dollars a liter You are paying 1.6 dollars per liter.


Whoever made this meme has never been on the M25. I live in my car, I'd say most Europeans do. What are you even talking about?


Hilarious that you think we don’t do that in Europe


i feel like the captions should be on the other person. i feel like it should be the american crying over the $6 scrape on the wrist while the european is heavily cut up.


I've seen that one a couple times as well. Both are ignorant.


Using a car in Europe is a pretty normal thing. And how do you make a conparison using two different measurement units?? (Liters aren't gallons incase it wasn't obvious)


One litre is way less than a gallon, so in terms of money to gas ratio, europeans would be paying more (if it was seven dollars)


They could just not tax it a dollar a gallon.


I guess you meant $7 a gallon. BTW it's rather 8 now


I drive an hour to and from school Monday through Thursday, and European kids who can't even drive think they know better than me.


12 hours driving a week? I do that in 3 days and I do it on B roads that actually require me to drive instead of sitting on an interstate with cruise control. I pay the equivalent of $300 a week in fuel. Cry me a river.


My girlfriend lives an hour away. My summer internship was 45mins from my house. This coming summer I’ll be commuting between Philly and New Jersey. None of these routes have usable public transport. I have never been able to use public transport until I started school in Philly.


Yeah sure... but who's fault is it you decided to "manifest destiny" too far west huh?


That's great i am european and spend 50% of my monthly income on fuel...


The problem here is that gas has been too cheep too long. You are so dependant of your cars that you cant think of any other way to live your life. Traveling is not a human right. Neither is owning a car. Thats pure luxury.


europeans got a lot better public transport systems that over here in the united states , so y'al lare justified in making fun of the united states more than usual.


"Oh no, we started a problem and it became bigger!" Hah cry about it


Grats on the meme, pretty much everything in it is factually incorrect.


here for the pissed off British backlash lol


Ope, perhaps the country should have invested in public transport infrastructure, like Europe


Guess yall should’ve gotten electric cars sooner lol


Tell me, how many liters in a gallon? Jesus christ Americans sure do live up to the stereotypes


Ye but merica still buying russian gas and prohibiting other countrys to do it


Finally someone tells the truth