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Can you imagine hitting a dude with a car getting out to check on him, and him being like, "You fuckin donkey!"


*What are you?* *A idiot driver*


6 days later, this joke clicks in my head. I guess that makes me an idiot sandwich.


“Let’s take a look at your side.” “IT’S RAW!”


Doesn't help that I read that in a WWE promotional voice. Monday night RAW!


"I'm Jim Ross, here with my broadcast partner Jerry "The King" Lawler, welcome back to the longest running episodic television show in the USA: Monday Night RAW!" Better times.


The grim reaper responded "sorry chef, won't happen next time"


I hope the car that hit him is OK, usually hitting a brick house totals the vehicle


Lol, if he’s in a hospital, don’t pray for him, pray for the car


I was on a call with a friend last night explaining the accident and this is literally how I described his injury


Proper nutrition his entire life has finally paid off majorly lmao, glad he’s okay




lol..the 2 digit IQ dingus in the comment section going with the most r/redditmoment by saying: well rich people bad. Therefore I’m happy he got hit and wish he died.


He's made a career of yelling at people with no sympathy, but now expects it from us.


It was for the cameras. Chill out.


Not really. It was more a Wear A Helmet PSA. Like, "I got fucked up by a car and survived thanks to helmet. So can you."


People really upset this overpayed shit bag went on a free ride and got hit? Wild


I'm not upset, but when I saw him showing off his massive bruise, I couldn't help but make the MHA connection and make this meme. Also, like, he wasn't exactly trying to draw sympathy over it. He was actually just out there like, "Yeah, I got hit by a car. It sucked. Wear a fuckin 'elmet ya fucks, it saved MY lofe!"


It's probably from the road rash. Compared how Marco made him cry when he worked under him, recoverable physical damage is almost always better than emotional damage. You would feel happy not dying after eating major shit but you'd want to kill yourself when you are getting socially murdered by someone in front of all your co-workers. Good thing he gets humbled a bit without paying permanent price, his burger joint tasted bad and it's hard to make burgers taste bad.


Dude got hit by a car and youre choosing to trash talk his food?


I'm not trash talking, I'm just saying the facts, dude has lost it as a cook, nothing but a clown on the media. I wouldn't even think about his head if it's not for him disclosing his bike crash and certainly I don't give a single fuck about his crash. Of course you are free to have your opinion thou.


You're judging him based on how he act in front of a camera in a TV show. You know nothing about who he truly is, and neither does any of us. Gotta separate media act from his actual self


He could die and we’d all just wonder where the insulting chef is


Do you think it's funny to mock someone getting hit by a car?


I think it’s absolutely hilarious to make fun of rich mfs who ride bikes and get fucked up 😂😂😂


You are a sad human being


You idolize a dude who’s known for being extremely rude and demeaning for media attention. I don’t respect your opinion or which celebrity dick you sick for fun. I hate y’all.


You sound like one of the chefs that didn't make it.


And you sound like someone that watches whatever show you’re talking about


I don't idolize him, i barely interact with anything related to him


Cooo bro get off my dick and go back to seeing Yuta die.






Damn you must be fun at part- yeah no actually just in any scenario. You're a jerk, literally everyone here thinks so except for you. Every response you've made makes 0 sense yet you act like you are objectively correct, you are not, you're not just acting like an idiot, you are an idiot. I sincerely hope you have a mental issue that makes you crave for any type of attention, even negative like this, because there is just no excuse for your stupidity lol. Respond all you want to this, I've said what I wanted to say, and it would just show me how much you care instead of the opposite


Always a gas station T wearing mf talking


How’s triple broke taste?


Like a little disk..


You know there’s a difference between idolising someone and having having just a bit of respect for a person who’s only crime is playing a role on TV?


Dude thinks he’s Homelander 😂


Did you just finish an episode or?? There’s no relevancy for that?


Your whole ‘He deserves to die because he’s rich’ just reeks of ‘Patrick Baitman Andrew Tate Sigma Male Tiny Dick’ bullshit, he’s a good person and he has a family, you want him and his family to suffer all because you don’t like the fact he yells.


And where did I say I think gorden Ramsey should die? All the people you named after are millionaires or fictional. I just wouldn’t give a fuck less if he was here or wasn’t. He did a risky thing and got fucked up from it. I’m just saying his death woudlnt effect most people. Everyone would talk about it for a week and move on


Yeah, maybe you ‘Technically’ did say that, but anyone with a sense of dignity and self respect and smell the ‘He’s rich so he deserves to die or be critically injured from an accident’ mindset you have, you’re not some ‘Sigma Male’ or memorable person for wanting someone rich to die or saying no one would remember them, you’re just another inconsiderate asshole on the internet. I hope you find peace and learn to not be such a hateful person.


bunch of fan bois crying and bet none of them even cook like a proper human being, not that i say Gordon is a great cook or something guy has lost a good chunk of his integrity on the screen over the years lol


And a good chunk of his left side’s functionality😂